#Yogi Fixes
sinnabum45 · 6 months
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What I think happened in that elevator 😭
I wanted to include Yogi's reaction to finding out the truth of DL-6, too, but it would've been too long. He was also technically a victim of that incident and it eventually made him decide to murder someone. He also wrongfully blamed and wanted revenge on Miles, a little boy at the time, for 15 whole years. It would've broke him imo 😢 Manfred's evil af for this
Click this link to help Palestine and other resources! 🇵🇸
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crowfaraday · 9 months
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DL-6 au - 12-28-2002, one year after
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tojifile · 1 year
Kibutsuji Muzan: Succubus Survival
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Hush.. just one more..
Genre: Romance // Muzan x succubus!reader
⚠️: Heavy suggestive and sexual references, kinky reader, immoral, not fully consensual, DO NOT BIND THE CHARACTERS TO REAL LIFE MORALS THIS IS PURELY A WORK OF FICTION
A/N: I'm so frustrated rn, this is like the 3rd draft I've had because it would suddenly post and answer privately ??? It was so annoying, so now I'm editing this on a private post. I love the request so much and thank you for requesting it but I will not be writing anything until I get my new device, I hope there'd be less mishaps there.
REQ: @cursetopia
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Each night, in the houses of young noblemen—loud cries echoed through the corners of their rooms. You loved seeing tears fall down their cheeks as pain turned into pleasure until they couldn't tell the difference.
"Good boy.. just one more and you'll be free." You whispered in his ear cunningly. You were on top of him, freely guiding his body as you moved yours. His yogi was messily hanging from his body while your kimono fought to stay on your shoulders.
You used your blood demon art: Pearls of Restraint, which stuck to their name. They restrained his movement and ability to speak as you moved your hips in a quick and steady pace, chasing your own high as you ignored his pleas.
After a while you finally got more than a taste of your release. He immediately passed out from exhaustion. You fixed his yogi gently and put the covers over his body.
You stood up and fixed your kimono. You stood near the headrest and hovered your hand over his head, you made a motion, as if you were tugging on air. You pulled out a pearl from his head.
The pearl held his memories, you took the pearl and added it to your necklace—he was just one of the many men you've seduced into a soul-sucking night, literally.
You left his room through the window. You hid in the night sky, running swiftly yet quietly through the roofs to avoid getting caught. You ran to your room, in the most exclusive house in all of the entertainment district.
You disguised yourself as an oiran by day to avoid suspicion and to keep living amongst the male noblemen of Japan living in Kyoto, who—in your opinion looked better than the others.
Once you reached your room you were met with a calm glare, given by Muzan. "Darling~ you're finally back, come here." He spoke with calmly with a faint smile on his face as he patted his lap, insinuating that you should sit on him which you happily obliged to.
He stroked your hair gently, propping his chin on the top of your head as he held you tightly with his unoccupied hand as you sat on his lap. "Now then, let me ask you a question darling." He spoke, you hummed in response to let him know you were listening.
"What exactly do you want to achieve with sleeping with different men each night?" He asked, you took a moment to think of an answer but then realized he could read your mind so might as well just say what comes to mind.
You held your face as you kept an innocent smile on your face, "Survival, their souls and energy, if you're asking for practicality, my lord. Although if you meant to ask about my sexual desires, I love to see their reactions, it's quite.. adorable." You spoke happily as you looked up at him. It seemed like even the thought of their reactions turned you on.
Muzan found your answer amusing, he chuckled and continued to stroke your hair gently. "Adorable.." he whispered as he softly kissed the top of your head.
"Won't you be a good girl and show your lord this 'energy' you speak so highly of?" He spoke suggestively, he put you down in between his legs, "Go on my dear, I'm sure you have enough energy now." He held your cheek as he spoke, leaning down to you, offering you a soft kiss.
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Spontaneous post: 07/09/23 23:34PM GMT+8 Philippine Standard Time
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scriggle-scraggle · 6 months
Due South Fic Recs
Academic Punk by TheHoyden (RayK/Fraser): The quintessential college professor AU
Busted & its sequel Tapestry by JiM: A year after CoTW, and a life-changing experience, Ray goes back to Canada
Like a House on Fire by @bethbethbeth01 & kelliem (RayK/Fraser): “In the immortal words of Yogi Berra, ‘It’s deja vu all over again.’”
With Six You Get Eggroll by @cesperanza (RayK/Fraser): The story of how Ray & Fraser ended up with six kids.
Ray Is Not Actually Graphing The History Of His Relationship With Fraser–That Would Be Pathetic, And Ray Is Not Pathetic–But If He Was Graphing It, Even Just In His Own Stressed-Out, Messed-Up Brain, It Might Look Something Like This by sprat (RayK/Fraser): The sex has never not been good. That is not the confusing part of Ray-and-Fraser. They are naturals at the sex; the sex is their friend. If there was some kind of sexathalon, the two of them would be All-State, trophy-winning champs.
Like a House on Fire by Beth H (bethbethbeth): "In the immortal words of Yogi Berra, 'It's deja vu all over again.'"
Ping by Speranza: I am not the only person here who wants a do-over.
Tip, Slide, Tumble by j_s_cavalcante: Ray knew when he found the body in the alley it was going to change someone's life. He just didn't expect that life would be his.
All the Comforts of Home by rattlecatcher: post-CotW
Family Portrait by Journey [archived by dsa_archivist]: A slightly AU Ray Kowalski meets Constable Benton Fraser.
This Is Us Series by AuKestrel: how was the decision reached between Kowalski and Fraser to embark on the quest for the Hand of Franklin?
Near Wild Heaven Series by AuKestrel: This was, almost literally, the first thing I wrote, and certainly the first long thing I ever wrote. (Coming to Terms was the first "short" story I wrote and posted.) I worked on this off and on for over a year and did not write it in any kind of linear fashion. The first part was actually finished last, in part because I was stuck in getting them to a plausible misunderstanding that was necessary for the plot (such as it was). It's rough, and could have done with more work, although I did fix a lot of the (popular at the time, I swear!) dialect.
I'm posting it in part because I had SUCH a great time writing it (in fact, there are still parts of it that make me laugh), because I learned so much by/while writing it, and also because it's sort of "historical": a lot of the tropes in dS fandom did not exist when this was written (hard to believe, but there were only 27 F/K stories on Hexwood when I came into the fandom, and only about 5 of those had any kind of M/M sex!), and I thought it would be fun for other people to see how we earlier writers managed such things as tropes before they were tropes. But, in essence, you are about to read a "first novel," with all the alarm bells that ought to ring in your head.
