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pinketine · 2 months ago
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@bastardgoblinwolf This is it's own separate post and also under a cut because I have so many thoughts
1. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (Favourite song: Devil in a New Dress)
My favourite of all time. It has my favourite Kanye song of all time, every feature hits, and it has some of Kanye's highest points (Power, Runaway and All of the Lights). The production is gorgeous (no pun intended) and the rock influence goes so hard. Rap songs with guitar are so good.
2. Yeezus (Favourite song: New Slaves)
I really can't believe people didn't like this when it released. Maybe it's just because I like loud disruptive music, but I love Yeezus' industrial sound. Also really good are On Sight and New Slaves' break from the more chaotic/heavy sound to clear vocals. The outro of New Slaves is one of the best moments in a Kanye song for me, and Frank Ocean helps with it a lot. Bound 2 is also an incredible closer, so nostalgic.
3. Ye (Favourite song: Violent Crimes)
I'm actually listening to this one right now as I type this. It's short, and sweet in how personal it is. The raw honesty in some songs like I Thought About Killing You is fairly relatable to me, and Violent Crimes makes me cry a fair bit. Also such a good finisher, so contemplative and honest and full of love.
4. Graduation (Favourite song: Flashing Lights)
Obligatory "But he made Graduation!!!" joke. This one makes me feel like I'm walking on clouds, and also makes me want to buy the Japanese cd so I can listen to Bittersweet Poetry. So incredibly magical and if the "Old Kanye" had to go, I'm so glad he went with this album.
5. The Life of Pablo (Favourite song: Ultralight Beam)
My first Kanye album I listened to in full! I have good memories of it just for that. Father Stretch My Hands pt 1's beat drop solidified my love for producer tags (thank you Metro), and Sampha's feature on Saint Pablo is an absolute highlight. Also Frank Ocean gets an entire mini song to himself. Peak.
6. Donda + Deluxe (Favourite song: Hurricane, if deluxe, Life of the Party)
I didn't think much of it at first, but after several relistens, I truly believe this should've been his final album(s). While a bit bloated at times (was so many part 2s necessary..?), it was still a fitting tribute to Donda West and his songs more focused on her tug on my heart really bad.
7. The College Dropout (Favourite song: Slow Jamz)
It feels blasmephous to put something so good so low but I like the others so much! This is literally just a classic album, what can I say about TCD that hasn't already been said? Also I love the Kanye bear (more so in his later forms but he was introduced here!)
8. Late Registration (Favourite song: Diamonds from Sierra Leone)
Another one I feel bad for ranking so low! I just don't have a lot to say about it... Late Orchestration is banger tho
9. 808s & Heartbreak (Favourite song: Love Lockdown)
I just don't have much to say about this one? Between the 3 albums that marked a jarring shift in Kanye's sound, this one sticks out the least to me ;_; I do still like it a lot tho!
10. Jesus is King (Favourite song: Use this Gospel)
Ahhh, I'm bitter over this one. Yandhi is my favourite unreleased album, so this just feels like a pale imitation of what could've probably been top 3 Kanye for me. Hell, I prefer Use this Gospel's original form, Law of Attraction, more than its JIK form.
That's his solo albums, regarding collab albums, it goes
1. Watch the Throne (Favourite song: Why I Love You)
Obligatory "Who was in Paris?" joke. Frank Ocean features are what bumps this up to me. Also Funk Flex's radio release of Otis also warmed me up to this album.
2. Kids see Ghosts (Favourite song: 4th dimension)
Kid Cudi good. Lol.
3. Vultures 1 (Favourite song: Carnival)
Mmm. First Kanye album I just didn't like. Carnival is catchy and had my glorious king Carti and sampled my beautiful Hell of a Life. Also one song sampled Brasilian phonk which was sick.
I refused to listen to Vultures 2. I heard the shitty mixing and AI on Sky City (a Yandhi favourite) and couldn't bear it.
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moochilatv · 3 years ago
The DONDA Album Experience: Kanye West sigue presentando su disco -en continuo proceso de grabación- ante el público masivo.
Esta vez el escenario elegido fue el Soldier Field de Chicago
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Kanye West junto a DaBaby y Marilyn Manson en Chicago.
Cuando Kanye West se encuentra en modo álbum, se sabe que cualquier cosa puede pasar. Repasemos: su último disco "Jesus is King" del 2019, salió en el marco de una polémica campaña presidencial, su conversión religiosa y eventos junto al coro Sunday Service. Anterior a eso, en 2018, canceló a último momento la salida de YANDHI, un proyecto que finalmente nunca se materializó. Si continuamos mirando para atrás, también en 2018 sucedió la catarsis colectiva en Wyoming, cuando lanzó 5 álbumes en pocas semanas y organizó diversos eventos a modo de celebración.
The Life Of Pablo, proyecto del año 2016, también surgió en el marco de disputas con las plataformas de streaming, inclusive, luego de que apareció el álbum en las tiendas, lo bajó y volvió a resubir con nuevas mezclas. Algo muy poco común en estos tiempos de lucha por rankings, números y likes.
