#Yandere Fordo
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You are an absolute blessing to the Clone Wars society, I mean it. Literally one of the greatest fanfic writers I’ve ever seen. For your Clone Wars Family au, okay one is Fives still alive? And if so what would he be like as a yandere? What would he do if his darling escaped him? What would he do if they flat out said they hated him? And would he reach out to any specific clone brothers for help to find you? What happens to the repeated offenders who never learn from their mistakes in general? (Sorry if this is a lot I just love your writing and want to absorb and soak up as much of it as possible)
He was in pain. Fives knew that much.
They say that after dying, a human remains lucid for 7 minutes, replaying their best moments. memories suspended in time to make a man's final momets more bareable.
He couldn't move, couldn't vocalise or do anything for himself. He could only sit there in raging pain, confused.
"This couldn't be right," he thought to himself.
Fives felt betrayed... hurt. He had only ever been a good soldier. Loyal and brave. Why had they treated him like some rabid.... dangerous animal?
He was ready to give his life for his brothers... for their home. Maybe once, for the Republic.... but not like this....
NOT like this.... he deserved better.
He could still hear, but there were no memories flashing behind his eyes. no playful or peaceful moments.
Only the vivid recollection of one of his vod shooting him through the chest and his confusion at his brothers actions.
Fox and Fives had always had their differences, and on more than one occasion, the irate commander had to drag him off to the drunk tank to sober up, but Fives had always admired fox for his work, always commended and praised his older brother.
Fox's dediction and more than that, his restraint had been something Fives had long since come to admire. It took a far better man than Fives to protect the entirety of coruscant, and the galaxies most foolish senators, an not completely lose his mind.
So why is he still replaying the clones' actions in his mind? Why can he still hear hs beloved's voice commanding the clone to back off?
Why could he hear Fox, distressed and muttering to his brothers that he swore it was on stun. that he wasn't supposed to shoot his brother, ony sedate him. That the aster was on stun... he was sure of it....
Why could he hear his jetii talking to him? telling him it was going to be alright.....
No, fives wasn't dead. Not yet. his love, his clever little healer was battling the darkness away on his behalf. She would not let him die here like this.
He knew she wouldn't.
Y/N was furious.
She was furious and scared.
Had everyone simultaneously lost their minds?!
Fives had reached out to her after escping the Emporers clutches.
He was.. for lack of better word... hysterical. begging her to meet with him, Captan Rex and General skywlker. Saying that there was a conspiracy and he needed to get the truth out, or they would all die.
Fives begged her to come. Saying he needed a trusted companion who would listen to him, and could make others see reason.
Y/N agreed, as long as she could bring Kix with her... just in csse.
Fives barely agreed but eventually gave in. kix already knew what was hapeing with fives and also wanted to get to the bottom of what was happening to his broher.
It had already gone to shit by the time they arrived at the coordinates.
When Y/N and Kix arrived, Fives had already trapped Rex and Anakin withing the ray hield, and was attempting to warn them but what was happening, however even Y/N was having trouble deciphering what Fives was trying to say through his panicked babble.
The tension in the room was high when she and Kix revealed themselves to Fives.
The tightly wound clone jumped and aimed his weapon at her when she cleared her throat to announce her presence, ignoring Anakins' order to stay back.
Fives sighed and dropped his weapon back down to his side, his hands shaking.
"It's you... your here....." he said quietly, his voice shaking.
Y/N almost cried with how... vulnerable and scared he seemed to be.
Fives looked at her again, pulling her to the ray shield and looked at the general and captain.
"I know you don't believe me... I know you think I'm crazy... but I'm not! She can tell you.... it's the Emporer, he planning something... something g bad! Tell them Y/N! Look into my mind... see tham I'm not insane!"
Fives took Y/N's hands and placed them against his head.
Anakin tried to reason with Fives.
"The Emporer has only ever protected this galaxy... whatever you heard... there must be some sort of mistake!"
Y/N didn't know who to trust... but she was scared for her dear friend and wanted to know what had scared him so much.... and proceeded to gently probe into his mind.
However it was strange.... as if some sort of shield had been put up... to stop any sort of probing.
Y/N leaned away from Fives.
"I'm sorry, Fives. I can't see anything. There's a mental block... I can't access your memories."
Fives shook his head, his force signature reeking of distress.
But then his head shot up, eyes wide.
"No... but that proves my point! I couldn't have put that block in! The emporer did! To stop anyone seeing and proving what I know to be true!"
Anakin seemed to have lost his patience with the clone at this.
"That's enough Trooper! Release us at once, that's an order!"
Fives glared at the general. He didn't know why skywalker was behaving so.... closed minded. So blind.
"No. Your staying there.... till you hear what I have to say!"
