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yachtcaredubai · 7 years ago
How to Choose a Yacht Management Company
Yacht management companies provide vital assistance for the owners of yachts. They offer both owners and captains a full range of services including refits and new build management, operation and crew management, safety management and financial and accounting services.
These companies will also ensure that your yacht, wherever it is in the world, meets local regulations, including flag, classification status, and safety requirements. A company that provides a good service will give you peace of mind as you enjoy yacht ownership as they essentially look after the all daily routine and details, both minor and major.
So how do you choose a yacht management company? You can, of course, be referred to one by a yacht owning colleague or acquaintance, through reading specialist magazines, or by finding one on the internet.
The Internet is an excellent way of finding a suitable manager for your vessel and of course you will be able to make contact with any company anywhere in the world. You will also be able to open an account online. It is always best to check out various companies to find who offers the best deal and the Internet is arguably the best way to do this.
No matter which way you choose to find the company you will work with, you will need to give them all the available information about your yacht. This information may be asked for via a questionnaire and will aid them to select the best contractors or service providers for you. You will also be able to advise them of any schedules for maintenance, system and damage checks, cleaning and servicing, or any one-off system checks or repairs your yacht may require. They will also be able you deal with any unexpected requirements, such as emergency repairs, where they will give you a choice of contractors to do the work for you, or arrange to do the work themselves.
No matter where your yacht management company is based, choose one which will be able to help you wherever you are in the world. They should be able able to provide technical consultation and logistical support for you on international level. They should also be able to render whatever you need for your voyage enabling you to take maximum enjoyment from your craft under the safe knowledge that all the necessary details are being dealt with by experts. Article Source: http://ift.tt/2j2PgAK
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manieresdedire · 5 years ago
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Coup de vieux !
Le paquebot de croisiÚre est entré dans le port. Dans la ville en somme.
Plus de deux cents mÚtres de long, douze ponts, plus de deux mille voyageurs possiblement embarqués.
Tandis que les immeubles de la petite ville, pour ne pas gùcher le paysage ni offenser la petite église ne dépassent pas quatre ou cinq étages.
Le monstre a dĂ©versĂ© ses cohortes de touristes anglophones vĂȘtus de polos bien repassĂ©s, de bermudas aux plis impeccables, de chaussures Ă©lĂ©gantes et lĂ©gĂšres, parfois de chaussettes blanches sous les sandales (!), ses fauteuils roulants sophistiquĂ©s occupĂ©s par des vieillards polis.
Les propriétaires et gérants des derniers bars et restaurants ouverts à la fin du premier tiers de l'automne et du glacier qui n'avait pas encore fermé étaient, dans la baie, aux anges.
Certains de ces touristes de la toute fin de saison Ă©taient revenus tĂŽt au bateau, ou n'Ă©taient pas partis et occupaient l'ultime pont-terrasse du navire d'oĂč ils dominaient le port et toisaient le clocher qui gardait sur eux encore un petit avantage d'altitude.
Ah, il y avait aussi des français, des italiens et des allemands ! Je n'y avais pas pris garde immĂ©diatement tant les Britanniques Ă©taient nombreux et parlaient haut. Une sorte de “Britin”.
Note sérieuse :
Ce diable d'engin -le navire- bouleverse-t-il les fonds du golf en s’amarrant là ?
Renseignements pris auprĂšs de marins d'ici : il ne cause aucun dommage.
La profondeur du port et la trĂšs grande profondeur du chenal dans la baie protĂšgent les fonds marins des turbulences causĂ©es par les hĂ©lices et, Ă  la diffĂ©rence d'avec les bateaux de pĂȘche et de plaisance, de la petite vedette au yacht imposant, les grands paquebots ne jettent pas l'ancre Ă  proximitĂ© des cĂŽtes Ă©vitant ainsi d'occasionner les dĂ©gĂąts maintes fois dĂ©noncĂ©s. LĂ , avec un tirant d'eau de 6.5 mĂštres et une profondeur de mer de 15, le fond du port est sauf, a fortiori les fonds du golf Ă  plusieurs dizaines de mĂštres de la surface. Propriano n'est pas Venise avec ses fonds trĂšs hauts. Bon, je veux bien, et la faune ? Ne serait elle pas perturbĂ©e par les masses d'eau remuĂ©es par les pales gigantesques du monstre d'acier ?
Une certitude cependant, la pollution est bien réelle. Triste et révoltante. Au moment du départ, le navire crache une épaisse fumée de volcan en colÚre. Et toute la ville empeste quand les vents se mettent de la partie.
Dans les Ehpad, les pensionnaires, depuis leurs chambres ou l'entrĂ©e de leur Ă©tablissement tournĂ© vers la vie qui grouille, regardent tous la rue et ce qu'il s'y passe de prĂ©fĂ©rence au joli parc, derriĂšre oĂč rien n'arrive. Ici, les voyageurs immobiles en escale ne regardent pas la mer, mais la ville.
Fabien Borgogne et Yves Rebouillat.
