bi-leth-eisner · 1 year
rain season over here is always the end of June to the beginning of July, because there's still an abundance of snow during April. anyways. seeing the grey skies and dead, damp grass always reminds me of the first time i opened Three Houses and heard The Edge of Dawn for the first time, immediately going to youtube to listen to more of it. god i love this game
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kuroppiii · 2 months
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   hide and seek ᵕ̈         kozume kenma x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : where you and kenma   ⋮⋮  always manage to find a place ,   ⋮⋮  one just for the two of you
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🎶 on shuffle “ dream girl (home made) ” - anna of the north
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💬 kuroppiii ─ “ i ' m gonna cry this is so soft wtf ”
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waning sunlight bore through the row of square windows perched high up on the nekoma gymnasium's walls. the gym lights were already off, and in the dimness of the space, the windows gave glimpses to the pink and purple sky as the sun was starting to set outside. they casted shapes on the shiny and sneaker-streaked wooden floor, the patches of light continuously getting sliced and diced by the shadow of the spinning ceiling fans the third years were yet to turn off.
the only noises that met your ears were the distant whirr of those metal blades, the minuscule clicking of buttons and flicking of joycons, and the faint sound of breathing coming from kenma–who was snug up against you as you sat on the floor against one of the gym walls, showing you the gameplay of the new game he just bought.
volleyball practice had just ended. you could hear through the open entrance doors the rest of the boys on the team conversing loudly, as they put equipment away or were gathering their things to go home–it was a school night after all.
but between you and kenma, no words needed to be spoken. you both were completely content there, feeling the warmth of one another close by and watching the bright screen of kenma's portable gaming console flash colorful pictures of a hero overcoming their evil adversaries.
kenma was very grateful for this fact, for this little ritual he started to share with you when you started to stop in at the end of volleyball practice. originally, you did it with the intention to chat and ask him how practice went, then to walk home with him and kuroo and talk some more.
but sometimes practice was tiring, and some days kenma just couldn't find the energy to keep up the conversation. it's not that he didn't want to talk to you. he loved hearing your voice when you two conversed, actually.
all it was is that he needed to recharge. he needed to play with his games, even if just for ten to twenty minutes.
so you let him. because you care. and kenma loves appreciated that about you. from then on, you two started to end the days off (before being met with kuroo to make the trek home, that is) finding a little corner, a bush, a not-so-dusty spot under the bleachers... to just sit. and he'd play another level or two of one of his games, and you'd calmly watch.
your shoulders brushed every time kenma had to quickly maneuver some ability in the game–and even if it slipped far enough for a rush of coldness to attack your arm, it would always without fail return to its rightful place, bringing with it warmth as an apology. at times, you swear you feel like your breathing was in sync. every time you blinked, your eyelids almost seemed to move in slow motion.
together, time gradually slowed to a stop. you two were in a little bubble of your own creation, where nothing else mattered except the both of you. both of you being, and being together...
"kenma! kenma? y/n!" kuroo's voice suddenly rings through the door of the gym and bounces off the walls of the big room. kenma quietly groans and a giggle escapes you at his reaction–as if you two haven't been in this scenario for a dozen times before, and as if kenma's reaction has ever changed, at that.
"yaku! i told you to turn the fans off. don't forget tomorrow!" you then hear the captain yell out. overhead, the fans spin to a stop, and now everything is still for a moment.
"time to go kenma," you softly nudge at his side.
the blonde reaches over to shove his console in his bag with a sigh, "fine, let's go."
as you stand up, you body feels a shock of cold. it's already yearning for kenma's warmth again, the one that makes hiding from the world feel so nice. so your body seeks it out, following close behind him as you make your way across the gym to the exit.
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       ⇩  ⇩  ⇩ 𝘽𝙊𝙉𝙐𝙎 ::
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years later, the conventions you and kenma find yourselves at are awfully crowded. with questions at panel after panel and interactions with fan after fan at meet and greets, it's hard to believe the day still isn't over yet.
and it's not like kenma didn't like his fanbase. he loved them, and he loved what he did as a streamer.
it's just that sometimes he had to recharge. and thankfully, he knew just how, and who to go to for that.
his feet moved mindlessly, seeking you out. he found you behind some backstage black curtains nearby.
"hey kenma!" you smile at him, "how'd the meet and greet go?"
"it went great," his hand suddenly grasps at yours, "let's go somewhere real quick?"
you don't miss the way his words come out laced with the tiny breath of a sigh, or how he's hunched over just a little more than usual.
so you don't question it as he pulls you through the crowds, weaving to different convention hall entrances until finally when he peeks his head in the doorway, you find a room unoccupied.
there, against the wall and on the worn-out carpeted floor, you sit–nothing besides a bare stage, rows of empty chairs, and the two of you.
kenma relishes in this newfound hiding spot, letting his eyes close and his head lean against your shoulder for even just a moment. the bustling of the convention-goers outside gets tuned out.
there's no game console in his hands this time. so you resort to watching how instead of pressing at buttons and joycons, he plays with your warm hands under his fingertips.
and you let him, for as long as he wants, and he appreciates loves that about you, the person–his solace–who gets him so well. he loves you.
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