#Xol gets a flower necklace
umi-eirumi · 8 years
The Break Down - (Rp Log: Po, Syc, Xol & Umi, Eisen, Rinde)
[[ Log from: 1.8.17 - Umi returns to the caverns to check in with the residents and stops by. Characters: Po, Syc, Xol @hiddenquetzalcoatl]]
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Time had passed from the last time she had been able to return to Mexico. Her travels had brought her across the Atlantic ocean so often that the days long trek no longer felt so exhausting. Her stopping points allowed her to freshen up so that she could show up at the mansion front, looking bright-eyed and refreshed as she happily rang the doorbell. She was dressed in the beautiful coat Po had made for her, hiding all her feline features from nosy passerbys.
Po dropped down to the foyer, and answered the door. "Hi Umi!" He gave her a quick hug and gentle kiss. He was very happy to see her wearing the coat. "Come on in." He chirped happily.
It was no surprise to her that Po would be the first to see and she embraced him tightly. "Hi Po how have you been?" She returned his kiss with a quick one as her gaze was gentle on him. "Did you get your gift for Christmas that I left?" She hurried inside to shut the door behind her.
"Yes I did! I love it, I have been playing with it like everyday." Po bubbled with happiness. "I am doing very well, how are you doing?" he held her hands once she turned back around. " So, I will go ahead and ask, did you come with a mission this time?"
Umi gave his hands a squeeze and smiled warmly, golden tail swaying freely from her coat now. "I'm so glad you liked it. I am doing well thank you especially hearing that you liked your gift!" She laughed softly at his question. "No, I have no sort of mission this time. I just wanted to stop in and see you and everyone. Of course, I never come empty handed with me." Her hands slipped free to open her coat to reveal a large bag hanging over her shoulder. "May I please use the kitchen to prepare snacks?"
"Of course, just stay clear of the second living room for a bit." Po frowned, " Xol had a break up with his girlfriend."
Umi visibly flinched and gave a curious stare. "Is.. he alright? Was it bad?" While any creature would be able to smell a certain level of fear spike from the woman, it was clear from her tone that she was more worried than scared.
"He is taking it pretty rough, I honestly had never seen him cry before. I got a laugh out of him, asking if shoot stars are sneezes. But not a smile from him since." Po admitted.
The blue haired maiden stopped and thought for a moment. Golden ears swung back as she had to think hard. After a moment, she took in a deep breath and asked slowly, "May I see him Po? I would hate for one of Sycamor's pillars of strength to be in such a state."
"Syc is with him." Po nodded, " I am sure he would be okay with you see him."
The woman gave him a smile and held up her hand asking for a moment. Quickly she knelt down and untied the hidden wrappings around her feet, the only source of shoes she wore these days. She carefully tucked them away into her coat pocket and proudly rose back to smile to Po. "Please lead the way." Not only with her feet free could she gain more assistance from Earth if needed, but if things headed south she was prepared.
Po would lead her to the second living room where, Syc is sitting on the couch with Xol laying down, his head in his lap. Xol is rather curled up and once in a while there is a soft whimper.
Syc is literally petting his brother, and occasionally looking down softly at him.
From the moment she entered the room, she smiled in a gentle way to Sycamor, giving a bow of her head in greeting before looking at the sight of Xol. Eisen ensured her vision of the brother would be forever a 8 week old pup version but that plan backfired. To Umi she saw a hurt puppy and she froze in place. Although the scent of her fear remained, just to see an animal so hurt was enough to undo the works of Eisen for this moment.
She closed her eyes and focused as hard as she could. It would be one of the rarest moments that would be witnessed as she forcibly gathered her entire life force and reigned in control over Eisen, forcing him to release control over her sight. As her eyes opened, it was clear the hurt and pain. She slowly walked over to the two brothers and smiled warmly to Sycamor, "May I share a word with him for a moment please?" It was the first her soul was so strong within her in a long time.
Syc nodded, and gave his brother a slight jostle to get him to sit up.  Xol sat up, his voice came out pathetically, " Hi Umi."
"Thank you Syc."