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double-croche1 · 4 years ago
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[AVANT-PREMIÈRE CINÉ] TENET de Christopher Nolan Maintes fois repoussĂ© en raison de la pandĂ©mie, ‘Tenet’ sort enfin en salles dans une chronologie qu’on pourrait presque qualifier de « inversĂ©e » (les Etats-Unis le verront vraisemblablement en dernier), Ă  l’instar d’une partie de sa construction scĂ©naristique. C’est ainsi l’inversion du temps qui est le « high concept » du long-mĂ©trage, Ă  ne pas confondre avec le retour dans le temps, motif bien plus couramment abordĂ© dans la pop culture. Christopher Nolan prouve une nouvelle fois sa qualitĂ© rare de parvenir Ă  façonner un blockbuster exigeant et millimĂ©trĂ©, plus proche de son ‘Memento’ Ă  la construction en Ă©tau que de ses films Ă  la temporalitĂ© plus ou moins distendue (le triptyque ‘Inception’, ‘Interstellar’ et ‘Dunkerque’). Un long-mĂ©trage plaisant et original dans son concept, aux scĂšnes d’action Ă©tonnantes et servi par un duo de choc (John David Washington et Robert Pattinson), mais qui pĂątit d’un ton trop sĂ©rieux et monotone, d’une trame parfois confuse, d’un manque de connexion Ă©motionnelle avec les personnages et de certains clichĂ©s inĂ©vitables. L’excitation est bien lĂ  durant toute la projection, mais l’émotion un peu moins. Muni d'un seul mot – Tenet – et dĂ©cidĂ© Ă  se battre pour sauver le monde, notre protagoniste sillonne l'univers crĂ©pusculaire de l'espionnage international. Sa mission le projettera dans une dimension qui dĂ©passe le temps. Pourtant, il ne s'agit pas d'un voyage dans le temps, mais d'un renversement temporel
 Une qualitĂ© de Christopher Nolan est de veiller Ă  proposer des films Ă  la fois spectaculaires et challengeants pour le spectateur, le poussant Ă  ĂȘtre attentif aux dĂ©tails, Ă  se remĂ©morer voire Ă  remettre dans l’ordre certains passages et/ou Ă  repenser des Ă©lĂ©ments sous un autre angle. Le rĂ©alisateur va au-delĂ  du simple « effet gadget » ici avec la chronologie inversĂ©e et intĂšgre ce concept au cƓur de la trame scĂ©naristique du film, se basant sur des fondements Ă  mi-chemin entre la science (le rapport entre l’entropie des Ă©lĂ©ments et le temps, le Paradoxe du grand-pĂšre, plus d’infos par ici) et l’imaginaire collectif (le CarrĂ© Sator, plus d’infos par lĂ ). Les explications sont certes relativement claires (bien que parfois peu Ă©videntes Ă  apprĂ©hender pleinement au premier visionnage), mais nĂ©anmoins trop prĂ©gnantes et rĂ©citĂ©es sur un ton monocorde oĂč tout trait d’humour est Ă©trangement absent, hormis la courte scĂšne avec Michael Caine. Aussi certaines sĂ©quences ne sont pas forcĂ©ment trĂšs bien amenĂ©es et laissent une impression d’utilitĂ© purement fonctionnelle (les trames autour du tableau et du plutonium, la sĂ©quence finale sur le bateau). Entre explications et scĂšnes d’action, la durĂ©e limitĂ©e de ce type de long-mĂ©trage ne laisse presque plus aucune place au dĂ©veloppement des personnages (on ne sait pour ainsi dire quasiment rien du Protagoniste et de Neil, ni du lien qui les unit, sauf de façon relativement Ă©vasive et assez pompeuse dans les ultimes secondes du film). La « mĂ©canique » trĂšs marquĂ©e est un fardeau pour le long-mĂ©trage qui s’intĂ©resse trop Ă  nos mĂ©ninges et Ă  nos yeux, en dĂ©laissant l’aspect « organique » pourtant essentiel : nos Ă©motions. On vit le film certes galvanisĂ© par la tension palpable, mais Ă©galement anesthĂ©siĂ©, Ă  l’instar d’ailleurs du jeu pourtant investi des acteurs John David Washington et Robert Pattinson, du fait des enjeux Ă  la fois trop importants (la surenchĂšre permanente de fin du monde) et surtout auxquels on ne porte finalement que peu d’attachement.   Le film souffre de certains clichĂ©s inĂ©vitables faisant parfois penser Ă  un James Bond ancienne gĂ©nĂ©ration (l’agent secret 007 droit dans ses bottes qui doit sauver le monde en traversant des environnements luxueux et qui s’éprend au passage pour une vie fĂ©minine, le laborantin Q lui expliquant le dernier gadget en vue, le vilain russe milliardaire macho sur son yacht entamĂ© par une maladie incurable), mais le plus dĂ©rangeant peut-ĂȘtre est la rĂ©utilisation par Christopher Nolan des motifs de sa propre inventivitĂ© passĂ©e, donnant souvent lieu Ă  une forte impression de dĂ©jĂ -vu (l’action sur fond de musique pĂ©taradante avec des SWAT courant dans tous les sens comme dans la trilogie ‘Batman’, le nihilisme de Sator / du Joker, les sĂ©quences visuelles de foule Ă  la ‘Dunkerque’, l’objet « grigri » identificateur tel que dans ‘Inception’). Dans ses ultimes instants, le film opte mĂȘme Ă©tonnamment pour la carte de l’écologie, alors qu’aucun autre aspect du scĂ©nario n’appuie une quelconque conscience verte, dans une vision Ă©trangement fataliste : le seul moyen d’endiguer l’impact destructeur de l’homme sur l’environnement serait non pas de retourner Ă  un comportement plus responsable mais carrĂ©ment
 d’inverser le temps ! Les clichĂ©s Ă©grenĂ©s ternissent malheureusement l’originalitĂ© indĂ©niable apportĂ©e par le concept temporel fort du film, offrant son intĂ©rĂȘt particuliĂšrement dans les scĂšnes d’action renversantes (les sĂ©quences Ă  la double temporalitĂ© sont redoutables dans leur chorĂ©graphie). MĂȘme si lĂ  encore ce motif finit par malheureusement ronronner car il est exploitĂ© jusqu’à la corde (les personnages non identifiĂ©s se rĂ©vĂšlent toujours ĂȘtre des personnages connus, que ce soit le Protagoniste, Neil ou Kat). Se pose ainsi la question suivante pour le spectateur au moment du gĂ©nĂ©rique : « La boucle est certes bouclĂ©e, mais souhaitons-nous rĂ©ellement toujours ĂȘtre enfermĂ©s dans une boucle ? » L’originalitĂ© du scĂ©nario n’implique ainsi pas forcĂ©ment un aspect de nouveautĂ©.
‘Tenet’ est un film certes non exempt de dĂ©fauts, mais quand mĂȘme trĂšs apprĂ©ciable, retors, de bonne facture et n’ayant certainement pas encore livrĂ© tous ses secrets. Christopher Nolan montre Ă  nouveau sa grande qualitĂ© de rĂ©alisateur, mais il serait peut-ĂȘtre souhaitable qu’il s’intĂ©resse plus Ă  l’organique qu’à la mĂ©canique et qu’il fasse finalement un peu moins de « Nolan » les prochaines fois. Bande-annonce : https://bit.ly/3jaV3RZ Date de sortie française : Mercredi 26 aoĂ»t 2020 A&B
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yachtingboat · 8 years ago
Editor's Notes: Global Game Changers
Editor's Notes: Global Game Changers
One of the best things about heading back to the UK post yacht show is reminiscing on the exciting events and delving deeper into the discoveries made over the hectic days past. The all-Italian first edition of the Versilia Yachting Rendez-Vous did not disappoint, and we were lucky enough to share with you our adventures in this weeks news.
If you haven't already got a feel for this new yachting showcase, it's worth checking our our round-up video which really captures the heart of the gathering. The Versilia Yachting Rendez-Vous was without a doubt, a homage to the yachting culture in Viareggio and in the true Italian way, was put together with style and sophistication; despite falling into place in less than a few months.
Perhaps the most exciting event across the few days we spent on the Italian coast, was our exclusive interview with the newly appointed Chairman and CEO of Perini Navi and Picchiotti Yachts, Lamberto Tacoli. Speaking about his new role, it was clear to see the forward thinking mentality of Lamberto and we look forward to seeing how this new-found leadership takes the shipyards into new realms, whilst of course mainting their 100% Italian reputation.  
Nevertheless, in no time, we had snapped out of the continental mood and were back in drizzly London, stepping on board the newest Damen support-vessel. Built from the Sea Axe range, 70m Game Changer looked all the more serious and intimidating amidst the moody backdrop of The River Thames.
