#Yes you can assume I was cackling to myself while writing that part lmao
lex-n-weegie · 3 years
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Man I love being evil gidvdna
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marriael · 4 years
Be my Latibule? (Changbin x Reader)
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Request: My pace 24 w changbin? uwu im a sucker for the idea of tattooist bin lmao I so vibed with this request, I love thinking about tattoist bin
Word count: 3717
a/n: part of the reason this took so long is I had to restart it twice :(
You walk into work at Insomnia Coffee Shop and your co-worker, Sohee, greets you.
“Anyone fun yet?” You ask. She's usually in when the store opens and often gets the most interesting customers.
“Not today. But yesterday a cute guy came in and ordered 3 americanos. Turns out it was for him and 2 friends. I tried to give them for free cause he looked half dead but he wouldn't let me. Who even does that?“
While she was talking you had slipped on the ugly orange apron and scowl when you noticed someone double knotted and didn't untie the strings.
You shake your head, “probably a college student pulling an all-nighter. What college student turns down free anything? Ugh, I wish some cute barista offered me free coffee, just, ever.”
Sohee turns and passes the drink over the counter. “For Jeno!”
A cute guy comes up to grab and winks at her before he turns to the door. Your jaw drops a little and you slap her shoulder.
“Is he a regular?” You ask.
“Nope. Said he got a recommendation from a friend and went out of his way to come. Weird day to do it though.”
You hum as the next customer comes in and you get thoroughly distracted. It isn’t until he comes up to the counter and speaks that you stop staring blankly.
“1 latte, 1 americano,” his voice is low and rough and he’s a little bit intimidating honestly. He’s got a small bit of a tattoo poking out one of the sleeves and you try and look at it before you have to turn around.
“Is that a tattoo?” You ask him when you turn around.
He rolls the short sleeve up to his shoulder to expose the full tattoo and you stare at the simple beauty of the moon and stars.
“Woah, that’s cool!” Sohee must’ve seen him just in her peripheral… or she was staring like you. You nod emphatically in agreement.
He blushes a little and says “thanks. Couldn’t reach this part of my arm or else I would’ve done it myself, but I still drew it.”
“Do you work at a tattoo parlour then?”
“Yeah, I do a lot of the designs for our place,”
You gasp, “can I come look at them? Please?” You pout trying to convince him to accept your strange request. You just felt something pulling you towards these drawings and the man who made them.
He looks at you for a moment then says, “yeah, let me give you the address. When you come in just ask for Changbin.”
He pulls out a random business card, not his unfortunately, and writes down the address. He slides it over and covers his smile with a sip.
You turn back to the coffee machines as he walks out the door but Mina stops you.
“Changbin huh? He was pretty cute,” she smirks.
“Hush your mouth and get back to work, brat.”
“Nuh-uh! I get to leave now but if, no no not if when, you meet him we're talking about this later.”
The next day was Tuesday and, thankfully, it was mostly empty of things for you. So you pull out the piece of paper Changbin gave you and looked up the address.
It was just a couple blocks down from the coffee shop and you head out. The building is small and squished right between a bakery and a florist, basically some cheesy romance just waiting to happen.
You walked in and looked around. There were corkboards on either sidewall and they were filled with drawings pinned to them. The bottoms of them fluttered a little at the draft you brought with you.
When you looked at him the man behind the counter raised an eyebrow at you. Ah, so it was very obvious you wouldn't be in here often.
You let out a little nervous laugh, “hi, Changbin told me to come see him here?”
The man raised both eyebrows at that. You fiddled as he looked you over again then laughed a little. “Changbin!” He suddenly yelled.
From one of the closed side rooms comes a muffled voice “go away Chan, I’m busy!”
The man at the desk, Chan, turns back to you “sorry, he’s always like this. He’s probably just sketching a custom.”
“Oh, I can come back later if he’s busy.”
Chan doesn’t answer you and instead yells at Changbin again “I know you’re not actually busy. Your partner is here to see you!”
“Hey!” You protest but Chan just grins at you as you hear the door open.
“Chan what the hell are you-” Changbin cuts himself off and gently smiles when he sees you “hey, didn’t think you were actually gonna come.”
You smile back at him. He looks much softer when he’s smiling and you were briefly caught off guard.