El hype que provoca cada lanzamiento es justamente una marca registrada de West, ya que no solamente la expectativa surge por nuevas canciones o videos, sino que también el interés suele aumentar por el formato y encuadre de cada etapa. Con DONDA, lo más reciente, ocurre exactamente ello.
Comenzó con una serie de escuchas colectivas, primero en Las Vegas y luego, en dos ocasiones en el Mercedes Benz Stadium, de la ciudad de Atlanta (donde nació Kanye West). En el primer evento, se organizó un livestreaming a través de Apple Music y se pudo escuchar las canciones con las cuales estaba trabajando. Muchos pensaban que al día siguiente, el álbum saldría...
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Foto de @thejohncanon
Después de este evento, se supo que Kanye West armó un estudio en el propio estadio, y que además, montó una pequeña habitación donde permanecía todo el día. A las semanas, nuevamente convocó presencial y virtualmente a todo el mundo a la experiencia de escucha de DONDA. Entre las cuestiones llamativas, el tracklist se amplió a una veintena de canciones, se escucharon nuevos featurings, siendo dos de los más mencionados The Weeknd y Jay-Z. Y el final del evento, encontró al artista "levitando" hacia el cielo.
Todo muy grandilocuente. Al día siguiente el álbum no salió, de hecho las fechas de lanzamiento en las tiendas, comenzaron a cambiar semana a semana, algo similar al proceso de creación del álbum. Lo que termina de configurar todo como una experiencia de escucha activa, en cada presentación.
La última y más reciente, fue ayer en el Chicago Stadium. Se pudo ver imágenes previas, con una instalación que replicaba la casa donde Kanye West vivió junto a su madre Donda West.
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Nuevamente AppleMusic, personalidades y sitios de música, invadieron las redes con posteos alegóricos.
Comenzó el livestreaming y se pudo apreciar "el acto" de esta ocasión. Kanye West junto a los controversiales DaBaby y Marilyn Manson -dos artistas de compleja realidad pública, por comentarios homofóbicos desubicados y acusaciones en su contra- acompañando al cantante en "la casa".
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Esta etapa mostró a DONDA con nuevos ajustes y cambios en las canciones, por ejemplo no se escuchó el aplaudido verso de Jay Z, lo que llevó a nuevas repercusiones a posteriori sobre gustos y preferencias del público.
Estamos presenciando una escucha colectiva donde la gente aprueba o desaprueba cambios en grabaciones musicales, algo común en estudios de grabación, que sucede en encuentros más íntimos, hecho ahora a escala global.
Hubo un momento de fuego, en donde Kanye West se quema a sí mismo, literalmente:
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Otro segmento próximo al renacimiento, o reconciliación, en donde el artista conocido ahora como Ye (inició el trámite legal para que lo llamen así oficialmente), se reencontró con una mujer envuelta en un velo. Todo parece indicar que fue Kim Kardashian. ¿Se "volvieron a casar" como homenaje a Donda? ¿Se reconciliaron o fue solo un acting más?
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El álbum aún no salió y actualmente tiene una nueva fecha de "lanzamiento" para el 3 de septiembre. Mientras tanto, Kanye West se mantiene activo: lanzó STEAM, un dispositivo electrónico que permite configurar tracks, separar las pistas y armar mixes propios; continúa con sus disputas virtuales con Drake y todo el mundo se pregunta: ¿quién sacará primero su disco? ¿O finalmente los dos lo sacarán el 3 de septiembre?
Además trabaja con su línea de calzado con Adidas y de indumentaria con GAP, y aumenta, más que nunca.. su misticismo.
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borzyjakub-blog · 5 years ago
Podsumowanie roku
Szybkie podsumowanie 2k19 jeśli chodzi o muzykę, a raczej moje personalne wybory Album roku: Uknowwhatimsayin - Danny Brown Co można powiedzieć o tym albumie, jest po prostu świetny, produkcja to absolutny top, bity są w starym stylu, ale brzmią niezwykle świeżo. Danny Brown pokazuje znowu, że jeśli chodzi o warstwę liryczną i flow jest absolutnym topem, jego głos jest specyficzny, niezwykle pokręcony, brzmi trochę jakby nawciągał się helu, ale sprawia to, że ten album brzmi lekko humorystycznie, przez co słucha się go z niezwykłą lekkością. Wg mnie nominacja do Grammy powinna być obowiązkiem, ale pewnie jury znowu go pominie. Piosenka roku: Dirty Laundry - Danny Brown Opisać ten utwór to rzecz niemal niemożliwa, ale spróbuję to zrobić. Ta piosenka to moim zdaniem kwintesencja tego, co raper z Detroit chciał osiągnąć w swoim najnowszym krążku. Świetny, pokręcony bit, zabawny, idealnie oddający naturę całego albumu, flow w stylu czytania z kartki również jest doskonale dopasowane do klimatu, jednak wisienką na torcie w tym przypadku jest bez dwóch zdań warstwa liryczna. Tekst w tej piosence jest wspaniały, wiele zabawnych fragmentów, które wywołają tzw banana na twarzy u każdego, moje ulubione to zdecydowanie: “ Once got a ho, ain't had