#Yahazu pond
bonguri · 10 months
20231021 Chausuyama plateau 7
20231021 Chausuyama plateau 7 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 最後は高原の湖畔っぽい写真で締め。 @Chausuyama plateau, Toyone village, Kita-Shitara district, Aichi pref. (愛知県北設楽郡豊根村 茶臼山高原)
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ideas-of-immortality · 11 months
"In the course of these centuries Japan slowly evolved into a centered political unit governed by the so-called Yamato dynasty... the expansion of that early state into the north of the main island Honshū... is presented in terms of a confrontation between the primitive deities of the land and a much more powerful type of kami:
"...Maro of the Mibu-no-muraji took control over this valley... the yato-no-kami... would not leave. Maro raises his voice and demanded: "The purpose of this pond is to give life to the people. Are you heavenly deities or earthly deities, you who would resist the imperial will... Do not fear them." Instantly the ghostly snakes disappeared."
Maro's conquest of Hitachi revealed that the Yahazu were only as powerful as the deities they worshiped. As "earthly" deities, these "ghostly snakes" stood no chance when confronted with the heavenly might of the imperial court... they made sure it [the legend] conveyed a new message: the court does better at "giving life to the people" than the Yahazu because imperial power is heavenly power."
A New History of Shinto, John Breen & Mark Teeuwen
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bonguri · 10 months
20231021 Chausuyama plateau 6 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: この木が湖畔で一番いい感じの色づき方だったかな。 @Chausuyama plateau, Toyone village, Kita-Shitara district, Aichi pref. (愛知県北設楽郡豊根村 茶臼山高原)
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bonguri · 10 months
20231021 Chausuyama plateau 4
20231021 Chausuyama plateau 4 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 矢筈池の対岸側も良い錦色。 @Chausuyama plateau, Toyone village, Kita-Shitara district, Aichi pref. (愛知県北設楽郡豊根村 茶臼山高原)
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bonguri · 10 months
20231021 Chausuyma plateau 1 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 茶臼山高原の紅葉が見頃らしかったので訪問。最初は矢筈池。朝日が池の水面を照らします。 @Chausuyama plateau, Toyone village, Kita-Shitara district, Aichi pref. (愛知県北設楽郡豊根村 茶臼山高原)
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