#YES it IS the most romantic thing thats ever been
you guys you GUYS look what my gf just got us tix to
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whateverisbeautiful · 12 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#50: The Dream Come True (1.05)
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gif cred: @machonnes
This moment is a dream come true for Rick. A dream come true for Michonne. And a dream come true for many of us. 😭
It's also a top 10 all-time Richonne scene to me. 😭 For a long while my favorite thing Rick had ever said to Michonne was “How’d I get so lucky finding you?” And then TOWL came along and Rick was saying some of the most romantic lines possible throughout this miniseries. And in this breathtaking scene right here, Rick says my official favorite thing he’s ever said to Michonne. The whole moment is the epitome of beautiful 🥹💍...
Before we even get into this breakdown, you know I gotta dance and shout because Won't 🎉 He 🎉 Do 🎉 It...
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Y'all, I am so grateful that our captains ensured this ship and this fandom stayed blessed and highly favored at every possible turn. 🙌🏽😇And this scene right here is an all-caps BLESSING. 🥳
After taking out Jadis, Richonne is back walking in the woods and Rick points out where her helicopter is ahead. He then says, “What you said to me before in front of her, it wasn’t just for her.” I like how Rick already knows Michonne was not bluffing with Jadis.
And Michonne replies, “You couldn’t have changed them by yourself, Rick. But together - 'the whole damn world.'” It always makes me smile hearing Michonne say this in ep 5 after hearing Rick say it in ep 4 because Dream Michonne said it in ep 1. 😊
Rick’s mind really does know Michonne well because what he imagined her saying is something she’s now saying in reality and believing wholeheartedly. She knows the two of them together can make the world the good place they believe it should be.
I also think it’s sweet how Michonne doesn’t think Rick should have to try and change them alone. She’s never felt Rick should have to carry anything alone. 🥲 And now that she’s back with him, she’s with him all the way, so now changing the CRM is their shared mission. See, even Dream Michonne is always right 😌...
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Michonne says, “I see how we could make it better, and if we can, Rick, we have to.” Thats Richonne for you. 😌 When called to step up and help others they always do. 👌🏽 I love that they know what they’re capable of and care to make it their responsibility to fight for others.
And now they’re taking a more balanced approach because before, Rick thought he’d have to essentially give up his life to fight for future generations - but now they know they can stop the CRM and still go home and live life together with their family as well.
As Michonne speaks, Rick turns to her when she says his name, and when she's finished talking, she continues walking forward. But then Rick stops her. 😍
And y’all...I’m already twirling my hair and kicking my feet just from the moment he takes her arm and says, “Michonne, wait.” 🥲
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gif cred: @nat111love
The moment before he takes her arm you can see Rick looking at Michonne like he truly doesn't want to let one more second go by without proposing to her. He's waited practically a decade for this moment and he can't wait any longer. 🥲 Especially with the hefty undertaking they're about to do with stopping the CRM, I love that he wants to make sure they have this private moment between them before all that happens.
When talking about the proposal dream in episode 1, I had said that Rick’s thought process was “Before we make the world ours, I want to make you mine.” And I feel like that’s also what plays out in real life in this scene. Because before they go and save the world, he first wants Michonne to know just how much she saved his, and that he’s forever hers. 🥹
So Rick stops her and then they face each other and Rick says, “I’ve been wanting to say something.” And y’all, the little nervous breath he takes after he says that. 😭 It makes my heart melt that Rick is nervous for this proposal moment. Similar to his nervousness in the Say Yes proposal moment.
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He and Michonne have already been through everything together and he knows they’re committed to each other forever, Michonne has literally said yes to creating life with him already - but Rick is still nervous in these woods because this is still a big important moment for them. 🥹
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gif cred: @nat111love
Seeing Rick’s endearing nervousness, it's like you can see a glimpse of the boy he likely was in high school who, while Shane was probably running game and smooth-talking all these girls, Rick was being more reserved. It also makes you see the man who only ever wanted to give all that love in his good kind heart to one woman, the right woman, and now he's found her - he finally found the perfect woman for him who loves the way he shows love and loves him back just as fiercely. 🥹
It’s sweet how much Rick feels like he hit the ultimate jackpot getting Michonne. And his energy both in the dream 'proposal' and in this irl proposal depicts how he still feels like this woman, whose heart he has so completely, is someone he truly lucked out in finding. It’s like even after all these years, he still can’t believe he got so lucky finding her. And not just finding her, but finding that she wants him as much as he wants her.
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Michonne is an extraordinary gift to him and Rick knows it. He’s known it for years. That’s why when he tells Michonne that he’s been wanting to say something, he means not just for the last few hours or days, but for nearly a decade he’s been wanting to tell her exactly what he says in this proposal - a proposal he’s thought about and dreamt about often.
Rick takes the ring out of his shirt pocket and I love how even part of why it takes him a minute to get the ring out is because he’s staring at her. Still as entranced as ever. 😋(Also it’s cute how the blood on his forehead even looks like an 'm.' He’s hers for real.😇)
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
I love the way Michonne looks at Rick as he takes out the ring. She has this moment of just looking at him so adoringly before even shifting her focus down to the ring that he holds up.
And then when she sees the ring, her face softens and she has this little smile and quiet breath and once again it just melts my heart. 😭
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gif cred: @nat111love
I always get so reflective on Richonne's overall journey with scenes like this. So I think about how Rick took out mints from his pocket and that ushered in Richonne's romantic relationship, and now here he takes a wedding ring from his pocket, wanting to further cement that Michonne is his wife. The best. 😭
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And then because he’s the greatest loverboy to ever exist, Rick holds up the ring and says, “It’s a broken world, Michonne, and you’re the only thing that puts it back together.” 🥹🥹🥹
If you think I’m squealing like a fool every time I hear this…you are correct. 🫠🥳 It’s so perfect and so powerful hearing Rick say this.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Part of what makes Rick and Michonne’s love story so special is that it depicts how a love so healthy and whole can grow and blossom even against the backdrop of a broken world. 
Andy really summed Richonne up perfectly in saying that they’re perfect partners in an imperfect world. And that was beautifully illustrated in this special ep 5 scene and all throughout Richonne's TWD/TOWL journey.
Also, after all those CRM folk tried to take credit for saving Rick’s life, it’s great that in his proposal he gives Michonne the credit for being the only one to put his world and the whole damn world back together. 
The way there’s so much emotion and sincerity as he whispers this. And I love how he says the only thing. Like the way this man constantly gives Michonne her flowers and acknowledges her as the greatest influence on his life is really something. 👏🏽🥹
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gif cred: @sharpesjoy
And as many have already noted, this wording is especially special when thinking back to season 3, when Rick was going through an extremely tough time mentally after the death of Lori.
Rick imagined speaking to Lori on the phone and there he became emotional saying that he couldn’t put the pieces back together. And it is just beyond beautiful and full circle that now Rick can look into Michonne’s eyes and tell her that she is the one who was finally able to put it all back together for him and with him. 🥲
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
I always say Rick and Michonne didn’t just find a second love in each other but a supreme love. The best love. They found the one. 💯 And particularly, they found the one who helps them make the world make sense and make life so worth living.
In plenty of TWD scenes between Richonne, it's clear that Michonne makes all the sense in the world to Rick and that she makes his world feel intact. Even pre-canon, as soon as Rick and Michonne realize they can trust each other, Rick has so many moments where it's clear he wants and needs her safe because she matters a lot to him and she's the North Star in his world.
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gif cred: @michonnegrimes
And no matter what else was going on, no matter how much was going through his head, Michonne could always reach Rick and he’d always hear her and resonate with what she’d say, what she thought, and where she’d lead him. She both repaired his broken world and made it so much brighter.
When Rick says Michonne is what puts the broken world back together, you just know he’s been wanting to say this exact thing for such a long time because he’s been aware of it for such a long time.
I think about how in season 7 Rick was aware that Michonne was the one who had led him this far and reinstilled in him the will to fight back.
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gif cred: @michonnegrimes
And now in The Ones Who Live, Rick gets to share that he’s aware that even despite the vast darkness and the heavy brokenness of this apocalyptic world, the world still hasn’t entirely fallen apart. And why? Because she puts it back together. 🥹
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gif cred: @sharpesjoy
I love how he doesn’t even just say his world, but the world. Rick has always felt like Michonne can bring everybody to the light like she’s done for him countless times.
