caestusvulpes · 2 years
@pastballads asked:
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you." - from Bern
"Now y'all know damn well y'haven't bothered me a day in yer life, Bern." Hikari stretches her hands up high above her head, interlocking fingers and letting out a long, arduous yawn. "Jus' been a li'l busy lately with all the... arrow shit. Enemies like t'pop up jus' about anywhere 'round these parts-- annoyin' ass bullshit."
She lazily blinks her visible eye, slow and contemplative. "You keepin' well? Eatin' healthy? Cuttin' the cig habit?"
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goldenworldsabound · 5 years
The introduction of Lost and Found Family! Introductions followed by some shenanigans! Optionally included a recording of myself reading it as well (highly suggest having the text open to follow along if you do that, though). The audio is about 7 minutes long.
He'd run away from home.
He was tired of it. He was tired of being told who to be and what to do.
He didn't even know what he wanted to do - just that this wasn't it. What didn't necessarily matter - he just wanted to be the one to choose.
He perched on top of a dilapidated building, white hair moving slightly in the breeze, blue eyes fixated on the two outlaws that were currently making their way back to a large pink car.
"Philly the Kid and the Crystalline Angel." He murmured to himself, resting his head on his hand with a sigh. All they'd done since he'd found them (not an easy task even for him) was eat and buy groceries and other supplies. And now they were likely leaving. Well, he didn't want to miss them.
"Ready to head out?" Philly asked, starting up Bessie with a coin.
"Yep, just give me a minute to drop these groceries in the fridge." Wendy replied, walking down into Bessie.
Philly looking idly to the right. "What the fuck?" A small child, probably about 11, was sitting in the passenger seat, reclining comfortably, looking bored. Philly didn't hesitate to point a gun at him. "Who are you?"
"Me? Killua." The boy smiled, looking unconcerned. "I thought I'd join you, see what life as an outlaw is like."
Philly growled at him. "Don't have room to raise a kid as an outlaw or for freeloaders, so get out of here." He gestured with his free hand.
Having heard the commotion, Wendy returned to the seating area, her own gun raised.
"Who is this?" Wendy asked, hesitantly pointing her gun at the still unconcerned child. He didn't even flinch. He sat up so he could look over the seat at her.
"I'm Killua." He gave another charming, unconcerned smile.
"He wants to come with us. Or so he says." Philly scowled. "SeE wHaT LiFe As An OuTlAw Is LiKe." Philly continued mockingly. Killua frowned.
"You really are as rude as they say." He replied, sticking his tongue out.
"Yeah yeah whatever, brat. I'll be even ruder if you don't fucking scoot."
"Why do you wanna join us?" Wendy asked, brows furrowed. He seemed so young, and absolutely not afraid of them. He didn't seem like an adult in a kid's body though, like JoJo.
"I just wanted to see what it's like. To make your own choices, every moment of every day, with no regard for consequences." He averted his gaze. The comment was flippant, but Wendy felt her heart soften.
"You don't get to make your own choices?" She asked, putting her gun away and walking closer.
Killua shook his head. "My family is...stifling. They want me to follow the path they've laid out for me." He frowned, grip on the chair tightening noticeably. 
"Heh. I can understand that. I ran away from home myself. Never looked back." Wendy put a hand on his head, ruffling his hair. He blushed at the gentle contact. "You can stick around, for a bit."
"Excuse me?!" Philly asked incredulously, gun still trained on Killua. "Wendy, we don't have room for a fucking kid!"
"But Philly-"
"Look." Killua pointed towards the back of Bessie with interest. Wendy and Philly turned their heads to look.
"Oh shit. Take the wheel." Philly instructed, jumping out of his seat. Wendy instantly took his place, slamming on the gas. Killua remained quiet, smiling. Things were about to get interesting. 
A motorcycle gang was approaching fast, barrelling down the town's main thoroughfare with little concern. Lady Day's latest attempt to take down Philly. The group seemed heavily armed. They followed as Wendy drove Bessie swiftly out of town and into the unforgiving desert.
"They're gaining on us." Wendy observed, looking in her rearview. 
