#Yeah that's...Seifer for ya
hyperionswrath-a · 2 years
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@chosenbythecrystal​​ | | unprompted
⤷ "I feel safe with you."
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There it was again, that notion he couldn’t understand and quite frankly, didn’t want to hear - not out of the mouth of the Prince of Lucis himself. Weirdly, he was much alike to his father in that, putting trust where it shouldn’t be and where it most certainly wasn’t deserved. Part of Seifer wanted to give the younger one a slap over the back of his head for even thinking such things, dangerous as it were. I feel safe with you. The last person that had felt safe around him had been tossed into the arms of a daemon to merge with the abomination, because she had ordered it so. Because she had his mind in a vice grip. And who could tell if it wasn’t still the case, simply slumbering somewhere in the depths of his broken mind? Exhaling a breath in form of a snort, the blond procured his trusty pack of cigarettes, slipped a stick between his lips and lit it with a snap of his fingers, calling on the King’s magic to bring the fire forth. His jaw was working as he held the smoke in his lungs for a moment before releasing it with a quiet exhale, shaking his head as a chuckle fell from his lips, rumbling in his broad chest. “Ya should stick with that trusty Shield of yours and whatever else your posse consists of.” He had seen the glasses-wearing know-it-all that reminded him all too well of his former instructor, and the blond boy that seemed to be more of a tag-along than any use in battle with how skinny the guy was. No muscle, no brawn. But not his problem, either. “You do know they send us Glaives to the frontlines, yeah? We’re not supposed to take care for you or your family.” And by the six, hadn’t they been over this a multitude of times… Sure, it catered to Seifer’s ego a damn lot that Noctis wanted him as some sort of personal guard, that he stuck to him like a lost puppy, looking up to him as if he was the answer to whatever it was the younger one had been dreaming of his whole life but when it came down to it? Seifer was still the traitor taken in for intel about Niflheim, he was still the asshole that started fights instead of ending them, making him more of a liability than anything else… and he was still someone that generally drew in danger instead of keeping it away. Which in conclusion was everything the royal family did not want their precious little prince to be around, no matter how stubborn the other one was. “I’d advise against feeling too safe around someone like me, princeling.” A glance out of the corner of his eyes down to the other, emerald taking in the ravenhaired one with a slight frown drawing his brows together. He had known such stubbornness before and he knew where it led if he wasn’t careful.
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meoproject · 3 years
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More nostalgia fanart.
The Disciplinary Committee from FFVIII is p handy because it happens to be my 3 favorite characters all in one. I'm a big fan of posse dynamics, and basically I'm saying I want a FFVIII AU where they join Squall and co. and I have a whole game where Seifer argues with Trepies on online forums and we skip that whole "manipulated by a sorceress" thing, ya know? I recently replayed FFVIII. It was the first FF game I ever played, but it took me literal years to finish, mostly because my understanding of english was pretty poor, and I couldn't handle the Junction system well as a result, and I got brickwalled pretty bad by several bosses. It's ironic because the Junction system is easily one of the most broken systems there is, and it takes like 30 mins of setup, and you overpower like most of the game.  ANYWAY yeah the point is FFVIII is the first FF I played, and also, somehow, the FF I've played the least. I recently replayed it, and found myself finding it a lot better than I remember it being? There's a lot going on with the characters, and every one of them has something I like and something I don't like, and even the characters I don't like I kind of... get? Which is honestly pretty nice. But I'm probably enjoying the parts no one else enjoys. The whole time compression and whatever sorceress bullshit is ... fine? but that's not the part I like.  When it comes to VIII, I really found myself enjoying the idea of exploring the world where there are mercenary schools for orphans where they get their minds and memories fucked with para-magic. Which brings us back handily back to Seifer. Now, I understand that I am a hardcore apologist here, but I think the implications of the world makes Seifer the most interesting character of the bunch. There is a dark angst-with-happy-ending fanfic exploring ptsd, manipulation and mindcontrol there somewhere...! Raijin and Fujin are just fun characters who have fun interactions with main characters, each other and Seifer. A+ pals.                                    
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uselessmateria · 3 years
F is for Friends, pt 1
“I think I met someone.”
Ah yes.  Those famous last words.
Seifer could recall the afternoon very clearly, even a year later.  That awful day she had told him about The Douche.  Though it hadn’t been awful at the time.
What it had been was innocuous.  The start of their second year and they’d been studying together – well, she’d been studying, he’d stopped for the night and started playing Wreckfest on his Xbox because week three of school was far too early to be studying.  She watched him play as she tapped her pencil against her cheekbone.
“Oh yeah?  Big Girl Quistis got herself her very first boyfriend?” The race he’d been winning left him partially distracted, and she went on.
“Maybe.  His name is Rexul, and he’s the TA for my psychiatry class. He’s very intelligent.”
“Well tell him he has to have you home by 9, and no funny business.”  She rolled her eyes.  He didn’t see it on account of the game, but he’d known her long enough to know that she’d rolled her eyes.
“Thanks for your permission, Dad.”
“Listen.  I am happy to step into that role for you, Q.  It would be my honor.”
“You are very good at intimidating people.” Her voice was mock-thoughtful, and he grinned.
“Do what you love, they say.”  He smashed his prized Gatecrasher into the side of a Gremlin, taking back his lead.
“Well he’s taking me out on Saturday for dinner, since you didn’t ask.”
“Your very first date! Papa’s so proud.  Thanks for asking my permission, I consent.  Hey hey!   Flying colors, baby!”  He tossed the controller in the air and caught it.
“It’s not my first date, you imbecile.”  She threw her pencil at him, hitting him squarely in the back of the head.  He ignored it, knowing that would irritate her more.
“Hey, maybe you’ll even have your first kiss!  And soon, your first period!  Oh, how they grow up so fast.”
“YOU need to grow up! I had my first period when I was 12 you sicko.”
“How could I forget? You came in crying thinking you were bleeding out.”  He started up a new race, settling in deeper into his black leather couch.  She’d marched over to him, standing in front of his tv and solidly blocking the view.
“Like you were a huge help. You just leapt on Zell, thinking he’d attacked me.  And hey - I had my first kiss when I was twelve too in case you forgot that as well.”
“Oh Q, how could I forget our romantic rendezvous on the beach.” He paused the game and reached out to grab her by the waist, wiggling his eyebrows and yanking her towards him onto the couch.  “It was your classic boy meets girl, boy saves girl from jellyfish.” She was trying to escape from where he’d sat on her before returning to his game.  “Remind me, Q, was it my rugged 12-year-old good looks, or an unnatural attraction to sea creatures that did it for ya?”
The couch pillow hit him in the face before he knew she’d grabbed it.
“You weigh a metric ton, get off me!  Just you wait, my new boyfriend’s gonna beat you up.” He snorted at that but raised himself up enough to free her.  She scrambled to the side of the couch, running her fingers through her hair and straightening her sweater.
“I always forget how funny you are, Q.  Why are you looking for a boyfriend when we have this amazing romance right here?”
“Maybe one kiss my whole life isn’t enough for me.  Maybe I’ll collect boyfriends like Pokémon.  Who knows.”
“If they’re Pokémon, I call Charizard.”
“Oooof course you would.”
He forgot how the rest of it went, but she’d settled eventually, using him as a backrest as she read her history textbook while he continued to pulverize other drivers.  
And that’s how they were. He teased her, she joked back, constantly at each other over something - but it was never serious.  They never actually got mad at each other.  No, Quistis was the closest thing in this world that he had to family.  Aside from the rest of the orphanage lot.  But him and Q, they’d always been their own thing. The older kids.  The pseudo-grown-ups.  (Not like he acted like one, she’d say.)
But the point was, he could always count on her, and she could always count on him.
And then along came The Douche.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 38
Warnings: same as the last chapter 
Rating: SFW
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“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory.”
“A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream.”
“I want to line the pieces up--yours and mine.”
It was your birthday yet again in Daybreak Town. All of the foretellers gathered together and released lanterns for your birthday. 
“How long do you think we’ll keep this up?” Aced asked.
“Till I get my daughter back,” Ira said. 
“But we don’t even know if she’s alive. How do you know that you’ll get her back?” Invi said. 
“I can feel it in my heart. She’s alive and she’s happy. And she will return.” 
Xehanort smirked at the sight of the lanterns entering Scala ad Caelum. 
“So, he’s still hopeful of his daughter. He won’t be for long,” he said. He summoned his Keyblade and broke one of the lanterns. 
“That girl will fall into darkness. She just needs a little convincing,” he said.  
Roxas walked through the basement corridor. He saw two capsules with familiar faces inside.
“...Donald. ...Goofy?” he asked. He turned to the door at the end of the hall and entered. DiZ was standing in a completely bright room in front of a single large capsule.
“At last, the Keyblade's chosen one. The protector of the Spirit,” he said.
“Who are you talking to? Me? Or Sora?” Roxas asked. 
“To half of Sora, of course. You reside in darkness. What I need is someone who can move about the realm of light and destroy Organization XIII.” 
“Why? Who are you?”
“I am a servant of the world.” DiZ laughed.
“And if I'm a servant, then you should consider yourself a tool, at best,” he said. 
“Was that... Was that supposed to be a joke?” Roxas asked as he summoned his keyblade. 
“'Cause I'm not laughing!” he said. Roxas ran up to DiZ and struck through him. The Keyblade created a wave of data through DiZ. Roxas, surprised, stood straight.
“My apologies. This is only a data-based projection,” DiZ said. Roxas screamed in anger, and futilely struck DiZ repetitively with the Keyblade. DiZ vanished and reappeared behind him while Roxas caught his breath.
