#Yandere outlast
blakeswritingimagines · 4 months
Dating Yandere Eddie Gluskin would Include:
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He'd be very obsessed with you, not letting you out of his sight and always following you around. He wouldn't accept rejection or take no for an answer either. he'd also get violent at a snap of the finger and would insult you for not accepting him. overall a very manipulative and possessive person. Note that he'd only be this way with you, not with other people
He'd also be very controlling. Forcing you to change your appearance to his liking and would refuse to accept anything other than this. He would also be very jealous and paranoid that you'd betray or abandon him for different people and would do anything to make you stay.
He would be very emotionally volatile and would often shift between love and rage over the slightest thing. You'd never know when the next outburst would come or what would trigger it. He'd also be emotionally manipulative and would try to make you pity him, often using his traumatic past as an excuse for his behavior.
He would be very possessive, not allowing you to leave him or the premises, and would try to control every aspect of your life, constantly trying to mold you into his ideal partner. He would also be very vindictive if he ever felt betrayed. He would try to get back at you in any way possible, including physically and emotionally hurting you, and would show no remorse for his actions. In spite of all this, he would display moments of tenderness and affection towards you, often in a twisted way which he would justify as love.
His paranoia would often result in stalking and surveillance. He would want to know all of your whereabouts and movements and would also be very protective of you, frequently physically restraining you when he felt you were in danger. He often displays possessive and controlling behaviors, wanting to limit your social interactions with other people and becoming jealous over anything.
The Groom is very much a product of his abuse and trauma, having an incredibly warped view of love and relationships as a result. He would likely project his own insecurities and self-hatred onto his partner, controlling and manipulating you in an attempt to get you to fulfill an emotional need. Despite his violence and aggression, there is a deep sense of emotional pain and loneliness within him. However, he would not be able to fully let anyone inside his walls due to his fear of rejection and abandonment. He would be in a constant cycle of self-torture and self-hate.
He's very aggressive and has no qualms about fighting back if necessary. He's very strong, as evidenced by his large muscular build, and would be able to easily overpower most people. He might also fight dirty and wouldn't be afraid to use weapons either. Overall, he's not the kind of person who would hesitate to throw punches if he feels you cross the line with him.
He would be very controlling even on dates. He'd likely be very insistent on taking you somewhere romantic and secluded where no one could see you and would insist on picking you up from your house to ensure you don't talk to anyone or try to leave. He'd also be very overprotective on dates, not wanting you to go anywhere near other men and keeping a watchful eye on you.
If he's in love with you and you do accept his advances and show affection back to him, he'd be very affectionate and clingy with you. He would be all over you physically, giving you constant hugs and kisses, and showering you with compliments and praise.
He'd reward you when you accept his affection and do what he says. He'd buy you gifts and do things for you that you want, but if you upset him or cross the line he'd punish you physically or emotionally. He'd also make sure that you would never leave him or stray by isolating you and controlling you as much as he could.
His punishments would be based on your behavior and how much you've "wronged" him. It could range from taking away your freedoms by isolating you and making you stay with him, to physically harming you, or emotionally hurting you by insulting you or making fun of you.
He'd become extremely upset and do everything in his power to prevent it. He'd likely become physically aggressive towards the person trying to get you away and would threaten and intimidate them. He would also likely isolate who's trying to help you leave completely, keeping them in his sights at all times and not letting you go outside without him. Ultimately, it would be very difficult for someone to try and get away from him, and would likely need outside help.
If you tried leaving on your own, He'd likely become extremely upset and would do everything in his power to find you and bring you back. He would use any means necessary to locate you and then physically bring you back or hold you against your will where you can't leave him. He'd become incredibly possessive over you and would not let you leave under any circumstances.
Mount Massive Asylum is a bleak and depressing place full of violence, fear, and insanity. It's a perfect breeding ground for this yandere and you. You would constantly be on guard for your own safety not even just against Eddie. You would have to constantly monitor and manipulate other's emotions to keep the fragile bond alive and stop it from imploding. It would be a place full of suspicion, lies, and manipulation, all done in the name of "love" in Eddie's eyes.
Yes, he would definitely have misogynistic tendencies when it comes to how he treats you. He would see you as a lesser being and an object that exists solely for his satisfaction, and would often degrade and insult you. He would likely constantly refer to his partner as "bitch", and other various misogynistic names and slurs, viewing you as property for his own pleasure.
Don't think you're completely safe from his ideals mutilation, you would be right there with him, seeing every bit of the action as if showing you what could happen. He'd want you to feel every moment of the fear, the pain, the desperation... It's all part of the thrill for him. And don't worry, he'd make sure you survive. A little maiming here and there, maybe some scars to remember him by, but nothing too serious. After all, he wants you around for future... fun times.
If the groom and you were to actually get married, the marriage would be very one-sided and he would maintain control over you and would become more controlling and possessive. He would make the decisions for both of you and would not be open to any input from you. He would expect you to be completely subservient and compliant, doing whatever he says without question. You would have very little say in the relationship and would have to live according to his rules and wishes.
If you were to have children with the groom, he would likely view them as extensions of himself and would raise them as per his desires and beliefs, and would likely treat them in a similar way to how he treats you. He would also be very controlling of the children as well and would expect them to obey and submit to him in the same way as his partner. He would likely instill his beliefs and worldview into them from an early age, and would not tolerate any questioning of his authority or any deviation from what he considers acceptable behavior.
