#Yorozuya Shinsengumi Oniwabanshuu Kiheitai Yato
razberryyum · 6 years
A Gintama chapter a day keeps the ending away...Lesson 504
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1) Baby Sacchan! Those glasses are so cute! And I loved that Baby Zenzou was as much of a slacker as Gin-chan was in class.
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2) Not standing, more like hanging like some kind of ninja bat.
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3) Gin-chan channeling Kagura’s eating habits. Hijikata’s angry wrinkle is adorable.
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4) Not favorite moment but an emotional one: the fact that we went from seeing “ShigeShige” like this...
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5)...to this. First time I saw this, it really didn’t cross my mind that he could be a fake...I was completely shocked that Zenzou actually assassinated the shogun. 
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6) Again, not a favorite moment but one that shook me.
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7) This serious side of Zenzou was something I was not used to seeing; that dead look in his eyes a horrible sight to behold (on top of the decapitated head of Shi-chan he was holding).
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8) He has never looked cooler; I just wished it wasn’t in such distressing circumstances.
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9) I cheered at the sight of Abuto by Kamui’s side. I was so glad he wasn’t going to sit this one out.
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10) Takasugi looking good in ninja gear. By this point I was pretty much freaking out at the number of major players already involved in this arc. While I was starting to get some idea of the serious shit that was going down, I still could not have guessed just HOW serious.
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11) Sacchan being cool AF.
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12) My Shinsengumi boys being cool AF.
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13) GIN-CHAN being cool AF! I just love the one-two-three punches of them easily taking out the assassins.
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14) I didn’t think anything would really happen to Soyo, she’s too pure to be killed, but that horrified expression on her face made me want to protect her myself. Still, I honestly never guessed who her savior would be until he actually appeared.
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15) And then I felt stupid for not guessing. Yamazaki did mention his absence last chapter, I should have known. LOVED this scene...and especially loved what it was leading to: the long-awaited (by me) meeting between this adorable human sadist and the adorable Yato sadist. To say I was excited would be an understatement.
Gintoki x Hijikata: they are just so cute together; I love how much Gintoki likes to tease Toshi.
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Abuto x Kamui: they’re like an old married couple...or a May/December romance since Abuto sometimes has to act like the older, wiser half to the big kid that is Kamui.
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Takasugi x Kamui: I am ultimately more of a AbuKamui-shipper, but I still can’t resist the siren call of this possibility. I really like that Kamui calls Takasugi by his first name like they’re very close.
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Zenzou x Sacchan: they grew up together for crying out loud and she obviously knows him more than anyone else. I know she is obsessed with Gintoki, but I still think she and Zenzou were meant to be together because they make a more perfect pair...she just hasn’t realized that yet.
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Sacchan x Wakikaoru: honestly, I ship them for totally superficial reasons: they’re both in the same profession and they’re both pretty. I wish we got to see more of Wakikaoru to give more fire to this ember.
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just so freaking amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s generosity that I can enjoy Gintama on yet another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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razberryyum · 8 years
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Gintama manga chap 628
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
The storm that is brewing must a pretty fearsome one if you are giving us some laughter and maybe even some lovin' during this momentary calm. I was really expecting the Yato to attack while everyone was trying to enjoy their brief respite, but it looks like they might have more nefarious intentions than that. I guess they realized their ground troops are not enough and it is time to reconnect with their reinforcements in space. I want to think that Elizabeth Dragonia and the others have been able to successfully vanquish the remaining Liberation Army forces in the air, but with this kind of build-up, that would be too anti-climactic a resolution, so I worry that now you have something more devastating in store. I'm already imagining our allied forces in shambles and Sakamoto, Zura, Eli Dragonia, etc in escape pods, floating hopelessly and helplessly in space as they await rescue. I'm sorry that I keep on thinking of doom and gloom scenarios—first it was Jirochon's death, then all 3 original Devas’ deaths, and now the decimation of the pro-Earth forces—but I can't help it; while the Earth battle so far was tough, there wasn't much of a price paid. I know Kyuu-chan was hurt and still hasn't regained consciousness, but since no one directly addressed her condition as being critical, I can only assume she is not in any mortal danger. I would think that if she is at death's door, Tae-chan would be by her side as well.  
And sure, our Yorozuya are tired as hell (I do wish Kagura and Shin-chan had stayed awake for just a few tiny seconds more; Gin-chan’s words were so sweet), and a number of nameless and rankless characters are injured or dead, but considering the odds they were fighting against, everyone escaped the crisis relatively unscathed. Our Shinsengumi boys look like they hardly even broke a sweat (although, Yamazaki, Saitou and Tetsu are still nowhere to be seen...does Yamazaki even know Tama is shut down??).  Same goes for the Oniwabanshuu. Things look relatively fine. Too fine. I guess that's why I'm waiting for another, heavier hammer to drop. I know Utsuro is also still out there somewhere, but his hammer is a more personal and contained force, affecting only a handful of people. If this is the last great battle involving everyone that we've ever met in town, the hammer that comes down on them should be nothing short of cataclysmal, capable of taking the lives of characters we actually care about. The resulting force should cause all of us Ginta fans to weep our hearts out.