Fives had tucked Y/N behind him, holding her close to his body. She could feel him trembling. Anger swept through the force at the Generals' refusal to see what Fives knows to be true.
Y/N saw Rex. He seemed to be lost in thought, concerned for what was playing out.
Fives continued to speak.
"I almost lost my brother. We have chips... ALL of us. All clones. The emporer... the emporer had them implanted in us when we were infants.... he means to use them to take control of us... General... we can't let that happen... it would mean the extinction of the Jedi!
But I have a plan... maybe we can reprogram them.... cancel out the order.....save our Jedi!"
Anakin scoffed.
"What order?! Fives, your not making any sense!"
Y/N again reached put in the force, and felt overwhelming truth emanating from Fives.
Glancing at Rex, she saw he seemed... thoughtfully. As if he knew something.
"Anakin... I-"
But before Y/N could finish her sentence, shock troopers burst into the room, weapons drawn, and yelling orders for Fives to stand down. Anakin might’ve also been yelling. Y/N couldn't tell. It was all so loud.... so chaotic. Fives lunged for the blaster he had previously set down, raising it.... and then everything went so quiet.
The live blaster fire rang through the air and fives collapsed back onto Y/N, a hole in his chest.
Fox dropped his blaster, backing off into his brothers, swearing he'd set it to stun.
Y/N ignored him, and told Rex to take him somewhere, far from here.
Fives wasn't dead yet.
She was a healer. This is what she did. She saved people.
She could save fives too.
She HAD to.
"Kix! Do you have any bacta?" Y/N asked. Her voice steely.
"No, general. I left all my med supplies back at base."
Y/N nodded. Knowing what she has to do.
"Kix. I'm going to do something. It's... not a practice the jedi encourage. But it will buy us time."
"Sir?" Kix asked.
"There's a black magic ritual that will allow me to absorb some of his injury... it will... for lack of better description, take flesh and blood from my body. To heal his."
Y/N had already begun. The first step of the ritual was to bleed. She took a vibro knife and cut open her palm with a hiss.
Kix grabbed her wrist.
"Sir... it's a fatal wound... you will.die if you absorb it!"
Y/N took a kneeling position, fives head resting in her lap.
"That's why I'm going to only absorb half of it. It will injure me... but we will both be stable enough for transport."
Kix looked wildly concerned, but let Y/N go.
To him, it didn't look like she was doing anything. Just meditating. But then the blood flowing from her slit palm to Fives chest started to glow green, and Y/N's face screwed up in pain as a hole began to burn its way through her chest.
It was slow going. The longer the ritual went on, the more signs of life Fives started to show.
Rex returned. With a medical.team and alpha 17 and Fordo in tow.
Rex knelt down next to kix, eyes wat hing the jedi and the injured clone.
"There's timetables moved up. Fives confirmed what Alpha 17 amd Fordos jedi has long suspected. We are sending out word to begin.... fox has already been sent to eliminate Palpatine."
Kix looked at Rex, shocked.
"It's too soon, we aren't ready!"
Rex sighed and looked back at his oldest and most imposing Vod.
"We have our orders. All the clones are being informed. And prime is in the move. He's returning to kamino.
There's a med ship docked just outside. Take these two back to Kamino. Wait for further instructions."
Kic nodded, solemnly. Everything was so.... sudden. He knew of the plans but now they're happening.... he didn't know what to do.
Rex shoved him a bit
"Go. Take them home. That's an order soldier. "
Kix nodded.
"Yes sir!"
The clone medic ordered six men to gently load the Jedi healer and the injured clone onto stretchers.
On his way out, he was stopped by Alpha 17, his oldest Vod's large hand coming g to rest on his shoulder.
"Once your done with those two... I will have another assignment. Report to me when they're stable enough to be left alone woth a med droid."
Kix nodded, feeling like a young shiny under his big brothers intense gaze.
"Yes sir."
A twitch of a smile came over Alpha 17s face before he gently shoved kix towards his ship, where his two patients were waiting.
"Go. Tend to them. I'll see you soon."
Kix watched the shuttles door close as they rose up to coruscants surface and took off into the stars.
Everything was about to change.
#yandere clones#yandere clone family au#yandere Fives#yandere Alpha 17#Yandere Fordo#yandere rex#Yandere fives x f!reader
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What if all the clones are vampires except for the Bad Batch? They willing separate from the rest of the clones to prevent blood drainage, Especially Hunter for his blood was described as “singing”, “taste so much better than it smells”and“extremely intoxicating smelling”by an Alpha clone.
What if all the clones are vampires except for the Bad Batch? They are willing separate from the rest of the clones to prevent blood drainage, Especially Hunter for his blood was described as “singing”, “taste so much better than it smells” and“extremely intoxicating smelling” by an Alpha clone.
