#YAY!!! ty new friend i am smiling so big
gilears · 5 months
Hi I just wanna say that all-star is my nr. 1 favourite fic ever, I’m so happy you wrote that!! I know you wrote and posted it quite a while ago but still!!
Amazing, Gorgug does only have one pair of weird beat up shoes that have a new kind of fungus on them
Yeah this was just me sending good vibes and encouragement!! You did really well with that fic!! Yay!!
omg! this ask could not have come at a better time, you are so sweet and this cheered me up SO much, thank you one million 🥺💚 i am doing a little dance MWAH
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dragonridernoobie · 7 months
hello! I was wondering if you could do some HCS (or a scenario idrc) of TFP Optimus x Fem reader (not human) who is a single mother?
Could it go something like where when Optimus first met the reader and her little one he would just help her out and understand the situation. But when he and the reader start interacting more he like slowly falls for her and her little one?
(Hope this makes sense, if not just delete or ignore this‼️) Ty!!<33
This is really fucking cute. I will try my best, also I know there's a human form in the Fandom, I can't remmber what it's called (it's 1am bare with me) so I'm gonna do that for some situations since a 30+ft robot playing house with a child....seems hard to do without breaking something XD. also you dident specified what age the kid so I'm throwing in a 4 year old boy. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!! <3
Request are still open
OptimusPrime X SingleMotherReader
When optimus met (Y/N) and her son was when they where cought in the middle of a fight between the decepticons and autobots.
Optimus picks up (Y/N)'s car while they are still in it and runs into the autobot base.
Optimus explains why they are here, the people that attacked them, what happens now, and the story.
(Y/N)'s little kid spoke before (Y/N) and ran up to optimus
(Y/N)'s son: wow! You are big! Really big! I bet you are a giant robot like in power rangers! Have you beaten a mosnter?!
Optimus actually shows emotion when this happens by smiling
(Y/N) takes his hand and put him behind her. She apologized for him
Tho, optimus if fine with it, he love little ones.
Optimus offers to be (Y/N)'s and her son's guardian.
Later, optimus talks to (y/n), asking if they have a place to live and where's there mate.
(this is up to you)
(Y/N) explains there "so called mate" has (insert here)
Optimus feels bad but offers then a ride home.
On the ride home, (Y/N)'s son is having the time of his life, since he loves trucks and he was riding in one.
(Y/N) son: mama! Look, look, we are in a big robot! Optimus! Can you transfowm into anything else?
Optimus: no little one but I am happy you are enjoying yourself.
On the way, optimus talks to (Y/N)'s son and enjoying their company.
When they got home, the kid was knocked out from all the excitement they got.
(Y/N) thanked optimus for tiring out her kid.
Over the next few weeks of then being there, optimus took (Y/N)'s son out for drives when she needed a break.
He offers to babysit when (Y/N) needs to go to work or a errand.
The other autobots noticed, even ratchet. Because of this, he actually became a softy toward you and your son.
I can see him over at you're house when you are at work, when you come home, he is in his human form, playing power rangers with you're son.
I belive after maybe...2 years of you knowing him, he could come you and confess his feelings to you.
Optimus: (Y/N). Will you give me the honer to be the father of you're child and let me be you're new mate?
You obviously say yes.
Optimus will teach you're son Patients, wisdom, and more.
Oh, don't worry, he definitely gotten 1000000000000000% more protective of you and you're child.
If yiu are wondering about the team, yes. They love you're child to.
Also, you might have gained a new child, well, a few new childrean. And their names are Bumblebee and smokescreen
Bumblebee has a mother now (Yay!!!)
You bet you're son is best friends with bee.
Wheeljack is the best uncle
Ratchet is the best grandpa
Arcee is the best aunt
Bulkhead is the best uncle
UltraMagnus is the best grumpy uncle
Smokescreen is the best brother
Bumblebee is the best brother
Hope you enjoyed it!!!! Here is something funny
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dumblydork · 3 years
Dying Embers
Her hair swished wildly in the wind, as if it were leaves swaying from the onset of a cyclone- flowing down to her waist, head thrown back. Fiery red, just like the dying embers of what was formerly a warming furnace. He could hear her laughter, slow and melodic, almost as if it were empyrean. She was the love of Harry's entire being. The soul to his body, the mind to his brain. She turned around, and all Harry could glimpse was her mouth- full, and pulled into a large smile. Her eyes were a bright hazel, shining with happiness, as she ran towards Harry, fitting easily in his arms.
They had met at the ball thrown by his parents that summer, exactly so that their son could meet a suitable young woman to marry. Harry had been extremely bored with the festivities, instead wishing he were out practicing archery with his friend, Neville.
His eyes flew around the room, passing from and then returning to a young woman who had just entered the gala. She didn't seem familiar, and was chaperoned by who seemed to her brother, judging from their hair. Harry was mesmerised- her yellow dress floated around her as if it were made of the finest, lightest silk to exist, and her hair was pulled back elegantly, exposing the milky column of her neck. He walked towards the pair.
"Forgive my intrusion, but will the lovely lady here consider dancing the next waltz with me?" Harry bowed slightly, his hand pulled tightly at his back.
The girl eyed him shyly as his brother did a more open appraisal. "We would like to first make your acquaintance, sir." He finally spoke.
"Of course, forgive me. I am Lord Harry Potter, Viscount of Little Whinging." He said, an automatic confidence seeping into his voice, one which only came from being the son of a duke.
"Forgive me, my Lord, I did not know. I am Ronald Weasley, and this is my younger sister, Ginevra Weasley. Our father is the Baron Weasley of Burrows." The pair bowed deeply, something which made Harry slightly uncomfortable.
"Please, I take no offense. It is my pleasure to make an acquaintance of Lord Weasley's children. He is my father's close friend. My question, however, to Lady Ginevra here remains unanswered." Harry steered the topic back to more important things from mere formalities.
"Of course, my lord." Ginevra said softly, placing her hand in Harry's outstretched one. As they walked towards the center of the floor, Harry's eyes met the identical ones of his mother, who stood to the side, flashing her son a soft smile.
"I adore you. And so does every thread of my existence, until my breath ceases." Harry spoke, bringing himself back from the night at the ball.
"I simply reciprocate, my Lord. And shall do so until death pull us part." She spoke softly, meeting Harry's lips with her own.
At the brink of twilight, a day before their wedding, the two of them wove their lives together, sealed by golden vows.
"Harry? Get on up, it's time to go!" His mother, Lily's voice flitted through the room, and sunlight poured inside as well, casting a bright glow all over. Harry sat up in bed, stretching excessively, getting rid of the multitude of pulls and pains he seemed to acquire over the night.
His parents swore he did not sleepwalk and fall down the stairs.
"Harry, honey, come on. You'll be late for uni otherwise." His mother peeked inside, her reddish brown hair pulled into a knot at the top of her head, green eyes shining with motherly affection. Seeing his mother's hair, Harry was reminded of his dream- recurring dream, he should say. Even though it was simply a few minutes old, seeing the 'girl' in his dream, he felt as if it were quite some lifetimes ago.
He had been dreaming of a girl quite frequently lately, and not in the lewd way his best friend Ron seemed intent on. Harry would always simply spot her hair, the curve of her waist and as soon as she turned around, he would be jolted awake.
When he was a child, his mother used to tell him tales in which princesses would dream of faceless men, a golden bond tying the two people together. The faceless person you dreamt about was whom you shared your golden thread of life with. But those were just fantasy- woven to make a dull reality exciting. At least now, at the age of 19, was what Harry believed. He hopped out of bed, and walked off into the bathroom, getting started on his morning routine. It was half past eight when he went downstairs, his first class of the morning at 9:15. His father, James, was stood in front of the kettle, pouring himself a cup of his morning Earl Grey, and his mother was setting down the plate of pancakes on the table.
"Breakfast?" She asked, sitting down, his dad joining her to the left. "Morning Haz." His father grinned lopsidedly, a grin much like Harry's own, glasses steaming up from the hot mug. Harry recited a greeting in return and was about to refuse breakfast on the account of well, running late, when the smell of butter floated up to him and he found himself seated in front of his parents.
"Did you get sore again?" Lily asked, concern lacing her low voice.
"Yeah. I just don't seem to know how." Harry noted, voice muffled from a mouth full of pancakes.
"Slow down, you'll choke." She admonished lightly, shooting James an exasperated look when he snickered a low 'That's what she said' into his morning Daily Prophet.
"He probably needs a new mattress. Let's get one on the weekend." His mother said, earning an affirmative hum from James who was busy with his newspaper.
"I'll get going now. Bye mum, bye dad. See you in the evening." He spoke after having had his share of pancakes and a chat with his mum. He bent down for the customary top-of-the-head kiss from his mother, something she had been doing since Harry started school. And although he wouldn't admit it, he adored this little sentiment. His dad shot him another grin as he walked out of the door, putting in his earphones.
Fortunately for him, the university campus was quite a short bus ride away. However, he still found himself running across the campus from the bus stop to his lecture theatre- he forgot to factor in the fact that the hall today was all on the opposite end of campus.
"Shit," He glanced at his phone, currently glowing 9:21. It was Professor Binns' lecture, and he wasn't too fond of latecomers. Harry counted on his excellent grade in the module, hoping that would pull him through. As he ran across, his peripheral vision noted a mane of red momentarily, but before Harry could turn around and see, he was already in front of the class, digging through the bag for his ID card.
"How is it that Binns' lectures keep getting worse through the term?" Ron, the aforementioned best friend groaned.
"Because your attention dwindles further as term moves on." Hermione, the other best friend noted. Harry grinned between the two of them. They were so in love, those oblivious idiots.
Binns' was the only class the three of them took together, and Ron departed for his Victorian Literature module. Harry and Hermione walked to the open amphitheatre, choosing to spend their free half hour which coincided together.
"Oh right. My friend from school is joining today, I was supposed to go show her around. Fancy coming?" Hermione spoke, eyes focused on her text messages. "Sure, I have the rest of the morning free." Harry pursed his lips. Hermione simply nodded and they set off across the campus again after the brief interlude at the theatre.
"Your friend is from school?" Harry asked.
"Yeah- she's a year younger but we were quite close when I was in year 12." She replied, eyes scanning the crowd at in front of the Lifesciences Lab, which was one of the main buildings on campus. "Who are we looking for again?" He imitated the search.
"Redhead, shorter than you." Hermione did not look up from the hoard of people, before her mouth set into a wide grin.
"Ginny! Here!" Hermione waved her arms around, jumping up and down in tandem. Harry couldn't see who Hermione was waving to, but the crowd was being roughly pushed aside as someone made their way towards the pair.
"Hermione! So good to see you!" The woman said, grabbing the older girl into a tight hug and letting go, placing the three of them in a triangular formation.
"Oh my god, I almost forgot to come see you." Hermione said somewhat sheepishly, but Harry wasn't listening. He was staring- no, gaping at the newcomer. Her hair was the exact shade of red as the girl in Harry's dream, and it cascaded down her back in a half up half down style. Her waist was encased in a light yellow sundress, complimenting her red hair. All in all, she was beautiful. Not because of her hair or slender figure, but also because of how her eyes shone as she spoke to Hermione.
"Have I seen you before?" Tumbled out of Harry's mouth before he could stop (or reason), and a pair of bright hazel eyes bore into his own moss green, before glittering again. Ginny simply smiled.
And here it is, another AU! I definitely did not plan for this to be a multiple lifetime AU, but Regency!Hinny seemed too good to pass up on. I apologise for what is probably a very poorly written Regency era conversation, my knowledge of it is simply from Bridgerton and Google haha. I decided to keep the end open, just so that you guys can envision your own romance for them! Also, can I just say how I loved writing Lily and James?? It's their little debut in my one-shots yay!
Also, you can find my Ao3 here, where I post quite fluffy Wolfstar one-shots, if that's your thing!
I hope you enjoyed this as usual! Please interact with my pinned TAGLIST post on my account if you wish to be notified of whenever I post Hinny one-shots! Thank you for reading, and big hugs to everyone who loves what I write! Please keep going, it truly makes my day (or week??) xxxx
TAGLIST: @amy-herondale-chase // @purplepygmypuffskein // @ginnypxtter // @alwaysmagica1 // @norakelly // @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos //
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chloelucia13 · 4 years
Chapter 1: A Sweet Rain
Pairing: Spencer Reid x female!reader
Prompt: Your best friend is getting married, but it seems that you’re the one  who got lucky. 
Warnings: mostly fluff, language, a little angst, it’s pretty chill
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: So this is going to be the first part of a multi-part series! Enjoy this fluff, because this'll probably be all you’re gonna get out of this series! Anyways, buckle up and I hope you all enjoy! As always, my tag lists and requests are open!
Songs mentioned: “First Day of my Life” by Bright Eyes, “Samson” by Regina Spektor
Tags: @sojournmichael​
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“Hey Pen, what’s up?” you hummed into your phone, fishing for your keys in your purse.
“Okay, I have big news,” she squealed, and you nearly had to pull the phone from your ear due to the pitch. “Like, really big news. News so big you couldn’t even imagine-”
“Out with it, Penny!” You chuckled before finally finding your keys, unlocking your car door.
“Okay, okay... JJ and Will are getting married!”
“Oh my god!” Your pitch now replicated hers, and your hands started to shake as you sat down in the driver’s seat of your car. “I have to call and congratulate them!”
You jumped at her sudden shout, furrowing your brow in confusion. “Why not?”
“So the thing is... We’re kinda throwing a surprise wedding for them at Rossi’s.”
“Okay, so...”
She rattled off the details of exactly what was happening, about how Will was in a near-death situation and how he proposed to her in his hospital room, and how Rossi overheard their plans to just go to the courthouse and decided that he wanted them to have a proper ceremony.
“So, are you coming?” she basically begged after taking a deep breath, winded after her rushed summation of the events that had taken place.
“Of course I’m coming! I’ll help you guys get ready and everything! Just tell me when and where!”
“Okay, so it’s gonna be at Rossi’s mansion tomorrow-”
“Wait, tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” she dragged out. “Sorry it’s short notice. It’s kinda short notice for everyone.”
You let out a silent sigh, licking your lips. “You’re all lucky that it’s my day off.”
You were clad in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt when you pulled up to the towering mansion that you were only slightly envious of. With your dress and makeup bag in the back of your car, you locked your doors before following the stone trail that led to the front door of Rossi’s house.
You barely knocked once when the door swung open, revealing an excited and frazzled Penelope. “Thank god, you’re here,” she sighed, grabbing your arm and yanking you into the door.
“What’s wrong, Pen?” you questioned, trying to keep up with her fast pace that was honestly alarming considering the 5-inch stilettos she was donning.
“Everything! The only other girl here is Emily and she does not have a clue on how to color coordinate! And the caterers said the food might not be ready in time and JJ’s mom might be late and-” 
“Penelope, take a deep breath! Everything’s gonna be just fine. Let’s see what you have so far.”
She nodded, taking a few deep breaths before guiding you over to the pair of French doors that led out to the backyard.
So far, all of the chairs had been set out for the ceremony and the wedding arch and already been placed, but sat bare. Table for the reception were out, but they were lacking decorations as well. The only thing that seemed fully completed was the dance floor, which had a mat of hardwood laid out on the grass with a sound system at the head of it.
“Okay, you’ve all got a good head start. It’s only noon, and they’re not supposed to be here until 6. We still have time,” you consoled, giving her a comforting smile. 
“Ah, is this the girl we’ve been waiting for?” a voice questioned behind you, and you and Penelope turned around to see three men walking in your direction. 
“It is!” Penelope replied, beaming and placing a hand on your shoulder. “Boys, this is Dr. Y/N Y/L/N, the head psychologist at St. Elizabeth Hospital in DC.” Penelope then shifted over to the boys’ side, standing next to the man you knew as David Rossi. “You already know this guy.”
“Of course, how could I ever forget,” you hummed, reaching out to shake his hand.
She then stepped next to a taller man with dark skin and strong eyebrows. “This here is Derek Morgan.”
You shook his hand. “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard quite a lot about you.”
She finally stood by the last, and the tallest, man in the group. “And this is Dr. Spencer Reid.”
You smiled at him, and he did the same in return. “I remember her saying you don’t do handshakes. It’s nice to meet you.”
“So now we’ve got two doctors to deal with?” Rossi playfully sighed, patting your shoulder.
“Seems like it,” you hummed, grinning at Spencer before turning to Rossi. “Though I doubt I’m half as intelligent as Dr. Reid right here. I’ve heard rumors of an IQ of 187?”
Spencer shrugged, a blush flooding his face. “I-I uh, I mean... Yes.”
“And that IQ immediately decreases threefold whenever he sees a pretty girl,” a voice behind you teased, and you turned to see Emily walking over to the group, a bright smile on her face.
“Is that so.” You beamed back at her, slinging an arm around her shoulder and pulling her into a hug. 
“Alright chatter-bugs, we’ve got a wedding to set up!” Penelope announced. “Hotch is gonna be here late, so we’re down a person for a while.” She grabbed your arm and began tugging you off. “I need you to help with flower stuff.”
You rolled your eyes and waved goodbye to the group before letting her tug you inside. Once you two were in one of the many living rooms, she turned to you with a big grin on her face. “What?”
You furrowed your brows in confusion, shaking your head slightly. “So what?”
She huffed, rolling her eyes as if it was obvious. “So, what do you think of the doctor?!” 
“Oh my god,” you grumbled, running a hand through your hair. “Penelope, I am not gonna date your coworker, no matter how cute he is.”
“So you think he’s cute!”
“Penelope!” You let out a breath. “Pen, you know I’m not good with relationships, especially with my job, I barely have time to do anything.”
“Neither does he! It’ll be perfect!” She pushed out her lower lip, clasping her hands together in a praying gesture. “Please, at least think about it!”
Another sigh left your lips. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”
She squealed. “Yay!”
“But that doesn’t mean I’m for sure gonna date him!”
She smiled knowingly, nodding once. “Whatever you say.”
You were lucky that the florist you contacted had the flowers you needed in supply, and even luckier that they were able to have them all ready within the hour.
You were busy attempting to arrange the flowers and fake vines on the arch when you felt a presence to your right, watching from your peripheral as they gathered a handful of baby’s breath and began sticking them in the spots you needed filled.
“Thanks,” you hummed. “I was about to grab a step ladder for that, but you seem to have that under control.”
“It’s a gift and a curse,” Spencer joked, giving you a shy smile before turning back to his task.
You chuckled before grabbing a roll of sheer ribbon and holding it out to him. “Mind using your gift to tie that ribbon at the top of the arch? I can’t reach.”
He nodded, gingerly taking the ribbon from your hands and extending a length out to tie it to the top of the arch. You then took the roll from his hands and created a draping effect before snipping the length off from the roll and tying it to the side of the arch. 
As you moved to the right side of the arch to mirror the draping that you had just done, Spencer’s eyes followed your movements, his breath caught in his lungs and his lower lip caught between his teeth. 
“Hm?” he voiced, snapping out of his trance.
You smirked, handing him the roll. He grinned shyly back at you before mirroring the work he did on the other side. “I asked you where you’re from,” you explained as you took the roll back from him.
“Oh, uh, I’m from Las Vegas,” he rushed out, already feeling a burning in his cheeks.
“Really? What a coincidence. I’m from Reno, but I worked in Vegas while I was getting my masters.”
“Where’d you work?”
“The mental hospital there.” You shook your head, letting out a sigh. “God I worked there for like a year but I can’t remember the name for the life of me. Harrington, something like that-”
“Yes, that’s the one!” You turned to give him a smile, only to see a haunted look on his face. “What’s wrong?”
He shook his head, pursing his lips and casting his gaze to the ground. “I-it’s nothing.”
“Spencer.” You took a step forward before tentatively reaching your arm out, weighing the possibilities for a moment before placing your hand on his shoulder. “I know I’m not a profiler, but I can still read people. And I also know that we aren’t close, but you should know that you can trust me.”
He nodded, puffing a breath out through his nose. “I... Someone close to me is... Is one of the residents there.”
Your mind pondered for a moment, dots connecting right in front of your eyes. “Diana Reid.”
He tensed at the name, unconsciously giving himself away.
“She was one of my favorites.” You watched as his eyes lifted from the ground and flickered over your face, trying to decide if you were being honest. “God, she was so intelligent and kind and hilarious as all hell.”
He let out a small chuckle, relaxing slightly. “Yeah?”
“Oh absolutely. She’d crack me up all the time, my sides would hurt from laughing by the time my shift ended. And when she wasn't making me laugh, she’d tell me about her favorite author, read me some of her favorite passages.” A smile imprinted on your face. “Or she would read me letters that she got. Everyday she had a new letter, and her face would light right up when I handed it to her.”
Tears began to well in his eyes, and you moved your hand down to his bicep, locking gazes with him.
“She talked about you everyday. About her genius FBI agent of a son. She was so proud. And I could tell that you cared about her so much. Enough to get her the help she needed. Enough to risk your relationship with her to keep her safe.”
Spencer blinked back his tears and reached up to grab your hand, and for a moment you worried that you had crossed a line.
But that worry immediately faded away when he held your hand, squeezing it gently before giving you a kind smile. “Thank you,” he whispered.
You just nodded, letting the moment linger for as long as possible.
“Hey guys, how’s the arch coming alo-” Penelope began as she walked over to you two, her face buried in her tablet. She froze the moment she looked up, seeing the strange and vulnerable scene in front of her.
“Yeah, yeah, It’s good. I’m uh, I’m gonna go get some water,” Spencer rushed out, giving you both tight lipped smiled before hurrying off.
Penelope gave you a look as she stepped over to you. “What was that?”
“I know his mom,” you stated incredulously, the shock still lingering in your system. 
“Wait, what?”
“She, she was one of the residents at the mental hospital I used to work at.”
“So you guys are like on a third date basis with info about each other?”
“Penelope!” You sighed, rubbing your eyes. “I think that was the deepest conversation I’ve ever had with a stranger.”
“And I bet he can go a lot deeper-”
Your face grew a bright red and you smacked her shoulder. “Stop it!”
Your feet were aching by the time you had finished decorating the backyard, immediately falling into a chair with a heavy sigh the moment you placed the last centerpiece on the tables. 
“Y/N I think you may be an actual saint,” Penelope breathed out. “Thank you so much for helping. I don’t think I could’ve gotten this done by myself.”
“I’m always down to help,” you replied, giving her a tired smile. “I should probably start getting ready though. The party’s gonna start soon.”
“I’ll come with you. My stuff is all in my car. We can use one of Rossi’s many bathrooms.”
“That sounds wonderful.”
The two of you gathered your makeup and clothes for tonight before heading into the first bathroom to the right on the second floor of the mansion. That room immediately filled with giggles as you two got ready, helping each other with hair and makeup.
It was almost time for the party to start when you two were ready, zipping your dresses up and slipping on your heels when there was a knock at the door.
“Are you two gonna give us a reveal anytime soon or do we have to beg for it?” Derek’s voice sounded from the other side of the door, his grin evident in his words.
“We?” Penelope questioned, smirking herself.