Although, truth be told, I did come close to crying during this chapter when you didn't even let Gintoki and Hijikata exchange one single word even though they were finally within each others' vicinity.  And now Tsukuyo is drunk again and will probably do whatever she wants to Gintoki, who will probably let her, and they will be officially canon and my personal OTP will be forever ended, yet they didn't even get to exchange ONE SINGLE word or even ONE SINGLE look. Ohhhh, Sorachi-sama, you are so cruel sometimes. Couldn't you have thrown me a tiny piece of cartilage? I don't even dare to ask for a bone. Why couldn't Hijikata have offered to butt into Gintoki's straight man? Sure, the exchange was more in character for Kondou but I wouldn't have cared. I would have been too happy to care about the logic.  Just a little something, Sorachi-sama. That's all I wanted. I. AM. SADNESS.
I mean, I guess there might still be a teeny tiny chance that nothing will happen between Gin-chan and Tsukky, and that was all just a fruitless tease since he did seem to be sweat-dropping like he was freaked out, but since my motives for thinking that aren't coming from an altruistic place at all, I rather not hold my breath on that measly shred of hope. If it is really all over for my GinHiji dreams, which I’m guessing I’ll find out by next week, then could you at least let Okita and Kagura or Kondou and Tae-chan share a real moment together? While that won't completely heal the bloody gaping hole in my sad shippy heart (in fact, nothing will, since GinHiji has been the #1 OTP love of my life so far, and I know I have no one else to blame but myself for that), it will definitely help ease the pain just a little bit.
Putting my mourning aside, I must say it was a thrill seeing all the different factions of Edo and Kabuki-chou coming together at that pow-wow in the beginning. I only wish their conference lasted longer, especially since that's the first time such a monumental gathering of critical players has ever occurred. As much as I enjoyed the antics of Gin-chan and his Heva-unit, I almost wished that could have been kept as a surprise, to be revealed later on as a trump card of sorts should the battle continue. I hope this won't be the last time we see the Shinsengumi, Oniwabanshuu, Kabukichou Four Devas, Yagyuu, Hyakka, Onmyoujis, and of course our beloved Yorozuya. In fact, I hope the next time we see such a remarkable assembly, that a few more groups would be included as well, such as the Jouishishi, Kiheitai, Kaientai, and perhaps even the Harusame, Renhos, and Oukokus.  And of course, hopefully their meeting would last much longer...perhaps chapters long instead of only frames.
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
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razberryyum · 8 years
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Gintama manga chap 625
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
I KNEW Hedoro would make his appearance eventually! To be honest even though he has a gentle heart, his appearance has always creeped me out a little. It's those blazing red eyes. I can't help it. Still I have never been more happy to see him again; I am so glad there is at least one Dakini on Earth's side, and an obviously strong one at that. If General Triceratops is this difficult to defeat, I shudder to imagine how much worse the battle would have been if the town had to deal with TWO fighters of the same caliber.  With Hedoro throwing in his support, I would like to think that the Dakini army will soon be overcome. In addition, since Jirochou Jirochon and the Yorozuya were able to break through the Shinra's tactics and demoralize them as well, hopefully they will become a more manageable threat.  
Which leaves most of the Yato forces which are concentrated outside of town.  I know the Shinsengumi and Oniwabanshuu have been working on them, and hopefully they have made some headway into at least decreasing their numbers, but at the very worst at least the Team Kabukichou could just focus their attention on only one strong enemy unit instead of three. Of course, there's another route you may choose to take: I didn't forget that there's still a whole bunch of people, from either side, floating out in space, waiting to make a difference in the battle, so logically speaking, I doubt you plan to have the ground troops completely settle the fight. In fact, it would make the most sense for you to bring the Earth force to the brink of defeat by the Liberation Army, then have their allies in space finally swoop in to rescue everyone.  It would be so awesome if the Kiheitai and Kamui's Harusame forces also finally re-enter the picture. Watching this ground battle go down has really given me Joui War vibes, so it would really be amazing if we could see the four Joui boys reunited once more to fight against Amantos all over again. I know you gave us a bit of that on Rakuyou, but they were fighting more as individuals. I actually want to see them lead an army of townspeople this time, to take up the mantle of generals as they once were. I am literally salivating just at the thought of that magnificent sight.  I would be even more completely and eternally grateful if you granted my wish. I humbly as you to please consider this request and my 16 on Utsuro battle from last time.  
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
PS: I love the image below; thank you for it. I would like to think the name of their flower is Samurai.
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