“Come, over here,” DiZ said. Roxas stared at DiZ.
“I hate you so much...” he said. 
“You should share some of that hatred with Sora. He's far too nice for his own good,” DiZ said. 
“No! My heart belongs to me!” Roxas ran and cut again through DiZ. DiZ disappeared and the capsule glowed. The mechanical petals opened slowly and revealed what they contained.
“Sora...(Y/N)...” Roxas said. There, you and Sora were sleeping soundly in the capsule. 
“You're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is...over,” Roxas said. Roxas turned around and faded to white.
“Sora? (Y/N)?” he asked. 
“Huh?” you asked. 
“Who's there?” Sora asked. 
“Sora! (Y/N)!” Donald said. 
“Wake up, you two,” Goofy said. You and Sora woke up and the capsule opened again in front of Donald and Goofy. You and Sora stretch and the other two laugh at how small your clothes have gotten. You and Sora jumped out of the capsule in front of them and grabbed them in your arms.
“Donald!” you said. 
“Goofy!” Sora said. The four of you laughed and hopped in a circle. Jiminy Cricket climbed on Sora's shoulder, yawned, and stretched. Odile did the same thing on your shoulder. 
“That was some nap!” Jiminy said. Jiminy hopped down to the floor.
“You mean, we were asleep?” you asked. 
“I guess we musta been, or I don't think we'd be so drowsy...” 
“When do ya think we went to sleep?” Goofy asked. 
“Uhh...” Donald said. 
“Let's see...we defeated Ansem...” Sora said. 
“Yep,” Goofy said. 
“...restored peace to the world...found Kairi... Oh yeah, and then we went to look for Riku. And my brother gave me Odile and showed me memories of my parents. I think that's right so far,” you said. 
“Then what?” Donald asked. 
“What does your journal say, Jiminy?” Goofy asked. Jiminy took out his journal.
“Gee, there's only one sentence... ‘Thank Naminé.’ Hmm... I wonder who that is,” he said. You, Sora, Donald, Odile, and Goofy looked at one another and shook your heads.
“Some journal that is,” Donald said. 
“Well, what do ya say we find out where we are!” Jiminy said. You and the group walked to Twilight Town and entered the Usual Spot.
“You know, I think I've been to this town,” Sora said.
“Me too,” you said.
“What's it called?” Donald asked.
“Hmm... Guess we must've imagined it,” Sora said. Hayner, Olette, and Pence were boredly lying around the room.
“What do you want!?” Hayner asked. 
“Uh, nothing. Just wondering what was back here,” you said. 
“Now you know. This is our spot.”
“Umm...” Pence said. 
“What?” Sora asked. 
“You're...new around here, right? I'm Pence.” 
“Hayner. Nice to meet you, but we got stuff to do, so catch ya later,” Hayner said as he left. 
“My name's Olette. Hey, did you finish up the summer homework, yet? Independent studies are the worst, huh?” Olette said. 
“Homework?” you and Sora asked. The two of you looked at Donald and Goofy, who shrugged. 
“Hey, what're your names?” Pence asked. 
“Oh. We’re Sora, (Y/N), Donald, and Goofy,” Goofy said. 
“And this is Odile,” you said. Odile popped out and looked at everyone. 
“Aww, she’s so cute!” Olette said as she scratched under Odile’s chin. Odile purred at the feeling. 
“You know, we just met someone who was looking for you,” Goofy said.
“He sure seemed in a hurry. He had a black coat on so I couldn't see his face, but he had these big round ears,” Pence said. 
“The King!” Donald said.
“Where'd you see him?” Sora asked. 
“At the station,” Pence said. 
“The station! Thanks!” you said. 
“Well, we'd better get back to that assignment,” Olette said.
“Later,” Pence said. Him and Olette lef the Usual Place, leaving you, Odile and the trio by yourselves.
“Oh boy! The King's trying to find us!” Donald said. 
“Yeah, let's get to the station!” Sora said. The five of you entered the Sandlot and found Seifer, Fuu and Rai.
“Hey you, where'd you come from?” Seifer asked. 
“Uhh...” you said. 
“You here to pick a fight with us or something?”
“Fight? We're not here to fight,” Sora said.
“Yeah, you big palooka!” Donald said. 
“Okay, smartalecks... Time to teach you how to behave in my town. Bring it!” Seifer said. Him, Fuu, and Rai took defensive stances. Odile stood in front of you and the trio in a hostile manner. 
“Calm down, Odile. We’re not gonna fight these guys,” you said. 
“Man, what a jerk,” Sora said. Donald nodded and the five of you continued your trek to find the station. The five of you continued to Central Station and were suddenly surrounded by Dusks. You all fought them, but were overwhelmed and became exhausted. Mickey appeared on the ledge of the station. As the Dusks striked again and Sora held up his Keyblade while you held onto your dagger and Odile, Mickey swooped down and destroyed the remaining Nobodies with his own Keyblade. You and Sora were amazed. Donald and Goofy pushed you and Sora down and out of the way. 
“Your Majesty?” Donald asked.
“Shh! You gotta board the train and leave town! The train knows the way,” Mickey said as he held out a pouch of munny. 
“Here,” he said. Sora took it and Mickey ran to Market Street.
“Your Majesty...” Donald said. 
“The King... Was that really him?” Sora asked.
“It coulda been... Yep, I know it was!” Goofy said. 
“Now we know he's okay!” Donald said. 
“The king was locked in the realm of darkness, right?” you asked.
“Uh-huh,” Goofy said. 
“But we just saw him,” Sora said. 
“Yep,” Donald said. 
“And if the king is here, that means Riku’s here!” you said.
“He’s gotta be!” Donald said. 
“Well, (Y/N) and I are gonna go look for Riku. Then we can go back to the islands together. Kairi’s there waiting for us! What are you two gonna do?” Sora said. 
“Gawrsh, Sora. Do ya have to ask?” Goofy said. You and Sora giggled. Odile nudged your cheek, grabbing your attention. 
“Huh? What is it, Odile?” you asked. Odile moved around, asking about Vanitas.
“Vani...I don’t know. I don’t know where he is or if he’s okay. But as long as I have you, Odile, I think he’ll be okay,” you said. 
“You really care about him, huh?” Donald asked. 
“Of course. He was my best friend and my brother. I have to know if he’s okay.” 
“Hey, what do ya say, guys? Let’s stick together for one more journey,” Sora said. You all nodded in agreement.
“To...where again?” he asked.
“We hafta board the train!” Goofy said. 
“Oh yeah.” You and Donald sighed while Odile shook her head.
“C'mon!” Sora said. The four of you ran inside the station.
“Wait up!” Hayner said. Him, Pence, and Olette caught up to you.
“Hey, Sora, (Y/N)...” he said. 
“What?” you asked. 
“Nothing, but...”
“We came to see you off. It just seemed like something we oughta do,” Pence said. 
“Oh...really? Thanks!” Sora said. Suddenly, there was a ringing sound.
“You should hurry and get your tickets,” Olette said. 
“Right,” you said. Sora took out the Munny Pouch at the teller and Olette noticed.
“What is it?” you asked. Olette took an exact copy of the Munny Pouch.
“They're the same,” Goofy said.
“Yeah,” Olette said. Sora looked to both pouches and shrugged.
“Four tickets, please!” he said. The teller gave him four tickets.
“I can't help feeling like we won't see this town again...” Sora said. 
“Why not?” you asked. 
“You're thinkin' too much,” Goofy said.
“Yeah, you're right!” You and the Trio boarded the train and followed it to Master Yen Sid’s tower.
A girl was walking along the halls of a castle, trying to find her sister. She soon found her, reading a book in the seating area. She walked over to her and looked at her.
“Ugh, what do you want?” the sister asked. 
“Father wants to see us,” the girl said. The sister groaned and followed the girl to their father’s office. The girl knocked on the door and waited for her father’s response. 
“Enter,” he said. The two girls entered and saw their father at his desk.
“You wanted to see us?” the sister asked. 
“Yes. A spirit has awoken. Find her and bring her here,” he said. 
“A spirit? I thought that we were the only ones,” the girl said. 
“Well, you’re not. Now go and don’t keep me waiting.” 
“Yes, father,” the two girls said. They walked out of his office and walked down the halls. 
“Should we ask Uncle Xigbar for help?” the sister asked. 
“No. I think we can handle ourselves. Besides, it’s just one spirit. We’re far more stronger than she is,” the girl said. The sister smirked and summoned her weapon. 
“This is going to be fun,” she said. 
to be continued...
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irvinexxkinneas · 4 years
It was up to Seifer to roll his eyes now, the notion he liked the Cowboy to his feet being an obvious taunt he was not going to indulge. Honestly, commanding the obnoxious man to do as he deemed right was kind of a power rush, but far was he from actually voicing that out loud. If the guy wanted to be cocky with him, he’d put him in his place, end of story.
Aside from that, he was, in fact, curious to see what the Marshal thought was useful for them in the long run. Could Kinneas really handle their training? And how would he react to a sparring partner that could warp - if poorly?
Feigning disinterest, however, Seifer made a point of not looking too obviously into the general direction of both men going at each other then. He was paying utter attention, his gaze slipping over the important motions when Solus took his fighting stance, analyzing Irvine’s as well, all the while seemingly being more interested in the structures of the Training Grounds.
Admittedly, both did quite the good job, all things considered. Solus was still sloppy in his approaches - he knew that much. The young Glaive had only joined their ranks a couple of weeks ago and thus was still mostly occupied with getting the ropes of how to warp and command the King’s magic in general. It took time. Kinneas, on the other hand, was mainly accustomed to guns and it showed, although he managed to not make a fool of himself in the way he handled the training sword, as well as the attacks directed at him by the Glaive.