“Tell me again about how you’re not dating or at least interested, “ Chan’s eyes flick between the shy but wide smiles on yours and Changbin’s faces.
Changbin rolls his eyes but inclines his head towards the door he was behind and you follow behind him. He closes the door most of the way behind you and then moves to sit at the desk in the far corner. There are more drawings in here and you assume all of them are his. It’s a wide variety of subjects, from small sketches of animals and plants to large and detailed fantasy creatures.
“Sorry about Chan, he’s always delighted in teasing anyone who’s younger than him,” Changbin shakes his head, probably at Chan even though he can’t see or hear in the room.
“Have you two known each other a long time then?” You ask and tilt your head a little.
“Ah, yeah,” Changbin looks at you again, “most of us met in high school and a couple joined right at the start of college. College was really when our whole group started getting close, too.”
“Sounds nice,” you were paying attention to him, promise, but with such wonderful drawings surrounding you, you really couldn’t help it if your attention drifted a bit.
Changbin notices and raises an eyebrow slightly, “interested in getting one?”
“What? Oh, no no, not right now at least. They’re just… really, really good.”
Changbin immediately looks down and smiles, and you could swear he was blushing a bit but when he looks back up it's gone.
“There’s a couple hidden ones in here that aren’t mine. Think you can spot ‘em?” He challenges.
You immediately head up to one of the boards and stand about 5 centimetres away. You push a couple of them up and out of the way, making sure to be careful. There really is all sorts of stuff, Changbin must be pretty busy. A rushing river done with such detail you can almost see it moving. Swirls that when you look just right suddenly snap into focus to make an abstract, soaring bird. Nature moulded with a person or item in such a seamless way that there is not a difference between them, they are simply one continuous sight.
You’re looking for hidden drawings, not ogling at Changbin’s skills. Right. When you move one more there is a small piece of paper. There is… something on it. Either Changbin drew this when he was about 5 years old or it was someone else.
“Hey, I found one. I don’t even know what this is though, it looks like a squiggle.”
Changbin laughs, “hold on.”
He comes and looks right over your shoulder. You can feel his hot breath on your ear and feel his chest move when he laughs at the drawing again. You quickly reign in the slight disappointment when he moves away.
“Yeah, that’s the thing Chan keeps trying to make our mascot. Felix and I won’t let him so until one of us breaks it’s two against one,” he shrugs and it doesn’t look like he feels bad at all.
“Do all your friends have a drawing stashed in here somewhere?”
“Well, I’ve seen at least 16 drawings put in here so yes they all have one. Some of them and Felix, Jisung’s special twin, has hidden at least 4. There’s probably more that he did when I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Ugh, how many friends do you even have. If it’s more than, like, 6 I might be genuinely angry.”
Changbin practically cackles, “well then get ready to be absolutely furious. There’s 9 of us, including myself and everyone I’ve already mentioned.”
“That’s not even fair! How have you all been friends for so long without someone murdering someone else.”
“Oh, believe me. Seungmin’s wanted to. Unfortunately, his best friends are some of our greatest problem children. Though sometimes I'm pretty sure he'll murder them first.”
“Any other possible murderers I should worry about seeing?” You flip a couple more pictures up, still passively looking for any other weird drawings.  
“Hm, Minho's murderous intentions are usually directed at Jisung. He'd do it for his cats too, though. He definitely fits in well.”
“Were there concerns about him not fitting in?”
“Yeah 'cause, he was the last one to join us, but he’s just as chaotic if not more. For Chan’s graduation night he insisted on using some mini firework things he found. Nearly lit himself and Jisung on fire with the very first one.”
Something clicks in your brain. You’ve heard this story before, from one of your random classmates. He was… interesting, to put it politely.
“Are you talking about Lee Minho? The smug bastard who tried to get everyone to call him Lee Know for like 5 months? And Han Jisung, my co-worker kind of, that I’m pretty sure hates me for some reason?”
“Wait, you know them? And why do you think Jisung hates you?”
“Yeah, Minho was my weird classmate. I’m like 90% sure Jisung hates me because he barely looks at me and gives one-word answers to all of my questions. I don’t really see him other than during shift switches but still!”
“I think Minho actually might have mentioned you before. And Jisung is just like that around people he doesn’t know. Trust me, he actually has the capacity to be the loudest person in the room. By far.”
