#Yasir Qadhi
We don't have a Speaker's Corner here in Colorado, so we have to hold our debates wherever we can.  This Christian-Muslim debate occurred at an Marriott in Lone Tree, Colorado and involved famous (or infamous) Islamic scholar Yasir Qadhi and myself.  Apologies for the spotty audio, lots of wind and traffic noise, but I didn't shoot it.  It was shot without my knowledge by someone attending the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), who posted the video on Youtube. 
The occasion was an ICNA fundraiser whose keynote speaker was Yasir Qadhi, Salafist Islamic scholar and then faculty member of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee. In order to keep the Rhodes job Qadhi had to pretend to be “moderate.”  In fact, however, he had posted Youtube videos stating that Christians and Jews were filthy and that it was legitimate to take their lives and property in jihad.  As for the fundraiser, those familiar with Islamic charity (zakat) know that one of the eight categories for receipt of Islamic charitable donations is for soldiers for Islam that do not wear the uniform of a nation, in other words terrorists. 
The comments on the ICNA posting of the debate, mostly from ICNA sympathizers feel Qadhi won the debate (one referred to mas a "lone wolf") but don't go into detail.  The only comment that went into thorough discussion of the entire debate came from Adrian Russe and says that I won the debate handily.  Here are his comments, what do you think?:
This is the best comment concerning my debate with Yasir Qadhi that was posted to the ICNA video, thanks Adran Russe:
"OK! Good on him, he stayed on track and never fell for any of your bullshit. He is right about pretending to be Moderate, there is no such thing, just as Radical doesn't exist. There are the Pious and Munafiqun (munafiq, singular, Islamic Hypocrites). 1 min 19 in he starts deflecting. He is controlling this thus putting him in Dhimmitude. At 3;30 a great "fuck off"on your part. Then he starts lying about modifying Islam, it cannot ever happen, to do so would be to admit it isn't perfect, so he's lying. At 4:30 he says "I'm an American" that's bullshit. Their allegiance is to the Ummah, NEVER the host, a passport is another weapon of the age. Islam has no nationality.
6 minutes in, they have a duty to further Islam, so, another lie. Sahih Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar". 10:30 he starts talking about the cross (itas always going to happen) great move by the way. 10:45 he loves Jesus does he? The Quran agrees with the Bible about the virgin birth of Jesus (and his return), but not his resurrection. In fact, it even denies that he was crucified, which runs counter to all historical evidence. In the Islamic version, Jesus was taken to heaven andwill return to "destroy the cross" and all religions other than Islam. 12:00 heays "we are not preaching violence" another lie, they're muslims. Quran (2:216) –
"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense. 12:23 "food packages for abused women" MUSLIM women OR if not, Sahih Bukhari (55:558) - The Prophet said, "I give to them so as to attract their hearts to Islam."
The only example of Muhammad ever providing charity to non-Muslims was when it served the purpose of expanding personal power, either to buy conversions or loyalty. 12:40 Syrian refugess = Muslims, Any Christians coming out of Syria were missing by the time they reached international water because they wouldn't pray, and their children were kept to manipulate EU authorities. Those Syrian refugees who made it here do not need any charity from the U.S, there are enough arse lickers here to help them.
13:25 the last resort, Label Words. He knows Richard knows. Label words are another tactic to subdue. He has made up his mind and he is not falling for their deceit called Tawriya = Intentionally creating a false impression by saying something that is technically true, when knowing that the listener will interpret it in a different way. THAT was brilliant and God bless him for not falling for their deceptions. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that. Know whose enemy you are, and why."
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Islamist leader Yasir Qadhi debates me at fundraiser for ICNA
Love to be called “brilliant.”  But if nothing else my presence on the sidewalk in front of the Marriott with a sign that read “ICNA:  Terrorist Front,” clearly disrupted the event including having the keynote speaker feeling he had to confront me.
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aanews69 · 2 days
Dive into the fascinating world of Forge, whose inventions go far beyond the realms of the X-Men.⚙️ In this captivating video, uncover the hidden depths of t...
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wisdomfish · 4 months
"Hole in the Standard Islamic Narrative" day 
On June 8, 2020, when Mohammed Hijab asked in a YouTube interview with Dr Yasir Qadhi (one of the leading authorities on the Qur'an in the English speaking world), to tell him which of the 30 official Qira'at Qur'ans was the one which was given to Muhammad in the 7th century?
While much of the academic world knew of this problem, no one of any note from within Islam had ever admitted publicly that there were 30 different Qur'ans, nor that the differences were in the tens of thousands of variant letters and differing words.
By admitting this problem in such a public forum, hundreds of Muslims have subsequently left Islam, and have blamed Dr Qadhi for their apostasy.
This interview did so much damage to the integrity of the Qur'an, destroying any notion that the Qur'an has been perfectly preserved eternally, that we have decided every year to commemorate this day, June 8, as the "Hole in the Standard Islamic Narrative" day, and plan to remind the world of it each year as an annual celebration.