Maybe it wouldn’t be too much of a pain to teach him. Naturally, he’d prefer to kick the brunet out right away, but seeing how low their numbers had become he knew better than to actually approach the Marshal with such thoughts. Even the worst trained Glaives were still better than none, as macabre as it might be to consider them nothing but better cannon fodder.
When Solus finally turned his back on Kinneas and darted away, Seifer quirked a brow, taking mental note of the situation to address it later. He knew what was coming now. Irvine, however, didn’t - and was knocked over when the young Glaive warped directly at him, bringing the tall man down on his back, sword pointing at him.
Huffing through his nose, Seifer pushed off the boulder he had been leaning on then, steering his steps back to the both of them when Solus helped the Sharpshooter back to his feet.
Ignoring Irvine, he turned to the younger man and shook his head. “Never turn your back on your opponent. Not even to get some distance so you can warp,” he admonished, eyes narrowing as he shot a sideglance towards Kinneas, nodding briefly in his general direction. “Kinneas is a sharpshooter, kid. He could have killed you then and there had he the means to. You wanna create distance?” - and without any preamble he flicked his right wrist, summoning Hyperion from his amiger, flipping her at Irvine and pushing her flat side against the other man, supporting the blade from the other side with his free hand and giving a firm shove in an attempt to force the Cowboy a couple of steps back, or send him back into the sand if he was able to surprise him enough.
“Push. Shove. Use what you have and force the distance. In a real spar, you might wanna consider using magic too. And if it’s not enough?”, he took a step backwards then, letting Hyperion vanish again, “...warp away before attacking again.”
Clicking his tongue, he shot the young Glaive an inquiring look, which earned him a quick nod from the man. “Y-yes Sir, sorry Sir!” Seifer snorted at that, giving a dismissive gesture with his right hand. “Cut the Sir, we have no ranks below the Captain and the Marshal. Now back to practise with you.”
Only when Solus scampered away did the tall blond turn back to Irvine, crossing his arms in front of his chest once more to size the man up once more, a sigh heaving from his lips. “Shit dude, you can’t even defend yourself against a new recruit… what did’ya do all those years?”
One hand went to his neck then, scratching while he grimaced, not liking what he had to do next. “We’ll see what you can do in the upcomin’ weeks.”
It was no surprise to Irvine that Seifer came over and began dissecting their spar, telling the young man everything he had done wrong. He stood, arms folded and listened. The blond haired man was correct; had this been a real fight, and Irvine had his gun, the kid would be dead with the stunt he pulled.
As such, while the materialization of the weapon was a minor distraction, it wasn’t enough for Seifer to lay him on his back and Irvine merely stumbled back a few steps by the force of the push in the demonstration of the proper way to put distance between yourself and foe. He shook his head at just how much Seifer intimidated Solus as the young man nearly ran off, before turning his attention back to the man.
“Maybe don’t put me up against a rookie who’s nervous next time? While he did well enough, I could tell he was jittery. Or perhaps warn me when something I’ve never seen before will be used against me. Yeah, I get we’re supposed to be ready for anything, but that.. Warping? That’s a new thing.” 
Irvine rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his stance. “I did my job. I’m a sniper first, remember? I take my targets out from a distance. Dave and other hunters taught me the basics of hand to hand combat and the use of some daggers, knives and short swords, but how they handle blades is different from how you lot handle them. I was taught to fight against beasts and daemons, not other soldiers. The tactics are a bit different, not by a whole lot, but enough.”
A soft sigh slipped out of the man. He would be useless if he couldn’t pick things up, and there was a small blossom of worry that began to bloom in his stomach. “Look, just give me a chance, Almasy. I know I run my mouth, I’m not your favorite person to be around. But I think I’m worth an attempt at least. Teach me what you can, and I’ll push myself to get the hang of it. Or I won’t, and ya can go back to the Marshal and tell him he made a mistake by bringing me on the Glaives.”
What Irvine wouldn’t admit was he was tired of living alone. He wasn’t hard wired to be a lone merc, he craved working in a team, having others to rely on and be with. He missed it. So he would do whatever he needed to ensure he could have it again, especially with people from his past.
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Coward! (when you have time <3)
A note with the proper address had been delivered to the Marshal by Seifer himself. On it: Quickly scribbled notes about a disclosed mission and an address, which would lead the Immortal to a ramshackle building on the outskirts of the Crown City.
Seifer was standing outside the very same, the gaze of jade-green eyes fixed on dark windows hung with torn curtains while a cold breeze tousled golden hair. The weather had significantly cooled down, trees turned red and brown and golden while autumn claimed Insomnia. Thus, Seifer had decided on a suited light-grey coat shielding his body from most of the moody weather, gloved hands buried in its pockets, simple black slacks,and boots disclosing he was not wearing any part of his Kingsglaive uniform.
Lately, he had been more or less living in it, so being about in his own clothes came for a nice change which he welcomed. A quick glance on his phone showed it was about time for the Marshal to arrive, and sure enough, he could soon see the tall man saunter down the street.
Cor Leonis was a man one would recognize simply by the way he held himself. There was no effort in his presence commanding respect, without him needing to appear hard or violent in any way. Far from it, seemingly the ever-persistent calm was what led people to pay attention to him all the more.
Both men exchanged a brief nod when Cor came to stand next to Seifer, eyes wandering to the building now too. "So, what's this all about?", the Marshal asked at length, no doubt referring to the note and the fact that the 'mission' had not been announced to him in the usual way - with a report and further information.
"Got wind of this while I was out the other day," Seifer explained, busying himself with procuring his pack of cigarettes, lighting one as soon as it slipped between his lips, inhaling the smoke and releasing it with an audible breath. "Allegedly people think the building's haunted?" At that, he smirked and bumped a brow, "Bullshit of course, but if there are Daemons in there we oughta check it out?"
Cor frowned at that, nodding with a stern expression. "And why this?" the Immortal queried, procuring a neatly folded note and waving it. "People felt stupid to report a haunting so they kept it all hush-hush," the blond answered after another drag on his cigarette, giving the man a one-sided shrug.
Standing in silence for a while, it was Seifer who finally fell into step, flicking his cigarette away as he approached the worn-down porch. Looking over the boarded-up door, he placed a probing hand flat against the wood, pushing to test its stability. "Should be easy enough to shoulder open, care to gimme a hand?"
A combined effort was made and soon enough the both of them stood in the dusty entry hall, boards and splinters spread over the floor witness to their forceful intrusion. Brushing his gloved hands against each other to clean them, Seifer looked around, blinking against the sudden dark engulfing them.
He took a few slow steps inside the foyer and cocked his head, listening for any suspicious noise, yet nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.
Cor meanwhile methodically started checking the rooms, hand on the hilt of his katana, making sure no one was inside - as it sometimes happened these days that people who lost their home were seeking shelter in abandoned buildings. "Anything?" Seifer queried as he sauntered over, the tip of his tongue prodding against the back of his teeth as he continued glancing about with suspicion. Cor hummed negative at that, crossing his arms and turning towards the blond with a glint of mirth in ice-blue eyes. "If I didn't know better I would assume you are trying to prank me, Seifer." At that, the tall blond turned towards the Marshal, affronted look on his face. "I would never."
The commencing bantering was cut short when a sudden thud right next to them could be heard, making both Cor and Seifer spin around. Slowly approaching what looked like a fallen over candle-holder, the blond prodded it with the tip of his boot, shooting a glance at the older man. "Still think I'm prankin'?" The Marshal leaned down wordlessly at that, inspecting the candle-holder and looking it over for signs while Seifer took a couple of steps into the middle of the room. "Dunno 'bout you Marshal, but something definitely is weird about this..." he murmured, turning to head over to one of the doors.
The next moment, a loud creaking noise filled the air, followed by a loud crash as a huge chandelier landed where Seifer had been standing just a moment ago. Leaping aside out of reflex for good measure, the blond had summoned his gunblade from the amiger and pointed it at... nothing, except for said chandelier and broken wooden flooring. "Shiva's tits what the everloving fuck was that?!", he hissed, eyes wandering up to the far ceiling in hopes to spy something, anything.
Cor had jumped aside as well, his weapon now in hand as bewildered eyes glanced about, he too trying to gauge who (or what) had caused the attack. "Seems like I falsely accused you...", the older man murmured, stepping closer to the chandelier now to look it over. "Ya think?", Seifer retorted, snorting at the obvious. He then turned, circling around the battered up area, and approached the staircase leading to the upper floor, a weary expression clouding his features as he made to ascend the stairs.
Occasional creaking sounds emanated as the blond Glaive slowly made his way, one gloved hand on the railing to brace himself in case of another attack. "Don't hold me to it but I figure we have some Goblins on our hands here..." he mused lowly, about to add something else when he lost his footing, his boot going straight through what he had thought to be a solid step. "Fuckin' hell!!", he yelped as he yanked himself around to steady his body last minute against the rail to stop himself from tumbling down the stairs.
"Everything in order up there?", the Marshal queried, hasty steps now steered towards where Seifer stood. "Yeah, yeah..." the blond grumbled, straightening himself up again as he shot a forbidding look at the hole in the stairs he could swear had not been there before.
Making quick, and careful, work of scouting the rest of the house, both men encountered multiple occasions in which  whatever it was that lived here  tried to either break their bones or straight up kill them. They had been roaming the rooms for the better part of an hour when Cor finally sighed and shook his head. 
"It seems like we can't pinpoint where the activity comes from..." - "So let's just burn down the place and be done with it." Quirking a dismissive brow at Seifer, the Marshal shook his head, opening his mouth to scold the man when a crack and a wet slapping sounded from the back of his head, making the older man jolt in surprise and disgust as something slippery ran down his neck and under the collar of his coat. Reaching there, he made a sound of disgust. "An egg...?"
