#Yor's like UR DOING IT WRONG!
pikinanouart · 8 months
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Headcanon: When they're watching a movie, they spends 90% of the time being offended by the lack of accuracy of the plot or the fights.
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falu-red-dreams · 7 months
Spy x Family E14
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- aaaaaaah ugh i love yor sm i love how she constantly assumes the wrong thing it’s so funny
- nooooo anya is such a cutie
- that apology 🥹🥹🥹🥹
- ooh the doggie can see into the future again
- aaaaaaah the only terrorist who’s left now i think is the leader
- he’s sexy tho
- oh the other doggie has bombs on him i think?
- yeah duh now she realizes she doesn’t know how to dismantle this
- this is too much stress for a 4 year old bro
- oh no
- is it gonna explode
- please no
- fuck the clock went…….. but the explosion didn’t happen!!!!!!!!
- noooooo loid had to kill a doggy :(
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renuqi · 3 years
Hello could you write sm about obey me brkthers comfritng you cause youre stressing about school and you want perfect grades but its so hard and that is the knly way you learn to get love and validation so noe you dont know what to do so you just cry,cry,cry and lose motivation ...and yeah...just comfort with obey me brothers (I apologize if this is too personal hs is just so rough haha and all of my professors suck and im away from home,dont even have time to enjoy anything...anwayss i apologize for this mini vent if this is to personal just delete the request) stay safe,drink some water and ont be like me life isnt base on few grades,but i feel like my is so 🏃‍♀️💨
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hi anon !! im really sorry that ur going thru this :((( school is such a bitch !! im also super sorry about not being able to write this sooner but i rlly hope you've overcome this and you happy n healthy <33 i also am going to make a part 2 so this post isn't too long
⤷ lucifer, mammon, levi x gn!reader (separate)
( pt. 1 | pt. 2 )
warnings: comfort/angst,, reader strives off of academic validation (relatable :()
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- [ ♡ ] lucifer
‒ knows how it feels,, so when he found you curled up into a ball in your room with your school work laid out in front of you and your soft sobs echoing through the room,,, he was quick to react </3
‒ sososo understanding
‒ will fetch you a warm cup of tea or hot coco
‒ lets you sit on his lap while hes at his desk and listens to you rant
‒ a great listener,, strokes your head to let you know he's there and he cares
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Your muffles sobs echoed throughout your room, the sound flowing into every crevasse in the enclosed room. Lucifer had been ringing your D.D.D but you refused to answer, deciding to not burden him with your problems now, and just hoped he wouldn't bother you until you were no longer in a state of vulnerability. Unfortunately for you, Lucifer burst through your door in a panic, hearing your sobs as he stepped closer to your door.
"Y/N?", he whispers, stalking closer to you.
He knelt down and scooped you up, carrying you bridal style. He no longer wanted you to stay in the suffocating space of your room as it had held the horrors of advanced classes school work, and he set you down at the comfy chair in his study.
"wait here", he inquired, giving you no further information.
You obeyed his word, sitting in the big chair, sniffling every once in a while. When Lucifer returned, he placed a steaming cup of tea on the desk and picked you up to sit himself down. He gently set you down in his lap and moved one of his hands to your waist while the other was stroking your hair. His touch was delicate, holding you as you were as fragile as porcelain.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
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- [ ♡ ] mammon
‒ panics
‒ hes trying his best
‒ cuddles solve everything !!!
‒ swipes all of homework off of your desk and glares at it
‒ 'you did did this >:('
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Mammon had been lounging on your bed as you tried your hardest to finish your advanced classes work without breakdown in front of him at your desk. Obviously, this had failed, causing you to try to hide your tears and sniffles. Mammon noticed when he sensed something wrong and he found you constantly wiping your face with yor sleeve, and you death grip on your pencil causing your knuckles to turn white.
"Darlin'?" he stood up, abandoning his phone on your bed and walking up to you.
As soon as he was at your side, you stubbornly turned your head the other way, refusing to show him your burnt out state. Mammon gently turned your head back to his direction with the softest touch and his eyes softened at the tears dribbling down your cheeks.
He pulled you up and pointed at the bed, you simply nodding knowing that he was going to cuddle you until you feel better. On your way to the bed though, you heard the shuffling of papers and what sounded like your pencil bouncing off the floor. You turned, finding Mammon glaring at your work and stomping back towards you.