The groom would likely be very upset and disappointed if you couldn't or didn't want to have children, as having children was one of his main goals for the relationship. He'd likely continue to pressure you into having children even if you were unable or not willing to, eventually resorting to physical or emotional coercion and manipulation. If you still refused to have children, he would likely become angry and resentful towards you, blaming you for not being willing to do what he wants and potentially punishing you for it.
"You're just the one my dear, the perfect specimen for my art. The perfect wife, your flaws make me love you so much more, I'll remove them all, piece by piece till you are nothing but perfection. My angel, my love, my perfection."
Facials - He loves to shoot his load directly onto his partner's face, watching as you struggle to keep up with swallowing all of his cum.
BDSM – He also appreciates the structure and rituals associated with traditional bondage scenarios. The use of restraints, blindfolds, collars…all these elements add an additional layer of excitement for him.
Teasing - Playing mind games with his partner by denying you an orgasm or touching you just enough to keep you wanting more but never giving in fully is a huge turn-on for him.
Objectification - Treating you like an object rather than a human being during sex. Forcing you to perform degrading tasks or behave like furniture because you belong to him and exist solely for his pleasure.
Degradation - Putting you down verbally or physically, making you feel worthless and insignificant in comparison to him especially when he's angry, is extremely arousing to him. He loves hearing you beg for mercy while he continues to dominate and humiliate you.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
How would a self aware!Walrider Miles Upsur feel about a player!darling? Would a concept be possible? Thank you!
Oh sure! I was actually replaying the original Outlast for this fic :D Forgot how much I love it!
Yandere! Self-Aware! Walrider! Miles Upshur with Player! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Self-aware AU, Violence, Blood mention, Stalking, Invasion of privacy, Slight intimate implications, Miles gets religious, Pining/Yearning.
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I have a feeling Miles only had an acute sense of being self-aware before he became host to the Walrider.
He had a feeling someone or something was guiding him through the horrors of the asylum.
Yet he had no idea what.
In this AU I'd like to consider the Walrider a connection between Miles world and your world in a way.
Just for this AU the entity has this power.
This could show some explanation for why it's so worshipped in the asylum.
Miles just thought it was the fanatic worship of experimented on patients.
He isn't the most religious person, so he doesn't think much on it.
Miles doesn't fully become aware of there being something much more out there until the Walrider takes him as a host near the end of the game.
It's with the Walrider's help that he finally sees.
Call him crazy but after that he's pretty sure this whole journey he'd had is just a game.
He should've seen the signs before, yet now the Walrider has confirmed everything.
No wonder when he though he died he woke up fine... he was resetting.
Those glimpses of someone he saw? They were his player.
The Walrider was not hurting him... it was helping him.
It has been trying to help him see.
Miles obsession starts like most self-aware yanderes.
He's obsessed with the idea of knowing more about you.
The Walrider is trying to help him learn more, but even its influence isn't strong enough.
With the Walrider's help, Miles can see you through your screen.
Through the Walrider, Miles can learn more about you from watching.
While you're unaware... Miles watches you closely.
The Walrider can sense Miles' emotions and does whatever it can to feed into Miles feeling of obsession towards you.
The Walrider feeds off of the feelings Miles experiences towards you.
Be it obsession, yearning, love, lust, jealousy, whatever it may be... The Walrider feeds off it.
When the Walrider took over, Miles gained control of himself mostly.
You no longer guided him... and you had no idea how intently he was watching you.
In his world he only ever saw violence.
In the asylum he's seen blood, gore, gruesome murders, and scenes he wishes he could purge from his mind.
Now... the Walrider has presented him a gift.
Perhaps that pastor was right, now he can believe.
The Walrider can help him obtain something divine.
It can help him obtain you.
The Walrider always tunes him in to watch you.
Anything you do in front of your screen, be it a TV or PC, Miles can see it.
He watches you like you're the most amazing being he's ever seen.
In a way, he saw you as a God.
An angel.
Something divine.
You're a blessed sight to him compared to the blood that coats these walls.
Miles wants to be closer to you.
He wants to meet you.
At this right he's fallen for you... the Walrider's claws dig deeper into his heart to feed off the feeling.
The issue is... how does he get to you?
If he's patient enough, maybe the Walrider will have an answer.
Maybe the Walrider will guide him to you if he listens to its orders... then he can show you he loves you. His savior.
The Walrider wishes to meet you, too...it just needs to find a way to pass over to your world, eventually.
In the meantime, Miles will wait and fuel his obsession by watching... for now, it will do.
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Base Yandere Miles Upshur Headcanons: Sheer Will Of Obsessive Love (Outlast)
[Hello My Sexy Muffins, I am here with a new chapter. In this chapter will be Miles Upshur from Outlast! I hope you all enjoy this!]
Disclaimer: Miles Upshur is not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters and fictional yanderes is fine, as long as you separate fiction from reality. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Miles Upshur-
.Miles is a bit of a more cynical individual.
.He can be seen cracking darker jokes and making comments in his notes about some of the things he has seen.
.He has the love of his life and that is you, he met you before mount massive and he was determined to get back to you no matter what.
He is a yandere that goes on sheer determination.
.He is beyond the normal amount of determination where even a rival or you turning him down will not stop him.
.He has that sheer will that a lot of yanderes have a small amount of but no he had enough for an army.
.He is the type of yandere to also be very vengeful.
.Such as he was with Tragger and wanted revenge.
.He would be the type to be vengeful if a rival takes you from him.
.He also is a very selfless but stubborn man.