"I got the big guns out." Philly replied with a smirk, holding the bazooka over his shoulder.
"What about the Barrier Blaster?! That'd be fun to try out here!" Wendy suggested, grinning.
"No! Last time I tried that it blew up in my face!" He growled. Killua fought back a snort. These two were so interesting! And they seemed to have totally forgotten his presence.
"But I've fixed it since then-"
"I said NO!" Philly fired the bazooka, nailing one of the motorcyclists, who went up in a quick burst of flame. "Heh, nailed it."
The remaining 3 cyclists spread out, speeding up and flanking the car. Philly fired again, but the one on the left dodged it. "Ah, shit."
"But the Barrier Blaster-"
"Alright, ALRIGHT! I'll try it, calm down." Philly rummaged around for a minute. "Where is it? AUGH!" He grabbed onto a seat, nearly toppling over as Wendy made a hard turn. "Watch it!"
"Sorry, they're getting aggressive! I told you to clean up back there, didn't I?"
"This is your mess!"
"...I suppose that's true. It should be behind the back up Insurance Policy."
Philly spotted it then. The large gun was white, with silver highlights. It was bazooka like in size, but required a tripod. He set it up quickly, looking over the side as Bessie swerved violently.
"Hurry it up, the one in front is causing problems for me!" Wendy yelled back. Philly could hear the sound of gunshots hitting Bessie's exterior.
"It's hard when your driving SUCKS!" He replied, finally having it up and running. He fired the gun at the biker on the left. A huge blue barrier (Wendy's signature) shot out from the Barrier Blaster, instantly shoving the biker to the ground, which at that speed meant they weren't getting back up. He spun it around on the tripod, doing the same to the biker on the right side.
Philly mocked blowing smoke off the gun, despite there being no combustion involved. Two down, one to go.
Fighting was pretty normal to Killua - but he'd never seen this sort of fight. It was by the skin of their teeth, reckless, leaving tons of room for error. It was teamwork. It was using technology in a clever way. And a car chase! It was enthralling.
Philly ran up front. "Can you lose them?" He ducked as the biker fired again.
"Dunno, they're staying carefully in front of me now to avoid the blaster." She had an idea suddenly. "You take the wheel!"
They swapped quickly, almost elegantly. Wendy noticed Killua then. She paused for a moment. "You should get to safety-"
"SHIT they're coming up!" Philly yelled, turning Bessie hard. But it was too late. The cyclist had hooked on to the car, and was swiftly launched themselves up.
A target, a target, they had to choose a target. Their eyes landed on the small boy in the passenger seat. Perfect.
Wendy saw them dive for Killua. She dashed in front of him, moving her arms to form a blue arc over both of them. The assailant landed on the shield, and Wendy pushed the shields away, knocking the enemy over the windshield and onto the hood of the car. Without hesitation she jumped over the windshield, pulling out a gun and pointing it at them.
"Don't scuff 'er up!" Philly yelled. He needed to keep the car fairly even now lest Wendy go flying off the hood. There was nothing to grab on to, aside from the windshield. One of her hands gripped it lightly.
"Don't shoot-" The assailant started, but Wendy pulled the trigger with little hesitation at their words. It was a normal bullet, simple and clean shot through the head. They fell.
"You can't ask for mercy after going after a child." Wendy replied to the corpse, scowling.
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natea · 5 years
cuddles- donah
Daniel sat downstairs on the couch watching a random show that was playing.
daniel looked up after he saw jonah walk down the stairs, smiling at him. “jonah” daniel whined “yes?” jonah mocked with the same tone. “get here I'm bored as hell” daniel patted the spot next to hi smiling innocently. “Alright,” jonah said before he sat next to him
. “hey Jonah?” “yes?” could you maybe cook me something?” “so first you want me to sit next to you and then you mak me get up again? the logic” jonah chuckles before standing up and walking to the kitchen and making some spaghetti
 “well you're a lot better at cooking than me anyways,” daniel said hearing another augh from jonah. “yeah we don't wanna burn the house down do we now?” “exactly.”  daniel said before he started scrolling through Instagram.
about twenty minutes later jonah returns with two plates of steaming hot spaghetti and utensils. “this is so good jo” daniel moans at the taste. “you take one bite and already have a foodgasm. well, you clearly don't last long,” jonah laughs at now flustered daniel. “shut it,” Daniel said gently pushing jonah with his shoulder.