“Well you know there’s gotta be an audience whenever there’s two beautiful women. Now are we gonna get a show?”
You rolled your eyes, letting out a chuckle as Penelope stepped over to the door. “You ready?” she questioned.
You shrugged. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” you sighed in response before gesturing for her to open the door.
She pulled the door open a moment later, stepping out first and you stepping out behind her.
Emily let out a low whistle, motioning for you two to turn. You scoffed but obliged, waddling around in a circle before giving everyone a sheepish smile. Emily and Derek bombarded the two of you with compliments, boosting your confidence through the roof and making your cheeks burn bright.
Eventually, Emily and Derek and Penelope split off into their own group, chatting amongst themselves. That was when you noticed a timid body tucked away to the side, someone who had been there the whole time but had stayed silent.
“Hey,” you greeted, smiling up at him.
“Hi,” Spencer hummed in return, a shy smile on his own face.
From behind you, you could hear the group change their conversation from whatever mundane topic they were on previously to the topic of you and Spencer. The words seemed to blend together but you could pick up a few things. 
“What did I say, that IQ is gone,” Emily joked.
“Pretty boy’s got a pretty girl now,” Derek added, all of them giggling.
“You um... You look beautiful,” Spencer told you, blatantly ignoring the group’s playful comments.
“Thanks. You clean up well yourself,” you said, reaching up and straightening his bow tie for him. “I dig the bow tie.”
“Absolutely. It’s very Eleven-esque.”
He smirked at that. “You watch Doctor Who?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, whenever I get the time. I’m not as big of a fanatic as Miss Penelope Garcia, but I certainly enjoy it.”
“Maybe we can watch the new season together sometime?”
You nodded, beaming. “It’s a date.”
You were so wrapped up in your conversation with Spencer that you failed to notice the peanut gallery wander off, evidently bored by the change of conversation. 
However, you didn’t fail to notice the blush deepening on Spencer’s cheeks from your words, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, a nervous habit that (you hated to admit) had an effect on you.
“We- uh, we should probably head outside. I bet the party is starting soon,” he stuttered out, rocking back and forth on his heels. 
You nodded with a frown, glancing over at the bathroom. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. I’m gonna clean up the bathroom and throw my stuff in my car, then I’ll meet you out there.”
A strange emotion, almost reminiscent of disappointment, crossed over his face for a moment before he nodded. “Alright. See you out there.” He gave you a small smile before stepping past you, leaving a lingering touch on your bare shoulder before retreating downstairs.
Luckily, the wedding ceremony had gone off without a hitch, every moment was perfect and extremely emotional.
Tears stains still lingered on your cheeks when dinner was over, and JJ handed you a tissue when she stepped over to you. “I’ve got a whole supply of them, my mom gave ‘em to me when I was breaking down up there,” she whispered to you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“Thanks, JJ,” you breathed, hugging her back just as tight. “I’m so happy for you two.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty happy too.” The two of you giggled, and she pulled away from the hug to give you a smile before looking around. “And I’ve noticed that a special someone is pretty happy to see you, too.”
You followed her line of sight, playfully rolling your eyes when you saw Spencer playing with Henry. “God, who put you up to this?” 
She scoffed, turning back to you. “Hey, I may not be a profiler, but I know a connection when I see one.” She reached out, taking your hand in his. “You should really give him a chance. You two would be amazing together, and you both deserve some happiness in your lives.”
A sigh left your lips, but you nodded. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”
JJ squeezed your hand before rising to her feet and looking around for Will. “Well, we should probably do the first dance before Penelope loses her mind.”
You grinned at her. “Have fun, girly. Love you.”
“Love you too. And thank you for all this. It means so much to me.”
“Of course. Anything for you. Now go dance!” You shooed her off with a laugh, watching as everyone turned their attention to the bride and groom making their way over to the dance floor.
The music started playing, and everything moved in slow motion as JJ and Will danced together, both of them beaming with pure love in their eyes. People eventually moved to join them, everyone swaying together on the dance floor.
You had sat at the table for a while, watching everyone make idle chat and have fun on the dance floor. This feeling of warmth and comfort was one that was foreign to you, and you wanted to bask in it for as long as possible. 
“All alone?”
You looked up to see Spencer standing in front of you, a shy smile on his lips. 
You nodded, returning his smile. “I guess so. Dancing really isn’t my thing.”
He pulled a chair up next to you, sitting down and watching the crowd with you. “Yeah, me either.”
“Really? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do believe I saw you dancing with Emily. And Penelope. And JJ. And JJ’s mom.” He scoffed, and you let out a laugh, playfully shoving his shoulder. “Maybe you’re just a ladies man.”
“Oh, definitely.”
“I mean that sounds like some player behavior if you ask me.”
You both shared a laugh, wide smiles stretching across both of your lips. That laughter soon faded into a comfortable silence, the two of you returning your gazes back to the dance floor.
“I mean, there’s one girl I haven’t danced with,” Spencer spoke up, bringing your attention back to him.
You quirked an eyebrow at him. “Oh yeah? And who would that be?”
Your eyes followed his form as he stood from his seat and walked around you, stopping when he stood right in front of you. “I believe that would be you.” He extended his hand out to you.
A small chuckle left your lips, gently placing your hand in his and pushing yourself to your feet. “You’re getting confident, doctor.”
At your words, his demeanor began to slip, a light blush blooming across his cheeks, glowing under the string lights. “Oh-I-”
“Spencer.” You squeezed his hand. “It’s okay. I’m glad you feel comfortable enough around me to be forward.”
He let out the breath he was holding, squeezing your hand in return before leading you over to the dance floor. You couldn’t help but notice the subtle glance Spencer shared with the DJ once you two stood on the hardwood mat.
The song changed, now playing a slow song you were all-too familiar with. “I didn’t peg you as a guy who listened to Bright Eyes.”
He shrugged. “I’m not. But I had Penelope look into your purchases to see what CDs you’ve bought.”
You feigned offense, gasping and shoving his shoulder. “You two were conspiring!”
He let out a laugh, beaming at you as he placed one hand on your waist. “Well we better get to dancing before this song is over. It’s only 3 minutes and 9 seconds long.”
You rolled your eyes but obliged, placing your free hand on his shoulder and stepped close to him, squeezing his hand once before you two began to sway, eyes locked in each other’s gaze.
“I’m, uh...” You sighed, pursing your lips. “I’m really sorry about bringing all that stuff up with your mom,” you whispered.
“It’s okay,” he whispered in response.
You furrowed your brow in frustration. “But I made you upset, I didn’t mean to do that. I’m really sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry. You didn’t upset me.” He let out a breath. “Honestly, it’s really nice being able to talk to someone who knew who she is. Who she really is. Not her illness, her.”
You nodded, searching his eyes. “I’m glad that you trust that I know who she really is.”
“I don’t need to trust you. You told me exactly who she is. She’s a kind, intelligent woman.”
A smile settled on your face. “With a kind and intelligent son.”
He returned your smile, his hand winding around your waist and pulling you against his chest as the song changed. 
You chuckled, searching his eyes. “God, did you guys just decide to play all the music I like.”
He paused to listen to the song. “No, I don’t recognize this song. Maybe Penelope chose it.”
“Of course she did.”
You listened to the lyrics, humming along to the melody as your eyes traced over his features.
Your hair was long when we first met. Of course.
Slowly, as the two of you swayed, you laid your head on his chest, letting your eyes flutter shut.
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thorsstorms · 4 years
Abroad pt 20
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Summary: Being the Hemsworth Kids’ Nanny, you were vowed to keep it strictly professional for their sake, but do the stolen glances go unnoticed between you both?
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: none
A/N: wish y'all could the see the smile my face right now over the fact that I actually sat down and was able to write something. I decided to skip what ever it was that I was hung up on for months and months. Love is appreciated because you know what, its short... I know. but its content yay. if you would like a tag pls send as and ASK or it will get lost in my notifications. 
“You want to marry me?” You asked, staring at the ring in the opened box. Somehow, the photos just did not do the shine and gleam justice. A deep breath escaped before dragging your eyes to his, standing off his lap while he watched with a hopeful yet confused expression.
“Yes, I do.” Your brows furrowed in a weird sense of disbelief while watching him. The gears turning in your head were gaining speed while you stood still. His own stature deflating at your lack of response. He watched a moment more before finding words to say.
“Hey,” he urged. “Say something.” He stood from the bed, resting the ring on the sheets before focusing his attention back to you.
Your head bowed to your feet, or tried to. Before he could get another desperate word out, the sound of your pitiful voice stopped him in his tracks once again.
“Is it because I’m pregnant?” You whispered.
“What?” He immediately exclaimed. “What! No, no it-it, God, no it is not because you are pregnant.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Do you know how long I have wanted to do this? It took months to get this ring made!” His arms flailed with an expression of angst and anxiety. “I had to go to meetings for this ring. I have been carrying it around because I couldn’t find a right way to ask! Or a right time, and maybe, maybe this wasn’t the right time to ask or the right way and I’m sorry about that, but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to marry you. I want to marry you. I’ve wanted to marry you for so long. So long.”
You sat back on the bed watching, waiting for him to continue, or finish, or do what he needed to do to process the question you asked. Though you knew the answer, and knew him, you just had to ask, though it felt silly, stupid to worry about now while listening to him.
“I asked your father!” He tossed out catching your attention. “I’ve wanted this for so long. We were in the garage, I was talking to him, and to Ty. You came strolling out there and interrupting-” Your eyes grew wide at the thought and memory. “- don’t, don't worry about it. But that's how long. Your dad knew. I’m sure he thought I was out of my mind, maybe he still does because I had only known you a few months at the time but it didn't matter to me. I knew.”
You suddenly remembered your mouth was open and it snapped shut.
“Things just happened, and kept happening. And the stupid board, I was going to do it when Ty was there but it just wasnt the right time.” His rate of speech started to slow, a weight slowly lifting from his chest when he really looked at you again, listening to him. “It was never going to be the right time. And no, it is not because you are pregnant.”
“Ask me again.” You told him, grabbing the ring from the bed and walking it to where he had ended his pacing, placing it in his hand.
“Just ask me again, Chris.”
“Uh,” he said with a small panic looking around himself and to the ground, not knowing what to do, “Okay.”
His stature stuttered a moment before quickly lowering himself on one knee while you bit back a laugh at his disorientation. He quickly tried to gather himself, fixing his shirt and rubbing his hands down his thighs. It was there, in the bedroom of this boring and bland condo, where the both of you were starving for dinner and eyes red from tears, that he started more rambling.
“I promise to love you, to be there for you, to go everywhere with you. I promise we will make it to Paris, and we will make a home ours, where ever you want - with enough bedrooms and your parents can come visit whenever and they can have a room and the kids can go to a school, and we’ll live together and I’ll do the laundry, and I can cook all the time, and you can get your hair done whenever you want, and I promise to be at every doctor’s appointment -”
“I know, I know,” he hurried.  “Will you marry me?”
“So you never answered my question,” he interrupted the comfortable silence. The ring had both of your focus for a moment more while you sat next to him, his arm slung over your shoulder. You pulled forward from the headboard and gave him a crazy eye.
“What more do you want me to say?” A chuckle escaped your lips as you questioned him.
A lazy smirk grew against his lips, “I had messaged you earlier if you were in the mood to go out for food. And I am still hungry so-”
“You are always hungry,” you retorted, matching his bliss. “But yes, I am in the mood for food.”
The next few days went by too fast, as it always does. Only four days later your favorite three munchkins were running around the apartment, creating all the noise you probably could go without, but wouldn’t change for the world. The first night, in one of the two spare rooms, you were tucking in India. It was more like laying in bed with her, most likely keeping her more awake than tired. With the furrow of her brows and a sad tone in her voice, she questioned if she would see her classmates again. You couldn't exactly tell her yes because it was unsure how long it would be before you were back there long enough for her to enroll in school again. The puppy eyes she gave brought back up a guilt that never went away after rooting for her to have the school experience.
“You know how papa is always traveling?” You pulled the blanket closer to her shoulders while she stared across the boringly decorated room in a bed that is way too big for her. That would have to change soon.  
“He works with so many people, and then after awhile, he leaves and works with a new group of people. He never forgets them, I guarantee it. And in return, they will never forget them. That's just how friendships work. Sometimes we meet new people and have new experiences, but that does not meet we forget who we met before! How I think about it is, we are going out in the world to find new friends, and more people to love. We don’t have to forget them.”
“They won’t forget me either, right?” She worried.
“Oh no, of course not. I moved away too, ya know. I moved allllllll the way across the ocean,” you exaggerated with the span of your arms. “And I still keep in contact with some friends I went to school with. They were my true friends who were always kind to me. Your true classmates will go out of their way to stay friends with you.”
“Is Ty your true friend?”
“Well he’s my brother, so I don’t think he counts.” She giggled as you pointed to the door where her brothers were across the hall with their father. “Are those two sillies your best friends?” You prompted her.
“Ya. Sometimes!”
“Oh I know you love your brothers. Those crazy boys…” you sighed as she nestled in a little further with a drowsy yawn letting loose. A moment of silence ensued. You were sure she was thinking hard.
Her eyes were getting heavier as she was fighting sleep. “Do I get another brother, or is the little baby going to be a sister?” She asked quietly.
“I dunno. What do you think?”
“Well obviously I hope that they are my sister because I don’t need another brother.” Even tired, the little girl leaked sass. You chuckled and gave a “we’ll see,” before wishing her a goodnight and creeping away from the kids bedrooms.
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asokatanos · 4 years
do you have any fic recs for the mentalist?
I told you I’d post some for you tonight and here they are!! Unfortunately I did a lot of reading while I was still obstinately REFUSING to make another ffnet account, so I didn’t save like a good 90% of what I read, some of which was excellent. But here are some of the ones I did +fav or whatever they call it there. No particular genre since your ask was open ended, but, well-
(sorry in advance - these are mostly ffnet links but they’re worth braving that site I swear)
((also this is definitely a non-exhaustive list. there’s some real talent in this fandom))
Consummate Connection Confrontation - these are three separate fics in that order by the absolutely inimitable @hardlyloquatious. Literally everything they’ve written is amazing. I’ve completely exposed myself because my first rec is sort of. uh, lightly 18+. But I had to put this author at the top of my list because I love them so much. The way Jane talks in Consummate has literally kept me awake more than once. It’s honestly more sweet and touching than anything but it’s definitely uh. not something your boss should catch you with I guess.
Long Lost, Long Last - same author. This was written and posted before My Blue Heaven aired, but it has the same vibe as that episode, except deliciously drawn out. It starts off with Jane being his kinda silly self and deciding he wants to try his hand at letter writing, so he writes little notes for the whole team. Lisbon is the only one who gives him a note back, and they take to leaving each other lil notes - until RJ is killed and Jane disappears to do some soul searching. This fic is so... beautiful and I think about it with some frequency. “Consummate” is hot but Long Lost Long Last is why HL is my fave TM author.
Practice - okay one last one from this author. This one isn’t like, groundbreaking, but it’s just the SWEETEST look at how much Jane tries after they get together. I’m a sucker for Jane being sweet. Clearly, since that’s why Consummate is at the top of this list.
Blood Red Moon - the author is 221b Baker Street. Their fics are a LOT more heavy. But they’re so, so good. Their mastery of language is incredible and their fics read like professionally written books - and they do Jane/Lisbon banter incredibly well. Some of the imagery they use has genuinely stuck with me. Also see Sacraments in Scarlet (Jane pretends to be a priest), Arsenic and Red Lace (murder at an assisted care facility and Jane being the cheery and extremely sad bastard that he is), Jonathon Redding (a take on Red John that is deeply clever), a Road lEss traveleD (this is. unsettling. it’s extremely good but save it for the last from this author, wait until you love them first. The payoff for not-as-it-seems comes towards the end but it really is worth waiting for).
Blood Wind - by Gone2Far speaking of unsettling. THIS ONE. God this fic is so good. Spooky as fuck in a way that’s a little X-Filesy and incredibly well written. I want to live very far from this fic while at the same time wrapping myself in its words so I can borrow a crumb of talent.
In Case series - @halfagonyandhope (yay, they’re on tumblr). This rec list isn’t necessarily in any sort of order because after HL, halfagonyandhope is second fave author. This particular series is SO ROMANTIC and LOVELY and I kinda wanna cry kinda wanna read it again and again. My favorite one in the series is Ya’aburnee but you have to read the ones preceding it to make any sort of sense. Also now that I’m looking at all of these again I’m realizing that apparently the second installment stuck with me more than I expected because I wrote more than 10k words of something that has a vaguely similar theme (which I will post later). 
Qumran and Reset - by J. Roddam. This author only ever seems to have written these two but they’re fucking EXQUISITE. I generally avoid AUs in this fandom because the concept of erasing Jane’s past does NOT sit right with me but Reset is one of the only exceptions I’ve made. It has soulmate vibes without being like, a tumblr soulmate story. Both of them are living SUCH different lives than their canon counterparts but somehow it actually works and it’s beautiful. Qumran is similarly without peer.
Pretending, I: Witness - @inkstainedfingers97. I wouldn’t even know where to start but I love every single thing about this fic - and it’s recently been completed! I was lucky enough to get to binge read a majority of it but waiting for updates was also genuinely thrilling too. Fake/Real Married for WITSEC reasons, real love for obvious reasons. Also the Lorelei dynamic is way more intense than on the show in a way that’s at once very uncomfortable and very believable.
27 Minutes - by Idan. Okay. Okay so this author commented on one of my fics and I almost lost it because I really love theirs. I was smiling for like an hour when I saw the notification from them!! 27 Min is my favorite one but In The Cards is widely rec’d by others for very good reason, it’s so good. The Pretender is also excellent, written based on promos of Orange Blossom Ice Cream and so a bit AU from there.
Eighteen Hours - I would definitely be remiss if I didn’t mention @leafenclaw (and actually, I was remiss because I realized while making this post that theirs were some of those early fics I read that I never +fave etc, so ty for the ask so I can do it now, anon). Leafenclaw writes SO well and I have an extra soft spot for them because they pointed me in the direction of a lot of fics and were one of the first ppl I ever spoke with in this fandom since luckily they’re on tumblr too. Also Kindred (note - both of these are still WIP but being updated/worked on!) Chasing Storms is complete, incredible, angsty, beautiful. Also I kind of want to borrow the idea of writing one story around a set of many prompts like this. I don’t actually think I’ve ever seen anyone else do that?
The Long Way Back - by LouiseKurylo I consider them sort of a friend because they’ve been SO supportive while I was writing  Saving Grace but even before that with a new suit, another pair of socks, and a terrible couch. And I’ve seen them supporting everybody else too - they’re just SO NICE. Their fics are also very interesting, and they sort of bring Jane and Lisbon much more into the real world. There’s more real life problems to go hand in hand with mentalist plot type problems, which makes for very interesting reading. Fischer in this particular fic is FASCINATING. Also, a hot tip @leafenclaw shared with me: Louise’s faves list has 500 stories in it and pretty much everything in there is worth reading.
Last but OBVIOUSLY not least I wanna mention some of the very cute and talented and actively posting people here on tumblr in our little mentalist squad of approximately 12 people lmao. You probably already know @gracevanpelt aka LilyThistle’s Big Blue, Red Road, Breathe, and Collusion. I have an especially soft spot for Breathe actually even though it’s the least plotty of the lot. I just think it works so perfectly on its own, as is, like a quiet little interlude. No muss no fuss as Jane would say - and I love it a lot. @asambergs aka cmbing’s how glad i am that you exist is actually the FIRST piece of Mentalist fic I ever read, and then I was pulled down this slippery slope to end up posting this at 11:52 pm on a Thursday night. And I’m not about to forget @pjane aka epaynter whose words are so beautifully atmospheric and who writes the softest Jane (I love Soft Jane and will fight anyone who disagrees about it!!)
Aaaand a nice and shameless self plug in the form of ao3 links: Come Fly With Me (this is the softest thing I’ve ever written), Saving Grace (an actual, complete, fully plotted fic. 14 year old me is SHAKING), a new suit, a terrible couch, another pair of socks (this last was inspired by @asambergs fics actually, and was the first thing I wrote in this fandom!)
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grither55 · 4 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 9 - Evening Out
Mai sighed heavily from where she sat upon the ridge of a large water fountain overlooking a meadow at the edge of the city.
She was currently gazing off to the side from where Elle knelt still searching for a proper flower for Azula.
‘Damn them for abandoning me…does this girl think of anything that isn’t Azula?’ The markswoman thought while scrunching her brows up in disbelief while the blonde continued to pour over the flower field.
And she couldn’t exactly just cut the girl loose like she could anyone else.
Ty Lee and comically enough Azula, would surely kill her.
“Okay. I have to ask. What are your interests besides Azula?” Mai questioned in her typical voice while peering at the petite girl’s robed back.
“Um…I like to paint!” Elle exclaimed while Mai leaned forward on her elbows somewhat taken aback by that answer.
She hadn’t pegged the girl for a painter.
“About what?” The markswoman pondered in a mildly curious voice.
“Primarily Azula-sama.” The blonde-haired girl commented while the sound of Mai slapping her own face with her hand echoed throughout the air.
“Why am I not surprised. But seriously. What beside Azula?” Mai continued in a bored tone while gazing off into the distance.
“I like to write poems. Also, about Azula-sama.” Elle answered innocently while Mai groaned from beneath her palm.
“Right…” The markswoman trailed off as she eyed the girl closely.
Even if it was solely about Azula, it was still impressive that a girl her age was into both poetry and painting.
“I used to enjoy reading comics. But I haven’t had any access to new reading material since I arrived. I don’t exactly have any money…” The blonde-haired girl admitted while the noblewoman turned to her surprised by the non-Azula related hobby.
It was something anyhow…until Azula ordered a comic series to be created as tribute to her with her as the main character…
“You haven’t been paid yet?” Mai inquired while inwardly wondering if Azula would be cruel enough to keep Elle as a slave instead of the standard paid servant.
“I get paid? I thought my pay was a roof and the pleasure of serving the princess.” Elle answered with genuine awe in her voice while Mai stared at her for what seemed like a long moment.
“There isn’t much pleasure in serving Azula. At least…not for most. But yes…you do get paid.” The markswoman informed while gazing on in a faint amusement when the girl’s face brightened immensely.
“If I get paid then I can buy Her Highness a gift!” The blonde-haired girl cheered with delight in her eyes while the older female stared at her in even further bafflement.
“What? Why would you spend all of your pay just to get Azula a gift? She’s spoiled enough as it is kid.” Mai muttered while running a hand through her hair.
“I wonder what I should get her…hm.” Elle pondered while holding a finger to her lip thoughtfully with the woman’s words soaring over her head.
“I suppose in your case…slave and servant are one and the same.” The markswoman commented while still peering at the small blonde in a deadpan manner while the girl fumbled through the flowers.
“Would Azula-sama like a golden flower?” The blonde-haired girl asked while peering over her shoulder at the annoyed woman.
‘Azula…I am going to kill you.’ Mai thought as she began to tap her fingers with her eyes shimmering in irritation.
