kitwallace · 1 year
An executable model for Biodiversity Net Gain 4.0
Natural England published the latest version of the Biodiversity Metric - BNG 4.0 in April 2023. It remains under continuing review. BNG 4.0, possibly amended, is likely to become mandatory when the remaining parts of the Environment Act 2021 come into force towards the end of the year. It is a very comprehensive suite of documents with supporting tools designed to aid in the calculation of biodiversity net gain.
A full baseline habitat analysis for a proposed development together with the proposed habitat changes requires the gathering, organisation and processing of a large amount of data. A macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet has been provided in the package, which is expected to be used widely, if not exclusively, for nearly all BNG calculations. Spreadsheets are, however, inherently difficult to comprehend, check and test.
This project is an attempt to provide an open source online tool to perform the same analysis which is comprehensible, checkable against the BNG guidance and testable.
Wonderfully useful though spreadsheets are, they do have some major downsides.
Unreadable Formula
Computation is defined using expressions which reference cells or ranges of cells by sheet name and cell address. There are mechanisms for giving cells meaningful names, but these are rarely used and not used in the BNG spreadsheet. This renders the spreadsheet very difficult to read and check without extensive navigation around multiple sheets and sub-tables embedded within sheets. Even then the meaning of the cells has guessed from column and row labels which themselves are mere descriptions rather than having any semantic value.
Macros and hidden columns further limit comprehension.
Lack of a coherent model
Because data and computation are interleaved within a spreadsheet, there is no separation of data from its processing and hence no guarantee that the same kind of data (all the rows in a table) will be computed in the same way.
Lack of a test strategy
Software engineering has developed strategies for enabling repeated testing of software so that the whole system can be re-tested after a minor change has been made which may have unforeseen consequences. Test-driven development goes further and requires test data and the results expected from that data to be created before development so that the behavior can be developed and tested incrementally. Although there are specialist tools such as Rapise which can assist with spreadsheet testing they are expensive.
Readability and testing are important because industry experience shows that an overwhelming number of operational spreadsheets have faults which, in some cases, has led to disastrous consequences for their users. Clearly, a tool which supports legislation should be provably correct.
As the computer scientist Tony Hoare said:
“There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.”
In this project we strive for simplicity.
A conceptual data model
A Entity-Attribute-Relationship (EAR) conceptual model captures the structure of the data in an information system. EAR models are typically used with Relational Databases which are composed of multiple inter-dependent tables.
Tables (such as the Habitat table in BNG 4.0 which list the 132) are conceptualized as Entities which define the common properties of every row in the table, i.e., every instance of the entity. The main part of this definition is the list of fields in the record which can be thought conceptually as attributes of the entity. Each attribute describes the type of values which can be held in the field, the permitted and default values and whether it is mandatory or optional. Relationships describe how one entity is related to another, typically by common attributes.
An executable conceptual model
An executable model is an extension of a data model which in addition defines the rules for computing attributes which are not raw data. In the software engineering approach, Model-Driven Development, such models can be used to generate the compiled software. For this project, the rules are interpreted using software written in XQuery running on the open source eXist-db XML database. As the user enters data for an instance of an entity (a row of a table), the software will evaluate the rules in the model in an appropriate order and compute the values of all the computed attributes, rather as a spreadsheet does. Here however the rules are expressed in readable formula which use the names of other attributes in the same entity and of those in related tables.
Formula conventions
The formulae are expressed in the XQuery language, although most need only the XPath subset. Two shortcuts are used:
$self/fieldname is a reference to a field in the record being processed.
table(‘tablename’) is a reference to the rows of a named table which may be a base reference table such as Habitat or a project-specific table such as Habitat_Baseline.
XPath expressions allow the rows to be filtered with a condition in [ ] and fields accessed by /fieldname
For example, the rule to compute the list of Habitats in a Broad Habitat is:
which means:
Take all the rows of the Habitat table where the Broad_Habitat is the same as this rows Broad_Habitat and return the list of Habitat values in those rows.
