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#drag race#rupaul's drag race#rpdr 17#suzie toot#SUZIE#YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO MW#OH MY GOD#SHE'S SO PRETTY
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Apparently and Unfortunately, there's been a... sudden influx in the reposting/editing/claim-it-as-their-own of my arts inside the TikTok world (;′⌒`)
I know, I know, "Weeelll you're famous, sooner or later your arts are gonna be reposted, just deal with it bla bla bla." I get it, but still, the fact that a lot of people do it doesn't mean it's right. I've even let loose by letting it go if they reposted with credits by writing my name on the caption, but of course, majority of time, they get reposted without credits, edited, and then claiming it as their own.
I thank all the reports that have come in into my DM's! I promise I've done what I can to make them take it down, but again, most of the time I get ignored in the DM's.
-> SO ✨ What would be a huge, wonderful help to me, is don't be afraid to comment on the posts/tiktoks that it's sleepyconfusedpotato's art KINDLY. Don't attack them, just leave a comment that the art is not theirs and the art belongs to sleepyconfusedpotato on IG and Tumblr. That way the people that sees it will at least know that it does not belong to the reposter.
Once again, thank you guys so much for reporting these to me, but my efforts alone won't be enough, and of course they'll try to ignore/block me as I'm the actual artist. A thief won't admit to their steals.
Thank you and have a nice day/evening!
#sleepy's thoughts#LMAO I wrote on that GhostJade in the rain art “Watch this art become a Ghost x Reader in TikTok” and I'm right. on. the. money 😂#but yeah I can't do this alone guys#so if you see these reposted works of my art please comment on it#don't be afraid#call of duty#call of duty modern warfare#cod mw#cod
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And They Were Roommates
Part 2!
Sooner than I thought I'd get it done, but I ended up with more time today than I thought. It's moving day! This one goes out to the two people who read this so far (ilu), and also the dream of affordable rent and friendly, walkable neighbourhoods.
Part 1 Here
Alcohol mention, SFW
MDNI - 18+ Blog even if this is you know, pretty tame at the moment
Your apartment is on the third floor of a walk-up, with a little balcony off the living room, and a decently sized kitchen. The rooms aren’t too small either, and your landlord has never cared about you putting holes in the walls or painting, only that you’re quiet and you have not once been late paying the rent. She lives on the first floor, and you have a sort of pleasant, neighbourly relationship with her. It’s easy enough to like a landlord that doesn’t raise your rent arbitrarily or drag their feet on repairs, but Leslie’s also a handsome, handy butch, and her wife, Amelia, is a wispy artist, and you’ve always been on the cusp of wanting to be properly friendly. You let her know before you head off to work that you have a new roommate moving in today, and that there would be a bit of noise in the afternoon.
“Oh, you found someone? Good. You want them on the lease?” she asks.
“I don’t think she wants to be. She’s just giving me cash so I can pay it. Is that alright?”
Leslie nods. “Sure is, honey. Thanks for letting me know. Oh, and I want to do a check on the radiators before the cold weather hits— Shouldn’t need into your apartment, but the pipes’ll be clanging something awful. It’s supposed to be cold and rainy Monday, so I’ll turn on the heat, and you can text me if your rads don’t warm up.”
“Alright. Thanks Leslie.”
She laughed. “You don’t have to thank me. You’re just saving me paperwork and a trip up the stairs. I’ll be standing by this afternoon if you need the door taken off the hinges to get any furniture through.”
You head off to work, humming to yourself. There’s time to stop for a take out coffee too, something you’d been denying yourself for the last few weeks to conserve money, and the barista gives you an extra shot of espresso, just because she missed seeing you.
God, you would have hated moving away. This neighbourhood has been good to you, and starting over somewhere else would have been hard. You recognize most of the faces around you, and often get a smile or a nod when you pass by, or even a good morning from a few. It feels like being part of a community. You unlock the door to the shop, and you don’t bother locking it behind you while you quickly get things set up.
The bell above the door jingles just as you’re about to go and flip the sign. “You know, you should really keep that locked when you’re not open,” John says. He’s an irregular regular, the sort of customer you see every few days for a couple weeks and then not at all for months at a time. You like him— He’s always polite, and he always takes your recommendations seriously, and comes back to tell you what he thinks. He’s older, but in a non-distinct way where he could be anywhere from 30 to 45. The muttonchops kind of make it hard to tell.
“A customer coming in a minute or two ahead of time is not terribly concerning to me, John. And the shop is open, I just haven’t flipped the sign yet.” You do so, and dust your hands together, like you’ve just accomplished some great feat.
“What if I wasn’t a customer?”
“What, like a robber? I’d give them the money from the till and then ring up the cops so they can stand around and be useless a while.”
His stern expression cracks into a smile, the crows feet around his eyes deepening. “Alright, fair enough.”
“You’re here early. Usually don’t see you until lunch hour. Got a busy day ahead?” You absently straighten a pile of books on the table by the door before you return to your perch behind the counter to sip your coffee.
“Yeah. Helping one of my sergeants move this afternoon. Someplace in the neighbourhood, but you’ll be closed long before we finish.”
You hadn’t realized he was military, but now it seems obvious. He’s got that straight-backed, keen-eyed look to him that could belong to few other professions. “Oh, are you Jamie’s captain?” you ask, connecting the dots. It's too close to be a coincidence.
He raises his eyebrows. “You’re her new flatmate?”
“Yeah! Ha, I guess you’ll get to see how I live. Always weird when a customer crosses the threshold of familiarity.”
“Didn’t realize you two knew each other.”
“We don’t— Not yet, anyway. I’ve had an ad out for over a month, she’s the first person who’s responded that I think I could actually live with. You would not believe the number of guys who responded thinking that a picture of their dick counted as a reference.”
“Did Jamie give you references?”
“Yes, her old landlord, her LT and her Captain— Guess that’s you. But I met Ghost last night, and I didn’t really think I needed to call the other numbers after meeting Jamie.” You shrug. “Although looking back on it, I guess getting a vibe check from a giant in a balaclava is maybe not the most legitimate reference I could have received.”
“You ever think you might be too trusting?” John asked, leaning against the counter. He didn’t have a tendency to use his size to intimidate, but he was looming over you now, giving you a stern glare that you’re sure his newer recruits have nightmares about. You’re not intimidated though. You’re too familiar with him by now to be worried. He’s just got this protective, almost fatherly streak to him, and a bit of paranoia that makes more sense now that you know it’s coming from his military background.
“Have you ever thought that you might not be trusting enough?” you ask sweetly. “Not to sound trite, but I’ve found that when you approach things with an open mind and heart, things work out. But maybe I’ve just been lucky.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t been eaten alive,” John grumbles, moving away from the counter, shaking his head.
You just shake your head too, picking up your phone so you can text Jamie.
I met your captain!! Well I already knew him but I didn’t know he was your captain
The response comes in almost instantly
caps got a crush on ye. dirty old man >:( <
Dinny wry kitty ill fight im 4 u<
You hear John’s phone ding. He glances at the screen and laughs, and then looks over at you. “Jamie just told me to square up.”
“Wouldn’t be fair. I bet she fights dirty,” you tell him. “Is that why you call her Soap?”
He laughs again, his broad shoulders shaking. “No, but it might as well be.”