.Selfless in which he will do anything to expose people like Murkoff.
.But also very stubborn nonetheless.
.He was very stubborn with his love for you.
.In which he does not take no for an answer.
.He will be stubborn yandere in that he is not willing to budge on how he feels for you.
.If you ask for him to give you more space. "No"
.Ask him to leave you alone. "No"
.Ask him to stop taking pictures and videos of you. "No"
.He is a stubborn old yandere and it would take a lot for him to stop those things.
.Even if you got a restraining order he would just find a way around it.
.With Rivals he is very Vengeful and with his reporter skills he will dig dirt up on a rival.
.Either blackmailing his rival to leave you alone.
.Or to expose his rival so you leave that rival.
.If the person does not have any dirty secrets Miles is more than willing to plant some evidence.
.That way he can ruin their lives and keep them away from you.
.If he had confessed before mount massive it would have been a romantic dinner.
.With you and him and he made everything perfect.
.Once he is able to have you he will be very happy with you.
.If you accept his love. He is over the moon and so happy he will also be slightly less stubborn.
.Now if you turn him down he is not too happy about this.
.Though he has a job in mount massive to do so...
.While he is in mount massive his goal is to get back to you.
.If you already accepted his love he has his whole life with you ahead and he WILL NOT break your heart.
.If you did not accept his love he knows he is not leaving this world until he is with you and had his life with you!
.Once the walrider merges with him.
.Well things change to a very dangerous situation.
.As the walrider now wants you to and has the same feelings for you as Miles does.
.Once they are back and you have accepted their love they will be making monster fricking love to you!
.Making you theirs!
.If you did not accept their love?
.Well the walrider is not going to let Miles wait for you and Miles does not want to wait.
.He realized he has almost lost everything and he is NOT wasting another chance with you.
.Be ready to be kidnapped and never be let go.
.He is not risking losing you and he now has the power to keep you by his side. Forever.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, at last. I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all my muffins!]
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persnicketypomelo · 1 year
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I don't know why but this request was deleted from my inbox, don't know what happened there. This was the most fun I've had writing something in a while!
Watched the Whistleblower DLC for this, and I gotta say, in some ways it's more satisfying/better than the actual game. Still love Outlast though! Ended up going with a female reader.
18+ (it's Outlast lol), female reader
spoilers for Outlast/Whistleblower DLC, mentions of nonconsensual acts/procreation, mentions of mutilation and harm, death, murder, obsession, misogyny/misogynistic language
Yandere Eddie Gluskin Headcanons
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Like all of the patients under the Murkoff Corporation, mistreatment due to company greed undoubtedly exacerbated the pre-existing instability of Gluskin
Gluskin is a mass murderer, infatuated with the idea of taking a bride, and consequently murdering them
Depending on whether you’re biologically male or female may alter how he perceives you
I will write for a female reader
Gluskin is very much a…traditional man, clinging to outdated beliefs and to the fantasy of a wife, and many children
Perhaps, like Miles, you are a journalist, or maybe an adventurous urban explorer, or former employee who strayed way out of your league
Mount Massive had the old, dilapidated look of a haunted 19th century asylum, which piqued a morbid curiosity that you could not contain
The moment he sees you, Eddie feels it is love-at-first sight...or in his own way, at least
He is attracted to your appearance, especially if you dress and act feminine
I think he would likely end up killing and mutilating you no matter how attracted he is to you, but let’s say he sees something special in you that makes him involuntarily reconsider his usual procedure in murder
As he stalks you through the asylum halls, he sings to himself and tells you about how special you are: how you're not like the rest of his victims (or "darlings" in his words)
However, he has quite the nasty temper under his guise of flirtatiousness and charisma
If you are too slippery, evading his capture for to long, he will become frustrated that you are so resistant to his love
"You're not a whore like the rest of them, so stop acting like them, darling!"
But the moment you hurt yourself in your escape attempt, he will become even more desperate to catch you, delirious at your injury
"Why would you make yourself suffer so? Would you go so far as to die just to escape me?"
He is simultaneously delusional, but also aware that you wish to flee him, and these two contradictory traits manifest themselves intermittently
When he eventually catches you (and he will since he has all the advantages over your weakened, injured state), you will get the better end of the deal in comparison to the rest of his 'wives'
However, you will undoubtedly receive some treatment from his scalpel
Perhaps he will carve his name into your skin, to signify his possession of you
If you squirm and resist his minstrations too much for his liking, he will use a questionable gas to "calm you down", relaxing your muscles against your will
I believe Eddie is too far gone in his own delusions to change his ways
Hopes of saving him and reforming him were ruined by the experimentation and torture under Murkoff, no doubt
(And also the moment he first decided to murder women as a hobby)
Likely, the dark and disgusting truth is that he would make you comply with his visions of having many children, even if it is against your wishes
Unfortunately, he is doomed to continue the abuse he experienced under his father, too broken by his own twisted ideology and a company that utterly failed him
I can only hope that you manage to escape Mount Massive, or else be stuck with this maniac in a life worse than death
Why does it say he's a musical artist if you look him up
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
Mama, if you still write for Outlast, could you maybe do something with Jeremy Blaire? Like maybe his darling gets hired as the day custodian and he falls fast and hard, always talking to her when she comes into his office for the trash. When all hell breaks loose he simply must keep her close. It's the only way he can be sure she's safe-locked in his office with him.