Ok so first I LOVED this prompt, like I'm straight up going to make an au of this.
"Yandere" vampire clones Au or maybe just Vampire clones Au (cause I'm so good at making au names)
Warning, there will be slight clonecest and a bit of manipulation
Ok so this is going to be a sort of headcanon thing, so hope you enjoy
So here I am going to make it so that the bad batch, in general, have some sort of incredibly tasty blood
Hunter has the most delectable blood
Crosshair is second
Tech goes next
Wrecker is in fourth place
Although this can vary from clone to clone, but even then every single one agrees that Hunter's is the most intoxicating and delicious blood they have encountered
The reason why they aren't vampires is that the Kaminoans needed them to be a bit more adaptable than vampire clones are, in terms of not reading blood, not losing control in extreme cases, etc.
The bad batch does keep their distance and so does the rest of the GAR since they are aware that they can seriously injure the batch, but they still hang out, although the batch has as a personal rule to always be all together when they hang out with others, mostly for safety
Although they have given their blood to some VERY close and trustworthy clones, for example, Cody and even 99 who they had to almost force because he was almost starving due to the mistreatment of the Kaminoans and he obviously hid it and no one noticed except Hunter who alongside the batch helped him (this is before they were called clone force 99 so before he died)
The bad batch was also very close to some of the Alpha clones, who were the first clones they interacted
Hunter was fed off once by Fordo when they got stuck in a mission and Fordo was on the brink of death
This made Fordo bond in a way with Hunter since it was the first time he had fed off of someone and not of blood bags and when he could he would have Hunter by his side at all times.
Fordo began to feed off Hunter more and more and became more possessive, Alpha 17 intervened in time to separate both and remind Fordo what would happen to Hunter if he didn't manage to reach the Kaminoan's expectations due to being too weak from Fordo feeding too much on him
After this 17 had a chat with the bad batch and explained to them how intoxicating their blood was to the GAR, especially Hunter's, and that Fordo hadn't really noticed since he had become intoxicated with Hunter's without even noticing all the way back to his first time feeding off Hunter.
With this new information they became more careful and distant of the rest of the GAR, they had almost closed themselves off before Cody noticed them, and began hanging out with them
This made them not close themselves off permanently but simply be more distant
It was actually Crosshair who gave his blood to Cody
Cause the boy had a crush on Cody, it was more of a puppy crush, but the reason he gave Cody his blood was that he thought that Cody would only be interested in his blood.
Cody of course told him otherwise, and actually handled the small crush fairly well, letting Crosshair go through it and soon get over it
But this kind of backfired since not only did Crosshair not outgrow his crush but Tech and Wrecker joined in with their crush
The only one who didn't have any crush was Hunter who in general was not interested in any of that kind of thing
And it got to the point where Cody went and told them that they would outgrow their crush but under their insistence, he said that he would consider them after they grew up
And so they did
They grew up crushing so hard on him they could have caused a full-on extinction cataclysm
And Cody is a man of his word so he gave them a chance
And now that he has given them a chance they are going nowhere he is stuck with them until the last star of the galaxy goes out
After Echo joins the Batch it's actually Hunter who gives him blood when the blood bags Echo is given aren't enough
There is more a sibling bond in this since Hunter trusts Echo to not try anything like Fordo did years back
Echo is very grateful for the trust he is given
This helps them grow together and strengthen their friendship
Fordo IS jealous but he knows it's for the best
And that is all I have for the moment, may update but who knows
#star wars#the clone wars#the bad batch#hunter#wrecker#crosshair#tech#echo bad batch#alpha clones#alpha 17#commander fordo#vampire clones au#yandere vampire clones au
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Can I just be random and post a snippet of an idea for the end of the Yandere clone family au?
Spoilers for the idea ahead, it’s just too good to loose. The clone family au is in no way over yet, I simply needed to write it down while it was fresh.
Very rough… more of an idea than anything else, but enjoy.
Bode stood before Vera, watching out for any clones as the Jedi and civilians evacuated the shaking city.
“Go? What do you mean go?”
Vera looked at him sternly.
“I mean, leave. I will buy you time, lure the alphas back into the city. Their death will cripple their leadership for a while…give you a chance to find a new, safe home. For all of them.”
Bode shook his head. A frown creasing his handsome features as his eyes watered, refusing to beleive what he was hearing.
“No… that’s not the plan… that CANT be the plan! You, I… THEY need you!”
Vera smiled. A sad, gentle smile. Her eyes shone with affection and empathy.
“Bode. You made a VERY big mistake in the past. It’s time you fixed it. They need you more than you need me. Now go. That’s an order”
Bode shook his head, looking from the last of the evacuees back to Vera, who was already turning away. Turning from him, walking into her certain doom.
“No…NO! MASTER, VERA! There has to be another way!”