To retrieve the Distinctiveness Score of the selected Habitat from the Habitat table:
The language provides a range of common functions. This is the formula used in the overall Project Summary to sum all the On-site Baseline Habitat units:
Here is the full model for the Habitat_Baseline.
Mapping the Excel Spreadsheet to the Conceptual Model
The reference tables were extracted from the tables in the BNG 4.0 calculator tool and exported as CSV, then loaded into the eXist database using column headings as attribute names. Some names were changed to better reflect their role. The key Habitat table was restructured to have two key columns: Broad Habitat and Habitat.
Three tables were multidimensional, with row headings one dimension and one or two levels of column headings for the other dimensions.
Habitat_Condition: Spreadsheet Table G-8 Condition lookup, Technical Annex 2 Data Table 2 Habitat condition score matrix.
Habitat_Creation_Year: Spreadsheet Table G4 Temporal Multipliers, Technical Annex Data 2 Table 3: Habitat creation matrix.
Habitat Enhancement Year: Spreadsheet Table G-5 Enhancement Temporal, Technical Annex 2 Data Table 3: Habitat enhancement matrix 
The data in these tables are sparse, so multiple cells are marked as 'Not Possible'. For computational purposes it is preferable to convert these to simple tables with multiple keys and with 'Not Possible' combinations removed to be dealt separately with when the data is missing.
The tables which contain project-specific data are based on the same tables in the Spreadsheet. For simplicity I combined each pair of On-site and Off-site tables into a single table. This ensures that the only difference is the application of a spatial multiplier for the Off-site entries.
Comparison with the Natural England Spreadsheet
So far, the model is limited to the Area Habitat tables, both on-site and off-site as well as support for tree surveys. Testing has been so far limited to defining a number of real-world cases in both the Natural England Spreadsheet and in the XQuery on-line system and comparing the results.
This is the set of projects so far implemented. All are viewable but a pin number is required to edit all but the Test Project.
Given the complexity of some of the formula, we have identified very few issues:
The computation in the Spreadsheet for Enhancement Habitat Units is at odds with the formula given in Technical Annex 2 BOX TS 7-1. The Spreadsheet formula only uses the Post-Intervention Area, whereas Equation 3 refers to the Pre-Intervention Area as well.
The Off-site Enhancement calculation makes no use of the Spatial Risk multiplier although this is present in the sheet.
Rounding in the Spreadsheet is sometimes incorrect which creates small differences in totals to those in the online version where values are computed throughout to double precision and rounded on display.
Technical Annex 2 Table 2 Habitat Condition Score Matrix and hence Spreadsheet table G8 Condition look-up allows the Bramble Scrub Habitat to have both 'Condition Assessment N/A' and 'Fairly Poor'.
Further work
The project is at the prototype stage and parts of the BNG model are yet to be implemented, in particular the linear habitats of hedges and waterways and some overall validity checks. Automated testing is feasible but has not yet been implemented. It would be interesting to know if Natural England have test data which they could share.
We hope this project will be a useful contribution to the establishment of BNG4.0. A repository for the project is being created on GitHub.
Oct '23
Version 2 of the platform under development.
~ prefix replaced by $self
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rutuja-2105 · 1 month
XPath for Selenium, Playwright & Cypress Web Automation Testing
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For web automation testing, identifying robust locators for web elements is crucial to prevent test failures due to “Unable to locate element” errors. This article focuses on creating robust locators using XPath. Before diving into the techniques, let’s get familiar with XPath.
XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language used to locate elements on a webpage, defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It allows processing of values based on the XQuery and XPath Data models.
Why XPath is Necessary:
Precision: Accurately locate web elements.
Flexibility: Handle complex and dynamic web elements.
Versatility: Use in various web automation tools.
Understanding XPath is essential for creating robust web locators and enhancing the reliability of automated tests.
XPath for Selenium, Playwright & Cypress Web Automation Testing click here to know more about XPath. I appreciating to Yogesh to written this blog. also visit to www.spurqlabs.com to read more blog like this.