money for the room So we did the humpty hump in a Burger King bathroom “ “ No job, dropped out and a felon On the net, met a fat white bitch named Helen 300 pounds, maybe more like 280 Had a couple babies, 270 give or take it “ Po prostu perła, a po bezsensach z Closed on Sunday Kanyego smakuje jeszcze lepiej. Producent roku: Madlib - Bandana To trzeba po prostu posłuchać, nie jest to jego najwyższy poziom, ale co z tego jeśli podkłady na albumie to poziom niemal nieosiągalny dla większości. Perfekcyjnie oddają klimat i idealnie współgrają z Freddiem Gibbsem, który przeszedł samego siebie. Popowy album roku: Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell Zakochałem się w tym nagraniu po pierwszym przesłuchaniu, chociaż długo się powstrzymywałem z powodu lekkiego dissu na Kanyego Westa. Jednak warto było dać szansę piosenkarce z Nowego Jorku, bo zdecydowanie nie zawodzi. Takie piosenki jak California, Fuck it I love you czy The Greatest to topowe piosenki roku, szczególnie ta pierwsza która, przynajmniej mnie, wprowadza w niesamowity trans. Jeśli ktoś nie słuchał, to zdecydowanie zachęcam, bo jest to lekko psychodeliczne, ale niesamowite doświadczenie z Laną na najwyższym poziomie.  Rapowy album roku: Danny Brown opisany wyżej Rapowy album roku z Anglii: Kano - Hoodies all summer Zastanawiałem się tu jeszcze nad Octavianem, ale mi osobiście Kano podszedł bardziej, największe wrażenie robią tu bity, lekkie, z masą szczegółów, fantastycznymi samplami i ukochanymi klawiszami. Tym kupiło mnie to wydawnictwo, które z buta dałem do mojej playlisty na Tidalu, bo to po prostu rzecz którą trzeba usłyszeć moim zdaniem. Zawód roku: Kanye West - Jesus is King Boli mnie to, bo to jest porządny album. Ale właśnie, porządny, a Kanye przyzwyczaił nas do najwyższego poziomu, a tutaj, liryki na żenującym poziomie, podkłady, na wielu absolutny top a na innych są wręcz żenujące i jak tu ocenić ten album, szczególnie że na rzecz JiK usunięto fantastycznie brzmiące na leakach Yandhi, które mogło być łatwo kolejnym klasykiem w dyskografii Ye, a tak... Średni album z paroma fajnymi i paroma fatalnymi piosenkami, który gdyby nie popularne nazwisko, byłby zrównany z ziemią, a jest bronione niczym przenajświętszy sakrament. Można posłuchać, ale głównie dla fanów Kanyego, który przez nawrócenie, przestał sypać genialne linijki jak na Ye,
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anmationfan · 5 years ago
mY L o R d
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Kanye West Jesus is king Album Review
Alright but deadass it's okay not one of kanye's best and In my opinion the leaked Yandhi I enjoy much better. Also tracks like Closed on Sunday and Use this gospel I didn't enjoy much. Kanye does deliver on beats though like on Follow god. But overall it's okay not the best of this year but its okay For me one of Kanye's more boring albums that didn't do much for me.
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boobdolan · 6 years ago
a review of melodrama (2017) by lorde
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hey what’s up it’s your boy b-dawg. the b is for boobs as in breasts. this post is a track-by-track review of melodrama, the grammy-nominated sophomore studio album by ella yelich-o’ connor (aka lorde), a new zealand singer-songwriter who likes to dance funny and eat onions. her first album was pure heroine which was pretty big bc i think people (angsty teens) related to her songs about being an angsty teen.
i’m gonna keep it real with you chief. when i first heard green light (the lead single from the album) i thought it was pretty ass. but you know what. i’m an ass man despite my username. so eventually by some karmic circumstance i was reintroduced to the album and i realised: “hey! this is pretty dope! 😎” and then i ended up writing a 4000-word extended essay on it for the IB. but that’s another story.
green light is also the first track on the album, and it’s a hella effective one. with its intro bringing listeners acapella ella™️ over sparse piano chords, it kicks open the door to the sound of melodrama and immediately subverts any expectations for a pure heroine 2.0. as the song progresses we get additional elements of new and old - the boom-bap drums recall the hip-hop influences that permeated pure heroine, while her high-pitched backing vocals in the chorus introduce listeners to new vocal stylings from a singer who was previously known for being a Cool Bean who was Too Cool for all that stuff.
as the maximalist bop green light ends, listeners are thrown even further away from the sound of pure heroine with sober. personal note: sober was the song i most liked on the album upon first listen. and I can see why. it’s because i’ve got good taste! from the spacey uber-processed backing vocals to the bongo beat to the horns in the chorus, the song’s really unlike much else in the pop scene today. i especially like the “night, midnight, lose my mind” intro because when i first heard it i was like “wtf???? cool 🤠” anyway, point is, ella and her bf did well on this track.
