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kilaem · 5 years ago
1-10 for the pretty but bitter elf 👀
👀 pretty but bitter half elf ahoy
1. If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would they lead?
....probably a sadder but less dangerous one than she currently leads. she’d probably still be a world away and hiding from her past, trying to go unnoticed and homeless. maybe she still would’ve ended up in the city anyway, since her best friend is there, but she definitely wouldn’t have come as far as she has in regards to any possible growth shes had
2. Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
oh god, probably... probably tom (our barbarian) or nate (our wizard). tom because hes consistently shown he would be willing to die if it meant the others survived, and because they’re definitely the most alike in their regard to how they approach the world?
and if it was nate, it would probably be because he’s got a good head on his shoulders and would rather figure out a solution and want answers instead of immediately jump into an emotional response.
3. What are your character’s core moral beliefs?
if someone tries to kill you, kill them first. stop the suffering of others if you can. be kind to children. good/evil is not inherent. be better than you were.
4. What relationship does your character have with their parents and siblings?
OOF, UH. well, her family are dead. mostly? i think. maybe one of them is alive, but its currently an unknown. recently she did admit she was glad her parents were dead, because then there was no suffering. take that any way you want to ;)
but it’s definitely a complicated relationship she has about it all.
5. Does your character have any biases for or against certain races?
nope, she doesn’t give a shit either way. she grew up in a large family with a lot of different races/species.
6. What is your character’s opinion on nobility? On authority?
...also something she doesn’t give a shit about. she’s not going to go out of her way to piss them off, but she’s also not going to let them act like they’re better than anyone because of their position in society
7. Describe your character’s current appearance: clothes, armor, scars they’ve picked up along the journey, etc.
oooooooooh okay okay okay she recently had a makeover so.. her common clothes are typically high waist black jeans, a black turtle neck, fingerless gloves, red leather jacket (originally had holes, now replaced with a nicer new one her best friend got her when she got new armor :3), and leather boots. her new armor is studded black leather thats been styled to her aesthetic so it covers her neck, and it’s been carefully designed so that it looks like it’s dragon scale almost? and it’s kind of a black/grey alt in the light with the design of it.
as for appearance, olive skin, but like, kind of sickly in the way that she definitely needs to spend more time in the sun. green eyes, perpetual bags under her eyes. her hair was originally a dyed white with the dark regrowth coming in, but now it’s been cleaned up with a trim and been redyed so that it’s an ombre into grey/white so she doesnt have to worry about the regrowth as much.
shes got a lot of scars (backstory, not any from current injuries) under her clothes that she doesn’t show, got pierced ears (left ear has a tear in it and she doesnt really hide it but theres an earring that has a chain hanging over it to hide it a touch), and she has some coverup tattoos over her scars. also she keeps her neck/wrists/ankles bandaged under her clothes because she has bruises that she receives from her god.
8. What location encountered in the campaign has your character felt the most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
ooooooh, the place she feels most “at home” in is the dusk (a club that her best friend owns), but somewhere that she’s liked and it made an impact on her was the dandelion field (the field of dreams) outside of the city. she had a dandelion included in the most recent tattoo she got because it meant so much to her.
9. What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on other people’s worship?
i don’t know if i could say it’s worship. as a cleric it’s a very complicated relationship she’s got with her deity, and there’s a lot of push and pull in their treatment of each other because she constantly pushes the boundaries, and baits them into reacting the way she wants them to so that she’s reminded to not trust them? but she’s also exhausted with everything involving it, and she just wants answers.
as for other peoples worship, she doesn’t actually give a fuck as long as they don’t use it to justify their actions or treatment of others. blind/absolute faith and worship is not something she’s comfortable with, and she tries to steer clear of it if at all possible... which makes it hard with the party where one is the son of an angel who doesn’t actually know anything about religion (he thought she hated him but she just refuses to treat him like a child and he didn’t know the difference) and a sorcerer who’s dedicated to the raven queen and has little regard for anything else (in her opinion, and there’s a lot of tension there. she mainly tries to avoid him)
10. If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, game set, instrument, etc., what would it be?
!! i can answer this easily, she recently picked up woodcarvers tools so that when she wanted to carve something she wouldn’t have to use her dagger, but otherwise i’d say she would probably pick up a herbalism kit or poisoners supplies since she keeps a lot of poisonous plants in her apartment for her fey beetle to eat
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