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- [ ♡ ] levi
‒ you'll be doing your work next to him as he's playing his game and you suddenly got a notification for your grade on your latest test
‒ your fist clenched and levi could sense your tense aura and immediately paused his game
‒ he grabbed your hands and snuck his fingers in between your fingernails and palms to stop you from hurting yourself more
‒ offers to let you take a nap to calm down in him lap while he's playing
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you were revising your notes when suddenly a ping came from your D.D.D. Unlocking it, you find it to be your recent test results. you bit your lip in anticipation as the loading bar was growing fuller and fuller by the second. You had high hopes, you hadn't slept for days just trying to revise enough to get a good grade on this test, that was until you saw the big red 70 percentile on the top right corner. you felt your heart drop, your breathing became jagged as you forcefully blinked the tears back into your eyes. You clenched your fists, your fingernails digging into the palms of your hand.
Suddenly, the blue head of hair turned to face you, his hands gently reaching for yours. You hadn't retracted them away, making him continue, pulling your fingernails away from your palm and sliding his own hand in between.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You shook your head, and gave him a forced smile, he sighed in response.
"C'mere, you can take a nap in my lap to calm down."
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obey me masterlist <3
main masterlist <3
reblogs n likes appreciated !!
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clonesandmoans · 4 years
ok for your consideration: you hooked up w rex when he was still a shiny and it was alright but he wasn’t super experienced. you meet him again a few years later and he takes u out to the bar for old times’ sake and u get absolutely RAILED after and ur just like woah where did that come from
fucking rex & fucking rex 2: electric boogaloo are both godsends, js. the very concept has me losing my mind i hope you know that anon. i haven’t written for rex in gods only know how long, hope this is okay and not ooc -jj
rex was eerily like dogma in the early days of his time in the 501st, so don’t be too put off when you get a slightly more awkward rex than the one you’d get later in the war
it doesn’t take a lot of drinks to get him loose and relaxed and willing to go home with you. although he was a captain, he was a newly-appointed captain and still quite naïve about sex and what it entailed. he was a sloppy but eager kisser, wasn’t sure what to do with his hands besides take his armor and clothes off (was absolutely hopeless when it came to getting your bra off)
after helping him undress you, you wait for him to go ahead but he hesitates, almost too long of a hesitation before he slowly pushes into you
even though you knew what you were doing, he was new to this and very worried about doing something wrong
his inexperience was mostly made up for by his size (not completely though; in the words of a good friend, “it’s not about the size of the rishi eel, it’s how you wiggle it”)
he stays the night but leaves before you wake up, embarrassed and unsure how he would initiate a conversation with you after last night
years later you see each other again at 79′s, his armor a lot less shiny and adorned with jaig eyes and pauldron and kama and too many tallies to count, all signs that he had seen a lot in the war since he laid with you
compliments are given about both his capability as a captain and your unchanging beauty. soon it’s evident that the war had smoothed out the rigid edges of his personality that you would have to consciously attempt to not get nicked by and given him a newfound confidence, if his subtle flirting had anything to say on the matter
he offers himself to you for the night and you, not being an absolute fool (and also p curious to see if his technique has improved), accept the offer he gives and pay a cab driver a little extra to break a couple traffic laws on the way to your place
rex was quick to take the lead once you were at your place, pinning you against the wall and leaving his mark on you without hesitation. the growl in his voice as he praises you send electricity down your spine, the places where he was touching searing your skin like a cattle brand
he took his time studying your body as if you were battle plans, figuring out which spots had you moaning louder and arching into his touch just a little bit harder, falling further into him as the night went on and the clothes came off. this time, the bra was a non-issue as it was quickly discarded by callused hands
you’re a bit incredulous as his mouth hovers over your core while you’re splayed on your back in front of him, but the moment his tongue is flicking against your clit you know that time has only improved his prowess in the bedroom. once you came on his tongue, he deemed it was high time to fuck you right
in his time away from you, he learned exactly how to make you scream his name as you gushed on his cock not once, not twice, but three times
yor ass is a focal point, him grabbing it and using it to maintain leverage as he fucks you, giving it the occasional spank when you clench around him a bit tighter
when you’re both all fucked out, he cleans you up and once you’re both taken care of, he holds you in his arms as you drift to sleep. prior events lead you to not expect him to stay long into the night. this is why you’re so shocked when you wake up to a steaming cup of caf waiting for you on your nightstand, rex wide awake and casually sipping from his own as he watches you wake up, a fond gleam in his eye
there are a couple more rounds and a promise to meet up again when he’s back on coruscant for leave before he has to return to his duties as a captain
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shiningliive · 5 years
recently, i got 2 setsugetsuka tokiyas, and i don't know whether or not i should do special lessons and combine the two, get a sub skill, etc., or if i should just level up the second card too since the setsugetsuka cards are beefy. i know that leveling up any ur you get before combining is a legit strat for beefy teams, but i don't usually do that. should i combine it or level up the copy?