When I think about how much Rick and Michonne have been through it fully warms my heart to think that Rick reflects back and feels it’s Michonne that kept their world together.
And it makes sense. From the moment she showed up in Rick’s life, she began putting pieces back together.
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She provided formula for his baby girl. She became the best friend his son needed. She saved his life against the Governor. She became wholly committed to being a part of Rick and Carl's family as they healed and traveled on the road to Terminus and she gave Carl and Rick warm lighthearted moments even despite this dark world. She co-led with Rick and led team family to their longest-standing home ASZ. And she became a fantastic mother to the Grimes children.
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Then through Rick and Michonne’s romantic relationship, she gave Rick something personal to have and enjoy for himself that wasn’t strictly about leading, protecting, providing, but really living and loving too.
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She gave him the strength to fight back and free themselves from the Saviors, and particularly instrumental was the way she built Rick back up after the devastating loss of their son Carl. ❤️‍🩹
I don’t think Rick survives that incredibly painful loss the way he did without Michonne being by his side, and I think Rick would cosign that.
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And even after that loss, where Rick’s world could have easily gone completely dark and bleak, instead he found a way to honor Carl’s memory and be present with the family he still has in his wife and daughter - so much so, that Rick even had enough hope in both the future and his love with Michonne that he and her planned to have a baby. 🥲
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Then, Rick's world actually did go dark only once he’s taken from Michonne. 💔
And it’s dreaming of her that keeps him going and keeps his world from ending. But when he can’t get to her anymore in dreams or reality, he forces himself to die while alive because he believes there is no scenario where he can be alive in this world without her.
But then she showed up again.
Michonne reentered his life in real life and fought so hard for him even when he had convinced himself that he’s stuck and not worth fighting for. Her love helped him see the light again and made him come alive again.
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And after the CRM broke Rick's world and his heart by taking away the image of Carl, Michonne even restored one of the most vital parts of his world - his son - to him with the phone portrait of their beloved boy. 🥹
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And now that they’re finally on the same page about going home together, Rick gets to actually look forward to being a father again to both his daughter and the son Michonne gave him. 🥹
Like if this isn’t the epitome of Hershel’s lovely sentiment that 'things break but they can still grow' and a whole new plant will arise, I don't know what is. Because even while Rick was away and feeling alone in the CRM, his family was still growing and his legacy was still living on and expanding through RJ. 😭
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I just say all this to say that when Rick tells Michonne she is the only thing that puts the world back together, he means that from the bottom of his heart. Because it’s a scientific fact. 
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Again, I'll forever love that Rick is utterly in love with the woman who changed his mantra from ‘We’re the Walking Dead’ to ‘We’re The Ones Who Live.’ Michonne changed his life. She saved his life. She brought him back to life. She put his world back together.
And it makes sense that Rick put an asterisk on their motto and felt he's only the one who lives if he lives with her - because an intense element of soulmates is now part of your very heart and soul lives outside of your body. They are that one. And I love the way Richonne operate as one throughout the flagship show and this miniseries to the point that they can both declare belonging to each other.
So y’all, clearly the "It's a broken world, Michonne, and you're the only thing that puts it back together" line alone was enough to have me reveling for days. But once again Richonne reminded me that there is no ceiling on how beautiful their love story can get as Rick then tells Michonne:
“‘Til my last breath, I am yours.”
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gif cred: @sharpesjoy
PERFECTION. My heart can��t even handle it. 😭
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That line is breathtakingly beautiful for so many reasons but especially for how Rick wants Michonne to know she’s the one for him past, present, future, forever. I adore that Rick so happily belongs to Michonne. And til his last breath. That couldn’t be more romantic. 🥹
It’s also so fitting because he’s saying that so long as he’s breathing he’s hers. And we visibly saw that play out. Because along Rick's years-long journey, he’s been alive, he’s been dead, and both versions still were madly in love with Michonne. All versions of Rick love Michonne. So truly as long as there is air in his lungs, he knows that any version of him will be hers. ♥️
And my heart is so happy for both of the characters to see Rick finally get his dream of directly telling Michonne, his North Star, that she’s the only thing that puts this broken world back together and he forever belongs to her. I love the way Rick always is aware of, vocalizes, and appreciates Michonnes immense importance. He knows there is no other that mends the world quite like her.
Then Rick just makes my heart burst even more when he gets down on one knee while holding up the ring. This perfect scene just kept getting more perfect with each second. 🥹
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gif cred: @nat111love
I absolutely adore that Rick stayed wanting to wife Michonne up any chance he could. Whether it's over dinner on their Say Yes honeymoon run, with a priest on a bridge like he was planning, in a dream on an idyllic park bench, and now here in reality, on one knee in a forest. 🥹
And I also love that this proposal comes in the fifth episode too. 5 Episodes & A Wedding Ring. 😊
I'll forever celebrate that we really got pretty much every single thing we could have ever wanted from The Ones Who Live. 😭 Like they really knew our Richonne wishlists and said...
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A huge thank you once again to Danai for being the one behind this decision to have a Richonne proposal moment. And of course, Andy delivered this whole moment flawlessly. 👏🏽 Those two are a true gift. 🎁
I know for many of us we consider that Say Yes dinner scene to be a Richonne proposal. And I still do view it like that, but I also love that in TOWL we get an even more direct and clear-cut proposal moment. Richonne was already so married but it’s great seeing them want to solidify it even further.
And I call it a proposal moment since there’s the whole Rick on one knee giving Michonne a ring, but I also really like how it feels like a proposal between a couple that already knows their husband and wife. A vow renewal of sorts.
We kinda get the best of both worlds too with Rick clearly saying a muted “Will you marry me?” in the scene. I don’t mind that it's muted because we get to visually see him say it while also knowing that it doesn’t even really need to be a question. The beautiful words that Rick said just before getting down on one knee are almost more of a vow to the woman he knows is and has long been his wife. And this is his reaffirming vow to be her devoted husband forever.
And I adore how this all goes to show that part of why Rick always seems so determined to give Michonne the world is because he knows she’s the one who put his back together. 🥹
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
So this part already did me in but y'all, it's not done because now we get to see Michonne's lovely reaction to her man's heartfelt declaration. And after 50 of these RIR posts, I think it's clear I'm extra as all get out, so of course I have to do a Part Two of this lovely dream-come-true scene. 👌🏽😌
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Hi! Could I request a bit of angst to fluff? Maybe Kaeya, Tighnari, Aether, and Itto when there s/o leaves without telling them to clear their head after an argument and they get worried thinking they left them? I'm not sure that makes sense, but I hope it does.
Thank you!
It makes sense!! Thank you so much for your request and I'm so sorry it took a long time to write for you!! I hope you still enjoy it though!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Have you left me~༺}
CW: Angst to fluff! Past arguments but making up in the end! Characters think the reader may have left them! Kaeya drinks some wine to ease the pain! Very slight mention of the abyss twin in Aethers.
(Includes: Itto, Tighnari, Kaeya, and Aether!)
Itto combed a hand through his thick white hair, trying to make sense of how everything had went bad so quickly, how the two of you had actually gotten into a full blown argument...he loved you so much, why did he start yelling back, what was wrong with him. He sighed, not knowing how to make it better, he wanted to go after you, but you'd just left. What if you didn't want to see him, what if you didn't want anything to do with him... what if you no longer wanted to be his one and oni...
"Come on Itto, use that brain of yours. What do you do when you've upset someone? Apologize. Right right okay, gotta apologize. Flowers? Those are romantic...but maybe to cheesy! What if...yes thats it!" He made a plan out loud, hurrying to get what was needed before running out the door after you. He searched for hours, checking every spot he'd ever caught you in, asking around for you to every person he saw until finally...he found you.
You were sitting under the shade of a lavender melon tree, eyes puffy from tears and nose red from the cold, you looked heart broken...,"Hey, I know you don't want to talk to me right now, for good reason too but I have to talk to you okay! I'm not good with words, but I know how to say sorry...and I know how to say I love you and in case you don't believe me...I wanted to give you something..."
You looked up at him, eyes widened when you saw a golden beetle trophy in his hands...to anyone else this would have been ridiculous, but you knew it was something he cherished, probably even his most precious item, "What... why would you...that's the most important thing in the world to you..."
He shook his head, setting the trophy in front of you, "No you're wrong, you're the most important thing in the world to me and I'm really really sorry I made you upset. I'll do anything to make it better, you can throw beans at me, I'll give you all of my candy stash...I'll even give you my prizes beetles...I just want to be with you."
