#Yes Sebastian is having flashbacks to his own post-transformation just learning how to move time frames
puppetmaster13u · 1 month
hi I’m back again to ask about the down in the deep au
How’s Danny handling the whole deaged/transformation into sea Creature/melding/not having his full power set? Also how is he feeling about his new guardian figure(?)
Does he miss his human feet
Are you in my google docs lol?
He actually is more than a hint hysterical when he first realizes his legs are gone. And doesn't realize how 'small' he is at first or that he doesn't have his powers thanks to the fact he was already exhausted and such from his Wail and previous battle. Needless to say he does kind of panic when he realized that the few powers he has are limited AF.
He's actually kind of neutral towards Sebastian at first, but does end up warming up towards him. Er, it takes a tiny bit at first because he holds a grudge for carrying him everywhere, he's sure this place can't be more dangerous than other places he's been!
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He's actually struggling with not having legs, seeing as the only time he's had a ghost tail, or any tail really, up until this point is in flight. And it didn't have a fin, so he's incredibly clumsy. (There are many swimming lessons in his future to help him get used to legless movement, along with a bit of hand-holding to his embarrassment)
So all in all, he could be handling it worse at the moment. Could be handling it better, but he could be handling it worse too.
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