Vera paused, half turning to him.
“You’ll be alright bode.”
Bode then felt a giant, invisible hand gently pick him up and take him to the last drop ship left docked on the platform.
Bodes last veiw of his master, of his sister, was of her holding a hand out to him, her fist closed, before she dropped it and he felt that hold on him disappear too late to do anything, as the dropship doors were closing.
Vera sighed as she watched the drop ship take off into the atmosphere.
Without any real need to hurry, she wandered back into the increasingly unstable city.
Despite the main supports for Tipoca being sabotaged and the cities shaking, she navigated it easily. Her home was familier. She knew it no matter what state it was in. Finally, she had reached her destination. The alpha clones barracks.
These barracks were given a spot of honour, above the waterline and on the edge of the city, in a location close to the bad batches barracks. She had been here often enough. Now, she knew she’d never leave them.
Vera picked a spot on the floor. Centre of the window, overlooking the ceaselessly rough ocean.
She kneeled, and focused.
Meditating had never been a strong suit of hers, but today it came easily. Perhaps she was too numb to feel any distraction. Or perhaps she was too focused on her task.
She reached out into the force, into the super highway of force signatures, wrapping around eachother like high tensile cables.
Everything on this planet had its own force signature. The water, the animals, the fish… all of it part of a delicate balance, all of it visible to her in the force.
What Vera was after though, was no small fish, but the very life of the ocean itself.
It was the main force thread… the largest and wildest part of this planets ecosystem.
Reaching out into the force, she tugged at it… unwound the threads that made up its signature, and wrapping them around her like she was the oceans puppet master.
Pull the thread, pull the ocean.
Taking a deep breath, Vera started to pull, encouraging the threads of the oceans force signature up.
Up and up and up…. It took a while, but eventually the ocean covered kamino like a blanket, like it did so long ago….
Coming out of her meditative trance, Vera looked out of the window and saw the giant wall of water that now weighed heavy on her shoulders, mind and soul.
The city crumbled and shook around her. The muted roar of the wild ocean outside reached her ears but still she felt no fear. Only regret and awe at the life around her.
How had she missed it all these years? Shed lived, trained and bleed in this city but never once did she take the time to stop... feel its life.
Not till now. Not till the very end.
It was... beautiful. In a sorrowful way.
No. She was not afraid. She was remorseful.
What could have once been a beautiful co-existence was now destroyed. What she might have once had with the alphas was gone as she felt them draw closer and closer to their doom.
She felt no fear.
Only mourned.
Mourned the life she would never have. The life she will soon steal from her oldest and dearest friends.
She felt them approach,
Alpha and Fordo were always so vibrant..so sharp in the force…. Bright like fire, sharp like pointed ice. She’d know them anywhere so it did not shock her when the doors to the barracks opened and they both stumbled in.
“Vera…” Fordo breathed, having long since abandoned his helmet.
Vera did not look at them. She just kept staring out the window.
“You should have evacuated with the rest of the clones….”
“You knew we’d come” alpha 17 stated. It was not a question. He didn’t ask questions.
Vera slowly stood up. Careful to keep the wave over kamino from falling. Not yet. She wasn’t ready yet.
“I did…. I’d hoped you wouldn’t….”
Fordo took a step forward. He was always the more…. Gentle, of the two. If that’s what you could call it.
“Vera. It’s not too late… we can fix this!”
Vera looked at him sadly. He was as handsome as ever. Both of them were.
“I’m sorry… but it’s over, for all of us”
The alphas then noticed what was outside the window. A giant wall of water set to consume the city and them in it,
Alpha snapped to action, running for Vera, but it was too late.
He could only shout out ‘Vera no!’ Before the Jedi dropped the wave, causing the city to crumble and fall into the ocean.
The three felt the room lurch and drop as millions of tonnes of water descended onto it, forcing the room under and into the ocean.
Vera blacked out, having hit her head in a bunk, the last thing she saw before things got too fuzzy was a flash of red and blue. She felt two sets of strong arms encase her as they slowly fell.
When she came back too it was dark.
There was no light save that of a small torch that was currently being held by alpha 17 as he inspected the walls and window.
The window was cracked, spider webs forming in it as the pressure of the water bore down against it. The walls were crumbling as well. Water was leaking into the room.
Vera still was not afraid.
She groaned a bit from moving and heard footsteps in the water. One of the alphas making their way towards her.
She felt large, rough hands grab her shoulders.
“Vera, can you hear me?” It demanded.
“Yeah Fordo, I can hear you.” Vera muttered.
“Good… these walls and window won’t last forever.”
Alpha 17.
“I’m sorry…. It had to be done.”
Vera sat up. She realised she was on one of the bunks, and she shuffle back so she could lean against the wall. She felt the paper thin matress dip as one of the two clones pulled themselves up to sit beside her, and she leaned against him.