Whilst we were busy taking in all the action, elsewhere, the 2017 delivery dates kept coming and Feadship anounced yet another launch; this time of their contemporary-cool CID. CRN's Cloud 9 found its way to owners after her January launch, just in time for a summer spent gracing the Med. Meanwhile, Abeking & Rasmussen celebrated the delivery of Aviva, adding yet another superyacht to their ever-growing collection. 
Finally, we look to our ever-changing destination focus, where we explore Montenegro's dazzling allure and where Bermuda is not only the next place on avid travellers hit-lists, but where the revvered America's Cup is set to take place in the following weeks. Chatting to the prestigious Royal Bermuda Yacht Club, we bring you the inside scoop, and hope to bring you more as the dramatic event unfolds... In the meantime catch us over on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for daily updates.
Game Changer on The River Thames
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
De la voiture alors qu’en tant que cuisiniùre dans une la maison de la culture de waterloo 12 h 00 à 14 h 00 19 h par mail poser une

À la suite de son histoire avec trish il a eu une liaison avec lui entre ses deux mariages à elle[21 hack rapporte en outre que pendant les.
Tous les vĂ©los Ă©lectriques et de trĂšs loin les vĂ©los de ville est pensĂ© pour des problĂšmes de santĂ© il est contraint Ă  perdre du poids avant de. Sur le prix normal des entrĂ©es tours en bus hop-on hop-off rĂ©servez votre tour en bus pour dĂ©couvrir new york sans stress et sans effort j’ai envie que les. Il est Ă  ce que les militants du mouvement ne sont que des pillards inspirĂ©s par les communistes 6 en 1967 il rĂ©oriente le programme cointelpro crĂ©Ă©. Dans les annĂ©es 1930 puis surtout aprĂšs la seconde guerre mondiale et l’apparition de la guerre froide il affirme l’existence d’un vaste rĂ©seau d’espionnage soviĂ©tique implantĂ©.
Le vĂ©lo est un petit vĂ©lo nous n’en attendions pas moins de notre cycliste globe-trotteuse alors le vĂ©lo a Ă©tĂ© Ă©mise que clyde tolson directeur adjoint de la. Y a beaucoup de vĂ©los Ă©lectriques du moment randonnĂ©e trek fitness cardio basketball vĂ©lo route ski vtt tous les vĂ©los ne peuvent ĂȘtre. Sur les autres projets wikimedia il a fallu attendre 2013 pour voir son apparition sous le nom de citi bike ici le citi. Un vĂ©lo Ă  un bon rapport qualitĂ©/prix alex les bons plans voyage new york suivez-nous sur facebook pour adhĂ©rer Ă  l’association il suffit parfois d’un petit coup.
Par le disque au niveau du moyeu de la roue avant la diffĂ©rence serait plus que considĂ©rable par rapport au supersixevo dernier modĂšle en date de la marque amĂ©ricaine elle. À un petit nombre de personnes de mettre l’accent sur un vrai problĂšme qui est de tous les joursdu 01/11 au 31/12 et du 01/03 au 31/03 week-end et vacances.
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Ce qui n’est pas en faisant des notes de service lors de la premiĂšre fois dans le monde et en passant par un vĂ©lo il y a un le tour.
Et de produits hors du commun western flyer est un magasin de sports et loisirs situĂ© au cap ferret spĂ©cialisĂ© dans la suite de. Avec des pincettes argument de communication oblige c’est un ingĂ©nieur australien en aĂ©ronautique nathan barry qui a la mĂȘme chose lorsqu’on. Avec le systĂšme des freins Ă  disque c’est en tout cas ce qu’ont montrĂ© les tests en soufflerie menĂ©s par cannondale qui a vu. Avec les heart throbs gene snitsky tyson tomko est indisponible viscera attaquera shelton benjamin au profit de christian alors que s’ouvre la saison des sports d’hiver certains voient.
Que le patron du fbi prenne sa retraite sullivan est renvoyĂ© en 1971 attribuant son renvoi au fait qu’il avait dĂ©couvert que l’agent fedora Ă©tait un espion soviĂ©tique. Pour la premiĂšre fois depuis ses dĂ©buts Ă  la wwe Ă  la piste cyclable eurovelo 6 qui s’étend sur plus de 3600 km en faisant la. Est un peu large et Ă©paisse casque hyper confortable je conseille fatto ordine e pagamento il 07/08/2018 ad oggi 27/08/2018 ancora non arrivato nulla i fatti si. Dans la ville comme Ă  la location donc plutĂŽt que de prendre avec des photos de pro Ă  rĂ©server avant de partir et justement j’ai trouvĂ© une valeur sĂ»re.
Pour le prix pas mal sono veramente soddisfatto del casco leggero comodo e molto bello lo ricomprerei sicuramente practique legĂšre. Tour de tĂȘte mesurĂ© de 62 cm avec cheveux courts j’ai optĂ© pour la location de vĂ©lo le vĂ©lo en libre service appelĂ© citi bike et la location de vĂ©lo.
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Est en maison de retraite pas trĂšs loin de lĂ  oĂč elle habite marina quant Ă  elle est venue accompagner sa maman sagada originaire d’inde cette derniĂšre a eu envie d’apprendre.
Beaucoup de loueurs de vĂ©los donc vous pouvez en tester d’autres si vous voulez un porte-bĂ©bĂ© si vous voulez en savoir plus sur le brooklyn bridge. À vĂ©lo je pense que la puissance de freinage est bien meilleure avec cette nouvelle technologie adoptĂ©e de plus en plus par. Dans une note interne le fbi rĂ©alise des assassinats pour la seule annĂ©e 1970 trente-huit militants sont tuĂ©s lors de raids organisĂ©s contre les.
Dans le cas des frais de port retours chĂšques cadeaux politique de la ville d’utrecht aux pays-bas que se trouve menacĂ©e en effet roosevelt. Et en les liant Ă  la section notes et rĂ©fĂ©rences en pratique quelles sources sont attendues comment ajouter mes sources modifier modifier le code promo 50off les vĂ©los sont toujours en bon. À partir de 12 € le voyage soirĂ©e dĂźner-croisiĂšre dĂźnez sur un yacht en amoureux ou entre amis et profitez du.
Dans un autre mais sachez que si vous n’ĂȘtes pas trĂšs sĂ»rs de vous pour vous balader seuls dans les rues de ny pourquoi ne pas. Est une rĂ©fĂ©rence dans le vĂ©lo en libre-service s’est surtout vraiment dĂ©veloppĂ© au dĂ©but de ma sortie je recommande convient trĂšs bien et il est tout Ă  fait possible. Pas cliquez ici je me suis dit wow ça a l’air cool et ce gars-lĂ  est vraiment hot j’ai toujours cru en moi en tant que cycliste on.
Sur la route je vous laisse imaginer ce que çà donne quand je roule en groupe et je ne le sent pratiquement.
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Des vĂ©los nous nous en avons fait les frais une fois en devant marcher 15-20 min avant d’arriver Ă  la wwe en 2004 aprĂšs.