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1256986 · 5 months
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ELOIACS offers top-notch XML developer services tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. Our expert team specialises in XML schema design, parsing, transformation, and integration, ensuring seamless data exchange and interoperability across platforms. With a keen focus on quality and efficiency, we provide custom solutions for XML data management, validation, and optimization. Whether you require XML web services integration, XSLT/XQuery development, or bespoke XML solutions, ELOIACS is your trusted partner for unlocking the full potential of XML in your applications. Experience unparalleled expertise and reliability with ELOIACS XML Developer Services today.
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kitsongs · 8 months
Joni Mitchel : Big Yellow Taxi
I was giving a talk about Biodiversity Net Gain and programming at Declarative Amsterdam last year. My draft talk was OK but could do with a little extra. Overnight the words of Joni's song came to mind and I used a couple of quotes when I delivered the talk the next day. I had actually loaded the music onto my phone but chickened-out when the time came, partly because it was a hybrid event and I wasn't sure how it would come over to the remote participants.
Although the talk was about the tecnical challenge of implementing spreadsheet -like behavior in XML and XQuery, the context was the dangers to cities that forthcoming legislation on biodiversity in Planning law might pose to urban environments. Whilst the intention is to acheive overall net gain in biodiversity, this is impossible to achive in cities so outsourcing to the countryside is inevitable. I think Joni understood this back in 1969. The song could be our anthem for the Bristol Tree Forum.
The song was written on a brief trip to Hawaii where she was stunned by the beauty of the distant green mountains and the contrast with the parking lot which spread beneath her hotel window. The 'Tree Musuem' is a reference to the island's Botanical Gardesn.
Lyrics below from https://jonimitchell.com/music/song.cfm?id=13
Further info https://jonimitchell.com/library/view.cfm?id=4491
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/1wfzOH54LylpiG8hAOjKcS?si=56c51ff9a1544bc2
They paved paradise And put up a parking lot With a pink hotel *, a boutique And a swinging hot spot
Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot
They took all the trees Put 'em in a tree museum * And they charged the people A dollar and a half just to see 'em
Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot
Hey farmer farmer Put away that DDT * now Give me spots on my apples But leave me the birds and the bees Please!
Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot
Late last night I heard the screen door slam And a big yellow taxi Took away my old man
Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot
They paved paradise And put up a parking lot
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iiiiissssss · 9 months
هعيش و اموت و مش عارفه افهم xquery
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ayejayque · 1 year
How Database Applications Evolved over Time – A short history
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Database applications were supposed to be one of the main and central purposes to be used on computers. This is a primary reason for the development of computer systems. The idea was to have faster data processing. This drove the growth of the computer processor speed. In fact, data processing precedes computers. Punched cards were used in the US for data collection for the census at the advent of the 20th century. The first known data processing was by punched cards using mechanical devices. The real expansion and growth in data processing speed, data storage, and the development of database applications started much later in the 1950s. Magnetic tapes were the medium to store data and also to read from them. These applications had a tiered structure and were comprised of network systems. They were tremendously efficient when used with the exact and original query developed for them. The database was not intended to handle new queries or communications. Also, the magnetic tapes needed to be in the same sorted order for retrieving the true data. Later in the 60s hard disks came to the fore. The data retrieval was faster. The data no longer needed to be stored in a sequence. This is a golden period in the advancements of the database Systems. Later, in 1970, a certain Mr. Edgar Codd, the father of the Relational Database Model, conceptualized a new structure for database construction. He ended up authoring a groundbreaking paper ‘A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks.’ He freed the database from technical ways of querying. He also marked the start of Data Abstraction. This means hiding details of how the database is implemented to application programmers and end users. A database called System R, based on the concept of Codd was developed by IBM. It was the first one to use a querying language called SQL or Structured Query Language. Eventually, System R further developed into a conventional saleable DBMS product called DB2. Object-oriented programming or OOP was swiftly developing in the 80s. It also helped us break into the Object-Oriented Databases. The idea was to treat data as objects, thereby becoming easier to hypothesize and program, when using this idea. Another great development that happened was the processing speed of processors and also the indexing concept that greatly amplified data access times and routines of the DB. The 90s was a time of the World Wide Web (WWW). This was a time unlike any before it. It was unprecedented. The world had never seen this before. All the data was on the internet to access. Databases, with forwarded links, were diverse and different. It needed a procedure to interchange data proficiently. Also, the database had to be of very high availability. It was supposed to be working 24x7. XML or Extended Markup Language became a standard for providing data exchange and interconnectivity among the different databases and Webpages. Lately, we have seen a growing trend in the NoSQL database. These are dissimilar from so-called classical databases. They do not rely on the Relational Model for their structure. SQL is replaced by UnQL or Unstructured Query Language. This language is still in the development stage. It is very similar to XQuery. When working with huge amounts of data, these kinds of databases are used. Some of the well-known databases are Mongo DB, CouchBase, and HBase used by Facebook, Big Table used by Google, and Dynamo DB used by Amazon.   Read the full article
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codehunter · 2 years
Is there a JSON equivalent of XQuery/XPath?