“Sir, please-” you begin to beg, trying to tug at the door as the screams from outside begin to worsen and make your blood run cold. It seemed the office door was a special one, locked by more than just the handle, seemingly needing several other ways to open it and get free of the nightmare that is unfolding before you.
“Don’t worry…I don’t plan on any of those freaks hurting you” his voice is so close, you feel the heat of his breath on the back of your neck as you freeze in place. His hands come up to pull yours away from the door handle, tugging your back to his chest as he begins letting his hands roam up and down your sides.
His face nuzzles into your shoulder, like he was a soft lover who missed you, and his lips pepper little kisses as he easily holds you against his frame. “Been wanting you for a while now, you know? To the point its been fucking with my work. Made a lot of mistakes with those variants, some just didn’t make it…All because you were running through my mind”.
You can’t even breathe, tears rolling down your face as his hands snake up under your shirt and begin to play with the meat of your chest, cold fingers ghosting over your nipples as he continues his asinine monologue. “At first, I thought I just needed a good fuck. Get the hormones out and quit wasting company time. Every Time I saw you bending over or smiling at the other fuckers-” he agressively tightens his grip, pinching your nipples as he grits his teeth.
“-It pissed me off that other people got to see that. I realized after a bit too long, that I didn’t just want to fuck your pretty face or ruin your cute little hole. I wanted your kisses, your smile, your good mornings and good nights. Fuck, baby, I want all of you and everything I can get from you”.
You begin to fight, clawing at his hands and his arms, knowing that being outside with those psychos and variants was safer than being locked away with this sick, sadistic bastard. But it was no use, and all your effort was greeted with was a chuckle of amusement, and the tearing of your shirt.
“Even when panicking like this, you’re making me want to devour you. You’re stupid if you think I’ll ever let you get away from me”.
-Mommabean (Hi! I hope you enjoyed!)
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bloodsuckerproxy · 6 months
"I won't give up on you. I know you're worth it"
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Eddie is finished! I might do another piece of him in the more traditional green/blue camera style of the game. As much as I adore him covered in blood and sexy I need to draw him even more deranged and disgusting next time
Enjoy :P
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sid-sn · 5 months
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All Mine
For @lilbluebastard
W! Blood death.
Little yandere for you i hope you enjoy! Been awhile since i did the topic but i enjoyed it!
It started with harmless flirting in the trials, getting caught on purpose, stumbling into his arms, hiding in places he knew you would be so he could pull you out and embrace you. Sure Coyle was a Prime but he seemed different.. A soft side only you saw. So one night during a trial when hes chasing you you decided to tell him how you feel, and hes over joyed. Immediately he tells you to stay here, with him. It did not sink in with you then that you would be staying in a dark dimly lit room for the rest of your life at that moment…
Days went on and Coyle was everything you wanted him to be, the little neck bites before he left, the surprise rear grabs when he returned, the happy smile you gave him each time when you realized he was back. There were times though, when you would venture too far out of the room and Coyle would yell dragging you back. “Not safe sweetness” was all he would say before locking the door to leave you in there for who knows how long. You shrugged it off, he is just looking out for you after all right?
One night you were very lonely without him, he was taking a little longer to come back and it worried you. ‘Just be quick’ you thought to yourself as you got up from your little space in a corner to go to the door slowly opening it. Nothing but darkness. He cant be too far. You heard some yelling coming from down the hall deciding to follow it. The closer you got the more concerned you were, your heart racing in your chest, your shaking fingers that traced the cold tile walls with each step. Turning a corner you peeked in only to get wide eyes at what you saw: Coyle… stepping on a regents face just to shove his electric prod into it after, the smile on his face sent shivers all around your skin.. The blood flying everywhere only made it worse.
The man looked up and over seeing you hiding behind the door staring at him with fear in your eyes. “Sweetness” he said in a heavy breath. You turned away running as fast as you could looking for any place to hide, every room was locked except for the one you had been staying in, you rushed back into your corner sinking to your feet with your arms around yourself. Each heavy foot step felt like it was beating along with your heart till they stopped at the door, the light from the man's smoke shining bright with each heavy breath Coyle took. He stepped in, slamming the door shut behind him , something else hit the door as well but you could not make out what it was
“Sweetness” he stepped closer watching you get as far in the corner as you could. “Sweetness that regent wanted to take you away.” closer. “I cant … let that happen, your mine “ closer. Something hit the floor in front of you making you scream at the contents: it was a bucket of bloody body parts, arms, legs, hands, fingers. “I had to do it, I'm sure it scares you and that deeply saddens me. but , listen,” Coyle reached his hand out to stroke your cheek slowly with his thumb. “If those Primes find ya they will hurt ya bad, so bad that they would not stop till you stopped moving. And that regent? He was gonna tell em where ya was” he titled his head at you moving closer. “Ya understand?” Coyle kissed your head sweetly. “I cant let that happen, thats why i lock the doors, so they cant get in here and hurt ya”
“They… would…?”
“Yes sweetness. Its safe here with me and only me, ya dont need anyone else”
You embraced him, still feeling guilty, was this right? Was this the correct choice? You did not want to die, and Coyle would never hurt you. So maybe it was… but little did you know that the real reason Coyle restricted your movements was because everyone was dead, the regents, the primes. Everyone. You did not need anyone else. Only him.