at this point one might think, “this girl has a thing for acapella intros to her songs”. and she does! homemade dynamite starts, like an action movie, in situ, with its musings about top gun and the house party that the album is conceptually based around. one thing i love about the song is its synths. the 80s inspiration is obvious, with the synth pad emulating the iconic Fairlight sound on kate bush’s running up that hill. however, the moodiness of the synth pad is contrasted with a sprightly riff that comes in every now and then, emphasising that Potent Teenage Mix of Emotions™️ that the album is focused around. lorde also uses contrast in her lyrics, pairing wordy, literary, stream-of-consciousness style verses with almost childish phrases like “know I think you’re awesome, right???” it’s things like this that really encapsulate the state of being teenaged to me - that uncertain transitional period between adolescence and adulthood.
the following song starts with a very indie-sounding guitar, which is an unconventional sound for a lorde song. but the louvre is so typically lordey in that it shows off one of her greatest skills - the ability to create memorable, quotable lines with unique phrasing. who else would think of stammering the line “i overthink your punctuation use”?? who else would think of using a spoken “broadcast the boom boom boom boom and make ‘em all dance to it” as a hook??? another thing of note in this song is its extended U2-esque instrumental outro, courtesy of jack antonoff. sometimes when i listen to it, i understand why ella is banging him.
jack then mumbles the intro to the next song and starts playing the piano. after a few bars, ella joins him and her voice basically has sex with his tinkling on the ivories. liability is objectively great. lyrically, she reaches mind-bending extremes that many of her contemporaries can only dream of achieving. there’s a verse where she goes “home, into the arms of the girl that [she] loves” which is very interestingly constructed - it hits listeners with the initial shock of “oh wait is ella coming out” and just Leaves It for a few lines. and theN BOOM!!!! she’s actually talking about herself. that’s pretty cool. one other thing is her rhyme scheme in the line “the truth is, i am a toy that people enjoy ‘til all of their tricks don’t work anymore” which has a devastating effect that always gets me, even though it greatly takes advantage of her bananies voice.
now the listener is halfway through the album, and at this point they’re likely as hard as the feelings in the title of the next song. hard feelings/loveless brings us back into the world of electronic drums and synths after the minimalism of liability, and it does so excellently, providing an ambient atmosphere with its muffled beat and echoey distorted guitar. this song used to be one of my least favourites on the album because I thought the L O V E L E S S chant in the second part sounded kinda dumb and edgy. but then i watched lorde’s performance of the song for VEVO and ?????? WtF????? it really shines with a small choir and a boombox. fantastic. i also appreciate the little paul simon sample that bridges the two parts together - it’s a rare example of lorde wearing her influences on her sleeve for this album. also paul simon is one cool mf. i pop my pussy to graceland 24/7. 😎👌
taking a note from jack antonoff’s albums, the next song is a reprise, which have been used by many artists after the beatles to say “hey look my album is cohesive!” even though the only reason why it’s cohesive is because it’s cohesively shit. that’s not the case with sober II (melodrama), which functions as a response to the first sober. the parent song’s repeated calls of “can you feel it?” are immediately countered in sober II’s first line: “you asked if i was feeling it, i’m psycho high”. that’s cool because it reinforces the house party concept of the album. however, while i think the strings and trap drums combo sounds cool on paper, this production choice is the album’s first misstep because it sounds like jack put together 2 apple loops on garageband that didn’t quite fit.
luckily, before lorde turns into one of the migos, we’re treated with another piano song - writer in the dark. a word about lorde’s vocal performance in this song: WOW!!!!!!!!!! 😃😃😃 good stuff! in the verses, her raspy, imperfect voice highlights the intimacy and personal nature of the lyrics. in the chorus, she double tracks her voice and sings with a more round tone, which gives the eerie effect of sounding a bit like kate bush. it’s ok. i’m a bush man too. jack does a little production trick in the outro where ella sings the hook progressively louder as he fades out her vocal and lets the song be overtaken by strings. while it’s cool, i feel like he quite obviously snagged it from the outro of david bowie’s “heroes”, where a similar trick was achieved by the production god brian eno. jack then did it again on the song slow disco by st. vincent later in the year. side note: i’m still kinda pissed about what he did to st. vincent’s masseduction. more on that another time.
the next song, which should’ve been a single, features the metaphor of a supercut. i’m not sure how i feel about that because, on one hand, the term feels very millennial, like a better-written version of katy perry’s save as draft. you know what i mean? like those songs that aged fast - crazy in love with its pager reference, and payphone with its..... payphone reference. on the other hand, a supercut is pretty timeless, as montages have been used in cinema since the french first figured out how to make moving pictures. and the word sounds cool, so it’s ok i guess. but that’s beside the point. the song’s really nice, with some very interesting moments. one notable instance is lorde’s phrasing and the instrumentation in the prechorus - “in your car, the radio on”. the instrumentation just stops for a beat after ella sings the line, in a genius move that makes the song Even More Boppable!!. another moment is how the beat changes during the final choruses - from mellow, with her voice sounding like it’s coming out of a cassette player, to full, regaining all the instrumentation of the original choruses. then the song ends with a weird echoey vocal outro that’s a fantastic moment for me, especially after the intensity of the final choruses. boner time!!!!! 😃 one last cool thing about the song is that i feel the line “so I fall into continents and cars” is an Excessively paul simon thing to say. it’s one of those abstract things that just sounds GREAT, like “fat charlie the archangel sloped into the room” from his song crazy love, part II.