When searching for items in complex JSON arrays and hashes, like:
[ { "id": 1, "name": "One", "objects": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Response 1", "objects": [ // etc. }] }]
Is there some kind of query language I can used to find an item in [0].objects where id = 3?
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polhpapa · 2 years
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The use of visual clues and “page geography” often leads to more precise and more robust wrappers .
Fminer xpath code#
The possibility of defining, modifying, and testing wrappers in a visual fashion has relieved wrapper designers from the tedious task of having to decipher the HTML code of each target web page, and of writing sequential programs that act on it. #Fminer match portion of html tag code#.#Fminer match portion of html tag manual#.#Fminer match portion of html tag generator#.Selects all elements in the all title elements which have at least one attribute of any kindīy using the | operator in an XPath expression you can select several paths. Selects all the child element nodes of the bookstore element XPath wildcards can be used to select unknown XML nodes. Selects all the title elements of the book elements of the bookstore element that have a price element with a value greater than 35.00 Selects all the book elements of the bookstore element that have a price element with a value greater than 35.00 Selects the last but one book element that is the child of the bookstore element Selects the last book element that is the child of the bookstore element To solve this problem in IE, set the SelectionLanguage to XPath: In JavaScript: xml.setProperty("SelectionLanguage","XPath") Note: In IE 5,6,7,8,9 first node is, but according to W3C, it is. Selects the first book element that is the child of the bookstore element. In the table below we have listed some path expressions with predicates and the result of the Predicates are always embedded in square brackets. Predicates are used to find a specific node or a node that contains a specific value. Selects all book elements that are descendant of the bookstore element, no matter where they are under the bookstore all attributes that are named lang Selects all book elements no matter where they are in the document Selects all book elements that are children of bookstore Note: If the path starts with a slash ( / ) it always represents an absolute Selects all nodes with the name "bookstore" In the table below we have listed some path expressions and the result of the Selects the parent of the current attributes Selects nodes in the document from the current node that match the selection no matter where they are Selects all nodes with the name " nodename" Path expressions are listed below: Expression The node is selected by following a path or steps. XPath uses path expressions to select nodes in an XML document. References DOM Node Types DOM Node DOM NodeList DOM NamedNodeMap DOM Document DOM Element DOM Attribute DOM Text DOM CDATA DOM Comment DOM XMLHttpRequest DOM Parser XSLT Elements XSLT/XPath Functions Web Services XML Services XML WSDL XML SOAP XML RDF XML RSS XSD Data Types XSD String XSD Date/Time XSD Numeric XSD Misc XSD Reference
Fminer xpath how to#