Despising his use of armor in this situation, Vera grabbed his arm and started to remove it.
“What are you doing?” Alpha 17 muttered.
He didn’t attempt to stop Vera removing his armor.
“It’s cold… and I don’t want you to wear all this… not now. I wanna feel you… not the armor.
“We wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t sunk us” Alpha grumbled.
From his tone Vera would have guessed this was a mere inconvenience to him. Like he’d gotten a speeder stuck, instead of being trapped and facing their deaths.
“I’d hoped you wouldn’t have followed me.” Vera said, finally happy to be resting against the warmth of his bulky arm, the thin blacks still wet from the water that was creeping into the room, reaching their toes.
“But… why? Why bring us into the city… why not just… leave with the others?” Fordo asked. There was no anger in his voice. Just confusion.
And that hurt Vera more than she’d care to admit.
“I… needed to give them a chance, not just to escape, but to live. To do that..l you had to be removed from the picture.”
There was silence for a few heartbeats then Fordo spoke, solemnly.
“Do you want to kill us, Vera?”
Vera’s eyes watered.
“No… not anymore. I… there was no other way… I’m sorry it came to this.”
Another few beats passed.
“You know… I never gave much thought to my death… but when I did spare it a moment, I always saw you with me” alpha chuckled mirthlessly.
“You must hate me for this…” Vera said quietly.
“Don’t do that. You know it’s not true… don’t waste what little time we have left.” Alpha barked.
Vera glared into the dark, but didn’t let go of his arm, taking Fordo’s hand when she felt it feel around in the darkness for her.
“What would you have me say then? That I’m sorry, that I wish I didn’t have to bring the city down on all three of us? Well then yes. I do think that.
But you know what, I don’t care.
I don’t care because I’m doing right by my people, by the galaxy.
It needs me to die far more than it needs me alive.”
The two alphas said nothing at veras outburst. But she felt fordos hand squeeze hers tighter.
“You know….this kind of reminds me how we first met… all those years ago… the deepest and darkest part of kamino” alpha stated.
“Minus the unrelenting rising waters…” Fordo added, noting how the level of water had now almost reached their knees.
“Yeah… you could stop it, you know? It’s not too late, we could bullshit our way outta this… like old times.”
Vera nuzzled into alphas arm.
“I could… but I won’t. I’m sorry. This isn’t about you, or me….”
Alpha sighed and leaned back against the wall, pulling Vera closer into his side, Fordo shuffling over to trap her between them.
He couldn’t be mad. Not really. How many men had he sacrificed during the war for the greater good? This was what they did. They died for the greater good. And she was dying with them.
He never really beleived what the other clones did, about the galaxy being too dangerous. He merely saw an opportunity and went with it… now they payed the price.
He wasn’t mad. He’d known Vera would strike sooner or later. He just… wished they didn’t have to go out like this.
“Is there… something else, after this?” Fordo asked quietly. A question he’d always pondered, but never asked out loud.
Vera paused for a moment.
“I… don’t remember much… from that time… but I do remember, peace, no fear, before I was resuscitated. Whatever’s going to happen next…. It’s nothing to be afraid of”
The water was now at their waists.
“I have my sabers…. I could make this quick… save us the pain of drowning….”
Vera took out one of her sabers and ignited it, the black blade doing nothing to illuminate the room, and you could only tell where the blade was by the white lines that glitched in and out of it.
Alpha gently pushed her arm down.
“I will not die like that… and leave you to suffer…. If you drown, I will too.
Vera blinked, desperately trying to keep her voice from shaking.
“Always so loyal…. You don’t owe me a thing, alpha. You don’t owe me your dedication.”
Alpha snorted
“And people say I’m dense. Fordo and I…we always knew you’d be the death of us. Have known for a long time. We aren’t staying because we owe you, we stay because we would rather suffer an agonising death than be without you.”
Vera squeezed her eyes shut, a tear rolling down her cheek and dropping silently into the water, which was now at their waists.
“I’ll try to make it painless…. Put us all in a trance, send our minds far away so we can’t feel anything….”
Fordo leaned down and kissed the top of Vera’s head.
“Together.” He asked.
Vera nodded.
“Yeah… I’ll send us to the same place…”
Alpha nudged her.
“Lead the way, general.”
#yandere clones#yandere clone family au#clone wars#yandere alpha 17 x jedi oc#Yandere Fordo x Jedi oc
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Dude Hunter’s going to be also for the next 48 hours because my man tired and the drug finally let his guard down. Next thing he knows it’s two days later and he still feels tired.
And the clones are 100% cuddling him in the middle of a snuggle puddle. He's got a blanket of adoring ori'vod and vod'ika between him and the world.