“She’s quite difficult to please. To say the least. But you seem quite adept at making her happy.” The markswoman responded with as much patience as she could muster.
“So yes then?” Elle continued while Mai began to tap her boot on the ground in increased annoyance.
“Yes! She will like the flower.” Mai assured speedily with her teeth ground together in frustration.
“Arigatou gozaimasu oneesan.” The blonde-haired girl announced to the woman’s complete shock.
“You are calling me big sister?” The markswoman pondered in a truly bewildered voice.
It was rare feat to make her lose her trademark composed face but somehow this girl managed to do just that.
“Is that alright?” Elle responded while peering over her shoulder with the first signs of worry in the woman’s presence.
Mai contemplated the matter for the briefest of moments.
She ultimately decided that it did not bother her.
The girl was very kind. Possibly the kindest she’s ever met. Too sweet for Azula…if you asked her.
“No. That is fine. Call me it if you wish. But may I ask why?” Mai spoke before standing up to go sit beside the girl.
“I finally feel like I have somewhere where I belong. My brother has been the only family I’ve had ever since my parents died…long ago…and I’ve always wanted big sisters…so I thought if you and Ty Lee didn’t mind…” The blonde-haired girl explained gently while gazing up to see the woman standing over her.
“I see. Well, I don’t mind. I doubt it will bother Ty Lee at all either.” The markswoman replied before seating herself beside the smaller girl.
The only weird part was the fact that Azula was master…and they were big sister.
But she decided to chalk that up to Azula’s control freak behavior.
The naïve girl was probably only calling the princess that in the hopes of making her happy.
“Yay!” Elle cheered to the older girl’s further surprise before enveloping her in a sudden hug around her stomach.
Once more Mai sat back with her eyes widening in complete confusion.
“Shorty. I don’t…do hugs.” Mai stated while squirming to break free from the girl’s grip.
It was funny when it was Azula under attack but now…
She could only groan when the joyful girl refused to release her.
“Everyone does hugs!” The blonde-haired girl exclaimed with an innocent aura about her while the older girl peered down at her sighing.
“I just said that I didn’t…” The markswoman trailed off dryly before awkwardly hugging the petite girl with one arm.
She glanced up at the sky all the while asking herself how such a kind girl would be drawn to Azula.
“I like the Fire Nation.” Elle remarked while they sat hugging each other.
Much like a big sister and her little sister that was under her elder’s close watch.
“You’re not from the Fire Nation? Azula never told me where you were from.” Mai questioned with slight curiosity while gazing down at the rather clingy girl.
“Oh no. I’m from another world.” The blonde-haired girl declared so happily that the noblewoman furrowed her brows presuming it was a joke.
“Haven’t heard that one before.” The markswoman stated dryly while still peering down at the blonde’s radiant face.
“I am completely serious. I have no clue how I got here. A few weeks ago, I had never even heard of the Fire Nation.” Elle admitted much to Mai’s total disbelief.
“What? So, you’re not joking.” Mai spoke while quirking her eyebrows in amazement.
It took a great deal to amaze her.
But hearing someone claim to be from another world did the trick.
If this is true…she couldn’t help but wonder if that would explain much of Azula’s interest in this bizarre young girl.
“As serious as a heart attack. But that’s all behind me now. There is nothing for me there. This is my home now.” The blonde-haired girl declared in a serene voice while staring up at the taken aback older girl.
“There is nothing that you wish to go back to?” The markswoman inquired in a voice that hid her mild pity for the girl’s seemingly abusive past.
“No. Why would I? Then I wouldn’t be able to see you, or Ty Lee, or Azula-sama ever again. And that…would make me very sad.” Elle muttered while Mai stared down at her with sympathy in her usually aloof eyes.
It sounds like the girl was latching onto them…because she has never had anyone else.
“I see. You’re a nice girl…Elle.” Mai stated while they finally disconnected from the sisterly embrace.
“Arigatou gozaimasu. Oneesan.” The blonde-haired girl replied while bending over to finally pick her chosen flower.
The noblewoman couldn’t help but feel touched by the girl’s quick trust in her.
It was undoubtably naïve but sweet all the same.
“Finally decided on a flower?” The markswoman asked while noticing the girl had chosen a rather lovely color of gold.
‘We’ll have to watch over this girl…to make certain that Azula doesn’t plan on hurting her.’ Mai thought while furrowing her brows as she realized the thought of letting Azula tarnish this girl was quite disturbing.
Zuko would like her…she mused while trying to ignore the brief stabbing pain in her chest.
“Mhm. I hope she likes it!” Elle chimed while Mai still sat staring down at her with faintly softened eyes.
That was when they both heard the sound of a throat clearing behind them which was followed shortly afterward by a girlish giggle.
“Hope who likes what?” Azula demanded with her hands on her at her sides while Ty Lee continued to giggle softly.
It was obvious to all but Elle that the princess was being possessive.
“Azula-sama! I missed you!” The blonde-haired girl called out as if they have been apart for weeks.
The girl’s joyous cry earned her two questioning stares while the acrobat judged the unsocial woman’s side.
As if to silently say see I told you so.
“Missed me? But it’s barely been an…oof!” The princess exclaimed as she was suddenly assaulted around her belly by the small blonde.
“One hour is far too long!” Elle cried out while embracing the princess’s belly as she peered up at her now annoyed countenance.
“Servant…release me!” Azula barked while trying to push the girl off as gently as possible.
How bizarre was it that she did not wish to bruise her further?
“Azula…what did I tell you about using her name?” Ty Lee sighed while still smiling even so at the amusing scene.
“And I already told you that I am her master, not you. I will call her as I please.” The princess snapped in a spoiled voice while ignoring her two friends exasperated gazes as she stood with her pet cuddling her belly.
“What took you so long? And why do you have a mark on your face?” Mai inquired while exchanging a glance with Ty Lee who was gazing off into space in a laughably suspicious manner.
She has known the two long enough to tell when something was up.
There was a hint of an unspoken tension that followed after her question.
She couldn’t help but ponder…did Ty Lee have anything to do with the imprint on Azula’s face?
“Did someone hurt you is that why you were gone for so long?” The blonde-haired girl pondered while peering up at the proud woman with concerned amber eyes.
The two noblewomen shared an amused glance while Azula scowled down at the girl who still refused to release her.
“No, I was not injured servant. Do you doubt my power?” Azula demanded as she folded her arms while staring down at Elle’s easily intimidated face with narrowed eyes.
It would not do well if her little admirer was beginning to doubt her dominance.
Perhaps…this night out is a good idea after all.
“N-no of course not Your Highness!” Elle exclaimed while Azula carefully pushed her back with a strong hand before leaning over her in a domineering manner.
“You had better not. I am the Great Princess Azula and I have no rival.  I am the strongest there is.” The princess announced with her hands on her hips while towering over the rapidly nodding petite girl.
Mai was gazing at Azula with a baffled countenance all the while gazing at Ty Lee as the girl continued to giggle.
‘Is Azula…trying to posture to impress Elle? Could she actually be interested in this girl?’ The markswoman thought while gazing between the princess and her handmaid with faint curiosity in her stare.
“I would never doubt you Azula-sama! You’re so strong and so b-beautiful.” The blonde-haired girl responded while a blush overtook her cheeks as she cradled her master’s flower carefully in her cupped palms.
“Hm. Just you wait until I get a chance to show you just how powerful I really am.” Azula remarked while staring down at Elle in a conceited manner while the smaller girl gazed up at her with adorable eyes.
“Ugh. I could puke. Her ego has soared through the roof.” Mai muttered beside Ty Lee while the other woman nodded in agreement.
“It certainly has. So, what have you and Elle been up to while we were away?” Ty Lee inquired as she turned with her hands on her hips noting the small meadow at the edge of the city.
“I-I can’t wait…” Elle trailed off bashfully while Azula peered down at her with observant golden eyes.
Why couldn’t the other servants behave more like Elle?
She pondered it for the briefest of moments before musing that it was a ridiculous thought.
If they all acted like Elle then there would be nothing unique about her servant’s personality.
And somehow…the thought of Elle just being one of hundreds lost in the stream of palace servants displeased her.
“Do you…have something in your hand servant?” The princess questioned with a hand held to her chin as she surveyed the dainty girl’s lovely form.
“I-I have a gift for my princess.” The blonde-haired girl stammered while the older female gazed down at her with vastly gratified eyes.
As soon as Ty Lee heard that she turned to Azula while still smiling as she tried her best to silently convey to the princess to be gentle with Elle.
“Another gift for me? But you just gave me a gift this morning.” Azula spoke while smiling with her eyes never leaving her pet’s flushing face.
“I-I know. B-but one gift is not enough for my princess…” Elle trailed off while kicking at an imaginary pebble with her cheeks developing a crimson hue.
“On that we agree…well? Aren’t you going to give me my gift?” The princess purred while brushing her hair from her eyes in a seductive manner.
“Seriously? You gave Azula a gift this morning and we spent nearly an entire hour browsing a flower field?” Mai inquired in her usual monotone while Azula turned to glance at her smirking so smugly.
“Aww. That’s so sweet Mai. Did you help Elle select a flower for Azula?” The brown-haired woman teased all the while grinning at the gloomy woman’s irate face.
“Yes, indeed Mai. It is nice to know that you were thinking of me while I was away.” Azula taunted while Mai glared at her with her hands twitching in her anger.
“Azula, just shut up and look at your flower.” The markswoman growled while the princess smiled even so as she turned to gaze at the innocent girl’s nervous face.
“…I…hope you like it Azula-sama.” The blonde-haired girl mumbled while unfolding her palms to reach up to hand the regal woman her golden flower.
The acrobat gasped when she laid her eyes upon the simply gorgeous flower while gazing at the younger girl’s back.
She really hopes that Azula doesn’t break Elle’s little heart.
She…doesn’t think that Elle will be able to handle her beloved princess rejecting her.
The princess found herself gazing down at the little flower with a marginally widened look in her callous eyes.
Though she would never say it aloud.
She was finding that this pure-hearted girl had a way of touching her ice-cold heart.
“You…spent an hour to pick this for me?” Azula asked as she accepted the flower with her mind vividly recalling their first meeting just nearly a week ago.
“Y-yes. Oneesan assured me that you liked gold.” Elle stuttered while Azula peered down at her in even further surprise.
All the while Ty Lee turned to Mai while the noblewoman tapped her elbow in annoyance clearly disliking the attention.
“Oneesan?” The princess sighed while turning from her admirer to gaze at her apathetic subordinate.
For as merciless as she is.
And she is most certainly just that.
She couldn’t help but feel strangely pleased by her admirer’s desire to live out her life beside her and her friends.
The girl was truly beginning to see her team as her adoptive family.
And strangely…she realized that she was okay with that.
If nothing else. It would ensure that she could depend on either one of them to safeguard Elle should something unforeseen occur.
“What of it? She called me her big sister. She’s a kind girl. So, I allowed it.” Mai stated with a slight bite to her voice while glaring at both of her friends.
“We’re both her big sisters’ now Mai!” Ty Lee exclaimed while grasping the other woman’s hand as she pumped their fists in the air.
“Joy.” The markswoman mumbled while she sighed as her friend forced her to hold hands with her.
“D-do you like it princess?” The blonde-haired girl requested timidly while still averting her eyes from the taller woman’s gaze.
Azula was contemplative for a few moments while she studied the shorter girl’s cute little face before discreetly glancing around her.
She could practically feel Ty Lee’s waiting eyes following her every movement and sure enough the acrobat was giving a ‘what are you waiting for’ stare.
After checking to ensure that no one was around…
“It is a fine flower Elle. I approve of this tribute.” Azula announced with the flower carefully clutched in her right hand while Elle gazed up at her with joy that astonished even her.
“Y-you used my name again!” Elle cheered out childishly while Azula glanced down at her in evident amusement.
All the while both of her friends were staring at her back in a chiding manner.
“So, I have. It pleases me that you think of me so often. Had this flower been for someone else I would have had to discipline you.” The princess commented strictly while staring down at the submissive girl with imposing golden eyes.
“Azula…one doesn’t usually threaten discipline after being given a flower…” The brown-haired woman advised while staring at the regal woman with a smile all the while.
“F-for someone else? I think of no one but Her Highness.” The blonde-haired girl blurted as if horrified at the prospect while her master continued to level her with a controlling stare.
“That’s what I like to hear. I hereby declare that you are forbidden to give flowers to anyone but myself. This new decree also extends to all other sources of tribute. You…will gift me and me alone.” Azula spoke in a voice of absolute authority all the while leveling Elle’s little face with a demanding glare.
“Forbidden Azula?” Mai snorted while blinking over in the other woman’s direction in genuine puzzlement.
She certainly was becoming possessive of this young girl.
That much was evident.
Those piercing screams still had her shuddering.
To think that Azula had been so furious that she scarred the two bullies just as Ozai did to Zuko.
Not only was the pain surely beyond her wildest imaginations, the affect was quite damning to any hope for a social life.
The girls would always be marked for their disrespect to the Royal Family.
“For Azula-sama only. No one but my master.” Elle stated passionately while grasping at Azula’s robbed stomach while meeting her domineering gaze.
“Hm. What a good girl you are.” The princess purred before reaching down to pat the blonde’s soft head in a puzzling show of fondness.
“Is it just me or does Azula think that Elle is a kitten?” The markswoman pondered while gazing at the acrobat’s sighing face.
“It’s not just you.” The brown-haired woman replied yet even so she was still finding their budding bond to be rather adorable.
Perhaps…there was hope for Azula to learn more about people after all.
She was still disturbed by the earlier display of brutality…she felt that it was too much. Even for those cruel girls.
But there was nothing that she could have done to stop Azula.
She had already tried to talk her out of it and Elle tried to convince her to show mercy.
The princess had her mind set on it and that was all that mattered in the end.
“Arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama…” The blonde-haired girl murmured shyly while blushing underneath the princess’s patting palm.
“What for?” Azula questioned curiously while astutely having already learned that that it was her admirer’s way of saying thank you.
“For…standing up for me. No one…has ever done that for me before.” Elle admitted quietly while craning her neck to peer into the woman’s captivating eyes.
The words took not only Azula aback but both Mai and Ty Lee as well.
It was just baffling to hear that the first person who has ever stuck up for Elle was Azula of all people.
“You don’t have to worry about that anymore little sister. You’re one of us now! Your place beside us is secure! Isn’t that right Azula?” Ty Lee assured warmly while stepping up behind Elle as the girl turned to gaze up at her with emotive amber eyes.
The princess gazed over the petite girl’s shoulder to meet her companion’s gaze before turning to peer down at her servant once more.
“That’s right Ty Lee. Elle is part of my entourage now. It would be…a waste to let such a loyal servant come to any further harm.” Azula stated while withdrawing her hand as it fell back to her side.
Mai listened in amazement from where she stood behind the acrobat.
Before long all three women were gazing at their younger companion with varying levels of fondness.
“I-I am so grateful…to all three of you.” The blonde-haired girl whispered happily while wiping a joyous tear from her bruised eye.
“Aww. We’ll look out for you. Especially Azula. She really likes you. You’re the first person that she’s offered to protect.” The brown-haired woman informed while patting the smaller girl’s shoulder while the blonde peered up at the callous woman with awed eyes.
The princess simply stood with her arms folded over her breasts while fixing the petite girl with a stern stare in clear disapproval of her tears.
“Cease that crying at once! No more waterworks for today!” Azula barked while pointing a finger down at Elle with the flower clutched underneath her palm.
“What a warm response.” The markswoman commented dully while even she stared at her leader frowning.
If you asked her Azula was way too big of a bitch for such a nice girl but…it’s not her place to tell Elle what to feel.
“Yeah! Seriously Azula! You don’t have to be such an ass about it.” Ty Lee scolded while frowning over Elle’s timid shoulder at her scowling leader.
“I do as I please Ty Lee. Especially when it comes to my own servant.” The princess insisted in a spoiled voice while still glaring at the girl’s crying face.
It…irked her in ways that she cannot explain.
“Yes! As you say Azula-sama. This girl will always do as you say.” Elle answered while beaming up at the woman’s harsh gaze with rising admiration in her eyes.
“Good. Your adulation pleases me greatly. Now there is no further need for tears. I am more than capable of protecting you. And I will say no more on the matter.” Azula stated in a tone of finality while staring down at Elle’s rapidly nodding little face.
“Yes princess!” The blonde-haired girl cried out while bowing much to the overbearing woman’s approval.
“Shorty. You know you don’t have to bow before Azula every minute that you spend in her company, right?” Mai spoke while earning a questioning gaze for the teasing nickname from both of her friends.
“Shorty Mai? Why am I the only one here calling the poor girl by her name?” The brown-haired woman asked while the two other women just shrugged.
“You may ignore Mai…and continue with your current behavior.” The princess purred while paying her friends chiding gazes little mind.
“Azula-sama is the boss!” Elle cheered as she straightened while throwing a hand up in her joy.
“Yes Elle. She certainly is…” Ty Lee trailed off while patting the smaller girl’s back with the princess gazing on smugly.
“With that matter out of the way. We can proceed onward with other plans.” Azula remarked while still holding the golden flower carefully underneath her curled fingers.
“Other matters?” The markswoman asked while noticing both of her friends faces indicated that they had planned something without her knowledge.
“Hm. I have decided to reward Elle for her good behavior.” The princess began while staring down at the young girl’s overjoyed face.
The words came across as a shock to Mai given that this was once more unlike Azula.
She has already granted the girl a place amongst them, a commoner at that.
Neither she nor Ty Lee had any particular bias against people of lower status. But it was well known by all that Azula did.
“A reward princess…” The blonde-haired girl trailed off in disbelief while the regal woman nodded.
“That’s right! We have a surprise for you!” The brown-haired woman exclaimed while leaning on the petite girl’s shoulder with a grin adorning her lips.
“I am so overjoyed. I... finally have a real home…and the princess has even used my name four times now!” Elle cried out while smiling warmly up at Ty Lee while the older girl’s eyes softened in response.
Most surprisingly of all was that not even Azula said a word to rebuke Elle’s announcement that this was her home.
“Four times?” Mai inquired with a deadpan voice that displayed ever so slight amusement over the fact that the girl was keeping count.
“Mhm! My most frequent names have been servant, pet, good pet, peasant, little peasant, girl and twice I have been called sheep dog…” The blonde-haired girl chirped naively while both women turned to gaze at the princess’s conceited face.
“What are you two gawking at?” Azula demanded with annoyance lacing her voice while she began to scowl ever so slightly.
“Sheep dog Azula? Sheep dog?” Ty Lee growled out while tapping her boot angrily at her unsocial leader’s glaring face.
“Oh! And once I have been tiger monkey!” Elle exclaimed in a seemingly unbothered voice while counting on her fingertips with the three women glancing down at her.
The princess in her usual possessive stare and the other two females seemed baffled by her casual disregard of such demeaning treatment.
“I didn’t call her a sheep dog. I stated that she smelled like one after playing out in the rain for several weeks.” The princess remarked thoughtlessly while giving her friends a questioning glance when they began to scowl at her.
Even Mai’s lips curved into a frown.
That was only when that she noticed Elle’s shoulders slumped with a hurt look in her eyes.
“I-I smell?” The blonde-haired girl mumbled pitifully while the acrobat immediately took to rubbing her back while narrowing her eyes at the princess’s faintly regretful face.
“Azula! No. No you don’t smell Elle. Azula’s just socially clueless. I am certain that she didn’t mean that in the least.” The brown-haired woman cooed while pulling the smaller girl into a hug when it looked like she was about to cry.
“What? You dare call me clueless?!” Azula snapped while stomping forward with her hands at her sides to pry Ty Lee off her little admirer.
“You kind of have to be Azula to be that oblivious. You’re even worse than Zuko. Seriously. You don’t tell a girl that likes you that she smells.” Mai stated with an unusual sternness to her voice while staring at the princess as she glared between her and Ty Lee while striding forward.
“I don’t?” Elle asked while gazing up at the two women as they shook their heads speedily.
“No. You don’t shorty. Ty Lee’s right.” The markswoman spoke while folding her hands over her stomach.
She mused that having the innocent girl around was truly like having a little sister.
The notion of having a baby sister was a decidedly pleasant one.
“Don’t put words in my mouth! I said that was when she was living on the street…” The princess trailed off while storming towards the blonde’s side with her friends staring at her in disbelief.
“Azula. Just stop while you’re ahead before you dig too deep of a hole.” Mai sighed while rubbing her forehead in annoyance over the other woman’s lack of social conduct.
“I’d like to see how you smell after several weeks on the streets. It probably wouldn’t be anything like the royal spa.” Ty Lee remarked while Azula glared at her icily before rudely pushing her off Elle.
The acrobat huffed as she stepped aside to allow the princess to attempt to amend her error.
“You both will be silent or I will strike you both into the ashes of oblivion! And you stay off my pet. Get your own Ty Lee.” Azula hissed while forcefully grasping onto Elle by her shirt collar while the other two exchanged an exasperated glance.
“Azula! How many times do I have to tell you that Elle isn’t a pet!” The brown-haired woman exclaimed in frustration while the princess pulled the small girl alongside her.
“Yes, she is. She is my pet. She submitted to my dominance the moment she stepped into my litter. By rights of strength she now belongs to me. I conquered her just as I conquered Ba Sing Se.” The princess announced while the petite girl peered up at her with her a faint blush on her cheeks.
“…Conquered?” The markswoman snorted while musing it was best to just ignore the woman’s seemingly demented idea of dating.
“A-Azula-sama? I don’t…smell, do I?” The blonde-haired girl stammered with a worried look in her eyes while gazing up at the tall woman’s stern face.
“No. Of course not. You smell quite fresh.” Azula assured while strangely allowing the girl to hold onto her bicep.
The two noblewomen sweatdropped over the princess’s rather poor attempt at flattery.
‘She goes from saying she smells to saying that she doesn’t…smooth.’ Mai thought while observing the interaction with bored tawny eyes.
Thankfully for Azula, Elle was a kindhearted girl that was rather easy to please.
That was all it took to restore her spirits.
“I do?” Elle asked with rising hope in her voice while Azula nodded sagely while staring down with her entrancing golden eyes.
“Like the first day of spring.” The princess answered with her lips pursed into a smirk when her pet clutched tightly.
“Oh Azula-sama…I am so happy to belong to you….” The blonde-haired girl gushed while pressing her face into the princess’s toned bicep.
The acrobat couldn’t help but smile even though her leader had just acted like a major ass.
Elle adored Azula so much that she already forgot the foolishly spoken insult.
“It pleases me that you have accepted my dominance. Now then let us proceed onward with tonight’s plans.” Azula declared while turning to face her friends with a return to her callous composure.
“Tonight’s plans? What are you two on about?” The markswoman queried with her brows furrowed as she gazed between the now grinning acrobat and her stern-faced leader.
“We are all going out for a fun night out on the town!” Ty Lee exclaimed while Mai turned to her with puzzlement in her eyes.
“We are?” Mai repeated with slight interest in her voice before turning to see Elle looking up at Azula in confusion.
