#Xel muse
sinnerxroulette · 2 years
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Some more art practice with my guy Xel (and Des’ Abraxas lmfao).
Messing with poses and color. Wings are a pain to draw lol
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bluexeyedxsphinx · 2 years
Making a mobile friendly link to Xel’s lore. Under the cut due to length
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Human Disguise                   Everyday                    Traditional Garb
Height : 5’ 11"
Age: Thousands of years old (Equivalent of a Mid 20s guy)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Bipedal Sphinx cat man who is just around to take a look around, have some fun. Or so he says. A fan of not always giving straight answers, Xel is an easy going guy and trickster/joker by nature.
The Truth:
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Descendant of Egyptian God of the Moon Khonsu and “Relative of Bastet”, Xel is a Theben celestial god of the Night. He travels around both out of personal want as well as to investigate the dealings of mortals. Eyes on the ground, as it were.
He has access to quite an amount of magical power and strength beyond his size, but hardly feels fussed to use it most of the time. Usually he just uses his magic to shrink his wings size for everyday use while still keeping them functional. Because he hates the weight on his back. (Something his relatives frown upon when he’s home lol)
Due to his godly nature, most magic below a certain “power level” won’t have any effect on him at all. Like, it can be “cast” upon him and what not but he can shake them off easily. Electricity will “tickle”, poisoning would make him “sneeze”, etc.
Mild shape shifting
Advanced strength and durability.
Healing magic
Advanced senses /cat senses
Advanced knowledge in Death, Magics, Medicines and Astronomy specifically.
Being a fucking shit.
More concrete details to follow
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xelsrealm · 2 years
amuse bouche
i lay in bed
staring at the ceiling,
the familiar muted, rumbling scrape of the snow plow
forcing its way through the fluffy white layers of my thoughts
piling them off to the side of the road
to be revisited on a warmer, sunnier day.
my attention drifts
to the profoundness of writing
the magic of creation
all birthed from a mundane moment of
the pleasure of
weaving words,
winding wistful wonderings
like spindled thread
into poems
like these,
little flavorful bites of thought
an amuse bouche
for the mind
- xel simone
december 11, 2022 11:34 PM
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sentient-rift · 4 months
What is a Paradox Muse and What Are Paradox Dimensions?
I've explained it a little on this post (Link currently broken. Will try to fix it when I find the past post at some point), but I felt I needed to make a new one for those who are new to the concept or just New to my RP blog in general.
Something you may have noticed is that there is a story going on with my muses, and it has led to a Multiverse War with my main blog (@formerchaoslord now @sentient-rift) and my villain side blog (@fallen-symphony). Because of this, a lot of dimensional travel has taken place, and some of my muses even come from branching timelines where things happened differently from the canon timelines (ex. Mr. Tinker decided to remain Mr. Tinker after regaining his memories of his life as Eggman, Ray is restored and no longer needs to feed on Xels to survive, Storm Eagle is no longer a Maverick, etc.)
So where do Paradox Muses and Dimensions come in?
Well, to put it simply, Paradox Dimensions have spawned due to an over abundance of dimensional travel. New dimensions appeared that are combinations of two or more different dimensions. For example, say Sonic stumbled into Spyro's dimension. There would be a possible outcome where a new dimension where Sonic's world and Spyro's world are one, and to those dimensional variants, it's always been that way and seems normal to them. This is one the consequences of dimensional travel in my story between my muses, and as such, some of my muses will be Paradox Muses who come from a Paradox Dimension.
Hopefully this helps explain what Paradox Muses are so no one is confused why Sonic has a Key blade or why Rodea calls Mr. Tinker "Father." with that said, if you still have any questions, feel free to send in an ask, and I will explain more the best I can. I will also update this page whenever I need to if there is more info I need to put down.