Much more couldn't be said as another one came flying, this time breaking against Seifer's chest, staining his coat as the broken contents slid down. "You gotta be kiddin' me!"
Finding themselves under the attack of a seemingly neverending supply now, both men made haste to reach the stairs again, swiftly descending while more and more eggs crashed around them, oftentimes hitting their mark. "I call for a tactical retreat!", Cor shouted as he bolted for the front door, Seifer on his heels. "Will gladly be takin' this order, Sir!"
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #300: Reactions of Someone Insulting their Love Ones Part 3 (Variety)
Moxxie and Millie
Random Guy: ('Tch') What kind of woman would ever wants to be married to a fucking pussy-boy like that guy-
Millie: (Immediately Push the guy towards a nearby wall and gives him a Death Glare) Who do you think you are?! Talking shit about my husband behind my back like that?!
Moxxie: Millie! Calm down. Please.
Millie: (Turns to Moxxie with a genuinely sad look) But, Moxxie....He was talking about you behind our backs....
Moxxie: (Gently Grab both of Millie's hands with a Soft Smile) I'm aware of that, dear. But trust me when I say that jackasses like him aren't even worth trouble.
Millie: ('Sigh') I guess you have a point there, 'hon. (Gives Moxxie a loving hug) I just don't want anyone to talk bad about my handsome husband like that~
Moxxie: (Chuckles Lightly as he hugs his wife back) I know you don't, Millie~
Random Guy: Yeah....Go ahead and calm down your tramp of a wife, jackass-
Moxxie: (Rushes over towards the guy and gave him a Death Glare of his own while having him on gunpoint) The fuck did you say about my beautiful wife, bastard?
Random Guy: (Starts Getting Scared Shitless) Uhhhhhhhhhhhh........
Millie: (Rooting for her husband from the distance) Get 'em, sweetie!~
Vantias & Namine
Seifer: That's the new girl? ('Heh') She's even more of a weirdo than I thought she would be. (Chuckling)
???: Hey, Seifer.
Seifer: Yeah? What do ya- (Starts Shutting his mouth quick once he's Sudden gets Surrounded by a group of dark-like creatures in his outter circle)
Vantias: (Standing by a nearby wall) Got yourself a death wish here today?
Seifer: (Starts Getting Scared Shitless) W-W-What the fuck is all of this?!
Vantias: Swarm of Darkness. Friends from the other side or whatever. Really don't take kindly too of you making fun of Namine like that.
Seifer: (Shivering in Fear) S-S-So What if you have some weird army to back you up?! I ain't scared of them!!!
Vantias: (Smirks while Shrugging) You should be. Cause I doubt they know how to hold back to any-
???: VANTIAS!!
Vantias: (Turns to See Namine making her way towards him with a Very Disappointed Glare) Ah shit.
Namine: Stop this madness. Right now!
Vantias: But-
Namine: (Glare Starts Piercing Harder) Vantias......
Vantias: ('Sigh in Defeat') Fiiiiine.....(Snap his fingers which instantly made the Army of Darkness disappear)
Namine: (Place Two hands on her hips) Why on Earth would you try using your darkness to scare Seifer like that? What were you thinking?
Vantias: Okay. In my defense....(Points at a Frighten Seifer) Jock boy over there called you a "Weirdo" behind your back. Couldn't let him get away from that so...I called in the squad to teach him a lesson.....
Namine: (Sigh as she Gently Grabs both of Vantias' hands) Oh, Vantias..... I know from the bottom from my heart that you mean well, but using the force of darkness to scare people is not the way to do it. You know better.
Vantias: ('Sigh') Yeah...I guess I went a bit overboard on the whole Army of Darkness thing. Sorry about that, Namine....
Namine: (Hugs Vantias with a Soft Smile) It's okay, Vantias. I'm really thankful for you always looking out for me.
Vantias: (Starts Blushing a little) Y-Yeah well... we're family, aren't we? I always got your back.
Namine: I know you do.
Seifer: Y-Yeah! That's right! Call off your goons and hang out with a Weirdo, you EMO FREAK!-
Before the bully knows it, Namine rushes over and punch Seifer so hard that he was sent flying towards a nearby wall.
Namine: ('Pants Pants') ('Whew') Well... I'm glad that's over with.
Vantias: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) (Holy shit.....)
Namine: (Walks Towards Vantias and gently had his hand with a smile) Would you like to get something to eat together, Vantias?
Vantias: (Came back to Reality) Oh! Uhh...Yeah. Let's... do that. (Great...Now I know who else not to pissed off in the near future.....)
Byleth & Her Students
Random Guy #1: Ughhhhhh!!! Another Fire Emblem rep?! Are you serious right now?!
Random Guy #2: Yeah! And she's another swordfighter too! Like we even need more to begin with!!
Random Guy #3: Yeah, man!! She's already a waste of space as it is!!
Random Guy #1: Tell me about!!! Someone as garbage as her has NO rights to in this tournament-
Toon: Oh my God...(Throws down his bag in annoyance) SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!!!
Byleth: (Surprised by Toon's suddenly outburst) T-Toon?
Toon: You know what? No. I have had it up to here with these Self-Entitled Jerkfaces! (Cracking his knuckles) Enough is enough!
Ness: (Irritated) I agree, Toon. It's one thing to try and Insult us on a daily basis, but standing here and Insulting someone who has ever rights to participate in the tournament as much as the rest of us here is crossing the line. And I'm sick of it!
Byleth: Ness, I-
Ashley: (Hair Starts to turn White in anger and irritation) You know....I was hoping to hex some fools today.....
Lucas: (Grabs Ashley's hand) Ashley, wait!.......(Turn towards the three guys with a very rare piercing glare) Let me help you on this.
Ashley: (Squeezes Lucas' hand reassuringly) You're always welcome to help me anytime, Lucas.
Popo: (Step Forth with a hammer) Don't forget about us here too, you guys.
Nana: (Follows Pursuit) Yeah. Count us in.
Hat Kid: (Step Forth while patting her parasol on the palm of her hands with a very not pleased look on her face)..........
Byleth: Childern!
Random Guy #1: Oh shit.....
Random Guy #2: Why does this always happens to us?......
Random Guy #3: Knew we should've kept our mouths shut.....
Random Guy #1: (Turn Towards the angry group of kids slowly walking towards him and his friends) H-Hey, kiddo.....W-W-We don't want any trouble or anything.....
Random Guy #2: (Starts Sobbing in fear) Please have mercy!
Ness: (Unconvinced) Then answer us this.... What's our Professor's name?
Random Guy #1: Uhhhhhhhhhh............ Marth Junior?.......
Ness: (Fire Starts Flaring up from the tip is his fingers) Wrong answer.
Toon: Let's get em!!!
The kids were about to begin their attack when suddenly.....
Byleth: (Stomps her foot which caused the dust from the ground to clear off) ENOUGH!!!
Kids: (Turn their attention towards their Professor)
Byleth: (Took Deep Breath before speaking) Put down your weapons and calm yourselves....please. I understand that you all are doing whatever you can to look after me, but each and everyone of you should realize that violence is NEVER the answer for anything. Especially for something as trivial as this.
Ness: (Starts Looking back and forth at the Random Guys and himself before coming with the horrible realization) Oh my God....We really are becoming like them.....But even worse.....
Toon: (Starts Feeling bad) I guess we really let our anger get the best of us this time, huh?
Lucas: (Slowly Sits down while feeling terrible) Guys, I think I'm starting to feel horrible right now....
Ashley: (Kneels down and hugs Lucas reassuringly)
Ice Climbers/Hat Kid: (Put down their respective weapons while feeling guilty for what they've almost become)
Ness: (Turns towards Byleth with a very sad look) We're really sorry, professor....
Toon: Yeah....We didn't mean to embarrassed you or anything.....
Kids: We're sorry.....
Byleth: (Smiles Softly as Kneels down to her students) It's okay, my dear students. It really does means a lot to me that you would go as far as to defend my honor. The last thing I want for any of you is to let your anger and frustrations get the better of you in a situation like this.
Ness: Yeah.... (Slowly Starts to Smile) You're absolutely right, professor. We'll try to be careful next time.
Kids: Yeah.
Byleth: (Smiles Proudly at her students) Thank you for understanding, childern. I'm really proud all of you right now. (Starts Standing back up while brushing the dust off of her knees) Now then... Let's get back to the academy. Our lessons await us.
Kids: (Cheers Happily) Yeah!
Random Guy #1: (Watches as the Professor and her students starts walking away together) Man....that was even more intense than before....
Random Guy #2: No kidding...... They're even worse than their moms.....
Random Guys #3: Damn right.....
Random Guy #1: (Starts Getting up from the ground and Chuckling) Y-Yeah! You better keep walking you little brats!! Think twice before messing with us-
All of a Sudden, Byleth begins to reappear in from of the three guys in a not so please look.
Random Guy #1: (Squealed in fear)
Random Guy #2: (Scared Shitless) Oh God....not again....
Random Guy #3: Have mercy on us lady! Please!!
Byleth: (Took A Deep Breath before speaking in a Menacing tone) I'm only going to say this one.....Never talk to me or any of my students EVER. Again. Do I make myself clear?
Guys: Yes, ma'am.
Byleth: Good. (Smiles Professional before walking off) Good talk, gentlemen.
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ssnakey-b · 5 years
FF8 English-French translarison, part 24: Return of the Translarison!