Hawks and Hands by Dira Sudis (dsudis): Eighteen sex scenes strung together with angst and hockey.
Finding the Words by Berty: When luck finally runs out, who's there to pick up the pieces?
Wildly Courteous Ways by Starfish [archived by dsa_archivist]: A new assignment has Ray worried until Fraser steps in to help.
When the Ice Goes Out by Kellie Matthews [archived by dsa_archivist]: Long past CotW, Fraser and Ray K. discover that life both it and isn't as simple as it seems.
What We Talk About When We Talk About Wolves by Penelope Whistle [archived by dsa_archivist]: From stake-out to make-out.
Unguarded Protectorate by Bone [archived by dsa_archivist], Mairead Triste [archived by dsa_archivist]: Smut and angst. This story was previously published in the zine SERGE PROTECTOR.
Somewhere Else to Be by Kellie Matthews [archived by dsa_archivist]: This is an AU. Fraser's not a Mountie, Ray's not a cop, but as someone once said, things once linked remain that way. In any universe, they are meant to be partners.
The Reaching Out One by Alex51324: (AO3 account required) It's ten years after the events of CoTW (in other words, the present day). After the Quest, Fraser and Ray went back to their regular lives--
The Course by Bone [archived by dsa_archivist], Aristide [archived by dsa_archivist]: Randomness. Inevitability. Smut.
If It Walks Like A Duck . . . by Beth H (bethbethbeth): When an old friend of Ray Kowalksi's returns to Chicago, it takes almost no time at all for her to draw the obvious - and erroneous - conclusion about Ray and his "partner."
Genesis by kalena: In the beginning, Ray Kowalski meets Benton Fraser, geologist and volcano cowboy, in Hawaii. AU.
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
Yogi Update: This is the update I've been waiting for. We saw the eye doctor today, and he is, in fact, completely blind in his right eye. His is alive and ok, but his glaucoma eye is definitely causing him a lot of pain. The medications he's currently on help a lot but do not get rid of it completely. The vet believes it's likely permanent but can be attempted to be fixed through surgery, but I don't think it's worth it, since it's $4,500 USD for something that may not even work; I certainly do not have that kind of money. Another option was to try to massage his eye in an attempt to correct the eye's issue, but that's also not a guarantee and would be $400-$500 USD. Ultimately, eye removal sounds like the best option, but thankfully, it's not required asap. For now, the vet has us giving him a higher dosage of his medications to minimize discomfort. The eye removal at that location would be $3,300 USD which is pretty ridiculous for one eye, from the estimates I've seen online, so I'll be looking around for my options. I haven't raised nearly enough money to afford a $3,300 USD surgery. That's more money than I even have in my bank account right now. Yogi's medications are guaranteed to not be enough to help the pain in the long-term, so I hope it lasts for as long as it can, at least long enough for me to save and gather enough for surgery.
Looks like the fundraiser will be continuing. For those uninterested in the fundraiser, you can block the tags "donations" or "fundraiser", and you won't see it when I reblog it (which I am trying to do every morning and night).
Link to my fundraiser; I'm offering things in return for donations
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Cosmology A Universe with many worlds (a Multiverse) We see the world before our eyes, a world with its stars and galaxies and assume that this is the only world which exists. In reality, there also exist many occult worlds of varying gradations of consciousness which are invisible to our physical senses as well as our scientific instruments. A “world” in occult terminology is akin to an energy formation or a formation of consciousness, somewhat like a virtual world populated by beings of its own kind, where the laws of physics are more flexible and where the orders of Time and Space are unlike ours. Our dreams are transcriptions of travels and interactions in these occult worlds. After death, we cast off our physical body and withdraw into these occult worlds where we reside until the next incarnation. A Yogi who gains occult insight is able to see this vast structure of the Universe. It is precisely this vision which has been described in Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita. Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sachchidananda) These three worlds are one in essence and are hence called triune. They embody the principles of Sat(Existence), Chit (Consciousness) and Ananda (Bliss). They are also referred to as the Satyaloka, Tapoloka and Janaloka. Supramental world Other names for the Supermind: Maharloka in the Vedas. Vijnana world in the Upanishads. rendered as Truth-Consciousness in English by Sri Aurobindo. The Supermind is the Creator of the phenomenal universe, of the lower worlds of Mind, Life and Matter. It is the medium for self-manifestation of the Supreme or Absolute. It applies some fixed truths, some limiting principles to shape the lower worlds out of an Infinite Consciousness. It creates multiplicity out of unity, differentiation and separation out of pure being. Three poises of the Supermind The Supermind has three poises which together result in the creation of Maya (Illusion) in the lower worlds: Comprehending consciousness(Vijnana) : It holds creation in Unity. This can also be described as the causal state (Karana Avastha) Apprehending consciousness(Prajnana) : The process of differentiation begins in this poise; it brings about the One in Many and the Many in One. There is separation between Purusha and Prakriti, subject and object, self and not-self but all are still parts of the one. This may also be called the state of expression (Karya Avastha ) Projecting consciousness (Avidya) : Further modification of the second poise so as to support evolution of a diversified individuality. Multiplicity in creation is now fully expressed. This may be called the state of full manifestation (Purna Vyakta Avastha)
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aurevell · 6 months
WIP Whenever
Thanks for the tag, @rosieposiepuddingnpie! I just wrote a little more yesterday for my Steter marriage pact fic:
“It’s not just me, right?” Stiles mutters skeptically. He keeps his voice low, assuming no one will hear him in the cacophony of voices. After exchanging polite pleasantries, he has worked his way back to Erica, who sits on a tree stump at the edge of the clearing. She, at least, can always be trusted to feel reasonably surly about the intrusion of anyone new in their territory, so he’s sure of commiseration. “No. You’re right,” Erica mutters back. Her hands are tucked into her jacket, blonde hair coiled inside the turned-up collar. “Never seen another werewolf seem so weirdly into Peter.” At the other end of the clearing, a tall woman in a floral dress sits in the chair beside Peter’s, simpering at him over her beer. Peter’s actually been paying her some modicum of attention, though you wouldn’t know without the hint of a lazy smirk. He’s not looking in her direction, just reclined in his own chair, eyes half-lidded—he’s barely moved all afternoon, like his only goal in life is to absorb what he can of the sparse autumn sun. (Sometimes, Stiles thinks he resembles nothing so much as a cat.) “I guess they don’t know all the shit he’s done,” Erica muses. “All of us still see the caution tape. 'Do Not Cross.' The Daughertys just see him as some hot dude.” Stiles grunts. Because yeah, strip away all the antagonism and general assholery, and that's what you have: a really hot dude. A hot dude who looks like he could make you see god if he got you into his bed. Erica snorts. “He is objectively attractive,” she admits, though she sounds almost offended about it. “God, I’ve never witnessed anyone being actively into him. It’s kind of unbelievable, when you think about it. Like falling in love with a snake.” “Hey. It’s not that unbelievable.” She fixes him with a stare. “He gaslit Lydia into thinking she was going crazy so she’d bring him back to life.” Well, it's hard to argue with that. Even if it was a pretty desperate situation. “Fair enough.” The woman’s hand comes to rest on Peter’s arm. She lowers her voice to speak. Peter still hasn’t moved, just listening to her babble on, but he’s smirking in full now. Here and there, he says something back, almost out of the corner of his mouth.  Stiles would cut off his own arm to know what they’re talking about. 
