carmine-golde · 5 months
The idea of Ymbrynes displaying avian traits specific to their bird form is absolutely hilarious to me. Owl ymbrynes who are always up late, corvids who love to collect trinkets, shrikes whose favorite food are kebabs, parrots who have a habit of repeating words, a kookaburra who has a very distinctive laugh, etc etc!! It’s a HC that I think adds a whole new layer of character depth and I think makes the ymbrynes seem just a bit more human :)
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grimmysfuntimeblog · 6 months
It’s kind of beautiful the way that the mphfpc fandom is so small, it almost mirrors the peculiars in the books, their numbers dwindling but everyone pretty much kinda working together kinda
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weirdddgirl · 8 months
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I FOUND THE SCENE!! It’s page 298 in “the desolations of devils arce”
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evil-feather · 6 months
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Updated Miss Peregrine cosplay with a new dress! I looove the dress because it fits her so much😄❤️
....I also couldn't decide if the eyeshot is creepy or cool😅
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honeysuckletoast · 1 month
Sense miss Glassbill doesn't have a real bird I present a head cannon to fix this:
When Miss glassbill transformed for the first time, miss Avocet and miss Bunting both found she was (to their best identification skills) extinct type of Penguin that was never scientifically identified, and thus had no name. They were content on calling her miss Penguin until they realized there was already a miss Penguin so to clear up the issue, they let her pick a name with the rule of "make it sound kinda like a bird."
This theory can be applied to all of the Ymbrynes with bird names that aren't birds. Miss Hawksbill picked her because she loves sea turtles and it sounds kinda like a bird
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marygih · 5 months
I redid my old drawing of V. I am extremely satisfied with the remake
New version
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Old version
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Okay not to make the ymbrynes look bad, I just like to add more depth to characters, sometimes make good people a little bit more shady yknow. But
What if loops do really have a narcotic effect on peculiars and that‘s how the birds ensure they will stay there
Also ignore my little note there on the side
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devine-devil · 2 months
A genuine question I have is: are ymbrynes just birds that fly, or is this prerequisite unnecessary? Are there Miss Penguins? Miss Kiwi? Miss emu? Miss ostrich?
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trainwrecksys · 5 months
cinemasins just raised a valid point. if all ymbrynes are female, how do they procreate? they also can't get married or have kids of their own, and their brothers don't share the ability to manipulate time. is it simply some sort of funky magic gene stuff and it gets carried down if their brothers so happen to have children? i'm sure there must be some answer to this in the books linked to demi-ymbrynes but i can't remember, been over 2 years since i finished them
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birdiesflying · 2 years
I was reading MPMoW and I noticed another inconsistency.
I’ve already noticed one: the map of the Cairnholm loop shows that the village is not in the loop. But then how did they play raid the village and how did Jacob meet the looped normals in the pub? Doesn’t make sense.
Anyhow, I see that Miss Peregrine says in the section about peculiarities that only Ymbrynes have the ability to shapeshift, and later in the Ymbryne section she mentions that there are no repeats of species of birds in Ymbrynes, so there are no other Peregrine Ymbrynes that aren’t her. (Page 18 + 125)
But then how did Caul manage to shapeshift into a Peregrine, or a bird in general if he isn’t an Ymbryne? And somebody said that they asked what Myron’s peculiarity is when meeting Ransom Riggs and he said that he can also turn into a bird like his siblings.
It does explain that there has been a shape shifter (who wasn’t an Ymbryne) before, although she says he is the only one she is aware of. What about Caul and Myron? Hmm.
So how does that work if they aren’t Ymbrynes and there are supposedly no other peregrine peculiars? I am very confused. Can someone explain? Or am I right in saying this is an inconsistency?
(P. S. I have not read the book past page 125, so if there is an answer to this later on just inform me of the page and don’t spoil. Thank you!)
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peculiar-archives · 2 years
Transcription of letter from Miss Rosefinch:
Dear Addie,
I admit, I was surprised to receive your correspondence. It has been long since we have had proper conversation! I hope you & your wards are in good health, as always. 
I do not know if you are to remember, but after my apprenticeship under Miss , I was restationed at a loop near Rothenburg, Germany, where a saint might take a moment to reflect on the benevolence of nineteenth century taverns (I am remaining vague on purpose. though I sincerely doubt this letter should fall into dubious hands, I do not subscribe to the risk)
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As for stories, I have one I remember quite clearly.
In Tanager Hall, I lived with Miss Nuthatch on the fifth floor (the number 514 still brings back great memories). It was our ninth year, and quite late at night, when pounding footsteps preceded a panicked rapping upon the door. 