There was a moment where she had to really study Xol's face before she gave him a smile and sat down on the other side of him. "Hi Xol. I'm sorry we aren't seeing each other at a better time." She pulled her bag from her shoulder and pulled out a small bag of jerky, setting it down on his knee. "Please enjoy this snack I brought for you."
This would be the first time she actually sees him eat a thing she brought, he hungrily ate it. Syc gave her a smile, " This is first thing I have seen him so far. Thank you Umi." Syc genuinely meant it.
She flashed Sycamor a small smile and quietly bowed her head to him. Umi understood how the heart could break and leave a void for days.
Earth energy summoned up through the floor with her unheard prayer. She reached down to the ground where her feet had just been. There were flowers springing forth, each containing her wish that Xol would find comfort and be consoled. As she did so, there was a soft hum that drifted from her pursed lips. If Sycamor listened closely he would note it was the same song she hummed for him when he had buried himself under his pillows.
The flowers that sprung up were oak leaf geraniums (true friendship), white hyacinths (I'll pray for you), Zinnia (thoughts of friends), and white poppies (consolation, peace). She weaved them as she hummed into a flower necklace and rose to carefully put it around Xol's head to let it fall to his chest.
[Relatedly, he smells of dry meat and flowers.] 
 Xol would sound like he was sniffling, but he was sniffing at the flowers that were now around his neck. "Am I allowed to hug you?" Xol asked quietly.
[[Well that must be a unique scent! XD]]
Umi couldn't help but smile to Syc, remembering how he had asked the same, before giving Xol a warm beam and a nod. Carefully, she opened her arms and leaned over, embracing him. Her voice was just as kind as it was to Syc that day. "It will be alright Xol. Everything will be okay."  She was still the slightest bit scared but at this point she didn't care if he did kill her; she had to do what she could to bring a soul some healing.
He gave her a feather light squeeze back int the hug before letting her go, " Thanks Umi."If she saw his face, she would see teary eyes.
She released Xol. In the moment that she could see his face she gave his cheek a pat. "Please take care of yourself. For what its worth: I am sorry." Those words seemed to hold true for so many reasons than she was speaking. She came to Syc's side and offered him a small bag of the treat she had learned of from Inuvean with a smile. "It is nice to see you." She bowed to him slightly and turned to hurry out of the room glancing to Po in hopes he would follow.
"Thank you." Syc smiled and Xol went back into his curled up pose, while still eating and being in his brother's lap.
A gentle nod was given to Syc as she left the second livingroom to give the two brothers time together. The moment she was out of eyesight from the room, she leaned against the side of the wall and hid her eyes. Her soul released its hold and Eisen returned with vengeance, deafening her.
"You okay, Umi?" Po questioned, putting his hand on her shoulder.
The woman couldn't hear at all so she jumped a little when she felt Po's hand. When she saw who it was, she clung tightly to him and whispered, "I was really scared I would do more harm than good."
Po held her, and rubbed her back, " Its okay, Umi."
She could feel the vibrations of Po speaking and sighed as she murmured, "I'm sorry, I can't hear." Eisen was furious and she knew there would be no rest for days. "May we go to the kitchen? I did bring snacks for everyone."
Po frowned but he nodded, and lead her to the kitchen. Po held his phone in his hand it was pretty clear who he was considering calling but he wasn't sure if the hearing thing would be resolved by telling the spirits to rest.
When they reached the kitchen, Umi smiled to Po and immediately went to work. She set out plates and brought out the small bag of grasshopper treat that she had tried her hand at again for Inuvean but she always made sure to put some aside for Po. It still was far from perfect like it was supposed to be but she tried for these souls that she knew enjoyed them.
Po would happily munch on the snack, and would make sure to drink plenty of water as well.
Eisen made awful plans practically seething with anger. If he had won before his battle for making Umi afraid of Xol, just wait until the woman slumbered now. 
Umi set out cookies for the girls and she paused as she looked in her bag she glanced over to Po, "Will the other brothers be here today?"
Po recalled she could hear so he pulled up a picture of Tez to let her know he would be stopping by.
Umi gave a nod, and brought out a weird treat that she found on her travels. It was something called swedish fish. The people she had spoken to seemed to enjoy it but she had never tried it herself. She also brought out some dried squid which she herself enjoyed for Tez as well. 