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samalong1 · 1 year
Comfort eddie gluskin x reader
He hides it but often his trauma of his childhood and Mt massive get to him
Then he'll hide himself in gew sewing room to calm himself but then he'll get angry at himself and shout or he'll be stomping around angry
You know how to calm him though
He's tooken you as his wife years ago afterall
You'll put on his 2nd favorite dress(2nd to your wedding dress of course) its classic red polka dot 50's housewife getup
Then you poke your head around the doorframe never approach him directly
Then just bat your eyelashes "dear I wanted to make us a potatoe dish but I don't want to knick my fingers" in a soft helpless tone
Oh how his once red face turns all bright and proud "oh my can't risk cuts on your delicate fingers what husband would I be" he'd hum whisking you to the kitchen
He cheers up knowing you need him and that he can help you he's your husband afterall
Step 2
If your pregnant (or if you don't want to/scared/cant/MAN) pretending to be just walk over
Usually you shoudnt approach him when mad but the waddling sounds of his wife's footsteps heavy with his child
He'll smile happily "my darling!" Admiring you glowing
"Honey the baby is acting up I think they need their daddy" in a soft maybe tired tone
Oh how his face lights up with pure joy
"Awe already being a little rascal for mommy" he'd coo leading you to his bedroom to snuggle while he rubs your belly
3rd way
Do something to make him feel stronger to show how your his weak little wife in need of him
"Honey I need you to open this please" or honey I need to move the couch but it's so heavy"
He'd feel all proud roll up his sleeves to help you maybe even flex a bit to show off
Just the sight of his wife needing him depending on him and wanting his help feeling safe with him he'll protect his family love his family he won't do any harm unlike his nasty father
He won't talk about his feelings it makes him feel weak and vulnerable like Mt massive and his family made him feel he'll grow aggressive and angry
Just be dependent on him make him feel like a good provider and husband
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lumierexfics · 9 months
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꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷₊˚✧ ゚.THE BAKERY IS OPEN. ゚✧˚₊꒷꒥꒷꒥꒷
Hello and welcome to my bakery! It seems that the post office is opening later but I seem to have extra ingredients and you must want to create something to pass the time. Let's bake a cake for your special person! [ ORDERS TAKEN : 6 OUT OF 14 ]
︶꒦꒷ What flavor of cake would they like? ꒷꒦︶
Chocolate, Vanilla, Apple, Expresso, Raspberry, Cherry, Carrot, Strawberry, Orange, Lemon, Cinnamon, Pumpkin, Sprinkles.
︶꒦꒷ What type of frosting would they like? ꒷꒦︶
: ̗̀➛ Vanilla frosting / No AU : ̗̀➛ Salted caramel frosting / Mermaid AU : ̗̀➛ Lemon-orange frosting / Victorian AU : ̗̀➛ Strawberry frosting / Cowboy AU : ̗̀➛ Coconut frosting / Pirate AU : ̗̀➛ Peppermint frosting / Reincarnation AU : ̗̀➛ Chocolate peanut butter frosting / Time travel AU : ̗̀➛ Blackberry frosting / Slasher AU : ̗̀➛ Expresso frosting / Assassin AU : ̗̀➛ White chocolate frosting / Nobility AU
︶꒦꒷ What type of decoration will be on the cake?꒷꒦︶
: ̗̀➛ Childhood friends to lovers / Frosted Frogs : ̗̀➛ Enemies to lovers / Shredded dark chocolate : ̗̀➛ Forbidden lovers / Edible flowers : ̗̀➛ Second chance / Edible glitter : ̗̀➛ Red String of fate / Candles : ̗̀➛ Established relationship / Wedding toppers
︶꒦꒷ What type of box do you think they would like?꒷꒦︶
: ̗̀➛ Pink / Fluff : ̗̀➛Blue / Angst LIMITED EDITION : ̗̀➛ White with red hearts / Smut [ ORDERS TAKEN 0 OUT OF 3 ]
When requesting the LIMITED EDITION BOXES, please do not request anything that involves bodily fluids, anything non-consensual.
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Thank you for ordering and hopefully your special someone will enjoy the cake that you made for them!
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Dating Yandere Trager Would Include:
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He was fiercely protective and obsessive, constantly checking in on you and becoming suspicious if you even looked at another person. He demanded your attention all the time and would get violent if you even attempted to leave him, or if someone else came near you. He was also manipulative, making you feel guilty for even thinking about leaving him. He made sure to isolate you from any loved ones, forcing you to rely on him.
He was also possessive and jealous, getting furious if you even breathed in the direction of another man, or if you even spoke to another person. He would constantly try to isolate you and control every aspect of your life. He wasn't afraid to use physical force to get what he wanted and was always monitoring you to make sure you weren't trying to escape his grasp. He would often use guilt and emotional manipulation to make sure you would never leave him.
He would frequently display his obsession by keeping tabs on you at all times, like installing surveillance cameras in your room, as well as tracking your location on your phone.
He would use love bombing to try to make you forget how terrible he was, then use guilt and emotional manipulation to make sure you would never leave. He would belittle you and make you feel like nothing so you would have no confidence on your own, making you think you were weak and needed him.
He was always paranoid and had a short temper. Anytime you did something that he deemed as wrong, like speaking to someone else or even just looking in another direction, he would explode in anger and take it out on you. He was also extremely controlling and demanding, making sure you did everything he wanted you to do. If you even attempted to disagree with him or go against his wishes, he would become furious and use emotional manipulation to make you submit to his will.
He was also paranoid and untrusting, always believing that others were trying to take you away from him or that you were cheating on him. He would often fly into fits of jealousy and anger if he thought you weren't paying enough attention to him.