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I woke up Effie, and quickly opened the door to see a positively delirious Miss Cockatiel wringing her hands. ‘Oh Ava!’ said I, frightened by such a sight. ‘What brings you to us so unnerved?’
‘I have seen her!’ yelped Cockatiel, and would not divulge the story until we sat her down fully and soothed her with the promise of tea (black). 
‘I have seen Anna Marie,’ said Cockatiel, still simpering and shaking her blonde hair out. Effie gasped in shock. If you remember, Anna was the ghost story that seniours were so fond of telling at the time. A girl who had died of mysterious circumstances which changed depending on the teller, and now haunted Tanager.
‘Really?’ said I, keeping (a) most level head as always. ‘Where?’
‘Just outside my room,’ said our Ava in hushed tones, ‘I was going to get an extra blanket from the hall closet - you know how drafty the room can get - and there she was.’ (we later learned this was a falsity, and Cockatiel had been secretly meeting with Miss Grackle to snog. Bless the folly of youth!) 
‘Well,’ I said, thinking. ‘I know what we shall do now. We shall go and we shall retrieve Miss Harrier, and Harriet shall tell us whether it is true.’ Harriet Harrier was on the Seventh floor, & a gifted spiritist in addition to her ymbryne abilities.
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I made to leave, and Ava whimpered she was too scared, and refused to be left alone, and me (once again, Padma the brave and level headed at the rescue!) announced I would go alone.
It was hard to see, and I lit a candle, and made my way through the dark staircases, to Harriet’s room, and knocked. Tired dark eyed, grey and black streaked mane of hair; Miss Harrier greeted sleepily. 
‘My floor is in quite a tizzy, they think they shall have seen a true specter! We shall plead your help in disproving this.’
Harriet then related some words that, in the conscience that you may share this with your loopmates, I do not deign to share. 
She accompanied me back to our hall, and in her black nightdress and tangled hair, was led to the scene of crime. Ava crept behind, guarded by Effie as if the ghost may suddenly jump to attack her.
‘So?’ asked I, ‘Is she quite here?’
‘Quiet!’ said Harriet. ‘One simply does not “see a spirit”’ 
I did not understand this, as to my knowledge at the time, this was quite what a spiritist did. (Now having met many a spiritist ward, I know differently the complexities of communication across the veil)
We waited for a dozen minutes, and then Harrier gasped. ‘I think I can hear something! Anna Marie? Is that quite you?’
Ava looked quite pale in the candlelight now, and Effie’s face had acquired a green tint. 
‘She is here,’ said Harriet in amazement. ‘There is a spirit living on this floor!’
‘What say she?’ asked I.
‘Her name is Eleanor, and she seems quite surprised. Oh, hello Eleanor!’ 
A loud thud sounded as Ava Cockatiel passed onto the floor, and a shriek as Effie leapt back. I could not care at all though, for I was in raptures. 
And that’s how Eleanor Johnson, the famous ghost of Tanager hall, was first known to be.
Best wishes, and all my love
Sincerely, Padma Rosefinch 
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grimmysfuntimeblog · 6 months
Adding on to my previous post bc I feel the need to express my absolute love for this fandom but I find it fucking hilarious how Ricky is mentioned like twice and then he just evaporates
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weirdddgirl · 5 months
I’m considering it I might write a mphfpc fanfic about Miss Thrush’s and Miss Nightjars loop(Melina and the blind/bone brothers ymbrynes) I already have the ocs for other wards sooo I might do
Probably do only one chapter and not have the attention spanned to write any more but I don’t know thattt
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evil-feather · 8 months
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NEW MISS PEREGRINE DRESS WHEEEE. Everyone say thank you @minha-xuh
It's pretty dark in my room so the pictures are dark lmao
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honeysuckletoast · 3 months
Head cannon: Alma sees Miss Avocet as her mother, due to the age miss Avocet was when she taught Alma (appearing to be mid 30's-40's). Francesca Bittern on the other hand See's miss Avocet as her grandmother, and cares and loves her as such
When Miss Avocet died, it struck them both to the core, but in different ways. Once Miss Peregrine and Miss Cuckoo started to train the new ymbrynes, Francesca was very cold and bitter due to the death of miss Avocet as she didn't even want to accept it.
Miss Peregrine finally gets her to open up after months of cold shoulders by sharing her memories of miss Avocet, to which Francesca shares her own, and they spend a whole afternoon reminiscing about her.
Francesca starts to see Miss Peregrine as a mother figure to look up to as she completes her training and starts her own home, just like how Alma looked up to Miss Avocet.
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marygih · 7 months
After ages I finally finished my fanart of this diva.
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