John buys a couple of old westerns and heads out soon after, leaving you to putter around the shop. You get a few customers through, though not many. Fridays are never very busy. Saturday and Sunday are always the busiest days of the week, and the days that the little book shop is open the longest. From what you've gathered, Bruce, the owner, makes most of the money to keep the place going by renting out studio space upstairs. The second floor is a wide open room, and the third floor a maze of little studios. There's a bulletin board behind your counter with all the workshops and events listed. Bruce lives at the other end of the first floor, and you rarely see him. The bookstore was something for his wife, who had gotten bored and moved on to pottery, and then glass blowing, and was currently occupying a studio upstairs and writing a novel. Sometimes she asked you to read chapters of it, and you had to come up with polite ways to tell her that she needed to put a lot more work in that wouldn’t get your ass fired.
Jamie texts you updates on the move, mostly complaints about how she didn’t think she’d need so many boxes, she didn’t think she had that much stuff, as well as a picture of her reclining on a couch while Gaz and Ghost lift it into the air, with the caption RIDES HERE that you receive just as you’re locking up the store.
They gonna carry you the whole way here?
no :( LT said im 2 heavy <
rude fucker <
You should reconsider your no killing in your spare time policy Just this once
ur rite. <
only after ahm dun mvoing tho<
hes useful 2 me yet<
You giggle and stow your phone back in your pocket, picking up your pace so you'd have time to do a quick, last minute clean of the apartment and shut Red Herring in your room so he doesn’t make a run for freedom while the doors are open.
He never listens when you tell him he doesn’t have what it takes to make it out there alone.
You happen to glance out the window when a pickup truck pulls up in front of the building. John and Gaz climb out. It’s a smaller model, and the couch from the picture is strapped sideways across the short-box bed with a pile of boxes stacked neatly underneath. A blue sports car pulls up behind it, and Ghost unfolds himself from the passenger side while Jamie throws her door open and hops out of the driver’s side. You head downstairs to meet them at the front door.
As soon as she sees you, Soap runs over and throws her arms around your waist, picking you up bodily and swinging you around, like she’s a soldier returning from the war and you the long suffering wife awaiting her return back home. You shriek with laughter and hold on tight, worried that she’ll drop you. Not that it’s all that far from the ground. Maybe it’s just kind of nice to be manhandled by a big strong woman.
“Missed ye,” she says in your ear.
“Jamie, we just saw each other yesterday,” you remind her, still laughing. “We just met yesterday.”
“Pff. No matter.” She gives you one more spin before setting you down. “Awlright, let’s put these big strong lads to work, aye? If ye ask nice Gaz’ll prob’ly take off his shirt.”
“I think he should keep it on, actually,” you say dryly.
“Yer right, kitty, don’t want to get distracted while there’s a job to be done. I’ll take my shirt off for ye later, since yer insistin'.” She loops an arm over your shoulders and presses a quick peck to the side of your head before letting go and dashing back over to the vehicles, giving you no chance to say that you most certainly had not been insisting.
No one lets you help, beyond opening doors and helping them navigate corners, but you suspect that you really only would have slowed up the process. They make carrying the couch up the stairs look easy, and the whole job is done in under an hour, despite the three flights of stairs. Soap moves her car to the lot, taking the space Leslie indicates, and you walk up together, Leslie telling her the laundry hours and letting her know that she was welcome to paint her room any colour she liked.
“Hey, John,” Leslie says peering in the open door with a grin. “Haven’t seen you around in a while.”
John turns a curious shade of pink. “Ah, well. Things have been busy. No time for workshops.”
“Well, you’re welcome back any time. Bring your friends, even.” She claps Soap on the shoulder as she turns to head back downstairs. It strikes you that she only came up to say hello to John, who had done his best to avoid her the whole time they’d been moving boxes. “Nice to meet you, Jamie. You’d best be good for our girl.”
“Ahm always good,” Soap protests. “Ask anyone.”
Leslie glances over at Gaz, Ghost and Price, who shake their heads in unison.
“Awlright, ask anyone except these bastards. They dinnae appreciate me. Even when I was going to order them takeaway and git ‘em a few pints.” She pouts, leaning against the doorway dramatically clutching her chest. “Ahm misunderstood in my own time.”
Leslie chuckles. “Well, she’s a handful. Good luck with that one, honey,” she tells you as she trots back downstairs.
You shuffle Soap into the apartment and close the door so you can release Red Herring from the confines of your bedroom, where he’s been yowling his displeasure for the past hour. She flops over the back of the couch, landing upside down with a sigh, and pulls out her phone, head tipped over the edge of the seat. “What do ye lads want? A Chinese? Or somethin’ else?”
“We also don’t have to stick around.” Gaz looks around at the others. John is looking at your bookshelf with interest, and Ghost is crouched in the hallway, greeting Red Herring. Gaz gives you a sheepish smile. “Or, uh. Maybe we do.”
Soap hauls herself into a more upright position, both hands still holding her phone. Her core strength must be unreal. You briefly wonder if she has actual, honest-to-god abs. “You want ‘em gone, kitty? Hens only?”
It strikes you that whatever this group has going on, it’s more than a little codependent. Better to get used to them now. “It’s alright. I’ll hang out in my room if I run out of social battery. Used to do that when Fern’s friends got to be too much.”
Soap tosses her phone down and flips her legs over the side of the couch and then to the floor. “Oh no, kitty. Dinna start off bein’ accomodatin’ when ye’d rather not be. I can tell ‘em to fuck off. Weal. I can tell Gaz and the captain to fuck off. I have ta drive LT home. No cabbie in his right mind will take the poor fella.”
“Not even the one’s not in their right minds,” Ghost says mournfully. Somehow, he’s coaxed Red up onto his shoulder, and is wearing the fat orange cat like a fur stole. You can hear the cat purring from several feet away. “For some reason, I make people nervous.”
“Couldn’t be the eye black and the fuckin’ skull motif, LT,” Soap says.
“Couldn’t be the size of you either,” Gaz adds.
“Sweetest pup I know,” John agrees. “People just don’t trust these days. Sign of society collapsin’.” He winks at you.
“What’s the word, kitty?” Soap drapes herself over your shoulders and nuzzles against your hair. Her nose runs along the curve of your neck, and it doesn’t seem to bother her even a little that the other three are watching with fascination. They're trying to be subtle about it, and failing miserably. John has a book in his hands, holding it upside down. Gaz is pretending to study a picture on the wall. Ghost is… Well, Ghost isn’t pretending to be subtle. “Want ‘em to go?” Her voice sounds a little breathy against your ear, and you’re not at all sure what to do with the electricity that shoots through your whole body. “Have us some girl time?”
“They did just help you move,” you say slowly. It’s taking a moment for you to collect your thoughts enough to speak. “Would be rude to send them away without a meal, right? Plus Red just got settled into his new nap spot.” You gesture at Ghost, who’s carefully walking over to the chair to sit, holding his shoulders very still so as not to disturb the cat, his eyes still turned your way.
You're not totally sure what Soap thinks is girl time, but you think it might be several shades more intimate than you're used to.
“Aw, yer too good ta my lads, kitty.” Soap kisses the spot right in front of your ear and lets you go. Without her solid body holding you up, you briefly consider melting into a puddle all over the floor, but manage, somehow, through sheer force of will, to keep your knees from buckling.
Leslie was right. You definitely have your hands full.
