#Yoshino Satsuki
ezralva · 1 year
Hiro always has the best timing for Seishuu
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"Hiroshi, you really do understand."
Part 2
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oratokyosaigunda · 6 months
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Handa-kun series banner
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krdc · 7 months
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support illustration by satsuki yoshino (mangaka of ‘barakamon’) ✏️
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year
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kahixxi · 2 years
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My fav comedy manga:
Sangatsu wa Oresama ni Narimasu (Konkichi) Grand Blue (Kenji Inoue, Kimitake Yoshioka) Handa-kun (Satsuki Yoshino) A Delinquent's Life Hacks (Otsuji) Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan (Gaku Kuze) Delusion Telepathy (NOBEL) The Way of the Househusband (Kousuke Oono) Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (Fumita Yanagida) One-Punch Man (Yusuke Murata, ONE)
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ahb-writes · 1 year
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As a writer, what is thy desire?
(art from Yoshi no Zuikara #1)
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readtilyoudie · 9 months
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Handa-kun Vol 2
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ladsofsorrow24 · 3 months
i like how barakamon treats the kids in the story like actual kids... whenever a story is able to capture the chaos of children from the eyes of adult without vilifying their actions, i think that's a pretty damn good story
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ary-thinks-n-talks · 9 months
i watched the first episode of barakamon a while after i finished the manga, and i love love love naru's voice and how she's animated. (i'm not even sure if there's an actual difference in the way she's animated compared to other characters, or if i'm just seeing things, but…) it's so satisfying and serotonin-inducing
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choujinx · 1 year
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BARAKAMON (2008-2018) by yoshino satsuki
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harrowharr0w · 2 months
hi hello im just gonna throw down (milgram pun haha) a bunch of music here that i like. um. yeah it’s
artist - favs
noa aburasoba - honey trap, any angle
aimi - help, meritocracy
shunichi toki - science, envy
satsuki - mesmerizer, juvenile
yorushika/n-buna - just a sunny day for you, thats why i gave up on music, tale of the deep sea lily
visty - endless dream, for my stella
gokuluck - catharsis, stronger
deco*27 - vampire, literally all of milgram, covers included
yoshino - vampire cover
miho okasaki - mirror
vane lily - butcher vanity, paparazzi murder party
ghost and pals - honey i’m home, happy days
yuu miyashita - deus ex machina, grain, kirin ga shinu made, kuruoze, parasite piano, coquetterie dancer, kilmer cover, yuuka (i love yuu miyashita so much) (go listen to doctrine doctrine too!!!)
mafumafu - keitairenwa (also all of soramafuurasaka’s songs)
eve - fightsong, insomnia
hya - snake, mad mermaid
raise a suilen - twin tale, vip monster, bring it on cover
azari - wink, black out, casino (really all of azari but ykyk)
more more jump - the peachy key, milk crown on sonnechka (or however u spell it) cover
vivid bad squad - rad dogs, flyer
kankan - fiction, all fool, nightless city, boost anima
the alien stage soundtrack
nightcord at 25:00 - idsmile, bug, jackpot sad girl
rondo - 雨音 (forgot what it’s called in english so i js typed it in chinese)
roselia - flashlight, r, charles cover
wadatakeaki kuragep - my r, trash&trash (shoutout to lollia’s english my r cover thought because that azula animatic changed little me’s life)
did i say all of milgram already
leo/need - needLe, ikanaide cover, teratera, stage of sekai (live laugh love l/n)
hifumi - i am too lazy to find out what the songs are called in english
mili - world.execute(me);, summoning 101, rtrt
96neko - buriki no dance cover
afterglow - sensenfukoku, mental chainsaw cover
mygo!!!!! - silhouette dance, non breath oblige cover
ho-kago tea time - no, thank you!, cageyake girls, fuwa fuwa time, rice is a side dish, tenshi ni fureta yo (makes me cry literally)
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ezralva · 1 year
If you understand all of these...
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Lookit Handa's expression when Hiro refused to join the group hugging 'him'
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...then chances are you're in Tama's squad.
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It's funny to think that Tama's delusions are the fundamentals of almost (prolly) 95% Barakamon fanfics out there since 2014 😂
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Pt 1
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oratokyosaigunda · 7 months
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18 Eighteen series banner
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by Satsuki Yoshino
Manga Volume 1
Slice of Life, Drama, Coming of Age, Humor, Found Family
Story   ★★★☆☆   ||   ★★★☆☆   Art  
First things first.........Visitors are supposed to come in through the front door!! For a certain reason, a handsome, young calligrapher by the name of Seishuu Handa uproots himself and moves to an island on the westernmost edge of Japan. "Sensei," as he comes to be known, is a city boy through and through, and has never experienced rural life until now. And by the looks of it, he has much to learn! Luckily(?), he has a willing teacher in Naru, the energetic expert islander, to help show him the ropes. But can Sensei keep up with the plucky first-grader, or will he get schooled?! Here unfolds a heartfelt island comedy about a gruff on the outside, soft on the inside urbanite teacher and his new, unfailingly kind island neighbors!