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terroreigns · 8 months
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[This is your official invitation to send asks to the side muses of the Shadow Troupe, as well as the Deathlords from the Gaudium era ;) In the case of dead characters, they will default to the most recent time they were alive. If you feel up to it, you may also send asks to the previous incarnation of Chaos, the Earl Tyrant. Been wanting to develop the gang a bit more but my energy levels and brainspace were shitty. I'm also open to asks turning to threads if they catch my attention in that way + if the other wishes to continue off them. :) ]
[Obligatory warning for dark themes as the vast majority of Chaos-affiliated muses are horrid people and their behavior will reflect that fact. The list of muses below:]
Primary muse:
Anarchy, Second Visage [OC]
Gaudium era:
Tyrant, First Visage [canon]
Fungus, Last General of Mycelidos [canon]
Pist Shaz XI, Self-Proclaimed Lord of the Seas [canon]
Shadow Troupe era:
Herba, Lady of the Wicked Vines [canon]
Oscha, Dread Jester [canon]
Xel Ort V, Bolt of the Deep Blue [OC]
Yarukiel, Radio Tower Demon* [canon/OC]
Mad Hatter, Mind of Omega [OC]
[*Yaru is mentally an animal, so asking it will lead nowhere.]
[Link to the wonderful artwork: here]
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kessielrg · 24 days
Writing Bingo: "I want a divorce."
Mighty No. 9. In which Beck, Pyrogen, and Troilus help take care of a few, very excitable, human children for a day camp at the Battle Colosseum. 572 words.
Feel free to send an empty square as a prompt through my ask here: link
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Sometimes Beck wondered if he was jealous of his older siblings. Pyrogen was the worst offender, if only because he was the best big brother as far as Beck could figure. And who could blame him? Pyrogen had a lot of experience in being a fighter and a brother. He made it look easy. Way too easy.
Being around, and playing with, children was one of them.
The youngest of the Mighty Numbers lingered just out of eyesight of the children that flocked around Pyrogen after his latest Colosseum battle.
“Are you guys ready for the fight camp this weekend?” Pyrogen asked the kids.
There was a cheer among them- even from the kids that weren’t able to go. Pyrogen gave a smile.
“Well that’s great to hear!” he enthused. “I hope to see you all there!”
More child cheers.
“And guess who’s joining!” a new voice spoke up. Coming up from outside the crowd was a lanky xel-bot with a single orb that acted as its head and eye.
“Troilus!” some of the kids decided to cheer. Everyone knew that Troilus and Pyrogen were friends. The two would appear together in tag team matches and even on some Battle Colosseum ads. To be a fan of Pyrogen was close enough to being a fan of Troilus, and vice versa.
Troilus’s appearance did not strike the best of feelings in Pyrogen.
“Since when were you going to battle camp?” he asked, his voice masking the inherit suspicion.
“We do everything together,” Troilus joked. “We’re practically married at this point!”
“Uh-huh...” Pyrogen mused in mild disagreement.
Troilus’s eye glinted with mischief. He looked over Beck’s way, causing the younger bot’s artificial heart to stop beating for a moment. It wasn’t unfounded because the next thing Troilus shouted was;
“Hey Beck, you wanna come with us?!”
All eyes were on Beck now. Beck opened his mouth, floundered, then closed it again.
“Beck! Beck! Beck! Beck!” the kids now encouraged. “Come to camp! Come to camp! Come to camp!”
Before Beck could stop himself, he let out a small, “S-sure?”
The kids had never sounded louder.
Turns out that bots appearing for battle camp was a lot easier than you’d think. All one had to do was give their attendance intentions to the camp manager, and they were in. Beck wished it hadn’t been that simple. He wished that Doctor White had stepped up and said no for once. But no, everyone was on board for it.
The kids were everywhere. Their screams and shouts reached a decibel point that would have made an adult human lose hearing for a solid week. And there were adults humans corralling the kids. Not many nanny xel-bots to speak of yet. It would have been nice if there were. There was no way so many kids in this volume was legal in any safety sense of the word.
Troilus looked to Pyrogen.
