r0achezz · 8 months
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Before and after. <taken from two different angles of the room I know, I can show you the after in the same angle if you want!>
I was kind of hesitant to post this, i though people might think I was faking but uhm- y e a h.
before: date, around February 2023 (it had been in that state, since 2022 though)
after: date, today! January 28th, 2024. Piece by piece and little by little I was finally able to put it back together! I was getting better around February and couldn’t stand it, but it took awhile because my body just didn’t wanna do anything still XD
I’m happy with my growth though! It’s not much ofc, my room is still dirty (paint on the floor, clothes piled on my dresser, some stuff still on my keyboard) but it’s definitely better than what I was originally in.
it’s not extreme like how other rooms usually are (which is not a problem at all) but idk, it still makes me happy
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