#Yall got me stressing over the next few pages of my main comic again good job
Me and my editor (for most my comics) were talking about what's been going on in the community the last week. and she had this to say
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and i wanted to come here and post it cause I kinda agree. Though having drawn transformations for a long time i understand why people are upset. (Even if these stories are about rebirth.) cause guess what. people dont like the topics of mental corruption and id deathand seeing as ive been stressing over these kinda reactions to a comic ive been working on for the last 5 years that has VERY similar themings (my main comic btw) cause i knew hey this is a topic the "transformation community" dosn't like. but seriously. just. Please stop harrassing people. Don't read it if you dont like it. learn some reading comprehension.. People doing animal hrt are exploring themes they want to via this vheicle that is animal HRT. Leave them be enjoy the story and maybe just maybe WAIT till its complete before forming opinions on these somewhat heavy themes established. or you know just choose not to read at all as kris said.
-Written by gio. But everyone in the system shares this sentiment
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