“I want a divorce.” he said in a flat voice.
“That’s… not legalized yet.” Beck asked, sounding really confused and completely missing the point. He went ignored at Pyrogen looked to his friend.
“Are you taking the kids with you?” he asked, gesturing to the masses.
“Probably not,” came the dramatic sigh. “You know I don’t have the money for that kind of thing.”
“Child support it is.”
Beck looked between Pryogen and Troilus. That small feeling of jealousy was back again.
Go figure.
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xaracosmia · 1 month
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name / alias: Lunamor age: 26 pronouns: She/They ooc contact: @LunamorMari on twitter other characters in xc: Akio
name: Ray age: 66 years online, physically looks to be in their late 30s. pronouns: She/They series: Mighty No. 9 canon point: Post-Game (after Mighty Gunvolt Burst) app triggers: Violence, cannibalism (of robots!), death, insects (nanobots)
At first glance, Ray is a truly fearsome sight in her Combat Form, and she knows this. She thrives on the thrill of the hunt, taking every spoil to further ensure her own survival. She is usually weary of others, often keeping her distance and putting up an intimidating front in order to attempt to glean a person’s true nature. Ray is vengeful, angry, and powerful in her own right, in both her words and actions. Cursed with an insatiable hunger that drives her to the point of madness and sadism, she’s no different than a blood craving vampire…or a raging cannibal. Underneath it all, however, Ray is very misunderstood. She did not choose this life of her own will, and would want nothing more than to fill the constant void in memories and self. With the right people, she can be very loyal and cooperative, if it benefits her survival. Perhaps one day she will finally have the answers she seeks…
Ray has always suffered, struggled, and stumbled through her entire life on her own with no outside assistance whatsoever. Being shunned and branded a social outcast and an artificial devil of technology for so long makes teamwork mostly a foreign concept to her...but it's not entirely lost on her either. If working together is the only option and would contribute to her continued survival, then she will cooperate as long as no one tries to show deceit or maliciousness towards her. You scratch her back, she'll scratch yours, and it can be left at that.
Humans are a rather touchy subject as she resents humanity to a degree--but it's possible for a human to get on decent terms or even on her good side should they show that they are not hostile and understand her lot in life. It would just take a while longer to work up towards that compared to those that aren't human at all. Non-humans, on the other hand, she would be a bit less untrusting towards.
Dynamically, as long as no one is out to get her or harm her, she can coexist with others before any opening up or trust can be put forth. Underneath the rough exterior, however, is a lover of literature and music, so those that appreciate a good classic book or music piece may find common ground with her, as she can also play the violin. On the opposite end, those that would find her just to be a mere mindless robot or attempt to put her down for good will instead find that she will not go quietly without a fight.
something your muse struggles with: Loneliness, being ‘broken, obsolete, defective.’
your muse’s greatest strength: Their drive to survive at ANY cost, against all odds.
history / background:
Ray is a robot made of tiny microscopic nanites called Xel, which make up the other robots of her world. Because of a defect in her design, she can’t retain the Xel that makes up her body, thus she is constantly deteriorating at any given moment, forcing her to resort to hunting down and consuming other robots in order to keep herself whole or else perish. Because of her gruesome nature, her tragic past, and her already shattered memories, Ray has been made an outcast and a loner by both Xelkind and Mankind. Her ultimate objective? To survive in a world that has long since forgotten and abandoned her, and to find out more about her past and who she is.
What little she DOES know is that she was likely created for the Battle Colosseum. It is a government run entertainment outlet that pits other combat robots against each other in a show of glory and fame, much to her great displeasure. That, and the faint fuzzy image of a robotics doctor that's all but vanished from the face of the earth. With no other to turn to, Ray is truly alone in all senses of the word. For years, she lived underground in the city's sewer system in the same abandoned lab she was created in, prowling the streets for her next robotic victims and meals--that is, until the virus incident struck the country. She then went on a hunting spree in the wake of all the chaos, having no stake in any human crisis that didn't involve her--but eventually she caught the virus herself, only barely surviving after her rival momentarily cured her of her defect...but it wouldn't last for too long.