Holy shit, have I seriously not posted a new part since February?! Well, it’s time to get back to business. Since it’s been a while, in case you forgot, last time, the team was getting ready to face Edea for the second and last time. Let’s get to it.
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We start with another example of Fujin telling us a bit more than in English as instead of just “FATIGUED!”, she says “I can’t take it any more!”.
Meanwhile, instead of “Let’s just go. ...Let’s get it over with, ya know?”, Raijin says “Come on, let’s keep going! We gotta end this!”
To this, English Fujin rplies “REQUEST” (which I’m still not sure what she means by that since she doesn’t actually request anything) while her French counterpart says “I’ve had it!”. A little dialogue follows.
Raijin: ...We’re leavin’ Seifer up to you now, ya know? We don’t know what’s going on anymore, ya know? ...We just want the old Seifer back, ya know?”
Squall: (Seifer... He probably thinks he can’t go back now.) All right.
Raijin: Seifer, we’ve had enough... this isn’t fun for us. We don’t know what’s going on! You weren’t like that before...
Squall: (Seifer won’t give up. No, not now...) I see...
I’ll give the English text that it’s a nice bit of characterization that Raijin is basically asking Squall to save Seifer from himself, or at least stop him from going even further down the deep end than he already has but man, do these annoying catchphrases and gimmick destroy any atmosphere for me. I really don’t understand why English-language translators are so obsessed with them (and if they were in the original Japanese, well, not everything needs to be translated directly).
Seriously, professional translators, you gotta understand that you don’t need to commit to a running gag every goddamn time to the detriment of everything else. Even if you don’t think it takes you out of the story, running gags get really old really quick.
Also, we once again get a hint that Seifer used to be better, which would have been nice to actually see in the game rather than constantly be assured that it used to be the case because again, we see more genuine chemistry between the Jin Team & Squall than between him and Seifer.
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Anyway, with that rant over, let’s continue. This guy, who gives you the first key card, says mostly the same thing in both versions, but I wanted to bring it up because of an UNFORGIVABLE mistake in the French version. That’s right, despite the sentence being pluralized, they used the pronoun “Il” without an S, which is the singular form!! I really hope whomever wrote that atone by cutting off their pinky at the first knuckle.
On a more serious level, there is also an interesting little bit in the English version where he mentions that most students were kicked out, which is absent in the French version. And I mean, I guess it doesn’t need to be stated explicitly, but I think it’s nice to have it confirmed that Galbadia Garden was completely recycled into a military base, as it adds to the tragedy that the student basically lost their home IMO. Although I guess at least it means they’re not being held hostages.
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And now it’s time to finally meet these hockey-playing monsters we’ve been told about so long ago. I just love that the devs actually made those, and that they decided that their reaction to a massive battles would be to take the opportunity to get involved in the fight for no real reason.
And yes, as you may have noticed the Slappers are called Jason in the French version of the game, because why not throw in a Friday the 13th reference for good measure? And if you remember (in which case, congrats on the good memory considering how long ago that was), this ties into another reference that’s been invented by the French version, where they explained that these guys psych themselves up for a match by watching horror movies such as Friday the 13th. Just amazing!
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But wait! That’s not all! Because if you scan them, the French version also explicitly mentions that the Jasons are, in fact, students at Galbadia Garden. I mean, you could gather that information in the English version as well, but to have it explicitly stated here just makes it that much funnier to me. Just imagine having to take classes with these things next to you. Do they keep the masks on? What do they look under there? Please, Square-Enix, cancel the remaster and put your resources towards giving us a spin-off expanding on this lore. THIS is what the world needs!
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Sadly, we must leave the Jasons, but we do get to meet Cerberus! The original dog from Hell!
Massive difference in tone between the versions when it comes to Cerberus, or Cerbères in French (the last E is silent, as is the S). In English, he’s very blunt, talking less like an immortal demonic being and more like a pro wrestling Heel, yeeling in all caps “PRETTY CONFIDENT. LET’S SEE HOW YOU DO. SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!” which by the way, really makes me wish he went “I LIKE WHAT YOU GOT” upon being defeated.
In French, he is more eloquent and collected, saying “What arrogance! Mere mortals! Show me what you’re capable of!”. And while his actual line upon defeat is “NOT BAD...MORTALS” in English, in French, he simply says “Interesting”.
One last detail about this fight I’d like to mention. After Irvine mentions he doesn’t know that Guardian Force, French Squall simply says “Let’s take it!” but I like the English version a lot more here, as Squall goes “Ahh... let’s just take it.”
Yeah, sometimes you just gotta go with the flow. And I think that says a lot as to where Squall is mentally at this point. Just done. Fuck it. I mean, he just fought a team of horror-inspired hockey monsters, there’s no point in questioning anything any more.
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Much to my dismay, it’s time to meet up with Seifer again. The dialogue stays mostly consistent across both versions, with the one notable detail being that in the English version, when addressing Linoa, he says “remember a year ago we...” whereas in French, he says “and yet, a year ago...” so the English version hints at a slightly deeper, perhaps more reciprocal relationship.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the only acknowledgement Seifer gives of any previous relationship between the two in either version, and it’s in an optional bit of dialogue that only appears if Linoa is in the party at this point. This is why I am not buying this supposed love triangle for a second. Much like every part of the supposed rivalry between Seifer and Squall, it barely exists, what little is there is completely superficial and Seifer is blatantly outmatched right form the get go.
And look, I’m not here to tell you you’re right of wrong in your headcanons or fanfics or whatever, I really don’t care. However, it always annoys me when people go on and on about how deep and meaningful this love triangle when it’s really not. In fact, it barely is at all. So again, I’m not giving people shit if they want to make it a thing, but you gotta keep in mind that whatever story you give them is entirely your creation. Because when it comes to what’s actually shown in the game, well, it’s almost nothing, which makes me wonder why it’s even there to begin with. The extent of their story is: Linoa thought Seifer was hot, Seifer might have thought the same about her, maybe?
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Anyway, second rant over, there’s a small difference in the dialogue with Irvine. In English, Seifer says “Hey, you’re a Galbadian student, get over here.” to which irvine replies “I’m happy right here, thank you.”
In french, Seifer says “Hey, the Galbadian, you’re coming back home?” and he answers with “I like my new country better” which I don’t think is actually quite what’s going on but I will admit is an interesting take on this scene.
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Again, things are pretty similar in the dialogue between Squall and Seifer leading up to the battle, with Squall saying Seifer is just another monster in both versions, although Seifer’s last line before the fight is different... and very stupid either way. In English, he says “You guys are the monsters” and in French he says “I think of myself as a Boss, yeah”.
Well I’m glad both lines are equally cringeworthy, with English Seifer cribbing his from a 12 year old trying to sound deep and French Seifer just coming across like the kind of douche that The Lonely Island likes to parody. Also, I think the French version may have attempted to be cute. Get it? Because he’s a boss battle! HA HA no.
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In the auditorium, we have a slight difference in Edea’s opening line. In English, she refers to Squall as “the legendary SeeD destined to face me”. In French, she calls him “the famous Seed whose coming is announced by all”. It seems a bit weird to me as I’m not getting the impression that Squall is all that famous in-universe so it would be weird that “all” would announce his arrival.
So I think the English version works a little bit better as it gives the impression she knows that due to her insight into future events. Then again, you could argue that French Ultimecia is talking about her original timeline, where perhaps Squall was leading the charge against her and he had become some kind of hero to the people of that time, and that she is trying to stop him before he can become that hero. After all, for someone like Ultimecia, it would make sense to view the various timelines as one and the same.
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So we fight, I grab Alexander (known in French as Alexandre, so almost the same, but the English name will still show in my game due to my save file getting confused) and during Squall’s blackout, we get a slight difference that once again at the two translations being based off the original Japanese rather than each-other, as in English, Squall complains about his body hurting whereas in French, it’s specifically his head, so it appears we have different interpretations going on.
Similarly, after Edea asks if she was able to protect Ellone (which interestingly, shows that Edea is at least not always aware of what Ultimecia is doing), English Squall thins “I don’t understand”, showing general confusion at the situation, whereas French Squall thinks “I don’t know.” replying directly to her question about Ellone.
And that’s it for today! Next time, we’ll see how differently Squall reacts to Linoa’s situation in both versions as we finally start taking on the 3rd CD content. I hope you all enjoyed this return of the translarison, I honestly didn’t realize it had been this long. I promise I’ll try and be more regular again, even though as I’ve said before, the only schedule for this is “when I feel like it”.
Now speaking of future updates, in case you missed it, I would like to start streaming my gameplay sessions on Twitch as I take screenshots and comment on what’s happening, and hopeuflly take your questions and observations. If it”‘s something that sounds interesting to you, I would really like you to say so by commenting on this post, dropping me a line or however you see fit, and if/when it happens, you can join us at twitch.tv/ssnakeyb. Either way, likes and reblogs are always appreciated to help spread the word.
Have a nice day, everyone! I’l be seeing you next time!
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mellz117 · 5 years
Hi! I’m Mellz and I’m starting up Kingdom Hearts 2 on the PlayStation 2! 
Just below are links to the first parts of my previous Kingdom Hearts plays.
[ KH1 ] _ [ Re:CoM Sora ] _ [ KH Re:CoM Riku ]
It’s been a hot minute, like 3,155,763 smoldering hot minutes, which would be 6 years including leap years. Yeah it was 01/27/2014 last I touched this game, exactly 6 years ago to this day (01/27/2020) as of me starting up again. This was an accident.
Guide thingy: Things like long gaps between commentary and days will be separated by a line of dots like that ->  ……
Text relating to an image posted will have a blockquote either above and/or below the image
Dialogue exchanges will also be separated by a blockquote
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Ok I'm playing on standard difficulty, if I'm having a hard time, then I just suck. If you’re reading this and haven’t experienced KH2 for yourself, why are you here? Go away, there’s spoilers for things that aren’t revealed until later.