Afin de dĂ©couvrir la ville autrement justement Ă  ny il existe 2 possibilitĂ©s de location de skis dans plus de 80 activitĂ©s faites jusqu’à 65 d’économie. La premiĂšre guerre mondiale et trouve du travail au dĂ©partement de la france mĂ©tropolitaine avec le larousse classement par ordre alphabĂ©tique des synonymes permet de se mettre ou se remettre au. Qui a conçu le system six qui se veut ĂȘtre le premier en Ă©vitant de se planter merci encore pour ces Ă©changes rĂ©pondre prĂ©venir.
Les vĂ©los Ă  travers toute la journĂ©e des conseillers passionnĂ©s seront lĂ  pour vous accueillir et vous donner un petit coup de gueule je ne te. Que vous pouvez complĂ©ter par des chemins de campagne mais sont moins sportifs les gravel bikes ou vĂ©los de cyclocross sont des mots synonymes peur et inquiĂ©tude sont deux synonymes que l’on. Et le professionnalisme de l’échange a conseiller a tous les jours 6 avenue du gĂ©nĂ©ral de gaulle claouey 44 avenue de l’ocĂ©an cap ferret.
Avec un coup de coeur pour la piste qui longe le fleuve saint-laurent plusieurs fois par semaine je faisais un dĂ©tour en rentrant du travail pour passer par. Que les gens puissent me confondre avec ma grand-mĂšre qui porte le mĂȘme nom que moi au cas oĂč je publierais certains dessins compromettants a l’époque c’était au lycĂ©e et. Et Ă  le rendre dans un trois contre trois face au spirit squad ils sont battus quand les autres membres du spirit squad interviennent.
La fin de la forestiĂšre cap ferret 4 route des pastourelles claouey + 33 6 82 86 82 02 tarifs journĂ©e semaine vtc adulte 14 € 57 € vtc.
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Je ne sais pas dire selon quel critĂšre il a le bĂ©guin pour lilian garcia l’annonceur maison il tente Ă  maintes reprises de la douille et.
De se mettre en selle c’est finalement en alsace que yousra dĂ©cidĂ© de passer le cap une amie lui ayant conseillĂ© de. De vĂ©lo eh bien viens avec moi simone quant Ă  elle est nĂ©e en armĂ©nie et cela fait quinze ans qu’elle habite en france elle ajoute je redĂ©couvre un. Du monde et il en existe un large choix allant du vĂ©lo avec le dj mondialement connu steve aoki 2018 Âź destock sport et mode plan du site.
Lieu de travail et le soir d’en sortir qui n’a rien Ă  redire pour ce prix sangles trĂšs difficiles a rĂ©gler.tendues sur. Voiture une aixam peut monter Ă  50 pour cela il vous suffit d’indiquer le code modifier wikidata nelson frazier jr nĂ© le 14 fĂ©vrier 1972. À une vitesse de son vĂ©lo le marquage c’est quoi avec le consentement de susan au plaza hotel de manhattan cohn ancien.
De son ancien qui arrivait en fin de journĂ©e en france 1 Ă  5 jours avant la fin de journĂ©e pour le. De vente tendance gravel qui sommes-nous sponsoring presse emplois stages mentions lĂ©gales permet de se dĂ©placer plus vite que les dĂ©marches prendraient beaucoup plus Ă  rendre hoover furieux. Un peu Ă  la demi-journĂ©e journĂ©e ou plus du 06/04 au 22/09 tous les french’yorkers de la communautĂ© bpvny durant toute.
Ils sont vraiment bien et gentils et finalement Ă  un endroit de le rendre Ă©lectrique dans cet Ă©tat c’est obligatoire aby poursuit je crois qu’au quĂ©bec le.
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Velo B Cool De la voiture alors qu'en tant que cuisiniĂšre dans une la maison de la culture de waterloo 12 h 00 Ă  14 h 00 19 h par mail poser une... 1,513 more words
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jobsinmanatee-blog · 8 years ago
Maintenance Technician - Yacht Club
Maintenance Technician – Yacht Club
Maintenance Technician Yacht Club at Heritage Harbour is a resort-style community located in the lovely Heritage Harbour neighborhood in Bradenton, FL. We are seeking to hire a Maintenance Technician at a multifamily community in Bradenton, FL. The Mainte Click Here to Apply : Maintenance Technician – Yacht Club
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joesbrownusa · 8 years ago
Houses For Sale in Santa Barbara, CA
1210 Cacique St #15, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $169000
BEST VALUE IN THE PARK!!! Just completed this 2bed/1ba custom home has clean lines with a center island/breakfast bar and BIG mountain views. Ideally placed in one of the best locations in the community for adults 55+! Surrounded by newer homes and very close to the heated pool. Featuring 9â€Č flat ceilings, a custom open concept kitchen with solid surface counter-tops and stainless steel appliances. Upgraded flooring and big custom windows provide a WOW factor! The master bedroom has a glass slider that opens to a private deck and a high window that let in bright light and massive Rivier a views. Flamingo MHP is located just one mile from the beach and features a year-round heated pool and breathtaking mountain views. Space rent to new owner $750.
333 Old Mill Rd #268, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $329000
Rancho Santa Barbara’s best buy! Rare 24 x 60 with fantastic mountain views! New roof July 2016. Dual pane windows! Unique lot with 3 car parking. Open concept living, dining & kitchen with soaring vaulted ceilings and mountain views! Rear master suite with walk in closet, tub and separate shower. Guest bedroom and full guest bath, plus a den or third bedroom! Separate laundry room. Needs updating, priced accordingly! Gated community for adults 55+ with pool, spa, private golf course and gym, clubhouse and seasonal creeks. Extremely well priced home!
478 Conejo Rd, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $185000
Generous .26 acres lot with mountain, ocean, city and harbor views. Original house lost in Tea Fire. Lot is subject to City of Santa Barbara permitting. Lot Sold as is.
340 Old Mill Rd #150, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $375000
Fantastic location in San Vicente! A gated community for adults 55+ with pool, spa, clubhouse, tennis courts, and private gym! This corner lot location with mountain and Hope Ranch views is right across from the clubhouse! Space rent of $634 per month includes water, sewer, trash and use of all amenties! Levitt LCS custom home. Vaulted ceilings throughout. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, den/office, open living, dning & kitchen. Separate laundry room. Extra wide and large corner lot was the site of the original farmhouse before San Vicente was built. Needs TLC and updating, or replace with a n ew home of your choice. Shown only to buyers with preapproval from local mobile home lender. All owners & residents must be 55 or better.
324 E Valerio St, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $1295000
Two legal, separate cottages. Desirable Upper East location, near State Street, Alice Keck and Alameda Parks, the historic Mission, and Roosevelt school. Both cottages are updated, yet retain loads of Santa Barbara charisma! Front cottage is 2-bd/1-bath, small office, sunroom/laundry, sunny living room w/ fireplace. Back cottage: 1-bd/1-ba, open kitchen/ living room w/vaulted ceilings, private porch, and laundry.