Some several years later, Ray came across a famous roboticist's experimental VR world whilst hacking through several digital networks. Hoping to find some answers to her past, she ventured within the virtual cyberspace--only to find that she was trapped inside alongside others pulled into a nefarious scheme by an Adept from another world. In the end, the virtual landscape was factory resetted as a last-ditch effort to destroy everything within...and the last thing she saw was a gaping digital void of nothingness swallowing her whole.
powers / abilities:
Teleport: Like it says on the tin–Ray can teleport in a flash of fire to locations she can see, or if provided exact coordinates to.
Berserker Mode: A mode where Ray forfeits all reason and sanity in exchange for pushing her speed and power beyond their absolute limits. In this form, Ray truly adheres to her title as Destroyer and will attack and rip apart anything in sight, friend or foe.
Collapse Ray: An intensively-powerful laser cannon fired from her mouth. This move drains her health, but she can use it in succession in order to overwhelm her enemies. Becomes even stronger in Berserker Mode.
Demonic Dissonance: Ray can let out an ear-splitting screech that both disorientates anyone unlucky enough to be in earshot and scrambles any and all communication signals by emitting a jamming signal of her own.
Variation Codes: Able to assimilate the abilities and forms of other robots in the form of Variation Codes, which, when activated, causes her Xel structure to mutate and transform into weapons acquired from other robots.These transformations are called Variation Codes, which only alter the appearance of her right arm. Ray has a total of 8 Variation Codes which allow her access to a wide range of weapons. In very rare cases, Ray is able to assimilate the abilities of other things besides robots. This has a greater chance of occurring when a positive bond is formed.
When this form is set, every slash of RAY’s claw attack will be connected with an explosion as well, catching opponents off guard even if she barely misses them.
Ray can shoot three ice balls, and the balls bounce off of enemies upon impact, making it possible for them to freeze more enemies. Ray can only have one round of these ice balls at a time; she has to wait for them to disappear before using the weapon again.
When an enemy is hit with this weapon, it will be covered in ice shards and take damage over time, gradually moving slower and slower. When its health is fully depleted, it will be frozen.
Ray shoots a single bit that sticks to enemies or terrain to guide electricity. A bit directly stuck to an enemy will deal continuous damage via a stream of energy, while a bit stuck to terrain will release two opposing sparks that travel along the surface.
When an enemy’s health is fully depleted from a connected bit, it will be groggy, allowing Ray to absorb it via dashing without having to touch it, since the enemy is connected to Ray’s antenna through the electric current.
Ray fires a modestly ranged drill tethered to an energy cord. It can penetrate through enemy shields and is able to hit twice, once going forward and once while returning. If the drill connects to a climbable platform, Ray is automatically drawn to it and hoists herself up.
Ray unleashes a rapid-fire, less quantitatively restricted version of her default blaster. Like Beck’s equivalent ReXelection, it is capable of destroying objects that other weapons cannot, like giant blocks.
A 360-degree scanning field surrounds Ray on her HUD. When a destructible object or enemy comes into range, a target icon appears over them. If Ray uses her dash while the icon is present, she automatically homes in on the target.
The normal attack, a sword swipe, functions identically to Beck’s ReXelection, consuming no energy when used and able to deflect most projectiles.
The charged attack consumes a large amount of weapon energy and causes Ray to freeze time as she delivers slashes to all destructible targets when she activates the attack.
This form allows Ray to cloak, making her invisible to all senses for some time. If Ray dashes and absorbs Xel while cloaked (Assassin Kill), she recovers more energy and Xel than usual.
inherent abilities:
Xel Decay: Her fatal flaw, both figuratively and literally. Due to lacking a central core to anchor her Xellular structure down, she is constantly losing both energy and precious bits of herself over time. Painful as it sounds.