I always liked this fancy CGI opening. There’s a lot of things I missed last I saw it.
IT’S HIM. Look how cute he is! 
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So we start off with a recap of Kingdom Hearts via a dream it seems and our protagonist, my precious boy Roxas, wakes up his own home all alone because apparently DiZ didn't create a digital family for him. But KH is notorious for forgetting parents, so maybe they did. I’m not Cinema Sins so I wont ping this game for not giving Roxas fake parents lmao
In the next scene Roxas is more interested in his own hands than he is in his friends' conversation. 
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blurry ring textures, blurry checker pattern. Not everything holds up well on a flat screen TV
He hasn't been paying attention so he's just as confused as the player is at this point when he finally takes his attention off his hands.
This dialogue is so early 2000's. KH1 and CoM avoided this but with the urban setting of Twilight Town it's DEFINITELY noticeable and outdated. So rumors have spread about Roxas, Hayner, Pence, and Olette that photographs are being stolen, and THEY'RE the theives. Who is the operator of the rumor mill? Seifer and his posse. Also the actual WORD is gone too, they try to say “photo” but it just DOESN’T EXIST. This is where the game gets a bit odd.
TUTORIALS GALORE. I JUST WANT TO PAUSE AND CHANGE THE CAMERA CONTROLS STOP TELLING ME ABOUT MY NEXT OBJECTIVE but no no it’s telling me how to lock on, control my camera, context sensitive buttons, etc 
This girl’s dress looks like shes wearing a bra over it 
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I like how the animal AI hasn't changed at all in this entire series. And by like I mean hate, KH3 doesn't change that. Sven is as boring as this cat we have to look at.
The gang heads to the sandlot where Seifer, Fuujn, Raijin, and Vivi like to hang out I guess? Vivi is a little, solid black, wizard dwarf amongst all these regular humans and no one bats an eye. This shit is normal. Seifer with his stupid Seto Kaiba jacket, shows up to further accuse Roxas and his friends of stealing photos, one specifically of Roxas flat on his face and Seifer standing triumphantly over him (which we’re actually shown later). "That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers" he says in regards to it and challenges Roxas to a rematch.
A+ dialogue
Seifer. My dude, ya dumb-dumb. If you think for one second that I'm gonna let my boy lose to you, you are sorely mistaken. 
“If you get on your knees and beg, maybe I’ll let it slide.” Seifer says and Roxas plays it slick, taking a knee and looking through a convenient selection of foam weapons. Battle ensues.
So of course I win because Seifer is a pleb, and Pence takes a commemorative ______ of Roxas's sound victory, but oh no! Something stole the camera right out of Pence's hands! Roxas gives chase, because apparently he's the only one who cares enough to do so, and confronts the actual thief, a Dusk type Nobody. Roxas is taking this creature encounter rather calmly. Like mild confusion at most.
I hate these things, they're creepy. When you do a reversal on them they like, plant their hands on the ground behind them and their legs wrap around their arms while they spaz out. Ughghdhahh
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Of course Roxas's foam bat doesnt cause any damage to the Dusk, and suddenly a familiar giant key digitally manifests in his hands. DiZ is installing mods I see. I have a Keyblade mod in Skyrim, so we have something in common.
After we defeat the thief the next scene shows the gang at the usual spot with the recovered photos. Ok ok so was "photo" the only word deleted from the vocabulary or were any other alternative words taken away too? Like, if they could have said "picture" this whole time, they would have had much less stupid sounding dialogue exchanges. Whatever lmao.
“Tell us about the picture thief.”
“Not much to say. The pictures were just lying there.”
You liar. Tell them about how you fought a wormy, white boy.
Pence notices all the pics are of Roxas and speculates the picture thief wanted to take the REAL Roxas and Hayner is like
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The best friendships are ones where you can take jabs at each other and know there’s no malice intended.
 In the scene thereafter, the kids go their separate ways, the evening(?) sun assaults Roxas's eyes, and whenever he closes them he gets another vision? Idk what time of day it is it always looks the same.
God ok as someone who hadn’t played CoM before playing KH2 for the first time, I must have been SUPER lost regarding who DiZ and Namine were and why Sora is in the pod. More recaps of KH1: I don’t know why they found it necessary to redub over the old voices with the new actors in these flashbacks.
Moving on. Roxas learns what the Keyblade is through his dreams. On his way to meet up with his friends, he tries summoning the Keyblade with a stick, when that doesn’t work he carelessly throws it aside and it hits this cloak clad man behind him. This dude is either completely unfazed by that is or so offended he can’t even say anything and walks away before he goes all Karen on Roxas’s ass.
We’re back at the usual spot and summer vacation is nearing it’s end. Hayner wants to go to the beach before school is back in session! You poor fuckers...
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Same, dude. I’m waiting on my tax returns, looking forward to that.
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Pretzels at the beach? Salty and not refreshing. I got you fam, I’ll make enough money for a watermelon. Roxas is so poor omg... How much is 150 Munny in American currency?
Just BEAT the cargo with a foam bat. What’s IN the bag? Is it trash? Clothes? Is it potentially breakable? Next. Time to beat some bees!
So Poster Duty was my go-to job in this game in the past because you could get 100 Munny if you did well. But now that I’m older I realized how annoying it is. I had an efficient route planned out, hit as many of the 3 poster placements in that route, and be over and done with that in about 1:10....
But then Roxas goes aND DOES THIS!
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HE DOES THIS CONSISTENTLY!! I do have a live reaction to this but it’s too big for tumblr. I’ll have it up on youtube one of these days
Eventually I stopped sticking posters to walls and became a mailman until the game made me stop.
Black-clad man is back with his own stick! Oof, Roxas eats the pavement and is manhandled by cloaky boy. WAS THIS ROUGH TREATMENT REALLY THAT NECESSARY? You might wanna treat Sora's Nobody with a little more respect. AND YOU STOLE HIS HARD-EARNED MONEY! YOU BASTARD!
The gang is on the clock tower, very dangerously high up. Wtf what if someone falls?! Roxas feels so guilty about what happened and Hayner gets over this little fiasco pretty quickly and the next day he already has another fun plan.
On his way to the station, Roxas crosses paths with Pence and Olette, the latter two freeze and Roxas meets Namine. Is her interest in Roxas linked to her desire to be Sora’s friend? A strange girl tells Roxas she wanted to meet him “at least once” and he doesn’t know what to do lol. Namine doesn’t stay long, leaving Roxas with his confusion. What is going through his head? A girl he doesn’t know seems to know him well enough to want to see him. Pence and Olette unfreeze after Namine is out of the shot. Pence and Olette have such a cute relationship, I’d love for them to be siblings. Pence goes shopping with her even if he might not want to. I can relate, I hate clothes shopping.
These Dusks don’t seem like too much of a threat tbh, they just kinda swagger slowly towards Roxas and grab his hand. Roxas hardly struggles to escape to the sandlot.
Chicken wuss
WE FINALLY GET SOMEWEHERE, we end up on the stained glass pillars in the Station of Serenity (?). Time to grind for like 5 minutes because this giant noodle boy already killed me once.
This thing really unsettles me. All the creature Nobodies do! They’re all twitchy and stretchy. DISGUSTING
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Upon defeat, this big noodle boy falls on top of Roxas and Namine saves him from being enveloped by darkness.
Namine really seems to like to silence him. First she shoves her hand in his face but that was too forward. This time she daintily places a finger over her lips and says her part. Black-cloak guy shows up, rough handles Namine a little bit but not as roughly as he did Roxas. AND SHOVES ROXAS INTO A PORTAL
SEIFER IS AN OPPORTUNISTIC SHITLET POSING IN FRONT OF HIS UNCONSIOUS BODY. Bitch you didn’t earn that. Hayner, Pence, and Olette see Roxas with Seifer’s gang, Hayner feels betrayed thinking Roxas ghosted him in favor of Seifer. He stays pretty salty about it for a good while
IM NOT WORKING ON THIS LIKE I SHOULD. ITS ALMOST A MONTH SINCE STARTING. In my next post we'll be "Struggling" to progress. Eh? Eh? Get it? Like the tournament?
I'm not funny.
Here’s the next part: [ _2_ ]
Below is a compilation of my live reactions and comments throughout this point of the game.
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youngrevolutionary · 5 years
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@meialesait​ said, “ i can handle myself. ”
"Yeah, you say that and act all brave 'til you’re not. You ever stand face-to-face with a T-Rexaur?” With the way his eyebrow quirks up like that, it’s almost like he’s excited at the prospect. 
An official notice has been left at the main entrance of the Training Center prohibiting Operatives and Cadets from training solo until further notice. Something about the monsters in the TC being particularly hostile around breeding season. Not like this should stop either of them-- 
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Seifer unlocks the gate, “C’mon... what are ya? A wuss?”  
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lunamanar · 6 years
Alright, then. What do you think would each character's favourite genres of fiction? Bonus points if you go into specifics per medium.
Wow, two inquiries for the entourage in a row. Like the last one, I might not do everyone in this response, but I’ll tell you what comes to me. 
My Rinoa doesn’t actually read a lot of fiction, but when she does, it’s usually because there’s some character or other in it that really grabbed her attention, someone she could relate to on a personal level. She likes fiction that can help her sort herself out, haha. So what catches her eye really varies, sometimes it’s a standalone YA novel with teenager who’s particularly fed up with being held down, sometimes it’s a space opera with a misunderstood alien who feels isolated in a crowd, sometimes it’s historical fiction about a bisexual sorceress escaping with her knight from the tyranny of her own brethren. But really she prefers nonfiction! She’s curious and likes to know new things, and likes to read stories about real people, preferably autobiographical ones. 