#cod mw#call of duty#Fem!SoapxReader#fem!soap#soap mactavish#simon ghost riley#kyle gaz garrick#captain john price#And They Were Roommates#Cave Writing#I had to reel myself in from doing a whole bunch of world building for no reason but still couldn't resist some#I just love to set a table#so to speak#I think there will be girl time next part tho#You can't tell me that the rest of the 141 would be normal about Jamie though I would not believe it for a second#She wouldn't be normal about them either
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omg??? you're nearly 21 and you know how to drive??? like... why lmao? that's so weird haha what? how did you even learn that... what do you mean you "took driver's ed in high school" isn't that like.. expensive... are you a billionaire or something LMAOO. that's so crazy......... so like when are you going to stop driving. like youve gotta at some point when r u gonna do that
[👥 OP added context you might want to know: op is from the united states, specifically maine, which is ranked 45th out of 50 states in the "transportation" category on www.usnews.com. in this region you have to have a car in order to go almost anywhere. op is making fun of the way people express shock and incredulity at his inability to drive.]
#text#'you can just get your permit!' I DONT KNOW HOW. TO DRIVE BRO. I CAN'T 'JUST GET MY PERMIT'#BUT HALDF THE DRIVERS ED COURSES I CAN FIND EASILY ARE ONLINE COURSES#AND IF THER'ES ON THING ABOUT ME IT'S THAT I WILL FAIL AN ONLINE COURSE#'in person courses are boring' would you rather i be bored or would you rather i waste money and get a permit while not knowing#literally anyhting about driving. answer honestly#like i cannot stress enough i WILL NOT absorb ANY information in an online course. none. i will not even finish it#IT'S SO BAFFLING WHEN PEOPLE WHO KNOW ME WELL DO THE WHOLE SPIEL LIKE BRO DO YOU REALLYYYY WANT MW TO DO THAT.#YOU HAVE SEEN ME TAKE ONLINE COURSES DO YOU *REALLY* WANT ME TO TRY. WHEN IT COSTS MONEY AND I WILL NOT FINSIH IT.#BE FR...
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im literally so excited for the blue period live action (<- says person that has been stuck on yatoras 2nd year in college for 1+ year)
#blue period is one of my favorite manga#but you see. it's SO good and accurate to how i feel#that it makes mw too nervous#I'm a college 2nd year#i cannot bear to graduate so i can't bear to see yatora do it either. yknow
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One thing that struck me: We need more fathers who hang out with their childfree/less friends WITH their kids.
When I want to meet a friend who has a baby or toddler, we have to "make do with the circumstances" and hang out in their home, the park, or take a walk with the stroller. When my friends' husbands want to hang out with their friends, they go out in the evening, go drinking or to the movies, or dinner, or to the gym, or whatever. They don't go for long walks with the stroller and just talk.
It's really unfair, not just in the relationship between the parents, but to their friends, because it signals that his friends are worth more than hers.
#okay and now you're all welcome to tell mw that MY HUSBAND doesn't do that#or BUT I *WANT* TO BE WITH MY BABY ALL THE TIME AND IF YOU CAN'T ACCEPT THAT THEN WE'RE NO LONGER FRIENDS#okay well guess what: bye#i understand that you have a child now but I am also a person#also: if we can't talk about STRUCTURAL INJUSTICES in parenting/gender roles then what's the use of anything
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#elias.zip#sorry all I've been lately is a fucking piece of shit and thr maot disgusting thing to ever grace earth. i feel so numb. nothings going righ#t. this job thing is fucking me up so bad and it shouldn't and other people in my life have it worse and im complaining about nothing and#struggling over nothing and im so tried I don't want to call back. i don't want to take the offer#i jsut want to go back to sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep. sleepsleepsleepsleep. sleep till 5 p.m. est and then go right back to sleep. i dont wa#nt to do anything. nothings going to work out for me. the one thing that i know would make my life better is never going to happen because I#cant do anything right and its gonna get noticted soon enough and I'll be alone again and isolated. I'm so fucking isolated. i just want a#community I feel a part of. i just want anything. why dont i get to be happy. haven't i suffered enough? haven't i given enough?? i don't kn#ow what else I'm supposed to give up. my skin? my flesh? my heart? my ribs? what do you want. What do i need to do to be free?#why is it so much easier for everyone and why am i so fucking broken. you can't fix me. might as well throw mw away!!#peopel dont want me. jobs dont want me. my family doesn't want me. no one does. i ruin all my friendships and i can't be normal and good and#i always always fuck everything up. it's always me that ruins something.#I should just take the job and shut up
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Available now on an archive near you: Love Bites 2: More Love, Fewer Bites, a silly little epilogue in which we encounter a special guest, check in on how Asami is fitting in with the Krew, and receive an important update on what I'm assuming was everyone's favorite character (not just mine) from the main fic: The Towel.
Shout out to @appalesbian for the inspiration in the replies on a post from a while back, and for letting me borrow the phrase "hunky man towel"😊
For @korrasamiweek2024 Day 3: The Beach oops actually it's Day 7: FREE DAY
“I think I still owe you a ride.” Korra swipes a hand through her hair, and the shining dark strands feather back down to frame the dusky rose blush blooming across her cheeks. “Well I'd hate to make a liar out of you,” she says. “You're not too busy?” Asami thinks about the mountain of expense reports wating for her back in her sweltering office, about another night spent doing math—and not the fun kind—until her eyes glaze over and she falls asleep at her desk without eating, and she briefly entertains the idea of walking into the sea right here and now. Instead she swings a leg over the side of the jet ski and checks the kill switch, feels the corner of her mouth twitch up into a smile and beckons Korra over with a quick jerk of her head. “Hop on.”
A 1980s Lifeguard Korra/Jet Ski Saleswoman Asami AU beamed straight from my twisted mind to yours, in which a melon meets a terrible fate, a chance meeting turns into something more, and Asami remembers how to have fun.
Rated E for Everything Under The Sun (extreme horniness, jealousy, angst, romance, explicit sillygoofy smut🔞, and a happy ending)
#ALERT🚨 ASAMI SATO IS EATING FOOD🚨🚨 i need to rewatch but i'm like 99% sure they straight up don't let her eat in canon. so.#anyway. main fic is rated E but i'd give the epilogue an M i think so. proceed with whatever level of caution seems fit 2 u.#final word count on the whole thing is almost 16k.......what the fuck. HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!!#probably an awful time to post this but i can't sit on it any longer. hiding my phone now and doing something else for a few hours.#korrasami#mw
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Bioware didn't provide a cutscene showing Rook getting out of the fade and leave us all the work Poor Emmrich must have been worried sick for weeks...
You put a sweet gothic man in your game and don't expect me to give in my hopeless romantic tendencies?... *scoffs* Also... Emmrich is such a refreshing take on the necromancer archetype. I for one wasn't expecting it at all. I can't express how much I love the whole idea for the character.
On a side note, I mostly happy with this one. This man has no right being so much fun to draw. Also...won't say how much time I've spent on this """sketch"""@_@
Anyway, here's my crow Rook, Lenore de Riva. (I planned to do a MW Rook until last second. As much as I love the faction, I liked the idea of Emmrich finding his true love outside the Necropolis)
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Daisuke [MW] — Honeymoon
(nsfw! minors dni!!!)
Daisuke x AFAB!Reader
Ok so uhm this is for a friend heheh~ I'm still working on reqs don't worry! rn i just did this for her bday <3
CW: smut, Daisuke is kind of a bottom?, he CRIES when he cums and that's the whole appeal of this, no pronound usd but reader does wear a dress and have a 🐱
Summary: Your boyfriend arrived from his internship in outerspace with all the intention to settle down with you. Now, you're making up for lost time.
— 🩷
It had been months since you last saw Daisuke. That fucking internship in space was something you’d never forgive his mom for. Why’d she come up with that? Seriously? She couldn’t have just get him a job as a secretary or something?