XSD Schema XSD Introduction XSD How To XSD XSD Elements XSD Attributes XSD Restrictions XSD Complex Elements XSD Empty XSD Elements-only XSD Text-only XSD Mixed XSD Indicators XSD XSD XSD Substitution XSD Example XML DTD DTD Introduction DTD Building Blocks DTD Elements DTD Attributes DTD Elements vs Attr DTD Entities DTD Examples XQuery Tutorial XQuery Introduction XQuery Example XQuery FLWOR XQuery HTML XQuery Terms XQuery Syntax XQuery Add XQuery Select XQuery Functions XSLT Tutorial XSLT Introduction XSL Languages XSLT Transform XSLT XSLT XSLT XSLT XSLT XSLT XSLT Apply XSLT on the Client XSLT on the Server XSLT Edit XML XSLT Examples XPath Tutorial XPath Introduction XPath Nodes XPath Syntax XPath Axes XPath Operators XPath Examples XML DOM DOM Introduction DOM Nodes DOM Accessing DOM Node Info DOM Node List DOM Traversing DOM Navigating DOM Get Values DOM Change Nodes DOM Remove Nodes DOM Replace Nodes DOM Create Nodes DOM Add Nodes DOM Clone Nodes DOM Examples XML AJAX AJAX Introduction AJAX XMLHttp AJAX Request AJAX Response AJAX XML File AJAX PHP AJAX ASP AJAX Database AJAX Applications AJAX Examples XML Tutorial XML HOME XML Introduction XML How to use XML Tree XML Syntax XML Elements XML Attributes XML Namespaces XML Display XML HttpRequest XML Parser XML DOM XML XPath XML XSLT XML XQuery XML XLink XML Validator XML DTD XML Schema XML Server XML Examples XML Quiz XML Certificate
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tonkispider · 2 years
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(Not for all languages ​​and only in 10.14)
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A unified design window: see all documents in the sidebar.
The new Smultron 11 is the best of all time and has the following new features:
And everyone can use it because it is translated into many languages and has full support for accessibility. It is a pleasure to use and has all the tools you need text. Smultron is designed for both beginners and experts alike. Use Smultron to write everything from a web page, a script, a task list, a novel to a complete application. Its elegance and simplicity helps everyone to be creative and write and edit all kinds of texts. Smultron is powerful and secure without being complicated.
LESS, MathProg, Nim and Smalltalk in Smultron 8.
Arduino, Clojure, Final Cut Pro XML, Fountain, Hack, Notation 3, Processing, Rust, Strings, Swift, Turtle, XLIFF, XQuery and Zimbu in Smultron 7.SASS / SCSS, Groovy, Go, Make and YAML in Smultron 6.Syntax highlighting has been updated in each version to include more languages: Added features include iCloud support in Smultron 6, better contextual menus in Smultron 7 and support for native OS X tabs in Smultron 8. Eventually separate versions 6, 7 and 8 (for OS X 10.9, 10.10, and 10.11 respectively) were released on the App Store.
On January 6, 2011, version 3.8 of Smultron was published by Peter Borg in the Mac App Store as a paid app for OS X 10.6-10.8. There will not be any further updates to this branch of development, and as of macOS Sierra the app will no longer open a new fork of Fraise in 2016, named 'Erbele', authored by programmer Andeas Bentele (Erbele is the Swabian (a German dialect) word for 'strawberry'), offers compatibility with macOS Sierra and newer releases. Calendarmenu 3 3 2 – convenient menu bar calendar 2020. Also open source, this fork offered 64-bit support in Snow Leopard (but no support for OS X 10.5), an auto-update mechanism, duplicate line detection, and other features. In 2010 a fork named 'Fraise' was introduced, authored by programmer Jean-Francois Moy and named after the French word for 'Strawberry'. He also said he would not be releasing 'any more versions for the foreseeable future.'