It's warm and soft and sickly sweet and all encompasing.
He's not so out of it though, to not notice that not all his vod'ika are here.
Where's Crosshair, he asked the clone he was using as a pillow, who turned out to be Fordo.
He just shushed Hunter and ran his hand through the jettii's hair, telling him he didnt need to be worried.
His ori'vod were taking care of everything, he should go back to sleep, it was still a long way to Kamino.
Sleepy hunter couldnt resist the siren call of the clones body heat and comforting words.
He snuggled into his older brothers shoulder and drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep, his brothers watching over him.
#yandere clones#yandere clone family au#yandere bad batch#yandere crosshair#hunter isnt yandere in this take#yandere fordo#hunter is force sensitive and so is omega
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What if Hunter is really quiet and people forget that he’s in a room and he uses this fact to free the Jedi and the other darlings
I think he knows how to bide his time, wait for people to get comfortable. Everyone says crosshair is the sniper with all the patience, but hunter knows how to wait for the right opportunity.
I’ll use Vera as an example.
When the Alpha squad and crosshair brought her and her togrutan back to Kamino and put them in a holding cell, they get into an argument about who should be the ones to rehabilitate her.
Keep in mind, rehabilitation leads to a life bond.
Crosshair argues that because she chose to risk her life to save him as a child, and because he watched out for her ever since he was old enough to hold a rifle, he should be the one to do it.
Alpha 17 laughs, stating that just because she was his first tween boner doesn’t mean he has any claim on her. As for his “protection”, he may have watched her do her job on missions, but alpha gave her the best protection of all, he turned her into an arc and a dangerous one at that. She doesn’t need him, she needs someone she can look (up) to when even she can’t handle the situation.
Crosshair is furious, his face more screwed up than ever. He got right up in Alpha’s impassive face, despite not matching his height.
“Exactly. You trained her too well. She’s too good at her job and in case you hadn’t noticed, it’s exactly your brand of protection that led to her and our togrutan almost getting away. If you take her she’ll never learn to rely on us, she’ll only ever know to look out for herself, cause that’s all you taught her.”
Fordo interjected.
“You want a pet. A docile prize. You may think you know her but you know nothing. We’ve been with her since day one. Supported and protected her since she was a child. We’ve watched her grow up and turned her into the warrior she is now, and we know her every move, her every need.
You’d take her to keep all to yourself, seperate her from her togrutan, and she’d waste away to nothing. She needs us. We know what we’re doing. Know how to make sure she thrives here. And I will not see her broken to the whines of a pouty child!”
It was the most any of them had heard him speak.
The batch and the Alpha clones went on arguing like this for a good ten minutes. None of them noticed hunter quietly slipping towards the back of the room. He knew he didn’t have to do much. Just infect Kaminos systems with an outside virus that would corrupt and override all the jedis inhibitor cuffs and trackers. The central control panel was in the room next to this. It was usually under lockdown but because the alpha clones were near by the systems had sensed their DNA and unlocked.
The virus would also ensure the Biometric security grid was wiped out and the ships could be taken by the Jedi. But he had to time this right. He couldn’t be anywhere near the room when the virus was uploaded, so he set it to a delay.
When the time came and the Jedi left, he’d go with them and take omega with him. He was pained to leave his brothers behind, but these men were not the people he fought and grew side by side with.
Hunter slips into the control room, injects the virus into the system, setting it to release in an hour and slips back into the observation rooms unnoticed. The other clones were still in a heated debate about who got to “take” Vera and her love.
Little did they know the only one who would be taking Vera and the Jedi anywhere would be him. Off planet and into hiding for good.
Where you going hunter, what’s that in your hand. I thought only the alpha clones were allowed in that room.
#yandere clones#yandere clone family au#yandere bad batch#yandere crosshair#Yandere wrecker#Yandere tech#Yandere echo#yandere alpha 17#Yandere Fordo#hunter and omega aren’t yanderes#little omega doesn’t know the meaning of subtlety
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Clone family AU Fordo is finished!
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A preview of the clone family au Fordo
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Can I just take a moment to appreciate captain Fordo?
For anyone whose seen the 2D, 2003 Clone Wars animation, you know that man KNOWS what he's doing, especially when hes firing the two blasters at once....
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How would Echo and Fordo react if they come across Hunter being fed from by a non-clone vampire?