So, enjoy this interview between Al Fadi and Dr Jay as they help explain exactly what happened that fateful day, two years ago
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The Night Journey: A Miraculous Experience of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
The Night Journey, also known as Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj, is a significant event in Islamic history that took place in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It was a miraculous journey that the Prophet undertook in a single night, traveling from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the heavens, accompanied by the angel Gabriel.During this journey, the Prophet met several prophets, including…
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atticspider · 5 months
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Currently reading the parables of the Quran by Yasir Qadhi and I really loved this page from chapter 3
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abimoneytoken · 2 years
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islam-reflections · 1 year
A message to those struggling with addiction of any type: Your worth is not determined by your bad habit, but by your sincere attempt to overcome it. It doesn't matter how many times you didn't succeed-your salvation is in trying again & again. Don't lose hope in Allah's mercy. Yasir Qadhi
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notetaeker · 6 months
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March 25, 2024 - Sunday  | Ramadan Challenge 15/30
Day 15: islamic lecture series / podcast / book recommendations:
Lecture series: 1, Moments of the Qur'an (Miftaah Institute) - A month-long discussion every Ramadan about each Juz. I love it because the imam and mufti are actual brothers lol and they banter in a way only siblings can. Also It's very very reflective and makes you think of things in ways you haven't before. All the brothers are also great models of brotherhood and treating parents properly. I learn a lot from them. 2. Seerah of the Prophet by Yasir Qadhi - The best thing about this is that he brings out every single opinion that exists from the scholars. You really get to know the prophet as a person as opposed to just learning a bunch of events like you might do from a book. Honestly this series changed my life and gave me such a connection with the prophet. Before this, I had always wondered how ppl felt such personal love toward him. Honestly I also love it because it's like storytime lol I love hearing stories
Book: 3. In the Early Hours (By Khurram Murad) - This book is great honestly. It's not dense like many informational islamic literature tends to be. It wastes no time and speaks directly to you and unveils the truth of life and how to succeed to you lol. This is one of my fave quotes:
"Indeed the one who is unsure of his destiny in life, torn between this world and the next, like one standing with his feet in two separate boats, will be thrown off balance."
It's a great book for people who have decided to begin a journey to improve themselves Islamically. Usually those types of books are full of boring basics but this book is full of so many profound quotable things I def recommend it 10/10.
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a-person-on-earth · 4 months
Dr. Yasir Qadhi on X: "Truly harrowing scenes in Rafah: decapitated children, burnt bodies, calculated savagery, and stark images of loss. Don't mistakenly assume this is a recent phenomenon! Rather the only difference between now and 1948 is that today our cameras bring these chilling realities home." / X
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masjid-world · 1 year
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The Quran is the ultimate proof of our religion; simply listen to its recitation, and you are certain that it is the Speech of our Creator.
Yasir Qadhi
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i-love-crona · 11 months
I'm not really sure what to write but here are some links to help support Palestine. If there is any problems with the links please tell me so I can try to fix them !!!
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aanews69 · 3 days
Dive into the fascinating world of Forge, whose inventions go far beyond the realms of the X-Men.⚙️ In this captivating video, uncover the hidden depths of t...
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wisdomfish · 1 year
"Hole in the Standard Islamic Narrative" Day
On June 8, 2020, when Mohammed Hijab asked in a YouTube interview with Dr Yasir Qadhi (one of the leading authorities on the Qur'an in the English speaking world), to tell him which of the 30 official Qira'at Qur'ans was the one which was given to Muhammad in the 7th century?
While much of the academic world knew of this problem, no one of any note from within Islam had ever admitted publicly that there were 30 different Qur'ans, nor that the differences were in the tens of thousands of variant letters and differing words.
By admitting this problem in such a public forum, hundreds of Muslims have subsequently left Islam, and have blamed Dr Qadhi for their apostasy.
This interview did so much damage to the integrity of the Qur'an, destroying any notion that the Qur'an has been perfectly preserved eternally, that we have decided every year to commemorate this day, June 8, as the "Hole in the Standard Islamic Narrative" day, and plan to remind the world of it each year as an annual celebration.
So, enjoy this interview between Al Fadi and Dr Jay as they help explain exactly what happened that fateful day, two years ago
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Lessons from Surah Al-Qalam: A Deep Dive into Divine Justice and Human Conduct
Surah Al-Qalam, the 68th chapter of the Quran, serves as a profound reminder of the principles of divine justice and human morality. This Surah, revealed in Mecca, addresses both the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the disbelievers, offering lessons that are relevant to all of humanity. Here, we explore key themes and lessons from the Surah that guide Muslims towards righteousness and…
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happyfancyfree · 2 years
People who reject religion and God often do so because they cannot understand the existence of pain and suffering in this world. They expect this world to be a place of no evil, and when they find any evil, they use it to reject the place of God and religion. "Why would God not create a perfect, blissful world, without pain, without suffering, without death?" they ask. "How could a merciful God create an imperfect world?" The sad irony is that we Muslims as well essentially believe in the exact same thing. Indeed, a true God would create a perfect world, and it's called Jannah. These people want to be given Jannah without any effort. They believe they have essentially 'earned' Jannah merely by their existence (and of course even their existence was not even of their own doing). We, on the other hand, believe the pain and suffering and evil that exists in this world is all meant to extract from us the potential to counter than pain with mercy, to counter that suffering with compassion and patience, and to counter that evil with good. Each opportunity, if approached with faith, becomes an opportunity of good, and any pain or suffering diminishes when compared to the good that comes out of it. And in the end, the greatest of all good, which is Paradise, is contingent on our responses to these trials of this world. Rather than question the existence of God because of calamity (which is similar to Satan rejecting the worship of Allah because of his own arrogance), a humble believer submits to the Will of Allah and recognizes that every calamity has a greater good hidden in it, and every believer has the potential and capacity to unlock that greater good and maximize the potential to earn Paradise, the place of no suffering or evil.
Yasir Qadhi
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