That was in the past, anyway. What mattered was that as soon as those eternal months passed and the Tulpar landed back on Earth, you could see your beloved boyfriend again. After picking him up from the station, you two went to share a nice meal at a fancy restaurant, had a good time, and Daisuke took you off-guard with a marriage proposal. Of course you were surprised, and of course you said yes.
It all happened a little fast after that, maybe because of the excitement for the wedding. A few months after the proposal, you were already exchanging votes at the altar, both dressed in all white, Daisuke’s hair slicked back with gel that made him look more handsome than usual. It was like a dream, one you never knew you had, but you sure as hell were enjoying.
But the best part? The best part was the honeymoon.
After Daisuke came back, you two were still too busy to spend nights together. Whenever you did stay at each other’s place, all you did was cuddle and sleep because of how exhausted you were. You hadn’t touched him in months, and it was taking a toll on you. You hadn’t noticed how much you missed him until you two were alone in the hotel room his mom had booked for you, in Tokyo, as a honeymoon present. It was fancy and there was a thermal pool and everything, but you couldn’t care less about that right now, when you were full-on devouring your husband’s mouth like you never had before.
You were slowly heating things up, your kisses and movements more eager, and this obviously didn’t go unnoticed by Daisuke, who was already panting. Once you gave his lips a break, going down to kiss his neck, he catches his breath and a few moans and whimpers escaped here and there.
“Haah… someone’s needy, aren’t you..?” Daisuke tried to sound smug and tease you, but your assault on his neck was making it hard for him to talk without a moan or two.
You giggled, giving a hickey you left one last teasing nip, making his back arch. "Haven't had you in a while, baby... can't blame me..." you pant against his skin, and he shudders under you.
At this point you're straddling him on the bed, both knees on either side of his body, sitting on his thighs. He's shaking a little bit with anticipation and arousal, you do that to him. You always have that way to get him so horny he's shaking, and even if he doesn't admit it out loud, he's missed you an awful lot too.
His hands give him away, eagerly finding the hem of your dress to slowly drag it up your thighs, his fingers carefully tracing the skin until his hands get to your butt and give a slow, tempting squeeze, coaxing a soft moan out of you. Your little noises always motivate him to go on, and that look you give him when he looks down at you just screams "please continue." And as the good boy he is, he obeys. His hands trail your waist under the dress, caressing you gently a few times, slow and earnest.
You loved his gentlemanliness, but today you were fucking starving for him. So you leave his neck unattented, marked by pretty hickies and lovemarks, but unattended, to sit up on his thighs and pull your dress off yourself. All that covers your body now is matching underwear you obviously are wearing for Daisuke. When his mind was just clear enough to take in the sight before his eyes, his face blushes but his eyes darken, eyeing you up and down before biting his lip with a teasing smirk.
"Aw, for me, babe? You shouldn't have..." he obviously loved it, did he think you didn't feel his cock throb under his pants? So you giggle in response, leaning in for an open-mouthed kiss again, and this time he had no shame in bucking his hips up to get some friction against yours, making you feel the heat that was concentrating on his lower belly. You smirked into the kiss, knowing damn well what you were doing to him, and it just got him more eager. One of your hands wandered down to his crotch, immediatly earning a groan from him. You loved how vocal he was for a guy, never shy to groan or whimper for you. Slowly you unbuckled his belt, only parting from your kiss to concentrate on fully undoing his pants.
Daisuke was breathless, his cheeks blushed a pretty shade of carmine, and all his attention was on you. Fuck, was he a sight. So pretty and so fucked up already, just for you. It was making your mouth water, but what made you gulp with eagerness was the sight of the wet spot on his boxers, evidence that he was just as eager, if not more than you, for what was to come. You hurriedly took his shirt off, ripping it in some places, but none of you could care less. Trailing kisses down his chest and abdomen was quick too, but that doesn't mean you didn't leave some more marks in the way. He'd be proudly flaunting those in the beach tomorrow, you were sure. You spent more time kissing and marking his navel, knowing this was a sensitive spot, which made your husband whine and arch his back under you, his hand shakily tangling in your hair to encourage you to keep going.
Of course you teased him over his underwear, licking along the outline of his cock. He downright moaned at that, hips bucking up eagerly, and his eyes were already watering because of all your teasing.
"Babe... please... too much... need you..." Daisuke panted, making you smirk, but you obviously complied, eventually pulling his boxers down to let his member out.
It was leaking already, much hotter than the rest of his body, and absolutely throbbing for you. As you had many times before, you started by taking the tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and sucking slightly now and then. All your husband could do was whine and arch his back, tears already overflowing his eyes, causing him to cover his face with his free hand. His whines only encouraged you, slowly taking more of him in your mouth. By the time you started gently bobbing your head up and down his length, he had recovered his breath just enough to speak in ragged breaths and whimpers.
"I... I missed you so much, love... couldn't stop thinking 'bout you when I was up there... I missed your... your warmth so much... f-fuck..." he trailed off, but what you heard was enough for you to understand what he was saying. You couldn't be patient anymore, and you knew Daisuke couldn't either. Your mouth was only a temporary relief, but he needed to be in you.
"I missed you too, baby... so much..." you answered after llifting your head, now straddling his hips again, sliding your panties to the side. You were too eager, and Daisuke liked to keep your lingerie on whenever you wore it, he said it looked hotter that way. You were dripping wet, so you didn't need much more prep, and with his pre already leaking out his cock it was also much smoother. You slowly lowered yourself on his cock, sighing with relief once he bottomed out. So did he, the feeling of your warm cunt swallowing him and your walls fitting him tightly was never any less good than the first time. You were even tighter today, since it had been a while without the stretch.
"f-fuck... baby... s'tight..." he managed to hiss, hands instinctively moving to hold your hips in an encouraging grip for you to ride him. And yes, you were desperate to feel him ravaging your insides, but you missed the closeness too, so you lay closer to his body, only moving your hips back and forth slowly to start the motion. You two are so close your breaths intertwine, looking lovingly at each other's eyes, reveling in the way your bodies connected again after so long. You pick up the pace slowly once Daisuke starts thrusting up into you, a sign he wants to go faster.
Not even ten minutes pass before you're fully riding his cock, bouncing on him while he desperately meets your hips midway, thrusting into you with whines and moans that sometimes get even louder than yours. He notices how one of your hands goes down your body to stimulate your clit and the way your insides clamp onto his cock greedily, signaling you're close to your climax without even having to tell him. He's your husband, after all. One of his hands quickly pushes yours away, his thumb expertly drawing circles on your clit the way he knows makes you crazy. Slow circles, quick circles, then he spells his name. And right when he finishes doing so, you let out a nice cry of his name he's missed, he hasn't heard you moan like that since before that Tulpar internship. Daisuke let's you slowly come down of your high, holding your hips tenderly. Once you're lucid enough, you look up to his face, and just the sigh of him is enough to make you want to keep going.
He was about to ask how you felt, if you needed any aftercare or a moment before continuing, but you caught him by surprise when you resumed your previous pace, just this time your pussy was much tighter and sensitive after your orgasm. It felt so good, way too good, that it made Daisuke yelp at first--surprised by the unepected action and the unexpected overwhelming pleasure. He was starting to get overstimulated, he was way too close to coming for you to keep bouncing on him like that.