It would depend greatly on the situation
Although they would still react and become quite possessive of him, more out of worry than anything
In the case it was a consensual feeding, they would be grumpy and irritable for the day but it wouldn't go much far from it
They would demand Hunter rest and let them care for him and they would of course want to cuddle him
If they are together they will have a sort of truce where they will share responsibility in order for Hunter to get better, but they will still brag about having more cuddle time than the other
If it's separate it will go the same but they will be more open about their worry although if it's Fordo he will not be left alone if the Bad Batch is there, they will watch him like a hawk or 17 will straight up and seat on him to keep him under control
If it's Echo the batch will be calmer and let him mother hen Hunter like the big brother he is (because Echo is the grumpy big brother of the group)
They wouldn't be necessarily aggressive with who fed off Hunter, especially if it was a life or death situation, like maybe Hunter found a starving child and offered his blood
In that case, they would admonish Hunter more than anything since for children it's harder and almost impossible for them to not drain who they are feeding off since they are still young, especially a starving child
If it's an adult they will keep it 100% professional, not rude or aggressive but they won't go out of their way to talk to the person
Now, if it wasn't a consensual feeding
Like the vampire will beg for death by the time they are done with them
If they are together Fordo will be the one to get rid of the vampire, and even if Echo wants to do the same he will stay to tend Hunter since that is the priority
Depending on how much the vampire took is how slowly Fordo will kill the vampire
If Hunter is critical Echo and Fordo will forget about the vampire and focus on getting Hunter back to safety and get medical attention
They will be 1000% more possessive and protective of Hunter
If they are together they will but head a lot more and in the previous scenario
This is because Echo knows of what happened between Hunter and Fordo
Fordo understands this since the guilt has been eating him for years but he still worries about Hunter
I can't helo but imagine Echo and Fordo having similar personalities, so this doesn't help much either
But in the end, they will come to a truce to help Hunter get better
That or a medic kicks them out or 17 and the batch drag them away
If they are separate it will be similar but since they aren't fighting with anyone they will be able to remain by Hunter's side
Except for Fordo, 17 also drags him away or never lets Fordo be with Hunter alone
Echo, of course, doesn't really have to deal with this but he will not leave Hunter's side, since any moment he is away he will begin worrying and thinking of everything wrong that could happen so they keep them together to keep Echo from going crazy with worry.
#hunter bad batch#echo bad batch#commander fordo#alpha 17#vampire clones au#the bad batch#yandere vampire clones au#?
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This is my Jedi OC Vera Sai. She’s a part of the Yandere clone family AU and romantically attached to Alpha 17 and Captain Fordo.
Let me know if you’d like to know she’s backstory
#yandere clones#yandere clone family au#Yandere clones x jedi!OC#Yandere Alpha 17 x OC#Yandere Fordo x OC
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Man you’ve put a lot of thought into your au! (I’m in love with it btw / I’ve already said that) you said that some kids get like adopted out so I’m guessing there is a nursery kinda of thing? Do like certain clones get access to them or can someone just go in and spend time with the babies or tubies? And is all the clones obsessive? Like is one clone like ‘ I believe this is wrong, we stop’ or clone just like this is my family now they ain’t leaving. ( sorry for the long ask and if you maybe want me to message you I can that’s if you want)
keep the asks coming my dude.
There is a nursery for the remaining tubies and babies. Some of the babies may have even been born on Tipoca. The nursery is large and everyone's encouraged to go visit so all the children can socialise and bond, like a giant daycare. the babies sometimes get picked out for a family, but the ones who dont get cared for by the entire city (clan raised), so they never want for attention. Eventually the kids who were clan raised just kinda pick the clones they like best and attatch themselves to them. Usually when this happens its a natborn and maybe 2 or 3 clones together as a sibling troup.
There are workers there too. Clones who like the weirdness of children and others who havnt found a darling or ad'ika yet but desperately want to be dads.
The families start to separate as they get older and want to have more privacy. But the initial bonding period between the clones and other younglings has resulted in quite a few childhood crushes to romances between them.
As for the type of yanderes.
I beleive that if you were to just see the clones as a whole society they would all come off as obsessed.
But if someone were to take a closer look there would be varying levels and different types.
Some clones are romantically obsessed, they want the love of their lives with them always. Some are platonically obsessed, they just want to be dads, uncles and older brothers. Some clones are yandere for the jedi as a whole, in which you could say they were more obsessed with the idea of the jedi society, not seeing the individuals, which is ironic considering how they were treated. Then there are the clones who are yandere for people on more of a singular, personal level.
Like, they dont really have much if an interest in the others beyond a sort of familial love and respect for the people that make their vode happy. They'll be friends with the other jedi and workers, but they'll obsess over their own darling. These are the clones who bring back civilians as their darlings also.
To pass out a few random examples,
Wolffe and the pack obsess over their darling and general alone. They want the whole family thing. Their darling as their lover, maybe even wife, plo as their father, and then grandkids, they probably would adopt and have their own.
Fox is also like this, he wants the family life with riyo and his little jedi daughter.
Alpha and fordo with my oc vera. That kinda gets messy cause shes got a togrutan general that she loves, but I kinda also would think it would be interesting to see the clones go yandere for both of them. Like they are yandere for her, find out shes got a man, think they're gonna hate him, but then want him too.