speaking of part twos, the end of supercut transitions into the bassy, atmospheric synths of liability (reprise). unfortunately, i still haven’t gotten round to fully appreciating this song. to me, it’s the biggest misstep on melodrama. don’t get me wrong - it’s a nice enough song, it’s really chill, but it feels slight because of its association to the majestic, melodic liability. apart from their lyrics, there’s not much that links the two. i feel that liability needed no reprise; it’s a work that stands on its own. i felt the same way about yandhi when kanye west announced it. yeezus doesn’t need another album associated to it! it’s perfection by itself. also, someone pointed out that the drums on liability (reprise) are the same as those on taylor swift’s call it what you want, and the last time taylor and jack screwed up a great indie artist’s work was fast slow disco, which we don’t talk about in this house.
finally, we come to the end of lorde’s house party with perfect places. and what a brilliant ending it is. there’s something so stirring about the drum beat, with its crunchy, decisive snare. there’s something equally moving about the synths and chord progression in the chorus, which give me chills like loud organs echoing in a church. when put together, they sound industrial, menacing, as if they move into your soul and alienate you from your own body. but at the same time, they’re an emotional release, a source of comfort like bruce springsteen’s cathartic 70s and 80s albums. another cathartic element - the use of the word “fuck” in the chorus. i could write a whole essay on it tbh. to me, it represents an intensely freeing release of the bad vibes and negativity in one’s life - for lorde, perhaps, her failed relationship and the state of the world in 2016. you know how studies have shown that when you shout “FUCK!!!!😡😡” after hitting your toe on furniture, it helps ease the pain? it’s like that. so while saying something taboo on the record is such an edgy angsty teenage thing to do, but also reflects lorde’s release from her pain. or maybe i’m reading too much into it.
the album ends as it begins, with ella’s bare vocals, reminding us that she is once again the Queen of Indie Pop. overall, melodrama gets a
for being really cool. peace out bitches. 🤠
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discboy · 3 years ago
Donda - Kanye West
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O décimo álbum de Kanye West inicia gigante assim como o amor por sua mãe, na primeira faixa Donda Chant temos Syleena Johnson ressoando o nome de sua mãe ao que parece ser o ritmo de seus últimos batimentos cardíacos, podemos ouvir seu nome ser cantado exatas 58 vezes (idade na qual Donda West faleceu). Ao decorrer do álbum encontramos vários pontos altos, somos apresentados também a genialidade e fragilidade de West, pai de 4 filhos, recém divorciado e um luto ainda não superado. Em Jail vivenciamos o retorno de The Throne na qual JAY prova mais uma vez seu talento em seus versos que foram escritos e cantados a menos de 4 horas de sua listening party. Ye consegue também a proeza de agradar os viúvos de Yandhi, utilizando samples de seu disco descartado em faixas como Hurricane e Moon. Em sua faixa-título podemos ouvir o discurso que Donda realizou na faculdade estadual de Chigaco em 2007 mas agora de uma perspectiva totalmente diferente, Kanye apresenta seu discurso como se houvesse vindo diretamente de seu pós-vida e não de seu passado. Seguindo para uma das melhores faixas do álbum, Jesus Lord, podemos identificar referências a toda sua discografia, podemos ouvir ao que deve ser a faixa mais profundas e vulneráveis do álbum, ao final somos apresentados ao emocionante áudio de Larry Hoover Jr. na qual ele agradece Ye por usar seu pai como exemplo para garantir direitos humanos para detentos, garantir também a reforma jurídica criminal e assim Kanye conseguiu a libertação de mais de 100 prisioneiros.
Donda é uma enorme e bela homenagem a sua mãe. A produção do disco é impecável, a forma como ele utiliza samples e nos faz sentir como já conhecesse aquela faixa só pela voz distorcida no fundo é genial, desde Believe What I Say na qual ele transforma Doo-Wop de Lauryn Hill em uma ótima música de verão com influências de house, até Heaven and Hell onde ele utiliza Jenny From the Block pra criar uma atmosfera sombria pra canção. Kanye sempre foi polêmico aos olhos do público e da mídia, tudo que ele faz é gigante e atemporal, por isso acredito que o fato de convidar Marilyn Manson e DaBaby para Jail pt 2 e para a apresentação, além de ser ofensivo, tendo em vista os crimes que ambos cometeram e não responderam por isso, não acrescentou em nada ao álbum.