No-pressure tags for @mirrorthoughts @kordyceps @meggie-stardust @yogi-bogey-box @raisesomehale and anyone else who wants to! No idea who's writing right now.
Also @nogitzune and @beaconfeels just in case you have more to share after yesterday :)
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teecupangel · 9 months
Oh jeez. Saw the far cry 6 ask, and what if Desmond was in far cry 4? Would he just be a seemingly random guy hanging with Yogi and Reggie (and tripping/seeing nirvana/isu)? Or would he be trying to live a peaceful life as a llama(??chickens?) rancher in the mountains and no one else seems to be willing to let him? Does he listen to the radio and go WTF???
The Desmond in Far Cry 6 ask for those interested.
Sooooo… I did think about Desmond becoming a rancher in the mountains and just chilling with his llamas (named Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton, one of them is a female llama XD) but then I remembered that Pagan Min is voiced by Troy Baker and, whenever Troy Baker and Nolan North are in a game together, it’s tradition for the characters they voice to have some kind of connection to one another.
This means, as someone voiced by Nolan North, Desmond is gonna have to be caught up with Pagan Min one way or another.
He could just be someone who had been raising llamas at the outskirt of Kyrat, living a peaceful life…
Until two men high up their ass decided to try and catch his llamas because they believe the llamas are pegasi that will fly them out of Kyrat even without their passport.
Desmond finds them amusing because, even in their high state, they said one of the llamas told them they can’t fly them because they don’t have passports.
One of them even threatened to kick them to death.
Desmond was betting the violent one was their high version of Altaïr. That llama fought off a goddamn bear long enough for Desmond to get there with his hunting rifle, after all.
So Yogi and Reggie starts visiting Desmond, first to apologize for trying to steal his llama and helping fix the fence they kinda tripped over and destroyed during the ‘chase’ (it was more like the llama chasing them though, their screams were what woke Desmond up after all) and, after fixing the fence, they sometimes go there to just chill and talk to Desmond while eating Desmond’s homemade meals.
Desmond is actually in Kyrat because he’s now officially retired.
He knows there’s a dictator, of course, but he also knows that the Assassins have sent someone to take care of it and Kyrat’s current political ‘standing’ makes it impossible for Abstergo to even get a foot inside.
Of course, people in Kyrat don’t trust Desmond a bit but he just stays in his small farm with his llamas, growing his own food and living a peaceful life.
… until Yogi and Reggie brought a delirious man in his farm, claiming him to be an important guest but… uuhhh… well… they may have given the man an experimental batch of their drug instead of the usual stuff and now they don’t know what’s going to happen to him and they just need Desmond to look after him while they get medicine or something, make sure he doesn’t choke on his own vomit or bite his tongue off, pleeeassee.
Desmond does this because they look really scared of the man dying and then, the following day, Reggie and Yogi returns…
With Pagan Min.
Because apparently…
The man they left with Desmond? The man’s name is Ajay.
And Pagan Min would like to personally thank Desmond for taking care of him.
When Ajay wakes up, he’s in one of the more secured buildings Pagan Min owns with a man named Desmond who has been kidnapped as well.
And he’s planning on escaping because because he’s worried about his llamas.
Ajay is there for the ride but, unfortunately…
Pagan Min does know who Desmond Miles is.
To be more exact…
The Assassin that the Brotherhood sent over?
He’s been turned to one of Pagan’s most loyal followers.
Paul Harmon.
And he’s been quite honest about who Desmond Miles is.
The only reason why Desmond was able to live a peaceful life in Kyrat is because Pagan Min didn’t care about him.
But now…
He was an honored guest who helped Ajay survive what could have been a bad case of hallucinations (not really, the worst Ajay did was mistake Desmond as his late mother) and help Pagan Min ‘rescue’ Ajay.
And the building they’re in?
It’s been modified to keep an Assassin not ‘wanting to leave’.
Cue Ajay and Desmond trying to escape this building…
All the while Pagan Min is trying to ‘bond’ with both of them.
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astro-wixch · 1 year
Astro Obs for EARTH SIGNS
I’m not a professional astrologer. Please take only what resonates.
I do not own the rights to this image
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🌍Tend to be die hard plant parents. They will name their plants and talk to them. Their plants will even have personalities.
🌍Tends to be animal lovers to some extent and have or want pets
🌍The foodies. Always have the best food recommendations! Known some to drive out of state just to eat at their favorite restaurant 😂
🌍Tend to be earth enthusiasts. Hates littering and usually is the “is this recyclable/biodegradable?” type of individual
🌍Usually have phenomenal wells of patience. These people are so stubborn and fixed that it’s hard for you to rattle their tail. They don’t get mad, at least not externally depending on the placements.
🌍They’re usually very creative as well. However, they’re creativity takes on functionality. These are the chefs & culinary artists, architects and interior designers, carpenters & construction workers, public parks & public entertainment spaces, pottery, candle making, fashion designers, landscaping, interactive art, etc. Their art is usually a hands on type of approach and because of this I would also include sculptors and welders
🌍Great physical balance. Make great contortionists, acrobats, yogis, etc.
🌍Can be the most ruthlessly judgmental of all the elements. Also, the most hardworking of all the elements.
🌍Can have an aversion for planes, and roller coasters. May even have a fear of heights or get motion/car sickness quite easier than others.
