viisiond · 3 years
@xveraciity​ // Dottore & Collei!
         “Seems you’ve grown oh so accustomed to your life within Sumeru, little girl...~” The harbinger mused, walking about the Sumeru academy library before leaning on the railing, looking down at her with a smile.
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                     “Oh how I’ve missed seeing that look of horror...~”
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petitexmagician · 3 years
xveraciity // >v< there she is! Yayyy ♡♡♡ we love you and Zola upon this dash and in this house
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look what you’ve done she’s blushing-
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kemikorosu-archive · 3 years
@xveraciity ㅡ abyss!lumine&dainsleif
( &. ABYSMAL PRINCESS ㅡ "Dainsleif…" She recalled a time where she used to call out his name with endearment in her voice, a shining sun in her eyes whenever she looked to him. There was no mistaking the history they shared together, as traveling companions. And maybe it was one-sided, who knows, but she used to think of him as a friend. Lumine missed those days, but rather than wallowing in the melancholy of a time where she was weak, she used it as fuel to pave the road for her. Used her bitterness as a reminder of why she stood before him now, as an enemy.
The sun was robbed from her eyes, that once used to challenge its shine. The Princess stood under the protection of the forest trees and the shadows of the cliffs, shielding her from the brightness that was now too much for her to handle; being in the abyss, filled with darkness and an extreme lack of light, makes one sensitive to its rays, after all.
Regarding the blonde calmly, Lumine giggled into a knuckle, eyes gleaning at him with bitter humor. "Now that you've found me," she spoke out calmly, holding back the long ends of her hair for a moment, "I wonder what you plan to do about it, my dear Dainsleif." )
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rebelliousties · 3 years
📜 ( Cyno )
incorrect quotes . | accepting .
Kazuha: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Cyno: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
Kazuha: *Stubs his toe* FUCK! Cyno: Mind your language! Kazuha: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”??? Cyno: Kazuha: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
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xxyumeno · 3 years
( Cyno to Albedo ; Parasite Inbox Meme ) ❝ Shit. You’re going to clean this up, right? ❞
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         ❝ Do you think I would cause a disarry without cleaning afterwards? ❞ Albedo questioned with an arched eyebrow. ❝ I am not so inconsiderate to do so. ❞
@xveraciity + cyno &&. 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔢 // always accepting // can be continued
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tasunomyuzu · 3 years
@xveraciity​​ said: Rime: -casually NOMS HIS EAR (lightly though pffftt and in human form too imsorryaboutherrr)- Dinner’s ready!!!
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“Do. You. Mind?!?” He asked, “I am not a meal you can just snack on from time to time whenever you feel like it. I’m a wolf! Or have you forgotten?”
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yeonban · 3 years
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       ❛   You’re  the  first  researcher  that  has  managed  to  explore  this  far  into  the  mountain  in  a  long  time.   ❜   The  tone  is  unfeeling  ---  detached,  even;  as  if  mirroring  the  harsh  winds  &  biting  frost  that  threaten  to  extinguish  the  lives  of  any  daring  visitors  who  choose  to  thread  on  godforsaken  ground.   ❛   Generally,  they  tend  to  turn  back  after  their  third  close  encounter  with  imminent  death.   ❜   The  one-sided  conversation  continues  as  Tarquin  leaps  from  his  elevated  hidden  spot  &  stills  a  few  meters  in  front  of  the  stranger;  crimson  eyes  staring  down  into  the  hooded  person’s  matching  pair.   ❛   What  makes  you  different  from  them  ?   ❜   The  question  is  a  genuine  one,  curiosity  ignited  (  for  he  had  trailed  the  scholar,  by  sight  and  then  entirely,  from  the  second  he  had  stepped  near  the  ruins  of  his  civilization,  yet  none  of  the  dangers  had  seemed  to  deter  him  ).  Why  haven’t  you  left  yet  ?
@xveraciity​   ♡   Starter Call,   accepting.
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suiqin · 3 years
@xveraciity​ asked :  🍳🥞🧨
🍳 - Can your OC cook? Are they any good at it? If so, what’s their specialty? If not, why not? And how do they survive if they can’t?
answered !
🥞 - Speaking of food  does your OC have a favourite dish, or perhaps a specific comfort food? And do they have a favourite cuisine? (i.e. Mexican, Indian, Chinese etc)
she does its cauliflower gratin a food that you can eat warm or cold which is one of the reasons she likes it , along with the fact that you can essentially eat it in the form ( why put it on a plate when you can just do that ? ). while not an actual comfort food or rather she wouldn’t call it that ; cheese by itself especially aged ones as such her favorite cuisine is Italian.
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🧨 - Is your OC a risk-taker, or do they prefer to approach things with care?
regardless of what she is facing she has always been a risk-taker to a fault after all her life is a whole risk by itself along with the path she chose to take. after what happened in white city acting with care was never an option for her not in the road she paved , so she simply continues that way until those risks eventually claims her.
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xamassed · 3 years
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「 @xveraciity​ / halloween 2021 」
( Halloween Time ! Asa & Ani , Asa dressed in a sparkling, yellow gown. Everything looks like a typical princess, except maybe for the stuffed toy bear head with three button eyes. ) "Oh! I could trade you the ones I got here." Asa tried to reach into one of the multiple pockets on her dress. She pulled out some candies from each pocket and handed them to Anita, "And here, and here, and here, and here, aaaaand, oh yeah, before I forget. I saw this and it had your name on it. I think big bro forgot to give it to you 'cuz he's so busy so here ya go." She unclasps the Cor Lapis bracelet on her wrist and hands it to Anita. She shows the backside of the bear-shaped clasp, which has the words "ANITA" roughly engraved onto it.
