#Yami just wants to comfort the mer
yamitsuki-devillie · 1 year
Prompt day 10: Angst
This is a small moment that happened just after Moby survived a mer hunter attack, he's extremely hurt and exhausted. Yami and Gin rescued him and brought him to their crater to recuperate, they already patched him up, but the poor guy keeps having nightmares and can't rest properly, so Yami came to comfort him while Gin takes care of the mer kids.
Prompts list by @intistone
Tw: Blood
Prompt and small drabble under the cut.
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A long night with a whale and a salad.
On the middle of the ocean, there's a small pack of whale mers swimming, the youngest one, a 5 years old male sperm whale mer, is swimming close to its mom, making happy warbles for his mom while the bigger blue whale mer is chuckling at her adorable baby nuzzling him. "Stay close, okay sweetie?"
The baby mer nods bapping at his mom while swimming around him. His mom smiles watching him before a stir starts on the pack and she immediately perks up, trying to understand what's happening. "Father, what's wrong?" She looks at the oldest whale mer on the pack holding her kid close, who's confused about what's happening.
The older sperm whale mer immediately answered: "Human hunters! Stay together everyone!" The pack of whale 5 mers enter on a defensive position around to the mer who has a kid. The blue whale mer immediately perks up in surprise growling defensively to the ships moving over to them.
She looks down to her kid, feeling dread for some motive, before quickly hiding him in a submerged cave, saying in a fully worried voice. "Stay here sweetie, don't come out till I come to get you."
The kid warblers worried, hesitantly nodding for the blue whale mer. The big female mer immediately swims over to join the group while her kid is hiding, ready to help out in protecting the group. The baby sperm whale mer hides deeper in the cave, starting to wait for his mom.
He waits… and waits… and waits… after several hours, the mer slowly perks out wondering what is taking his mom so long…. He never regretted something more than he regretted it. He regrets that moment more than anything. Especially after seeing his mother… with no glow on her eyes and red everywhere in the water.
The sperm whale mer, who now is a 20 years old young adult, jolts awake, hissing in pain before looking around him in a frenetic movement… He is in a covered area, in the island he was brought to after finding him hurt in an isolated shore, the black sperm whale mer sighs in relief, black bags under his eyes, before hearing another voice.
"Another nightmare?" The sperm whale mer snaps his head in the direction of the soft feminine voice, seeing one of the… kelp creatures that brought him here, kelpies they called themselves, the female kelpie walking over to him with an empty mug of a hot drink… cappuccino, that was how the kelpies called it right?
He looks at the female kelp creature for some seconds before hesitantly nodding to her question. "....Yes…"
The kelp creature nods in understanding, putting down her mug on the nearby beach table, moving closer to him. "I came to check on you."
The massive mer slowly looks at the kelp creature, before looking at the strange white patches on his body, the female kelp creature called it bandages, she said it would help him to heal his wounds. "..... It hurts…"
The female humanoid salad looks at the bandages before sighing, looking back at him. "I know they hurt… but it will get better." Moves even close to him, signing for him to lay down.
The sperm whale mer tilts his head in confusion, not understanding her signal and he just looks at her, confusion in his eyes, before he understands she wants him to lay down to rest. The mer complies after the realization hits, laying down in a comfortable position before looking over at Yami, he hesitates before asking her. "Do you promise? Do you promise they will get better?" The kelp creatures didn't hurted him and treated him well during the days he's here, but he still isn't 100% sure he can trust them…
The female sea monster nods, before answering: "Of course I promise…" She slowly lifts her hand, making the mer tense a bit, before she gently starts to pet his horn and head, being careful not to touch his bandages, a sad expression for seeing such a creature so hurt.
The mer tenses more, confused about what she's doing… It's weird but not in a bad way, it's actually…. nice and comforting to be touched like this, he doesn't know what she's doing, but she isn't going to complain about a nice and gentle touch, the mer leans against her hand unconsciously.
The kelp lady blinks a little surprised, smiling softly for him and she keeps petting him, wanting to comfort the poor mer. ".... Mind if I stay here with you?"
The mer looks at her, very surprised before starting to think about her offer… if she stays here it means more of these nice touches… He nods a bit, trying not to show that he likes her staying close to him.
The kelp woman smiles, before taking out a beach blanket to sit on, resuming her petting. The mer is still a bit confused about her action, before it clicks that she didn't meant to stay just for a while, but indeed for a long while, not like he's complaining.
He thinks for a while, before asking in a soft and sleepy voice, leaning more into her touch. ".... What 's your name?" He opens his eyes looking at the female kelpie with bright violet eyes.
She perks up, looking at him surprised, she could swear she said her name to him, but she answers him nonetheless. "My name is Yamitsuki or just Yami, and you?" Keeps petting his head.
He makes a soft rumbling hum. "Yami huh?..." He thinks about his name, he doesn't even remember his name, it's been so long since he last heard it… "....I don't have a name."
Yami blinks surprised and looks at him…. "Oh.. I see…" She thinks for a while, before looking deeply in his eyes. "..... Mind if I give you one?" She pets his horn gently, waiting for his answer.
The massive whale mer's eyes widened in shock. She wants to give a name to him? The cogs are turning in his mind for some moments. He snaps out his shock, before nodding a bit, still laying down. "..... I would like that…"
The tall female kelpie smiles, her violet eyes shining, before she observes him for a while to think of a good name for him… She has a good idea of a name and smiles. "What about… Mobydick? or just Moby for short?"
The mer thinks, checking how to say his name. "Mobydick… I like this name." His eyes have a glow of happiness.
Yami smiles at him, proud of his new name. "So your name is Mobydick, I hope you like it." She resumes petting the massive mer, sitting on her haunches while humming a soothing and calm song.
The mer unconsciously leans against the kelp lady, his eyes becoming heavy, he likes her singing… It makes him remember his mother, when she sang for him to sleep every night. The mer slowly falls asleep being petted by the kelp lady, his green eyes closing while he enjoys her voice.
Yami blinks softly, surprised by how easy he fell asleep, before smiling, her eyes becoming even more softer. She keeps petting the sleeping mer, who this time sleeps without nightmares about his conturbed past. Soon the female kelp creature fell asleep alongside the mer, no more nightmares for either one tonight.
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