 Eisen was practically livid, 'WHY DID THAT BAT CALL FOR HIM! I don't want to see him!' Rinde snickered, 'Aw whats wrong? Don't want your dear mangy friend seeing you mad?'
It wouldn't take long for the Cat to show up. He walked into the kitchen like he lived there. " Hey." Po turned to greet him. " Hi Tez." "Hello Murciélago." Looked to Umi who hadn't turned around yet.
"She mad at me already?" Po pointed to his own ears, and then signed no. Tez took a moment...'No ears...no hear?...Oh...' Tez walked over and said sweetly, " How about you be nice and give the poor girl back her hearing?"
Eisen was much more avian looking to Tez by the time the god showed up. A glare was shot at him, 'Get out of here, Deity. This is between me and the Child! You don't know what she's done!'
Umi kept busy by setting out glasses completely unaware until Rinde forcibly twirled her around and she blinked. "Oh, hello." She offered him the plate she had set up for him of treats.
Tez smiled to Umi, and then turned his attention to Eisen, "Then inform me. What has she done, that has your feathers ruffled."
Umi could see Tez talking but had no clue what he was saying. She glanced over to Po and asked, "He's smiling. Should I be concerned?" Rinde snickered. 
Eisen surged, 'The Child DARED to force my release! After all I have done for her, she repays my kindness with defiance! I have claims and I am tired of waiting!' Tez would recognize this temper. It was similar to what she herself demonstrated. The bird like spirit seemed to grow larger and a searing pain ripped over Umi's scalp as she winced. Before their eyes, there grew a blue feline stripe marking from her scalp out toward her right eye over her skin.
The woman trembled a little as she set down the plate and she bowed her head, "Excuse me for a moment please." She moved to try and hurry out of the room to hide from being seen to cry from the pain.
Po would follow after her and try to keep her in the kitchen. His eyes would plead for her to wait.   Tez wants to tell that bird to settle down.
In her state Umi was growing too weak to fight and by the second her headache was growing. She didn't get far enough from the kitchen to exit it by the time she was holding onto a counter to steady herself on her feet, but she kept her back to Tez
Eisen was surging with anger. Rinde however seemed strangely calm and almost amused.
"Eisen calm down!" Tez ordered, " Shall you be reminded that haven't a physical form to you? That you are currently relying on her for a vesselage. One that is also shared at that. Be still and return her hearing at once, if you dare to cause her more pain I will rip you both from her. Would you rather be returned the forest from which you both came? Tired from the energy you have wasted trying keep this girl under your control."  Po looked startled. And he holding to Umi to make sure she didn't go down.
A shaking hand rested on Po's shoulder as she hung her head, letting her hair hide away a tear as another stripe started taking form on the other side.
Eisen glared defiantly at Tez, but he had clearly settled down into a seething temperament. Even with so much defiance, he was unable to break Tez's orders. He didn't stop his assault despite calming down. 'The Child caused her OWN pain; she knows the consequences of defying her fate! Rip us from her and you condemn her to oblivion.'
Rinde chuckled, 'Aw the friends are fighting.'
"I will condemn both of your asses to Mictlan if you don't stop your assault. Rinde, you really want to be put in this much danger that you would allow him to break your comfortable hold?"
In the other room Xol's ears would perk at the mention of the Underworld.
Eisen glared at him with anger, but did release and back off. 'I don't know of the place you speak of.. You can't do that with spirits not of your land!'
Rinde laughed at Eisen, 'Its his people's spirit world, idiot. I don't think you really want to test what he can do though.' He smirked at Tez, 'This small movement can't even touch where I am anymore. Humans, so easy to hold onto when you are in the spine.'
As Eisen backed down, Umi stood up a little more straight while the stripes faded away. She took in a deep breath and wiped at her face to try and hide any visible sign of her previous anguish.
Po tried, " Are you okay, Umi?"
Tez stretched a tad, waiting to see if she was alright as well.
It was clear that Umi couldn't hear still. Eisen was actually crossed arm and pouting like a child glaring at Po. He was not enabling anything like a child who was scolded.
"Eisen, hearing." Tez commanded again.
Eisen groaned and glared at Tez but he had no say as he held little power once again.