“Are you going to help me get back to my quarters first? I don’t know my way back to the palace from here.” Elle questioned while Azula glanced down at her with strict golden eyes.
“No, I will not. You are coming with us. If you can keep it to yourself that is.” The princess informed to the small girl’s surprise.
Even the gloomy noble could only blink in genuine shock.
Azula…is bringing a commoner out on the town?
Though she did suppose that no one really knew that the girl was lowborn besides them.
Given that she was seemingly from…wherever that somewhere is.
“I will never disobey you Your Highness. I take it that you wish for me to serve at the dinner table tonight?” The blonde-haired girl pondered with an unbothered voice while peering up at the older girl.
As soon as Mai heard that she couldn’t help but gaze away in discomfort.
Now that she was getting to know the girl it didn’t seem right for her to spend the evening bowing on the floor while they ate.
It would have been kinder just to send her back to the palace.
Now that Elle was calling her and Ty Lee big sister it just felt wrong, very wrong.
“No! You aren’t coming to serve us Elle! You’re coming to have fun with us!” The brown-haired woman shouted before the princess could respond.
Knowing Azula’s controlling personality she could try to back out of it and she didn’t want to give her the chance.
“I am? Is this true Azula-sama?” Elle inquired with her lips curling into a broad smile as she peered up into the woman’s beautiful face.
“It is true. But you had best remain on good behavior or oof! Not again!” Azula attempted to explain only to shout in protest when Elle tackled her stomach.
“Well color me shocked. The girl gets to spend an evening doing something other than slaving away for Azula.” The markswoman commented in a pleasantly surprised voice while watching in amusement as the regal woman was assaulted via hug.
“Arigatou gozaimasu! Arigatou! Arigatou! Azula-sama!” The blonde-haired girl called out while enveloping her master’s belly in a tight embrace.
“You…you are welcome servant now let me go!” The princess complained while her friends observed with smugly entertained eyes.
“My princess is including me in her circle! I feel so honored!” Elle cheered while Ty Lee watched with a warm smile as she hid in the princess’s belly.
Azula made eye contact with Ty Lee while reading her eyes that silently conveyed an obvious message.
I told you it would make her happy.
“If you wish to maintain your position in my circle you must…get off me.” The princess grunted while gazing around to be certain that no people were passing by the meadow.
“You get her Elle! Defeat the Conqueror of Ba Sing Se! Take her down with the ultimate hug!” Ty Lee yelled out with a grin as Azula glared back at her with icy eyes that promised great pain.
“I am so excited princess! But…what do I wear?” The blonde-haired girl asked in a worried voice while peering up at the woman’s much finer clothes.
Azula fell silent for a moment after finally dislodging from the embrace not having considered that.
She held a hand to her chin while wondering if they should go back to the palace first.
Ultimately, she chose it was best not to do so.
In the unlikely event she ran into her father.
“Hey! I have an idea. Why don’t we browse the market beforehand? You can pick out an outfit! If Azula won’t buy it for you. I will!” The brown-haired woman suggested while striding forward with her fists on her hips.
The princess’s eyes snapped upward thoughtfully while also taking the acrobat’s generous offer a challenge to her dominance.
“Really? You would do that for me oneesan?” Elle requested with innocence lacing her voice while Ty Lee stopped before her to beam down at her.
“Aww! When you’re that adorable how could I ever say no?” Ty Lee cooed while patting Elle’s head with the younger girl blushing over all of the attention she was receiving.
“Absolutely not. I will purchase the outfit.” Azula retorted with her arms folded over her breasts as she gazed back at the still smiling Ty Lee.
‘Did Azula just get deceived into purchasing her servant a party outfit?’ Mai thought while stepping up behind the other girl’s as she mused it could be fun.
If you ignore the fact that Azula just burned two girls’ not even an hour ago.
“If you say so Azula…but I might still buy her one myself. She’s just too cute. I have to.” The brown-haired woman stated in a sisterly manner while still patting the girl’s head.
“I-I don’t know what to say.” The blonde-haired girl mumbled while peering between her master and her big sister’s taller forms.
“You don’t have to say anything…just continue to be a good girl for me.” The princess remarked while greedily swiping the other woman’s hand off the girl’s head.
The acrobat huffed while gazing at her with amusement in her eyes all the while the gloomy noblewoman watched in increased puzzlement.
‘Is Azula…jealous of other women touching Elle?’ The markswoman pondered while the princess stood over the girl once more.
“Yes, Master Azula. As you say.” Elle agreed with an adorable nod of her head while Azula peered down at her in stern approval.
“Azula…please stop making her call you master.” Ty Lee pleaded in an exhausted voice while the princess began to walk ahead of them.
“Come along now Elle. You two as well. We shall go dominate the marketplace into submission.” Azula declared with her right fist clenched as she began to grin violently.
“Dominate the marketplace Azula?” The brown-haired woman sighed before smiling when she noticed that the princess had the flower tucked beneath her sash.
It was just barely noticeable around the woman’s waistline while the younger girl continued to follow after her with her backpack slung on her shoulders.
“Azula-sama? I have a question that I have been pondering for some time.” The blonde-haired girl asked while chewing on her lip as she gazed up at the much taller female.
The acrobat and the weapons expert stared at the girl curiously while the princess seemed to swell in pride that the girl chose to ask her instead of them.
“Then ask me. My wisdom is as vast as is my merciful heart. Since I have taking a liking to you…you are in a most fortunate position to benefit from the fruits of my genius.” The princess announced with seemingly endless hubris while waving a hand before her smiling all the while.
“Please. I think your head is getting too big for your shoulders.” Mai snorted while striding behind Elle as she gazed down at the girl with a mild fondness in her gaze.
Naturally, the spoiled woman ignored any and all remarks that put her flawless nature into question.
All the while Elle continued to hold a finger to her lip unaware that two of the three women were mulling over how adorable they thought she was.
“What’s a rug muncher Azula-sama?” Elle blurted out with little warning while staring up at Azula when the royal woman nearly fell over in surprise.
Azula wasn’t the only one to be taken aback by the innocent query.
Even Mai almost tripped on Elle’s heels while she gazed down at the girl with widened tawny eyes.
How could she really not know what that meant!
Even sweet Ty Lee paused in her step while glancing down at Elle with redness on her cheeks all the while musing that it was mind boggling how she as this pure.
“Eh…well Azula?” The brown-haired woman began nervously while turning to the princess’s comically baffled face.
“How…can you be interested in another girl and not know what that means?” Azula responded in a tone of complete disbelief while gazing down at the puzzled girl with astonishment in her eyes.
She just couldn’t believe that Elle truly didn’t know that it inferred to oral sex between two females.
“Like I said. Felix removed me from school several years ago…and forced me to stay indoors for many years. My parents died long ago…that left me with only Felix…so…my education is a bit stunted.” The blonde-haired girl muttered with evident shame in her voice as she averted her eyes after concluding it was something she ought to know.
The explanation once more caused all three women to gaze down at the girl in disgust to hear that the girl’s brother was that demented.
Azula of course only cared because she had grown fond of Elle.
Whereas the other two were just…all around more compassionate than her.
“What a-“ Ty Lee hissed furiously only to fall silent under the princess’s piercing death glare.
Sweat dripped down her brow as she was once more reminded just how terrifying Azula could be.
And so, she wisely shut her mouth.
“I see. I was aware of the fact…just not that it was this extensive.” The princess commented while rubbing at her nose for once uncertain of how to respond.
“S-sumimasen. I probably sound pretty stupid. Those girls were right.” Elle stated in a tone of low self confidence while padding along glumly.
The three highborn women exchanged looks with one another while Azula sighed heavily in the palm of her hand.
“Hey! Don’t talk like that little sister! You’re not stupid. Not in the least. Those girls were just…” The brown-haired woman trailed off while an involuntary shiver trailed down her spine at the vivid recollection of their screams.
Judging by the grimace on Mai’s face the other woman was well aware of what occurred.
“Ty Lee is correct. Your…writing is proof of that. You are just…naïve. Which simply means that you need someone capable to enlighten you.” Azula announced while turning to peer down at her admirer with stern golden eyes.
The woman’s words struck her friends by surprise while they both gazed at her in silence.
“Oh! You’re so brilliant Azula-sama. Will you enlighten me?” The blonde-haired girl pondered with hope in her voice while the woman strode ahead with her pride returning in full force.
“Indeed, I am brilliant…sometimes I surprise even myself. Just what sort of enlightenment do you seek from me? I excel in all areas. Simply pick one and I will surely be able to assist you.” The princess offered while scanning her fingernails with her friends gazing on in even further disbelief.
Did Azula just offer to school a servant girl?
“That’s a marvelous idea Azula! Elle is a Fire Nation citizen now. She can go to school here!” The brown-haired woman shouted triumphantly while the gloomy noblewoman turned to her in surprise.
Then Mai turned to Azula as she noted the uncertain gleam in the woman’s selfish golden eyes.
‘Figures. She’s probably afraid that Elle will lose interest in her if she is around other people. She is so selfish. It’s disgusting.’ The markswoman thought while finding herself frowning over the matter.
No doubt Azula meant that she would fill Elle in here and there.
“School? What sort of school teacher knows even a fraction of my genius?” Azula sneered while Elle peered up at her with blinding awe in her eyes.
“Will you school me Azula-sama?” Elle asked innocently while gazing up at her master’s divine face while the woman smirked in such a captivating manner.
“Azula…you could just let her go to an actual school. Do you even have the time to educate her to the proper capacity that she desires? I think Elle wants to be up to be speed in all areas. Not just one.” Ty Lee explained while turning to her leader’s smug visage.
“Hush Ty Lee. Yes Elle. I told you that I would take you under my tutelage. I suppose that means that this is my responsibility. I will school your little mind.” The princess declared while turning to gaze down at the joyous girl’s adorable face.
If she was truly taking a romantic interest in this girl…it wouldn’t do to let her possible girlfriend remain in a state of permanent limbo now would it?
“Arigatou gozaimasu Master Azula!” The blonde-haired girl answered happily as she halted to bow at the waist before the tall woman’s pleased countenance.
“I warn you though. I will be a strict teacher….” Azula trailed off while glancing down at her pet’s young face with a lovely smirk on her crimson lips.
“I have complete faith and trust in my princess. I know you would never steer me wrong!” Elle exclaimed while rising from her bow just when Azula patted her shoulder fondly.
The other two women weren’t so certain but it would be unwise to voice as such aloud.
“Now that is devotion.” The princess stated while wagging her finger for her pet to follow with a controlling gleam in her eyes.
“So…what does it mean?” The blonde-haired girl asked once more in a bashful voice while gazing up at the older girl to notice her posture tensing once more.
“Oh boy. I can’t wait to hear this.” Mai spoke with a hand over her mouth while Azula eyed her icily.
“Shut up Mai. You see Elle…rug munching is an analogy for…how dare you laugh at me! I will destroy the both of you!” Azula bellowed as she rounded on her snickering friends with a twinge of redness on her cheeks.
“I don’t get it Azula-sama. Who eats rugs? I don’t eat rugs. They aren’t edible.” Elle chimed while grasping at her straps while Azula groaned in frustration.
“You are just too precious little sister.” Ty Lee cooed with a blush still adorning her cheeks as she ruffled the girl’s hair.
“A-arigatou oneesan Ty Lee.” The blonde-haired girl muttered while the acrobat smiled at her all the while gushing over her much to her pleasure.
She decided that she liked being the youngest of the group.
She truly felt like Azula-sama and her big sisters would look out for her no matter what.
“Ugh. If Azula won’t answer then I will. It seems that it has fallen upon me to be the informative big sister.” The markswoman announced while gazing down at the girl with composed tawny eyes.
“Mai. I am warning you…” The princess trailed off dangerously while the acrobat turned away blushing even deeper.
“Please tell me oneesan. I really want to know.” Elle asked queried while glancing up at Mai’s apathetic face.
“I will strike you with lightning if you so much as speak another word.” Azula hissed while glaring over in the other woman’s direction.
As strangely as it was. She found her admirer’s childlike innocence to be rather endearing.
And she was suddenly finding that she was becoming curiously protective of the younger girl.
“Alright. Here’s your answer. It’s a crude analogy for sexual conduct between two women. Basically, it’s when one girl eats out another girl’s…womanhood. And I am quite certain that it’s something that you would enjoy doing with Azula.” Mai answered at long last with her arms folded over her chest while gazing off to the side just as an uncomfortable silence overtook them.
Ty Lee was now as red as a tomato while she glanced down at Elle’s adorably thoughtful face.
The younger girl was holding a hand to her chin as if processing the explanation.
All the while Azula gazed over at Mai’s unbothered face with a truly horrifying glare.
Golden eyes that were so callous that it was a wonder the gloomy noble didn’t burst into flames on the spot.
“What? She’s interested in women. So, I answered. Would you rather she remains ignorant?” The markswoman questioned while gazing at her leader’s oddly angered face.
“I…still don’t understand. That makes even less sense than before. Why…would I want to eat Azula-sama? I am not a cannibal. I wouldn’t eat my princess even if I was starving. How is eating people a sexual pastime?” The blonde-haired girl inquired while turning to gaze up at the three women’s reddened faces.
At this point they stood in the street with silence so thick that one could have heard crickets chirping.
Mai slapped her forehead in disbelief as she groaned beneath her palm while Azula stood marveling over the girl’s naivety.
“Elle…don’t worry your little mind over it. I’ll educate you at your own pace.” The princess sighed while rubbing the bridge of her nose as she strolled ahead of her pet.
As comical as it was, she found that she was somewhat pleased to know that Elle’s love was this pure.
The girl didn’t adore her just because she was the most beautiful girl there is…or just for her limitless power.
No…now she understood that it ran much deeper than that.
“Yes Azula-sama! As you say. Always as you say. Please know that I would never cannibalize you. I would rather die of hunger.” Elle informed in a voice so grave that Azula was now staring down at her with returning amusement in her eyes.
“I’ll keep that in mind if we are ever trapped on a deserted island.” Azula spoke dryly while folding her arms over her breasts once more.
“That’s so sweet Azula. She wouldn’t eat you even if she was starving. Most of the servants probably wouldn’t even hesitate.” Ty Lee commented with her hands on her hips smiling widely all the wide as her blush finally began to die down.
There was a snort of comical agreement from Mai while the princess stared back at her with irate golden eyes.
“Shut up Ty Lee.” The princess replied in a grumpy voice while the smaller girl smiled up at her.
“It’s okay Azula-sama. If you couldn’t move, I would protect you with my life.” The blonde-haired girl announced while puffing out her developing chest with undying loyalty in her young eyes.
“Aww, Azula. Elle would shield you. That’s just too lovable.” The brown-haired woman cooed while the princess stared down at the girl with humorous doubt in her eyes.
“As sweet as that is…let’s hope that it never comes down to that.” Azula answered while sighing once more as she inwardly mused that the girl is making her go soft.
The foursome finally strode into the Fire Nation marketplace with many eyes being automatically drawn to Azula’s callous countenance.
The sight of their fearsome princess entering the marketplace was a silent warning to all venders to be their absolute best behavior.
Displeasing Princess Azula was possibly even more terrifying than angering Fire Lord Ozai.
To the amusement of the three noblewomen they soon watched as Elle’s eyes began to sparkle while she gazed about at the wide variety of shops.
All the while Azula strode authoritatively beside her younger companion with her stern eyes following Elle’s wandering gaze.
This was the perfect chance for her to establish her position of prime candidacy once and for all in her lovely admirer’s little mind!
“Azula…you should buy her something…” Ty Lee whispered into the woman’s ear while Azula watched Elle wander ahead in her rising excitement.
Mai began to silently follow after Elle while the other two women lingered behind.
The princess tilted her head while her friend continued to whisper in her ear.
Her eyes followed Elle she strode with her hands behind her back all the while pondering what to buy her admirer.
“Like what?” Azula asked while frowning as she began to realize she knew very little about the girl other than that she enjoyed painting and writing.
“Let’s just scout out where she goes and see.” The brown-haired woman replied quietly while the small blonde bounced through the streets gazing around with childish amazement in her eyes.
“See something of interest shorty?” Mai asked questioned in her typical tone while standing over Elle as the girl marveled at everything around her.
Though she hated to admit it. It was indeed adorable.
“There’s so much here! The last time I was here people were calling me a street rat and telling me to get lost.” Elle stated while Mai glanced down at her frowning over the cruel treatment that the girl endured.
Ty Lee was shivering automatically when Azula halted with her eyes narrowing in a predatory manner.
“Oh really? Just who said that?” The princess inquired in a near emotionless voice while the acrobat shook her arm.
“Azula! We’re here to have fun. Not to terrorize the public.” Ty Lee advised discreetly while Azula continued to stride about frowning in clear displeasure.
It would not do for her to allow the mockery of her potential girlfriend.
Her eyes and ears were peeled as she already noticed one or two people were staring at the girl oddly.
She began to realize while it wouldn’t have phased her a week ago.
Now that she was growing fond of the girl it was grated on her nerves.
“Just what are you staring at peasant?” Azula demanded while her companions turned to her warily after she halted by a stall.
The acrobat sighed with a hand over her face when her gaze drifted to her friend now causing an older man at a spice stall to cower in terror.
“N-nothing Y-Your Highness!” The vender cried out while already kneeling the ground with the woman’s golden eyes piercing his soul.
“You had best keep it that way.” The princess snarled while striding onward with her moody eyes drifting about as she followed the girl’s bouncing form.
‘Wow! It’s really sweet watching Azula act so…protective. I know she has a tendency to act like an ass to Elle but I can tell she truly cares about her.’ The brown-haired woman thought while finally noting that the girl stopped to admire a stall.
It was none other than a candy shop.
Given Elle’s childlike personality it came across as no shock to Ty Lee.
She turned to nudge Azula’s shoulder while the stern woman continued to walk after Elle and Mai.
“Ooh! There’s so much here!” Elle cried out while Mai peered down at her sweatdropping.
“I presume that you like candy…” Mai trailed off while keeping a close eye on the girl just as Azula strolled up behind them.
“Is there something that you see of interest?” Azula inquired while she loomed over Elle’s browsing face with her palms clasped behind her back.
All the while gazing down at the younger girl with her strict eyes just barely showing her fondness for the smaller girl.
To passers biers it appeared as if the princess was about to terrorize her.
But of course, Team Azula knew better.
“I…am permitted to have a candy?” The blonde-haired girl responded while peering shyly up at her master’s amused countenance.
“Aww!” The brown-haired woman gushed while the gloomy noblewoman turned to her sighing in mild annoyance over her continues fawning over their new friend.
“I suppose I could allow it. You’re a well-behaved girl. Pick whatever you like.” The princess purred while leaning over the younger girl with a charming aura about her that had the teenager spellbound.
“…Your Highness may I have a maple praline?” Elle requested while folding her hands over her belly while bowing her head before the princess in reverence.
It was quite obvious that Azula greatly approved of Elle’s courteous nature.
Even when simply requesting for a single candy she bowed her head before the monarch.
The owner of the stall was also bowing before the princess all the while her eyes were drifting about over the monarch’s odd choice of companion.
“Hm. Good girl. One maple praline.” Azula announced sternly while removing several coins from her pouch all the while savoring her young servant’s growing excitement.
The coins dropped on the counter while the three women watched with varying levels of amusement as the small girl was handed the treat with joy shimmering in her amber eyes.
“A-arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama…” The blonde-haired girl spoke with a warm smile on her lips as she bowed before the gratified woman once more.
“You really should reduce the bowing Elle.” Mai stated while folding her arms as she gazed down at the happy girl just as she arose from her bow.
“Quiet Mai. Courtesy is in her nature and that is a trait that I approve of. You would do well to remember that I am her monarch. Not you.” The princess remarked from where she stood with her lips curved into a smile as she peered down at her pet.
The noblewoman said nothing in response deciding that there was no point arguing with Azula.
It just baffled her that Azula thought that dating and subjugation were one and the same.
“I am so fortunate to serve Azula-sama.” Elle stated with a wide smile on her lips before biting into her treat beaming all the while.
Azula continued to stride beside the petite girl all the while staring at her calmly with a satisfied countenance.
“At least someone recognizes how great of an honor it is to serve me.” The princess commented while the acrobat continued to grin down at their young companion.
“The whole world should serve Azula-sama. Because she is wonderful.” The blonde-haired girl chimed while nibbling on her candy while the princess’s lips curved upward in increased smugness.
“Why did you have to say that little sister?” Ty Lee sighed while turning to Azula to see that she took the innocent remark as a challenge to conquer the world.
An inferno was already brewing in the woman’s eyes that had her friends excluding Elle growing increasingly wary.
“Great. Just what we needed.” Mai muttered while Elle peered up at them in slight puzzlement.
“I see. So, you wish to see me conquer the world?” Azula remarked with her hands on her hips while turning to peer down at her adorable admirer.
The other two women sweatdropped while they sighed heavily despite finding the princess’s posturing to be a somewhat pleasant change of pace.
Though her ego had surely soared through the proverbial palace roof.
At least Azula was being a little bit nicer.
Even if it was only to one girl…
“Huh?” Elle responded after swallowing a mouthful of candy while her two adoptive big sisters sweatdropped even further.
That was proof enough that the teenager just said whatever came to mind to please Azula.
“Do you wish to see your princess dominate the entire world into submission?” The princess demanded in an icy voice while staring down at the girl with a stare that would make most men piss their pants.
“Azula…I think you’re taking this a little too far.” The brown-haired woman stated only for her words to soar over the arrogant woman’s head.
“Oh! I really want to see you in action Azula-sama! Will you show more of your bending?” The blonde-haired girl questioned while turning to gaze up at the strict woman with worshipful eyes.
“Hm. You desire to see my bending? Then I shall show it to you. Today I will give you just a small taste. When I destroy the Avatar and crush the rebels underfoot then…you will get your wish. I will dominate this world!” Azula announced with her hands afire at her sides with her crimson lips forming a conceited grin.
The blue fire lit the street while Elle peered up at Azula with awe in her young eyes all the while Mai watched in deadpan as people ran in terror every which way.
Clearly thinking that Azula was about to kill someone at random.
“…Azula…you’re terrifying people.” Ty Lee informed while Azula gazed down at Elle with possessive golden eyes while waving her words off.
“Wow! That’s amazing Azula-sama! You’re so good at domination! I could listen to you talk about it all day.” Elle exclaimed while gazing up at the woman’s smiling face unaware of the impact that her words had on her master.
“Shorty do you have any common sense? Why would you tell her that?” The markswoman asked while she stood alongside the gradually concerned acrobat.
They could tell that the girl’s ill thought words had inspired the princess to dominate the girl even further.
“So…you find my dominance appealing?” The princess purred with her words causing her two friends to shiver in pity for the naïve girl peering up at her.
“Now Azula I really don’t think that is what she meant…” The brown-haired woman trailed off only to sigh once more.
Elle got her too riled to listen.
“Y-you’re so strong princess…I feel so safe around you…” The blonde-haired girl mumbled while staring up at the princess’s flame lit visage.