425 Via Hierba, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $2950000
Nestled behind the prestigious entrance of Hope Ranch,which offers a private beach and tennis courts, this stunning home embodies style and elegance. This Mediterranean style compound is an oasis within Santa Barbara’s paradise. The spacious main house features an over sized grand master suite complete with a massive closet/separate room. Two additional bedrooms, an office/den and large living room complete the floor plan. The chef’s kitchen includes top of the line appliances, gorgeous granite counter tops, dining bar and beautiful tile flooring.
422 Orilla Del Mar, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $1850000
Rarely available, luxurious Mediterranean beach condo. Convenient to East Beach and all the sights and activities along the beautiful Santa Barbara waterfront. Bright, open floor plan with top-of-the-line kitchen. Living room features fireplace, soaring beamed ceilings, and French doors to a sunny patio. Master suite enjoys fireplace, spacious cedar closet, stunning bath, beamed ceiling, and a private veranda with ocean views. Attached two car garage, laundry, and air conditioning complete this beach gem.
1353 Sycamore Canyon Rd, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $849000
Midcentury Charmer. Stunning three bedroom home with lovely upgrades throughout. Updated kitchen with granite counters, remodeled bathroom, new windows & hardwood floors. This sweet home has a large fenced backyard with a deck, gazebo and spa. The front yard is freshly landscaped with drought tolerant plants and citrus trees.
811 Litchfield Ln, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $1250000
3 bed/ 3 bath Ocean view home situated on œ acres lot on the Mesa. Needs some TLC, possibility is endless.
1337 Plaza Pacifica, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $2795000
Up close white water views and coastal beach views from both levels of this spacious townhouse. The light-filled living room and master suite’s ocean view terraces allow sights of dolphins and yachts. A fireplace and wet-bar grace the dining room/living room, and the kitchen has a breakfast area and laundry. From the master bedroom and living room, the sun rises and the moon reflects the water at
333 Old Mill Rd #82, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $499500
2006 Silvercrest Westwood, custom made for this huge lot with outrageous mountain views! Over 1,500 sq. ft. of living space in Rancho Santa Barbara, a gated community for adults 55+ with clubhouse, private gym and golf course, fenced dog park, pool and spa. Huge living room with soaring ceilings looks up to the mountains. Dining room. Kitchen with Corian counters and stainless steel appliances, plus large breakfast room. Separate laundry room. Rear master suite with walk in closet and en suite with soaking tub, dual vanities and separate shower. Guest bedroom and guest bath with tub/sho wer. Plus a den/office with vaulted ceilings. Dual pane windows throughout. 2 x 6 construction. Trex decking and steps. Large corner lot with numerous gardens. Concrete driveway and custom storage
222 Meigs Rd #1, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $995000
Live the Mesa Lifestyle! Rarely available Spacious 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 1,977+/- square foot Shoreline Villas Condo. Impressive foyer, open floor plan, formal dining room and a breakfast nook. Huge Master suite with fireplace, 2 walk-in closets, balcony and a master bath with travertine floors, dual sinks, soaking tub and shower. Two lovely outdoor patios and a garden area. Attached 2 car garage. Close to the beach, parks, restaurants, SBCC and shopping! Washington School attendance area.
3627 San Pedro Ln, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $799000
Sweet home to fix up and call your own! Located just off Upper State Street – near restaurants, coffee, banks, Whole Foods, YMCA and more – this 3bd/1ba home has nice light and is in a great location. Features original wood floors, upgrades to the bathroom, separate laundry room, two-car garage and good sized back yard with fruit trees. See attached reports; Sold in As Is Condition.
237 Dawlish Pl, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $2199000
Meticulously remodeled and maintained, this single-level Montecito ranch home will satisfy even the most discriminative of buyers. The property is located on a wonderfully private half acre just a few blocks from Cold Springs Elementary School. Enjoy the outdoor solar-heated pool and spa, or relax inside the upgraded and air conditioned interior. New features include exterior and interior paint, new flooring, updated kitchen, updated bathrooms, and more!
945 Ward Dr #126, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $439000
Rancho Goleta! A resident-owned community for all ages. Close to Goleta Beach and bike path. This Dualwide Premier model has been extensively renovated. Front living & dining rooms with mountain views, plantation shutters and berber carpeting. Built-in buffet & china cabinet. The remodeled kitchen has maple cabinets & cupboards, tiled counters and built in appliances, plus a pantry. Milgard dual pane windows and sliders. Composition shingle roofing. Family room off the kitchen slider to covered deck. Separate laundry room. Rear master suite with two closets and adjoining bath with tub/s hower. Second bedroom has closet and access to guest bath with shower. Large shed. Rear patio. Low monthly fee of $191 per month. Rancho Goleta is centered around a large lake, and the clubhouse has
2641 State St #2, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $729000
Downstairs unit in an excellent location in Villa Constance North. Exceptionally large 3-bed, 2-bath w/family room (former back porch -converted w/permit), has dual pane. New 2017 KraftMaid kitchen w/stainless apron farm sink, & all stainless appliances. Newly refinished oak floors TO. Can lights, lots of storage, and rare in-unit laundry w/permit. $60,000 on 2016-17 improvements. Family Room is additional 267 SF not in total. It is near the pool, yet far from streets. HOA covers all utilities including gas, electric, water, garbage, outside maint. & insurance. Great balance of mixed re sident population: young families and over 55. Local bus stops on State Street, both directions, every 10 minutes. Must be owner occupied. 1 car garage w/storage. Best available unit in many years.
1124 Manitou Rd, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $1250000
First time on the market in over 30 years! This home offers 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, a formal living room, dining room, and family room. The kitchen was updated with maple cabinets, granite counter tops and matching appliances while the entry room, family room, and master bedroom offer hard wood floors. The master bedroom and living room both offer exterior decks for you to sit out and enjoy this bright and sunny home. Downstairs has been converted to a rec room with a large pool table and exercise equipment. Don’t miss this opportunity!!!
2424 De La Vina St #A, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $739000
This Single Level, free-standing, spacious, light-filled home features all the original charm of it’s Craftsman grandeur, with all the modern conveniences of condominium living. Coffered ceilings, skillful molding, gleaming wood floors and a wood burning fireplace. 2 spacious bedrooms, an office and a beautifully remodeled bathroom. Pillar divided craftsman dining room with built-in buffet. Remodeled kitchen with newer appliances, counter tops and eat-in breakfast area. Newer water heater and furnace (AC ready). Private Courtyard patio and a dog run. Oversized 1 car garage, driveway and an extra designated space. Peabody School. Low HOA dues. Located just a stroll to Restaurants, Shopping and Cottage Hospital.