Squall...doesn’t read for pleasure that much. Usually he views it as a waste of his time. Unless he’s studying, or has otherwise been assigned to read something, it takes some specific circumstances for him to pick up a leisure book, and even moreso if it’s fiction. He read all of Battle series from Tim Mani because they [headcanon] described and illustrated actual martial arts and techniques, so they were an entertaining way to learn, especially when he was a bit younger. But as adulthood sets in? Not so much. If the environment of a piece of fiction really appealed to him...say, a complex, philosophical post-apocalyptic journey (he’s probably “enjoy” The Road, for instance), he might try it to see how the characters went about surviving. Or if Rinoa pestered him enough to convince him to read something less bleak but still thoughtful and not too purple, he might try it to satisfy her and then find himself getting sucked into it anyway. 
Zell likes comic books. Super heroes. I don’t think he tends to like stuff that doesn’t have pictures in it, and I don’t mean that like he’s not smart--just the opposite. I think he’s a particularly visual person, and his brain is just sort of easily bored by information he can’t take in all at once. So actually having to read a book line by line is too slow for him, most of the time. 
I think we already know what Seifer likes to read. 
I like the idea that Quistis has a secret stash of raunchy romance novels and only Xu knows about it, and Quistis has no idea she knows about it. 
I think Xu also has a bunch of raunchy lesbian romance novels and she displays them prominently on a shelf at eye level in her bedroom. Quistis keeps asking her how she can stand that stuff and Xu only says “you tell me,” and Quistis gets uncomfortable and changes the subject, every time. 
Selphie reads novels that eventually get turned into action or horror movies. That is, she sees the movie, is dazzled by all the explosions and blood, then dives into the books because she knows there are even more gory details and swearing to be had. 
Irvine...I think, probably, Weird West kinda stuff? Especially if there are ladies with big guns in it. 
...Yeah, I’m surprised I got this far. 
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starswake--archived · 6 years
@springagainafter replied to your post “@springagainafter replied to your post “WHOOO FFVIII” ...”
I had to laugh when I saw him in KH and then I really laughed at the "WE OWNED YOU LAMERS" line. What even. If you're looking for more JRPGs, Trails in the Sky is an excellent trilogy!
ahhh yes XD seifer’s wonderful lines like “WE TOTALLY OWNED YOU LAMERS” and “ISNT THIS ROMANTIC??” as a battle quote. absolute golden, that guy 
!! yeah!! i do remember you suggesting it to me as an ask!! and i kept in my ask as a note to self until i finally get it!! but i’d love to hear more about it if ya dont mind :D
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livelyfellow · 6 years
"Teaching him to be good is like teaching me to be not hot."
Zell quickly darts ahead to stop Loqi in his tracks, wanting to have a quick moment before they made it into the canteen. 
“Yo, look -- let Seifer screw up his own kid, yeah? Ya don’t need to do or teach anyone anything. If Ryon steps out of line, jus’ go an’ tell his dad. Or his other dad. Or--or his... other other dad?” Like Zell’d know-- he keeps his nose out of all... whatever that is. 
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“Look-- my point is, the kid’s got enough dads to teach him how to behave, yeah? Don’t worry too much about it,” He paps Loqi’s cheek. “You’ll get wrinkles.” 
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violetstar-writes · 6 years
So I had a thought after seeing that new trailer for KH3. Here’s the result.
“We’re really glad you came back to visit, Sora.” Hayner patted the boy’s shoulder. Sora laughed a little.
“It’s nice to be back here. And thanks for the, uh…” Sora scratched his head, lifting the small device up.
Olette giggled. “It’s called a video game, silly. Do they not have them where you’re from?”
Sora shook his head. “Nope! And if they did, I never used one before.”
Pence’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Dude! You’ve been missing out! Go ahead and try it.”
Sora stuck his tongue out as he started pressing all the buttons, just to see what would happen. Donald rolled his eyes.
“That’s not how you use it! Give it here!” Donald snatched the device.
“Hey! That’s for me, not you!”
Sora and Donald started wrestling for control over the video game. Eventually, Goofy got in between them and pulled the device away.
“You’re gonna break this doohickey if ya keep at it! I’ll just hold onto it for now.” Goofy placed it inside of one of his pockets.
Sora pouted. “I wanna keep playing!”
“Not until ya apologize to each other.” Goofy crossed his arms with a firm expression.
Seeing that he wouldn’t budge, Donald and Sora begrudgingly shook hands.
“…Sorry…I get you were just trying to help…” Sora mumbled.
Donald sighed. “Me too…I shouldn’t have taken it away like that…”
Goofy chortled, patting Sora’ head.
“See? Everythin’ can be fixed if ya just talk things out!”
Sora’s frown was quickly replaced by a smile. He nodded in agreement.
“…Yeah, I guess you’re right!”
“Of course I am!” Goofy rubbed his nose.
“Hey, guys?”
Sora, Donald and Goofy looked over at Olette, who put her hands behind her back and shuffled her feet.
“…If you’re not too busy…wanna hang out with us for a bit? We’ll probably just go around town, grab some ice cream and head to the usual spot.”
The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
“…Sure, why not? We could use a small breather.” Sora grinned.
The trio ended up tagging along for Hayner, Pence and Olette’s daily adventures. Exploring places that Pence found suspicious, rooting for Hayner as he challeged Seifer to a struggle match, skateboarding, and finally buying some sea-salt ice cream after Olette’s insistence on giving Sora, Donald and Goofy their well-deserved break.
Olette led them to the usual spot, where they often didn’t allow other people to enter. Hayner was picky about visitors. Sora and his friends were the exception. The small group chatted happily for a few hours until they started getting drowsy from the ice cream. Sora was the first to pass out with Pence and Goofy shortly after. By the time the sun had set, everyone was fast asleep.
Olette yawned, rubbing her eyes as she woke up from her nap to get some water. She looked around at all of the sleeping boys…then quickly realized someone was missing.
Olette got up from the couch and shook Donald and Goofy first.
“…Hey. Hey!” She whispered. Donald lifted his head, turning to Goofy with squinted eyes.
Goofy was snoring loudly. Donald kicked his arm, making Goofy shoot up from the couch and salute at nothing.
“Wuzzat?! Emergency?!?!”
“SHHH!” Donald placed his finger on his beak. Hayner and Pence groaned loudly.
“Could you guys keep it down? We’re trying to sleep!” Hayner grimaced at Olette, who out her hands on her hips.
“Guys! Sora is gone!”
Donald and Goofy were wide awake the moment they processed what Olette had said. Hayner and Pence looked worried.
“If he went out for a midnight snack, he’s gonna get it!!!” Donald spat. “He could’ve at least invited me!!!”
Goofy rubbed the back of his head. “…Gawrsh…I doubt he would do that! Sora usually sleeps the whole night…”
“…Maybe he just needed some fresh air?” Pence suggested.
“Whatever it is, we should go look for him.” Hayner got up, putting his hand forward. “Who’s with me?”
Goofy and Donald immediately put their hands on top of his.
“Like we’d ever say no ta that! Ahyuck!”
“Somebody’s gotta keep an eye on him, after all.” Donald shook his head.
Pence and Olette laughed, then placed their hands in the pile as well. Hayner smirked.
“It’s settled, then. Let’s go.”
The group went asking all around town for Sora, but it seemed like no one had seen him at such a late hour. Many people refused to answer to their doors, and the shops were closed. All except one. The ice cream vendor, who was just about to close himself until he noticed Hayner and the others approaching.
“Hey, there kids!” He nodded at Donald and Goofy. “Gentlemen. What can I do for you?”
“Have ya seen a boy with brown spiky hair and a plaid red outfit pass by?” Goofy inquired.
The ice cream vendor tapped his fingers against the counter.
“Spiky hair…plaid red outfit…oh!” His finger shot up. “I know just who you’re talking about! He came by and bought another one of my best-sellers!”
Donald grunted. “I knew it.”
“…He was awfully quiet, though. And he looked pretty tired. When I asked if he was alright, he just paid and left.”
“That doesn’t sound right…” Goofy mumbled to himself.
Pence rubbed his chin.
“…Weird…OH NO!!!” Pence exclaimed. “WHAT IF A GHOST POSSESSED HIM?!?”
Donald and Goofy looked terrified by his comment. Hayner smacked Pence in the back of his head.
“Ghosts aren’t real, stupid. Stop making them paranoid!!!”
“My bad…” Pence twiddled his fingers. “But we still gotta see what’s wrong!”
Olette patted Donald and Goofy, giving them a reassuring smile.
“Sora should be fine. Let’s keep going.”
The gentle breeze hit his face as he looked out to the distance. The view from the top of the tower really was something. The sunset had a faint tint of red to it.
“Hey, sit down already. You’ll fall off.”
He turned his head towards Hayner, who grinned and took a bite of his ice cream. Pence and Olette beamed at him.
“…The sunset is so pretty today.”
He blinked at the sound of a female voice. He turned his head around to the other side of him. Lea waved his finished popsicle stick. It had the word ‘WINNER’ on it.
…And her.
She sat in between him and Lea. She pushed back a strand of her black hair. She tilted her head curiously.
“What’s the matter? You’re giving me a funny look. It would help if you actually said something.”
He scrunched up his nose, having a bit of difficulty thinking. His mind felt sluggish.
Her eyes widened. She smiled and shook her head.
“…That girl who looks so much like me. You know her name too? Why would you call me that?”
“He’s probably just messing with you. A joke. You’re supposed to laugh.” Lea ruffled her hair.