🌍Loves the outdoor in general. May enjoy camping, hiking, fireside gatherings, the mountains, mountain climbing, rock climbing, bicycling,
🌍These are also your real-estate agents, property managers, landlords, bank tellers, financial advisers, stock brokers, jewelers, miners, paleontologists, geologists, meteorologists, environmentalists, veterinarians, biologists, volunteer workers, people who work in customer service jobs/career fields, historians, geographers, cartographers, bodily doctors & physicians, etc.
🌍Uses all natural, biodegradable, sustainable products likes it’s a religion
🌍Risings usually have very defined bone structures in the face. May be models because of this.
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allzelemonz · 9 months
Finding and Feeling (2.4): A Relapse
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Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Language, sex Warnings: Torture, gelding, threats, masturbation, pining, fantasizing, internalized homophobia, toxic behavior, drinking Summary: Bill had several relapses of behaviors he hates. A/N: The cadence bit I included because I have the Yogi Bear is Dead cadence stuck in my head (used to be a cadet). It’s very twisted and the tune felt fitting. Other Chapters
Bill’s been struggling since Six Point Cabin. With the O’Driscoll wandering around on his own, Bill can’t avoid him quite as easily. So he accommodates. He drinks more, takes watch shifts as much as possible, drags Lenny onto more jobs, and since Micah got back he’s been going out with the restless blond whenever he wants to shoot something. It gives Bill a little headspace to try and set himself right, but not nearly enough.
One night, after going out with Micah and hitting several rich looking marks, they settle down to drink. Micah runs off after a few whiskeys, seemingly uninterested in being around a drunken Bill. After a few more whiskeys himself, Bill feels a familiar stirring. A day full of adrenaline and night of drinking makes Bill stumble into the woods and fix himself against a tree. With his forehead resting against the cool bark, Bill grabs at his suspenders. Big hands fumble with buttons until he can tug his pants down and wrap around himself, stroking right away. He’s sensitive, overly so, having not been touched in a long time. His pace is quick, hips moving right away, until his mind wanders. The first thing he imagines is the O’Driscoll under him but he shakes it away, trying to think of a woman instead. He gets as far as a vague feminine shape before he nearly roars from annoyance. It turns him off if anything. But the ache burns at him, so Bill lets himself have this one thought. Just this one.
He tugs at himself, imagining the O’Driscolls face all scrunched up in pleasure, whines slipping from his lips, how he might feel utterly enveloping Bill with his scrawny frame.
Naturally, Bill releases within a minute.
He groans into his thick jacket sleeve. His free hand clenching in on itself enough to leave nail marks and his other stroking through the over sensitivity as Bill tries to think of the boy saying his name out of pleasure rather than pain.
Then it all falls away and Bill remembers reality.
His face burns red as he tucks himself away and rights his suspenders. He takes a few fuming breaths before he stumbles back to camp. In the distance is that little shit of an O’Driscoll, just walking through camp like he isn’t a dirty little tempter. Bill shakes with anger, his mood completely turning until his eyes settle on those tongs. He walks quickly, scooping them up and rushing onto the O’Driscoll. He drops them onto the fire as he grabs the boy by his jacket, throwing him on the ground. He drops his knee onto his chest, pinning the O’Driscoll down as he gasps for breath. When Bill grabs the warmed tongs, the boy squirms for this life and whimpers at the sight.
“Hold still!” Bill taunts, just wanting to make himself distant and mean after his relapse of sickness. “Pearson said he’s short a little meat fer the pie!”
“Stop it!” The boy shouts. “This ain’t funny!”
“Oh, I disagree.” Bill tries to get the tongs between the boy’s legs. “Now why’re you so afraid a’ a pair a’ gledin’ tongs?” Bill laughs a little to himself. “I thought you were the horse whisperer!”
“You ain’t right in the head!”
That one feels like a stab to the chest, but Bill tries to laugh it off as he stands. He can see Arthur a few feet away, watching like a creep. Bill puts on a giggle, letting a bit of the whiskey back into his brain to fight the words that he’s heard a thousand times.
Kieran scrambles away as quickly as he can as Bill laughs and the man speaks halfheartedly. “Oh, alright, go on. It ain’t like you got balls anyways!”
He sets the tongs down, muttering things because he knows Arthur’s listening. Bill makes himself go off into the woods for a while. He tries to get those damn words out but they won’t go away, like a chanting cadence in his head. He can hear it like that, like some twisted marching cadence for soldiers.
You ain’t ri-ight,
no you ain't ri-ight,
ain’t right in the he-ead.
Bill drinks himself to sleep that night. Tears staining his face as he sobs to himself and blames it on the whiskey. Lenny’s camping out on a job, not in the bedroll next to Bill’s to witness the weakness. Hosea’s fast asleep. Bill lets himself feel something for just a night. Just one night, he tells himself.
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yogifixes · 1 year
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Excellent Ways to Remodel a Kitchen with Handyman Services
A complete kitchen renovation plan lets you assess your needs, budget, and functionality. Establishing a budget reduces superfluous spending and helps you devote resources to the critical parts of your kitchen that require repairs. Recall that upgrading kitchen cabinets might be expensive in your pocket, requiring around one-third of the makeover price. Highlighting the scope lets you decide whether you can handle it or need handyman services. Although hiring a professional may be pricey, they may give recommendations and assistance to fine-tune your kitchen remodel design and mention some ideas you may have never considered.
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selene-writes · 3 months
Hellfire series rewrite- Wendigo part 2
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Hi guys! I'm really excited about this series. Please let me know what you think. Also, the next and final part of this episode/chapter will either come today or tomorrow.
Warnings for this chapter include violence and swearing? Thats it, I think.
(W.C: 3, 219)
This is an 18+ fic
The next day, as you shut the car door, you scanned the surroundings to find Hailey, her brother, and another older man in tow. "Great," you sighed inwardly. Another person to protect that was just what the three of you needed. Sam and Dean emerged from the car alongside you. You were dressed in khaki cargo shorts, a black tank top, and a jacket, carrying a duffel bag slung over your shoulder. Catching Sam and Dean's eyes, you offered a small smile.
Dean's question broke the silence. "You guys got room for three more?" he asked, raising his hand.
Hailey glanced between the three of you. "You guys want to come with us?" she asked, a hint of skepticism in her voice. You moved closer to Sam, so you stood in between the brothers.