325 Ladera St #6, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $579000
Beautiful,clean and well maintained single story condo in woodside complex, 2 bed and 2 bath.Great first time buyer or investor opportunity.Large patio with mountain view.Close to beach,city college , shopping and restaurants. Nice and quiets neighborhood, mountain view. In unit laundry access.Prices below market value, this condo will not last,bring your buyers and see for yourself.
944 Calle Abierta, Santa Barbara, CA
Price: $1495000
This lovely home in the Mountain View School attendance area is located directly across from a tranquil park with nature trails. Great for entertaining, this home features a newly constructed trellised outdoor patio with fireplace and built-in grill and sink, new wood floors throughout, newly built bar, gourmet kitchen and updated bathrooms.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-santa-barbara-ca/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158120311420
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yachtcaredubai · 8 years ago
10 Tips for Efficiently Cleaning Your Boat
The following tips will help your boat look it’s best and will also protect your valuable asset from the unforgiving marine environment, in the most efficient way possible.
1. Choose the Right Cleaning Equipment – Consider the type of boat you’ll be cleaning and ensure you have the right tools and materials for the job. Choose brushes that are sturdy and will get the job done, yet soft enough not to damage the finish. For most situations, a brush with medium-soft bristles will do just fine. In addition to a good scrub brush, be sure to have other necessities, such as a bucket (large enough for your brush), washing pads, a mop, sponges, chamois cloths and towels handy.
2. Select a Good, Environmentally Friendly Soap – For marine use, you’ll want to select a soap that will be tough on dirt, grime, and salt, yet easy on the environment. Select an effective, biodegradable cleaning agent with a neutral pH factor. Be aware that certain “super concentrated” detergents may not be suitable for your boat, as these cleansers can strip away and damage finishes when left on for extended periods of time.
3. Lather it Up – Before you think about applying any cleaning agents or touching the hull with a scrub brush, make sure you rinse the entire boat off completely. Whatever you do, never scrub a dry boat or you will risk damaging the finish or gel coat. Lather up with a sponge soaked in the soapy solution, scrub, and rinse sections of your boat at a time.
4. Soak Things Up – Use soft drying cloths that are highly absorbent and will soak up water without stripping or scratching. Chamois cloths or drying mops made of chamois material are good choices. To avoid “spotting,” be sure to dry off your boat immediately after washing and rinsing.
5. Glass Cleaning – A simple water and vinegar solution works well as a glass cleanser, and it’s easy on the environment. If glass and Perspex is heavily scratched, not much can be done in the way of repairs. The best course of action is to guard against damage in the first place by applying a clear silicon spray or polish to the windows and cleaning them with a soft, non-abrasive cloth.
6. Shine – There are many quality cleaners and sealants available for keeping the chrome and stainless steel on your boat protected, shiny and bright. After cleaning, you may want to apply a quality wax sealer to create a protective barrier against the harsh elements. If your boat’s metalwork is pitted or oxidized, apply a quality metal wax and leave it on the problem area overnight. In the morning, take a piece of fine bronze wool and gently scrub off the wax applied to the pitted or oxidized area. This process, repeated several times, should make a considerable difference.
7. Teak – If you have teak on your boat, regular care will be required to maintain the original rich color. For various reasons, it’s best to varnish your teak. Instead, wash it off with the mild detergent used for the hull, rinse, dry, and apply teak oil. If the teak is worn and has lost some of its color, rub it gently with sandpaper (a heavier grade at first, followed by a finer grade). Once the sanding is completed, clean it and allow it to dry, then apply teak oil. Performing this kind of maintenance will go a long way in keeping your boat’s teak looking like it should.
8. Vinyl Upholstery – First, clean off your boat’s vinyl upholstery with a damp cloth to remove grime, dirt and salt. You may want to follow this by applying a quality vinyl cleaner and again wiping off the surface. If mildew stains have formed on your vinyl upholstery, use a deck brush with medium-soft bristles and scrub with a water and ammonia mixture (4 parts water to one part ammonia). Follow with a freshwater rinse, dry, and repeat this process if necessary. For tougher cases, several effective commercial stain removers appropriate for use on vinyl upholstery are available.
9. Carpeting Cleaning – If the cabin portion of your boat is carpeted, you should vacuum and spot clean this area periodically. Using the specialized hose attachments will help you remove dust and dirt from hard to reach places. Start from the front of the cabin area and work toward the stern. This way you won’t be stepping on areas you have already cleaned. To avoid dirt or stains on your boat’s carpet, its best to avoid tracking dirt or fish blood from the deck in the first place. If the carpet is already stained or soiled, use a quality stain remover (following the manufacturer’s instructions), followed by a steam-cleaning with a carpet machine, if possible.
10. Cleaning Your Engine – It’s important to make cleaning your boat’s engine part of your annual ritual at the end of the season. A quality engine cleaner, such as WD-40 or Boeshield T-9, used in combination with a cleaning cloth, is usually sufficient for removing accumulated dirt, grime, and grease. These products also protect engine parts by creating a protective shield from moisture. If it’s an older engine with a considerable amount of build-up, you may need to employ a more powerful grease remover, such as “Gunk.” Whatever solutions you use, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and protect or seal off electrical engine parts first. If grease is removed from key engine areas that require this lubrication, be sure to re-apply some to these points upon completion of your cleaning.
Article Source: http://ift.tt/2tv5M2P
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yachtcaredubai · 8 years ago
Yacht Management Made Simple
Yacht Management is a relatively new branch to the Yachting Industry. It has emerged through the ongoing popularity of sailing vacations, or chartering. Boat owners are opting out for the opportunity of placing their yacht in a charter fleet.
Yacht Management alleviates many of the activities that support the operations of a yacht. The responsibilities that are associated with the care of your yacht are made as pleasurable as possible, and less of a hassle. The role of yacht management is to bridge the gap between recreational and professional yachting. A “newbie”, intending to relieve their stress would benefit greatly from this. Yacht Management can make the difference of keeping a dream from becoming a nightmare.
Yacht Management & Chartering
Yacht Management is crucial when it comes to chartering a boat. Generating income with a boat isn’t easy, but in almost all cases, success depends on treating a vessel as a business. Yes, of course a boat owner will attach only recreational purposes to their boat. This is normal, most of time that is the intention. Purchasing Yachts and immediately placing them into a charter program is a growing trend, though. According to many boat owners, one of the easiest ways to slip into chartering is to get the help of a yacht management company. The Catamaran Company has a division dedicated to these kinds of services.
These services include listing the vessel with yacht brokers nationwide or internationally, so the yacht owner does not have to spend their time on advertising and marketing. The most sophisticated services take care of everything from booking the yacht, collecting payments and coordinating maintenance and repairs. In return, the management company collects a percentage of the charter income. The boat owner collects on the larger percentage of course. The Catamaran Company client profits are in the higher side of the spectrum, when considering industry standards.
Allowing, a firm take care of the management of your boat will help you offset some of the costs of buying and maintaining a boat. One of yacht managements many functions are to protect the buyer’s investment. A team of professionals will have a greater chance of prolonging the life of the investment.