"B-babe! S-Slow down..!" Daisuke whined, yet his hips contradicted his words and betrayed his mind, sloppily thrusting up into you. "I... Imma come inside if... if you keep going like th-that..." his voice cracked, giving away the overstimulation tears that were starting to flow down his face.
"S'okay, love..." you panted, mind way too fucked out and horny to care for how your words were delivered. Needy and desperate. "Why don't you... why don't you fill me up, huh..?" you only slowed down for a moment to get closer to his ear, still grinding your hips down. "Want you to knock me up..." you nipped at his earlobe for good measure, and if you were thinking a little better, you would've sworn that broke something in him.
Daisuke shuddered at your words before letting out one more pathetic whimper, and his hands gripped your thighs so tight you knew there would be bruises. He started a sloppy but fast pace, a desperate and hungry one. Was he getting off at the idea of getting you pregnant? You couldn't possibly think of an answer to that with your brains being fucked out, eyes rolling back as Daisuke's cock hit the deepest part of your cunt over and over. If it could get bruised in there, it definitel was now. You reveled in the way you could feel your whole lower body being slammed by his cock, over and over and over, until you reached your climax unexpectedly again. This time it was weaker, all you could do was choke out a moan, while the way you tightened impossibly more made Daisuke cry. Literally cry. His back arched off the mattress and he full on cried your name out loud as he came.
You'd never heard him do that before. And it didn't get out of your head.
Not when he pulled you off him and laid you down next to him. Not when he put your knees to your chest and told you to keep them there so you'd have better chances at getting knocked up, because you'd reassured him that's what you wanted, after all. Not when you two drifted off to sleep cuddled up against each other, his tear stained face so peaceful and handsome under the dim lightning of the moonlight.
Maybe you'd make him cry again one of these days.
#daisuke mouthwashing#daisuke mw#daisuke my beloved#daisuke x reader#daisuke x you#daisuke x y/n#daisuke smut#mouthwashing smut#mouthwashing x reader#mouthwashing#HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE!!!!!
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mws - jey uso.
parings: jey uso x black!reader
warnings: smut, cursing, arguing, use of n word, car sex, unprotected sex, my man, my girl, but not my man or my girl trope, praise kink, talking you through it lawd,

the message made you roll your eyes so hard you thought they might've got stuck.
“this man really called me a crybaby,” you muttered under your breath, already feeling your annoyance bubbling up.
from the day he set foot into your life, all he did was keep up with the dramatics. being extra and shit about any ole thing. this time? he was irritated about you still following your ex on instagram. fed up with the conversation, you blocked him. he could send novels to your messages by himself.
mind you, it was jey who decided not to be official yet. he was a busy man, and you respected that. being on the road damn near everyday out the year was taxing; trying to be in a relationship wouldn't work. but he couldn't let go of you.
you sighed so deep you swore your soul left your body for a hot minute. this man really had the audacity to pull up unannounced, acting like you were the problem. you peeped out the window and sure enough, there was his black range rover parked across the street, engine still running.
"lord give me strength," you mumbled, huffing and flopping on the couch. slipping on your hot pink ugg slides and grabbing your keys. just as you were about to close your eyes and pretend you ain't see shit, jey layed on his horn.
you weren't about to let the neighbors get a show, so you stepped outside, locking the door behind you. you knew how exaggerated jey could be; if he didn't get his way, no doubt he'd blow his horn all night to get your attention. and at this time of night? you'd be out by morning.
the passenger seat of jey's car flung open before you could hit the side walk. you quickly got in, slamming the door behind you, "how many times did your mama drop you as a fucking baby? are you crazy? blowing your horn and shit? what if someone called the po—"
"mane, ion give one fuck 'bout that shit. you got me fucked up." he seethed throwing his hands in the air.
you rolled your eyes again, matching his frustration,"I got you fucked up? Nah, you got me fucked up. you really pulled up to my place at 2am over what? some likes?"
jey's grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white, "so you fuckin' him again? thats whatchu' on now, mama? fuck outta here 'bout some likes and shit. how you think i feel? seein' another motherfucka all under yo pictures leaving heart eyes?"
your head snapped backwards in disbelief, "that's rich coming from you! how many bitches under your pictures, jey? where's my phone at? let me go count em'."
"i aint responding back with no fuckin' hearts and shit tho! thats the shit im talkin' bout!"
the tension in the car was thick enough to cut with a knife. jey's eyes were fixed on the road ahead, but you could see the storm brewing behind them. you knew this man well enough to know his blood was boiling.
your jaw dropped, heat rising to your cheeks. "excuse me? y'know what? you wanna talk about crybaby shit? how about you mad as fuck right now going through my page to find something? you're throwing a whole ass tantrum over a follow!"
"and you blocked me right? but, you can't block that motherfucka tho? thats some bullshit and you know it!" jey spat, his jaw clenched. honestly? he didn't even know what he was more mad it. you blocking him, still following your ex, liking each other's post, or you coming out the house in those little ass shorts.
was he terrible for being upset at all 4?
it irked something inside of him. you weren't his girl...yet. but still, it's a respect issue. he knew he was yours, and unless you forgot, you knew you were his. there wasn't room for anybody else no matter what you thought.
"oh, so now you wanna act brand new? like you ain't been doing the same shit?" you snapped, pulling out your phone. "let's see…tiffany, amber, and how many other people—all up in your comments 'lord he could get it.' 'till the room stinks.' 'till the earth-fuckin'-quakes.' but I'm the problem?"
jey snatched the phone from your hand, tossing it in the backseat. "don't flip this stupid shit on me. so thats what this is? yo crybaby ass wanted to get back at me, so you followed his ass again? all up in his business for what? ian texting you back fast enough or sum?"
you were fuming, everything about him grating on your nerves. you were so over it, over him acting like you were the one causing problems when he was just as messy.
part of jey knew he was being petty, but it didn’t stop the heat rising in his veins. he hated seeing you follow your ex, hated the way you acted like he was the only one with a damn problem.
"i ain't competing with nobody, especially not for a man who can't even claim me. you think you deserve me why?"
"you want me to claim you? ight. c'mere." jey growled before crashing his lips into yours.
your protest was muffled against jey's lips as he kissed you fiercely, one hand gripping the back of your neck and the other gripping the front. his tongue demanded entry. the kiss was everything the argument was. rough and fiery.
"get inna back," he growled, breaking the kiss to undo his belt buckle, "you ain't hear me? now."
you hesitated for a moment, torn between desire and indecisiveness. part of you wanted to get out the car and leave him here, but the smoldering look in his eyes made the decision for you. you scrambled over the center console, your shorts riding up as you climbed into the backseat.
jey followed, his muscular frame towering over you. "been turnt wit' my ass all fuckin' morning. yo crybaby ass. you wanted this shit too. and you better take it all, none of that runnin' shit."
his large hands gripped your thighs, spreading them wide. he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your shorts, yanking them down along with your panties in one swift motion.
he tossed your shorts in the front, before shoving your panties into your mouth, "pretty ass. just wanted to get yo pussy ate didn't you, mama."
he slid down your body, kissing his way across your chest to your stomach until he rested between your thighs.
his large hands gripped your plush thighs, pulling you towards his mouth. he instantly sucked your throbbing bud into his mouth. you let out a muffled gasp before arching your back upwards.