"Who are they?" the man behind Hailey interjected, his tone suspicious.
"Apparently, this is the best park services could muster up," Hailey retorted, shooting a glance back at the man before turning to face you again.
"You all are rangers?" the man pressed, eyeing the three of you..
"That's right," you replied, stepping past Hailey.
Hailey's gaze shifted to Dean. "And you're hiking out here in biker boots and jeans?" she asked incredulously.
Dean chuckled. "Well, I don’t do shorts," he replied, glancing down at his attire.
You couldn't help but snort softly at Dean's response, earning a laugh from Sam, who had moved up beside you. Dean shot you both a glare before joining Sam's side.
"Oh, you think this is funny?" the guide, Roy, interjected, his tone condescending. "There's dangerous backcountry out there."
"You think we don't  know that?" you shot back, meeting his gaze defiantly. Roy seemed like a seasoned outdoorsman, but his attitude was already pissing you off. Stepping forward, you moved past him with purpose, Sam falling in step behind you.
"We understand the risks, Roy. We just want to help find her brother," Dean  said firmly, his voice steady as he stared down the guide, before moving forward with you and Sam.
Several hours into the hike, the scenery had shifted from welcoming woods to darker, denser forest as sunlight struggled to penetrate the thick tree lines.
"So, Roy, you mentioned you do a bit of hunting?" Dean's voice broke the silence, the group now arranged with Roy leading, followed by Dean, you behind him, and the rest trailing behind.
"Yeah, more than a bit," Roy replied gruffly, his eyes scanning their surroundings.
"What kind of furry critters do you hunt?" Dean continued, unimpressed.
"Mostly deer, sometimes bear," Roy answered tersely, his attention still fixed ahead.
"And do Bambi and Yogi ever hunt you back?" you quipped from behind Dean, causing Roy to turn around, puzzled. Dean chuckled, glancing back at you with a smirk as you swatted at a mosquito on your arm.
Roy's demeanor shifted suddenly as he grabbed Dean's collar, surprising everyone. Dean stared at him, caught off guard, as you and the rest of the group halted, watching in anticipation.
"What are you doing, Roy?" Dean demanded, his voice steady despite the tension.
Roy released Dean and bent down to pick up a stick, prodding ahead of him cautiously. As you looked on, the stick triggered a bear trap, snapping shut with a loud crack.
"You should watch your step… ranger," Roy remarked, emphasizing the last word and smirking as Dean nodded begrudgingly, slightly annoyed.
Turning to Sam, you exchanged a glance before continuing forward, Dean falling back into step beside you.
"It's a bear trap," Dean muttered under his breath, pushing ahead. Glancing back at Hailey and her brother, you noticed their concerned expressions.
"You guys didn’t pack any provisions," Hailey confronted Dean, grabbing his arm to force his attention.
"You're not rangers, so who the hell are you?" she angrily demanded.
Dean nodded subtly at you and Sam, signaling for you to keep moving forward. With a nod in response, you took the lead, keeping a close eye on Hailey's brother and Roy, Sam following closely behind.
As the hike continued, Sam's voice broke the silence unexpectedly. "I never got to thank you, Jane," he began quietly, catching you off guard. Turning to face him, you could sense the seriousness in his face.
"For what, Sammy?" you replied gently.
"For coming with us, for helping find Dad, and for keeping an eye on Dean all this time," he confessed, his gaze dropping momentarily.
You paused, feeling a rush of warmth and gratitude towards Sam. Placing a reassuring hand on his arm, you spoke softly. "You don’t need to thank me, Sam. You're family," you assured him, meeting his eyes and offering a comforting smile.
Sam nodded, visibly relieved, before resuming walking. Watching him go, you couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.
The next hour and a half of hiking felt increasingly tense. The woods grew denser, and unsettlingly quiet.. "Here we are, Blackwater Ridge," Roy's voice broke the silence ahead of you. Sam was just behind him, and you followed, eventually reaching a clearing where everyone gathered.
"What coordinates are we at?" Sam asked, stepping ahead of Roy.
"35 and minus 111," Roy answered, consulting his satellite GPS before pocketing it. As you joined the group, the eerie silence of the woods unsettled you; no birds chirped, no insects buzzed– nothing.
"You hear that?" you asked, breaking the silence with a whisper as you looked up at the two brothers.
"Yeah," Sam replied, his gaze scanning the darkening forest. "Not even crickets."
"I'm gonna go take a look around," Roy announced from behind, drawing your attention.
"You shouldn’t go off by yourself," you said, eyeing Roy warily.
Roy chuckled dismissively. "That's sweet," he retorted, striding past Dean and Sam. His attitude angered you, but before you could say anything, Dean was talking.
"Alright, everybody stay together," Dean ordered, gesturing for Hailey and her brother to keep close. He led the way forward, and you followed.
Fifteen minutes later, Roy's voice echoed through the woods. "Hailey! Over here!" Hailey bolted towards the sound, and you followed closely behind her..
 You arrived at a campsite—or what remained of it— and your heart sank. Tents were torn, shredded, and smeared with blood. "Oh my god," Hailey gasped beside you, her horror mirroring your own.
"Looks like a grizzly," Roy commented grimly from the other side of the wreckage. You cautiously approached for a closer look, scanning the area. There were no bodies, but based on the amount of blood, someone was seriously injured or dead.
"Tommy?" Hailey called out desperately, dropping her backpack to the ground. You looked back at Dean and Sam, who were talking quietly, you could see the concern etched on their faces.
"Tommy!" Hailey yelled, her voice cracking as she moved forward.
"Shh, shh!" Sam urged, hurrying after her and setting his own bag down.
"Why?" Hailey demanded, stopping abruptly and turning towards Sam.
"Something might still be out there," Sam explained gently, scanning the the woods.
"Sam, Jane," Dean's voice cut through the tension. You and Sam walked over to where Dean knelt beside a disturbed area of the campsite.
"The bodies were dragged from the campsite," Dean observed grimly, looking up at you both. He pointed at the ground, where the tracks abruptly vanished. "But here, the marks just vanish. It's weird."
You stood up with Dean and Sam, peering at the tracks in the dirt. "I’ll tell you what, it’s no Skinwalker or black dog," Dean muttered, his brow furrowing. He turned and walked back towards the others, and you exchanged a worried glance with Sam before following.
In the clearing, Hailey knelt, clutching something in her hands while Dean crouched beside her. "Hey, he could still be alive," Dean offered gently, trying to comfort her. But his words didn't sit well with you.