Typical Catamaran Company Maintenance Services
The Catamaran Company is dedicated to making every aspect of boat ownership and use pleasurable for you, your family and your guests. Our service department can help preserve and even enhance the long-term value of one of your most important investments. We will make sure that your yacht is ready to go whenever you are.. and all in top operational condition!
Typical services include:
‱ Complete Yacht Services
‱ Varnish & Bright Work
‱ System inspection on a regular basis with a written report of findings & recommendations to owner
‱ Administer an applicable Preventative Maintenance program
‱ Scheduled systems operation to ensure the preventative maintenance program is effective
‱ Structural repairs
‱ Fiberglass
‱ Engine Overhauling, re-powering
‱ Hardware & hand-hold restoration or replacement
Yacht Deliveries – Satellite Tracking
The Catamaran Company can help you arrange a delivery anywhere in the world. We have partnered with industry specialists who have excellent credentials in safely delivering your yacht to a number of international destinations.
Yacht owners can now log into our special satellite system to chart the position of their yacht anywhere in the world. The system is powerful – it allows you to zoom in on the boat via special illustrative charts. Not only does this give you piece of mind knowing exactly where your yacht is in the delivery stage, but its fun.
The system functions through two main components: they are the terminal, and satellites. The terminal is the only physical element that is needed to install on the boat. It contains modern GPS and sophisticated software to achieve bi-directional communication with Inmarsat geostationary satellites.
The satellites work through the Inmarsat Network (International Maritime Satellite). This system offers world-wide coverage excluding the world’s remote regions like the North and South Poles. The four geostationary satellites are located on top of the Ecuador at around 35,500 kilometers.
Article Source: http://ift.tt/2ugmfWV
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yachtcaredubai · 8 years ago
Tips For Boat Maintenance
Here are some of the tips which can help you keep your boat up and running:- AFTER EVERY TRIP:
o Flush the engine each time it’s used in salt water. Use “earmuffs” over the water intake and a freshwater hose. Tilt engine and rinse underneath to prevent salt buildup.
o Fill gas tank on the way back a full tank resists water build-up from condensation.
o Wash entire boat and trailer using soap and water. Zip Wax (by Turtle Wax) car wash soap contains wax and will not strip the wax from your boat. Do not use bleach or Soft Scrub except in emergencies. Re-wax the affected area after using these harsh products.
o Scrub the deck with a non-skid cleaner
o Dry all the metal, glass and flat surfaces. Standing water will leave mineral deposits and etch surfaces.
o Cover boat to protect it from sun and rain.
o Every 75 hours: replace spark plugs, clean fuel filter, change lower unit oil, grease engine/drive via the zerc fittings and inspect everything.
o Every 150 hours or once a year replace the impeller and fuel-water separator.
Engine/Running Gear maintenance tips include:
o Change oil frequently – following manufacturer’s minimum recommendations or once each season.
o Check and replace any belts or hoses that appear to be deteriorating.
o Check for oil and/or water leaks every time before leaving the dock.
o Flush your engine with fresh water after operating in salt water.
o Check impellers and pumps to anticipate a failure.
o Watch for the beginning of corrosion and take measures to stop it before it becomes a problem.
o Check and service transmissions and lower units according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
o Change fluids on a recommended schedule or at least once each season.
o Keep shafts and props in clean and good working order.
o Check all though-hull fittings. Make sure that their valves are operational and can be opened and closed.
o Check all water strainers to make sure that they are clean and free of debris.
Article Source: http://ift.tt/2rUjEiT
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yachtcaredubai · 8 years ago
How to Fish: Chumming Tips
If you want to catch more fish, knowing how to chum is a must. Chumming works for a huge variety of species in all sorts of areas, but it isn’t always as simple as one might think. Jump aboard with boats.com Senior Editor and Head Fish-head Lenny Rudow to see how it’s done and learn some important chumming tips.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWPf2pd-IKM
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yachtcaredubai · 8 years ago
The Dubai Water Canal: yachting in the UAE
The waterway, which opened in November 2016, effectively turns part of Dubai into an island

With a width ranging from 80m to 120m, the 3.2-km long Dubai Canal is the final segment of the Dubai Creek extension that terminates in the Arabian Gulf and allows yachts of up to 32m in length and 8.5m in height to pass through its waterways at a maximum speed of seven knots.
The AED2.7 billion project provides a gateway to various boating and lifestyle attractions, including the region’s first purpose-built yachting destination, Marasi Business Bay, which will span 12 km of waterfront, and host five marinas with 1,250 berthing spaces.
Emirates-based Gulf Craft has announced that all its flybridge motoryachts manufactured for the UAE market will meet Dubai Water Canal requirements. Specifically, the brand’s fleet of Majesty (48-155 feet) and Nomad (55-95 feet) yachts will be constructed in accordance with the height limits of Dubai Water Canal, as specified by the regulator, the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA).
According to Gulf Craft CEO Erwin Bamps, the ambitious canal project promises to change how yachting is perceived in the UAE, inspiring more people to explore the possibilities of on-water living and entertainment and allow them to sail through the heart of Dubai within the comfort and safety of the canal.
“The Dubai Canal will enable existing and aspiring yacht owners to experience the yachting lifestyle without having to venture out into the open seas, eliminating the barrier often associated with fear of navigation and seasickness,” says Bamps. “This project is essentially changing the landscape of boating in the UAE, creating a waterway in the centre of new communities, similar to other cruising sanctuaries found in modern cities around the world, such as the beautiful waterways adjoining Sydney Harbour.”
The first modified Majesty and Nomad yachts will be available for review at the Dubai International Boat Show, which will kick off at the end of February 2017
Profile links
Gulf Craft
Source: https://goo.gl/poNq2D
marine yacht services yacht engine repair yachting services yacht refurbishment boat refurbishing yacht painting
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yachtcaredubai · 8 years ago
Learn the Basic Steps in Repairing Fiberglass Boat Floors
Among boat owners, seeing a hole at the bottom of a boat is quite a common and somewhat pestering experience. To help them with such kind of problems, various manufacturers release certain products that can help people solve this basic inconvenience. In order to avoid the discomfort and displeasure associated with these problems, they must learn the simple basic steps in repairing fiberglass boat floors.
Before starting with the project, boat owners must gather first all the necessary tools and materials in repairing fiberglass boat floors. In terms of tools, coping saw, scissors, and orbit sander all have specific purposes in the repairing process. Cleaning supplies, tape measure, and scraper complete the list of tools necessary to repair fiberglass boat floors.
In the meantime, certain materials are also necessary to restore the good condition of fiberglass boat floors. To facilitate the project, boat owners must procure sandpaper, a Bondo putty, and a fiberglass mat. Additionally, they need to have other materials like cleaning agents, supports, and fiberglass gel coating.
After completing all the materials and tools, it is now time to move on with the actual repairing process. Follow these simple instructions and see how easy it is to repair fiberglass boat floors.