Xel Manipulation: The only thing keeping her tethered to life, it is only through this ability that she is able to assimilate Xel into her body in order to keep herself from breaking down completely.
Buster Shot: Able to fire basic plasma shots from her built-in buster arm.
Chaos Claws: Shred foes with successive slashes.
Claw Shot: Ray can shoot her buster arm off as a projectile. The damage output is high, but it has a short range and is slow.
Hacking and Coding Experience: Ray is a proficient hacker, able to seamlessly infiltrate networks and databases without leaving much of a trace.
items / weapons:
A single violin utilizing hard-light tech lovingly named Devil’s Due. Doubles as a weapon as the arm can extend to transform it to a makeshift flail, with the laser bow functioning as a short sword.
starting ability: Demonic Dissonance starting item: Devil’s Due
hee hee robot woman who can kill me go brrr
discord id: xelconsumer1101
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
ಠ_ಠ (dealer's choice for which muse/s Amelia is having inappropriate thoughts about)
@koiwrites / @mcltitcdes: You know this is gonna get long, so cut time!
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Obi-Wan: “Does he know how he makes my heart flutter? How everything in my universe stops the moment he enters the room?... Oh, what I’d give to run my fingers through his hair and kiss him. Kiss every spot on his skin I’ve only dared to dream about touching… I know it is not allowed, but my body just aches to embrace him.”
Lando: “Oh no, I’m blushing again. What is wrong with me? Why am I acting like this? Can he please stop smiling like that?? He looks at me like that, and all I can think about is him wrapping his cape around me, pulling me tightly against him, and… Shiraya’s word! Get a grip, Ris!”
Xel: “Okay, I still hate flying, but…I think I wouldn’t mind it so much with Xel… Especially if there’s maybe room for two in that cockpit, especially if it’s a snug fit…”
Scott: “I should go. I should go right now. It’s late. Maggie and Paxton just picked up Cassie. Luis just left. I should be going, too… So, why am I still standing here in his living room? Why am I still here, and why do I want to lick that smudge of chocolate off his lips?... How many times could I kiss him, and he would taste like chocolate?...”
Warren: “Is this how Psyche felt when she made love to Eros? Lying in the dark on silken sheets, tangled up with him, clinging to him as he brought her to pleasure time after time? Just to get a fleeting touch of his soft feathers as he keeps going?—All I know is, I never want him to stop.”
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starblood · 3 years
i am just sitting here, thinking about xel’s hands. 
she has wonderful hands. strong and warm, rough from all the skills she has -- but gentle. loving.  her hands speak of her life. of how far she’s come from being the daughter of people who aspire to be nobles in the courts of ishgard.
those hands are not clean; she’s killed people. she’s murdered in anger. ask her about how she sought to put her hands into thordan’s chest for what he did. of how she wanted to break his ribs open and tear his heart out.  she has blood on them. she knows this. she accepts it. xel does not deny what she’s done in her time as the warrior of light & dark. she knows that she’s done some things that will leave others reeling. she knows this -- and she knows, too, that she needs to be better. be stronger. but at the same time, it does not mean she will not consider those darker methods viable.
for all of her innocence and naivety in some ways, xel can be pragmatic in every deadly sense of the word. those hands have curled into weapons of war.
but they are strong and they are gentle and they are warm. those hands carry the weight of weapons, of magic, of healing. her knuckles are scarred and bruised, her fingers long and graceful, but still they are good hands. they hold up the weight of others. the weight of their dreams, their hearts, their hopes -- those can be so heavy but xel’s hands are strong. they’re so strong and capable. never will she drop anything easily.
if you put your heart in her hands, she will cherish it and love it, treating it tenderly until you take it back. but she will leave her fingerprints upon it, engraved and resolute. she will leave traces of her love in her touch, wherever it might land. she will lace her fingers with yours and squeeze and that will be there, an impression of her hand left to warm the skin and flourish. 