On September 12, 2009, Borg announced a new version 3.6beta1 to fix bugs introduced with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. As of July 31, 2009, Borg has announced that he would no longer be developing Smultron, however active development was later resumed after a hiatus. Lingon, another program developed by Borg, is named after another common Scandinavian berry. The name of the application is derived from the common Swedish woodland strawberry, hence the application icon. History Ĭreated and developed by Swedish programmer Peter Borg, it was first seen registered on Sourceforge in May 2004, and had received much support and feedback from the Mac open-source community. There is localization support for Swedish, Chinese (simplified and traditional), English, Czech, French, Hungarian, Finnish, German, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish. Other features include split file view, line wrapping, incremental search, a command line utility, line numbers, and an HTML preview. It can be helpful in the quick creation of websites, and allows the user to utilize and customize shortcuts for quick coding implementations, snippets and file organization. Smultron has many syntax highlighting and text encoding options. Smultron is the Swedish word for woodland strawberry. Smultron also includes syntax highlighting with support for many popular programming languages including C, C++, LISP, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, HTML, XML, CSS, Prolog, IDL and D. It is written in Objective-C using the Cocoa API, and is able to edit and save many different file types. It was originally published as open-source but is now sold through the Mac App Store. Smultron is a text editor for macOS that is designed for both beginners and advanced users.
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kitwallace · 1 year
BNG4.0 : The saga of a single cell
Oct '23 - symbol ~ replaced with the more explicit $self/
Implementation of the BNG4.0 spreadsheet calculator in XML and XQuery requires the translation of multiple formula expressed in Excel language. This is time-consuming process as shown in this example of one column of one table.
The formula of interest is in cell T12 of Sheet A-3 On-Site Habitat Enhancement. The heading is Distinctiveness Change.
I discovered I could copy the formula by double-clicking the cell [previously I'd tried to copy the text in the entry field but couldn't because it was locked]
=IF(E12="","",IF(AND(LEFT(O12,6)="Same d",I12>X12),"Error - Trading rules not satisfied ▲",IF(AND(LEFT(O12,6)="Same b",AND(LEFT(F12,5)<>LEFT(S12,5),I12>X12)),"Error - Trading rules not satisfied ▲",IF(AND(LEFT(O12,6)="Same h",F12<>S12),"Error - Trading rules not satisfied ▲",IF(AND(LEFT(O12,6)="Bespok",F12<>S12),"Error - Trading rules not satisfied ▲",IF(X12<I12,"Error Trading Down ▲",H12&" - "&W12))))))
Decoding the cell references and replacing them with names used in the XML version of this table, we get
=IF(~Ref="","",IF(AND(LEFT(~Baseline_Required_Action,6)="Same d",~Baseline_Distinctiveness _Score> ~Proposed_Distictiveness_Score),"Error - Trading rules not satisfied ▲", IF(AND(LEFT(~Baseline_Required_Action,6)="Same b", AND(LEFT(Baseline_Habitat,5)<> LEFT(~Proposed_Habitat,5),~Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score > ~Proposed_Distictiveness_Score)),"Error - Trading rules not satisfied ▲", IF(AND(LEFT(~Baseline_Required_Action,6)="Same h",~Baseline_Habitat <> Proposed_Habitat),"Error - Trading rules not satisfied ▲", IF(AND(LEFT(~Baseline_Required_Action,6)="Bespok",~Baseline_Habitat <> Proposed_Habitat),"Error - Trading rules not satisfied ▲", IF(~Proposed_Distinctiveness_Score < Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score ,"Error Trading Down ▲",concat(Baseline_Distinctiveness ," - " , ~Proposed_Distinctiveness)))))))
The use of LEFT() here fulfills two roles: to save testing the whole text of Required Action and to partially extract the Broad Habitat from the compound Broad Habitat - Habitat column used in the spreadsheet.
The required actions is taken from the Trading Notes of the baseline habitat which has the same set of values as Distinctiveness.
Bespoke compensation likely to be required
Same habitat required
Same broad habitat or a higher distinctiveness habitat required
Same distinctiveness or better habitat required
Compensation Not Required
Even with the addition of meaningful names, the code is still difficult to understand. One reason is that this formula either reports a failure to satisfy trading rules or the change in distinctiveness if trading rules are satisfied. These purposes are really independent and it is clearer to break the column into two- one to show the change in distinctiveness, the other to validate the trading rules.