It really depends on what you personally want to do, and the strength of your teams. The Setsugetsuka cards are very powerful on their own as you mentioned, so I’d say its a toss up between whether you just like having (and can fit both) on your team, one with idolised art and one without or whether you can only fit one on yor team, don’t have room for extra copies etc.
Early game, I kept maxed doubles of my URs on my teams, but now I special practice them. I was going to say the whole ‘max up both versions of the card and they’ll be stronger when you special practice them’ isnt really a thing in SL, but I did a test and honestly now im not so sure, and I think it might actually be a thing. It’s hard to tell since I didnt have the right cards to do tests with the same card, so if it is, I’ve been missing out lol. I feel like I read somewhere ages ago that it wasnt a thing, so if im wrong please tell me. 
I dont have a concrete answer for you. But do whatever feels right, both options have advantages and disadvantages as far as I know!
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lunar-goodness · 3 years
Quotes from movies/tv/other media that I say/use in conversation on a regular basis:
“Which way do you want to go?”
“No good, can’t hear you.”
“Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave!”
“They don’t even have dental.”
“Because she doesn’t love you!”
“Your Honor, the comedian clearly stated!”
“You can’t tell me how to live signs!”
“Why’dya do that?!”
“Look at all those chickens!”
“You’re gonna look at me and tell me that I’m wrong, am I wrong? She wore a crown and she came down in a bubble doug!”
“Hi Billy!”
“Amuck Amuck Amuck!!”
“Mind yo business David!!”
“I’m looking through the windshield and I’m not gonna hit anyone, but no.”
“You ain’t gettin me to no secondary location!”
“That seed salesman sure saw us comin. No he saw you comin!”
“Oh I’m not allowed to sneeze?!?”
“Back from the dead Fergus!”
“Those poor icecubes!”
“Could you not? Thanks”
“Dogs are people too Haley!”
“Either don’t be dumb or be dumb in silence, don’t involve me!”
“Cat! I’m a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance x2”
“ I am confusion!!”
“You stole my pen!!”
“Beggars cannot be choosers m’lord”
“It’s called a lance... hellooo!”
“Moles don’t eat dirt, worms eat dirt”
“You and your family will be cursed for always and eternity!”
“It’s so hot Sam, but I feel so cold”
“Well that’s too damn bad!”
“Tricky tricky tricky”
“Ah murdered by pirates, heart torn out and eaten, meet Victoria. Can’t quite decide what sounds more fun.”
“What do stars do?”
“My safe word is pineapple juice!”
“Honey, you missed auburn big time!”
“Boy you must be outside your mind!!”
“Who you callin’ a cooty queen, you lint licker!”
“It’s the leaning tower of cheesa!”
“Face it girls, I’m older and have more insurance.”
“There’s no crying in baseball!!”
“The staypuft marshmellow man.”
“Hey Benny, looks to me like you’re on the wrong side of the river!!!”
“I.... am a librarian!”
“I shall simply deny you the crown and... live.... forever!”
“After all that I do, after all I have done.. it’s never enough!”
“There was a bee.”
“Of course not mother, I’m only here for the food!”
“Apartipferdak... wha?... apartipferdak scabber, rapfer tik scabber!”
“He needs some MILK!!!”
“I will cut his heart out with a spoon!!!”
“Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”
“And daddy! They took my boot!!”
“No mas pantalones.”
“Did not know who it was fuckin with.”
“Ish guud!!”
“I want it now!!”
“Give me yor FUCKIN MONEY!!”
“Me having sterk??”
“Albuquerque! See I can do it too. Snorkel!”
“This is why mom doesn’t FUCKING love you!”
“Right to jail.”
“Be careful chilren that’s a lotta sodium”
“I’m legally blind!”
“Now you know I aint allowed to think”
“And then I’ll smash it with a hammer!”
“Say what again, say.what.again! I dare you I double dare you mother fucker say what one more goddamn time!”
“Ur no good duck! U’ll never be shit, ur just like ur father!”
“You Know Why!”
“Coincidence? I think not!!”
“You better get yo ass out this bed!!”
“Whatever are you talking about?”
“pushing pushing”
“Mistakes were made”
“YOU are NOT a very nice old MAN!!”
“She’s not alone.”
“Lookin strong John!”
“I am Steve Rogers”
“What is this contraption? May I have it?”
“Vere is dis ootah anyvay?”
“Onion. Pan. Sizzle.”
“That’s why we call it justice, because it’s just us!”
“The moon spirit is a gentle loving lady, she rules the sky with COMPASSION and… LUNAR GOODNESS!”
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