"you taste so fuckin' good, mama. love tastin' her ass. wish you stop talkin' so damn much," he groaned out into the air.
his tongue worked magic, flicking and swirling around your most sensitive spots. you squirmed against the leather seats, muffled moans escaping around the fabric in your mouth.
the noises you made as his tongue swirled your swollen clit, locking your fingers into his thick hair, wanting to grind against his hot tongue but he was a step ahead—pinning you down with his arms.
jey alternated between long, slow licks and quick flicks of his tongue, building you higher and higher. just when you thought you couldn't take anymore, he slid two thick fingers inside you, curling them to hit that spongy spot inside of you.
he doubled his efforts, sucking hard on your clit as his fingers pumped relentlessly. the dual sensation was overwhelming, and within moments you were trembling on the edge of release.
his wet muscle sliding into your awaiting hole, fucking you with it was enough to send you over. you came with a muffled scream, your body shaking as waves of ecstasy crashed over you.
your body thrashed around the seats to escape from his mouth, "let me goooo," you let out a muffle whine, barely even comprehensive.
you pushed at his arms around your waist. jey had an end goal; he wasn't going to let you leave that damn car till his point was proven. you were his.
his girl.
that instagram following shit? it was over tonight. and he was gonna make the clear anyway he could...or had to.
he licked your pussy clean as more juices erupted from your pussy, giving him something to drink on. you were going crazy. you couldn't thrashing away from him, unable to remain still as pleasure hit your body in waves. your lower half worked against the strokes of his fingers; riding them into oblivion. your juices continuously flowing down into his mouth like a waterfall.
but with his dick getting hard? watching you attempt to push him away with tears in your eyes? no-one was leaving this car anytime soon.
you came with a muffled scream, your body shaking as waves of ecstasy crashed over you, "lil’ angry ass...get it all out, baby," he pressed his tongue flat against your pussy causing your body to shutter and gush into his mouth.
"c'mere. crybaby ass just needed some dick, so move it. lemme see how much you want it," he laid against the seat, pulling your arms to move you on-top of him.
his strong hands gripped your hips, positioning you over his thick length. you could feel the heat radiating off him, his dick twitching against your inner thigh. jey's eyes locked with yours, intense and hungry, "take whatchu' need from me, baby."
you reached between you, taking his girth into your small hand. you positioned him at your entrance and slowly eased down onto him. a small whimper left your throat as he pushed his dick into your warm heat in a swift movement.
"ride me, mama. show me how much you want this dick," he encouraged before locking his arms around your waist. the burn of his dick stretching your walls long gone by now.
no-one was stupid. had any of your neighbors looked out the window, they knew exactly what was going on. the car rocking up and down, from him slamming your hips onto him, and the fog clouding the windows. you could draw your name on it.
"faster, baby." he demanded, bucking his hips up to meet yours. tears pooled at your eyes even though you obliged, picking up the pace. the car filled with the sounds of your moans and the slap of skin on skin. jey's hands slid down to grip your ass, helping you bounce on him.
your thighs burned as you rode him harder, desperate for release. jey's fingers dug into the soft flesh of your ass, guiding your movements. the car rocked with each thrust, the windows completely fogged over now. his dick kissing your cervix with each thrust. your wetness drenched his dick, making him slide in and out so easy.
your pussy started to twitch, as his dick massaged your walls, continuously bouncing in his lap, making his dick kiss your cervix, and making note to squeeze when you reached his tip.
suddenly, he wrapped his arms around your waist, locking you in place. "my turn," he growled before locking his arms around your lower back stilling your movements.
tears began to stain your cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure. with your bodies pressed together, jey began to ride you from the bottom. your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your pussy fluttered around him. a smirk plastered across his face, he felt your pussy clenching around him. he knew he had you right where he wanted you.
"so damn pretty on top of me. you mines, right?," he cooed, his hips never stopping their relentless pace. he reached up to pull your panties from your mouth. you through your head back, letting out a loud cry to the roof of the car, "you mines, ain't you? say it."
you could barely form words, lost in the sensation of him riding you from the bottom. "i-i'm yours," you managed to gasp out between thrusts.
the sight of jey's dick coated in a white sheer layer made his head spin, "say that shit louder, baby. let everyone know who fuckin' you right now."
"i'm yours!" you moaned out. a smirk plastered over his face before pulling you to him by the back of your neck into a searing kiss, "i'm yours, too."
he was losing himself under you, his strokes were becoming erratic. the sensation sending the coil in your belly overboard. you creamed all over his thickness, clamping down on him. the move triggering his own release.
he gripped your ass, his hips bucking upwards, emptying ropes and ropes of his cum deep inside of you—filling you to the brim with his seed. you both swallowed each other's moans. the moment was...new. you had an unanswered question in the air.
but either way? you both knew you only had eachother.
@caramelcleopatraa @harmshake @msbigredmachine @luvrsluxe @uceyliyahh @angiedawn02 @amandairene88 @cyberdejos2 @queeny23 @empressdede @trentybenty @heauxvibez @whatdoeseverybodywant @shes2real @romansthrone @acknowledge-reigns @southerngirl41 @prettyfilmz @jaza23
don’t forget to like and reblog! leave me a comment also. i love reading those. xoxo, cleo🩷.
#jeyusomessages#jey uso smut#jey uso oneshot#jey uso fanfiction#jey uso x reader#jeyuso#jey uso fluff#jey uso x black reader#jey uso x black oc#jey uso imagine#jey uso imagines#jey uso#jey uso headcanon#jey uso headcanons#the bloodline x reader#the bloodline imagines#the bloodline extras#the bloodline smut#jey uso fic#jey uso x oc#jey uso x y/n#jey uso x you#wwe imagine#wwe oneshot#wwe smut
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Thinking of a scenario where Rook, after finally passing out after Weisshaupt, gets woken up by someone poking them. They blink, and find inches from their face, a skull with gleaming emerald eyes.
After a bit of panicked commotion, (perhaps the MW Rook would be, 'Oh hey buddy, what's up? You know you can't do that to sleeping people, right?'), they realize something is wrong /get dragged to Emmrich's room.
That's where they find the Professor curled up in a ball beside his bed, pale and clammy, his breath coming in sharp gasps. And that's when they realize he's having a panic attack, no doubt caused by the near death experience at Weisshaupt.
So, they do what they can to help him. Talking to him. Reasurring him. Helping him breathe. Distracting him with inane small talk. Praising him for his bravery during what was probably one of the most terrifying times of his life.
Eventually, they ask to touch him, and he numbly nods and they pull his hand to touch their chest, to feel their heartbeat, while they mirror the action with their hand on his chest.
And slowly, the panic ebbs away, and Emmrich allows them to help him get back to bed. They reassure him yet again that they'll remain nearby, and he eventually he slips back into dreamless slumber.
He wakes up hours later, refreshed, but with a strange sensation that something happened that night, something that was unpleasant? Perhaps a nightmare?
That's when he finds Rook sitting at the foot of his bed, passed out. And one of the blankets Manfred has stitched is covering them.
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hey friends! i was unable to post all of my early access content bc i'm sick. but i was able to post this video, which in my honest opinion are the major features in this 'romance' pack.
this review is brought to you by the ea creator network. all of my opinions are my own. i must disclose this per FTC guidelines #ad.