He was extremely clingy, always wanting to be near you and needing constant affection. He was obsessed with your attention and would constantly need reassurance that you loved him.
He was also very controlling of your wardrobe and appearance, insisting you wear specific clothes or makeup that he liked. He'd often make cruel comments about your body, making you feel insecure about yourself.
He would often reassure you that he loved and cared for you and that you were the most important person in his life. However, this reassurance always came with strings attached, as he would remind you that you belonged to him and that you couldn't leave him. At times, his reassurances could also be manipulative, as he would try to make you feel like you were the only thing that mattered in the world.
He would often give you rewards to keep you happy and in line. Sometimes it would be small gestures, like buying you gifts or taking you out on dates. However, these rewards would usually come with strings attached - like having to do things for him or being expected to be grateful. He might also withhold rewards to punish you or to make you do what he wanted - basically rewarding good behavior and enforcing his dominance.
His punishments could range from mild to severe, depending on the situation. Sometimes he would simply withhold affection and attention, making you feel guilty for whatever you did wrong. But other times, especially if he felt threatened or thought you were disrespecting him, he could become aggressive and resort to physical violence. He would also use verbal abuse and manipulation to make you feel worse and remind you of your position
He would often start fights with you over seemingly small things, like if you spoke to another person or did something he didn't like. He would fly into a rage and start yelling and screaming, accusing you of not caring about him or not loving him. He would also use these fights to manipulate you into doing things you didn't want to do, bringing up how you had "disrespected" him or not given him enough attention.
Despite his possessive and abusive tendencies, he would still try to show you affection. He'd often say that he loved you and would make empty promises to take care of you and make you happy. But the problem was that his affection was always conditional, and he could take it away if he felt like you weren't doing enough. He'd often use affection as a way to manipulate you and keep you under his control.
He would often make a big show of taking you on dates to expensive restaurants or doing other romantic things to impress you. However, these dates always came with a caveat - he would expect you to be grateful and pay him back by doing things he wanted, or by showing your appreciation in some other way. He also could become very possessive and jealous if he thought someone else was looking at you during these dates, and would often lash out at you afterwards.
He would absolutely have a shrine dedicated to you. He would collect items that reminded him of you, like photos, clothing, or other personal items. He would probably have them laid out in his bedroom or another private place, where he could spend time admiring them and thinking about you. He might also do other things to honor you, like pray to your shrine or leave offerings at it. He would definitely see it as a symbol of his devotion and love for you.
He would definitely kill for you, especially if he felt like you were threatened or he would probably try to keep it a secret since he wouldn't want to worry or upset you. But he would also use it to remind you how far he was willing to go to protect you.
He would definitely want to get married to you, but not for the traditional reasons. For him, marriage would be a way to solidify his ownership and control over you. He would expect you to be completely obedient and submissive to him and would use the marriage as a way to keep you under his thumb. He would also see it as a symbol of his power and domination over you.
He would definitely want to have children with you, but not because he wanted to start a family. For him, having children would be a way to make you even more dependent on him. He would expect you to take care of the children and do everything he wanted and would use the children to make you feel even more guilty about leaving him. He might even become possessive and jealous of the time you spent with the children, seeing them as a threat to his control over you.
He would likely be very disappointed and may even become angry if you couldn't have children. He would probably try to pressure you into trying to conceive, even if it wasn't possible. If you had absolutely no interest in having children, he would see it as a threat to his control over you. He would try to convince you to change your mind, or might even try to sabotage birth control or other methods you used to prevent pregnancy.
"You are mine! You are nothing without me. I control your every thought, your every move. You will do as I say, or you will suffer the consequences. No one else can make you feel the way I can. You are mine, and I refuse to let anyone else have you. You belong to me, and you will never escape my control."
Erotic photography - The thought of being photographed in various states of undress or even engaged in sexual activities is incredibly arousing. Knowing that others will see these images later only enhances the experience.
Sleep sex - Engaging in sexual activities while both parties are asleep, often without conscious awareness, adds an element of mystery and unpredictability to the act.
Medical play - Using medical equipment or pretending to perform medical procedures on you can create a unique blend of fear, and arousal for me.
Sensory deprivation - Experiencing intimacy in complete darkness or silence, relying solely on touch and intuition to navigate the encounter...it's a thrilling sensory adventure.
Edge play - Exploring the darker side of BDSM, including activities that could potentially cause harm or push the boundaries of pain tolerance, is a risky but tantalizing prospect for him.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
So sorry, I didn't notice there was several numbers! The prompts are the delusional section.
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Those of you who have played Outlast: Whistleblower know what Waylon's gone through. As a result, yeah I don't doubt it if he lost his mind.
AU/Plot: You are an old friend of Waylon and his family. Waylon ends up walking to your house after escaping the asylum and receiving medical care. You offer him and his family hospitality until they can relocate. However... it looks like Waylon's time at the Asylum has changed him for the worse. Now he sees the family he worked so hard to make as an obstacle... and you're his new desire.
Prompts Here
Yandere! Waylon Park Prompts 2 + 9
"Why’re you crying? Aren’t you happy being with me?"
"I think they might be a problem. Don’t worry, love, I’ll take care of them for you."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Some gore mentioned briefly, Trauma, Waylon snaps, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Waylon may have learned too much from The Groom, Blood mention, Forced relationship, Implied mass murder, Delusional behavior, Slight forced touching, Probably OOC Waylon but he's insane in this so-
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When you had seen Waylon again for the first time in ages, you were surprised at his state. One day you had received a knock on your door. When you opened it, Waylon stood there with his family.
