kakusboyfriend · 4 months
8, 6, 7, 5, 3, and 9 for the ask meme!! For any of your self inserts. Or all of them. Tbh all of your self inserts are super cool!!,
Tytyty!!!! Someday I'll write detailed bios for all of them ^_^
Since I found another Futurama selfshipper I might as well work on Eudicot a little >:-]
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
People who don't know Eudicot well think he's a freaky guy who comes off too strong. He has next to 0 social skills at the point of his introduction and hes loud + autistic + big and freaky looking so it's easy to read him as intimidating
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
Obvious Alien Species Skills (inhuman size and strength), + breathing underwater bc he's a fish. Also I thought it'd be funny to make his species swallow each other whole as a greeting/to show affection (gulper eel lol lmao), and even though I'm still fond of that idea it's been hard to incorporate it into his plot. There's more details on that last bit for Sure 👍 I'm normal
6. does your self insert have any pets?
Yes! He loves bugs and keeps male rhino beetles (one at a time) since they remind him of the buggalos back at home ^_^
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
I never put much thought into that, really - I modeled Eudicot after myself (wayyy more than usual) and I grew up as the kid nobody paid that kind of attention to, so it's hard to picture someone else being attracted to him. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ he's tailor made for Kif and Amy (and Leela if I'm feeling fancy)
8. what is your self insert’s orientation?
I don't go into detail anymore bc i got tired of writing the same thing over and over, tbh - every self insert's orientation and gender mirror mine ^_^ he's every letter in the LGBT + polyamorous. Genderweird bisexual, transmasc lesbian - he's got it all !
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
My other oc Dahlia is his childhood best friend and they've been inseparable for years! He also gets along well with her wife Jackie ^_^ other than that he's good friends with the rest of the Nimbus crew, I guess!
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