You started to cry more, which caught him a little off guard, but these were happy tears..."I want to be with you too...and I'm sorry for what I said...I love you Itto."
"I love you more"
Tighnari rubbed his eyes, trying to dry the tears that didn't seem to have a end, his ears droopy and you...the person he loved with all his heart, had just walked out without a word. Was it over? Was he never going to be able to hug you again? He just couldn't accept it, he needed you in his life and maybe he hadn't said that enough, but he'd say it as many times as you wanted as long as your promised to come back with him.
He quickly threw on a extra coat, he had no plan and no way of knowing where you had went, but even if it took all night, he'd find you just to apologize, just to let you know how much he adored you. He'd search the entire forest if he had to.
Thankfully it wasn't needed, after a few hours his ears perked up, the soft sounds of your sobs reverberating off cave walls, the place he had shown you one time while gathering herbs...it was by a waterfall that held glowing algae and he's been wanting to take you back for so long... he never would have thought the two of you revisiting would be at a time like this..
He made his way to you and sat down, feeling a pang in his chest when you scooched away, it hurt...fighting with you, "I'm...I'm so sorry. Im sure you don't even want to hear it, but I don't think I've ever been so upset with myself before. I love you and I have never wanted to make you unhappy...you...you are my person. My soulmate. The one. Please...I don't want you to leave, I don't want us to end...I can't...loose you."
His voice started to break, sentences getting harder to finish, he couldn't even picture his life without you anymore and the horrible thought that it could happen because of his mistakes was eating him alive...
"I don't...want to loose you either Tighnari... soulmates go both ways. I'm yours and you're mine and I love you,...I just don't want to fight." You swallowed roughly, trying to stop yourself from crying even more as he wrapped his coat around you and pulled you into him, embracing you tighter than he ever had, "I love you too, and I promise...no more fighting."
Kaeya took another sip from his wine bottle, trying to calm himself down...he almost never got into confrontations, in fact he always avoided them, preferring to smooth talk his way out of situations instead...,but what had went down between the two of you was anything but smooth. He'd said such hurtful things, he didn't even mean to, he'd just lost his cool and then you ran off before he could apologize and now...here he was, sitting under the stars trying to drink away his feelings when he knew full well it wasn't going to solve anything.
Then as he was sitting there, staring off into space...he caught sight of you, just barely outside the city walls, throwing rocks into the water with a satisfying splash while sniffling and holding yourself for comfort between tosses. Suddenly his wine lost any flavour, his mind drawn back to when he first met you, the way your eyes sparkled, the way your smile made his heart skip a beat...and how you laughed at his advances, completely oblivious to his feelings.
He picked himself off the chair he'd been sitting on, left his bottle waiting on the table for a cheery bard to find and then made his way over to you, more serious and determined than he had been in a very long time. The second he was close enough he gently intertwined you hand with his, spinning you for a brief second so your eyes would meet and your body would be close to his...the air felt cold, but he had a warm smile and before you could even attempt to push him away he kissed your lips.
It was unlike any kiss you'd ever had with him, it was passionate...slow...apologetic, it conveyed everything he wanted to say to you without ever saying a word and when he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, he begged you to stay with him.
Aether was running, running past branches and shrubbery, past trees and jumping over rocks, he wasn't worried about what scratches or bruises he'd have by the time he got to you, all he was worried about...all that was running through his mind, was his apology to you. He didn't know what had even started the argument anymore, he didn't care, he just needed you to know he was wrong and that he loved you, that he didn't want you to go, that he couldn't let you go.
He frantically searched around, looking for signs of you while he tripped over sticks and stomped into muddy puddles, "Hello!!" He shouted for you, his eyes scanning the moonlit trees and then, in the distance, he saw a faint light. It was the lamp you had taken with you when you'd left without a word and his first sign that you were near him. He ran to it, knowing full well he looked like a mess when he finally caught up to you, panting and covered in dirt....he looked like he'd just been through a hurricane.
"Aether what the hell-"
"No n-no, wait let me start. I just, i-i just had to follow you because none of what I said was true, I love you. That's the truth. I'd r-run to the ends of the earth to tell you that and then I'd do it again to prove it if you asked me to. Please, forgive me. I can't go on without you, I can't loose you too..." He looked away, trying not to think about his sister...about what it would be like if he didn't have you in his life anymore...what reason would he even have to continue?
"Did you really run...all the way here?"
"Yes, I love you and I don't want you to go..."
"I love you too Aether...and it's okay, I just wanted to clear my head, I'm not leaving." You went to kiss him...but decided it better wait till after he had been cleaned, you'd never had someone run so far just for you before...
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : miles morales x g-neutral reader
↳ synopsis : (first part of) sfw alphabet with miles !!
↳ authors note : could contain astv spoilers ?? i think i'll do another alphabet w a spiderverse character soon when i finish this!! ive been working on a hobie fic but his british is killing me PLZ save me im SOBBING its being delayed just cause hes british thats crazy
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— ❥ Affection - is he the affectionate type?
☆☆ I think Miles is really affectionate with his partner, holding hands and all of that. Tries to be a romantic (and fails sometimes cause hes far too silly for that) but he's doing his best!! Affection is definitely very important to him so :)
— ❥ BEGINNER - is he new 2 relationships?
☆☆ Definitely, you'd be his first love and so he tries his best with you. He'll make sure to take you out on good dates, meet your parents, make like thousands drawings of you in his sketchbook and just generally try to hide the nerves of being in a relationship. Of course, Miles isn't perfect, but you understand that and just accept him nevertheless.
— ❥ CUDDLING - does he like 2 cuddle ?? how does he like 2 cuddle :)) ??
☆☆ Cuddling is a need, it is a requirement. He will demand cuddling at least once every day just so he feels something in his cold and empty soul. (he's being sarcastic, please cuddle him hes so sad when you don't)
— ❥ Domestic - does he wanna settle some day ?? how good is he at household chores ??
☆☆ Miles is a teenager, that kind of thing has yet to cross his mind or atleast think of it super seriously. But he would love to move in with you at some point, make you breakfast in bed and stuff like that. He definitely used to help his mom when he was younger, just gives off the vibe :))
— ❥ Ending - how n why would he end things with you ??
☆☆ The only thing that would push Miles that far is for your own safety. When he dates someone, he doesn't wanna do it just because you two like each other, he dates to stay together and not for a fleeting feeling that'll come to pass. But it hurts him more to leave someone he still loves, but knows its for your safety <\3
— ❥ Fiance(e) - marriage? commitment?
☆☆ I mean, same reason with the letter D, he's a teenager so that thing doesn't really cross his mind. He does like to joke around that he'll propose to you with a bagel or something.. (uh oh)
— ❥ Gentle - is he gentle physically and emotionally ??
☆☆ He tries his best to be. He understands how a lot of things can be overwhelming and hard to understand, so whether you need his emotional or physical help he's always willing to give it. He'll give you words of affirmation or hold you till you feel better. :)
— ❥ Hugs - does he like em ?? does he hate em??
☆☆ Miles LOVES it when you hug him, especially when you initiate it first. He'll sometimes pick you up and do a little spin because it makes him that happy T_T♡ Please hug him, he needs it badly after everything
— ❥ I love you - how long did it take for him to say it ?? does he say it often ??
☆☆ Miles took his time when it came to finally saying 'I love you'. He wanted to make sure that he'd mean it, and will continue to mean it while you guys are together. When it comes to saying I love you, he wants it to be in appropriate times and places but he usually says it when hes sleepy and just has no filter at all.
— ❥ Jealousy - does he get jealous often ??
☆☆ Yes and Miles makes it very obvious. You find it amusing every time he'll pull you by your waist towards him so he can hold you by his side. He'll urge you to continue your conversation, but the person you're speaking to can tell he is one minor inconvenience away to picking you up and just running off. (he'll only ever act like this if the person has clear intentions that were NOT approved of by him)
— ❥ Kissing - does he like kissing ?? how does he like 2 kiss ??
☆☆ He does the upside down kiss at like any given moment while he's on patrol. HE LOVES DOING IT he thinks its the most silly thing ever and the way the first time he tried it, his web snapped and he fell before he could kiss is ENGRAVED in your memory. Of course, he'll enjoy smaller kisses like on the nose or on his forehead cause it makes him feel soso soft.