“Huh, I wonder how many of your friends I actually know.”
"Well, we're hanging out on Thursday. Do you want to come with and meet some more of them?”
You hum thoughtfully, thinking of any possible commitments you had made lately, “I probably can but can I bring Sohee? Just so I know someone there?”
“Do I still not count as someone you know?” He whines and pouts a little for the extra effect.
“Not enough. If you all go off on some inside joke I need someone to be confused with.”
“Actually fair, because it might happen. I’ll let you know when and where we’re going later then.”
You pull out your phone and extend it to him, when he looks at it confused you raise an eyebrow, “unless you plan to send it by bird I recommend putting your number in my phone.”
He makes a surprised noise and keeps his eyes away from you and on your phone. It has not spread to his face but under his dark hair his bright red ears peek out just enough for you to see. Even when handing it back he doesn’t look at you and you smile at his bashfulness.
“See ya soon, Bin. I work again tomorrow.”
Directions are not always your strong suit. You’d like to believe they are and that’s how you end up like this, no map and unsure of what direction you should even look in.
“You look lost,” a voice comes from behind you.
You spin around. A tall puppy-like guy is standing behind you, he looks slightly amused and you’re betting it’s at your expense.
“Yeah, do you know where M.I.A Café is?”
“Oh,” he nods, “yeah I’m going there. Let’s go.”
It’s slightly awkward, walking this distance with someone you don’t know. You search your brain with how to start a conversation with someone.
“Are you… meeting someone at the café?” You ask, slightly awkward.
“Yeah, a couple of my friends.”
“Huh, so am I. Well, actually, it’s someone else’s friends and I’m just kinda tagging along,” you shrug, realizing how awkward this will probably be.
“Good luck with that,” he says as he holds the door for you.
You enter and scan the tables for Changbin’s face. You wave and slip into the chair opposite him. On the edge of the table thankfully, hopefully Sohee can recognize the back of your head. Someone sits next to you and you get a little shock seeing who it is.
He grins at you, “hey stranger.”
The guy you walked all that way with one of Changbin’s friends!
Changbin looks between you confusedly, “you know Seungmin?”
“He helped me get here. I might have gotten a little lost.”
“A little, ok. You had no idea where you were,” Seungmin snarks.
“Maybe so!”
“Well good to know you get along with another one of my friends already,” Changbin interjects.
Someone comes up and sits beside Changbin.
“Hey, I’m Hyunjin,” he greets you simply.
You give him a little wave. You don’t like judging people so fast but he’s a little intimidating.
You hear a little scrape of a chair beside and Sohee pops down at the end of the table.
“Sohee, you made it!”
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” she sticks out her tongue at you.
“I’ve seen you somewhere before,” Hyunjin speaks up and you whip your head towards him.
Sohee looks at him and squints for a moment. They start looking at each other for so long that you think they’re actually just having a staring contest. You think you recognize someone walking outside but when you actually look out the window you have no idea who any of them are. It’s still a nice day out, maybe you can go out somewhere after this.
“Oh! You’re the guy I thought was going to drink 3 americanos the other day!”
“Sohee~” you sing.
“What?” She looks at you, annoyed.
“You forgot an important detail that you told me about him.”
She looks genuinely confused for a moment before catching on and shaking her head, “shut up, nope nope nope.”
“You think he’s cute!” You cackle.
You, Changbin, and Seungmin make fun of Sohee and Hyunjin for a little while. It backfires when Sohee manages to sneakily turn the attention on you, well you and Changbin. Together, you being together.
“Yeah, and you stared at him for so long when he came in!” Sohee says.
“Sohee, kindly shut your mouth,” you reply, smiling the most pained and fake smile ever.
“Ok, please don’t pour your drink on me, I’m afraid. Also we work together so I’m coming for you.”
You just roll your eyes at her, you didn’t actually scare her and you both know that. She just likes to be some sort of annoying sister to you.
Hyunjin clears his throat and when you look at him his eyes are bright. He smiles sneakily and says, “you should hear about the time Changbin actually poured his drink on someone.”
“Hyunjin that was an accident and you know it!” Changbin exclaims, attempting to shoulder check a giggling Hyunjin.
You breeze into Blueprint Tattoos and Chan looks up in surprise.