He frantically told you he needed to lay low with his family for awhile. He thought you were the only one who could help. You, being the good natured soul you are, agreed to shelter Waylon and his family.
His wife, Lisa, was also a friend of yours. Their two sons were adorable and you didn't mind helping to take care of them. Waylon always loved his family and you knew he'd do anything to protect them.
When you had got them all situated about maybe two weeks to a month ago, you had pulled Waylon aside. After all, your friend didn't look like himself. You wanted to know what happened. Why was he even on the run?
The nightmares Waylon spilled from his mouth sent shivers down your spine.
The entire time he told his story, you sat there with your mouth wide open in shock. Waylon, the sweet and gentle man who cared deeply for family and friends, endured the depths of hell. You were just happy he was okay.
He told you of the blood, the gore, the variants, the constant adrenaline, the wounds.... You watched as he kept bringing up memories. You watched as he talked about the experiments they put him through.
You saw tears in his eyes each time he thought back on what he's been through.
You made sure you were there for him. You pulled him out of his state of fear and gave him a hug. It was nothing more than a friendly hug with a pat on the back, but it made everything feel right. Waylon was stressed, in danger...
He's just glad he's alive and hidden thanks to you. He's so happy you wanted to help him and his family.
Caring for Waylon in your home was a case of monitoring him and his family while looking for any sign of Murkoff. You watched him closely with Lisa to make sure Waylon was recovering okay. Therapy wasn't available currently, Murkoff could find you all that way.
You had no idea Waylon was developing anything in the first place, he seemed like his usual self if not a little shaken.
It was sad that this was the way you caught up with the Park family. Despite this, you took care of them as if they were your family. You gave them rooms, one for Waylon and Lisa while the other was for their kids. You gave them food, you discussed their future plans, you became their rock.
As days passed you thought Waylon was healing. He told you he didn't wish to talk about all of this with his wife, she knows but he doesn't like scaring her or the kids. As a result, you listened and spoke to Waylon often. You two have been friends for years, he stopped talking to you so often due to his family and Murkoff.
You're happy you're talking now... you just wish Waylon hadn't seen so much horrors. Part of you worried about the experiment he went through, something about Dream Therapy. Waylon told you he felt fine... you believed him because he's your friend.
Waylon didn't seem off until half way into the month. He barely talked to his wife and often ignored his kids. Instead, he seemed fixated on you.
You tell Lisa it's most likely due to his mental state. You share your concern for her husband and she agrees. His... attachment to you makes you uneasy.
Yet you still try to help.
If only you didn't.
Conversations with Waylon shift off from Murkoff and Mount Massive. Instead, conversations with him shift to compliments and more private questions. It catches you off guard.
Waylon often looks at you with half-lidded eyes, saying how you look so cute. You've caught how his stare looks hungry. At times, Waylon mumbles like he's insane.
You try to distance yourself as a result. You leave your house for long periods of time to get groceries or just relax. You gave Lisa your phone number for emergencies.
It doesn't appear to help, however. In fact your absence makes Waylon worse. It, he only continues to scare you.
Sometimes Lisa will call you on the phone, saying how Waylon has grown more snappy, aggressive, and scared when you're gone. Other times Waylon would call you, telling you he borrowed Lisa's phone to speak with you. After that he often asks if you're safe or when you're coming home.
Waylon's mental state doesn't get any better. He starts to yell or snap at his own family. He's only ever at ease when you're in his sight.
You share concerns with Lisa, asking if they have plans to leave for another house soon. Perhaps even get Waylon help in secret. Despite your attempts to plan, it appears they don't know where to hide yet.
In the meantime, Waylon experiments with getting closer to you. You can no longer talk to him in private before he tries to shuffle closer, holding your hands and laying his head on your shoulder. He acts like you're the couple.
He's a married man!
Waylon's behavior only keeps scaring you. The longer he stays in your house, the longer his delusions fester. He seems to think you're in a relationship with him. As a result, he tries to speak with you in private away from his family. He acts like you're the love of his life, grabbing your hand to kiss it while he murmurs sweet praises.
It gets to the point you can't take it anymore. You flee to your room one day to cry in your room. You need to vent. You want your friend back.
Waylon happened to catch you crying and nearly broke the door down to talk to you. When you caved and let him in, he immediately pushed you inside and sat you on the bed. You're sniffling softly when Waylon pulls you closer, rubbing your back.
"Why’re you crying?" He asks sweetly before hitting you with a gut punch of a question. "Aren’t you happy being with me?"
It's that sentence of delusion that sends you back into full blown sobs. Waylon doesn't seem to understand and only holds you closer. You shake your head when he tries to kiss the top of your head.
"Waylon, please!"
"What's wrong, dear?"
"You're a married man! Listen to me!"
You pull away with tears dripping down your cheeks. Your sadness seems to be the only thing Waylon thinks about. He's... distant.
"You have a wife... you have kids... you LOVE your FAMILY, Waylon! We're just friends... what the hell has gotten into you!?"
Waylon looks at you after your breakdown. You swore you saw him twitch or flinch like his head hurt before he shakes his head. He hums to himself, looking back to your hands.
"I think they might be a problem..." Waylon whispers in thought. You stare at him in saddened confusion. Waylon then perks up with a smile, holding your hands like you're his one true love. "Don’t worry, love, I’ll take care of them for you."
Your heart sank.