— ❥ Little Ones - is he good with kidz ?!
☆☆ HES AWFUL. have you seen the scene with him and Mayday?! He has never held a child a day in his life, he will call an infant baby 'bro' or something and try to take it skateboarding. He will try if you have younger siblings, it's like training to get into the family; if you can handle the little menaces you are welcomed <3.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 10 months
BAU at the Rep Tour
main masterlist
spencer reid x famous!reader universe
(to be honest this was just an excuse for me to watch the rep tour again lol)
Y/N had obviously invited spencer to the show that she was doing in Virginia and she offered him tickets for anyone that he wanted to bring
so spencer obvi asks the team
i think penny died before she said yes and when she made derek say yes too
emily and jj only know the popular songs, but they love you so they come
rossi chooses to bot go, saying he needs a break from them
and hotch says he has jack so he can't
-- at the show --
 the team is standing with Y/N's parents obvi.
when the opening starts pen is just speechless, and later says it was the best opening ever.
derek, em, and jj just can't believe they energy of the crowd
and of course spencer is smiling and is so proud of his girlfriend, blushing when she says i line thats written about him
he blushes the most during 'gorgeous', 'dress', and 'king of my heart' like full red face, fans taking many pictures and videos of the moment
when Y/N dances with a male dancer, derek defiantly tease spencer about it
spencer doesn't let it get to him tho because he has full trust with you, and he knows he's the only man you love
when y/n points at spencer during the show
during 'king of my heart' when she says "you are the one i've been waiting for, king of my heart"
during the talk before 'delicate' "I think we all like that feeling of finding something real. And that can be a romantic connection, but it can be friendship. And finding those people- or that one person, that you feel real friendship with or real love, that's what we're all looking for. And a lot of times the things that scare us most, are the things that threaten the prospect of finding something real. Like for example, I was going through a time where I had a bad reputation..an- and during that time, I found that real love, but the idea that maybe he's heard something about me, maybe his friends had. It's all just very delicate."
is actually just singing to spencer during 'dancing with our hands tied' at this point
also penny says all the chants obvi, and gets derek, jj, emily to do them too
@universallyblizzardlove @ferrjulie @random000000sblog
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tommiruewrites · 2 years
tewkesbury hc's !!
a/n: some of my random (and somewhat self-indulgent) flower boy headcanons after watching enola holmes 2! enjoy :)
requested: yes | no
requests: open | closed
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remember to like, comment, and reblog to support my writing <3
❀ loves the combination of chocolate and orange
❀ just loves citrus in general
❀ favorite color is purple, second favorite blue, third yellow
❀ knows an insane amount about plants and will sometimes randomly spew out a random fact
❀ the two of you are walking down the street, chatting about topics not at all related to nature, and all of a sudden, he's like, "did you know-" {proceeds to tell you the most insanely obscure plant fact ever about a flower you've never even heard of}
❀ loves animals
❀ and he's always so proud of himself for knowing it too
❀ random plant facts are also his go-to conversation starters
❀ is extremely clumsy and constantly knocks things over, trips over his own feet, etc. but all of a sudden, all the clumsiness leaves his body when dancing or fencing ?? he has beef with coordination idk
❀ his favorite flower is the one that reminds him the most of you
❀ he knows the meaning and symbolism of every flower, so he always has a reason or message with each on he gives you
❀ he also looooves poetry
❀ not afraid to pour his heart out to you poetically
❀ but only once you've been close a while, in the beginning he's a hot, awkward mess, tripping over his words left and right
❀ he does much better writing out his feelings at the start
❀ hides poetic notes in your flower bouquets, or leaves pressed flowers in your letters
❀ extremely dramatic
❀ the type of dramatic to claim he's on the brink of death after getting a single paper cut
❀ in fact, he's so dramatic that when little things happen to you, he overreacts for you. what a gentleman
❀ definitely a hopeless romantic 
❀ extremely good with kids
❀ slightly afraid of the dark
❀ his favorites are deer and horses, but he also just loves birds
❀ was a late bloomer when it came to walking, but started talking super early as a baby (it just makes sense okay)
❀ sometimes dances around in his room, alone, pretending he's dancing with you
❀ also practices romantic things to say to you in the mirror
❀ has super fancy-dancy penmanship and makes it look effortless
❀ really likes art, specifically romanticism style paintings
❀ plays the piano beautifully 
❀ also understands latin and is fluent in french because he's fancy
❀ very easily entertained
❀ also has a very short attention span for most things and gets distracted easily
❀ main love language is words of affirmation, followed closely by gift giving and acts of service
❀ loves his hair being played with
❀ owns a journal where he logs each day
❀ absolutely loves jam
❀ avid lover of jasmine tea and green tea
❀ also puts a ridiculous amount of honey in it
❀ oddly afraid of frogs and toads
thats all i can think of for now, hope you enjoyed that. 
side not, posted this on 11/11 at 11:11 my time bc im so cool like that. you're welcome.
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not-5-rats · 4 months
how do you think Sugarboo would go about asking Seth to be their bf? If they ever did. Obvi they would talk to Al first but after that
No cause I've thought about this, like alot...all the fucking time, it plagues my little mind.
(I like to think this is sort of in a time like Chapter 2, all three of them living peacefully in Sugarboos home)
They would have spoke to Alphonse atleast a week earlier, it came up one night when the three were having a film night. Seth had fallen asleep, like deep DEEP sleep and Al noticed the way SB was looking down at the sleeping boy. He asked how they felt about Seth and the conversation ended with SB admitting that they had romantic feelings for Seth but they wanted him to know that this doesn't effect their love for him (this made him laugh). They agreed that SB should speak to him about it because it was pretty clear (to Al) that Seth had some sort of feelings towards them.
SB had a couple meetings with a few potential clients so hadn't been in all day, it was just Seth and Al. They just kind of hung about for most of the day, they cleaned the living room and sorted a couple things in the kitchen. Al seemed to be both happy and rather nervous all day, one moment he couldn't stop smiling at Seth the next he was silently sweeping the floor a bit lost in thought. At around 5pm SB got home, Seth and SB went into the kitchen to make dinner during which SB asked him if he would maybe on a walk with them later, just up beside the local park. He said sure and that night at around 7:30pm they left the house waving to Al as they went.
They had made their way to the park, talking about their days and how the clients were, finally they got to the park and sat down at a bench just outside of it. The park was rather empty apart from a few kids sat on the swings. They hadn't spoken for a bit, they had both just sat admiring the nature around them but then SB spoke, their voice hushed to avoid drawing the teenagers' attention
"Hey Seth? There was something I wanted to talk to you about"
He seemed a bit panicked by this but he made an attempt to suppress these feelings and responded
"Hm? Is everything alright Sugar?"
"Well it's been great having you here, both me and Al think that. You're a great dude to live with and you do alot more round the house than Al ever has"
They both laughed, Seth noticeably quieter than SB but they quickly kept talking
"But thats not the point, I wanted to tell you...well its more asking something. Seth, what I want to say is-"
"If you want me to go I get it, I've been round for quite a while and I don't mean to take up all your space"
Seth cut them off and leaned back against the back of the bench, SB was very confused and went to comfort him but he spoke again before they got the chance
"I've overstayed my welcome and I totally understand that, I didn't mean to get in the way of your life Sugar. I didn't even intend on coming back to begin with-"
There was a nudge to Seths head which made him look over at SB, surprised by their 'attack'
"Seth, you're a sweetheart but shut up and let me speak"
He did as he was told, he nodded remaining quiet as SB explained
"No, I don't want you to leave. If anything what I'm about to say...will hopefully prove that I want you to stay"
They paused, took a deep breath and finally said what they had been aching to say for so long
"I, well I love you Seth. I've loved you for a while, and before you ask yes I've spoken to Al, yes it's all okay. That's if you feel the same! I understand if you don't though"
He seemed kind of stunned, sat there like a deer in headlights. When he finally came round he smiled at them and gently held their shoulders
"Oh Sugar, my darling Sugar"
With that he kissed them, his hand sliding from their shoulder to the back of their neck. SBs own hands wrapped around his waist and they smiled into the kiss, joy building up in their chest. When they finally split SB giggled
"I'm taking that as you feel the same way?"