Umi's ears flicked as she clearly suddenly heard the world around her once more. She rubbed her face as if she coming out of a bad dream. "May I get you something to drink Tez?" She was clearly trying to act like nothing happened and was unaware of the fighting between the god and the spirit.
"Can you hear? " Tez questioned.
Umi kept her back to Tez but gave a nod. "I take it you and Eisen had a chat about that. I'm sorry if it caused you any trouble."
"No trouble. And to ensure you don't have any." Tez grin and commanded, " Eisen, Rinde, sleep for the week." Po held to Umi still in case her body decided it was not able to stand alone.
When ordered to sleep Po would feel her body shift slightly as Umi had to regain her own control over her sense of balance. She sighed a little with relief before asking, "May I get either of you anything to drink?"
"I am fine. " Tez purred, "Thank you for the offer though. I also got a call from Syc that our sweet brother needs family."
Umi nodded to Tez, "Your brother could use as much support as he can get." She looked to Po with a reassuring gaze that she was fine to move to go sit down on a chair.
Po released his grip to let her find a seat.
As Tez left the room, and made it the second living room they would hear him cooing at Xol and such. Followed by a little bit of their own language mixed in. 
Syc would come into a view a few moments later.
When Tez had left the room, Umi found herself a seat and let her guard down with Po as she spoke softly, "I'm sorry if I caused you any worry or trouble." She reached out and took hold of his hand, giving a squeeze. "I get weakest when I ask for favor." She released his hand and rubbed at her skin where the stripes had been, a lingering sting on the flesh.
When Syc came into view she would give him a smile. "How is your brother?"
"He is alright, Tez is there with him now, I am able to take a small break. It takes a lot to keep a God from falling." Syc admitted. "Oh by the way, thank you for the gift, can I ask about these runes?"
Umi gave a nod but there was a clear conflict in her eyes for a passing minute. She spoke in a softer tone, "You are doing well." She blinked for a moment then smiled. "Well, you know how even the most stubborn human can still feel your power just from being in your presence? If I drew them right, those runes should be able to conceal that from most humans."
"Oh excellent!" Syc smiled, " That will make it much easier to travel."
Umi gave a smile and nod. "I am not sure how well it will work since the language of the runes is back from the days my people first broke free from the stars, but I did give it my best shot. I hope it will let you interact with other humans without as much worry. I don't think it will work with Eiru though since she's already your follower."
"It will my miracle work all the nicer." Syc smiled gently.
Umi just kept her smile but a thousand questions ran through. She picked through a few of them and asked one, "Your miracle work? Do you need to hide yourself from human senses to really make them nice?" It was the most she could do to simplify the massive amounts of questions.
Syc laughed, " I have been known to make dresses for poor families for many occasions. Custom dresses with no charge just a simple little tag with a feathered serpent on it, is all I leave behind. I want to help people feel special and happy during their important occasions.”
There was a bit of surprise at first but then a gentle gaze rested on Syc and she beamed. "That is incredibly kind of you. You are a popular designer and I'm sure those families will be talking about those beautiful creations for generations."
"A lot of them I make with actual gems and metals, I imagine they can also sell parts to make some money. Once this year had a saphire the size of my fist in the center."
Blinking she looked to Syc's hand and shook her head a little, "That was incredibly generous of you. You may have saved a whole family with that single gift." A thought occurred to her. "May I get you something to drink?" She had offered everyone else but not the host of the home!
"Sure you may.”
Umi rose from her chair and to the untrained eye it looked like she was bouncing in her step to the storage of the glasses but really she was recapturing her balance. "What may I get for you?"
"Water please."
Umi gave a nod and let another question slip free as she worked,  "Has Xol been through this pain before?" She set down the glass of water in front of Syc.
"Not like this, not in a long time."
Umi returned to her seat. "How long has he been like this?" She wanted to say she could believe he would be okay since Syc had survived but she refused to bring up old wounds to her friend.
“Its been about two weeks." Syc frowned.
"Two weeks.." She thought quietly to herself. She gave a reassuring smile, "Why don't you take him on vacation for a little while?"
Syc sighed, " He can't take a vacation. His job prevents that really. "
Her smile slipped as she gave a thought. "Is there no one who can help him? Take his place for just a moment to let him heal?"