“Marvelous! So, you desire a strong leader to protect you? Perhaps we do make a good mix after all.” Azula called out while waving a hand in the air smiling all the while.
“W-well I’ve always dreamed of h-having a princess charming…” Elle confessed as she began to twiddle with her thumbs while the older girl hummed curiously.
“Azula? Princess charming? Yeah. And I’m pink.” Mai stated in a dull voice while Ty Lee sweatdropped despite finding their interactions to be rather cute.
“Princess charming? There is no princess as charming or powerful as me!” The princess shouted while still causing people to turn their heads fearfully.
“D-does that mean that y-you’ll be my princess charming?” The blonde-haired girl pondered timidly while still averting her eyes from the princess’s towering form.
“Very well little servant. I will be your princess charming and I shall give you the dominance that you so dearly crave.” Azula declared while pointing down at Elle with her eyes narrowed all the while the petite girl blushed from ear to ear.
All along the two other women gazed at her clearly thinking that she just may have gone mad.
“But Azula you already dominate her.” Ty Lee stated while Mai shook her head in annoyance.
“Waste of breath.” The markswoman scoffed before turning curiously when the princess grasped ahold of the girl’s smaller wrist.
“O-oh Azula-sama…my princess charming…” Elle trailed off in a dreamy voice just as the woman began to drag her like a rag doll through the streets.
“Azula! Where are you taking her!” The brown-haired woman exclaimed while running a hand through her hair as they sped up to follow their dominance obsessed leader.
“Come my pet. Let’s go to the weapons shop.” The princess spoke much to her friends’ fright as she pulled the lovesick girl alongside her.
“Poor girl. I’m glad I’m not her.” Mai stated wryly while Ty Lee winced while nodding in agreement.
They were beginning to fear that Azula would cage the poor girl if Elle were to ever decide that she was interested in someone else!
They watched the two vanish ahead of them only hearing the small girl call out a meek ‘yes Master Azula’ one more time.
“Y-yes Master Azula.” The blonde-haired girl agreed while reaching up to embrace the woman’s toned bicep all the while admiring her peak physique.
And with that Azula dragged Elle out of sight with her behavior clearly taking on an even more dominant turn.
In Azula’s mind she was beginning to realize that she just may have found the perfect romantic partner for her.
She was lovely, just young enough for her, petite to her liking, submissive, very eager to please, and to top it all off the girl even enjoyed her dominant personality.
Elle was indeed a splendid little find.
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A Drawing Too Many pt3
So the ridiculousness that’s is this story about @warrior-kitty continues
A badger was loitering and rambling on the phone outside of Starbucks when she was suddenly shocked by a confusing sight. She noticed a giant creature dressed in a Steven Universe t-shirt with jeans, a knit cap, and glasses on his eyes. To the side of him was a field mouse coaxing him as the onlookers looked at the beast in confusion and fear.
“Can we leave?” Kitty asked his friend. “Everyone is staring at me…”
“Lighten up!” Rio replied. “We’re just getting coffee, what can go wrong?”
“Ummm…hi….” The towering monster cried pigeon-toed at the register.
“I would like the…Umm…caramel frappe and a white chocolate mocha please…”
“Alright two drinks…” the hedgehog at the register typed. “That’ll cost your first-born child.”
As Kitty opened his wallet he accidentally bummed a woman into a falcon.
“Sorry…” he apoligized as he turned back around, stepping on Rio’s tail.
Soon the beast with the soul of a girl knocked over a few tables and caused a few people to spill their drinks on each other.
“Nice one jerk.” A Labrador retriever with a flower on her head exclaimed.
Kitty then ran into the woman’s room, where a woman screamed and carried her traumatized child out, then felt his phone ringing so he answered it.
“Oh yea. Is this Warrior Kitty? Your mother told us about the mind swap so we’re making sure this is the right number.”
“It is.”
“Woah you sound a lot deeper! Wonder what body you’re trapped in. Anyways were a little short staffed so do you think you could make it to work today and see if it works out? We know you’re in new digs, but we’ll pay you extra alright?”
Kitty thought about it for a minute.
“Yea I can come in.”
“Alright. Be here in an hour.”
Kitty struggled to use his giant hands to call Ninja, but after a bit of fumbling he answered him.
“Ninja…So far today isn’t going well…”
“Tell me about it…” said the bunny in the shape of a cube next to an open safe…
“Alright…” Ninja thought to himself as he eyed his wicked target in the bushes.
“I can’t use the crucifix too much or else Kitty’s body will go with him…. I need to capture or knock her out with something before a proper banishment can take place…”
He looked to the right to see a safe held up by a crane near a building, and his mind lit up.
The Flemish Giant rabbit was tying up the safe on a limb of an oak tree, waiting to drop it on the vixen’s head. When he heard her laughter, he climbed down and hid behind the tree, oblivious to the other rope behind him. As soon as the demonic vixen stopped under the limb to look around, Ninja pulled the rope before as a shadow formed over him until,
The evil being walked to the side of the tree and opened the safe, pulling out a cubic Ninja.
“Better luck next time sucker…” she mocked as Ninja called Kitty.
Kitty was now at work with Rio, dressed up in her outdoorsmen store attire and stocking shelves full of water shoes.
“Well…” he said, “At least I don’t need a ladder.”
“Alright!” his trusty mouse cried. “Just think positive!”
This brought a smile to the girl trapped in a monster, and after a while it seemed like things were going well, until Kitty tripped on a bench and knocked a shelf over due to his weight…which knocked shelves over like a row of dominos…
“Oh-no…” he saw his supervisor hurry over a bit stunned.
“Wow…” he gawked, shocked but impressed. “This creature who took your body ways a TON!”
“I’m sorry!” Kitty cried. “I fell over!”
“Relax!” the raccoon calmed him. “We’ll just pay you workman’s comp until you get your body back and get this repaired. It’s no big deal.”
As Ninja watched the vixen of doom he was glad to figure out that she was having issues stealing more souls with Kitty’s body. She stopped, giggled a little, then grew horns, muscles, fangs and became male, fully transforming back into himself and his body. Ninja took this as an opportunity and charged screaming at the beast with his crucifix before he could take more innocent lives.
However, the beast in the store started to shrink and the horns on Kitty’s went away.
“What the…” he said. “My voice is getting higher.”
Fur formed back on the tiny body and the beast was now a vixen again.
“Yay!” Rio cried. “Ninja must’ve broken the-“
“Excuse me!!!” a middle-aged cat with a bangs haircut screamed.
“Who is the manager?”
“Umm…” Kitty said, with a tone of anxiousness. “I am…”
“I bought these hiking boots for my son and they’re too big for him! I demand my money back.!”
“But ma’am, you bought those boots three months ago!” Kitty explained.
“I want my money back now!” she yelled like a child.
Rio walked up to the Karen Kat angerly, sick of seeing staff get treated like this…
“Ma’am leave my friend here alone!” Rio demanded, only for her to be kicked away by the cat. Raccoon supervisor ran over to make sure the mouse wasn’t hurt.
“Hey!” Warrior Kitty yelled, angry that someone could treat her friend so poorly over shoes. “You don’t kick my friends around like that!”
“Oh yea” Karen said with a smirk towards the fox, “Whatcha gonna do about it?”
Kitty felt angry because she didn’t know what to do, but froze in fear as she began to feel growth on her temples, in her mouth and between her legs…
Ninja tackled the beast on the ground with his crucifix, pinning him down until he threw the rabbit off his back and he felt down hard onto the grass below. Ninja saw the foul abomination terrorizing the park and steal more souls, so the rabbit hit him with the crucifix, harming the abomination and keeping him under control.
“Now demon!” He smiled as he held the crucifix towards his face. “Here you shall die!”
“Oh really?” he laughed, as he shrunk back down, as he shrunk down with his horns disappearing... “And let this body of your friend die with me, leaving her as a freak for the rest of her days?” he asked him as he gained a vixen’s face and body, completing her transformation. Ninja put the crucifix down as to not kill his friend’s body.
“Ha” the vixen laughed at him. “You want me out of this body, you’re going to have to beat me out of it!”
And with that she darted off deep into the city, falling off of Ninja’s radar. Because he couldn’t find her the rabbit decided to head back to Kitty’s house…”
The Karen grew scared as muscles, fangs and horns appeared on Kitty’s body, her voice getting deeper and her gender changing again, making him once again the monster.
“Ahhh!” the cat screamed traumatized, as Kitty looked at her with an embarrassed look on his face.
“I don’t care anymore! J-just let me go! You’re right! You’re right!”
Kitty thought about it for a bit and decided to give the Karen Kat a scare.
“Then go away…” he said trying to be spooky. “And never come back!”
Karen Kitty hustled out through the wall with her silhouette forming a hole.
“Woah” Rio said…” You scared her off! But now you’re a freak again…”
“As much as I’m glad the Karen’s gone I think the thing doing this to you might be more important than work…” Kitty’s supervisor said. “We’ll pay you a workmen’s comp, but get some rest to fight this thing…”
And with that they both headed home.
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I Don't Think We're On Earth-65 Anymore Cop!Frank Castle x Spider!Reader
@jarvis-ismy-copilot @wolfmothar @murdockmmatt @marvelobsessedteen
Summary: Jitterbug gets help from the Devil of hell's kitchen and learns a big detail about the masked vigilante.
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Chapter five
“You mean to tell me you’re from another dimension?” Daredevil summed up. Once he swore to help her find her way home the pair took to the rooftops in travel, jumping and swinging from building to building as they spoke.
“Sounds crazy I know, but it’s the truth.”
“I believe you.”
Jitterbug halted on the edge of the building and looked at him. “Wait, really? Just like that? You just trust me like that?” Surely he should've been at least a little surprised.
The devil merely smiled. “I doubt you’d lie about it, and I mean after seeing a hole open up in the sky and spit you out like a soggy fry I don't have much room to argue.”
“Hm. Touche.”
“Not to mention I can hear your heartbeat.” He added before resuming their rooftop clamour once more.
“You can WHAT?”
Matt knew he should probably be more cautious of the woman. He knew nothing about her or where her allegiance lies. But what he knew was that she was telling the truth, that she was lost and needed to get home. Usually he would think she's crazy. Maybe it was the catholic in him insisting she help her, maybe it was his hero complex or his bleeding heart, or maybe it was seeing her fall out of the sky like a asteroid that made him think she was truly in a struggle.
Boy, he thought he had seen it all. The dead come back to life, a bullet-proof man, a woman with super strength and...whatever the hell was up with Danny. But this, oh this took the cake.
“Mind telling me where we’re going Devil-dude?” She swung right next to him by what looks to be a rope shooting out of her wrist. It was certainly a new power in his book.
“My apartment.” He answered. “We gotta figure out how exactly you got here, by what, and how to get you back. We need a game plan.”
“Sounds good to me. Your New York is a little different than mine so I'm just gonna follow your lead on this.”
Matt hadn’t expected Foggy and Karen to be at his apartment that night. He really didn’t. They had won a case that day and the trio wanted to celebrate, but Matt had left early to go on patrol.
“When the hell does he get back from this shit?” Foggy groaned. “It’s 2 am!”
Karen shushed him. “Dont! This is supposed to be a surprise Foggy and I'm pretty sure the family across the street can hear you!” She giggled a little bit when she spoke so he knew the pair were already buzzed. He could smell pizza, beer and cupcakes, no doubt store bought but the thought still warmed his heart. The group had come along way since they reopened their law-firm. Granted Foggy and Karen don't support his late night activities with open arms, but they love Matt. So they do their damndest to be there for him whenever they could. He couldn’t wish for a better family.
“Boy.” Jitterbug spoke. “You're friends are fucking loud.”
“I don’t know how to get you in there without them seeing you.” She snorted.
“Oh don’t worry about me, I can get in there like a sweet summer breeze. What room you want me in?”
He made a face.
“Yeah, bad wording on my part. Sorry.”
“My bedroom is behind a large door on the left, If I draw them to the windows the maybe-”
“Oh my god you're just like Castle.” She groaned and knocked on the door for him. “Too much thinking!”
“Wait no-”
“There he is!” The moment Foggy opened the door, Jitterbug disappeared in a gust of wind. His friend paused and pointed to Matt.
“Wait a minute, why did you knock at your own apartment?”
“I could hear you guys inside.”
Karen laughed from the couch. “I told you!”
Foggy waved her off. “Yeah, yeah I’ll work on my volume control another day. But now-” He placed a cold beer in his friend’s hand with an infectious smile. “-We celebrate!”
He walked in and glanced around the apartment. His kitchen was void and the hallway empty so where did Jitterbug disappear to? “You guys didn’t have to do this you know. It’s late.”
“Yet here we are.” Karen pointed out. “So you better park it Murdock, because you aren’t getting rid of us anytime soon.”
That may prove to be a problem.
“Let me just get dressed, this isn’t exactly comfortable.” Matt walked into his room, quickly shutting the door behind him.
Jitterbug stood in the center of his room, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. “Your friends are nice. Do they know about you-”
“They do.” He quickly shed his clothes, she merely raised a brow and watched him hurriedly dress himself. “It’s caused a lot of problems and it’s taken a long time for me to gain their trust again. But that trust will be broken again if they-”
“Find some random vigilante chick in your room?” She finished and waved him off. “I got you devil-dude. I’ll wait in here until their gone-” She pantomimed zipping her lips with a smile. “-quiet as a mouse.”
Matt’s shoulder dropped and let out a breath of relief. “Thank you. I know this is an urgent situation for you but-”
“You got a life to protect.” She plopped herself down on his bed, taking note of the silk sheets. “I get that.” She’d been through the struggle herself. Because of the life Jitterbug chose to live, she was pretty lonely. Many partners and friends had walked out of the heroine’s life because she would run off in the middle of a sentence or come home late at night barely able to stand. It was a harsh life, but one that she felt she had to live for the safety of others.
She noticed his eyes for the first time and froze. They were nice. Brown and soft, but unfocused. He was facing her as she spoke but his eyes never really focused on her as a person but more on the direction she was in.
“Wait a minute, are you blind?”
He cracked a smile. “Just a tad.”
One of his friend’s knocked on the door in rapid succession.
“Come on Murdock!” Foggy shouted and Jitterbug’s blood ran cold. “I wanna see if you can beat my mini cupcake record!” Matt smiled and shook his head.
“I’ll doubt I can, but I’ll try!” He finished tying the string in his pants and reached for the doorknob, only to freeze when he heard Jitterbug's voice hesitantly ask.
“Is your name..Matt Murdock?”
He turned to her, his hands coming to rest as his side and twitching. “I am, why?”
She opened her mouth to speak, before shutting it and shaking her head. “It’s nothing.” She motioned to the door and made a shooing motion with her hands, ready for his friends to leave and find a way home. “Let’s just hope your better than the one from my universe.”
Matt wanted to stay and ask what he was like and what he had done to her, but there was no time. He needed to spend time with his friends before ushering them out under the excuse that he needed to get some rest but truly so he can learn more about this mystery hero and how to get her back to her universe. He locked the door before him and she slid down to the floor, praying that the unlikely friend she just made wouldn’t simply make the situation worse.
I have officially finished writing and editing this fic!!yay!! Now I can focus on uploading the chapters and getting to work on other pieces!! So don't hesitate to send some requests my way ESPECIALLY for some more jitterbug content, you know I love that gal!! Also want you guys to know I am going to start writing for Griff from baby driver as well. Please don't hesitate to send me a message about a request, critiques or just wanted to say hi! I completely forgot the tag list until this chapter I'm so sorry sdnrksks but please let me know if you want to be tagged in the future chapters, hope you lovelies have a great day <3
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lowkey-lokis-bitch · 6 years
I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH YPUR FIC WHERE THE READER GETS KIDNAPPED IT WAS SO SO GOOD PHENOMANAL I LOVE IT I wanted to request a Peter x stark! reader where the reader is seen leaving Midtown or has on like a Midtown sweater or something and the kids at midtown are like "whaaaaat?!?!?" and Peter accidently reveals his relationship with her to the school or something Hope that's not too much thanks love❤❤
secret’s out - peter parker
warnings - mild language, like 3 curse words. my awful interpretation of american high school haha
pairing - peter parker x stark!fem!reader
word count - 3044 (yay finally they’ve been so short recently sorry!!)
The first thing you felt. The warmth from the sunlight beaming in through the window. The warmth of the blankets you were nestled under. The warmth from the body wrapped around yours.
Opening your eyes slowly, you could see the mess of hair on the pillow next to you. A faint smile crossed your lips as you rubbed your tired eyes and snuggled further into the body next to you, eliciting a sleepy moan. Peter’s arms tightened around you and you let out a breathy laugh.
“Peter,” your voice was raspy, sending your boyfriend crazy. “You’re gonna be late.”
“I don’t care,” his eyes remained closed, as if he was grasping on to his last few minutes of sleep. He pressed his face further into the pillow, breathing deeply.
“I’m gonna be late,” you leaned into him, taking in his scent. These were your favourite types of mornings, waking up beside him, enjoying each other’s presence.
Peter groaned, stretching his arms dramatically. You giggled, watching him as he almost fell out of the bed. He opened his eyes slowly and looked over you, taking in your semi-conscious appearance. He smiled down at you and leaned over to place a kiss on your cheek. You smiled back up at him, sitting up to face him.
“I’m going to shower,” he announced, standing drowsily and trying to even his balance. You watched him as he padded through your bedroom towards the bathroom, and sighed as he closed the door behind him. You heard the water turn on and stood slowly, moving towards your wardrobe. Rifling through your clothes, you eventually decided on a pair of leggings and an old t-shirt. Putting them on quickly, you sat back down on the bed and grabbed your phone from your bedside table. Clicking it on, the time appeared before you.
“Shit,” you stood and sprinted over to the bathroom door. “Peter! It’s 7:45, you might want to hurry up.”
A series of crashes were the only response, before Peter opened the door,  dripping wet in only a towel. “Crap.”
You ran over to your drawers, grabbing some of Peter’s clothes that had been left there, tossing them towards him as he hurried to dry his hair. He threw them on instantly, droplets of water still dotted across his skin.
“I’ll grab something to eat on the way,” he rushed past you, grabbing his backpack and giving you a quick kiss. “I’ll see you after school!”
He opened the window and flung himself out of it. A breath caught in your throat, only releasing when you saw him swinging down the block. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh as you turned, then noticed his Midtown sweater lying on the floor. Walking over, you picked it up and considered it in your hands. On multiple occasions Peter had left it here and had returned throughout the day to pick it up, so this was pretty normal. Tying it around your waist you dismissed your thoughts and headed towards the lab.
Working with your father was an interesting experience. The time that wasn’t spent deciphering some complex equations was passed arguing and screaming due to your clashing personalities. Everyone said that you were too alike, “there’s too much Tony in you”, but you knew it was because you both wanted to do the right thing and your opinions conflicted on what the right thing was.
You threw open the door to the lab and found Bruce working at a large screen. He glanced up quickly, giving you a small smile before going back to his work. You had learnt over time that leaving Bruce to work whilst he was in the zone was the best way to go about any social interaction. You didn’t want to risk him losing his train of thought, as he was often assisting your father with something important. You continued through the lab until you found Tony sitting at a computer, coffee cup in hand.
“I didn’t think coffee was really your thing,” you joked, sitting in the chair next to him.
“Usually it’s not,” he turned to look at you, crossing his legs. “But I’ve been looking at this damn code for so long I think I’m actually going crazy.”
“Let me have a look,” you turned the screen to face you, flicking back up to the start. “What’s the issue?”
“It keeps giving me random numbers, can’t figure out why. Equations are all good, checked the values and everything with Bruce. I can’t get it,” he stood, stretching his legs and walking in small circles, a hologram appearing containing various bits of data.
“Oh,” you said, your eyebrows raised. “It’s here, you’re missing a bracket. Syntax error.”
The look Tony gave you could have moved planets, you had never seen someone look more shocked and simultaneously confused.
“What?” he sat down again, pulling the screen towards him. “Well then, I think it’s clear where you got your brains from.” He leaned back in the chair, taking a swig of coffee.
“Y’know, it’s pretty normal for stuff like that to slip by. It’s like 7 in every 10 times there’s an issue, it’s probably syntax,” you smiled, voicing your Stark sarcasm. Despite not inheriting many of Tony’s appearances, you definitely had the same sense of humour. Running the program, you saw the data appear on the hologram and Tony’s eyes lit up like christmas lights.
“What’s next?” you smiled, feeling proud of yourself.
“Bruce is working on a prototype of an anti-gravity device, but we need some stuff picking up. Could you run out for us?” he looked across at the grimace on your face, then added to his point. “You can get food.”
“Sold, to the man with the glowing chest,” you stood up, exaggerating your point at your father. He tossed you a credit card and you shoved it in your pocket. “What do you need?”
“I’ll get FRIDAY to send it to you, it’s just some simple materials. Shouldn’t be too hard to find. Take Happy with you, he seems to be getting comfortable downstairs,” Tony glanced across at you, a smile on his face. “Thank you for this.”
You sent a smile to your father, then turned towards the elevator.
“FRIDAY? Bottom floor, please,” you spoke, easing at the familiar voice in response.
“Of course Miss, I’ll send the list from Mr Stark and Dr Banner to your cell phone.”
Upon reaching the bottom floor, you saw Happy outside the front door waiting. You strolled over and pushed open the large, glass door. “Good morning Happy!”
“I see someone was here this morning,” Happy looked up from his phone, giving you one of his signature looks.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“The longer this goes on, the more trouble it’s going to be when the boss finds out.”
“I know, Happy. I get it, I’ll sort it,” you opened the car door and jumped in, Happy doing the same in the driver’s seat. “Downtown is probably our best bet, and I’ve heard there’s a really good churro place.”
“Peter,” Ned called down the hallway as Peter sped towards him. “Dude, you’re late for Chem and Mr Cobwell is in a bad mood.”
“Shit,” Peter muttered, pulling his backpack further up his back. “What do I do?”
“I got you bro, I told him you were at the nurse.”
“Ned, I owe you. Big time,” Peter finally allowed himself to breathe, leaning over to place his hands on his knees. “What’s next period?”
“Gym,” Ned replied. “I heard they’re gonna put one of those Captain America videos on again.”
“Gym, okay. Wait-”
“Peter, just come sleep,” you spoke softly, reaching your arms out from underneath the blankets. “It’s nice and cozy.”
“But what if your dad comes in?”
“FRIDAY,” you looked towards the ceiling. “Tell me if dad comes anywhere near the hallway, please. Wake me up if I’m asleep?”
“Of course, Miss.”
“Thank you!” you turned back towards Peter. “I’m starting to think you just wanted an excuse.”
“Of course not,” Peter smiled down at you, leaning across to take your hand in his. “Just let me take these off.”
He leaned back to unbutton his jeans and remove them quickly, before taking off his sweater, throwing it across the room.
“Shit, I left it at (Y/N)’s,” Peter spoke to himself, louder than he had realised.
