#YES i did this just so i could compare percy jackson to hobie brown why do you ASK
punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Hmmm imo the mass mischaracterization and misterpretation and also flanderalization of Percy Jackson as a character comes from their status as the protagonist of a piece of children's media.This is absolutely not meant as mean or to be condesending,especially because the fandom is full of minors and i'm a firm believer that they should be spoken to with respect when it comes to how they make content since kids' shows and such are made for them,but i need you guys to understand that while yes,Percy is kind,he's not nice.He's a role model but that dosen't make him an ideal hero-He's described as 'a troubled kid' from the first page and is now an even more troubled adult in current canon and the reason for that isn't just the demigod jazz,it's his actual personality.He hates authority figures and vocalizes it to their faces,he's very rude with the exception of towards his mom and younger girls(as he should),he frequently gets into fights and absolutely decimates his opponents and he's got a temper.None of this makes him a villain-Looking at you,people who compare him to Luke-and he's an anti-hero at best.This is the point.Percy is like he is because of trauma so his flaws are not only to make him well-written but for representation.It's incredibly important to have abused characters who have trauma responses and certain coping mechanisms even-No,ESPECIALLY in pg media so abuse victims can see they're not monsters because other people ruined them and be given inspiration to keep themselves kind and shown they deserve kindness too
And on a somewhat different note but on the same topic,Percy is also not immature or stupid.He's a genius who's saved tons of people and even the world multiple times with his plans and quick thinking and you can't say 'Well,Annabeth calls him dumb all the time and she's the daughter of Athena so he canonically is!' because Annabeth's literal fatal flaw is hubris,she calls him dumb all the time because she thinks EVERYONE is dumb compared to her and we just see it most with Percy because they're the mcs so they interact way more with eachother than they do everyone else and if i'm being completely honest,i also think she might be worried her in-universe status as 'the smartest' being compramised by him(Which is kinda funny to because the most in-character reaction for him to discovering that would be to either play dumb to reassure her or joke about it in a way that's too funny for her to be upset by it anymore).And yes,Percy is extremely goofy and he has the vibe he's into kiddy interests over mature ones(/pos ofc)but he's also learned a lot of emotional intellegence over the series since he's grown up like we did and speaking as someone who falls under this irl,his treatment of Nico and Hazel is very older sibling-like and even has some parentalness mixed since he knows their dad is shit and their moms aren't alive anymore so they need someone to take that role for them
What i'm trying to say is:Percy Jackson's not a soft uwu sunshine boy protagonist who hasn't been effected by the consequences of what he's been through yet.He's a jaded asshole who refuses to give up being kind or even his sense of humor because that would be letting the people who traumatized him win and by the end of Hoo,he's also grown into a Team Dad and chilled out a bit.Less Miles Morales,more Hobie Brown
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