“Hey there, didn’t know you were coming in today.”
You let out a single, unnatural ‘ha’, “I didn’t know either but uh, here I am.”
“Well, Changbin’s in his usual spot. I don’t think he has anything today.”
“Thanks,” you nod stiffly.
Looking around at the cork boards you can see some of them definitely done in Changbin’s style and a handful more you suspect would be his. You breathe out heavily and slouch a little before straightening and walking towards where Changbin should be, full of false confidence.
“Are you ok?” Chan asks and when you look over his eyebrows are furrowed and his forehead pinched down a little. The concern from someone you barely know is a little unusual but the warmth you get from it is welcoming.
“Yeah, just a little nervous you know?” You force a small laugh but you know it’s not convincing.
“Oh!�� Chan exclaims, “well if this is what I think it is then good luck.”
Chan’s face is completely relaxed and you feel a little bit bad for making him worry so much. You’re not entirely sure what he thinks you’re doing but you smile at his kindness as you open Changbin’s door.
He has headphones in and doesn’t hear when you close the door behind you. You stand there for a minute, back against the door, just looking at him. Most people move to what they’re listening to but the only thing moving is his hand and it glides across the page. You have no idea what he’s doing but you just hope he’ll show it to you when he’s done.
You take a big breath in and out before approaching him. Tapping his shoulder gently you hope not to cause him to jerk his arm and ruin a line or anything. He stops completely and pulls his headphones out. He looks a little annoyed but then he looks up to see you and his face eases.
“Hi! I didn’t know you were coming today. Anything specific on the brain or did you just want to hang out with Best Friend Binnie?” He gives you an exaggerated and comical wink.
“Give me a tattoo?” You say, surprisingly calm for how jittery you actually feel.
“Wait, what? Are you sure? Like really sure?”
You roll your eyes like a stereotypical teenager would at their parents, that is to say, so far back it felt like they would disappear into your head, “no, Changbin, I’m not sure. I’ve really only been thinking about it basically since the first time I walked into this room.”
“That was only a week ago,” Changbin deadpans.
“Yeah, and?”
Changbin shakes his head, “I’m not going to give you a tattoo you’ll regret.”
You look around at the drawings. Feeling like that one action gave this decision away as way more spontaneous than it had originally seemed. Yes, you had been thinking about getting one and getting Changbin to do it for you but doing it today specifically was a complete impulse.
“I’m not going to regret it! Bin, please,” you pout at him.
Changbin tilts his head to look at the ceiling as if it will give him some guidance.
“What do you want?”
You clap your hands excitedly and then hesitate again.
“Well, I know I want a flower but… I want you to choose which one. I want it to be a flower with a good meaning behind it.”
Changbin nods and stands there considering your request. You take the time to look around his office again. Staring at all the intricate drawings on the walls you feel a bit dorky choosing to get a simple flower. Your eyes briefly catch on two stylized drawings of the word SpearB. One of them has a cute little ‘Binnie~’ under it and the other has a messy ‘Chanathan’ in English and Korean.
There are a couple of flowers scattered throughout the room so you’re a bit surprised when you hear Changbin ripping a page out of his sketchbook. His back is to you so you can’t see him cutting it down to a size to la and trace on your body. You can hear the gentle snips of scissors as you distract yourself with rows of flowers connected and individual petals with such detail you could believe them being real.
You watch as he gently traces the pattern onto your skin. You don’t recognize the flower right away but it looks delicate and beautiful. You think you catch him glancing up at you a few times but you’re pretty sure the clock is behind you and he’s looking at that.
You zone out almost entirely as he prepares. Well, it’s not exactly zoning out. You’d say it’s appreciation of an attractive man, your friends would say that you’re just checking him out.
Ok, so what if you are? Changbin’s shirt has no sleeves which means his arms are on full display which means that you can’t stop looking at the muscles flexing as he moves. Thankfully you’re conscious enough to look away when he turns back around.
The buzz of the gun wakes you up and Changbin is looking at you.
“All good?” He asks.
“Yeah, let’s do this.”
You watch for a moment as he starts going and the ink sinks permanently into your skin. It’s a strange thing to conceptualize, something being on your body forever. You catch a glimpse of Changbin’s concentrated face and you get completely distracted by him. If this is what he looks like everytime he gives a tattoo then you want to observe, even study, him.