Sergeant slick also. Hes alot less interested in the jedi, but theres one he will persue to the end of his days. He doesnt quite have the same hatred of them in this au, more of a polite disintrest.
Another example of this kind of yandere would also be 99. Hes not interested in any of the other people on Tipoca. He just wants his handywoman.
All of them get along with the other jedi and civvies, treating them like family, but their darlings are always first.
Platonic yanderes would be clones like grey, echo, and wrecker. They are not looking for a lover first up. Just family. Sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. And yes, they may eventually find a darling to settle down with but it's not really what they are straight up looking for.
Clones that go yandere for the jedi in general (this can be taken as platonic or romantic) are clones like tup and dogma. Who fall in love with and obsess over the idea of the jedi and their way of life. Its peace and stability.
These different types can overlap. A romantic yandere may find a little kid on the street and become obsessed with the idea of being their buir.
A personal level yandere may learn more about the jedi and start to obsess over all of them as a whole.
A platonic yandere may see a random worker and think, 'that's the mother of my child right there's (I got a few ideas for this one)
It's a fluid obsession. It shifts and changes but the clones are in agreement that it's better for them all on Tipoca. And they should all take care of eachother (got that twisted family/clan dynamic on the brain)
Who knows why this is. Maybe it was their upbringing as brothers. Maybe it's a hive mind phenomena amongst the clones because they all came from the same donor, sorta like twins being able to read and know each others thoughts.
#yandere bad batch#yandere clones#yander clone family au#yandere crosshair#platonic yandere fox x reader
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What would happen if the captured clones came for a force sensitive baby, and met some escaped jedi coming for the same baby, as to and escalated by memes PART 5:
Fordo looking at all of them with disgust:

A clone checking up on the Younglings and finding Hondo's crew:

Wolffe trying to convince Naarem and Fox's Ad'Ika to come back to Coruscant with Fox and him:

Ventress, who somehow got caught up in it all, having the time of her life:

The Padawans about to commit mutiny and commit crimes against the pirates then steal their ships:

Jango, from the afterlife, wondering how the fuck this happened:
Anakin/Darth Vader trying to find his kids and seeing it all go down:

The Padawans beating up Hondo's crew while Hondo hides next to the clone who was supposed to be babysitting them:
Palpatine thinking the clones would exterminate the Jedi, but the clones going yandere for the Jedi instead:
When the Jedi see anyone who was trained at a different academy:

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What if somehow in the vampire clone au Fordo was left completely alone with Hunter?
Ok so in this au I am still debating on making all vampires yandere or if only a few.
Here Fordo did have an interest in Hunter which developed into an obsession during their time together, it also didn't help that Hunter was the first living sentient being he fed from without killing it, as I explained in a previous post, vampires only feed in this way from either extremely close friends because ace and aro people exist or lovers this is mostly to generate a sort of bond that allows both parties to know if the other is in any sort of danger and even in some case to communicate telepathically but for that, the bond must be quite old and very VERY strong.
Anyway, Fordo's obsession and possessiveness over Hunter were addressed and both were separated when Fordo went a little too far, this separation has been going for so long that the bond is so thin it's almost nonexistent.
And Fordo has accepted that he became a danger to Hunter so in this case, he wouldn't go crazy or anything unless they had been both captured by say Separatists and he had been starved for far too long.
In this case, Fordo would jump Hunter and almost feed on him, picture Legoshi from Beastars when he almost ate Haru.
But of course, he wouldn't sink his teeth into Hunter remembering how last time he almost killed Hunter, and hurting Hunter in any way is out of the question.
But he would be unhable to let Hunter out of the embrace and would instead keep them both in the same position mostly to keep him safe from their captors.
Here Hunter would understand that Forde NEEDS to feed or he WILL die so he offers.
At the start, Fordo would reject the offer to the point that Hunter would need to put his arm in Fordo's mouth because he worries and doesn't want Fordo to die.
Fordo would finally cave in but would instead bite Hunter in the hand to not bite into any major artery in case he lost control.
The taste of Hunter's blood has always been intoxicating but to Fordo it was more than that, it was as if he was drinking the most exquisite thing in the entire universe.
But as he felt Hunter begin to weaken he stopped having taken enough blood to gain back enough strength to get both out of there.
They manage to escape and return to Republic space where they are rescued but Fordo would not let Hunter go, keeping him tightly wrapped around his arms.
After this Fordo will try to get back into Hunter's life, using experience to prove that he is no longer a threat to Hunter.
The others would be very skeptical and wary, never really leaving Hunter alone with him.
But if Fordo is anything he's stubborn, he'll show them he is worthy of Hunter, just give him time.
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