but for all of her compassion, those same hands will lift stave or axe, sword or bow, hold daggers or curl into fists, ready and able to shift and flow from caring to something wholly dangerous. her hands are dangerous too. she is dangerous. but those hands will cradle just as easily, hold tight, accept what is put into them.
but what i’m trying to say here is -- xel carries her love in her hands, sometimes. she will touch arms, shoulders, heads - to comfort. she will settle her fingers near a wound, heal it away. she will wipe away tears or cup faces gently. she simply conveys emotion through touch. and while she does not mean anything romantic by it, perhaps that could be there too.
one day she might trace over brows with her fingertips, across a mouth, lace her hands with someone else’s, brush her palms over skin. she will leave the handprints of her devotion, of her romanticism, upon the body, tender and gentle -- and sometimes, bruising if someone wishes her to be so. but overall, she touches to convey love. to convey that i’m here i’m here i’m here -- my arms are here if you need them, my shoulder. i will hold you if you need me to.
she carries love in her hands and i think that’s one of the most important things to think of where she’s concerned. 
those hands were made to hold love in them.
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kouyounikko · 4 years
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renchant · 2 years
sleepover 😸😸😸Top 5 favorite current songs and why
not in order
Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives | i have clownzy disease xel i listen 2 this song i become insane actually
CLOWN! - rapslin ft. lil' squidy | oh my god this guy fucking sucks. i love it. he has a clown song tho of COURSE i will listen to it. its grown on me so bad. this song is ABSOLUTELY ending up in my spotify wrapped. and maybe another song of his who knows
It Will Come Back - Hozier | thinking about purpleduo
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse | its a good song idk. also it reminds me of pyrooty. if i ever make a pyrooty playlist im putting it on there first
Your Love (Deja Vu) - Glass Animals | last year i was top 0.1% of glass animals listeners. but also thinking about ships. idk i just love glass animals.
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bluexeyedxsphinx · 2 years
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Some “model sheet” pics of Xel. As well as what he looks like via traditional wall art.
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xelsrealm · 2 years
growing up
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picture credit: Angelou Ezeilo, edits: xelsrealm
i wonder
if its too late
to grow up?
i know 
the obvious answer is
but i wonder
at what point
i’ll feel ready
to stand on my own
two feet
and take those first
teetering steps 
into the unknown?
at what point 
will i heal 
from the pain of my youth
that has made me 
cling to this persona
of hyperindependence
to hide 
the fragile
widdle baby within?
how long will i
be satisfied here
in a prison of my own making?
a cage of comfort,
of familiar suffering,
of suffocating softness
when will i feel brave enough
to grow the fuck up
and create the life i want for myself?
when will i feel confident enough
to throw caution to the wind
and chase my destiny?
when will i see myself enough
to know that i am ready
right now? that that day
is today? that this growth i seek,
this healing i’m chasing,
has already taken place?
when will i
become me
for the first time?
when will i
become me
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keikakudori · 2 years
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    (𝐏𝐄𝐍)𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: lucifer. i also answer to lu and "OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" and The King of Angst.     𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: he / him.     𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂: pisces.     𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 / 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍: single as can be and ready to mingle for free. ( you just have to accept that cas will be part of my life. it's like the whole 'if you love me then you have to love x too'. )
    𝐢. i’ve been writing since i could hold a pencil and knew how to string words together; basically ... oh, since the first grade? yeah. i've got over 30 years of writing to my name. i hope it shows, lmfao.
    𝐢𝐢. i genuinely struggled with writing aizen how i wanted for a very long time. i tried out many different headcanons and ways of depicting him and was never satisfied until only the last couple years. i very nearly gave up on writing him, actually, and if it hadn't been for cas and his helping me yell and scream about aizen on a regular basis, i don't know if i would have gotten here. but man oh man, i'm so damn happy of how far i've come with him. he's mine. kubo signed the adoption papers over to me.