“(Y/N)? Like (Y/N) Stark?” Ned’s voice rose alongside his enthusiasm
“Shhhh!” Peter pulled his friend into a hallway. “Okay, yes, (Y/N) Stark. But you can’t tell anyone. I mean anyone. Not even MJ.”
“Oh, okay,” Ned nodded, confident in his ability to keep a secret whilst Peter felt the exact opposite.
“I think I have a spare shirt in my locker,” Peter trailed off, stepping towards the row of lockers in the corridor.
Driving towards Brooklyn was a calming experience. You sat with your legs up on the dashboard, the window slightly open so that your hair blew out of your face. Your phone was tucked into your pocket and you had received the list of materials.
“Where can we get anti-static acrylic?” you looked across at Happy, who was fully focused on the road ahead. If it had been anyone else he would have made them sit in the back, but you had known Happy since you were a kid. He was like an uncle to you, most of the team were family at this point.
“There’s a store in Brooklyn, they stock all kinds of obscure materials. We’ll head there,” he replied without looking at you and you turned to watch outside your window.
As the car pulled up in front of the store, you grabbed a worn-down cap and a pair of sunglasses from the glovebox. You glanced towards Happy, noticing how his phone was instantly in his hand, before opening the door and hurrying into the building. Recently the press had been more interested in you, wanting to ask you about your father and his new apprentice, Spiderman. You had known Peter’s alter ego since the beginning, but it had taken you by surprise when the first paparazzi had asked you about him. You had stumbled over your words, which was strange because you had inherited your father’s cool when talking to strangers. It was safest to try and avoid the paps, for fear of spilling something about Peter or your relationship. That would be difficult to explain to your father.
The store was cold, sending a shiver down your spine as you stepped in. You glanced around before deciding to speak to an employee. Removing your sunglasses, you headed towards a young woman wearing a store shirt.
“Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find some materials?” you asked politely, smiling softly.
“Sure- Oh my god, you’re (Y/N) Stark,” the employee looked at you with wide eyes. You cursed internally, maintaining the smile on your face.
“Uh, yeah,” you chuckled.
“Of course I can help, what are you looking for?” you could hear the nervous waver in her voice.
“Some anti-static acrylic and polarizing film, if you have some?” you continued your confident act despite the defeat that lingered behind your eyes. You knew exactly how this was going to end.
“Let me go have a look in the back, I’ll only be a few minutes,” the girl rushed off, stumbling over her own feet.
You wandered the store when you shivered again. You ran your hands across your arms before remembering the sweater tied around your waist. Untying it, you pulled it on over your t-shirt. Your arms were immediately grateful, the goosebumps that had covered your skin fading away. You had been browsing for a few minutes when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.
Paps outside, must have found out we’re here - Happy
Opening Twitter on your phone you instantly saw your name trending, the account at the top belonging to the store employee.
“Hi, sorry to keep you waiting,” a familiar voice returned. You looked up to see the employee. “I’ve got your acrylic and film.”
She held out a bag to you and you glanced in to check the contents.
“Thanks,” you smiled, still trying to hide your annoyance. She followed you across to the tills where you pressed your father’s credit card to the card machine before leaving quickly.
The second you stepped outside, your sight was invaded with flashing lights and your ears bombarded with shouts. You swiftly put your sunglasses on and made a bee-line for the car.
“How’s Tony?”
“Have you spoken to Spiderman?”
“Where did you get your sweater?”
“Did you see the new pictures of Stark’s kid? She’s wearing our sweater!” Peter overheard a group of girls talking as he headed towards the gymnasium. He immediately pulled out his phone, heading to social media and seeing the pictures of you flash onto his screen.
“Is that your sweater?” Ned peered over his shoulder before Peter brushed him away.
“Who else’s could it be?” Peter racked his brain for an excuse to use in gym class.
As the two boys entered the changing room the subject of conversation continued from one social group to another.
“Yeah, she’s wearing a Midtown sweater.”
“Where did she get it?”“I don’t know, but she’s fit.”
Peter’s blood boiled at the way the boys spoke about you, he wanted nothing more than to stick them against the wall.
“Yo, what are you looking at Parker?” one of the jocks was staring Peter down, who hadn’t realised he had been staring in the first place.
“I- uh- nothing,” Peter backed away, towards where Ned had began to change. He reached into his locker, pulling out a pair of yellow shorts and a white shirt. “All I got. Shit.”
“Dude, it’ll be fine. Coach’ll mention it like once, then you’re fine,” Ned spoke, pulling on his sweater.
Peter and Ned entered the gym with their classmates, Peter sticking out like a sore thumb.
“Parker,” Coach Wilson yelled. “Get over here. Where’s your kit?”
“Sorry Sir, it’s in- in the laundry,” Peter stuttered, looking up at his coach.
“Woah, coincidence. You have that Stark internship, right? Did you lend your sweater to (Y/N) Stark?” Flash yelled out from the bleachers, high-fiving his friends.
“I mean, I’ve never-”
“It’s funny that you have that internship, but you’ve never met Stark or his daughter? Come on,” Flash taunted, pride painted across his face.
“I, uh-”
“He’s met her!” Ned yelled out, standing from his seat on the bleachers. Turning on his heels, Peter’s face flushed red as he glared at his friend.
“I’m not supposed to talk about it,” he spoke sternly. If looks could kill, Ned would be flat on the ground.
“Well then,” Flash spun around, ever the entertainer. “Why not just ask her for your sweater back?”
“I can’t- it’s not. It’s not mine.”The room went silent as Peter’s phone began to ring from his pocket. Lifting it to his ear slowly and giving a quick glance to Coach Wilson, he pressed the answer button.
“Hey, it’s (Y/N),” Peter flinched at the name, fully aware everyone else in the gym could hear as it bounced from wall to wall. “I was out and I had your sweater and the press got pictures and now they’ve all blown up online. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean for any of this-”The panic in your voice was clear, which worried Peter. He had seen you this way only a few times before, he was much more used to the confident, upbeat (Y/N).
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I think they’ve kind of figured it out already,” he turned away from the bleachers, exiting the gym and lowering his voice.
“Are you in class? Sorry, I should have texted.”“No, it’s fine. Wait, what about your dad?”
Peter heard you curse under your breath.
“I’m gonna go talk to him. God I hope he hasn’t seen the pictures yet.”
“Hasn’t he seen you with it before?”
“Not the logo. I need to go, I need to hurry. I’ll let you know if it’s safe to come by after school.”“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you too,” despite everything going on, Peter could hear you smile through the phone.
Re-entering the gym, all eyes were on Peter.
“So, Parker. How does one get a Stark internship?”
You rushed towards the lab, carrier bag in hand. Throwing open the door you placed the bag on a desk next to Bruce and continued through to where you had left your father this morning. He was sat in an almost identical position, staring at the computer screen in front of him. Walking over slowly, you could see the pictures of you on the screen.
“Hey,” you spoke quietly, your hands shaking slightly with anxiety.
“So, I’m assuming it’s Peter’s sweater? Is this just all blown out of proportion?” he looked up at you, radiating a sense of understanding.
“I mean, it’s his. He left it here. This morning,” your eyes darted to the ground, your brain running wild with possible reactions. Most of them bad.
“How long has this been happening?” your father seemed calm, which unsettled you. You had expected him to be annoyed, angry even.
“A few months, pretty much since he came here the first time,” you rubbed your hands together, doing anything to avoid Tony’s gaze.
“Damn,” he leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. “And I didn’t notice the whole time? I must be getting old.”“You’re not mad?” you looked up, your eyebrows furrowing together.
“You know what I was like before you came along, right?” he glanced across at you. You shook your head in response, you didn’t speak much of his life before you.
“Well, I was much worse than you kiddo,” he laughed to himself. “Does he make you happy?”
“Yes,” you exhaled, letting out a breathy laugh.
“Then I’m happy,” Tony stood and walked across to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and smiled down at you. “Now, did you get our stuff?”
a/n - I really hope you liked it! I had a lot of fun writing this one, it ended up quite dialogue heavy but I think it’s okay!! sending love
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nebulous-frog · 6 years
The Prince and His Helper
Summary: Dan and Phil work together at Disney World. Dan is Prince Eric's handler, and, well, let's just say you never see Phil and Prince Eric in the same place at the same time. Dan really likes Phil. He's been known to get a little jealous at the most idiotic of times, but his heart's in the right place.
Part Two is now up!
Word count: 2260 (this chapter- 17,212 overall)
Rating: G
Warnings: Some swearing
Genre: Fluff, Getting Together
Author’s Note: This is part one of probably three, so stay tuned for the rest soon! 
Written for Day 5 of @phanfichallenge​‘s week of fics!
Big thank you to @imnotinclinedtomaturity​ for betaing!
Link to AO3 Fics Masterlist
Dan sat in front of the makeup mirror in the character dressing room, scrolling mindlessly through his phone, too tired to process what he was reading, and occasionally sipping from one of the two coffees on the counter to keep himself from falling out of his chair in a dead sleep.
It was too damn early in the morning- the sun hadn’t even come out yet- but at least caffeine would get him going. Mostly.
Other handlers and characters were scattered throughout the room, putting on or helping to put on costumes. They were too busy to chat with Dan, not that he wanted company anyway. He was content to sit alone in the corner and wait for Phil to arrive.
Phil was an actor who was “friends with” Prince Eric, as the Disney cast members were required to call it (they had to preserve the magic; no child would want to come to Disney if they knew there was a human living inside Mickey Mouse), and Dan was completely enamored with him.
This was their fourth month working together as a handler-actor pair, and they had long since become friends. During breaks, they would chatter away about their many common interests until Dan remembered Phil had to save his voice for talking to the kids, and then Dan would gladly carry the whole conversation.
Their interactions gradually got flirtier and flirtier, and Dan often went home excited for work with Phil the next day.
This morning, however, Dan had gotten to work much earlier than he had anticipated and now he was bored, tired, and a little anxious. Phil would be there soon, of course, but Dan’s brain liked to mess with him.
What if today is the day the ever-dependable Phil Lester is finally late? He really needs to be here, though. I have to talk to him. Maybe he somehow knows and is trying to make me extra nervous. That’s legit, right?
But Dan’s worry was pointless, as, true to form, Phil arrived right on time- 6:30am on the dot.
 “Hey, Dan,” Phil said as he walked into the room.
Dan looked up from his phone and smiled. Phil looked as cheery as ever, which always surprised Dan. Who could be that happy so early in the morning? Luckily, his attitude was contagious, so Dan couldn’t help but feel his nerves melt away and turn into a tired excitement for a new day right along with Phil.
“Hey, Prince. Ready for another day of bringing joy to small children?”
“Of course!” Phil chuckled. “I see you have my costume all ready for me already.” He quirked a questioning eyebrow at Dan. “You always make me get it myself. What’s up with today?”
Prince Eric’s blue slacks, yellow sash, royal jacket, and shiny black boots sat out on the chair next to Dan’s. Phil walked over and toed his own tennis shoes off.
“What, can’t I just be a helpful handler for once?” Dan asked incredulously. When Phil raised his eyebrows skeptically, Dan continued, “Fine, fine, I got here early and was bored while waiting for you to show up.”
Dan stood up, sliding his phone into the front pocket of his blue shorts, then walked over to Phil.
“Need any help?” he asked, watching as Phil took everything out of his pockets.
“Not just yet, but you know I always need someone to do the sash and zipper for me.”
Phil slipped his pants off and pulled up the costume pants, holding out the sash for Dan to help.
Dan took one end of the sash, then wrapped his arms around Phil’s waist to grab the other end of it and tie it. He was so tired that his hands fumbled the fabric a few times, but he hoped Phil didn’t think too much of it.
Don’t think about how you’re basically hugging him right now, or how you can feel how toned his stomach is when you brush against it, or how close your face is to his, or how you can literally feel his breath on your face, Dan thought. He pointedly kept his eyes down, focusing intently on tying the sash and keeping his expression neutral.
Once Dan had stepped back, Phil took off his t-shirt and slipped the white decorative jacket over his shoulders and let Dan zip up the front of the jacket and button the flap to hide the zipper.
“Do I look princely yet?” Phil giggled, carefully sitting down to put on his boots.
“Of course, my liege,” Dan joked with a mock bow. He leaned his butt against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest and turning his head to look at Phil.
“So, someone’s early today. You’re literally always late,” Phil wondered after a beat of silence. “What gives?”
Dan blushed and spluttered. “What? I am not always late!” he exclaimed, stalling for time as he thought of a good excuse.
Phil shot him a look that clearly said, Yeah, right, and Donald Trump is marrying the Queen of England.
“Okay, Mr. Perfectly Punctual, why were you especially early today?” There was a glint in Phil’s eye and a cheekiness to his smile that showed Dan just how pleased Phil was that he had taken the bait.
Dan loved that cheeky smile.
“I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to just get up and get here early,” Dan explained, trying to appear nonchalant.
Phil glanced up from his now-finished task, concern clear on his face. Dan must not have done a very good job of playing it cool.
“Couldn’t sleep? Is everything okay?” Phil’s brow was furrowed and he had a slight frown tugging on his lips.
Dan refused to acknowledge the voice in the back of his head calling it adorable.
“Yeah, I think I just had too much caffeine or something. You know me.” He brushed it off with a wave of his hand and an awkward laugh. “I’ll be fine.”
It wasn’t a lie, really, it just wasn’t the full truth. Dan had had a lot of caffeine yesterday, and something made him unable to sleep. It just... wasn’t the caffeine. Caffeine never affected Dan so much he couldn’t sleep at night.
No, what had kept Dan lying awake most of the night was his decision to ask Phil out on a date after work today.
Months of pining and flirting had built up, and Dan finally decided to throw caution to the wind and ask Phil to dinner, or coffee, or a movie, or literally anything, so long as they were together and it was a date.
Unfortunately, Dan’s brain had the rather awful tendency to overanalyze anything and everything he could possibly come into contact with, so his night had been full of what ifs and worst-case scenarios. They ranged from What if Phil already has a boyfriend all the way to Phil’s straight and homophobic and if I ask him out he’ll throw up on my face at the very idea of dating another man.
He knew it was ridiculous, he knew nothing horrible would happen, and he was 86% sure Phil would accept the invitation of a date. He even knew for a fact that Phil was very much not straight, since they’d talked about how hot multiple male actors were. But of course Dan’s brain would insist this was a terrible idea and he’d surely get rejected.
So when 5am rolled around, Dan decided he’d had enough and instead distracted his thoughts by getting ready for work and leaving a whole fifteen minutes earlier than necessary.
Obviously, he couldn’t tell Phil any of this without seeming like a complete idiot, so Dan just hoped his vague half-truth would be enough to get Phil to let it go.
After one more suspicious side-eye, Phil turned to the mirror and began to apply the required Prince Eric makeup to his face.
“Just make sure you take care of yourself, yeah, Dan?” Their eyes met in the mirror and Phil flashed Dan a small smile. “Wouldn’t want you passing out in the middle of a meet-and-greet.”
Dan let out a quiet sigh of relief and nodded. “Of course. Extra water for me, today.”
He stood up straight and turned around to watch Phil in the mirror.
Mirror Phil rubbed sunscreen-infused foundation on his cheekbones, and Dan’s mind wandered.
I wish I could be the one touching his cheeks like that. I bet his skin is soft and warm. Dan sighed internally.
I wonder what it feels like when he’s blushing. And what it looks like up close. How does he even stay this pale? He works outside for half the day, but he still looks like a genderbent Snow White. His lips are too pale for Snow White, though. Not that that matters- he doesn’t have to be Snow White. He’s absolutely gorgeous just the way he is, anyway. And his eyes, god, they’re so pretty. So blue, but also not, and they’re attentive, and-
It took him at least ten seconds to realize that Phil was staring back at Dan. And Dan was staring at Phil like some kind of lovestruck princess.
“Are you really that tired, or do you see something you like?” Phil said with a smirk.
Dan felt his cheeks heating up again. He couldn’t come up with a good comeback quick enough, so he just settled for a mumbled, “Oh, shut up,” and flicked his gaze down to the counter again.
His coffee was still sitting there, and Dan eagerly reached out to take another sip from it, half for the distraction and half for the necessary caffeine. Leaning against the counter again, he slid the other Starbucks cup over to Phil.
“This one’s for you, by the way,” Dan said around the lip of his own travel cup. “An extra sugary Caramel Macchiato just for you.”
(What he had wanted to say was “It’s just as sweet as you”, but that’d have consequences he wasn’t prepared to deal with just yet.)
Phil gave an adorable little “yay!” of delight and took a sip.
“Mmmm, it’s perfect. Thanks, Dan,” Phil said with a smile. He set the coffee back down and continued applying his light makeup.
“Of course.”
They remained in comfortable silence for a few minutes as Phil finished getting ready. Dan desperately hoped the caffeine would finally wake him up enough to be decent at his job today, because he was likely to fall asleep standing up if it didn’t.
While he waited for Phil, Dan took a moment to make sure his uniform looked decent. Granted, it was hard to make blue culottes (the dumbest shorts in existence), a Mickey and Friends polo (who the hell thought blue and green stripes were a good idea?), a lanyard (heavy with stupid pins), and a black belt (dorky and dad-like) look good.
All together, it was kind of hideous.
Dan tried his best to spice the gross outfit up a little. He rolled the sleeves slightly, exposing a bit more bicep, and french-tucked the shirt (for Tan France), hopefully making the overall outfit less… garish, to put it nicely. If nothing else, he hopefully looked less like a sad sack of potatoes now.
Finally, Phil sat back in his chair and let out a sigh, then took a sip from his coffee.
Dan glanced away from his own reflection to find Phil looking unfairly pretty. Phil was always pretty, obviously, but the makeup smoothed everything out so well that he looked- well, like a prince.
Their eyes met, and Dan let out a small cough and trained his eyes back onto the ground.
“All set, then?” He took a drink of his coffee and chanced another glance up at Phil.
“Your prince is ready to go,” Phil declared triumphantly, throwing both hands in the air.
Dan snorted. “Alright, my liege, let’s get moving. We have to go get our assignment for the day and I’d rather not have to stand in line behind all the other characters again.”
He stood up straight and swallowed the final dredges of his coffee. When he turned to Phil, he was met with Phil’s hand outstretched, waiting for Dan to help his lazy arse up. Dan rolled his eyes, but took Phil’s hand and helped him stand.
How are his hands always so soft? He’s clearly magic. Probably has little animals that moisturize his hands for him.
“Thank you, my dear servant,” Phil said in a snooty tone, nose in the air.
“Oh, you are most welcome, my liege,” Dan replied sarcastically, bowing low with his right arm pointing towards the door to the dressing room.
As they walked out the door, Dan noticed a physical change in Phil’s demeanor; Phil was now in Prince Eric Mode, getting himself warmed up to be in character for a day of entertaining children.
It was always fascinating to watch Phil slip into character. He started by changing his posture: broad shoulders raised, back straightened, chin up just enough to appear confident without seeming cocky. Then, his facial expression would change. Some of the excitement would dim from his eyes, turning into a more relaxed openness. His smile would soften, too, making him seem less like a giddy puppy and more like a responsible-yet-kind adult.
By the time they made it to the door of the main office, Dan wasn’t walking next to Phil anymore, he was walking next to Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid.
And so the workday properly began.
Part Two
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anerdrick · 7 years
The Twist
(Thank you for 600+ followers! Here’s a little something from me. Enjoy the fluff x)
“Damn, captain. I never really noticed how big your biceps were until now.” Cynthia-Rose told Chloe as she revealed herself to the Bellas after changing her clothes and tying her hair into a bun.
All the girls were gathered around in Chloe’s hotel room, which was the biggest, in France for some quality bonding time before their USO tour continues the day after.
Chloe was wearing a gray sleeveless shirt that revealed her arms together with a pair of black volleyball shorts.
“Huh, me too.” Amy said, sounding amused.
“Oh, Aubrey and I used to lift in the gym in our junior year of college. But we stopped for some reason I can’t remember. Thanks for noticing though, Cee.” Chloe smiled sweetly at Cynthia-Rose and Amy as she settled down on a spot next to Jessica for movie night.
“Wait, no. Stop right there. Don’t just let this moment die and pretend that you guys are not thinking what i’m thinking.” Amy stood up from her spot in front of the television and earned confused looks from everyone because they had no idea what she was talking about and who she was really talking to.
Beca, who was seated on an accent chair at a corner, looked up from her laptop with a puzzled look on her face with her headphones hanging around her neck. “What do you mean?”
Amy groaned, “Are you guys seriously not thinking what i’m thinking?”
The room was filled with clueless murmurs as the aussie just stood there with a look of disbelief on her face. Amy groaned, once again. “An arm wrestle tournament?”
The Bellas made sounds of anticipation and some let out an ‘aahh’
“C’mon guys, seriously?” Amy asked as the murmurs continued.
“I’m up for this!” CR said, excitedly.
“So am I!” Aubrey was the one to speak this time and it gathered surprised looks from the other girls because Aubrey Posen was never one to agree and join Amy to whatever she was up to but there she was, going in for an arm wrestle tournament with her bestfriend.
“Great! So Chloe, since you’re the one who has like the biggest biceps in this room and probably the strongest, you will represent home while me and the other girls will be your challenger, how ‘bout that?” Amy explained as the other girls followed and gathered around the table for the said tournament.
Chloe chuckled, “Amy, I must say that i’m a little flattered,” the redhead smiled at the blonde. “But if you say so, bring it on.” Chloe placed her right arm on the table and assumed the position for arm wrestling as the Bellas hollered.
Beca just chuckled at the girls and continued to work on her laptop. Everyone was gathered on the table. Everyone except Beca. It’s not that she doesn’t want to join. But because she wanted to be the last and only person to take down Chloe. And she’s pretty confident about all that.
“Okay, first up, we have CR versus Chloe.” Amy announced.
Cynthia-Rose took a seat in front of Chloe and assumed the same position right as their hands clasped together to begin the fight. “On my count…” Amy watched as the two girls looked at each other with their game faces.
“3… 2… 1… begin.” And with Amy’s final word, the game began.
Beca could hear Aubrey and Emily cheering Chloe’s name while Flo and Ashley did the same for Cynthia-Rose.
Cynthia-Rose winced in pain as Chloe tightened her grip and applied more power to her hold. Beca, on the other hand, couldn’t help but watch what her friends were doing. Moreover, she would glance at Chloe momentarily. How she would bite her lip every time she feels the urge to overpower her opponent and how the muscles on her arm would reveal themselves. She shook her head, she shouldn’t be thinking of those things even if she has already made it clear to herself that she likes her redheaded co-captain and bestfriend.
A loud thump was heard from the table. Chloe’s arm was on top of Cynthia-Roses, indicating that the redhead had won. 
Aubrey cheered happily for her bestfriend as Chloe giggled and shook hands with Cynthia-Rose. “Nice game. Not bad, captain.” CR praised Chloe as another thump from the table.
Turns out, whoever loses has to take a shot of whatever alcoholic drink Amy would bring out. “What? You didn’t say anything about taking shots when one loses.” Aubrey said with a frown.
