#Yinglet val salia
strawberrydakry · 2 years
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got my reference model to a point I can use it.
Since zhat is me I want to be able to see myself from any angle :}
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joe-england · 5 months
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Since the Pook are benched for now, I'll try posting commissions twice a week instead! That'll keep me on an even keel, and I've got so many right now that it'll keep me busy for a good while.
This first one is for your friend and mine, Val Salia. He likes to make crazy critters too, and his trademark race is the Yinglet, inhabitants of his ongoing comic, Out-of-Placers. I've mentioned it before, and again, I highly recommend it! They're zany as Hell, man. Like Muppets with sharp parts. Excellent stuff!
Doctors Without Borders
Save the Children
World Food Program
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aviyinglet · 6 months
Roadmap post for Pixel Yinglets v0.98
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Arr! It's been a couple of weeks, here's a Pixel Yinglets blog post. It can be viewed on my Gumroad page, or after the break.
An important reminder, also! Pixel Yinglets is currently in Early Access pricing, which will raise from $30 to $40 when it hits 1.0. There are two version number updates (each of which are slated to add features) between now and then, so you've got time if you'd like to see how it pans out -- but if you'd prefer not to wait, it can be purchased here.
Hello, everyone! I've been hard at work on a few things, one of which is an update to the model. It'll be a few weeks before 0.98 releases, but I'm committed to working on it routinely until then: I want to get this in its absolute best possible shape before Furality Umbra, and that requires a few additions to the model to make it look and feel a bit more yinglety.
The above screenshot is from the first steps of 0.98's remodeling push: as this is going to be the update that'll also be going on FurHub and VRCArena, the focus here is going to be on model aspects the player's going to see first: the hands, head, and face. What you're seeing here are two important changes: first, nostrils that aren't just a painted-on cluster of pixels, and second, ears that have concave geometry lining up with what you find in the yinglets of Val Salia. This is particularly important, as the previous attempt to articulate the form of the ears through a pixel texture is one of the messiest aspects of the model to date. I still need to make sure this new look plays nice with the customization blendshapes, but I'm very proud of how this looks so far.
I have very charitably been sent a set of three Vive 3.0 trackers, which has brought to the forefront an incentive to recreate more aspects of the Yinglet Experience. Here are a few things I anticipate putting in 0.98:
Remodeled ears, snout, hands, and feet. Already mentioned, bears mentioning again.
Toggleable shirt, dress, shorts, and skirt. Technically the main feature of this update; also bears repeating. Shirt will have a spot for front and back graphics, easily replaceable in the texture.
Cleaned-up pixel texture. I keep noticing minor tweaks I could make, and I'm gonna make 'em! Just you watch!
Toggleable first-person snout. I've tried this out in a different model and it's now a top priority.
Ears (and possibly whiskers) animating to facial expressions. The Out-of-Placers comic has gone into exceptional detail describing and depicting how this is meant to work, and I want to make good on that.
Puppetable tail. I anticipate it being a circle menu option where you can position it with a thumbstick and set it in place. I might not be able to get this fully working for 0.98, but I want players to be able to have their tail lay as flat on the floor as their back, for the noodle-like nature of the yinglet body to be made obvious in that pose. Ideally, when you lay on your side, you should have the ability to see your body from the chest down to tailtip without interruption.
Texture map resize from 512x512 to 4096x4096. Oh, an eye-popping figure! This is not to add fidelity to the pixel aspects, but to instead give myself more room to work. More on this further down in this post.
Elimination of gap between bottoms of tearducts and top of snout. Finally! UGH!
I want to take this opportunity to highlight one of the key traits of where I've always wanted to take this model: I started on this with the intent of having it replace the original yinglet model I used for myself, and for there to be no reason for me to want to switch back to my former main. We're not only not there yet, we're still quite a ways off -- and one of the reasons for that is because of a difference in direction between Pixel Yinglets and the original. For comparison, here's the original in its current state:
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Pixel Yinglets is currently more advanced than this, even when you only consider the eyes alone. The original's eye proportions look 'off' (they're spherical compared to the current model's oval shapes), and they're basically headlights with how emissive they are; I'm glad to have improved over those, and those traits won't be changing. The original's eyes do, however, have animating eyelids that move fluidly, as well as the wispy slit-pupil characteristic of a yinglet's eyes. This would be difficult to accomplish with the yinglet model's eyes in their pixelated state, which has me strongly considering for 0.99 making the "pixel" aspect of this either a toggle or a separately uploadable version (maintaining feature parity, that's important) rather than a given aspect of the model: to allow players to swap between pixelated and non-pixelated pupil and eyelid geometry sets, and to in turn also make a version of the body/clothing textures that's in a resolution you expect to see in any other VRChat model. In short: As of the eventual 0.99 update, in addition to Pixel Yinglets, you'll also have access to a featureset and aesthetic look equivalent to if the model package was just called "Yinglets", without any upgrade fees or anything like that.
Anyway, that's where I'm at at the moment. Thanks for your support, everyone! Any thoughts on this, let me know.
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fenmere · 3 years
Did you know we have yinglets in our system? (yinglets are the property of Val Salia, author of the comic Out Of Placers) So, this story just told itself in our head: --- So, a yinglet walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "Have you got any clams?"
And the bartender says, "No."
Heartbroken, the yinglet gives him a clam and walks out dejectedly, forgetting the rest of the joke.
The next day, the yinglet comes back and says, "I remember zhe rest of zhe joke! Have you got any snails?"
"Ah, you got that wrong," the bartender says. "It's nails, not snails."
And the yinglet cries, "Zhat's what I said!"
So, on the third day, the yinglet comes into the bar, and before he can say anything, the bartender just hands him a clam, and the yinglet goes, "HOLY SHIT, HOW DID YOU KNOW?!"
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fenmere · 3 years
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OK, so in the last three days, we've binged and caught up with Out Of Placers, by Val Salia. And in the process we not only gained liaisons for all the characters, as usual, but our system generated at least one self insert, a core member of our system who identifies as a Yinglet and part of that world. Her name is Ezhrez, and she is a lesbian. Which is kind of one of the most awkward orientations for yinglet society. Her matriarch doesn't really know what to do with her, as she finds the boys cute but not arousing. She does like trans girls, though. But figuring out which of the "male" yinglets are trans girls and which are not is kind of a fine line. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. And it doesn't really fit with the breeding schedule. And then she's also always awkwardly flirting with the matriarch and the other girls. Anyway, she'd also rather go wandering around and adventuring than hanging out in the enclave. The coloring is a bit rough for what we usually strive for, but our art is probably just going to continue to go that route. We don't really have the energy to be more careful anymore due to our disabilities. It's amazing we did this much.
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