His mouth is set in a firm line and eyebrows pinched slight inwards and downwards. His eyes are wide and focused and if you look closely enough you can see every slight movement of his irises following his hand around.
Neither of you say a word and you don’t dare move to try and look at the clock or your phone. Just watching and waiting in silence, but together. A shared silence is different than one had alone.
Silences by yourself can feel wrong sometimes but this kind of silence with Changbin feels so right that you almost never want it to end.
Good things often come quicker than they should and soon the buzzing stops. You can hear phantom buzzing still and suspect you will for quite a while. You lift your arm and look at it, it’s finished now but you’re still not sure what it is and certainly not what it means.
“What is it?” You ask.
“An almond blossom. It, uh, it means promise.”
“Promise, huh?” You grin and look at Changbin's pink-ish face.
You expect him to have some witty comment but instead, he just smiles goofily and breathlessly says, “yeah.”
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rantingnbanting · 5 years
It’s finally time
Spider-Man: Far From Home Movie Review
Hee hee i had a shit ton of this done already and then my dumbass accidentally closed the tab so yeah :’)
For some reason, this took me so long to want to write. I saw the movie this afternoon, and it’s almost midnight as I’m writing this. Granted, I am on vacation and was a little busy, but I just needed time to process this movie. The movie seemed really dense to me, and I just had to scroll through tumblr looking at other posts to finally get the nerve to write this.
So, the moment you’ve all been waiting for...
Just as an FYI, I saw this with my sister, a fan of the MCU, and my dad, a diehard DC fan but just saw this for shits and giggles. And I will be referencing endgame a lot during this too.
- Did I like it?
Yeah!!!! I loved the humor in it, and the plot was well written. Mysterio is an awesome character in this, though he is a villain.
- What didn’t I like?
(I’ll go into more detail later) The cgi in this, the lack of some of the topics introduced in endgame, the casts’ age, and some of the Peter X MJ scenes (I said some! I do love Peter and MJ together!)
- Pacing?
Honestly? Pretty good for a marvel movie. Marvel usually has some issues with pacing *cough cough endgame cough cough*, but I was thoroughly impressed with this one. Everything seemed well drawn out, and I was never left feeling that a certain scene was too long/short. Kudos because that I am very picky with pacing lol
- Humor
This movie is probably one the funniest movies in the MCU, and it was one of the most memorable aspects of the movie. The morning announcements made my sister and myself wheeze and I had tears rolling down my face as I cackled. Ned and Betty were the truest presentation of Highschool romance I have ever seen. Starting on a whim, being attached to the hip for a few weeks (maybe even a few months), and then breaking up. I honestly loved them together. I’m happy they didn’t go down the “sad and neglected best friend” route with Ned because he deserves so much better. “I’m strong and sticky” made my stomach hurt because I was laughing so hard. PETER BITCH-SLAPPING FLASH WHEN HE WOULDNT GIVE BACK THE GLASSES. AHDHDBDJDHDJ
- plot?
I thought the plot was really clever. Like I said earlier, anyone could see mysterio’s real side from a mile away, but the way they went about the conflict and the climax of the story was very interesting as well. The only thing is that when they were first explaining the secret plan and thinking everyone, I got a little lost. I did finally realize how the bots produce an illusion, but I kind of had to figure that on my own. I was confused how things were being broken and destroyed by the creatures, but the team said that nothing was actually getting broken because it’s all just an illusion. Idk there were some plot holes, but they got mostly filled, so I’m not worried about it lmao.
- Favorite character?
While I do love Ned with every fiber of my being, he just didn’t have the same spark that he did in homecoming. Maybe that’ll change as I see the movie again, but my favorite character in this movie was definitely Mysterio. Jake Gyllenhaal is a phenomenal actor, and I don’t think anyone could have pulled off Mysterio like he did. As I assume most of the internet knows, Mysterio is an actual villain in the Spider-Man comics, and he has powers that create illusions, and I thought that this was a really cool way to portray Mysterio with making him a person. Even without knowing that Mysterio is a villain in the comics, it wasn’t that difficult to predict that he would reveal that he’s a villain. Thinking back, there was a part during the the fight with the fire monster in Prague when something broke off of the Ferris wheel, and I thought to myself “damn, it was almost like the Ferris wasn’t really there” And the illusion scene was by far the coolest scene in the entire movie. It gave me strong Doctor Strange vibes (I wonder why I like I so much lmao) and it showed how vulnerable Peter is. But Mysterio has the aura that just made you love to hate him, and I love characters like that.