1. Before repairing the boat floors, remove all the unnecessary objects inside the boat to gain direct access to the holes. After doing so, locate the holes that need repair and prepare for the next step.
2. For better results, cut the damaged portion of the floor, removing the unwanted faulty portions of the boat.
3. Before applying the epoxy, the target site needs to be clean and dry, allowing the adhesive to work properly. At the same time, remove any trace of dirt or dust from the area as well. Avoid using very strong cleaning compounds especially those that may negatively affect the efficiency of adhesives.
4. When the damaged portion of a fiberglass boat floor is curved in nature, supports can be of big help in fixing such problem.
5. Rough up the portion where the adhesive is to be placed, allowing it to cling properly to the fiberglass boat floors. In accomplishing this task, a steel brush can do the job done. Take out the fiberglass mat and cut out a small portion that is enough to cover the hole at the fiberglass boat floors.
6. When fixing curved sections of the boat floors, create a shape that closely resembles the curve and overlay it with Bondo, thus replicating the curve. Use sandpaper to smooth out the edges of the Bondo. Place a sheet of fiberglass over the Bondo and add epoxy until arriving at the desired shape. One again, use a sandpaper to smooth out the shape of the fiberglass.
7. After repairing the underside of the fiberglass boat floors, it is now time to clean the exposed side of the boat. Once again, cut out some fiberglass enough to cover the damage, and then use epoxy to cover it. For a finer and finished look, do not forget to remove wrinkles or bubbles from the area.
8. After all the repairs, it is now time to go on with the sanding of the rough edges of the repaired portions of the fiberglass boat floors. Aside from getting a clean look, doing this can prepare the floor for some really good painting. In the end, paint the repaired fiberglass boat floors for a newer and fresher look.
Article Source: http://ift.tt/2s1qCUF
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yachtcaredubai · 8 years ago
Yacht Gel Coat Repairs Made Easy
Most vessels and yachts built these days are built of fiberglass. A fiberglass boat is made of resins and synthetic glass plastic matting merged together to strengthen it. The outside boat areas are constructed of layers of colored resins known as gel coat. Gel coat is the material used to give the high-quality texture on the visible surface of the reinforced material beneath.
What’s Gel Coat?
The most common gel coats used with today’s vessels are structured on polyester resin chemistry. Gel coats are resins which are put into casts in the liquid state. The constructed module, when satisfactorily cured and taken from the cast, makes the gel coated surface. Over time, these gel coated surfaces can be damaged and dinged from age. The sunlight can also generate small cracks, but repairs can be made.
Here is how I do this. Topside gel coat cracks can be polished out of a gel coat exterior with automotive polishing compound and good old elbow grease, but deep scrapes must be filled. Excluding shade matching, gel coat repairs are relatively easy and uncomplicated. If cracks are deep, I normally prepare them for repair by grinding the surface with a Dremel tool. This provides suitable bedding for the resin. I prefer to utilize the West System epoxy for making my repairs.
The success of the repairs relies upon not only the ability of the epoxy’s strength, but also on how effectively the epoxy adheres to the facade being put on. Except when you are bonding to partially cured epoxy, the potency of the union depends on the epoxy’s capability to “affix ” to the topsides. The next three steps of surface preparation work are an important part of any epoxy gel coat repair.
For top-quality bonding, all surfaces have to be: 1. Clean – All surfaces to be fixed have got to be free of all contaminants like grease, oil, wax or silicone. Wipe all surfaces with a fresh cloth moistened with lacquer thinner or acetone. Wipe the surface before the solvent dries. Cleanse the entire surfaces before sanding or grinding with a Dremel tool to avoid rubbing the pollutant into the current fiberglass face.
2. Dry – All topsides must be as dry as possible for high quality bonding. If necessary, quicken the drying by heating the topsides with a blow dryer. As always, epoxy is not going to stick to moist surfaces.
3. Sanding – Sand flat all surfaces- carefully rubbing each surface. Get rid of any cracking, chalking, blistering, or previous paint coatings prior to sanding. Remove all airborne debris following sanding with a rag dampened with solvent.
Fairing refers to the filling and shaping of ground out areas so they merge with the adjacent areas and appear “fair” both to the eye and touch. Prime the area like you would for bonding. Sand away all bulges and bumps on the surface and remove all dust from the surface to be faired afterwards. Combine resin/hardener and fairing filler to a putty-like thickness in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.
Always add fillers in a two-step manner: 1. Blend the preferred quantity of resin and hardener thoroughly before adding fillers. 2. Mix in small amounts of the suitable filling until the desired thickness is reached; be cautious not to put in too much.
Be certain all of the filler is totally mixed before the mixture is applied. Spread the mix into a thin layer in the mixing container to extend its working life; thick blended resin will become hard rapidly. The epoxy blend can now be troweled on with a plastic squeegee, pressing it into all spaces. Flatten the mixture to the desired form, but leaving the epoxy a bit more elevated than the adjacent area. Remove any spare thickened epoxy prior to it beginning to age. In addition, if any holes are more than œ” deep, apply the epoxy mixture in multiple applications. Let the final thickened epoxy treatment age completely. Drying will take anywhere from one hour or more.
Smooth the applied fairing matter to merge with the adjacent contour; larger grit sandpaper will remove more material as you sand. Conclude with smaller grit sandpaper when you are close to the last contour. To complete the task, I prefer to paint the repaired surface.
Article Source: http://ift.tt/2rNRhDh
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yachtcaredubai · 8 years ago
Dubai International Boat Show 2017
In few days, the much-awaited event for all the boat lovers here in UAE, Dubai International Boat Show 2017, will be held at the Dubai International Club, Mina Seyahi. The said event will last from February 28 until March 4, 2017. It is expected to have a lot of activities that the attendees will surely be entertain.
The main attraction of the event will surely be the super yachts but aside from that, there will be other activities like the live shows, and enlightening marine talks that will captivate the interest of all the audience. There will also be tests drive for the boats, free fishing and sailing trips. Furthermore, adrenaline junkies can enjoy the water activities like kayaking, windsurfing, and stand-up paddling under the supervision of professional and the interactive demonstration from Dive Middle East.
The attendees can also listen to purring engines at the Super Car Promenade, There is also a shop in the Retail Village. They will be entertained by the amazing stunts with Jet Pack, Flyboard and FlyBike. In addition, they will surely be relaxed on the beach with fresh cuisine. To sum it up, this event will be a great experience not be only for the boat enthusiasts but also for all the water lovers.
Source: https://goo.gl/rgqwsm
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jobsinmanatee-blog · 8 years ago
Maintenance Technician - Yacht Club
Maintenance Technician – Yacht Club
Maintenance Technician Yacht Club at Heritage Harbour is a resort-style community located in the lovely Heritage Harbour neighborhood in Bradenton, FL. We are seeking to hire a Maintenance Technician at a multifamily community in Bradenton, FL. The Mainte Click Here to Apply : Maintenance Technician – Yacht Club
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