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Anita, in her own costume, sat huddled with Asana as the chill of night continued to creep closer. She realized then that the armor required of the Knight of Favonius was not meant to keep her warm, but she hardly cared. Neither did she care that it might be highly illegal to snatch said armor and wear it when she herself wasn’t a member of the Knights. 
It was Halloween! The whole point was to dress up and be someone different for a night, and nothing was more opposite than a responsible, dependable upholder of justice.
“Damn, how much did you get?” Her eyes lit up at the handfuls of candy Asana dropped into her waiting hands. The brightly colored, neatly wrapped treats were doomed to be devoured in two seconds flat — except the bracelet dangling from the young woman’s hand pulled her thoughts away from food momentarily.
“What? Why does it have my name on it?”
She dropped her candy into her lap and snatched the bracelet, thumb sweeping over the name etched into the clasp. The chunks of cor lapis were uneven and oddly shaped, but she liked how round the edges were and how the polished surface reflected the light of the moon overhead. But as pretty as the whole of the piece was, it was her name on the inside of the clasp that enthralled her.
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“This is supposed to be from him?” Whether or not Asana confirmed it, the thought alone made her whole body feel lighter and warmer. But as quickly as the feelings came, they abandoned her just as swiftly. The realization that she wanted him to have thought of her at all left her cold and numb, heart jackhammering so violently in her chest that it rang in her ears and deafened her.
Why would he go out of his way to have this made for her? There was no reason for him to feel the same way she did. They fought at every given chance, they called each other names, the shoved and they pinched and they griped at one another. At a glance, most would assume that they disliked each other.
But behind every push was an excuse to touch at his arm, his back, his shoulder. Every roll of her eyes disguised that only a few moments ago, she had let her gaze linger on the shape of his lips when he spoke. The names she called him were meant to spare her because if she spoke his name, the tenderness and adoration behind it would expose her.
The feeling wasn’t mutual. It couldn’t be. 
“I know it’s got my name on it, but I don’t think it’s meant for me.” She gathered the bracelet up and passed it back. Doing so made her ache horribly, but she couldn’t convince herself that the gift was for her. “Maybe he knows another Anita? It’s not an uncommon name.  .  .”
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visionfallen · 3 years
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@xveraciity​ said : ( Sigma, with no context but he here :3c ) "Can I kiss you?"
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“Of course you can, Sigma! You don’t need to ask, you know.” Nix moved closer to Sigma, taking one of his hands into her own. She was well aware how shy the man could be at times, despite their close relationship. So she decided to help ease whatever fears rested in his mind this time. How? By moving close in order to place a warm kiss on his lips first.
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wolvenfang-a · 3 years
xveraciity : (Cyno) He staaaares, puts his book aside, then proceeds to do the same thing. Stretch tiiiiime!
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!!! More stretchies with friends!!!
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petitexmagician · 3 years
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Zola’s newest icon at Cyno
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risingsol · 3 years
@xveraciity​ /  ( Cyno ) "..." He casually swipes the nearest chairs from a cafe nearby. He then sits in the middle of the walkway on one seat while motioning Aether to the other. "Sit."
Somehow Aether had the impression that this wasn’t just a suggestion, even if he wanted to carry on as per usual - the traveler gingerly talking the offered seat now. 
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“I’m really fine, you know - ”
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mxmoria-a · 3 years
@xveraciity​ liked for a starter !
Sand was definitely a...new texture to Atria. She never traveled to the coasts of Liyue or Mondstadt, so feeling sand under her was a little startling.
Sumeru itself was completely new to her as well, she hadn’t heard much on the nation before arriving so everything was quite an...experience.
Lost in her own thoughts for a moment, Atria ended up losing her footing in the sand, nearly falling flat onto her face as she only had a split second to catch herself in the end.
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“It really isn’t kind to watch someone struggle like this.” She called out. For a while now, Atria could swear she could feel someone, or something, watching her since she arrived. 
Atria got back to her feet with a huff, brushing sand off of her as she peered around. “Are you going to stop being weird and show yourself, or..?” She trailed off quietly.
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tasunomyuzu · 3 years
@xveraciity said: Razor: “Not a dog. No. Am a wolf.” -mumbles and just hides behind- “ No.”
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“Don’t worry, son. I’ll make sure that people start seeing you as the wolf you are.” Andrius will protect him. No matter what. Razor is best wolf son!
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yeonban · 2 years
Hi, Chris. I know we've yet to talk and interact more, and I'm slow as heck replying, but I'm really glad I (re)followed your blog. I don't know much on Psychopass but your passion for Kagari and the series he's in shines through. This is true for any muse on your blog even if you've yet to write more on them. I've only written with and seen mainly Tarquin, who by the way is also pretty amazing (also bless u giving love to the Sal Vindagnyr lore! also helping me with my OC, too, whose up on dragonspine. such a big help ). My words are a mess, but I love exchanging them with you whenever we have the chance. Thank you for being present in my life here. Looking forward to the year ahead and seeing more from you whenever.
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