*i do not cover everything in the pack, only the things that stood out for me lol. i'm sorry i'm not used to doing full reviews up here
the attraction system is helpful and expands dating (which is great, but we've had mods that could do this for some time: pick your poison). the romantic satisfaction is the star here. i love being able to create one sided relationships and actually take care of our romantic relationships with sims. this is a valuable feature for me!
cupid's corner is a nice "hey i don't need this mod" anymore type of feature. prior to this i was using lumpinou's meet & mingle which allowed me to meet with sims (platonic and romantic). i dislike that you can not write custom bio's for your sims. i love the way the app functions, i love saving sims and adding them to our rel. panel - and getting to know them through the phone first. i wish we could've defined our sims favorite music/foods/color etc.
i'll admit it, i'm a sucker for dynamics. family dynamics from the sims 4 growing together are so good (minus the fact that everyone wants to be f*cking jokesters after one joke lol). but i love them! they really do impact my sims relationships. the different romance dynamics are interesting. for example: a strained romance dynamic makes it VERY hard for your sims to communicate. it's like your sims will randomly hug each other, but then 5 secs later they're upset. they want to love each other so badly but they can't lol.
now onto random things that excited me. you can go to cupid's couples counseling. i did not know we'd actually be able to answer questions. these sims had a strained romance dynamic and it was so bad - the therapist suggested we come back. but when i tried to schedule it again, they were booked and i had to wait to schedule another appt. which is great, because in the meantime your sims are going downhill fast and you have to keep the peace until then (if you choose).
there are new pop ups and invites. there's even one for a reality dating show lol. you can turn these off in game settings. (if you're wondering, mr. landgrabb never showed up at the motel he wanted to meet at. he stood my sim up. don't judge me, i thought there was simoleons involved).
new crafted dates are cool. you can choose whatever you want to do on them. there's new social interactions based on the activities you choose. you can also invite other sims to these (double dates woohoo!) you can also create crafted hangouts. i like these, i got this cute picture as a reward after a succesful crafted hangout. if you're familiar with mws weddings, it's the same idea. except this works well and isn't as glitchy lol..
another random feature i never needed, but now i find it useful. you can create your own relationship label that will appear in the rel. panel
it's unfair how gorgeous this world is... because there's nothing to do. this is all set dressing.
you can declare your love here.. at the wall of love.
you can buy flowers or edible sweet treats at this shop in the background.
you can get local food here. there are 3 new dishes and spicy hot chocolate. now, i'm not mexican (the world is inspired by mexico) BUT 3 new foods isn't cutting it for me. technically only 2, because one is a vegan option. no pozole, enchiladas, guacamole, tamales?? i'm a foodie, so i take full offense to that.
you can woohoo or sleep at the motel.
you can travel.
go fishing or enjoy a swim.
sit here and chat.
view this for a moodlet.
travel again.
check in a penthouse.
there's a nightclub, gym and lounge. but you get the idea.. there's nothing culturally unique about this world which makes me sad. no festivals? i'd love seeing a mariachi band play at the lounge. something. otherwise, keep the world and add more features right? i would've loved table proposals (sims 2 anyone?). or frisky couch makeouts. so many missed opportunities here.
there's more i could say but i feel like this post should be a little helpful in deciding wether this is a pack you need right now, or wait for a sale! i personally love having a complete colection, so i've always wanted every expansion. though i recieve the pack for free, i owe you my honesty and i want to start doing blog/written content because it's easier to process my thoughts through the excitment. i will enjoy this pack, i do like it, and only time will tell as i integrate it with my current gameplay. i hope this was helpful!
* if you remember, use my code OSHINSIMS at checkout if you decide to purchase this pack. that way, at least i get a % of your purchase and EA doesn't get all your coins 😉
thank you! just keeping simming, always stay wavy, peace x
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Hiii !! I was wondering if you could do some jealous Yandere hcs (similar to the ones you did for until dawn) but with mouthwashing? Ty!!
Jimmy is a vengeful and miserable man. He envies reader as they are, for who and what they are, no matter their situation. He's never satisfied, always wanting what he doesn't have. If he doesn't have you then it's all he can think about. When he finally does get you though, it still won't be enough. He'll adapt his victim complex to begin envying you instead of fully appreciating you. Oh how "good" you have it with him. You're so fucking lucky and yet you have no idea. Woe is Jimmy, the unwilling slave to your love.
Swansea is a tired and cynical soul. He envies readers likeness. Similarly to how he is jealous of Daisuke, he is jealous of your lot in life. He wants to feel nearly as important as you are to all who you bless with your glimmering presence. He has a wife, kids, a job, he's stable. But he's miserable. Even if you're also miserable, or you don't have nearly as many accomplishments as him, there's just this special spark about you that makes you worth so much more than he could ever be.
Anya is exhausted and unlucky. She envies readers security. There's this way about you that comforts her and she loves it, but it's this underlying sense of safety that she assumes can only come from someone who has their shit together. Things seem to work out for you, and they should, because you're so lovely that life must give you special treatment or else it's being cruel and unjust. She just can't help but think that maybe if things in her life went half as well as they do in yours, then she'd be a better, happier person. One you'd like to be with.
Curly feels stuck. He envies readers freedom. So badly does he want to wrap you up in his arms and squeeze the knots out of your back with one powerful hug. He's just so worried that he'll scare you off and it keeps him paralysed. He wonders if you'd be terrified of your mismatched power dynamic or comforted by it. He wants you so terribly but he has a responsibility that you don't, as your captain, to make sure that you feel safe. If pushing advances on you might make you uncomfortable then he wouldn't dare. Even if it's all he can think about.
Daisuke is enthralled by the sensations of love but insecure. He holds no true jealousy towards reader, yet often finds himself wishing that he was half as cool as them. He adores being around you. Not a moment spent in your presence is a waste of time. He desperately hopes that you might feel the same, and that you don't think spending time with him is a chore. He doesn't want to bore you or annoy you at all. Your opinion of him holds him in a death grip, but he loves how it chokes him. It reminds him just how lucky he is to be perceived by you at all.
#yandere mouthwashing#yandere x reader#yandere jimmy#yandere swansea#yandere anya#yandere curly#yandere daisuke
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I have been throughly enjoying your writing, your work scratches an inch I didn't think I had. Absolutely love Armada Starscream, can't wait to see more of TFP Knockout and Starcream. But what got mw the most delighted was seeing Skids, he honestly doesn't get a lot of love and he is my favourite in the MTMTE comics. Thank you so much for creating all these works!
Thank you guys for reading my silly stories

Even If It Kills Me Pt 10
Armada Starscream x Reader
• “Share a meal with us.” Because if he doesn’t ask you won’t, you’ll just linger on the outskirts like you think you don’t belong. Offering you his hand, some of his tension eases when you climb into his palm so he can lower you to the floor where he’s sitting with the mini-cons. As relaxed as you are around the mini-cons, you still act uncertain around him. Hesitant. When you slide out of his hand to sit on the floor, he’s tempted to pick you up and place you on his leg, but resists. While you don’t protest being handled, he’s not sure you actually enjoy it. It must drive home how small you are compared to him. How helpless.
• “Thank you.” Reaching to accept the package of cookies, you realize you’re going to have to explain that wherever he’s thieving food from, he’s going to have to steal real food sooner or later if you’re staying a while. Because what he keeps bringing you is bottled water and junk food. He’s trying, though. Even if you’re almost positive he doesn’t really understand much about humans. “You have to patrol today?”
• Wings fidgeting as you open the package and remove one of the little brown and black speckled discs, he’s almost positive you need more than that to eat. “Of course.” Maybe the food he stole from the kids is unsatisfactory? Neither of you have talked about the nightmare or him singing to you. You joining in. Something about it had felt strangely intimate. Like it’s something that shouldn’t be discussed. There had been an aching loneliness in your voice that had echoed in his own spark, though. That makes him wonder if you’re lonely when he leaves with the mini-cons. You must be. “I could take you for a flight sometime?”