“Well, it’s not very funny!” She pouted.
He chuckled. “Relax. He’s got your name memorized. Don’t you, buddy?” Lea winked at him.
“Sure would suck if he didn’t!” Pence added.
Olette nudged Pence. “He wouldn’t forget. It’s definitely there. Right?”
Everyone stared at him. He suddenly felt nervous, being put on the spot like this. He took a step back.
“Hey…you should probably stop walking backwards…” The girl stood up, giving him a worried look.
Another step. He could feel the breeze get a little stronger. His left foot was teetering on the edge. The girl curved her lips, then took a step towards him.
“Didn’t you hear me? It’s too dangerous to go further.”
She extended her hand towards him. He felt dizzy and his chest hurt. A flicker of an image flashed into his mind. She had tried to…?
His foot slipped off the edge. He felt something hard under it instead of air. He heard it beginning to crack.
It shattered underneath him. His heart stopped as gravity started pulling him down. She reached out and caught him before he could fall.
A flash of blinding light filled his vision.
“Sora! Hold on!!!”
Sora's eyes snapped open. He gasped, clinging onto Goofy and Donald’s hands. They pulled him back up from the edge of the tower and got him as far away from it as possible. Donald and Goofy hugged him. Hayner and the gang looked terrified. Olette covered her mouth with her hands.
“What were you thinkin?!? Coming out onto the tower in the middle of the night???” Goofy’s voice was shaking.
Donald sniffed. “Don’t you EVER do that again! I can’t believe I’ve had to say this TWICE!!!”
Sora winced, feeling terrible for what he did. Whatever it even was….
Sora pulled away from Donald and Goofy with a perplexed expression on his face.
“…What…what happened to me?”
Donald and Goofy exchanged a concerned glance.
“…We were about to ask ya the same thing, Sora.”
Olette nodded vigorously. “You just disappeared! If I hadn’t woken up when I did…” She rubbed her arm, looking down sadly.
“…I’m really sorry for making you guys worry…but I honestly don’t remember much. I don’t even know how or why I came here.”
“Well, what DO you remember then?” Hayner asked.
Pence tapped his foot. “And try to explain it as best as you can. Maybe I can figure out what you were doing.”
Sora sighed. “…Ok. I’ll try my best.”
“…All I remember was getting up and leaving, and I ended up on the tower. My chest was aching a lot once I got to the top. I was having a really weird dream…”
“…That explains all the waterworks…” Hayner stated.
“When we found you up here, you were standing on the edge eating ice cream with your eyes closed. You were crying, and you wouldn’t budge when we tried snapping you out of it…” Olette clasped her hands together.
“Oh!” Pence tapped his fist against his right hand.
“I’ve got it! Irregular behavior, a dreamlike trance, no control over your body…you were sleepwalking!”
Sora raised an eyebrow. “Sleepwalking?”
“Just hear me out! What you described adds up!” Pence cleared his throat.
“Stage 4. It’s a level of sleep that’s so deep, you’re incapable of waking up even with exterior help. Your heart rate and breathing slows down so much, that they say it’s the lowest point just before death. But you can still dream, and that’s when sleepwalking might happen. It’s pretty rare…but when it does kick in, you have no control over what you do. You’re not conscious enough to stop yourself from doing weird things, like speaking a different language. Or I guess, in your case…buying ice cream and crying on the tower. It sounds like you had a nightmare too…”
Hayner and Olette gawked at Pence.
“…What? I like learning new stuff! I’m not just into the paranormal, you know! Though it would be cool to psychoanalyze a ghoul or something…”
“But…” Sora stared at the ground. “How can it be happening now?”
“Depends.” Pence pointed at him. “Are you stressed? Have you had trouble sleeping lately? Or is this really the first time?”
“No, no, and yes.” Sora seemed to be very confused.
“…I just…don’t get it. I don’t know what I saw…” He raised a hand up to his chin.
…Roxas…was it you? Did you somehow do this…?
“Ok, Sleeping Beauty. Let’s get outta here before you accidentally throw yourself off the tower again.” Hayner patted Sora’s shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
Goofy and Donald gave him reassuring smiles as they motioned for him to head down. Sora breathed out sharply. The image of that girl was still engraved into his mind. He didn’t know how to feel about that. Tears were tugging at the back of his eyes, but he wouldn’t let them come out just yet. He had to keep it together.
“R-right. I’m coming!”
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irvinexxkinneas · 4 years
Naturally, not even the slight tensing of muscles was hidden from prying eyes, Seifer all too keen on analyzing the sharpshooter whom he had only known as an enemy back then - and as a kid at the orphanage. They were basically strangers, and thus, there was no amicable feeling whatsoever for the man who suddenly barged into his life like a shadow of the past, uninvited and unwanted.
Even worse, somehow he had the feeling the Marshal had found him suitable to teach the untalented twit how to use the King's magic and, as if that was not enough of the blatant unfairness, wielding blades on top of it all. But then again, better him than Leonhart spending more time than was necessary with the man.
Snarling at the cocky words retorted to his question, Seifer fought down a growl building up in his throat, instead taking a drag from the cigarette he had stolen and releasing the smoke with a huff. "I'm never afraid, Kinneas," he insinuated, shooting a forbidding glance towards the auburn-haired man, "and I wouldn't recommend getting in my way." The other better shouldn't try this friendly banter nonsense with him, he wouldn't have it.
Silence fell for a moment in which Seifer pondered ways to get rid of the other - maybe if he managed to sever a limb he'd have his six-bedamned peace - but of course, the marksman had to open his mouth again. And what came out of it had Seifer chuckle darkly.
Pushing himself off the pillar, the tall blond rounded the other, standing in his line of sight now, chin raised as he glowered at the brunet, arrogance and disdain oozing from every pore of his being. "Unless you learn how to wield a fuckin' sword or at least a six-bedamned dagger, you won't be of any use for us whatsoever, Kinneas," Seifer snarled, huffing his disbelieve at the fact someone really had deemed it a good idea to enlist the man to the Glaives instead of the Crownsguard.
Grimacing, he turned away again, watching the younger, less battle-experienced newcomers on the Training Grounds as he took one last drag from his cigarette before snipping it away. "But yeah, guess the Marshal wants me to teach ya."
“Never? Really? You’re telling me there’s nothin’ out there that shakes you to your core and would make you do anything to stop it from happening?” 
Irvine knew it wouldn’t be wise to poke the beast, as they say, but couldn’t help himself. Something about seeing Seifer again after so long, knowing they had stood on opposite sides, made him want to press his luck. See if the man had changed at all. So far, it didn’t seem so.
He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. “I can’t promise anything. I just go where I’m needed, and if it’s in your way well….” he shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ll try not to do it intentionally, however.”
It wasn’t that he wanted to start anything with Seifer, especially so soon after arriving. It just so happens that he cannot always keep his mouth shut. A terrible habit of his that has gotten him into trouble more often than not. Despite all of that, he did want to try and become… Friendly? With the man. If friendly was really the term that could be used here.
As Seifer stepped in front of him, all Irvine could do was smile when he blocked his view of the grounds. An infuriating, easygoing smile. “Somethings just never change, do they Almasy? Always gettin’ riled up and upset over simple things.” He took a final drag, blowing the smoke away from the man before bringing his gaze back to those emerald eyes. “That’s fine, though. Lucky for you I’ve picked up a few things in my travels. Swords are still tricky, but I can use a dagger well enough.”
Lifting a boot up to rest on his knee, he put out his cigarette and tucked the butt in his jacket pocket. He saw no sense in tossing it aside when there was a trash bin somewhere he could deposit it into. Setting his foot down, he relaxed again, sliding his hands into his pants pockets. He looked back at the newcomers with Seifer and sighed softly.
“Look, I have no doubt you’ll be a good teacher, hard, maybe. Thorough I would hope. Just have a little faith that I can pick it up. I may be better with my gun, but I am capable of learning new things.”
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[Story?] Ask about my muse’s scar (chest)
It had been with much displeasure that Seifer had observed a certain longhaired brunet nuisance make it to the ranks of the Kingsglaives. Certainly not approving of the man, there was no doubt in Seifer's mind that it was Squall's doing getting the sharpshooter into their ranks - a disturbance in their fragile state of rebonding the tall blond did neither approve of nor would he quietly tolerate it.
Irvine Kinneas had kept a watchful eye on him ever since he arrived, and it irked the ex-knight in ways he could not put into words. Much like right now, as they were standing under the showers in the changing rooms, the training sessions over and done with. Seifer could feel the probing stares of violet blue eyes rest on him, and not in a way he could tolerate or even find remotely enjoyable. Military upbringing on both their sides caused the scene to not be awkward for either of them when Seifer turned around, brushing wet strands of hair back with one hand, shooting a forbidding glance at the man.
"You wanna take a picture, Kinneas? Lasts longer," Seifer sneered then, clicking his tongue as he reached for the towel and made quick work of drying up, before he wrapped the cloth around his hips and made for the changing rooms again. He had only just reached his locker when Irvine caught up with him, crossing his arms over his chest as he took his former enemy in with unreadable eyes.
"That scar... it's were Squall got ya in Galahd, isn't it?" The sharpshooter's voice was strangely tentative, as if not to cross any invisible line - which only raised Seifer's hackles more. "Yeah, so what? You're a nosey little fucker, ain't ya?", he shot back, turning away to start getting dressed again. The last people he wanted to discuss that time of his life with was Squall’s little fan club, he owed them no explanation nor apology. The only person he’d do that for was the smaller brunet himself, and no rundown, good-for-nothing gunsman that didn’t even know how to wield a damn blade.
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