He laughed
"Of course I do! Sugar I've wanted to tell you for so long but...the whole things with Al, our first meeting, all those things made it feel like you'd never feel that way for me. But God, Sugar I'm so glad, so so glad you feel the same"
They sat there gently holding each other...which caught the attention of the teens, who began to ooo and make kissy sounds, so they went home. Upon seeing the smile on their face Al instantly knew what had went down, so they all sat on the couch and cuddles. It was beautiful and I love them all
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chasingfictions · 1 year
btw these are just some of the yellowjackets dynamics btw. To Me.
tainat are two cousins who are best friends they vanish every family holiday to go "take a walk" aka get fucking blazed down the block from their aunt's house
vanlottie are like okay. you are my master i am your disciple no you are my patient i am your nurse no you are my god and i made you a god no you are my salvation and i am begging you to stay there. bottom4service top.
taishauna are like okay youre wives but it's not romantic. youre life partners but it's not romantic. youre chosen soulmates but it's not romantic but it Is but you have never fucked and even if you did it wouldnt change anything . taishauna are like okay we are common law besties we are bound to each other by something deeper than anywhere else. taishauna said what if we were teh one healthy dynamic either of us is ever going to have with anyone. they said what if we were best friends forever. they said What If We Were Best Friends Forever.
shaunajackie is homoerotic girlbesties who kill each other what more has to be said than has already been said. theyre cathy and heathcliffe and theyre both girls and what if they kissed except they WONT and thats the POINT if they could kiss they wouldnt kill each other but they have to kill each other so.
lottienat are like . this is the most complex and profound relationship two people can have to each other is if one of them is charlotte isobel matthews and the other is natalie something italian scatorccio. if you ask me to describe it in words i cant. however i Can start crying and the crying will Hurt and that will explain it. they are the same person. im cradling them in my hands. they have known each other in every lifetime. they cant fucking stand each other and they are the only people each other can stand.
mistynat are like what if two very different kind of cats got fixated on each other by accident and now they will chase each other to the ends of the earth in increasing madcap schemes mistynat is tom and jerry . mistynat is like you know that bit at the end of pride and prejudice when everyones like. lizzie and darcy??? what????? that's mistynat to the rest of the yellowjackets . mistynat is a happy awful lab accident <3 and theyre kissing <3
shaunanat is like two siblings who are trying to kill each other and would kill for each other i'd say it in more words but i dont need it
shaunalottie is like. okay we're gonna be weird about each other forever in increasingly complex and disgusting ways yes it's gay but that's just part of it. we're dismembering each other but that's also just part of it. shaunalottie is like okay ill beat you nearly to death and youll be weird about my offspring in blood cult ways. those are real things that happened.
vannat are like oh ive known you since before i can remember what words even were .
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punk-jester · 2 years
no one is straight in the modern warfare reboot, here's my headcanons that no one asked for:
- price: on the aroace spec, maybe he's attracted to men but he can't think of himself in a relationship and he works too much anyway
- laswell: lesbian, the only thing we know is that she has a wife but i'm just sure she's 0% attracted to men
- gaz: pan but i think he would be the kinda person who's just too focused with their job to actually get in a relationship
- farah: also on the aroace spec and she definitely likes women, i don't think she labels herself and doesn't really care, she easily forms strong platonic bonds tho
- alex: that man is a boykisser, trans gay man for the win 100%
- ghost: gay. the most repressed and in denial gay man you'll ever see. he has too much sex related trauma and thinking about his sexuality makes him uncomfortable. he finally figures out he's gay when him and soap become really close friends but he buries himself deep in the closet
- soap: probably bi with a preference for men, also he's demisexual, he doesn't fall very easily but once he meets ghost he's head over heels after like 2 weeks of knowing him
- alejandro: bisexual with a preference for bad bitches, no question asked, i think we can all agree with that
- rodolfo: honestly idk, he's been in love with alejandro his whole life (childhood best friends to lovers except it takes them like 30 yrs to get together even tho they always crushed over each other) and i think he doesn't care about labels, if you asked him he'll probably say he's alejandrosexual
- valeria: bisexual with a heavy preference for women, she wholeheartedly despises men so she hardly ever finds herself attracted to one, doesn't really care about romantic relationship because she "doesn't have time to waste"
- roach: TRANS AND AROACE (am i projecting? yes what are you gonna do about it? i grew up playing the og mw and i loved him so now i make him me) he just chills, zero interest in romantic relationships but very easy to be friends with
- könig: gay? maybe??? he's also on the aroace spec because i desperately need representation. we don't know a lot about him and his personality apart from being socially anxious and cocky so idk???
- horangi: doesn't label himself, he's down bad for könig and thats enough
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raschuuuu · 11 months
Summary: Y/N is a famous YouTube vlogger and Ruben Dias a famous professional football player. They've been friends for a few months but never met. Now it's finally time for them to meet but what happens when one of them falls in love?
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Rating/genre: fluff, friends to lovers
Pairings: Ruben Dias x female reader
Word count: 1289 words
Author's note: Hey guy's. This is my first ever footballer fanfiction. First of all: I AM SORRY ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. I'm bored at work tbh, thats why I started this and I have no idea how to continue. So if you like this and want to read more please let me know how to continue or how you would want it to end?:)
It was finally time. I'm on the train from London to Manchester. I took a few days off because I was invited. From Ruben Dias. I'm a Vlogger/Youtuber and apparently Ruben often watched my videos and decided to slide into my DM's a few months ago. We just started small talk, he told me he liked to watch my videos every Sunday and that I should keep doing what I do. I was honored. In the beginning we only had small talk but over time we've been writing more and more and more and also making phone calls and facetime. The only problem was that we never met because he's very busy and so am I. A few days ago Ruben asked me if we didn't want to finally meet and I said yes. And now I'm sitting here and I'm all excited.
Hey, I'll wait for you outside in the car. See you in a minute!
He texted me. I got off the train, it had already been dark. I told him not to come and I'm gonna take a cab, but he insisted.
I realized how nervous I got, I mean, we've been writing for a long time, but we've never met in person, and he even offered me that I could sleep with at his place. We didn't have a romantic relationship, we just texted as friends, but I mean the guy is pretty hot and everyone who doesn't think so must be blind.
When I was outside, I was out in the parking lot, I didn't even know which car he was driving. Do you know this embarrassing situation when you stand there looking for someone and the person most likely has already discovered you? I heard someone calling my name from a car standing a few meters away from me.
I ran to the car and he got out. He smiled at me very cute and he gave me a hug. His body felt so strong. He smelled good and we looked each other in the eye. He was a little taller than me, so I had to look up.
"I'm so glad to finally meet you in person," he said, and I noticed my cheeks turning a little red. "Me too, Ruben, we finally made it after so long," I replied.
He packed my things in his trunk, and then he opened his car door for me, and we drove off. The ride didn't take long, he asked me how it was and if I was hungry. I was so hungry but I couldn't eat because of all the excitement.
When we arrived, he parked his car and we went up to his apartment. His apartment was huge, clean and tidy, and above all, it was comfortable. He took me to the guest room and showed me where I‘ll stay for the next few days?
In the guest room, I remembered that we never agreed how long I was supposed to stay. I was uncomfortable staying with him anyway. I've told him several times that I'm going to take a hotel, but he insisted that I stay with him.
"Ruben, thank you, wow, this room looks so great, but I just remembered, we didn't agree how long I'd stay. I really don't want to bother you.", I said desperately. "Y/N, are you crazy? Stay as long as you want. My home is your home, I want my guests to be comfortable." he answered.
That feeling he gave me felt so domestic. I mean, I've known him for a little while, but how often do you have situations in life where you get along with a person very well, but once you get together, it gets kind of weird and uncomfortable? I was afraid that we'd end up in a similar situation, but on the contrary, it felt like I'd always visited him, as if we'd always been friends, as if I'd stayed with him several times.
For the next two days we spent together, he showed me Manchester, we went to dinner together, or we cooked together, he introduced me to his brother Ivan, everything was just so beautiful. We talked a lot, and we had deep conversations at night in his living room. He opened up to me, he told me some of his secrets, and he talked about his fears. I was very honored that he saw a close friend in me.
But I had a feeling I couldn't get rid of. Ruben was a very attractive and handsome man. I know I said that before, and I'm gonna say that again. If there's an attraction between a man and a woman, you can't be friends in my opinion. I tried to come up with other thoughts or convince myself that he wouldn't be so attractive, but that didn't work. Above all, Ruben has told me several times that he thinks that he has now found a best friend that he never had, and I don't want to break that feeling just because my pussy always gets wet when I see him.