"What the fuck?" you mouthed silently at Dean, shaking your head. This wasn't the reassurance Hailey needed right now, and you could see the frustration in her eyes as she stared back at Dean, at a loss for words.
"HELP!" a distant voice suddenly pierced the air.. Hailey and Dean sprang to their feet, scanning the woods. You and Sam exchanged a look before sprinting towards the source of the sound, Roy close behind.
"HELP!" the voice called out again, in pain. Pushing through the underbrush, you ran faster, your heart pounding. Branches snapped underfoot, and leaves slapped your face as you darted deeper into the forest. But abruptly, the cries stopped, leaving you and Sam standing there, breathless and disoriented.
"It sounded like it was coming from around here, didn’t it?" Hailey's voice sounded from behind, and you turned to see her and the others catching up. Roy raised his gun, a sense of dread settling over the group.
"Everybody back to camp," Sam ordered, his voice grave as he glanced around at everyone's faces. You all hurried back, but upon arrival, the campsite was stripped bare.
"Our packs!" Hailey exclaimed, panic creeping into her voice as she scanned the scene.
"So much for my GPS and satellite phone," Roy muttered, crouching down and inspecting the ground.
"What the hell's going on?" Hailey demanded, her eyes darting between Sam, Dean, and you.
"It's smart," you murmured solemnly, staring at the empty ground where your gear had been.
"It wants to cut us off so we can’t call for help," Sam added, his expression grim as he looked at Hailey.
"You mean some nut job out there just stole all our gear?" Roy asked, looking incredulous.
"I need to speak with you all, in private," Sam said quietly, taking hold of Dean's and your arms. He led you deeper into the woods, away from the others, until you were sure they couldn’t hear.
Stopping in a secluded spot, you took a deep breath. "I think I know what it is," you began, looking at Sam and Dean.
"What?" Dean asked, intrigued.
"Give me your dad's journal for a second," you requested, and Dean handed it over. Flipping through the pages, you found what you were looking for.
"Here," you said, pointing to the page. Both Sam and Dean leaned in to read.
"Oh, come on," Dean groaned, looking up from the page. "Wendigos are supposed to be in the Minnesota woods or northern Michigan. I’ve never heard of one this far west."
"Think about it, Dean. The claws, the way it can mimic a human voice," Sam said, nodding in agreement with you. You exchanged a knowing glance with Sam.
"Great," Dean muttered, shaking his head. "Well, then this is useless." He held up his gun. "We gotta get these people out of here."
Handing the journal back to Dean, you nodded in agreement with Sam. You looked at Dean for a moment longer before turning to follow Sam.
"Alright, listen up. Time to go," Sam announced as you both emerged from the woods, Dean following closely. "Things have gotten more complicated," 
"What?" Hailey asked, her voice tinged with anxiety and anger as she looked between the three of you.
Dean stepped forward, standing to your right. "I think whatever's out there, I can handle it," Roy interjected confidently, causing you to clench your fists in frustration.
"If you shoot this thing, you’re just gonna make it mad," Sam retorted, his patience wearing thin.
"We have to leave, now," you insisted firmly, locking eyes with Roy.
"One, you’re talking nonsense; two, you’re in no position to give anybody orders," Roy shot back, his skepticism evident.
"We never should have let you come out here in the first place," Dean chimed in. You looked at him incredulously..
"We’re trying to protect you," Sam added, his voice filled with urgency as he stepped forward, with you at his side.
"You protect me? I was hunting in these woods when your mommy was still kissing you goodnight," Roy scoffed, and you felt your anger flare and your fists clench. You looked over to Dean and saw that he had flinched.
"It's a damn near perfect hunter," Sam argued, his voice firm. "It's smarter than you."
"It's gonna hunt you down and eat you alive unless we get your stupid, egotistical ass outta here," Sam snapped, frustration boiling over. 
"Stop it, everybody just stop," Hailey interjected, stepping between Roy, you and the brothers.
"Look, Tommy might still be alive, and I’m not leaving here without him," Hailey declared, determined as she looked squarely at Sam, Dean, and you.
"It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter during the day, but it's an even better hunter at night," Dean explained, turning to address Hailey, her brother, and Roy. "We’ll never beat it, not in the dark."
"How?" Hailey asked, desperation creeping into her voice.
"We gotta torch the son of a bitch," Dean replied grimly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
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As night came, you found yourselves huddled around a flickering fire, the makeshift symbols drawn around you for protection. Dean had just finished drawing the last of them in the dirt when Hailey spoke up nervously.
"One more time, that's?" she asked, looking over at Dean.
"Anasazi symbols. It's for protection. The Wendigo can’t cross them," Dean explained calmly, his focus on completing the task at hand.
Roy's laughter interrupted, and you shot him a glare. "Nobody likes a skeptic, Roy," you snapped, annoyed at his attitude. Roy's expression sobered as he looked back at you, anger across his face.
Dean stood up after finishing the symbols and walked over to join you and Sam sitting on a log a short distance away from the fire. He sat down heavily beside Sam, leaning in slightly.
"You wanna tell me what's been going on in that freaky little head of yours?" Dean asked Sam, his concern evident. You listened intently.
"Guys..." Sam began, clearly struggling to voice his thoughts.
"No, you're not fine," you interjected firmly, your eyes fixed on Sam. You worried about him. He wasn't sleeping or eating, and he was darker. 
"You're like a powder keg, man. It's not like you," Dean added, trying to lighten the mood. "Jane and I are supposed to be the belligerent ones, remember?" he teased, giving you a slight smile as he glanced over at you. You returned the smile briefly before turning your attention back to Sam.
"Dad's not here," Sam stated flatly. "I mean, that much we know for sure, right? He would have left some sort of message, a sign," Sam reasoned, looking between Dean and you for confirmation.
"Yeah, you're probably right," Dean agreed, his gaze drifting into the distance. You nodded silently. "To tell you the truth, I don’t think Dad’s ever been to Lost Creek," Dean admitted, catching both Sam's and your attention.
"Then let's get these people back to town and hit the road," Sam suggested, frustration evident in his voice. "Go find Dad. I mean, why are we still here?"
"Because he sent us here," Dean replied firmly, kneeling in front of you all. He reached into his jacket, pulling out John's journal. "This is Dad's single most valuable possession," Dean explained, looking between Sam and you. "Everything he knows about every evil thing is in here, and he's left it to us."
