missazura · 1 year
“Really, I’m wounded. I would hardly be the most dangerous acquaintance you’ve made over the past… oh, ten years? Is that about right? I can hardly be sure, you understand. The portfolio can only extend so far. Metaphorically speaking I’m sure I’m missing a few pages of your life story.
Perhaps I’m here specifically to torment you, seeking some sick enjoyment from your unsatisfied curiosity. If you believe the worst, maybe that will help dissuade you from embracing the fact that you clearly wanted to hear my voice.
Admit it, you enjoy the pattern. I assure you there’s no shame in it. You invite me here because you’re seeking someone who can tell you that you’re more than you believe. You’re quite like the titans in that way, perpetually attempting to prove yourself to an invisible adversary, and when that grows old you bring in one you can see. Not to say they don’t exist of course, only that you can’t see them until you do.
How about this: you guess what I’m here for, and if you’re right, you win a prize. It never hurts to foster creativity, don’t you agree?” - @sladeoftheart
i don't NEED to guess, because i know you well enough that you're ALWAYS up scheming. i would say you're looking for an apprentice again, but i figured you've had it with failed apprentices twice now. i'm sure you're a smart man- you wouldn't pull the same mistake the third time.
so my answer is that you're testing me. to see if i'm sharp enough to see through your tricks.
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