#YES switchblade carrier supremacy
whaliiwatching · 11 months
Read the first two chapters of your fic. Going to explode. It's so good!!!
Your writing style is very expressive and (though I'm familiar with neither setting's slang) the way you handled the slang felt super smooth and natural? I have trouble trying to use 30s slang for Noir without it coming off as a Joke, but all of it felt right for Hobie Noir and Pav. The chemistry between all of them!! The dialogue! Also the way the story seems to pace itself well between memorably different settings makes it very readable.
Final note, I'm eating the "Carries a switchblade to cut his webbing because organic-based-web doesn't have a release mechanism" headcanon. Because that's metal as hell. Best.
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thank you!!!! i'm so glad people are enjoying it :) have a dressed-up hobie!
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