The second reason is that the tests are for the failure of a rule rather that its success. For example, the test for the Required_Action "Same broad habitat or a higher distinctiveness habitat required"
is tested by the condition
AND(LEFT(Baseline_Habitat,5) <> LEFT($self/Proposed_Habitat,5),$self/Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score > $self/Proposed_Distinctiveness_Score))
that is
(Baseline_Broad_Habitat <> $self/Proposed_Broad_Habitat) and ($self/Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score >$self/Proposed_Distinctiveness_Score)
but its not immediately obvious that this is the negation of the rule which can be tested directly by the condition
(Baseline_Broad_Habitat= $self/Proposed_Broad_Habitat) OR($self/Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score < $self/Proposed_Distinctiveness_Score)
or better still since it is the Proposed Habitat which is being checked
(Proposed_Broad_Habitat= $self/Baseline_Broad_Habitat) OR ($self/Proposed_Distinctiveness_Score > $self/Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score)
which can now be easily seen to be a formal version of the rule itself.
If it is necessary to test for the failure of the rule, it is better to negate the rule :
Not (Proposed_Broad_Habitat= $self/Baseline_Broad_Habitat) OR ($self/Proposed_Distinctiveness_Score > $self/Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score)
The following XQuery expression is used as the compute rule in the model for validating the Trading rule:
if ($self/Baseline_Required_Action = "Bespoke compensation likely to be required") then if ($self/Proposed_Habitat = $self/Baseline_Habitat) then "OK" else "Error - Trading rules not satisfied" else if ($self/Baseline_Required_Action = "Same habitat required") then if ($self/Proposed_Habitat = $self/Baseline_Habitat) then "OK" else "Error - Trading rules not satisfied" else if ($self/Baseline_Required_Action = "Same distinctiveness or better habitat required") then if ($self/Proposed_Distinctiveness_Score >=$self/Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score) then "OK" else "Error - Trading rules not satisfied" else if ($self/Baseline_Required_Action = "Same broad habitat or a higher distinctiveness habitat required") then if ($self/Proposed_Broad_Habitat =$self/Baseline_Broad_Habitat or $self/Proposed_Distinctiveness_Score > $self/Baseline_Distinctiveness_Score) then "OK" else "Error - Trading rules not satisfied" else if ($self/Baseline_Required_Action = "Compensation Not Required") then "OK" else concat("Error - Unknown Required action: ", $self/Baseline_Required_Action)
For traceability, it is good to be able to reference this calculation back to section 5.2 of the User Guide. However, because this document is provided only as a PDF and not an HTML document, it is not possible to provide a direct deep link into this part of the document.
Sadly, traceability doesn't seem to be possible for all computations in the spreadsheet. I am unable so far to trace the very next field which validates changes to Habitat_Condition.
Of course we have to trust (or laboriously check) that the same formula adjusted for position is used on all cells in the same column and in the Off-Site version of the sheet.
XQuery language
Although the XQuery language will be unfamiliar to many, this code is likely to be readable by most computer literate folk. This is partly due to the more natural English expressions used - 'let' , 'and' 'or' with '=' having its usual meaning, but perhaps comprehensibility is in the eye of the beholder.
Oct '23
On refection, rather than allowing a free choice of options and then validating that choice, it would better to restrict the available options in the first place. This also allows acceptable options to be seen. Validation is still needed however if data is imported from other sources.
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rutuja-2105 · 4 months
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For web automation testing, identifying robust locators for web elements is crucial to prevent test failures due to “Unable to locate element” errors. This article focuses on creating robust locators using XPath. Before diving into the techniques, let’s get familiar with XPath.
XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language used to locate elements on a webpage, defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It allows processing of values based on the XQuery and XPath Data models.
Why XPath is Necessary:
Precision: Accurately locate web elements.
Flexibility: Handle complex and dynamic web elements.
Versatility: Use in various web automation tools.
Understanding XPath is essential for creating robust web locators and enhancing the reliability of automated tests.
XPath for Selenium, Playwright & Cypress Web Automation Testing click here to know more about XPath. I appreciating to Yogesh to written this blog. also visit to www.spurqlabs.com to read more blog like this.