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streetwearbr · 6 years ago
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Kanye West escondeu seu novo álbum dentro do Yeezy 700 'Geode' O rapper americano Kanye West teria adotado uma estratégia de lançamento nada usual para seu novo álbum 'Yandhi'. Segundo a revista Sneaker Freaker, um adolescente de 15 anos, de nome Braxtyn, teria descoberto um pen drive enquanto cortava o tênis ao meio para um vídeo do Youtube. https://is.gd/TOJELW
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annamariaquercia-blog · 5 years ago
Dio è re, noi soldati Ultrabeam fuori dal solare Quando arrivo alle porte del Paradiso Non devo andare oltre Mantengo una compostezza perfetta Quando grido all’autista Non voglio dire, sono solo concentrato Non voglio dire, sono solo concentrato Verso il magro più lentamente Ci ha fatto uscire dalla soda Prima dell’inondazione, la gente giudica Hanno fatto la stessa cosa con Noè Tutti volevano Yandhi Quindi Gesù Cristo fece il bucato Dicono che la settimana inizi il lunedì Ma il forte inizio di domenica Non sarà in schiavitù con nessun uomo Giovanni 8:33 Noi discendenti di Abramo Dovresti essere liberato Giovanni 8:36 A chi il figlio liberato è davvero libero Ha salvato un disgraziato come me
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia … Alleluia, è meraviglioso
Se ti sei svegliato, svegliati Con Giuda, bacia e trucca Anche con la tazza amara Ho perdonato i miei fratelli e ho bevuto Ha fatto tutto ma ha rinunciato Accoltellami la schiena, non riesco ad affrontare Ancora vinciamo, abbiamo pregato Anche quando moriamo, ci alziamo (Alleluia) Non c’è bisogno, no, ne abbiamo bisogno I poteri che sono stati fatti sono stati avidi Abbiamo bisogno del nostro entro stasera Nessuna bandiera bianca o nessun trattato Abbiamo il prodotto, abbiamo gli strumenti Abbiamo ottenuto le menti, abbiamo ottenuto i giovani Siamo impazziti, siamo in libertà Le persone mentono, noi siamo la verità Tutto ciò che è vecchio deve ora diventare nuovo Le foglie saranno verdi e porteranno il frutto Ama Dio e il nostro prossimo, come scritto in Luca L’esercito di Dio e noi siamo la verità
Wah, woo, wah, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo …
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wejoaocardosop · 5 years ago
‘Jesus é Rei’: Kanye West lançará álbum com músicas gospel
O novo álbum do rapper Kanye West será uma expressão de sua fé cristã, revelou sua esposa, a socialite Kim Kardashian, no Twitter. O disco será intitulado “Jesus is King” (“Jesus é Rei”, em tradução do inglês). O disco, que inicialmente se chamaria “Yandhi”, vai trazer canções com claras referências à fé do rapper, como […] ‘Jesus é Rei’: Kanye West lançará álbum com músicas gospel publicado primeiro em https://noticias.gospelmais.com.br
Este conteúdo foi publicado em: https://ift.tt/2IzeIxI
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anaamaraltarsi · 5 years ago
‘Jesus é Rei’: Kanye West lançará álbum com músicas gospel
O novo álbum do rapper Kanye West será uma expressão de sua fé cristã, revelou sua esposa, a socialite Kim Kardashian, no Twitter. O disco será intitulado “Jesus is King” (“Jesus é Rei”, em tradução do inglês). O disco, que inicialmente se chamaria “Yandhi”, vai trazer canções com claras referências à fé do rapper, como […] ‘Jesus é Rei’: Kanye West lançará álbum com músicas gospel publicado primeiro em https://noticias.gospelmais.com.br/
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ithiroki · 6 years ago
渡辺志保 J. Cole『MIDDLE CHILD』を語る
渡辺志保さんがblock.fm『INSIDE OUT』の中でJ・コールの『MIDDLE CHILD』を紹介していました。
(渡辺志保)というわけで、ここでちょっとオープニングチューンを早速かけたいと思うんですけでも。今週のオープニングチューンはもうこれにするって決めてた曲がありまして。J・コールが新曲『MIDDLE CHILD』をリリースっていうことで。『MIDDLE CHILD』ってまあ本当にそのままだけど「真ん中の子」ということですね。で、J・コール自身は別に「MIDDLE CHILD」じゃないらしいんだけども。上にお兄さんがいるだけとかだったかな?
なんだけど『MIDDLE CHILD』ってどういう意味でつけたタイトルかというと、ズバリっていう感じだけど、そのヒップホップシーンにおいて上の世代と下の世代のねちょうど間に入るのがJ・コールの世代ということで。それで『MIDDLE CHILD』というテーマの曲をリリースしましたというところです。で、J・コールと言うと、去年『KOD』というアルバムをリリースしましたけれども。
渡辺志保さんがblock.fm『INSIDE OUT』の中でJ・コールの最新アルバム『KOD』についてトーク。その中から話題曲『1985 (Intro to "The Fall O...