• Blinking at the offer, you look up at him to find Starscream pointedly looking everywhere but at you. Embarrassed? He’d been embarrassed the night before when he’d sang to you, his gruff voice pulling you out of the nightmare. Distracting you. “I’d love that,” you say, wanting to ask him what the song had meant. To translate the words for you, but unsure if it’d be asking too much. You’re already indebted to him far more than you can ever repay. Unintentionally saving you from a life you hated, but were too scared to give up on your own. A life that was going to end up killing you.
• “Good,” he murmurs, wings flicking. Why is it so hard to talk to you? So stilted? When you smile up at him, his spark warms and he loses his train of thought. Just wants to bask in that smile, find all the little things he can do to keep you smiling. Because his servos itch to touch you when you look at him like that. To touch the back of your hand or your hair and that’s not meant for him. Knows that, but still longs for it. Doesn’t want to ever see you look like you had the day he’d found you, defeated and broken.
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omg congrats for 5k doll! i wanted to slide in and see if i could have a protective!bf Gaz written since my baby is so underappreciated??? i saw this tweet about the scene in mw where gaz's disabling a bomb and is unable to and price throws the guy off the balcony, but this time the bomb in strapped to his love and he's and he's struggling and sees price out of the corner of his eye and remembers what happens last time and panicks and goes all 'you won't do that to her'. just a thought, love all your work!
—Don't Look At Her
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [The bomb starts ticking down, rapidly firing to zero. Gaz won't let Price near you. Not after he'd remembered the Captain's actions when they'd first met.] ❞

"Gaz," your voice wavers, watching the rapidly working man and seeing his darting eyes—lit with panicked fervor. He doesn't answer, so you speak again. "Gaz!"
"No!" He barks, brown eyes instantly meeting yours. Lips pull in a right frown; there's a glint in his gaze that you'd never seen before—not in the many years you'd known him. Kyle's firm hands don't leave the wiring attached to your chest. The vest.
The bomb.
"No, Love," he grates out, immediately getting back to work as you try to keep your tears at bay, body jerking back and forth as your boyfriend pulls at the straps and bits. "Don't even say anything. You're going to fucking fine, you hear? It's going to be okay."
It was the product of bad intel, really. You'd been sent in without the proper know-how, leading to a scuffle where the butt of a gun had been slammed into your temple. When your eyes opened again, it was already too late.
Kneeling in the middle of a large office building, the glass of the windows shattered behind you, and the wind whips the back of your skull aggressively, you stare down at Gaz. Trying to form words on a tongue that won't cooperate.
"You need to run," you whisper out, resigning yourself as the rapid beeping increases. Your heart moves so fast you can't feel the skin of your chest anymore. "Kyle," pleading, you watch his jaw clench something fierce. "Listen to me—!"
"I'm not leaving you!" A sharp snap of a metal piece hits your ears, the piece of the vest clattering to the ground in a violent display of desperation. Gaz glances back up at you stubbornly; as if uncaring about the impending incineration only minutes away. "So you stop bloody talking like that, yeah? I'm not just giving up!"
The sides of your eyes dribble out rabid tears, lungs a mess of air and inhales that can't even be considered breathing anymore by how wheezy they sound.
How would it feel? Exploding into a patchwork of blood and fire—instantaneous, sure, but feeling Kyle's heat and his puffs of air; his fear, you can't imagine him dying like that. Not him.
"Look at me," Gaz pants, fingers pulling at cords in search of the one he needed to cut—unable to pinpoint it through the hack-job that had been done to your vest.
There was every color under the sun except fucking yellow. His teeth clench so tight they hurt his jaw, but he sends you quick glances as you shakily do as he says.
Brown eyes soften, and while the both of your hands shake, for a second there's a relief at the eye-contact. "Repeat it, Love."
You lick your lips and stammer, "y-you're not leaving."
Lips press firmly into yours, and you clench your eyes tight at the sensation, tiny sob breaking the contact.
"That's right." Gaz growls. "Not on my life."
Rapid footsteps race into the room, but before the Sergeant can reach for his weapon, the familiar call from the Captain echoes out.
"Friendly!" It's as if Gaz doesn't even register, still digging and fearfully looking at the timer.
50 seconds. 49. 48. 47...
"Sergeant," Price jogs over. You can barely find the inner strength to look up at him. "Sitrep."
Blue eyes dart from the vest to you and the Captain's serious face goes grim. His expression flashes with the inner workings of his mind, eyes narrowing and a grunt stuck under his lips.
"I have it," Gaz speaks quickly, and the words strike you as odd, though you don't comment. Price slid him a sharp look.
"Don't even look at her." Snarling like an animal, brown orbs are volatile enough to rend stone in two as they meet the older man's. You and John are rendered speechless, sharing a swift glance in shock like teenagers hearing their parents swear for the first time.
Kyle's eyes are wild, sweat slicking his brow. "Come fucking on!" He yells and your body is snapped forward as Gaz pries on the straps, having to steady yourself on the man's shoulders for support. Every muscle in his body is taunt; shaking with force.
Perhaps it was the memory that invaded his brain like a parasite that had made him snap at his superior like that—a stab to his fine tissue that digs all the way down his rail-straight spine.
Piccadilly Circus. Tanto building. Hostage with an explosive vest.
Kyle's fingers bleed as they peel back rough velcro, having ripped off his gloves to be nearer to you.
It all flashes past his mind in horrible increments, the past, but instead of a man—the hostage is you. And Price was burning his neck with a harsh stare once more.
He's going to throw her out the window, Kyle panics and you watch with the deadly realization of the situation. No. No, I won't let him. Not her.
"Garrick," Price says, voice deep. But he doesn't move. "You need to get your head back on."
"I've got it screwed on just right, Captain." Gaz grunts. "Trust me."
12 seconds. 11. 10. 9...
You stare at Gaz and memorize the make of his handsome face—the dates and the late nights speaking about the future sticking to your skin like leeches; sucking away every instance of love and happiness. His laugh. His brown eyes.
His smile.
Oh, you want to see your Love smile.
"Sergeant!" Price yells, moving forward to grapple onto Kyle's shoulder. "It's going off!"
Your boyfriend rips out of his hold, fists clenched and screaming.
"Get the fuck off of me! I can save her!" Your back hits the ground with a slap and a ragged gasp from your lips, the Brit straddling your hips in a desperate play to deactivate the bomb.
"Kyle," you look up at him, pleading. "You have to take cover, it's...it's okay. I love you, I need you to know that—"
"Bloody shut," eyes spark, locking on the bright color under the front of the vest. Gaz snaps a hand under the material and rips at it in a ruthless wrench of his arm. 2 seconds. There's a deafening snap of wire. "Up!"
The beeping stops and the world stills.
Your wide eyes can't stop crying as you stare up into brown eyes with astonishment; struggling to breathe. You can't tell if the building is vibrating or only you, but nothing seems to be able to focus as a wave crashes down on you; adrenaline still striking you.
Everything rings inside of your ears, pounding in your head.
Hands grasp the base of your jaw and lips descend to yours, tears slapping your skin from above in a wave of feral agony. Gaz stifles his sob on your mouth as you shake wildly, panting over your flesh.
Price gives off a large sigh from behind, standing straighter and turning his head.
Gaz's forehead connects with yours, but there are no words to be said—just the silent gazing and lingering fear of death. He won't let go of your cheeks, and, quivering, you go to grasp tightly at the sides of his arms.
With a shuddering breath, he closes his eyes and sags into you.

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