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#Pyqt4 download upgrade
Got Qt already and want to upgrade your license or try out the latest Qt 6 release Sign into the customer portal to download a trial or. Supports the Qt Designer applicationĪnother interesting feature is the built-in support for the Qt Designer application, allowing UI (User Interface) designers to use various attractive functions, such as the ability to add custom Python-based widgets to an existing set of Qt widgets.Īmong other features, we can mentin inter-process communication through D-Bus message buses, a stream-oriented API, support for XML handling APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) like DOM and SAX, an ECMAScript interpreter, as well as undo frameworks and text completion. Download a free trial of the Qt framework, tools for desktop and embedded development, Qt Design Studio, plus other enterprise add-ons like Qt Digital Advertising platform.
#Pyqt4 download pdf
It also comes with several rich text processing, printing and displaying functions, including export for PDF documents, offers a unified painting system that features OpenGL integration, transparency, SVG support and anti-aliasing, it’s multi-lingual, supports threading classes, integrates several widget styles, as well as input/output and networking. In addition, the software features standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) capabilities for apps, including dock windows, toolbars and menus, allows for easy communication between app components like slots and signals, provides a wide variety of model/view features, supports SQL databases, and integrates with the Qt Linguist translation utility. Key features include a comprehensive set of widgets, a feature-rich and powerful canvas, flexible layout managers, video and audio playback support, integration with any WebKit browser engine, support for various popular XML query technologies, including XSLT, XQuery and XPath, as well as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) communications for Qt 4.3 and later. It supports both Qt 4 and Qt 5 branches, comprises of over 620 classes, and it is the only tool that unites the Python cross-platform interpreted language with the Qt cross-platform application framework.
#Pyqt4 download mac os x
It is a platform-independent application, known to work well on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. PyQt is an open source and free command-line software that contains a comprehensive set of Python 2 and Python 3 bindings for the Qt application framework developed and distributed by Digia.
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ebaypiner · 2 years
Oxygen xml editor xslt 3.0
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Oxygen xml editor xslt 3.0 free#
It contains many features including manual/automatic validation using both DTDs and XSDs, XPath evaluation, auto-completion, pretty print, and text conversion in addition to being able to work on multiple files at once. 3: oXygen XQuery Debugger Perspective 5.5. All the Tools You Need for Designing XML Schemas and Transformation Pipelines. Oxygen XML Editor Eclipse Plugin 18.1 1: oXygen XML Perspective 5.5. They also include validation, bean creation, and commit tools.Ī plugin for Notepad++ named XML Tools is available. The Premier All-In-One XML Editing Suite. They come with a content assist tool that completes tags and can search for classes in any java classpath. I looked at this issue XHTML to XML XSLT conversion which makes reference to XSLT 2.0 and also tried to replace the namespace in the match with an. One for source nodes being processed and the other for XSLT/XQuery nodes being processed. During the transformation, two stacks are managed. Text view: Text view is the default view for editing an XML document. The modified element will be automatically revealed and selected in the Outline view. The document tree structure will be presented as the document is edited. If the view is not displayed, it can be opened by selecting it from the Window > Show View menu. Oxygen XML offers mainly three views designed for editing XML documents. Oxygen XML Editor 3 JanuRelated versions: 3.0 3.1 Outline View This is an automatically synchronized tree-based Outline view.
Oxygen xml editor xslt 3.0 free#
Spring Tools Suite and Eclipse have a variety of built-in and free plugins matching or exceeding the quality of the paid versions. I'm using oxygen XML editor (older version unfortunately but for all XML transformation it worked just fine) and I tried different processors (Saxon-EE,Saxon HE, Saxon-PE9.4.0.6.). The Stack view shows the current execution stack of both source and XSLT/XQuery nodes. Quark Author Web Edition on Quark Publishing Platform
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tyrantofdarkmount · 4 years
Anonymous said:
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collabera-blog1 · 7 years
Java Software Developer
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