    𝐢𝐢𝐢. i'm always going to write villains, i think. i take great pride in giving villains a very humanizing quality while maintaining how dangerous and terrible they are. am i an apologist? yeah, sometimes. but i also very much recognize that they're villains and i'm not going to take that from the characters that i write. i want you to empathize with my muses, to sympathize with them, to make you hug them --- and i want you to be ready to kill them if it comes down to it too.
    oh man, when it comes to roleplay, my experience is pretty damn varied, lmfao. i've tried out everything that could be named as a roleplay venue. i do remember i started off writing ( very fucking cringe ) fic and editing fics that i had loved when i was much much much younger and then i found roleplay forums when i was, oh ... 13 or 14. but that wasn't all i tried. i did forums, i've done chatroom roleplays, i even had an actual pen and paper roleplay notebook i traded back and forth with a friend in high school. AOL, Chatzy, YIM --- i did plenty of chatrooms. and there's roleplay sites besides tumblr that i've been on. 
    i actually got pulled to tumblr by someone on a now fairly dead ( apart from a hardcore crowd of lingering patrons ) chat roleplay site and while i have no idea of where that friend's gone off to, they got me into tumblr at around, oh ... late 2010, if i remember the date correctly. i stopped using tumblr for a month or two, then i came back to it and i've been well ensconsced in tumblr since then. i've been on another roleplay site since 2009 and as such, my experience with roleplay is pretty extensive. i even tried roleplay on MySpace and Facebook and even Twitter of all places. yeah. i also roleplay through google docs and on Discord so there's plenty for me to say i'm familiar with.
    so i definitely have plenty of experience when it comes to writing. lmfao. 
    V I L L A I N S.
    yes, my muses have always always always been villains. i actually started writing canon muses via sephiroth over ten years ago ( i've been writing sephiroth nearly 15 years, actuall ) and from there the road has led me to acquiring villains left and right. i genuinely don't tend to write protagonists very often, or if i do? they're usually very morally gray. 
    i think the most 'good' characters that i write are orihime, haruno sakura ( though my muse for her is super dusty. i miss writing sakura. she was always ready to put naruto and sasuke into headlocks to smack their skulls together to hear the sound of solid bone meeting solid bone. ), and my warrior of light. and my wol is kind of -- becoming more morally gray herself, given ALL of fucking 6.0 and what happened in there ( venat, turn on your location, I JUST WANT TO TALK. ) and what she found out. legit, xel is feral and she deserves to be feral, especially given that she really wants to bite her love interest whether or not he's dead. she'll do it. trust me, she'll do it.
    villains just make my brain vibe far more than not, truthfully. making people see my muses as people is my jam. i think the best damn compliment i can receive ( and i've gotten it more than once in my time ) is being told that i've made someone rethink their stance on a character and they like him because of me. because tbh most of my muse stable is villainous men. so yeah. i'm definitely always likely to be writing awful terrible men and i thrill in writing those awful terrible men and making people cry over them.
    𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅: fluff isn't something i write in public too often with aizen but god yes. i can't do angst all the time but i fucking love fluff so much.
    𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓: OF COURSE??? i'm wildly fond of smut. smut is glorious. it's about the intimacy and the trust and the horny brain.
    𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓: i collect tears of those i hurt with the angst i write and i drink them. :) that should tell you all that you need to know.
    i'm good with either, honestly! i don't mind sketching in some skeleton of a plot, maybe feeding it an anemic bit of substance to figure out the direction, and taking off from there. but i've alsy had very compelling storylines come out of sending in memes or being sent a meme so they're both very good options. i'm happy with a pre-brainstormed plot or a random thing which comes out of a meme. they're both very good in my opinion, i think. why bother limiting myself in any fashion, i say.
tagged  by:  i stole it because i am a goblin who loves shiny things. tagging:  steal it from me, i dare you to.