He showed me some Instagram models that didn't even look like me that he's currently finding attractive. I mean, Ruben, he follows a lot of Instagram models, and he's also written with a lot of them and met a few of them, but he couldn’t imagine a relationship with them and those he thought might have been serious, turned out to be a gold digger. After a nice five days I spent with Ruben, it was time for me to leave Manchester and go back to London. I have taken a little break on Instagram while I was with him, so people wouldn't get suspicious of me meeting someone because when you have 5.6 million followers on Instagram this can happen fast.
I had to shoot content again and entertain my followers, so I packed my bag in the morning and Ruben was waiting for me so he could drive me to the station.
When we were in the car, I noticed a strange silence I'd never felt before between the two of us. Do you know that there are once pleasant silences and once unpleasant silences? And this was definitely an unpleasant one.
"Are you all right?", I asked him. He was looking at the road. "I'm fine. I'm just sad that you have to go," he said, turning his head to me for a moment. "I'm sad too, Ruben, it was nice five days, I had a lot of fun, maybe I can come visit you again, or you can come to London," I tried to cheer him up. He just nodded his head and kept on driving.
When we got to the station, he parked a little far away so he could get off with me. He took my suitcase out of the trunk and handed it to me.
"Thank you for coming, Y/N, I really appreciate it. You're a great person and I'm very happy to have you as my friend." I realized how emotional he got and sad. I hugged him and stroked his back. „Ruben this feels like a goodbye forever“ I said smiling at him. „It’s just that when I get used to a person I don’t want them to leave anymore. Please visit me again Y/N“ he said. „Of course Ruben! We’re in the same country. I can always hop in the next train and visit you. And if you should be in London again let’s definitely meet“. „Yes we should definitely do that. And the next time you should come visit my game and maybe I can introduce you to someone how you wanted to“ he said hitting my arm in a playful way. „You‘re really trying to set me up with someone huh“.
And with that we said our last goodbyes and I took my train back to London. I‘m so happy that I found a friend like him now.
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ten-shi-fandoms · 2 years
Cute things they do Blue Lock Addition pt 2:
Cw: Characters x Reader, Gender neutral Reader, mentions of love bites (Ryusei), kissing, showing Reader off (Ryusei), just pure fluff
Characters: Ryusei Shidou, Sae Itoshi
Sae Itoshi ⚽😮‍💨:
In all honesty Sae isn't cute-
Like this man is hot, cool, sexy, and all that but he isn't cute.
Even so he has some cute things he does
Things like dancing with you whenever theres music playing, swaying you around the kitchen even though he only did it to get something, leaning closer to you as you speak are just some of them.
And he does them almost everytime he sees you.
Since Sae is a pro football(soccer) player he isn't home often so he makes it up when he's there.
He'll even be extra nice if he's been gone longer than he expected too.
He'll hold you so gently that it makes you fall asleep, but right before your eyes close you can sometimes can just barely make out the small smile on his face as he watches you drift off.
But if he isn't there expect gifts, and lots of calls.
The gifts are full of everything.
Things from expensive jewelry all the way to the two feet plushie you saw that one time you got them.
Calls with Sae are sweet too.
He always makes sure to ask how your day was along with other questions before he even talks about himself to you.
He also will tap small messages in morse code on a surface if he's in public and doesn't feel like listening to people question who he's talking to.
Though there is one thing that is the cutest thing with him.
It's his kisses.
Sae isn't really a vocal person, so he makes up for it in other things.
The only way to really see Sae's inner thoughts are through his kisses.
His kisses are bold almost fiery, yet passionate and loving.
His kisses always leave you in a state of shock, but you get brought out of it quickly when you see a gentle smile gracing his lips at your reaction.
If you point it out he will stop smiling and tell you to call a uber home-
Ryusei Shidou ⚽😈:
This goblin is on demon time-
He will rarely do anything cute, romantic, sweet, etc.
He is the definition of a gremlin and its so much worse when your dating him.
To him your his property so he can do what he wants with you which ends up in lots of fights both verbal and physical (he tries to pull his punches when you fist fight unless you really piss him off)
The only cute thing goblin will ever do with you is sleep.
Thats it.
Nothing else.
No sweet kisses, no soft hugs, no prasie, nothing just sleep.
Okay all jokes aside- he doesn't do many cute things with you.
Sure you play fight, have sweet banter, and play pranks on each other (his worse than yours- like dog food for breakfast-) but they aren't cute.
When you play fight he aims to make you laugh or scold him there isn't anything cute about it (except his cheeky little smile), when you have banter he swings on you out of fun or gives you noogies, the pranks are usually downright gross on his part.
But when your sleeping its different.
Ryusei is a loud person, but when you sleep he tries to stay as silent as possible.
He loves being close to you and having your sleeping body close to his makes him admire you.
He'll run his fingers in your hair, along your back, kiss your ears, gently rub the curves of your face but he only does this when your sleeping.
Sure he loves your smile and the sound of your scolding but when your sleeping he gets to admire the peaceful beauty of your features.
Everything is still and he loves it.
Sometimes he gets carried away with admiring you that he will bite you.
Yes you heard me bite you-
He does it for three reasons.
One because your so adorable when your sleeping that you looked tasty-
Two he loves biting you to watch you squirm subconsciously-
And three, he does it to make sure your real and he isn't imaging it.
That your there and in your most vulnerable state nonetheless.
It fills him with so much pride that he'll show you off.
He'll purposely rub his hands along your neck or collarbone even going so far as to pull up your shirt to your stomach to show off the marks he left on your skin.
Its a sign of ownership and its a sign that you belong to him (bonus points if you bite him to because now its shows the world your each others).
He can't help it.
I mean how else is the world supposed to see his beloved?
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kiruyeen · 4 months
rambling abt my danny johnson hcs bc I dont have anything better to do
alright so the fog most definitely changed everyone in it, but while most of them are for worse, Danny for better, actually. not for the "hehe I can mutilate people without worrying abt consequences" part. by all means I believe danny would get bored. of the same methods of killing, sacrifing, stalking for short periods, the same realms, same victims, etc. Danny, as patient as he can be while stalking, is a thrill seeking man, and only human, whether he likes it or not.
but this is a key part of him actually getting to explore who 'danny johnson' is. he spent his entire life putting on masks, physical or metaphorical, that he has no idea who 'danny' is otherwise, and this would give him a chance to explore, since, well, being painfully average isnt any advantage to him here and he has nothing better to do since he cant focus his attention on stalking and studying other people. when theres no one left to study, one is forced to study themselves.
he could actually grow out his hair, give himself stick and poke tats (maybe with the help of the legion, who knows), grow a beard to see if he likes it (I dont think he would), etc.
going from this, if he forms genuine bonds with anyone (especially any survivors) bc yk what else is left to do, he could actually, just maybe, open up about his past and realize oh fuck, that shit wasnt healthy or normal at all. I dont think itd fix him, but itd give him a better understanding of himself. I dont think he would ever upon up about this if it wasnt for the fog.
similarly I dont think he'd form any romantic bonds with anyone if it wasnt the fog as well, I fully believe danny used to cut himself off (more accurately, cut THEM up) as soon as he felt his feelings for anyone would get in the way of his mission. I dont think he even recognizes romantic love anymore. the difference in the fog is, well, you cant get rid of your problems by murdering them here bc they just come back like a boomerang.
he semi-canonly has NPD (as in the devs called him a bit narcissistic once and I stuck to it like a starving leech) and I most definitely believe he has the symptoms, as a lack of a sense of self is common with NPD anyway. I never wanna think too much abt this since I have a deeply set fear of misrepresenting already stigmatized disorders esp due to not having NPD myself but I will say, 1, he definitely has an internal hierarchy but the way he feels abt those above and below him are different than you'd assume, and 2, he would have been a murderer regardless of his npd and the npd has nothing to do with him becoming a murderer, it does influence it naturally yes bc its a PERSONALITY disorder but its not what makes him evil yk. its the ritualized abuse he went through all his life with the explicit intent to make him the way he is.
other, small stuff
so since the entity can and does change a few things with the killers, I love to think Danny has tapetum lucidum in his eyes, like a cat, to see better in the dark, esp beneath the mask's eyes.