"They're getting in the way of us, right?" Waylon asks. "They're the reason you aren't happy... I can fix it."
You fear what he means. When he stands up, you throw yourself on top of him to keep him still. You dread what he means by this.
"No! Waylon! They aren't why I'm upset!"
"You can't love me because I'm married..." Waylon frowns, holding you close and flipping you over so he's on top of you. "Love... I can fix that. I simply won't be a married man anymore."
"It won't be that hard." Waylon continues. "When I'm done, it'll just be us!"
"What are you talking about!?"
"Don't be so naive, dear..." Waylon smiles, using your shock to his advantage to kiss your cheek. "I'll kill them."
Time slows around you.
"You... Waylon... stop-"
His grin never fades, he had the gaze of a madman.
He deserves to be in the asylum.
He deserves to be locked in it and torn to bits like those variants he ran from.
He IS a variant now, isn't he?
"No, dear, this is my gift to you... this will show you I love you." Waylon chirps, standing up and putting his hand on the doorknob.
"Nothing says 'I love you' more than murder, darling...." He whispers under his breath. "Just stay here, I'll show you my work when it's done!"
He shuts the door before you can shoot up and stop him. The door clicks with a lock and thump as if something was placed on the other side, leaving you to helplessly jingle at the door. You feel caged, trapped... guilty.
You feel guilty for letting this monster in your home...
You feel guilty when you hear the screams of those you once called your friends from the other room.
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iguessigotta · 2 years
Eddie gluskin with a pregnant darling maybe
you know what's funny about Eddie Gluskin being one of my faves? i am terrified of pregnancy just headcanons for now - this ended up being more an exploration of the inherent horror of this situation than anything shippy, whoops. also kind of an au where Waylon does not survive his encounter with Eddie 18+ just in case CW: injuries, noncon, hostage, pregnancy, suicide mention cannibalism(?) probably more i missed. (no r*** - it is alluded to tho) i mean it's Eddie. the man is a walking billboard for "dead dove do not eat" ok lmao
being Eddie’s darling wife was a living nightmare
you’d been one of the few employees allowed near Eddie, and he’d developed a….thing���for you. well, not you, really, more the idea of you
and when the Mount Massive asylum fell into chaos, you were one of the unlucky people trapped inside
when Eddie found you he was quick to make his image of you your new reality
whether you wanted it or not
you’d initially fought him at every turn. unfortunately, Eddie had a temper, and was prone to snapping with no warning
you’d learned that lesson the hard way - your forearm was still in a makeshift splint, a dull ache where he’d fractured the bone in a fit of anger. or had he broken it? you weren’t sure. all you knew is it hurt like hell and made it nearly impossible for you to fight back
after that incident, you thought keeping your head down and quietly obeying him was the smart choice. that you’d be safe enough to ride out this mess until someone arrived to help
you had to believe that someone was coming. you told yourself you’d be rescued within the week, that there was no way a facility as large as Mount Massive could go down in flames like this without someone noticing
days turned into weeks, weeks into months (how many had it been? 3? 4?)
every night you sat, ankles bound to your chair at the end of some wobbly, bloodstained table, Eddie at the opposite end, a makeshift dinner spread between the two of you
occasionally there would be some sort of meat among the sawdust-flavored rations - Eddie was always vague when you asked him what kind of meat it was 
you resisted for the first month, but your resolve broke a week into the second, the hunger pains driving you to tears and forcing you to make a choice
so you ate. and you tried not to think about where he got it from
it was like the two of you playing some sick game of house
Eddie kept a close eye on you when he was around, restraining you when he wasn’t
you’d be tied to a chair. strapped down on your back atop some bloodstained hospital mattress. arms bound behind you, tied to a support beam and forced to sit on the cold concrete floor
all of it was miserable
Eddie said it was for your safety, but you knew better. especially after he’d found you with a knife you’d managed to get your hands on. he’d stopped you from trying to slash your own throat, spewing some bullshit about his darling preferring death over a blissful life as the proud mother of his many, many children 
 he wasn’t going to let you leave him in any way
some part of you thought about pleading with Eddie to “think of the baby” and untie you - but that only reminded you that you were, in fact, pregnant
and it was starting to show
whatever mental energy you could spare went to trying (and failing) to block that fact out of your mind
you felt like you were trapped in two horror stories simultaneously - one, enduring whatever Eddie decided to do to you on a daily basis, and two, the unwanted life growing inside you against your will
not to mention the mental anguish of what to do after the…birth. would you even survive that? would you want to? 
should  you try to raise and protect it? or would it be more merciful if you…
it was a horrifying decision to make, one that you flinched away from whenever you found yourself thinking about it
every day you wondered if it would be better to piss him off, have him kill you in a fit of rage. it wouldn't be hard to do, but for some reason the knowledge that you were pregnant stopped you
well, you told yourself, at least you got to skip Eddie’s “operation table”. all the men who came before you weren’t so lucky, if the video on that camera you found was to be believed….
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nicolee420 · 2 months
Guys anybody want to be friends or smth??
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Pls be 12 - 16 🛐🛐 I’m from poland Btw and I can’t speak English very well😭😭😭
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bloodsuckerproxy · 6 months
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Another WIP!
I have many ideas in mind for some future pieces. Posting also helps me keep track. Another Eddie piece ft. Waylon :3
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grimmzin · 1 year
There's a trend going around if you type in "Oh no! My pants fell off." to an AI character & these are my answers from them 😂
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Here's a bonus of my husband UwU
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