You nodded in agreement with Dean. "I think he wants us to pick up where he's left off. Saving people, hunting things. The family business," he added, voice steady.
"But that doesn’t make any sense. Why doesn’t he just call us?" Sam questioned, frustrated. "Why doesn’t he just tell us what he wants, tell us where he is?"
"We don't know," you admitted honestly. 
"The way I see it, Dad's given us a job to do, and I intend to do it," Dean declared firmly, his eyes locked on Sam.
"Guys, I gotta find Dad. I gotta find Jessica's killer," Sam said, his voice cracking with emotion. You felt your heart hurt for him, knowing how much he was hurting.
"Sam, we will find them, okay? I promise you," you said softly, reaching out to squeeze his hand reassuringly.
"Sam, you gotta prepare yourself," Dean added, placing a supportive hand on Sam's shoulder. "This search could take a while, and all that anger, you can’t keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience."
"How do you two do it? How does Dad do it?" Sam asked, his voice tinged with desperation as he looked between Dean and you.
"Them," you replied, gesturing towards Hailey, her brother, and Roy around the fire. "We're all fucked up in our own ways. Maybe by helping others, it makes things a little more bearable."
Dean nodded in agreement with you before turning his attention back to Sam. "I'll tell you what else helps. Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can," Dean quipped, a hint of a smile crossing his face. You chuckled softly to yourself, seeing a slight grin tugging at Sam's lips too. But before you could say anything further, a chilling scream cut through the night.
"HELP!" a man's voice echoed from the darkness. You sprang to your feet, as did Sam and Dean. Quickly, you joined the others around the fire as everyone instinctively reached for weapons and flashlights.
Sam pointed his flashlight into the woods, where the cry had come from. "HELP!" the voice called again, this time from behind you.
"It's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool. Stay put," Dean instructed, his eyes scanning the surroundings, ensuring everyone stayed within the protection of symbols.
"Inside the magic circle?" Roy scoffed arrogantly, clutching his gun as he stood beside you. You glanced at him briefly, hoping he wouldn't do anything reckless.
"HELP!" the voice sounded once more, now to your right. But this time, it was accompanied by a low, guttural growl that sent shivers down your spine. Everyone turned towards the direction of the growl, Hailey gasping in fear.
"Okay, that's no grizzly," Roy muttered, raising his gun and aiming it towards where the growl had come from.
"It's okay, we'll be alright. I promise," you heard Hailey's voice behind you, trying to steady her brother. You scanned the woods, trying to spot any movement.
A snap of a twig to your left caught your attention, and something moved in the shadows. Hailey screamed, and more growls echoed around you. Roy moved towards the noise, Dean following closely behind him. The brush rustled as something darted to the right, and Roy fired his gun into the woods. Another noise erupted from behind the group, and everyone spun around, startled. Roy fired again, and this time, you heard a screech of pain.
"I hit it!" Roy exclaimed triumphantly, adrenaline coursing through him as he charged deeper into the forest.
"Roy, no!" Dean shouted, sprinting after him without hesitation. You glanced back at Hailey and her brother, yelling for them to stay put before running after the two men.
"Roy!" you called out, hoping to locate him in the darkness.
"It's over here—ugh!" you heard Roy's voice, followed by the sickening sound of something snapping. Your heart pounded in your chest as you ran towards the sound, finding Dean ahead of you.
"Roy!?" you yelled desperately into the night, but there was no answer, only silence.
next part
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fierce-sims · 7 months
Janey had a party while Greta was at work. Yogi and Aiden attended. It went really well.
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Janey rolled a want to dance with someone. Aiden went to eat, so her only choice was to dance with Yogi.
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I'm not sure if this interaction is inherently romantic because errrmmm... 🫢
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NOOOOOO JANEY DONT GET A CRUSH ON YOGI HES AROACE JANEY NOOOOO (I'm also pretty sure I set her gender pref to gay so why the fuck is she suddenly into men get outttt I am going to fix that sigh this game is so ??? sometimes like stop)
Oh, but it gets worse.
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As soon as Greta got home, these bitches flocked to her.
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BYE LMFAOOO please leave her alone I'm crying 😭😭😭 BOTH FLIRTS WERE SUCCESSFUL 🗿 this game is trolling me everyone needs Greta like they need water. I'm going to pretend Yogi was not as ooc as he was because it's not me controlling them I just let sims do whatever they want when they're npcs
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fly-pow-bye · 7 months
Jellystone Season 3A will release on February 22nd on Max, and Apple TV already has the descriptions and titles for these episodes. The announced Cartoon Network crossover will not be a part of this part of the season. Names and descriptions after the break.
Disco Fever - An uncontrollable 70’s dance craze infects Jellystone and it’s up to Cindy, Yogi, and Boo Boo to stop it.
Episode 2 (most likely named "Cindy vs. Noodle Arms") - Cindy teams up with Top Cat to fix everyone's wobbly arms.
Hot Guys, Cold Turkey - Jabberjaw has an overactive cupid which makes her fall in love with everyone and everything.
Lotions 11 - With Top Cat in jail, his gang must pull off the scam of the century without him!
LAFF Games - Jellystone goes head to head in a competition against their rival town, New Bedrock.
Frankenhooky - Yogi and Boo Boo play hooky from work at an old, abandoned fun park where some meddling kids mistake them for monsters.
Girl, You My Friend! - Cindy, Jabberjaw, and Squiddly compete for the title of "best friend" in Jellystone.
Jellystone Noir - Shag hires a bunch of detectives to find his lost sense of childhood wonder.
Vote Raspberry - Huck creates a fake opponent to run against him in the mayoral election.
Collection Protection - Augie, Shag, and Yakky guard Peter’s collection of valuable toys while he leaves town.
Mummy Knows Best - An injured El Kabong mistakenly hires a cursed mummy to take over his teaching duties.
Augie-Mented Reality - Doggy Daddy transforms a bunch of folks into Augie so he can spend even more time with her.
Space Con - Peter Potamus' convention costume gets him mistaken for the real Space Ghost.
Sha-Zogi - Yogi gives Shazzan a break from work by taking on his genie powers for the day.
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sallyastral · 1 year
Marvel: Ruins, but it's a Spider-Verse AU
Miles Morales
Miles is completely unable to control his electric powers, and keeps hurting himself with his own venom. He tries to fix the problem wearing bandages on his fingers, but it all gets worse as one day he accidentally kills his father with his electricity. Miles is then forced to run away from Brooklyn, in fear of hurting or killing someone else. Eventually, he dies electrocuted by his own powers.