the way his costume's... strap.. tentacle... things work is similar to a cat's tail as well. swishing furiously when upset, resting naturally when calm, curling slowly when curious etc. it makes it a little bit easier to guess how hes feeling with the emotionless mask on, for the theoretical audience at least.
he's actually not a fan of physical contact, unless it is to cause discomfort to or fluster someone. he's simply not used to it, but he will tolerate it when necessary. he's likely just touch starved but doesnt recognize the sensation, though.
he would not care enough to label his orientational identity but it'd definitely be pan and somewhere on the a-spectrum.
returning to the only getting to know himself after the fog bit, he'd probably realize hes at least a little bit gender queer. (I also love trans man danny headcanons I just cant seem to make it fit with my other hcs)
alr thats abt it I believe. feel free to share ur ideas as well I love reading abt different interpertations for a character esp when it is the silly sopping wet cat that is danny
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xoxochb · 4 months
<3 could we pls get a “love story” themed nico x Eros son (the one from the othe req you published which btw was awesome)? (Like Eros son asking out Nico for the first time or idk whatever you feel like. I love that song though I get it’s kind of a basic fav) thanks so much and happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
⋆·˚ ༘ * it’s a love story baby just say yes
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warnings: reader stays in hermes cabin, silena’s alive because therapy isn’t free
pairing: nico di angelo x son of eros
summary: basically a fic version of these headcannons
A/N: I love love story, grew up loving it, and will forever and always love it 💛💛
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you paced the floors of hermes cabin
you’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell the son of hades you wanted to go on a date with him
but it was kind of hard when your father hated him, and nico felt the same way about him
maybe eros doesn’t have to know…
no- that won’t work, he’ll find out, you know he will
you don’t like your father anyways, who cares what he thinks?
“you only live once” that’s what they say isn’t it?
you could always ask the aphrodite cabin…
that’s the best idea yet!
you rush to cabin ten, running through the doors, you realize how insane you look when all of aphrodite’s offsprings are looking at you like you have five heads
“sorry” you mutter, walking over to your best friends bed, taking a seat there, “silena, I need your help”
“yeah? with what?” she fixes her seating position, implying she’s eager to help
“well,” you sigh “I want to ask nico on a date but my dad hates him and he hates my dad, and I’m afraid of what my dad will do if he knows that I’m on a date with him”
“you’ve surely got a dilemma” she blows a raspberry
“can you help me? do you have any advice?” you ask
“your dad doesn’t control you, he’s not even present in your life, so I say that if you love nico, then you deserve to be with him” she gives you a reassuring smile
you blush, “how should I do it?”
“do what? ask him out?” she inquires
“yeah, I’m not good with this stuff”
she thinks for a moment, “have you ever thought about just asking him?”
“well it crossed my mind, but I want to do something thoughtful, I really like him” oh gods, why won’t this blush leave your face?
“so cute!” she squeals “speak from the heart, thats the most thoughtful thing you could do”
“very wise” you laugh
“my specialty” she hits your shoulder “now go get your boyfriend”
“he’s not my boyfriend” you stand up
- 📜 -
this is fine right? all you have to do is ask him on a date, the worst he can do is say no and never talk to you again
that’s not helping
think positive!
shouldn’t you be god at this? your dad is literally cupid
unfortunately for you, you were not blessed with his romantic abilities
“y/n? are you alright?”
you swear your soul left your body for a quick second upon hearing that voice
you know that voice
it’s your one and only crush
“yes! of course I am” you reassure.
he takes a seat next to you, and you think for a second
should you ask him now?
no- he just sat down, you want him in your presence for a little while longer incase he says no and thing get awkward
but if he says yes then he won’t leave
too many decisions!
you let mouth make this one for you
“how would you like to go on a date sometime?”
oh my gods! did you really just say that?
you thank your dad for your natural flirty and extroverted personality or you would have been toast
“a date?” nico looks like you just told him he was about to be publicly executed
“yes! a date!” you’re internally screaming over your word choice
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea” he says
“why not?” you ask
“because I know that you don’t actually want to. you flirt with everyone and you’re just doing the same with me”
you take back your earlier statement
you hate your dad for your flirty personality
“but this is different, I don’t like those other guys I flirt with” you pray that this will change his mind
“so why do you flirt with other people if you only like me?”
oh no
It shouldn’t be that hard to think of a response!
but why do you flirt with other people?
you’ve only been in love with nico since you got to camp…
“it’s just in my nature I guess” you shrug “but I promise I don’t like anyone else, I only like you, those other guys don’t mean anything to me”
he sighs “your dad isn’t exactly by best friend either”
“who cares what my dad thinks?”
you curse yourself for saying such a thing
you hope your dad never finds out you said that
“I do” he points to himself
“well I don’t, I’ve never even met him before, so why should he care who I’m dating?” you give him a begging look “just one date, and if you don’t feel comfortable then we won’t go on another and you never have to see me again”
he thinks for a second, “I’ll go on a date with you” he holds up his pointer finger “under one condition”
oh gods you sound like a helpless, lovestruck idiot
“we can go on more after”
you smile so widely your cheeks start to hurt
if you knew it would’ve been this easy you would’ve asked sooner!
but you could care about anything right now because your long-time crush just said he wants to go on not one- but multiple dates with you!!
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musubiki · 6 months
It's been stated before that when a Witch loves someone, they can never stop loving them. Does this only apply to romantic love? Like for example, Tiramisu and Amanita are sisters, despite Amanita gunning for Mochi/Tiramisu being made the cat witch over Amanita, do they still love eachother? Or does familial love not work the same way for witches?
A GOOD CATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it does indeed apply to familial love!! and you absolutely NAILED where we see the most critical consequences of this, its a very key part of the most important amanita fight!!
the thing that sucks about the whole amanita ordeal is that yes, tiramisu loves her as a sister, they grew up together for a lot of their childhood. and that love is STILL there, it never goes away for a witch. but amanita never loved her. amanita is a legit psychopath, shes never loved anyone or anything other than herself and the power of the cat witch.
and this plays into the fight because there is a struggle with amanita where tiramisu actually comes in and helps them, we get to actually see her in action!! and thats about the point where the power transfer is split evenly between mochi and tiramisu, so between the both of them there, its the combined power of the full cat witch (but on their own the power level is equivalent to any other witch, ie, about on par with amanita)
and tiramisu, in all her witch experience, actually almost wins against amanita but hesitates a little too much because SHE LOVES HER!!!! its her sister!!!!!! and said hesitation costs them pom, the cat witchs power, and oscars arm which they all lose in the same fight.
(its still a beta idea but this might be the same story for taffy. shes essentially all hes ever known, she "found" (probably kidnapped) him as a child, and even though she cursed him with the water-lung thing and raised him to be a weapon against mochi, shes still almost like a mother to him, which is why im currently split between "taffy learns the truth about her and what she did to him and is the one who actually kills her" and "taffy, despite knowing, cant land the final blow BECAUSE he loves her")
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mischaswife · 1 year
Hoi-hoi! I recently got a new hyperfix on Hobie Brown and wanted to ask you if you could write me something with reader who is really similar to Hobie(same beliefs, piercings and makes most of their clothes/things themself)? And then they meet through kids(Pav, Gwen, Miles?) and mb add smut with Hobie if you're ok with it (if not I'll appreciate something romantic 👉👈)
Please and thank you, love your works <3
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Paring: Hobie brown x Punk!spiderperson!Reader
Genre: fluff
" You have to meet them! They are just like you " Pav yelled at hobie, hands on his shoulders, " Only difference is that they play the drums and they have 3 nose peirceings " pav said putting his hands on his sides. " Listen pav, ive never met a single bloke like me. Its just not possible " hobie said witha sniker and he put his hands in his pockets. Pav sighed dramatically and followed him
Pav saw you and grabbed hobie and immediately dragged him to you. " You. I have soneone thats just like you but diffrent in a way " pav said as hobie stood up as straight ad he normally does and looked you up and down. " hey " he said. You looked at him and smirked " hey " they said softly and nodded.
Hobie started to walk away but pav grabbed his shirt and pulled him back " Talk! Go become freinds! " pav said. You and hobie walked away and talked. " So are you in a band? " he asked you. " mhm. You? " you responded. He nodded. " what instrument " you ask. " electric guitar, you? " He asked. " drums " you said. Yall find a bench and sit down.