Handa is a young necrotic, temperamental, and ambitious calligrapher - he has an artist’s heart that wants to create a masterwork and will do anything to achieve it, but how? After a blowup, he retreats to a small island village to work on his art in peace... but he soon finds that small town life isn’t a place where you go to find solitude.  Everyone knows everyone, and news and gossip travels fast, the community is close knit and look after each other and is always in each other business... and that goes double for the young kids. Naru is a 1st grader who has decided to ‘adopt’ Handa and she turns his peaceful life into chaos by constantly invading his space... along with her the rest of the kids follow suit, but perhaps it is just the inspiration he needs to help him get out of his own head.
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personal-reporter · 11 months
Lucca Comics and Games 2023
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Il Lucca Comics & Games torna, dall'1 al 5 novembre, come tema dominante dalla nuova edizione Together, l'importanza dello stare insieme nella capitale mondiale della cultura pop, con oltre 45.000 mq di area espositiva per migliorare sempre di più l’esperienza della community. Quest’anno tutti i linguaggi della Nona Arte saranno declinati da oltre 300 artisti e artiste, tra cui 45 ospiti internazionali provenienti da Stati Uniti, Giappone, Spagna, Francia, Corea del Sud, Cina, Canada, Inghilterra, Argentina, Israele, Turchia, Croazia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belgio in cui i lettori e le lettrici di fumetti di ogni età potranno godere dal vivo di incontri, firmacopie, anteprime, variant cover ed eventi esclusivi. Oltre a nomi come Naoki Urasawa, Hiro Mashima, Mingwa, Masaaki Ninomiya, Usamaru Furuya sarà ospite di Lucca Comics & Games con incontri e firmacopie e sarà anche uno dei protagonisti delle esposizioni allestite a Palazzo Ducale con la sua mostra, dal titolo This Time is Different; Kan Takahama sarà protagonista della mostra off Kan Takahama: le storie nascoste e incontrerà il pubblico in sessioni di firme ed eventi, Keigo Shinzo sarò presente grazie alla collaborazione con Dynit Manga; Shintaro Kago presenta la sua prima serie a fumetti,  Eldo Yoshimizu, artista a tutto tondo, scultore e mangaka indipendente, incontrerà lettori e lettrici italiani grazie a Bao Publishing e  Satsuki Yoshino, autrice di Barakamon, è pronta a conquistare il pubblico italiano grazie alla collaborazione con GOEN - RW Edizioni. Dal panorama internazionale, anglosassone ed europeo, arriveranno Garth Ennis, Jim Lee, Don Rosa, Amélie Fléchais, Craig Thompson, Howard Chaykin, Tony Valente, oltre a Bryan Talbot, Declan Shalvey, Jesse Jacobs e il duo Joe Kelly e Ken Niimura, che presentano Sergente Immortale per Bao. Il panorama franco/belga ed europeo sarà esplorato da autori come Jordi Lafebre, David Rubin, Goran Sudzuka,Martin Panchaud, Elizabeth Pich e il duo Bastien Vivès e Martin Quenehen con la nuova avventura di Corto Maltese, La regina di Babilonia. Non mancheranno naturalmente gli ospiti italiani,con le figure della produzione contemporanea tra cui Gipi, Milo Manara, Leo Ortolani, Zerocalcare, Sio (e tutto il gruppo di Gigaciao), Pera Toons, Silvia Ziche, Paolo Bacilieri, Igort, Fumettibrutti, Werther Dell’Edera, Barbara Baraldi, Simone Bianchi e tantissimi altri. Ma il fumetto italiano è protagonista anche con due antologiche, dedicate a due maestri nostrani e diversissimi tra loro infatti, oltre alla mostra di Dino Battaglia nel quarantennale della morte, a Palazzo Ducale sarà possibile fare un viaggio nella multisfaccettata opera di AkaB, al secolo Gabriele Di Benedetto, scomparso nel 2019 ed eletto Maestro del Fumetto postumo nel 2020 a Lucca Comics & Games. Nel 2023 anche Magic: The Gathering, il gioco community-based per eccellenza, che rappresentò ai tempi del suo esordio un vera e propria rivoluzione per il settore ludico, compie trent’anni r Lucca Comics & Games fa un omaggio al primo trading card game della storia e alla sua community dedicandole una mostra in Palazzo Arnolfini e una Magic Alley a Lucca Games, che ospiterà ben 18 artisti di fama internazionale fra i quali Adam Paquette, Andrea Piparo, Jeff Laubenstein, Jesper Ejsing, Johan Grenier, Justine Jones, Marta Nael,Michele Giorgi, Mark Zug, Mila Pesic, Randy Vargas, Richard Kane-Ferguson, RK Post, Seb McKinnon, Svetlin Velinov,e Tony DiTerlizzi. È prevista l'anteprima italiana del documentario su Magic: The Gathering “Igniting the Spark”, che verrà proiettato per la prima volta proprio a Lucca alla presenza di regista, showrunner e produttori. I percorsi espositivi dedicati al gioco e al fantastico quest’anno vedranno ben 6 mostre, fra le quali un'esposizione all’interno del padiglione Carducci di stampe di altissima qualità e miniature del maestro indiscusso dell’illustrazione fantasy, Frank Frazetta, realizzato in collaborazione con Corner4Art e Mindworks, oltre alla presenza in fiera di un’ospite d’eccezione: Sara Frazetta, la nipote di Frank, che ha dato vita 10 anni fa al portale Frazetta Girls raccogliendo l'eredità del nonno per condividerla con i fan. Read the full article
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readtilyoudie · 9 months
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Handa-kun Vol 1
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