で、その後に実際にリル・パンプをね、自分のスタジオに招いて。そこでインタビューを取ったりもしてたんですけども。なので、J・コールっていうと去年からちょっとそういう下の世代にも一言言いたいぞ、みたいなそういうヴァイブスを全面に出していたわけなんですけども、今回2019年の第一弾のシングルとしてこの『MIDDLE CHILD』を出した。で、たとえばセカンドバースなんですけど。ここでラップしてるのはいちばん最初のラインが「I’m dead in the middle of two generations(2つの世代に挟まれて俺は死んじゃっているわ)」っていうのを歌っていまして。
で、「自分は弟でもあり、兄でもある。21サヴェージとスタジオに行ったかと思えば、次はジガ(ジェイ・Z)と一緒にランチに行く予定がある(Just left the lab with young 21 Savage I’m ’bout to go and meet Jigga for lunch)」みたいな。本当にその世代と世代をつなぐブリッジ、橋渡しをしている役割と言えばいい言い方なのかもしれないけど、逆に言うと上からも下からも突き上げられてしまっている。それがJ・コールの世代なのかなというのを……というか、本人でもそういうことを思っていんだなって思いましたね。
ちなみにJ・コールと言いますと彼はドリームビルというレーベルを率いる存在ですが、こちらも話題になっているのが『Revenge Of The Dreamers III』という彼がいろんな、もうオープンマイクの製作盤というか。全米中からいろんなミュージシャンを呼んで音源の制作をするっていう、もう壮大なプロジェクトも進んでおりますから。こちらの動向も非常に楽しみなところですし、今年J・コールが1年を通してね、どんな動きをするのかも非常に楽しみなところです。というわけでどんな曲に仕上がっているか、ここで聞いてもらいましょう。J・コールで『MIDDLE CHILD』。
はい。いま聞いていただいておりますのはJ・コールの新曲『MIDDLE CHILD』。ちなみにビー��はT・マイナスですね。で、もっと言いますとこの曲はリリースされてすぐにちょっとカニエ・ウェストへの当てつけではないか?っていうラインがいくつか散見されたというところも話題になったと付け加えておきます。バース1で「このロレックスは俺のダチのドレイクからもらったものだ(Just put the Rollie right back on my wrist This watch came from Drizzy, he gave me a gift)」とか、さっきもちょっと言いましたけども。
(DJ YANATAKE)最近、カニエさんはあれですよね。日本の繊維会社に未払いで訴えられちゃったり。あとはカニエ、ロッカフェラをいま、訴えているよね?
(DJ YANATAKE)そうそう。なんか『The Blueprint』の時の契約がどうの……みたいな話をいましていて。
(DJ YANATAKE)でも常になんか渦巻いているというね。
(渡辺志保)話題に事欠かないというね、それがカニエ・ウェストという感じです。ちなみにちょっと前、先週かな? 『Yandhi』っていういまカニエが作っているという噂のアルバムのフェイク・トラックリストがネット上に出回っていて。私も「えっ?」って思ってすぐにスクショをしたんですけども。絶対にこれはフェイクだろ?っていうか。流出したトラックリスト……紙をiPhoneで撮りましたみたいなのが流出していたんだけど。いちばん上にレーベルのロゴがバーッと並んでいるんだけど、並びがデフジャム、デス・ロウ、エピック、あとはロッカフェラとかが並んでいて。意味がわかんないじゃないですか。
(渡辺志保)いま、ロッカフェラからカニエの曲が出ることとか絶対にないし、デス・ロウもなんでデス・ロウがあるのかもわからないし。エピックのロゴもあったけど、エピックってソニー傘下じゃないですか。で、デフジャムはユニバーサルだから絶対にそこは交わらないところだし。逆にG.O.O.D.ミュージックのロゴとかはなくて。たぶん本当にフェイクで誰かが作ったんだろうなって感じなんだけど。でもまあトラックリストを��ると本当にそれっぽいというか。プシャ・T・とドレイクと一緒にやっている曲があったりとか。あとね、なんかすごいXXXテンタシオン フィーチャリングにR.ケリーの名前とかもあって……。
(DJ YANATAKE)それはもうフェイクじゃん。
via miyearnZZ Labo http://bit.ly/2WsENkA
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silverhawkmc · 7 years ago
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with ABU HAMZAH, Vespanecian, TEMI, JIM, Errawan , Marcello, Bima, Silverhawk, Iwan, Daniel, WY , Arie, Aji, Aditya, Dede, Henri, Antong, Wj, Andy, Herli, kadri, Aji, A.Hariyanto, Ebeth #6AM, garot, Djoko, Heru, Big, Zacky, Resky, Ardiansyah, William, AM 👻, Red, SANDY ARIFIN, Yusuf, Qyand, oned, Uke, Rio, Ujang🕉, Toman, Henry , LKS, Fais, DND, Mabrio, imranfire, Silverhawk Motorcycle Club, Aidil, Sandy, Hendri, Adrian, Dimass, yayat, A. Yudha, andrewilot, Yoyok, Rizki, Hendra, Rob, Hendrico, U N C L E D H O N S, INDRAYANA, Rayan, Indra, Chai, Ophi, Mustafa, don, Bogie, Laja, Benhur, ferry, Gilang, Sapta, Yandhi, Madjid, Joslai, Radja, Cakra, Oswald, Acho, KONG, Ricky, HS, DAPOER, Edi, Widhiarso, Fachrul, avie nanta, Chali, m, Akang, Reza Zulnizar 🇪🇸, Pieter, Audy, Lukito, Boy, Depaf, Ali , Djokovic, GS, RFH, and Romy – View on Path.
