foxgirlgenerator · 21 days
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dailyflicks · 11 months
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SIGOURNEY WEAVER as ELLEN RIPLEY in ALIEN 1979 - dir. Ridley Scott
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rinidisc · 6 months
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rabbitrah · 7 months
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St. Xenia of Petersburg, by Alexander Prostev
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thecollectibles · 7 months
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Young potions master by Xenia Eremina
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neuvistar · 3 months
bestie… no thoughts just aventurine fingering u while hes on call with someone
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HI BFF!’ good heavens this has been in my drafts for so long😭😭 so sorry guys… stawp it right neow.. i can imagine him w a stupid smirk on his face 😒 like damn bro okay
nsfw below mayhaps!’n minors dni as usual <3
his fingers must’ve been blessed by something or wtv because there is NO WAY someone’s fingers could feel this good inside of you, i mean.. come on! of course you let him do this but it’s so MEAN OF HIM. i swear he probably jus asked “mm.. can i finger you?” with NO context 😭 when? where? he didn’t specify NOTHING. so it came to surprise that.. he ended up fingering you, while he was on an important call. (pause)
he’s SO MEANNN. it’s like he was encouraging you to moan louder n louder each pump of his digits, sometimes he’d even put the damn speaker close to ur face while the person on the other line speaks :(( when u get quiet, he’ll thrust them even deeper (ugh this guy)
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“yes yes.. so the plans regarding the mission to penacony has been finalized?” gently, aventurine increased the pace of his fingers, stroking deeper into your wet cunt. a quiet low growl escaped him as he savored the sensation, chuckling through the line, his eagerness to please you grew stronger, but he knew he couldn't afford to lose control right now.
looking over to you, his voice was husky and laced with lust. “just imagine these fingers as something else,” he spoke quietly, thrusting third finger inside with a cruel smirk. “pretend it’s my cock you love so dearly filling you up instead of these fingers.” aventurine put his phone close against his ear, listening to his boss on the other line before he leaned down, lifting your shirt with ease.. latching his mouth right on your nipple. aventurine breathed against your breast, feeling you shiver under his lips. "you taste so sweet," the blonde mumbled into the contact, suckling lightly before switching to the other breast, his three fingers still plunged deeply inside your pussy <3
“aven.. h—hah..” you sighed heavily, furrowing your brows at him with the same redness on your cheeks. “i will get you for this. just you w—wait..”
“sure sure, whatever you say, sweetheart.”
he continued on with his fun for a little bit.. before he heard a voice on the other line <3
“mr aventurine.. are you there?”
".. ugh.. shit," your boyfriend groaned, responding to the sharp intake of breath, biting down harder for a moment before releasing it with a pop. His fingers moved faster now, matching the increased pace of your breathing, gently guiding his phone close to your face with a smirk. oh, you were for sure gonna get him for this.
“sorry, i had to take care of sucking— i mean something. would you mind repeating what you said?”
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cyanroxanne · 1 month
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🐭Xenia here to remind u that u don't need to deal with windows! There's a better way
(art from 2023)
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qos4blk · 5 months
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Xenia Crushova from Twitter/X
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gorepup · 22 days
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wheel of fortune
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alisonkit · 1 year
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jove999 · 2 months
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Another drawing from my twt friend's idea! This time It's Kass and Xenia (Xenia lifting kass and give her kisses😘)
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dailyflicks · 5 months
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY 3.01 Career Day (Part 1)
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rinidisc · 10 months
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dressingroom1589 · 11 days
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thecollectibles · 7 months
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Art by Xenia Eremina
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neuvistar · 3 months
biker! blade? how about guitarist! blade who fucks u before stepping onto the stage and according to him, its a good luck ritual 🫶🫶🫶
oh lawd…. u got me thinking.. guitarist blade is good w his fingers u guys CANNOT tell me otherwise
guitarist!blade x fem!reader. cw. nsfw. semi public s3x, v4ginal fingering, squirting, one pussy slap, cunnilingus, use of nicknames, blade referred 2 as “yingxing” | minors dni | nsfw under the cut !