"I am sure he could get Medulla and Hueso to cover parts of it." Syc mentioned, " But they aren't enough."
"So more than a spirit is needed.." She gave it serious consideration. "I doubt humans can help... And as for Stardust..." Her eyes flashed as she looked up at Sycamor. "What if we could train Koko to do it just for a little bit?"
"Do you think Koko would have the patience to deal with departed souls? "
Umi opened her mouth and shut it again with a sigh, "I was going to say we could teach him but.. I don't know if I can say that confidently. I know Eiru was training under Xol. What if she worked with the spirits?"
"That might help. He might be able to pull another spirit to help and that should be enough to give him at least a proper week off."
Umi smiled, "I am sure Eiru would be more than happy to be of service. She is quite devoted. What other spirit would he pull on?"
"One he hasn't had need to call for a while."
"They go by Sangre." Syc informed, "Similar a vein to Hueso and Medulla. Their names translate, to Blood, Bone, and Marrow. "
He could see that sparkle of curiosity in her eyes, "Were these their names when they were alive or is this what they are called now? Where did San.. Sanger?.. Where did that one come from?"
"Sangre, was orginally a priest of our people. He is generally left to rest. "
Syc nodded, " He knows his work."
Her golden tail swayed with her curiosity peaked, "So does this mean that you can call upon former priests and priestesses for help if you need to? Can any deity do this or just ones of death and afterlife?"
"Its a lifetime achievement type of thing. Success at your role within our system leads to the Gods calling on you for add, occasionally in the after." Syc shrugged, " Sangre hasn't been called up from Mictlan, for about 100 years."
"So to worshippers it is seen as an honor." She seemed to make note of that. "Does this mean he has been called before? Can any of the gods of this land call upon him or just the one he served specifically?"
"Rule of thumb, generally, Xol's thing."
"Is that because that place you spoke of is Xol's reign? So say if you wanted to get this priest's help, would you talk with Xol first?"
"Mictlan." Syc nodded, " Its his job to go between the two."
"Mictlan.." She was trying to remember but there was a lot of keep track of at this point. "So if this priest helps, along with the nice couple and Eiru, Xol will have time to recover?"
"It will be easier yes."
"I will send word to Eiru then of the situation. She may try giving offerings to Xol for healing so don't be surprised if gifts start showing up."
They would be able to hear slight singing, not in any human tongue.
Umi jumped slightly and turned her head in the direction of the sound. "What is that?"
"That would be Tez, singing to Xol. Which is charming, but I envy not knowing what our language is supposed to sound like. Literally cat wailing, to me." Syc frowned.
Her ears flattened back, "Is it possible he's just terrible at singing?" A sigh left her as she looked at the table. "Well as long as Xol enjoys it and it brings him comfort I guess its a good thing." She looked at Syc, "Do you need sleep?"
"Always, funny enough." Syc admitted.
Umi gave a smile, "Why don't you take this time to rest?"
Syc would change shape and literally noodle in on himself and pass out.
Umi blinked and tried to not laugh as she smiled to Po, "Do you think you could get him a blanket and pillow?"
Po smiled, " Wait for it." After a few moments, Syc's wing popped out and covered his form.  " He is own blanket."
Umi had to stifle a laugh by covering her mouth and she smiled to Po giving a nod. She motioned for him to follow her out of the kitchen to allow Syc to slumber in peace. "Do you think he would like a pillow? I mean that a floor he's sleeping on after all."
Po shook his head, " He is noodled up, that means we can't see it but he is using his own body as a pillow too. He is pretty much designed to cuddle himself."
"That is both useful and sounds very sad. Still, I think a blanket could help." She casted a worried look back to the second living room. "They will be okay, right? Tez won't do anything cruel right?"
"No he is not going to do anything bad." Po was confident of that, Po heard more of the strange unhuman singing. To his ears it wasn't terrible but that was likely because he didn't know it himself.
Umi winced at the sound. "May we please go for a walk?" It was the best way to get away from that sound and Xol didn't need anything; Syc was sleeping and didn't need anything. She couldn't go near Tez making that sound and feel comfortable.
Po nodded.
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