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melodiaemfrp · 3 years
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s second Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Seven (7) days of activity in-server) for the period from August 23rd to October 22nd.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist before Wednesday, November 3rd. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by November 3rd by 11:59 PM EST will be removed from the server by the next inbox run (Friday, November 5th).
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Wednesday, November 3rd to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask. Muses marked with an asterisk (*) are ineligible to be reapped this way due to failing two consecutive checks. These muses must wait one full week, and may resubmit their entire application on or after Sunday, November 7th.
Muses that are not reapped by 11:59pm EST on November 3rd will be removed from the server by our inbox run on November 5th.
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae! We have some exciting new announcements in the works for the coming weeks, too, so stay tuned for those!
- The Melodiae Team
Phoenix Wright (Hikari)
Trucy Wright (Ariadne)
Specter (Freya)
Revenant (Cyan)*
Orihime Inoue (Linnea)
Yakumo Murai (Linnea)
Oda Sakunosuke (Freya)
Chuuya Nakahara (Knox)
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (Lin)
Yosano Akiko (Tom)
Mukuro Ikusaba (Charlie)
Kaede Akamatsu (Tom)
Corvo Attano (Eris)
Gap (Dani)
Aerith Gainsborough (Ariadne)
Sephiroth (Alex)
Prompto Argentum (Tom)
Ravus Nox Fleuret (Limbo)
Azama (Doc)
Byleth Eisner (Xel)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (Benito)
Ferdinand von Aegir (Ike)
Khalid ‘Claude’ von Riegan (Peach)
Seteth (Sety)
Albedo (Billie)
Scaramouche (Riku)
Hirahara (Riku)
Djeeta (Hanna)
Sandalphon (Cinnamon)
Vira (Grimm)
Eliot ( Sylvari Pact Commander ) (Limbo)
Trahearne (Ghost)*
Trevian (OC) (Sam)
Ichiro Yamada (Rei)
Luca Balsa (Knox)
Simon Laurent (Lucian)
Fushiguro Megumi (Hanna)
Geto Suguru (Mono)
Daisuke Jigen (Limbo)
Goemon Ishikawa XIII (Sam)
Mikumo Guynemer (Rey)
Mamiya Yumehisa (Riku)
Thor Odinson (Garth)
Michiko Malandro (Teal)
Es (Rei)
Fuuta Kajiyama (Cinnamon)
Nenio ( OC ) (Ghost)
Katsuki Bakugou (Eve)
Eve (Linnea)*
Charlotte Katakuri (Fishnchipsnvinegar)
Roronoa Zoro (Maki)
Andrew Bennett (Sand)
Bellatrix (Monet)
Dawa (Linnea)
George Forge (Monet)
Isaac Reuben (Megamaw)*
Jake Robinson (Sand)
King Orion (Monet)
Li Mi Zi (Mizi) (Alyssa)
Oscar McCreery (Bad Ending) (Zero)
Philomena Roxbury (Monet)
Xaahir-Eol (Lyss)
Hamuko Arisato (Ariadne)
Cass Saito (OC) (Moonage)
Blue Oak (Riku)
Binah (Keizh)
Daisy (Rey)
Rivet (Twin)
Mercury Black (Maki)
Qrow Branwen (Hikari)
Yang Xiao Long (Eve)
Scorpia (fishnchipsnvinegar)
Steve Harrington (Sam)
Alphen (Sety)
Raven (Doc)
Yuri Lowell (Eve)
Eleanor Hume (Chris)
Magilou (Maki)
Rokorou Rangetsu (Eve)
Shoka Sakurane (Meyneth)
Fushi (Rei)
Majima Goro (Phoenix)
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rothalion · 3 years
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@starblood​ said:  💪
|  send 💪 to pick up / carry my muse | Accepting |
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  “Xel - what are you -”
  His feet leave the ground, not of his own volition, and nearly immediately does he push his hands against her in an effort to separate them. Hugs were generally okay, good even, but being lifted?
  He seemed more like a cat attempting to be freed.
  “By the Twelve, please put me down!”
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