#Yann ArthusBertrand
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Fondation Opale. Focus : le point de vue de Yann Arthus-Bertrand
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UN-backed documentary 'Human' aims to capture the world
VENICE, Italy (AP) — With wars, atrocities and the desperation of refugees dominating the daily news, it's easy to feel despair about human nature. http://dlvr.it/C6ht8p
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導演係法國平面攝影師Yann Arthus-Bertrand員創,要花作15年時間籌備o番,睇畫質就好高清喇,不知是否真高清呢?
其實係6月5日「聯合國世界環保日」全球同步上映,連明珠台20:30也播了,可惜當晚我去做對自己很重要的事,所以就錯過了,今次知道會有戲院會上都幾開心喎,畢竟呢類都唔係賺錢影片嘛,不過原來只有兩間戲院上映,係UAUA朗豪坊及UA Megabox,最慘係一日分別只放映兩場及三場,真係唔惦哩.....就唔o岩時間去睇呀!
簡介:馳譽國際攝影寶典《EARTH FROM ABOVE「空中看地球」》* 作者法國著名平面攝影師恩亞祖貝特杭,遇上了電影奇才洛比桑,將美不勝收的世界光影搬上了大銀幕;隨著攝影大師動人的鏡頭,我們走進美得令人懷疑這些地方是否人類的家─地球。《HOME》可說是《空中看地球》的電影版,恩亞祖貝特杭花了15年時間籌備,走訪50個國家拍攝,由澳洲海底的大堡礁到非洲肯亞高原的乞力馬扎羅山;亞瑪遜熱帶雨林到戈壁沙漠;美國德薩斯州連綿不斷的棉花田到中國上海的工業城鎮。如詩如畫的美景喚醒世人,樂觀地珍視我們仍然保有的50%雨林,而非只著眼那失去的一半;更重要是地球60億人類都應該醒覺,我們的責任所在...
YouTube - homeproject's Channel:http://www.youtube.com/homeproject
HOME - a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand:http://www.home-2009.com/us/index.html
《地球很美有賴你》 (Home) Trailer
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#Conventioncitoyenne pour le #climat : les réactions enthousiastes de Marion #Cotillard et Yann-#ArthusBertrand
Alors que les 150 membres de la Convention citoyenne pour le climat commencent, vendredi 19 juin, à voter les propositions pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, la comédienne Marion Cotillard et le photographe Yann Arthus-Bertrand ont réagi avec enthousiasme.
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New film aims to capture 'Human' experience
They are fighters, victims, murderers and survivors whose anonymous yet deeply personal interviews form the backbone of a new film from French photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand that seeks to capture our experience on Earth. In the opening moments of "Human" -- which premieres Saturday at both the Venice Film Festival and the United Nations in New York -- a convicted killer on Death Row in the United States explains how he learned to love from the grandmother of one of his victims. The on-screen interviews were distilled from more than 2,000 carried out with people in 60 countries over the three years it took to make the 11-million-euro ($12.2 million) movie. http://dlvr.it/C57xBr
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