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wejoaocardosop · 5 years ago
‘Jesus é Rei’: Kanye West lançará álbum com músicas gospel
‘Jesus é Rei’: Kanye West lançará álbum com músicas gospel
O novo álbum do rapper Kanye West será uma expressão de sua fé cristã, revelou sua esposa, a socialite Kim Kardashian, no Twitter. O disco será intitulado “Jesus is King” (“Jesus é Rei”, em tradução do inglês). O disco, que inicialmente se chamaria “Yandhi”, vai trazer canções com claras referências à fé do rapper, como […] ‘Jesus é Rei’: Kanye West lançará álbum com músicas gospelpublicado…
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silverhawkmc · 7 years ago
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with ABU HAMZAH, Zaky, rhiri, Hamzah, Vespanecian, Mustafa, TEMI, JIM, Errawan , Marcello, Emir, Bima, Silverhawk, Iwan, Daniel, Roy, WY , Arie, Aji, Aditya, Dede, Henri, Antong, Wj, Peter, Andy, Herli, Denny, kadri, nikenKenni🎈, Aji, Ebeth #6AM, garot, Djoko, yudhi, Big, Zacky, Resky, Ardiansyah, POG, William, b, AM 👻, Red, Reza Zulnizar 🇪🇸, Yusuf, Qyand, Tommy R, oned, Uke, Rio, Toman, Henry , DL, Fais, DND, Mabrio, a_iman, imranfire, Ophi, Aidil, Sandy, Hendri, Adrian, yayat, A. Yudha, andrewilot, Yoyok, Rizki, Hendra, Rob, Hendrico, U N C L E D H O N S, INDRAYANA, Rayan, Indra, Chai, Silverhawk Motorcycle Club, A.Hariyanto, Yudhi, don, Laja, Benhur, ricky, ferry, Silver Hawk, Sapta, Yandhi, Madjid, Joslai, Radja, Cakra, Oswald, Acho, KONG, Ricky, HS, DAPOER, Diggy, Edi, Nanto, Widhiarso, Fachrul, Gilang, avie nanta, Chali, m, SANDY ARIFIN, Pieter, Heru, Audy, Lukito, Boy, Depaf, Ali , Norbert, Djokovic, GS, RFH, and Romy – View on Path.
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silverhawkmc · 7 years ago
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with ABU HAMZAH, Zaky, rhiri, Hamzah, Vespanecian, TEMI, JIM, Errawan , Marcello, Emir, Bima, Silverhawk, Iwan, Daniel, Roy, WY , Arie, Aji, Aditya, Dede, Henri, Antong, Wj, Peter, Andy, Herli, Denny, kadri, nikenKenni🎈, Aji, Ebeth #6AM, garot, Djoko, Heru, yudhi, Big, Zacky, Radja, Ardiansyah, POG, William, b, AM 👻, Red, Reza Zulnizar 🇪🇸, Yusuf, Qyand, Tommy R, oned, Uke, Rio, Toman, Henry , DL, Fais, DND, Mabrio, a_iman, imranfire, Ophi, Aidil, Sandy, Hendri, Adrian, yayat, A. Yudha, andrewilot, Yoyok, Hendra, Rob, Hendrico, U N C L E D H O N S, INDRAYANA, Rayan, Indra, Chai, Silverhawk Motorcycle Club, don, A.Hariyanto, Yudhi, Laja, Benhur, ricky, ferry, Silver Hawk, Sapta, Yandhi, Madjid, HS, Resky, Cakra, Oswald, Acho, KONG, Ricky, Joslai, DAPOER, Diggy, Edi, Nanto, Widhiarso, Fachrul, Gilang, avie nanta, Chali, m, SANDY ARIFIN, Pieter, Mustafa, Audy, Lukito, Boy, Depaf, Ali , Norbert, Djokovic, GS, RFH, and Romy at Silverhawk Motorcycle – View on Path.
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silverhawkmc · 7 years ago
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with ABU HAMZAH, Zaky, rhiri, Hamzah, Vespanecian, TEMI, JIM, Errawan , Marcello, Emir, Bima, Silverhawk, Iwan, Daniel, Roy, WY , Arie, Aji, Aditya, Dede, Henri, Antong, Wj, Peter, Andy, Herli, Denny, kadri, nikenKenni🎈, Aji, A.Hariyanto, Ebeth #6AM, garot, Djoko, yudhi, Big, Zacky, Resky, Ardiansyah, POG, William, b, AM 👻, Red, Reza Zulnizar 🇪🇸, Yusuf, Qyand, Tommy R, oned, Uke, Rio, Toman, Henry , DL, Fais, DND, Mabrio, a_iman, imranfire, Ophi, Aidil, Sandy, Hendri, Adrian, yayat, A. Yudha, andrewilot, Yoyok, Rizki, Hendra, Rob, Hendrico, U N C L E D H O N S, INDRAYANA, Rayan, Indra, Chai, Silverhawk Motorcycle Club, Heru, Yudhi, don, Laja, Benhur, ricky, ferry, Silver Hawk, Sapta, Yandhi, Madjid, Joslai, Radja, Cakra, Oswald, Acho, KONG, Ricky, HS, Diggy, Edi, Nanto, Widhiarso, Fachrul, Gilang, avie nanta, Chali, m, SANDY ARIFIN, Pieter, Mustafa, Audy, Lukito, Boy, Depaf, Ali , Norbert, Djokovic, GS, RFH, and Romy at SD Muhammadiyah Gantong Laskar Pelangi – View on Path.
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