- Soundtrack?
It was awesome. Mysterio’s theme is definitely the best. I actually listened to the soundtrack before I saw the movie, and it was cool to hear some of the familiar tunes. It would fucking awesome to hear an ensemble perform the Far From home suite live.
- Peter and MJ
Okay, I understand what they were trying to do with their relationship: display a typical, awkward high school relationship. Ngl, they kind of overdid the awkwardness. Not every relationship is both people constantly stuttering and muttering when they’re next to each other. And that fuckin kiss. It made me so uncomfortable. Me and my sister literally looked at each other and said, “That was the most awkward thing I have ever seen in my entire life” after the kiss. I like that the writers were trying to break from the stereotypical high school relationship, but I do think they overdid the awkwardness a bit.
HOW DARE YOU RIP A FATHER FROM A BOY AND GIRL AND NOT HAVE THEM INTERACT AT ALL. This is probably one of my biggest critiques because this movie makes it look like they introduced Morgan just to take her away. Same with Harley! Imagine how awesome peter and Harley could be together.
Okay, I blame my dad for this. He was the one who introduced me to CGI (Computer-generated imagery) and how to spot it. In marvel movies, CGI is not uncommon, especially in the fight scenes. And I honestly did not give endgame enough credit when it came to CGI hulk. He looked absolutely phenomenal, but I have to say that a good amount of the CGI in this movie was rough. I always say, if you can tell it’s CGI, then it’s bad CGI. It’s really hard to explain, but if something looks like it belongs in a video game rather than in a live action movie, then the CGI is pretty rough. It takes experience to learn how to point it out. Mysterio didn’t look bad the entire time, but some shots of him floating (like the rooftop scene) just looked so fake. And the swinging scene at the end was absolutely horrendous. It looked like MJ was swinging with the peter from the ps4 videogame. The background imagery and the elemental monsters looked real for the most part, and they looked great and real. Just some character mods were really wonky.
- Cast
Okay, I’m going to just say it. What the fuck was that cast? To me, everyone looked so much older than the first one. Like I get it that some of them were “blipped” and aged, but holy shit Ned and peter looked so much older than in the first movie. And, holy shit, Peter is ripped in this movie. I know Tom mentioned in an interview that he was more buff in this movie compared to homecoming, but he was so much more, for lack of better phrasing, wide.
I mean, come on
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If the next movie is set in high school again, I honestly have no idea what they will do because, right now, Tom is 23 and Zendaya is 22. And yes I get it that it’s not that old, but if the next one is going to wait 2 years at least for the next Spider-Man movie, they’ll be less like high school students and more like adults.
And while I would have been extremely pissed if they changed the cast, I’m just kind of peeved on how mature the cast looked.
- Ending?
The first ending was what everyone wanted. I could have left the theater then and would have been perfectly fine. But I had to watch the end credits scenes. And then my world crumpled. Hearing Mysterio reveal Peter was so surreal. Almost too surreal... but that’s for another post ;). It provides for a great cliffhanger, but it makes me wonder how they’re going to continue the MCU from here. Obviously, they’re going to do the Black Widow Movie and Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 (hopefully) but what next? Is there going to be another “avengers” movie? If so, what about Peter? Bc he’s in quite the pickle rn. And the pair credits scene just confused me ngl. So, Fury and Hill were never actually there? It does make sense why fury didn’t catch onto some things, but it does allow for some interesting conversations. This plus BARF equals who knows what for the future because this stuff is practically the reality stone. No one knows what’s real or not. And that’s scary. Also, does the multiverse exist? I know Beck and his crew made some stuff up for the purpose of tricking Fury and Peter, but the avengers still used the quantum realm to time travel, and who knows what types of alternate universes that created.
What does the future hold? No one knows
But it does allow for interesting theories ;)
Side note: I really noticed the resemblance in these in ffh
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Hey marvel please introduce Deadpool played by Ryan Reynolds into the MCU thansk ily
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