#Yes mu does have a pink DS
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witch-sweets · 11 months ago
Triple Kiddo!
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terribletrollstbh · 6 years ago
-- sturdySixshooter [SS] began pestering diogenesDestroyer [DD] at 16:13 --
[04:13] SS: H-ya
[04:13] DD: eyo
[04:14] SS: How's !t go!n, doll?
[04:14] DD: ..oooo, ur that cowgurl aintcha?
[04:14] DD: going lots better now that YOU'RE here, hun ;))
[04:14] SS: shoot, looks l!k- ya got m-
[04:15] SS: haha, !t looks l!k- !m alr-ady w!nn!n ya ov-r
[04:15] DD: what can i TELL YA, im a SUCKER for PRETTY GURLS
[04:16] SS: aww now your just t-as!n
[04:17] DD: hey, i might not -DIG the cowboy thing AT FIRST, but i aint SHY about telling a GURL how sweet she looks
[04:17] DD: so SPEAKING OF cowboy thing....
[04:17] SS: h-h-
[04:17] DD: .... what kin--Da stuff --Does a COWGURL like ya GET UP TO
[04:18] SS: !t's mostly just th- acc-nt but round!ng up hoofb-asts !s rath-r -asy
[04:19] SS: though th- rop- !s for... oth-r... act!v!t!-s
[04:19] DD: so like, HORNE-D hoofbeasts or the ones HIGBLOO-DS like? with the silly hair n stuff
[04:19] DD: oooo now LOOK who's teasing!
[04:20] SS: Ma!nly th- on-s th-m blu-s s--m to worsh!p so... horn-d ! gu-ss
[04:20] SS: ha ha oh my ! probably shouldnt hav- sa!d noth!ng
[04:21] DD: aw cmon :(( -DONT clam up now SUNSHINE, yall were just SHINING
[04:21] SS: haha w-ll now
[04:22] SS: ! suppos- !t would b- a m!ght rud- to l-av- a f!n- lady alon- for a n!ght
[04:22] DD: exactly!
[04:23] DD: yknow the whole PREFERENCE for a CASTE thing always seeme--D WEIR-D to me
[04:23] DD: but HONESTLY? i always -DUG me some yellowbloo--Ds
[04:23] SS: !t's
[04:23] DD: especially when theyre -DOWNRIGHT GOL-DEN
[04:23] SS: oh
[04:23] SS: shoot now
[04:23] SS: g-tt!n m- all flust-r-d
[04:24] DD: cant KEEP up? --Dont WORRY hun, i can go at WHATEVER PACE you like ;)
[04:24] SS: k--p on talk!n that way and ! m!ght just hav- to g-t doll-d up for you
[04:24] DD: if you're SERIOUSLY looking for a GOO-D TIME, how about YOU an--D I meet up someplace TONIGHT?
[04:25] DD: i got some GOO-D club recommen--Dations, but im ALWAYS up for a SURPRISE if you got something BETTER in min--D
[04:26] SS: w-ll ha
[04:26] SS: !m not so much good at danc!ng and whatnot
[04:27] DD: really? not even SQUARE -DANCING?
[04:28] SS: oh ha no no
[04:29] SS: just caus- ! got an acc-nt and ! work a farm dont m-an ! car- for oth-r st-r-otyp-s
[04:29] DD: FAIR. to be HONEST, i woul--Dve HURLE-D if you sai--D yes ;P
[04:30] SS: w-ll ! appr-c!at- th- s-nt!m-nt hun
[04:30] SS: !'d much rath-r l!v- !n a c!ty, but ! got a job h-r-
[04:31] DD: yeah? well why --Dont you COME on -DOWN to my place, i live in this SCUZZY HIVECLUSTER thats actually, like, in a REALLY COOL part of town.
[04:31] SS: Hmm mayb- !'ll tak- you up on that off-r
[04:32] SS: you do talk som- pr-tty c!rcl-s, so !'ll tak- your word
[04:33] DD: theres MORE about me thats PRETTY than just how i TALK ;)
[04:33] DD: so WHAT kin--D of STUFF --Do you like to -DO? i BET i can fin--D SOMEPLACE we coul--D meet up
[04:33] SS: ! -njoy som- food
[04:34] SS: though uh that's a m!ght obv!ous wh-n ya s-- m-
[04:35] DD: well THATS easy ;P i know this CUTE un--Dergroun--D restaurant that like, makes SUSHI for lowbloo--Ds.
[04:35] SS: Oh? ! don't b-l!-v- !'v- -v-r tr!-d proff-s!onally mad- sush!
