butt-lore · 4 years
Cutest Cookie Monster
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Just a cute soft fic for my cute soft boy. V short. Super fluffy
Yuchan x Reader
Words: 357
No warnings
Summary: Yuchan doesn’t quite understand the concept of “for everyone” when it comes to your cookies.
Actual cookies u heathens
“Chan, Chan, for my Channy Chan Chan, my Chan man, Yuchannie.” You hum loudly, noting how the man you’re singing to is ignoring you on the cream sofa. “Making food for my baby boy Chan with the big hands,” you carry on with your giggles once you hear a frustrated huff. “Because my baby must eat and-“
“I would like to request a new song.” Yuchan laments, face falling forward into the couch cushion. He says something about feeling bullied but you can’t hear him as you found another tune to boast about.
“A new song, a new song, because the baby didn’t like the old. A new song, a new song because he is my world. A new song for Chan, the best boy ever.” The green pillow nearly misses your head. That still doesn’t deter your cheerful self. “You said a new song? Did you not like it? I made it with love, like these dumplings.”
“If you’re mad at me,” he pushed up from the couch, faded plum hair tangling with his long lashes. “Just say it.”
“Mad? Mad? About this morning? And how you ate all my cookies? The ones I told you not to touch.”
Yuchan rounds you, placing his jaw along your clavicle. “I will remake them if you give me a recipe. I’m very sorry.” He pressed soft kisses up to your ear, whining into it when you push him back with your hips. You assumed you knocked the wind from him, but you also convinced yourself one container of cookies would be enough to sate the ever eating man. You weren’t mad truly, already prepared with dough for more. Lemon cookies were just his ‘thing’, his preferred drug so to speak. They were never destined to make it to the studio.
“Go sit, pout away from my food it’ll make it taste bad.” A quick peck and a slap to his ass, you shoo Yuchan back to the couch. “Just know, I require you to make dinner all next week for your transgressions.”
“And I get to finish my lovely song.”
“Awful. They were worth it. Sing away.”
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