“I am now.” Amy said as she handed a shot of vodka over to CR. She didn’t hesitate and immediately downed the drink before getting up from her seat.
“Oi, Jessica. I hope you’re ready.” Amy called Jessica. The blonde responded with a hum.
“You’re up next.” The Aussie motioned to the chair across Chloe.
Jessica sat across Chloe and just a second after Amy’s count, her hand was already down, meaning she had to take a shot.
The redhead got a hang of what was going on and admitted to herself that she was enjoying what she and her girls were doing. But she was excited for one thing: she was excited to play with Beca. She eyed the form of the petite brunette as she waited for her next contender and for Jessica to finish her shot. Beca’s eyebrows were furrowed. She was completely focused on her work. The brunette told Chloe a few days ago that she wanted to create more original and creative content so that she could find a new and better job. The redhead smiled at the thought. She admired her bestfriend for a lot reasons. Beca being hardworking and passionate are some of them.
“Red, you ready for the next one?” Amy asked, causing Chloe to snap out of her thoughts. “Who is it?” The redhead asked as she placed her right arm back on the table.
“It’s me.” Aubrey, her bestfriend, took a seat in front of her with a smirk on her face.
Chloe mirrored the look on Aubrey’s face, “Game on, Posen.”
The night went on with Chloe winning multiple times. No one has won to her yet so far, not even Amy. Lilly was told not to cheat because it seemed like she was hiding something under her sleeve. Aubrey was a tough challenger, it took a few moments for Chloe to completely take her down. Emily was an easy one and Amy made her drink two shots for no specific reason. Ashley was pretty tough as well, considering the fact that she used to lift too. Flo was the one to play with Chloe before Beca did. The match turned to a comedy show because of Flo cursing repeatedly in Latin when she couldn’t beat Chloe and that caused all the Bellas to laugh, even Beca.
After the second to the last round with Flo, it was finally Beca’s turn.
“Shawshank,” Amy called out to Beca who maintained the distance between her spot and the table for the rest of the night.
The brunette took off her headphones and raised her eyebrows. “You already know what’s going on, you’re up.”
So Beca took off from her seat and onto the seat across from Chloe. 
“It looks like i’m the only one who isn’t going to drink tonight.” Beca said as she assumed the position. All the Bellas said an ‘ooh’ to their captain’s confidence including Aubrey.
“What makes you so sure about that, Mitchell?” Chloe was taken aback by her co-captain’s confidence but she maintained her cool and carried on with the game.
“I always put a little twist when it comes to games.” Beca winked to the woman in front of her. Their hands were now clasped together, they’re ready to start.
“Okay, the sexual tension that you two gave us wasn’t completely necessary but whatever let’s start the final round.” Amy’s statement earned a couple of snorts and giggles from the other girls. Beca just rolled her eyes while Chloe blushed with a smile on her face.
“3…” Amy started the count and Beca braced herself. She was sure that it was going to work. 
“2...” Beca leaned forward a little, enough to lean her chest on the edge of the table and bit her lip. And Chloe did the same. She clearly didn’t have any idea of what was about to happen. 
“1…” With the final count, Beca leaned forward to kiss Chloe on the lips before taking her arm down.
The room fell silent, maybe because everyone’s mouths were open in shock. 
Beca pulled away from the kiss and looked down to find her hand on top of Chloe’s. The redhead looked down with a giggle as her face turned crimson pink.
Beca just won the game.
“Yay, bhloe!” Amy shouted and suddenly, the room was filled with laughter and the sound of ‘aw’.
“Hey, Chloe. Drink up.” Aubrey handed Chloe a shot with a smile on her face.
“You won two things over there.” Chloe addressed to Beca as she accepted the drink from Aubrey’s hand with a smirk.
Beca raised her eyebrows, “Apart from the tournament, what’s the other one?”
Chloe downed her shot of vodka before looking at Beca and answering;
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anxiousprincedad · 6 years
Move-in Day (pt 2)- Detached
Second part of my Home series, also found on Ao3 here. College Roommate Au, LAMP/CALM, slowburn, etc etc. I just liked the idea so much I wanted to write a bunch of one-shots and stuff for it, just a ton of scenarios, so here’s their first meeting (from Logan’s POV)
pt 1: (x)
Logan wasn’t usually one for mistakes. Especially when it came to his education. The one time he did, he ended up being put on a whole separate campus than the one he was meant to go. It wasn’t the biggest deal, but it was still a slight nuisance of having to take the bus every morning to get to his classes.
“Logan, are you alright?”
Logan blinked out of his reverie, tearing his gaze out of the window to look at his mother, who was looking back at him.
“Yes,” he adjusted his glasses, clearing his throat. “I was just thinking about what I would unpack first.”
That was the end of the conversation. She turned back to driving and Logan turned back to watching the buildings pass. The dorm he’d ended up in was across the city from the main campus, and this campus was hardly an actual campus. There were a few buildings around the small town designated for the university, entered only through an issued keycard, but they were nearly indistinguishable from the restaurants and shops around them. Everything was old brick and stone, buildings that had been standing there for many, many years. Logan hadn’t gotten around to researching about them, having focused on the main campus.
As he watched people walk around town, college students mixing with joggers and families, he supposed it was cozy and charming in its own way. He saw the sign on one of the buildings, “Columbus State University Student Housing”. He waited to feel some sort of excitement as the car parked in front of his new dorm. He didn’t feel much of anything.
They checked in and he got his keycard, room key, and a T-shirt that he would never wear. He and his mother began carrying boxes up to the third floor, finding Logan’s room. 328. They’d put signs on the door with all of their names in some sort of Disney themed design that matched the paper cutouts of characters all along the wall. It was the arts campus, after all. Seemed like he’d been put in with three other boys named Virgil, Roman, and Patton.
He unlocked the front door to find an empty apartment. Unsurprising, as they were some of the first to arrive at the check-in downstairs. A few more trips later, and all of his boxes were in the living room.
“Alright, well I’m going to head home now. Should get back around four. Have fun, Logan, try to make friends and make good grades. I’ll call you later,” his mother said after the last box was set down.
Logan simply nodded at her, only glancing back once the front door shut. He wondered if he should feel bad about not even giving her a proper goodbye. It didn’t last long as he got to work, trying to get ahead of unpacking before anyone got there.
Busying himself with moving his personal belongings into his bedroom, he almost didn’t hear the door open slowly. He paused, looking up at the new arrival. It was a tall, skinny boy with purple bangs, dark eyeshadow, and a hand stitched patched jacket. Logan noticed all he had was a bookbag and a duffel bag as the boy closed the door behind him. Logan stood up straight, outstretching his hand to him.
“Hello, I assume that you are one of my new roommates?” he questioned.
Virgil shook it awkwardly. “Uh, yeah, I guess. I’m Virgil.”
Logan was a little surprised by the literary name, but perhaps his parents were simply fans of the arts. Either way, Logan decided not to comment on it.
“Logan, nice to meet you.”
Unsure of what else to say, he turned back to his boxes and began moving one into his room, while Virgil went into the other room. After a few moments, he could hear Virgil moving furniture around, but he decided to ignore it while he set a couple of small cacti on the windowsill. He was admiring the way the sunlight shone on them when he heard the door open behind him.
A small, young-looking boy came in, cheering excitedly before spotting Logan and running over.
Logan, on instinct, held out his hand for the boy to shake. The boy took his hand and shook it with a lot of… vigor, startling Logan a little.
“Hi, I’m Patton, you must be my new roommate! Can I take this room?” he said in a rush, pointing to the room Logan had been moving into.
“Uh, I’m Logan, and I suppose, it’s just me in there curren-”
“Yay!” Patton leaped up, bouncing out the door only to come back in holding a box and being followed by two women, who were also carrying boxes.
Logan went to the kitchen, where he started putting away dishes. Patton came back out to the living room after dropping the box in his room, spotting Virgil.
Virgil looked like he was about to duck back into his room, but Patton caught him before he could.
“Hi, I’m Patton!”
“Virgil,” Virgil said simply, looking sheepish.
Patton’s face split into a grin, “Ooo, that’s a cool name!”
“It’s like the guide in Dante’s Inferno,” Logan added, surprising himself. He hadn’t meant to join the conversation. He cleared his throat. “It’s a good read.”
Virgil smirked at him, leaning against the doorframe. “Yeah, never heard that one before. English sucked ass those couple of weeks, the teacher kept trying to make me read it aloud since I shared the name.”
Logan flushed a little at Virgil’s expression, a little unsure why he was feeling… almost tingly all of a sudden. Before he could think about it too much, one of the women with Patton came out of their room and asked Patton a question, while Logan adjusted his glasses and took a deep breath while no one was paying attention to him.
Patton answered whatever she had asked before turning back to Virgil. “I hope we become the best of friends!”
Virgil blinked in surprise as Patton bounced away, looking at Logan with a confused look. Logan shrugged at him, raising his brows at him.
“Let’s just hope that our last member isn’t so… ecstatic,” Logan mumbled, half to himself.
Logan finished putting away the dishes and shut the cabinet, breaking down the box and setting it beside the trash bin before going to his room. Patton looked up from where he was putting a few plushies on the bookshelf. Patton grinned at him, and Logan gave him a small, awkward smile in return, with a short nod. He began putting his books away.
A couple minutes later, the door opened again with a boy singing loudly, and Logan looked up as Patton jumped up and bounced to the door to meet him. He heard him introduce himself as Roman Prince. He listened in for another moment before returning to flipping through “And One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest”. He didn’t really see the need to join the conversation, although that wasn’t a new feeling. He was used to being alone.
Waking up at 7 am was a nice change from his usual 5 am wake-up. As he was tying his usual blue tie, Patton sat up sleepily.
“Good morning!” he said cheerily before yawning and stretching.
“Good morning,” Logan responded absentmindedly as he straightened his tie and adjusted his glasses in the mirror Patton had hung on the door.
Patton got up and followed him out to the kitchen, his hoodie too big and falling over his hands. Logan wasn’t sure if Patton was wearing shorts underneath, but thought it would be rude to stare or to ask. So he simply opened the door and started to leave.
“Where are you going?” Patton asked, sounding almost disappointed.
“Oh, uh, I was simply going down to the mart downstairs to get breakfast,” Logan said, looking back at Patton’s pout.
“But I was gonna make breakfast for everyone to celebrate our first day together,” Patton said sadly.
Logan pointed out the obvious flaw in that plan, “We only have three leftover slices of pizza from last night in here.”
“Oh…” Patton pursed his lips as he looked around as if suddenly food would jump out at him. Then he lit up, “Then we can go down to the mart together and get ingredients!”
Logan nodded, “That sounds adequate.”
Patton cheered, albeit quietly as to not wake the other room. He went towards the door, and Logan stopped him.
“Patton, you can’t possibly be planning to go outside wearing just a hoodie…” he berated.
“I have shorts on under it,” Patton said, pulling the hoodie up to his stomach to demonstrate.
Logan flushed, quickly looking away before he could get more than a glimpse of Patton’s short shorts and bare stomach.
“Still, you must get properly dressed if we are to go out in public,” Logan said in exasperation.
Patton huffed dramatically, but went back to their shared room to change. Logan, giving him his privacy, took a seat by the bar counter and looked at his email. A couple of welcome messages from the school to his university email, and a newsletter from an astronomy website he follows. He looked through it to see what constellations and planets could be expected in the night sky in the coming week.
“Ready!” Patton said cheerily, a little loud before he covered his own mouth while looking at the other bedroom.
Upon being sure he hadn’t accidentally woken the other two, he looked back at Logan expectantly. Logan stood and put his phone in his pocket, following Patton out the door. He locked it behind him as Patton waited, bouncing on his feet.
They took the stairs, and Patton bounded down them, jumping down the last three steps at every turn of them.
“You are going to hurt yourself doing that,” Logan pointed out as Patton landed with a loud thud on his feet.
“No I won’t, I always do that!” Patton giggled back, looking up at him as he waited for Logan to reach the bottom.
Going out the front door of the lobby, they went inside the little store next door. It was just like any gas station mart, only without the gas or the probably inedible hot food. Plus, it was catered more to college students, Logan noted as he realized that this shelf had ramen noodles, notebooks, and condoms all in the same place. He quickly turned his gaze to Patton, who had run to the next aisle and was holding up a box of pancake mix and a bottle of syrup triumphantly.
“We’re gonna make pancakes for breakfast!” he said determinedly as Logan walked to him.
‘Well, he’s just adorable,’ Logan thought as Patton skipped across the store to the fridges to get milk, eggs, and butter.
Patton came back, shoving everything into Logan’s arms. Logan was startled, nearly dropping the milk jug as Patton went over to the boxes of cereal with a huge grin. He grabbed Frosted Flakes and Lucky Charms, much to Logan’s displeasure.
“Patton, those can hardly be counted as a healthy breakfast,” he scolded.
Patton shrugged, “But they are tasty!”
Logan rolled his eyes, but it was Patton’s own choice, so he didn’t stop him from taking them up to the tired looking girl working the register.
“I think that should be enough for now, and we can go to the grocery store later to stock up everything else when Roman and Virgil wake up,” Patton said happily.
He paid and they decided to take the elevator up to their floor. Logan had never really been good at conversation, so he was a little glad that Patton was distracting himself by humming a song. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Patton was wearing something under his shirt, like a plain white tank top, but with a different fabric than Logan had ever seen on one. It looked somewhat like Spandex, and Logan couldn’t help but wonder why Patton was wearing it. The elevator stopped before he could think to ask it aloud, however, and they went back to their dorm.
As Patton began getting the ingredients out, Logan put the cereal boxes in the pantry. They looked very desolate amongst the rest of the empty shelves. He shut the door and turned back to Patton, who was getting a couple of pans from the lower cabinets as quietly as he could. Logan stood there, unsure of what he should do. He supposed that Patton expected him to help, and it would potentially be rude to not help. Patton looked up and seemed to sense his uncertainty.
“Can you get a mixing bowl down? You put them on the top shelf, so you’ll be able to reach them better,” Patton asked as he grabbed the pancake mix and began reading the instructions.
Logan nodded in affirmation as he opened the cabinet and reached up to get said mixing bowl, grabbing the largest and putting the other two smaller ones back on the shelf. As he closed the cabinet and set the bowl on the counter, Patton handed him the open bag of batter mix.
“Two cups of that will make 14 pancakes, but we’ll double it, and we might have some left over.” Patton said happily. “Depends on how hungry everyone is, I guess.”
Logan stared at the bag for a moment, unsure of what to do.
“So add four cups to the bowl?” he asked.
“Yup! Then four eggs and two cups of milk, and then you’ll whisk it until it turns into batter!” Patton affirmed as he found the right measuring cup and the rainbow colored whisk he’d brought.
Logan set about measuring everything out as he was told, and Patton showed him how to crack an egg after he messed up and got eggshells in the mix. After getting said eggshells out, of course.
“Don’t want crunchy pancakes, silly! Well, actually, I guess you could if you were making a special recipe with like… bacon. Or Pop Rocks. Ooh, that would be fun!” Patton said as he cleanly cracked the third egg in.
Logan was too focused on Patton’s technique to respond with anything more than a strange look at that.
Patton started heating up the pan with butter as Logan whisked, and Patton cheered him on, reminding him to make sure to get the bottom. Logan couldn’t help but smile at the other boy, who met it with an even bigger grin. Something felt a little funny in Logan’s stomach, he dismissed it quickly as he went back to whisking.
Once Patton had approved the consistency of the mixture, he took the bowl from Logan, setting it beside the stove. He quickly swiped his finger along the side to taste the batter, his face lighting up.
“You shouldn’t do that, you could get sick from the raw eggs,” Logan said.
Patton waved it off, “I always taste the batter! It’s yummy and you gotta know how you did.” He shot a quick smile at Logan before ladling a portion of the batter into the heated pan.
Out of a job, Logan stood against the counter and observed. He realized his heart was beating faster than normal as he watched Patton sway to a nonexistent song. He looked away for a moment, trying to steady himself. He wasn’t used to this… elation. Most of his joy came from reading a good book, not this kind of… almost domestic event with a near stranger. It was so different. And it was only the first day; then what would the rest of the semester be like?
His mind beginning to race, Logan looked around the room for something to talk about. Finding nothing of interest, his eyes fell back onto Patton, and the fabric hidden beneath his shirt. Curiosity got the best of him.
“What’s that you’re wearing under your shirt?”
Patton nearly jumped, although Logan was unsure why; he hadn’t spoken loudly enough to startle him, surely.
“Oh, uh, well…”
Logan stood up straighter as Patton began to fumble with the pan, looking nervous.
“It’s a… binder,” Patton said, looking at Logan, seemingly to gauge a reaction.
Logan, however, was just confused.
“Like… a school binder? I don’t understand,” Logan said, furrowing his brows.
“Oh…” Patton looked back at the pan, flipping it over before he spoke again. “Well, do you know what transgender means?”
Logan thought for a moment. “Well, “trans” comes from Latin, meaning “across, over, or beyond”, and gender is obviously the sex of a person, so I would assume it means something like… Across gender? Possibly?”
Patton let out a snort, “Well, I guess. Transgender means that someone identifies as a gender that they weren’t born as.”
Logan pondered this for a moment before nodding in understanding.
“I’m transgender… I’m AFAB, or Assigned Female at Birth. But I realized that I was a boy in high school, and started transitioning. The binder is to give me a flat chest so that I pass in public,” Patton explained, not looking at Logan until the very end, to see what his reaction was.
Logan found that this only raised more questions for him, but he didn’t want to accidentally offend Patton.
“I suppose that might explain why you look so young…” Logan said, immediately hoping that that wasn’t hurtful.
Patton smiled sheepishly, “Yeah, I’ve always been shorter than most people, and I haven’t been able to go on T yet.”
“T?” Logan asked.
“Testosterone. You can get it from a doctor, but I still haven’t been approved for it yet. Hopefully soon though, then my voice will drop and I’ll look more like any other guy.” Patton said, his voice filled with hope and longing.
Logan was unsure of what to say. They fell into a silence, and Logan could still tell that Patton was nervous.
“So… What classes are you taking this semester?”
Patton seemed relieved at the topic change, and happily went into detail about his schedule and his excitement to start learning. Logan listened with earnest, going into his own schedule as Patton kept the pancake stack rising.
By noon, the other two had woken up and they’d eaten their pancakes at the little coffee table in the living room. Patton had suggested they all go shopping, and Roman offered to drive them to Target. Virgil decided he had nothing better to do, and Logan decided he would stay behind. The morning had already worn him out, he wasn’t sure if he could handle another trip with the rest of them at that point.
So while they all took off, Logan went back into his room, sitting at his desk and opening his laptop. Going to Google, he started his search for “transgender”, finding dozens of news articles on the first page. None of them looked good, however, and he skipped over them. Scrolling down, he found some articles about reference guides and explanations of the terms used, so he opened those in new tabs and began to read.
Somewhere between articles, he wondered why he was so determined to learn this. Was it simply not to offend? Was it because it was simply a new term he’d never encountered before? Or was it because he wanted to understand Patton better?
He shook the thought off. It was simply an interesting topic to educate himself about, a new fact about the world he had been ignorant of. Nothing more.
Nothing more.
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untaemedqueen · 6 years
Please Take Care of Us
Idol!Taehyung x Chef!Reader
Genre: Slice of Life!AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Chapter 4.
Warnings: Smut, Pining, Two Crazy Kids Fallin’ In Love
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"This is the last thing..." You say holding up your knife roll. 
"Go ahead. It'll feel good to be fully packed." Yoongi says sitting up and peaking over the back of the couch. 
You put the knife roll in the last cardboard box labelled 'KITCHEN' in English. 
"All done!" You cheer jumping up and down. 
"Yay!" You hear the 7 boys scream. You turn to them and clap excitedly. 
"What are we going to eat for dinner then?" Jin asks and you pout as Jungkook tapes the box shut.
"I don't order out very often. So I'm not sure." You say sitting down on the ground. 
"Come sit on the couch, noona." Jungkook says pointing near him. 
"I'm okay." You reply as Mochi jumps onto your lap. 
"We should order food and talk about the party!" Namjoon says pouring himself some water. 
"I agree." Jin says sitting down beside you. 
"Do you have anyone you want to invite?" Taehyung asks looking up from his phone. 
You shake your head at his question. "I don't really know anyone, anyone I know will be working in the restaurant." You say quietly. 
"Well... Our friends can become your friends." Jimin says pulling out a notebook. You give a warm smile to Jungkook who nods with an ecstatic smile. 
"That's very sweet of you. You're all so nice and welcoming to me. Thanks." Namjoon sits to your left and sighs as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. 
"Drinks are a must, yeah?" Jimin asks opening up the notebook. 
"Of course!" Jin says loudly making Mochi jump in your lap. He cringes before whispering how sorry he is to your dog as he pets his head. 
"What food should we serve?" Hoseok asks you as he lowers the music volume in the room. Everyone turns towards me and you shrug tilting your head. 
"It's your party." You say laying backwards. 
"OUR party, help us decide. This is your party too. What are party foods?" 
"Depends on what country we are talking about." You say looking out the window watching drops of rain slowly build up on the window pane and then fall colliding into each other. 
"Maybe we can do Japanese?" Jin asks. You just stare out the window. 
"Noona, you okay?" 
You wish you could say you are but tomorrow is a very important day. More important than moving in with the guys. Tomorrow is your father's death anniversary. 
Your fathers side of the family doesn't really like you. So you’re never welcome to the memorial every year. This year, you’ll remember his memory alone just like every other year. 
"Noona...?" Jungkook asks again louder and you look over at him with a small smile. 
"Hmm?" You ask him before tilting your head. 
"You okay?" Namjoon whispers to you in English. You nod at him and he narrows his eyes as if he thinks you’re lying. 
"I'm fine." You reply, trying to sound convincing in English. Feeling a hand on your back you look at Jin as he rubs your back sweetly with a smile.
"It's okay." He says comforting you, even though he doesn't know why. 
"Japanese?" Jin asks you quietly and you nod. 
"I can make Japanese food." You stretch out your legs and lean back against the kitchen island. 
Tomorrow they will pack their apartment so they won't be over, perfect opportunity to set up a small shrine for your dad. You wish you could go to his shrine... Dad's family wasn't too fond of the fact that you’re foreign. 
It's a bit embarrassing and plain rude on their part. You just wish you could go celebrate and pray for your father like everyone else. But, in any case, tomorrow will be for him! You’ll make all of his favourite foods and make sure to send him off nicely.
You lay down on the rug and put your phone away as the guys continue to talk about the party. 
"I ordered the food." You say before kicking your head back and looking up at the ceiling. 
"What's wrong?" Jimin asks you quietly as he lays down on the floor beside you.
"Mm mm." You mutter looking over at him. 
He frowns and puts his hand under his head to support himself. 
"Tell me." He whispers fixing his hair with his fingers. 
"I don't want to bother anyone with my problems." You say wearily, looking over him to see everyone ignoring us. 
"You're our friend. You will be with us everyday. Let's talk and be close. Let's just be real." He says giving you an eye smile. You can’t help but smile back at his heartwarming words. 