[04:36] DD: yeah like, its REAL HAR-D for em to get FRESH STUFF, so it pops up every WEEK or so
[04:37] DD: keep your NIGHTS free for me -DARLING, an--D i can HIT you UP when it next opens ;)
[04:37] SS: That s--ms rath-r unfortunat- for a r-staurant bas-d on sush!
[04:38] DD: WHAT can you SAY? scuzzy SEA-DWELLERS got a STRANGLEHOL-D on the business
[04:38] SS: Tru-.
[04:38] SS: Though ! do know a f-w who ar- rath-r down to hom-.
[04:38] SS: thogh thy oft-n g-t call-d mutants
[04:40] DD: eh, i--D rather AVOI-D talking about MUTIES. --Dont got much PROBLEMS with em personally, but i aint about to get CULLE-D just for talking to someone
[04:41] SS: ! doubt th- pol!c- w!ll -v-r th!nk to w!r-tap a publ!c chat forum
[04:41] SS: th-y'r- a m!ght too worr!-d about y-llow bloods hav!n ps!on!c pot-nt!al
[04:41] DD: REALLY? cus like, thats EXACTLY what they fucking -DO
[04:42] DD: i thought SCIENTERRORISTS took care of that PSIIONIC crap
[04:42] SS: ! don't actually hav- knowl-dg- of no m!l!tary bu!sn-ss
[04:42] SS: ! just know from -xp-r!-nc- that ! a!n't b--n cull-d y-t
[04:43] SS: and ! talk from h!gh h-av-n to d--p alt-rn!a about mutants
[04:44] DD: EITHER WAY, lets not BUM OUT the convo with talk about CULLING. i--D RATHER talk about what a CUTIE like you --Does in her SPARE TIME
[04:44] SS: w-ll ! -njoy som- mus!c and cook!ng
[04:45] SS: oth-rw!s- my day !s rath-r full tak!ng car- of my h-rd
[04:46] DD: aw, WORKING GURL, huh? at least you can JAM to TUNES while, i --Dunno, POKING COWS?
[04:46] SS: Haha don't say !t l!k- that
[04:46] SS: !t sounds w!-rd
[04:46] SS: but y-s ! do oft-n l!st-n to mus!c wh!l- ! work
[04:47] DD: WHAT, woul--D PUSHING -DOGS soun--D better? im a CITY SLICKER, --Darling, i aint know what COWFOLK actually -DO
[04:48] DD: maybe i coul--D SWING by your place an--D LEARN all about it
[04:48] SS: !t's bas!cally l!k- k--p!ng a r-ally larg- p-t.
[04:48] SS: you f--d !t, mak- sur- !t's h-althy, and l-t !t do !t's own th!ng.
[04:48] SS: occa!sonally g!v!ng th-m a carrot for b-!ng good hoofb-asts
[04:49] DD: think my RHINESTONE COWBOOTS woul--D looks better, or the HOT PINK number? i wanna LOOK my BEST for your pets
[04:49] SS: Haha ! wouldn't w-ar anyth!ng fancy unl-ss you wanna r!sk st-ppng on on- of th-m landm!n-s th-y s-t
[04:50] DD: ha ha EW, i was JOKING about the boots, MAYBE i shoul--D get some RUBBER ONES instea--D if we being REAL PRACTICAL here
[04:52] SS: Haha.
[04:52] SS: How would you r-act !f ! don- sa!d th- landm!n-s w-r- r-al?
[04:52] SS: m!l!try grad- -xplos!v-s
[04:53] SS: s-t by cows
[04:53] DD: oh GO-D, now i CANT actually TELL if you're talking about LEAVINGS or not XP
[04:54] SS: h-h- !'m not b-!n s-r!ous hun.
[04:55] SS: !f that w-r- th- cas-, !'dv- b--n d-ad for a long t!m-
[04:55] DD: well, thats GOO-D, otherwise i WOUL-DNT have gotten to MEET YA
[04:55] DD: ...of course, thats BA-D for ME, cus now i gotta WATCH for TUR-DS if i vist ya
[04:56] SS: Haha !t's f!n-.
[04:57] SS: Th-y mostly try to k--p !t !n a c-ntral ar-a
[04:58] DD: well AT LEAST it aint WHACK a MOLE with --Doo--Dy, i AINT too GOO-D at that game.
[04:58] SS: You'r- funny.
[04:59] DD: i--D LOVE to keep chatting hun, but i got a PARTY i nee--D to get rea--Dy for. UNFORTUNATELY this beauty TAKES TIME
[04:59] SS: ! gotta h-ad off, th-y'r- bray!n f-r som- food
[04:59] SS: talk to you lat-r?
[04:59] DD: PROMISE!
[04:59] SS: ;)
-- sturdySixshooter [SS] ceased pestering diogenesDestroyer [DD] at 16:59 --
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