“What should we do today?” daniel asks placing his plate on the coffee table.” wanna stay inside and watch the Simpsons?” “um.. yes I love that show” daniel happily exclaimed. “and that I why we will watch them,” jonah remarked picking up their dirty plates.
daniel started moving around the couch looking for a comfortable position,  eventually laying on the couch. jonah came back grinning, softly smacking the back of daniel thigh making daniel squeal. 
“would you mind moving your sexy ass so I can sit down?” jonah smiled looking at daniel.” sexy?” daniel asked raising his eyebrow at jonah. “oh I'm sorry, do you prefer fat? jonah smirked at daniel. “well I, in fact, am very sexy so...” daniel wanders off smirking playfully before moving aside.
“yes, yes you are daniel.” jonah laughed before sitting down. “I mean you're alright I guess” daniel jokes while looking at jonah’s fake pouty lip. “I'm sorry Daniel James I consider myself hot as hell” 
“relax Jojo I think you're hot as hell” daniel raises his hands in surrender lightly laughing.” oh I know,” jonah said laughing flipping his invisible hair.
“But, you're also extremely weird.” daniel said eying jonah up and down“I shall take that in my pride, and besides you aren't any better D,” jonah said raising his eyebrows at him. “pfft I’m way better than you Sweetheart,” “shut it seaweed” jonah fired back at him.
“oh, you wanna fight now huh?” daniel looked at jonah amused “alright then let's go,” jonah said rising from the couch cracking his knuckles. daniels eyes widen. but quickly go back to normal his lips curling in a cocky smirk. “don't get cocky Seavey” Jonah rolled his eyes in a joking manner.
“on three ok?” Jonah said “ok” daniel nodded. “one, two, three!” on three jonah picked daniel up and threw him over his shoulder spinning him around. “jonah!” daniel shrieked punching his back.” “why would you do that!” jonah just laughed in return “aren’t you just adorable?” jonah ruffled Daniel’s hair smiling at him softly.
“no! I'm big strong and scary” daniel pouted. “and my name’s John Cena” Jonah rolled his eyes. “Please jonah ill d anything” daniel pleaded. “anything?” jonah asked making sure. “anything”.
jonah thinks for a second but gives in. he put daniel back on his feet grabbing his shoulders. “well there is something I always wanted to do.” Jonah said looking at daniels soft lips. “what?” daniel asked looking back at his eyes breath hitching in his throat. “t-this” jonah said before he grabbed Daniel’s chin with his finger before softly kissing daniel. 
Jonah figuring what he did, quickly pulling away. “i-I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that oh god” jonah panicked. daniel just laughed and grabbed a handful of jonah’s shirt kissing him again.
“I love you” daniel smiled.
“really” jonah’s eyes sparkled with hope.
“yes,” Daniel chuckled.
“I love you too” Jonah smiled. “so... Daniel James Seavey... will you do me the honors and be my boyfriend?. its daniels turn to feel flustered and nod “I would love too”  “anything else you want me to do for you” daniel smirked.
“cuddles?” jonah said in a baby voice as he reached out for daniel puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip painted on his face.
daniel softly smiled as he picked jonah up starting to walk up the stairs. jonah happily cuddled in his chest softly whining as he lost the warmth of his lover. “relax give me a second daniel kissed jonah’s cheek before he stripped to his boxers. jonah smiled up at daniel as he patiently waited.
daniel laid down and pulled Jonah in his chest, softly chuckling as he heard a happy sigh escape jonah’s lips.
“you know you’re really hot jonah,” Daniel said looking down at jonah staring at his beautiful eyes.
“So are you,” jonah said sleepiness present in his voice before drifting off. daniel smiled softly taking his phone taking a photo and changing his wallpaper. 
he loved his baby.
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