You look elsewhere but hobies eyes are on you. You were like the mona lisa in his eyes. You were stunning. (to him) most people found you scary in your universe but here? Hell no. How would he find you scary if your the most Gorgeous person he has ever seen in his lifetime. In his 19 years old liveing he had never seen anyone that was like him, like you. He didnt notice you were stareing at him untill you spoke, " Put your eyes back in their sockets " you smirk with a slight laugh. Hr snapps out his tance and lets out a soft laugh " Sorry mate " he said, " Its good dont worry about it " you smile.
Your smile. Oh my goddess its like he fell in love, head over combat boots even. He loved it so much. It just suit you so well. " You have a nice smile " he said and you blushed slightly " and you have a nice face " you said with a giggle. " Really? You like my face " he said with a soft laugh " yes i do. " you smile and boop his nose. You get up and stretch " I love talking to you but gotta go, Dorito man said i have to go his little room thing " you said. You then wrote down on a peice of paper and gace it to him. " Bye! " you smile and leave
He reads the paper
This is my number, cal me! ***-***-***
He puts the paper in his pocket and thinks that today might have been an okay day
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thegamingcatmom · 17 days
I have a question! A few maybe? Depends how much I yap lol!
Okay so will we ever get a chance to see mc interact with the Cullens—including bella? I would like to see how she reacts to a completely different family of vampires, especially since she doesn’t know what they are.
And speaking of not known what they are, will she ever get a chance to find out? If so how would she react?! Im honestly so excited to see more, ever since I began reading I’ve been frothing at the mouth and checking your page daily(sorry if that sounds crazy)
I would really like to see how she would interact with each Cullen, especially Rosalie—how would Rosalie feel meeting another so called human pet:0
I also feel like her and Esme would get along perfectly, kind of like how Carmen is with mc! And Alice too, though her personality may be too much for mc?
Will mc also be inter-grated in personal affairs like family meetings and going to see the Volturi? Since im guessing mc will soon know what they are?
Also theres this tension between mc and tanya, will they ever get a chance to be romantic? If so how would that go for the first time? Since the Denali sisters are experienced with humans will it ever happen?
I think thats all for now! Cant wait to see more, this work is by far the most im invested in!
First of all: I love how lengthy your ask is! And I especially love that it´s allll about what may or may not happen in the deranged universe of The Sisters. Those are my fav kind of asks. THE SPECULATIONS, THE THEORIES. 😭
I do so love fangirling with yall. 🫶❤️‍🔥🫶
Okay so-
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You´ll defo get a fat chance to see MC interacting with the Cullens - that includes Bella ofc. In fact, there´s a reason I put them in the tags of my story early on, even though their first appearance won´t be until much later.
The Cullens will play a rather big part in all of it, as MC meeting them will probs set some things in motion that may or may not impact the dynamic between her and her forced-found family (the Denalis). You´re absolutely correct that she has no idea another "variant" of whatever-they-are exists out there. A variant that she might even come to like because that variant seems somewhat sane, at least.
Their eyes are defo less haunting. That´s already a huge plus in her book...
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MC will find out what they are for sure. She´s bound to, at some point. Tanya hasn´t taken her in just for shits and giggles. (Kate begs to differ.) Our coven leader very much plans on having MC stay with her them permanently, and there´s only one way to ensure that. You hearing bells too?
As for how MC´s gonna react when the bomb drops? Good question. 🤔
I will say this though: It´s not necessarily gonna be the Denalis who will spill the beans. 🫘
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And can I just say I fucking LOVE that you mentioned Rosalie specifically?? Because yes, yes, yes, my girl will play a rather important part when it comes to MC and the Denalis indeed.
Yall remember THAT convo, right? Ofc you do. It´s the first "real talk" we get between Bella and Rose. It´s where Bella finds out the real reason why Rose seemingly can´t stand her. It´s because she envies her. For having the opportunity at a life she herself longs for. For having the choice.
We all know Rose thinks one´s mortality is something that should be protected at all costs. It should be valued and respected. Not carelessly thrown away like Bella plans on doing.
And you know who else thinks she´d rather stay exactly the way she is, pls and ty?
Girl wants no part of that...whatever-they-are. Those things are the reason she´s stuck in this dilemma in the first place. Why would she wanna become something she despises?
And you know who else despises what she´s become?
Rose firmly believes Bella´s choosing wrong.
Well, how do you think Rose would react if someone chose right instead?
I guess the main difference between Bella and MC is that Bella's a willing human pet. 😏
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My heart melts just thinking about it.
Esme is basically the (lot) less unhinged version of Carmen, so ofc she´d go full Momma on MC. Making her food (just look at that gif, I mean-), fluffing up her pillow, taking care of her when she isn´t feeling well and just-
Can you imagine Carmen and Esme combined?? I don´t think our hearts could handle it (jk, they won´t have another choice cause I very much plan on combining Carmen and Esme and letting them loose on MC muahaha). It´d be a constant back and forth of-
"Are you hungry, dear?"
"Your feet are not too cold, are they, mi amor?"
"Do you need me to wash those, honey?"
"Leave the poor thing alone."
"She is sleeping."
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As for Alice-
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I mean-
She´s...wild. But not in the deranged way MC will have no choice but to become used to (courtesy of her forced-found family). She has an energy that makes you feel like you´re talking to a kid on a sugar rush, lmao. But that's an energy MC can deal with I reckon. It might even be something she welcomes after everything else she's been through.
Alice might be a lil weirdo who takes fashion much too seriously, but there's an undeniable joy to her that's kind of infectious. I imagine MC would much rather deal with a bit of weirdness (which probs includes serving as a Barbie for Alice to dress up) than a whole ton of...whatever it is that's not quite right with her kidnappers. 🙃
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Tbh: I don't plan for MC to find out about vampires until much later. There's a few things I got in mind for how and when she finds out, and I did say it's not necessarily gonna be the Denalis who will tell the tale.
The Volturi will be involved in one way or another, I´m sure. My mind hasn´t made it that far yet though, because we gotta get MC settled in first. We also gotta tame Irina first before any other vampires (besides the Denalis) can be introduced to our girl. I need MC to be in a position where ALL members of the family are somewhat willing to go the extra mile to keep her with them safe. Whether that be for personal reasons or because your sister went all coven leader on you...
As for being involved in family affairs/meetings:
Hmm, I haven´t thought about that yet. I mean, they´re vampires. They could discuss matters with her in the next room and she would be none the wiser because they can speak at a volume that’s only audible to them due to their heightened hearing. If they don´t want her included in something, she won´t be.
On the other hand...
Seeing how Tanya has already signed the adoption papers (so to speak), I can also very much see her being adamant on MC being included in family matters from now on. She´s the leader, and while she accepts and welcomes her coven members´ opinions, she can be rather stubborn when she´s set her mind on something (or someone).
Much to the annoyance of Irina. Girl´s gonna hit her breaking point sooner rather than later. 💀
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There´s tension alright but not nearly enough if you ask Tanya and there´s a reason for that:
Ofc she´s gonna be romantically involved with MC.
So will Kate.
So will Irina.
That´s why I put it in the tags. 😅
However, and I cannot stress this enough, it´s a slow burn. Very slow. With lots of suffering for everyone involved. Why? Cause I like em working for it. 🙃
I´ve made a similar post quite a while ago where I kinda explained the main directive of The Sisters. While falling in love is ofc part of it, it´s not the focus of my story. It´s more about staying true to yourself despite the challenges you face, and about becoming the best version of yourself. Finding love can help a great deal with that, but in the end, it´s up to you to face your demons. Where there´s a will, there´s a way.
As for the Denali sisters being experienced with humans:
Yes and no, lol. They´re more experienced than most of their kind for sure, seeing how sleeping around is pretty much all they've been doing for the past century. Besides feeding, ofc. Sometimes they do both at once, and there's the catch-
Getting their fill is all they care about, really. Whether that be related to feeding or...other things. There's never been a situation for them where they felt like they had to be extra careful with their victims flings, simply because they.don't.care. If they make it out alive at the end, good for them. If not, well that's that. There's more where they came from. No biggie. 🤷‍♀️
They have exceptional control over their bloodlust, it has to be said. But that doesn't mean they're gonna overexert themselves with it. Shit happens, so to speak. 🙃
...Enter MC-
Thanks so much for your ask and for letting me know how excited you are to read more! (Crazy is the highest form of flattery, imo. 😌)
Your ask has made me excited as well actually, lmao. With that said:
Have a great day and cya at Chapter 4! 💋
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