Gwen Stacy
Gwen is unable to save her friend Peter, and gets accused of his murder as Spider-Woman. After some time, Gwen notices that lizard scales are starting to grow on her limbs, and realizes she's been infected by Peter. When, as in the film, Gwen unmasks herself in front of her father, the man decides to shoot her not only for the murder, but also because his daughter is becoming a monster.
Hobie Brown
Hobie begins to have more and more problems with the police and the law, leading him to take part in an armed brawl where he almost loses his life, and his best friend is actually killed. Tired of fighting for an unfeasible form of government at the time, he decides to join President Osborn's military forces, taking his place years later. He will be killed by Riri Williams, i.e. RiotHeart, one of his previous allies.
Pavitr Prabhakar
Pavitr got his powers from an ancient yogi, who actually was a demon manifesting a human form. The demon promised Pavitr to give him spider powers to fight evil, and that did happen, but also casted a curse on him: the more he used his powers, the more his life force drained. Four months of being Spider-Man were enough to lead Pavitr to spend his last month of life hospitalized, dying slowly and agonizing.
I've had this concept in mind for days and I so wanna draw it, but I unfortunately have no time shsjsjs
Fanarts or fanfics are welcome, but please credit me if you want to use this concept!!
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you-must-choose · 4 months
Ritchie and Laura
So I vaguely implied it in the very first post, but I'm heavily leaning into the whole "Ritchie is a Discount Ash" Thing in the Papa Meowth AU by making him a Zorua whose parents are a Zoroark and Sandslash from the future, as a parallel to Ash and Delia's whole Mystery Dungeon thing. Why they time traveled is spoilers for Sinnoh. He also has a human sister named Laura who has a mysterious connection to Celebi (mysterious because I haven't figured out what it is or what it means and this buys me some time), as Maria's counterpart.
They've got their own, mostly off-screen journey that strongly parallels Ash and Maria's, including stumbling into their own World Saving Adventures at roughly the same time, though the two journeys overlap occasionally, usually at either the few Canon times Ash and Ritchie have run into each other or during Adventures that are too big to have a reasonable counterpart. This means the two of them and their problems are going to end up plot relevant, especially in Sinnoh.
Anyway, here's their teams up through Orange Islands (they don't show up in the Orange Islands for the record, that's just where Ash and Maria's team list stopped so far). And yes, they both nickname their Pokemon.
Sparky (Pikachu)
Happy (Butterfree) (he probably caught it as a Caterpie but I'm basing the initial stage shown in the list on whatever they first get introduced as)
Naginata (Spearow)
Rooter (Venusaur)
Zippo (Charmander>Charmeleon) (evolves during his battle with Ash's Charizard, which is an actual battle this time)
Torpedo (Tentacool>Tentacruel) (evolves off-screen, not sure when that'll be revealed)
Alec (Morgrem>Grimmsnarl) (A perfect gentleman, in contrast to most of his species. Makes liberal use of Charm and Flatter.)
Sir Daniel (Cubone>Marowak) (the one I mentioned as evolving in the same match as Ash's Cubone. When he's a Cubone his skull helmet is a bit oversized and misshapen for some reason, so it covers one of his eyes and muffles his voice to the point he's almost completely unintelligible, though it doesn't seem to hinder his battling too much and it's fixed when he evolves. based on Sir Daniel Fortesque from Medievil, Because I Can)
Cowl (Arbok)
Grit, Gravel, Grunt, Grace, and Gray (five Dugtrio who Ritchie stumbled into catching in Digglet cave as Digglets. Counterparts to the Tauros Herd)
Quackers (Farfetch'd)
Flare (Beedrill)
Yogi (Ursaring) (Yes, he lives up to the name. How else would he be able to be Sorlax's counterpart?)
Cadmus (Meowth) (No, he can't talk)
Odie (Growlithe>Arcanine) (Actually evolves in the same scene he's introduced, since Laura bought a Fire Stone from the same vendor as Maria for the same reason that Maria bought Clefable's Moon Stone, at roughly the same time, and that's how they end up meeting each other.)
Rock (Squirtle) (basically Mega Man as a turtle since I made the Squirtle Squad Leader basically Sonic. Has Mega Launcher, Protean and Trace, and somehow knows Sketch, Mimic and Copycat) (yes I rotated which starter ends on what stage. because why not)
Zingo (Electrode)
Hobbs (Hitmonchan)
Grill, Grape, Grand, Gravy and Gru (The other five Dugtrio)
Mochi (Dratini)
Majesty (Nodorina>Nidoqueen) (also evolved at the Stone Vendor at the Indigo Conference because Counterparts)
Arc (Electabuzz)
Lilac (Alolan Vulpix with cybernetic augmentations. I'll explain when I'm done with the lists)
Whirl (Lapras)
...alright, so what's going on with Lilac?
Well, I needed to give them an equivalent to Mewtwo Strikes Back since Maria got a Pokemon out of it, but by that point in the timeline there's only one Mewtwo, and something Celebi-related made the most sense since Laura's connected to it somehow and Ritchie has his whole "my parents are from the future and my egg was laid there" thing, but there's no Pokemon that has a similar relationship to Celebi as the one Mewtwo has to Mew...
...so I made one up.
Celeborg is what happens when you try to take shortcuts when making a Time Machine. Some idiot Mad Scientist in the distant future decided that instead of actually working out how to travel through time, or bothering to program a proper AI, they'd instead install a Celebi DNA sample into a robot and call it a day. The resulting Reverse Cyborg went through a massive existential meltdown blowing up the lab and stumbling backwards in time in the process, and in its unstable mindset decided to make more cyborgs so it wouldn't be alone as the only Thing like itself (and also the scientist may have been working for an Evil Team so the programming that the Celebi DNA wasn't able to sub in for possibly included world domination-type stuff). Somehow Ritchie and Laura got involved and managed to calm it down and it decided to find a place in the present to live peacefully with any of the Cyborg Pokemon who were interested in staying with it.
Celeborg is Grass/Steel Type (because I continue to insist that Celebi's time powers come from its Grass typing and not its Psychic typing. though Celeborg does still learn plenty of Psychic moves) with Levitate as its usual ability and Download as a Hidden Ability. The version in the AU has both thanks to how Abilities work there. Might draw it at some point.
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