"You're really nice and caring aren't you?" You say putting your head into your hand and supporting yourself while running your hand through the rug fibers. He gives you a shrug before smiling.
"What is bothering you?" You look him in the eyes and sigh. 
You might feel better if you just speak it aloud. If you just talk to someone about it.  Then you wouldn’t be alone in your misery. It would be out there to be heard.
"Tomorrow is my dad's memorial." You whisper looking down at the carpet. 
"Ahh." He says after a few seconds. 
"And, I would like to go to celebrate his memory but my family won't let me because I'm not fully Korean." You say and he grunts putting his lips together forming a straight line. 
"I am by myself every year." You mutter before looking up at him. 
"I'm sorry." He whispers and you shrug before sitting up and tying your hair into a ponytail. 
"I'm used to it. Just a little sad." You say before Hoseok jumps over the couch and tackles Jimin. 
"Can we have your input into the guest list Mr. Jimin?" Hoseok asks shaking Jimin’s shoulders. Jimin looks over at you and you give him a small smile. 
"We were talking." Jimin says seriously, moving with Hoseok’s hands. 
"Oh. Sorry." Hoseok says looking over at you quickly.
"A guest list is important." You say walking over to the fridge and grabbing a beer. 
You look over at Jimin again and he's staring at you concern written all over his face.
Shaking you head at him, you put your finger to your lips. Thank you for caring Jimin. 
"Who's on the list so far?" He asks looking away from you with a frown. 
"We have Monsta X, Got7, Seventeen and Exo, my co-stars from Hwarang, we are thinking of more now." Taehyung says looking up from his phone. 
"Will there even be enough room for all those people?" You ask cracking open the Hite can. 
"Have you not heard about the new apartment?" Jungkook asks, you take a sip of the beer as you furr your eyebrows at him. 
"Who would I have possibly heard from, if not you guys?" You reply with a laugh.
"CEO Bang?" 
"Oh yes, my best friend CEO Bang. Let me go call him up right now." You joke pulling out your phone making the guys laugh. 
"You know what I mean." Jin says throwing a pillow at you. 
"There won't be two separate apartments for us. There will be just one." Namjoon says. You laugh at his joke before noticing how still everyone is. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"I'm serious." He says in English turning towards you. All of us in the same household?! What kind of shit?! You drop your beer watching the alcohol flood over the island counter. 
"Aigo!" Jungkook yells running to pick up the can. 
"Hyung, do you have no respect for her sanity?" Taehyung asks pulling your hand to lead you over to the couch. 
"One house?!" You scream as Taehyung sits you down.
"Yes." Jimin says grabbing paper towels. 
"The apartment is a penthouse apartment. There are three floors. One for you. One for the seven of us and one for the managers." Namjoon says grabbing your shoulders. 
"Oh." You mutter to yourself. 
"Were you worried you would be stuck with us all the time?" Yoongi asks laughing. 
An image flashes in your mind of you walking into the living room naked and the boys are sitting down on the couch watching you with smiles. 
You shake your head and close your eyes. 
“What’s wrong?" Jungkook asks putting a hand on your back. 
"Nothing!" You reply quickly trying to get the vision out of your head.
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Kneeling in front of you, Taehyung takes in your expression as you freak out over the apartment situation. He keeps his hand on your knee as you shake your head slightly. 
He can’t help but think how absolutely gorgeous you are. 
Yesterday all of the boys went to check out the penthouse and it was incredible. Everyone has their own room and bathroom. 
Tae picked a room with white walls and deep purple filigree on the ceilings and the borders of the wall and he couldn’t help but think how grateful he is to be in such a situation where they’re able to more and do bigger and better things. They’ve become so lucky in their lives and you were a big part of that.
“You okay?” He asks you as he places a blanket over your bare legs. She nods as she leans deeper into the couch. 
"It was silly of me to over react." He shakes his head before pressing his face into the arm of the couch and looking up at you. 
"Were you not excited to see me everyday?" He asks with a sly smirk. 
You laugh and look down at him, "I will see you every day." 
Oh you’re right. He’ll get to see this girl every day. He can’t help but begin to smile widely just thinking of seeing you all the time. 
"I'm excited to see you every day, noona." Jungkook says sitting down next to you. 
Taehyung look over at Hoseok and opens his eyes wider. Jungkook is so obvious that he's interested in you. 
It's so annoying. 
At least Taehyung is trying to be friendly and not really let it show. He and Hobi hyung talked about how Jungkook has no chill. The 'No Dating' Policy in your contract is too much, Tae liked you from the moment he saw you. Your gorgeous eyes and the way you approached the dining table that night made his heart flutter. The way you smile makes his breath catch and he can't seem to breathe again until you look away. You’re beautiful and you can't be his. How troubling. 
He pout slightly watching you smile at Jungkook. 
"We will have so much fun! And eat lots of good food!" You says clapping your hands together. 
"After we pack tomorrow why don't we come and hang out?" Namjoon hyung asks standing up from the spilt beer. You look up shocked before forcing yourself to smile. 
"You guys need to rest before the move. Don't worry. I'll see you on moving day." You reply, but Taehyung catches the way you swallow nervously. 
"But that means we won't have delicious food for 4 days." Jin says with a frown. You smile at him as Tae tilts his head. Why’re you acting odd. 
"But you'll have yummy food all year, then." You whisper to him and he claps. 
"Deal." He says before giving you a smile.
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As all the boys step into their dorm, Tae is the first to throw off his shows and put on his slippers. 
"Can we all talk about something really quickly?" Jimin asks putting on his slippers and walking into the living room. 
"Whats up?" Namjoon asks throwing himself onto the couch. 
Sitting  on the far left end of the couch Taehyung throws his head back waiting for everyone. He can only wonder what Jimin wants to talk about. Yoongi hyung sits next to him folding his arms and closing his eyes. 
"Hurry up so I can go to bed." Yoongi hyung yells before rubbing his face and frowning. 
Everyone piles into the living room and Jimin stands at the front. 
"We should pull out our suits tonight." Jimin says rubbing his hands together. 
"Suits? Why? We have to pack tomorrow?" Tae asks picking up his head. 
"Yes we need to pack but tomorrow is very important to Y/N." 
"Wait, what?" Jungkook asks sitting up quickly from laying on Jin hyung. 
"Tomorrow is Y/N's father’s memorial. And she has to be all alone because her family doesn't want her to be a part of their service because she's not fully Korean." What trash. 
"WHAT?!" Taehyung yells standing up. Jimin nods and looks down solemnly at the floor. 
"Shit..." Yoongi mutters before looking at everyone else. 
"Let's pack as much as we can tomorrow and go over to Y/N's place." Hobi says nodding. Namjoon nods and stands up. 
"It's already late. Take out your suits and let's go to bed. We should wake up earlier to pack so we can get to Y/N’s sooner." Tae nods and stretches his arms up before groaning.
 "Goodnight hyungs!" He says before walking over to his shared room. Jimin follows after him, scraping his feet on the floor. 
"You had to see how sad she was." Jimin says as Tae open the door. He takes off his shirt and throws it on the floor before Jimin follows suit. 
"That's so horrible." He mutters laying onto his bed before moving his Tata pillow. 
A few months ago Namjoon started rooming with Hoseok hyung because it was easier for them to go to the studio together. 
"You're like in love with her or something, you figure out how to make it better." Jimin says laughing and taking off his pants. 
"I don't love her." He retorts as he pulls out his phone. 
"Yeah. Okay." He jumps on his bed making a thumping noise. 
"I just feel bad for her and want her to have friends." Tae saya opening up Naver.
"We know that you think she's good looking." Jimin jeers as he lays down in bed. Tae looks over at him incredulously before putting his phone on his chest. 
"Stop it." Tae mumbles to him before throwing the Tata pillow in his direction. 
"Listen, you shouldn't like her. Nothing can happen anyway." 
"So what am I supposed to do then Jimin? Hmm?" He asks him folding his arms.
He throws the Tata pillow back before getting underneath his covers.
"Why don't you just be indifferent towards her. Just treat it like whatever. I know you, if she shows even the slightest interest your brain and heart won't be able to handle it and it'll be a lot of trouble." 
"I'm sorry I am just so caring." He says with a pout. 
"Lets just be her good friends. Hmm?" He asks and Tae look away from him before picking his phone back up. "
Yeah you're right." He mutters out before looking up your name on Naver and finding articles on how great of a chef you are. He spent the whole night looking at your accomplishments. 
Tomorrow he will be indifferent towards you but he can still think you’re precious in his mind, right? He drifts off to sleep thinking how unfair life could be to him right now in this very moment.
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heironymous-smash · 6 years
Wittgenstein's awesome quote, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent" is a really great example of the kind of tortured verbing that makes formal philosophy so damn hard to read for most people.  It should be noted, too, that Wittgenstein was himself a beautiful and shockingly clear writer.  (The fact that a big chunk of his work is in the philosophy of language probably helps with that.)  But I like him as an example, because if you've read him, you know that it's 100% not lack of his skill at wordsing that's making any of it difficult. 
That philosophy is hard reading is pretty much canon, inside and outside the field.  Some of it is translation and age, sure, but sometimes it feels like the material demands it, too.  Kant is brutally un-fun (unless you're a masochist like me), but a few hundred years of smart people still haven't figured out to say those exact things any better, really. 
Language just seems to fit some topics like department-store clothes fit your seven-foot-tall friend; it's doing the job, but hardly gracefully. 
And that's one reason I love Wittgenstein's words above, in particular:  I feel like they hide another layer of meaning beyond the philosophical, and that that other layer is a spiritual truth. 
I love silence, as a thing.  (It feels like a cousin to sleep somehow, doesn't it?)  It's also one of those concepts where, when we say the word to each other, we can be fairly certain of fuzzily hitting the same area of meaning; but as soon as we try to be any clearer, to bring into focus exactly what we mean, it falls apart — and quickly.  You and I could literally start now and argue for two dawns and not come close to agreeing on what "silence" "is". 
Not as unrelated as it it seems:  verbs matter a lot here.  (Wittgenstein also famously says something that basically tracks exactly with (while preceding a lot) a former President's hedge that "it depends on what your meaning of is, is".)
Did you notice that there's basically NO verb in the quote up top?  It's basically an equation:  [Whereof one cannot speak] = [thereof one must be silent].  It's two nouns, variables really, set to moral equality (not identity; I didn't use == on purpose).  All the actions are happening in the reader, who must choose what to do about these mysterious (but at the same time obvious) things about which I cannot speak.
…I don't know how relevant this is to you, but it's crazy relevant to me.   My life is FILLED with things about which I cannot speak, for one reason or another; and I mostly experience them as a burning urge to do something about them.  They are huge and powerful, some of those things; some of them seem like the secrets to Life, The Universe & Etc., or elsewise incredibly valuable.  And they don't fit into words, even worse than philosophy doesn't!
Well, here Wittgenstein agrees with the sages and plenty of religions, mystic and not.  From christian and buddhist vows of silence to the occult "to know, to dare, to will, to keep silent" — the general idea, at least, seems to be in agreement on both sides of spiritual/philosophical fence.  (Yes, I'm being broad in taking just Wittgenstein to represent Philosophy.  No actual claim is intended there; I'm just not exploring other views for space reasons.)  Now, Wittgenstein was working in analytic philosophy, and his quote there (which is the last line of his one book-length work, wowz) is probably (? I mean I'm guessing, but being that it's high-end academic philosophy…) not intended to be spiritually poignant. 
But it is.  Because when you project Wittgenstein's artfully precision-machined language onto the deep, fuzzy, ancient feelings that cause spiritual people to turn to silence, you get, I think, a new view.
What do I DO, about the $thingswhereofIcannotspeak?  I feel I must do something.  To try and speak, or write, or think, or express or communicate; to at least point to the Big Huge Wait A Fucking Minute stuff.  I feel like we're swimming in the ocean and a freaking whale just brushed my leg and I can't even conceive of how big it is or what hand-signals to wave to people to describe it, but damn I urgently need to try.  (LOL I just accidentally stated my whole life pretty well, right there.)
But this isn't a whale; a whale is a type of animal, just like me.  This is stuff that doesn't fit in philosophy, or even in language, because its reality, its nature, is simply in a dimension in which verbalization doesn't work.  Our emotions, our body and senses, some of us can interface with this stuff, be aware of it, experience it and be changed by it — but we can't get our minds around it, for definitional, physics-ish* reasons.  These $thingswhereofIcannotspeak are packets of truth about the nature of me; understanding them means shifting to a perspective, a dimension if you want, where words don't work.  Or think of it this way:  The "filters" that are employed in producing words, or even wordless thoughts, also filter out the spectrum in which we can experience $thingswhereofIcannotspeak.  If we want to "see" them, we have to stop using one of our most essential and normal filters; and once we turn it back on, the thing evaporates, like something amazing that can only be seen in the dark.
Wittgenstein, in his wonderfully gruff way, wants philosophers to stfu about some things.
Buddha stares at you and shrugs, smiling apologetically.
The Witch laughs off your question.
And I'm over here, pondering the verb for some reason, tied up in what "is" is.  Or specifically, what "be" is.  One must be silent.
What is it, to be silent?  Is it simply not speaking (like a philosopher choosing to ignore or not answer a question)?  Or speaking of other things instead (like a witch refusing to give up their secrets)?  Or refusing to speak, as a spiritual practice (like nuns)? 
I'm getting used to mulling things like this over with the Chinese ideas I know "on deck", as it were, and that's been helpful here.  Because I'm learning that for every verb, there's a yang way and a yin way to do it.  A lot of our fuzziness comes from missing this — but I think especially when it comes to silence, and here's why.  Most verbs, or most that I've noticed, everybody assumes they mean the yang thing when in fact the yin way may be a) more appropriate and b) completely different.  (I did a writeup on yin punch-throwing that explicates this nicely I think; will have to dig for it.  Might be on https://ift.tt/2kKDj3N) 
But when it comes to silence, I think we assume we mean the yin, and ignore/forget/don't realize that there's also a yang way to be silent.  There's being silent, and there's being silent.  Or being silent, and being Silent.  Draw it how you want.  But it occurs to me that when Buddha looks at you with that deep, still, holy-shit stare and says nothing, he's not just sitting there.  His silence is doing a thing.  (You may not have experienced this directly, btw, but I have, both from an enlightened person and a few others who were being so in that moment.)  Yang silence isn't just a spiritual thing — people do it automatically in some cases, though it's a sign of a higher-functioning person to use it this way, I think.  (Smarter action heroes use silence as an effective quip, etc.) 
So now, tying together that whole BS bocquet, I feel like I kind of have an answer to a question that, maybe until I read Wittgenstein, I wasn't quite sure how to frame:  "What do I do about these things whereof I can not speak?"
And maybe the answer, "be silent", changes in meaning with the question, with the type of $thingwhereofIcannotspeak I'm dealing with.  Maybe in some circumstances you shut up; others you laugh it off or change the subject; and others, you practice active silence. 
I think that's plenty for now, and it's Sunday morning so it's meditation and study time (yay!), but I'll probably hop back on this train later — and am excited to hear your thoughts, if you have any.
*sorry about that :P 
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jordm · 7 years
Heartland 11x07 - Our Sons and Daughters review
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Okay, so I guess i’ll start by saying, I’m so glad that they provided a flashback of Mackenzie/Ian, because as noted, i totally forgot who she was/what her story was and that quick flashback solved all my (and probably many others) problem of “Who was she again?”
We also learnt this episode that there is one sleep Ty comes home. Woohoo! (or not, I guess, depending on how you feel about his character atm)
I also need to point out WE GOT A NAME FOR THE ABANDONED HORSE! Chance! Finally! Remember all my posts last year about how that horse STILL doesn’t have a name? 
(Also i think my Spam bot problem is gone. At least the messaging me inappropriate links part. So phew. Back to blogging)
GEORGIE & WYATT (and Adam)
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“... but I wish I hadn’t invited him on the road trip with us.” “Why?” “Because there wasn’t a right time to do this” 
I kind of like the Adam-Wyatt friendship. It’s unexpected since they’re kinda different besides their musical tastes and apparently taste in girls (although there’s a 1/5 chance of them dating the same girl.... apparently). I also enjoyed the scene of Jenn and Peter when they first meet and Peter has no clue who she is until halfway through the convo, especially when Jenn asks Peter what he thinks of G/W going on a road trip but doesn’t let him speak. 
Anyways, Peter lets Georgie go as long as he can meet Wyatt. Fair. But maybe the girl should have given Wyatt a heads up before he came. I also loved that whole scene between Wyatt meeting Peter and the whole awkwardness of it all. And this has made me conclude that Gabriel Hogan has great comedic timing even when nothing is said. 
“It’s okay if i friend him on facebook right?” - Peter about Wyatt
On a bad move on Wyatt’s part, he basically forces Adam to come along with (because he’s going to miss out) and Georgie doesn’t seem too pleased; she was expecting it to be just the two of them. Wyatt notices that something is wrong when Georgie is oddly quiet and objects to sitting in the front; however Adam gives sound sound advice- on not wanting to break into the museum but also on telling Wyatt to get out of the car and talk to Georgie, even if their convo was a little awkward on Wyatt’s end. He seems to have no grudges with her and Georgie and Adam seem to really truly be friends now, which I do enjoy. He is even looking out for Georgie’s best interests by making Wyatt leave the car and part of me thinks he also really didn’t want to go because he didn’t want to be a third wheel on the road trip. 
Speaking of which, Adam keeping on wanting to go home when first they can’t get into the museum reminds me of the movie “Are we there yet?” but replace it with “Can we go home?”
I loved Lisa giving Georgie advice like the true step-grandmother (whatever she is) to Georgie. About how Wyatt was probably intimidated and telling Georgie to Woman up (Big Hero 6 anyone?) and not avoid Wyatt. Well. Really, I love anytime Lisa is on screen and not making questionable decisions and just being apart of the family. 
“I would take these steaks to the dude ranch and stop avoiding him.” - Lisa
In the end, Wyatt apologies to Georgie for inviting Adam along, saying he regrets it (because there wasn’t a right to do to this [being the kiss]) and they kiss in the end. To that, I say finally! And also that I hope we see more of their relationship because I am really enjoying their relationship arc. They really are more compatible than Adam and Georgie. 
As someone else noted, I didn’t really get the Gopher trip , but part of that is because i don’t get the museum , but i guess it led to progress in G/W’s relationship so its fine. Plus it looked fun. 
[oops, this was a little long m’bad]
Hey guys! Mackenize is back! And it’s been 9 years. Holy moly flashback. Amy introduces Chance (THE MYSTERY HORSE FROM LAST YEAR!) to Grayson when she spots him playing with his plane, but before he can even pet him, Mackenzie pulls him away, fearful for his safety. We learn later that Ian wants Grayson to take riding lessons, but Mackenzie is against it, even after Amy talks to her. 
Grayson goes missing (briefly) and he’s found near Chance, patting and hugging him- this makes Mackenzie realize that maybe she shouldn’t be so scared, that maybe she should give it a chance. This turns out for the best because even though he’s initially he’s scared, after Mackenzie gives him a pep talk, Grayson is all smiles. This even pays out dividends later on when Katie “tags” him and he goes off to join Katie and Brick, a stark contrast to the beginning episode. 
I don’t blame Mackenzie for being scared, but I do wish she would’ve trusted her husband sooner. Who knows, maybe nothing would have come of it, but it could have blossomed into something beautiful. Goats and horses can have a relationship, odd as it is, so who knows how special the relationship between Grayson and a horse could be? At the very worst, he doesn’t like them but at best, he improves. I admit that I don’t know much about autism or their mannerisms so maybe someone more educated about this (@callmebethany2010 ?) can advise if this storyline was well done, but overall I enjoyed it and thought it did it justice to my untrained eye- aka it didn’t bug me. I did think that a storyline with Mackenzie being afraid of her son riding a horse (even without Autism) would’ve also worked but overall I don’t have many complaints about how they handled this. I will defer to those who know more to speak.
Amy also did well this episode, not pressuring Mackenzie to let Grayson ride, instead letting her come to the conclusion herself, which she eventually did- and offering Mackenzie a trail ride instead. Once again, Amy didn’t have the A storyline this episode and i’m okay with that.
“Don’t go thinking this is because of the horse. This is years of therapy and specialists” - Mackenzie
“It can’t just be coincidence can it?” - Ian
“Does it really matter?” - Amy
No Amy. No, it doesn’t really matter. Progress is progress.
(Although it’s probably some combination of the therapy and the horse) 
PETER & KATIE (and Brick)
Katie and Brick’s friendship are so adorable. I love them together, they even tried to include Grayson and seem to have fun outdoors with similar interests. Brick also sure seemed to open up with Katie around. 
So Peter is back! Yay, but poor Peter. At first he can do no right in Katie’s eyes- he can’t do a french braid (neither can my dad), or an apparently good pony-tail. He is also forced to wear a crown, and then he overhears Katie telling Lou she’d rather be in New York... where the sushi is. She won’t even eat fried chicken.
This does just seem to be one of Katie’s mood swings though- and maybe she spent so much time with Lou in NYC she wasn’t used to having her father around, as it happens, because when Peter is the one who finds Katie, she seems nothing but happy to see him. She even starts eating hot dogs again at the bonfire and Peter seems much happier. 
My take on this is that, Peter must have been away so much, and she basically spent the year with Lou in NYC- all used to Sushi and stuff that she needed time to adjust. Likewise, i’m sure the first few weeks of Katie in NYC took some adjusting. Little kids- not just autistic ones- like schedules and get used to habit so when something changes (ie. back at Hudson with her other parent), there may be an adjustment period. 
Also shout out to Brick for being so mature about losing Katie and knowing what to do when he found Katie’s horse!
Lisa and Jack gets a great questionable housewarming present from Aunt Evelyn. Er... interesting. Just in case any of you did like it. 
“Now i don’t know too much about this sort of thing, but I do know my wife has good taste so i should probably find a place to put this up”- Jack
“Katie could have done a better job painting it... it hurts my eye balls” - Georgie
All in all this leads to Lisa eventually taking the painting down, but putting it in storage, just in case Evelyn ever comes knocking. Lisa doesn’t need a painting to prove this is her home, but they do agree to go into town and buy a painting... together. 
Despite this probably being a storyline C behind everything else, I really did enjoy this. After the last few weeks of turmoil, with Lisa moving in, the cloned horse and all this storyline was refreshing and it was really nice to see Lisa call Heartland home. I also loved to see Lisa interacting with the other family members and offering advice, because she is a valued member and this is her home.  
SONGS IN THIS EPISODE ( @heartlandians)
I like you - Dempsey Bryk (via flashback)
Portrait - Evan Olson
Blue Heart - Maya Solovey
Everybody Feels It - Distant Cousins
Believe (See It In you) - Amy Stroup
Well, apparently Ty is back but he wasn’t in the preview. Oops.
Also, it focuses on Tim and his problems... it doesn’t go into details but it looks like Jack saying “i’ve never seen him/(you?) like this” and offering help but Tim saying he can handle it himself. Hm, should be interesting. 
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