blade groaned deeply, reveling in the sight of his precious beloved’s pleasure-stricken face. your cries filled his changing room, echoing off the walls like a testament to the newfound connection between your drenched cunt and his fingers. each thrust of his digits brought you closer to heaven, but made you fear for the worst.. there were people around, the door wasn’t locked.. you knew someone could come in any moment now. but blade? aeons.. he just wanted to savour every single moan that left your lips, igniting the fire within his body. but yet, he knew this little intimacy wouldn’t last long because of his concert he had to preform. ugh.. such bad timing.
“bladie, please…” he heard you beg, his heart lurched at the little nickname, “yingxing.. you really need to go out there and preform.. we can do this alone later..” your soft murmurs were interrupted by the sudden curl of his fingers, a sharp gasp left your lips at the sensation as you could almost feel sweat dripping down your forehead, mingling with tears of anguish and elation. “this is good luck," he panted desperately, trying to ease his arousal as he rubbed himself against the couch. “don’t interrupt.. you know you enjoy this as much as i do, don’t you?”
he shoved a third digit inside, eliciting another whimper from his precious darling.. a low chuckle rumbled in his throat, marvelling at the warmth and tightness of your pussy around his slender fingers, you knew he was getting tired of using his fingers.. you knew from how lazy his pumps were getting, they were steady.. yes, but they were also slowing down by the second. a wave of relief washed through you when blade retracted his fingers from your drooling cunt. in his eyes, it was still begging for more. but in yours? you were absolutely exhausted! you grumbled, slowly trying to get up. ah, maybe he finally stopped, right?
you were more wrong than ever. that was just the beginning.
blade raised his freehand to land a quick yet painful slap to your cunt. “ouch..! hey!” you yelped, furrowing your eyebrows with a pout. “silly girl. did you think we were done? the good luck charm has not come onto me yet.”
“w—what? what do you mean it hasn’t “come onto” you yet?! do i look like tinkerbell to you—“ blade almost immediately delved into your wet heat, oh yeah. this was what he needed. his good luck charm of the day. his tongue stroked along your folds delicately at first, kissing your clit with his pretty lips as he tasted you. fuck, he needed this alright. his fingers played with your hole gently while his mouth continued its rhythm. he was determined to give you pleasure beyond measure, but yet he was also determined to give himself a reward for all the hard work throughout the day, and.. his good luck charm he was so desperate to get. your soft cries rang out loud yet wonderfully in his changing room, praying to the gods above that nobody would walk in. the male’s tongue darted playfully over your clit while he slowly slid two fingers inside you.
“blade..” your body arched off the couch when he dug his fingers knuckles deep within you, teasingly doing a scissoring motion as your cries filled the quiet room. the more he saw you moan, the more he saw you squirm.. the more he desired you. his wet muscle picked up the pace as he licked and sucked hungrily, eating you out like a starved man.. the sounds of slurping and licking were evident. each moan that escaped from your mouth sent waves of pleasure coursing through him; he wanted nothing more than your release. on his face.
before you could say anything, your hand flung onto your mouth as your eyes were sewn shut, squirting on his face with a sense of relief. “.. ah.. ah? oh my god.. i’m so sorry!” blade only scoffed at your apology, bringing his hand to wipe his face as he eagerly lapped up the remaining mess on your pussy, savouring your taste while watching you tremble underneath him. a satisfied grin spread wide across his face. “that’s what i was hoping for.”
“.. huh?”
“your release. your release on my face. my.. good luck charm for the performance today.”
ugh.. seriously, you really need to put a leash on this man, or he’ll eat you out every few minutes before his performances. well.. not like you’d mind anyway.
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@ NEUVISTAR. do not plagiarize, claim my work as your own, translate or share my posts on any platform outside of tumblr.
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