mikayoko · 9 months
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J with a guitar!!
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losrtphu · 1 year
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original scan
link to part 1
What's a dream that you've had recently?
RYUICHI: I had a dream where i was put on fire. i was on the rooftop of a building and i was talking to the sky and a random guy came and burned off my left arm.
SUGIZO: I don't remember.. i have a lot of dreams though.
INORAN: When we we're recording i was asleep dreaming about arranging songs.
J: I'm still dreaming now. I'm a boy who's always dreaming (laughs)
SHINYA: I always dream when i go to sleep so i don't know (laughs)
How would you describe what God is?
RYUICHI: Someone who knows everything
SUGIZO: God is the creator of everything, and all knowing. but his form might be all humans as well.
INORAN: ...I wonder where he could be
J: God's real form...i feel like it would be something inside all of us not a figure like Christ or Buddha
SHINYA: Something that is really important/precious. i have a really strong sense of faith so I've never missed hatsumoude (first shrine visit of the year).
What is something that lasts forever?
RYUICHI: I still haven't found it.
SUGIZO: The idea of space. but there might not be anything that lasts forever, but on my level of thinking i would say space
INORAN:hmm... i would definitely say love
J: That is something that I've always been searching for
SHINYA: Something that is endless would have to mean that it's something that you have to pursue but i guess that would also make it impossible to reach.
How do you spend most of your nights and from what hours?
RYUICHI: The time that i do spend in my house is very short. around 12pm i take a bath, have dinner, watch a video on cars. yea i probably do those the most.
SUGIZO: I am always up until the sun comes.
INORAN: I turn the TV because there's always something always going on , but by 4am I'll definitely have NO energy
J: Around after 12pm I'm usually drinking and rolling on my sofa listening to music.
SHINYA: I space out while thinking about a bunch of stuff, while watching TV.
Favorite 3 CDs that you've been listening to during this recording period(TN: genuinely thought i was going insane because only shinya names CDs, everyone else just names the artist for some reason???)
RYUICHI: I haven't had any to listen to recently. I've kind of stopped listening to CDs.
SUGIZO: what I've been listening to is "ICE" and "DREAM DOLPHIN", but "TRICKY" has been my favorite since last year
INORAN: There's quite a lot so i cant pick what's my top 3, but i would probably say john Coltrane's album
J: Smashing pumpkins, Silverchair and John Osborne (TN: I'm guessing he means Ozzy Osborne)
SHINYA: none. when recording i only listen to our music, if i were to say which, style, mother and Eden.
Whats the first thing or person that comes to your mind when i say "quiet/still" ?
RYUICHI: I know a woman who is the exact meaning of the word silent, if i were to say an object..maybe a clock and i would also say that the waves of the sea feel still.
SUGIZO: The moon. the thought of death. I feel that if something is quiet/still it is like death, and not in a negative way but in a beautiful way
INORAN: I don't know...i think stillness coexists with movement
J: Me... why are you laughing??(laughs)
SHINYA: I think i would say God. i feel like he has a very still/quiet image.
Name a moment in the past when you've been the most angry
RYUICHI: I get pissed off when I'm denied to live the way i want to.
SUGIZO: Betrayal in human relationships, there's so many people that i would kill if i met them again.  
INORAN: I get angry often so i honestly don't know (laughs)
J: Around high-school because i had to suddenly decided my own future
SHINYA: At the Budokan live a typhoon blew away the set, i genuinely went insane. (TN:pretty sure this was also their first Budokan live)
Name something that you want right now
RYUICHI: I know perfect things don't exist, but i want an honest love
SUGIZO: Sometime for my mind to go blank.
INORAN: Endless time.
J: Myself, time to be alone as myself.
SHINYA: A medicine that that makes me able to be awake all the time, sleeping is just a waste of time.
Name a book/s that you read often
RYUICHI: I think i have a lot of car books, the books are western so they have a different feel.
SUGIZO: Phillip k.dick books.
INORAN: I don't read books.
J: A book called それから(TN: no Eng title but I'd translate this as "after that/and then") which is a collection of stories by Akemi Edo
SHINYA: The books that i have, have lately been collections of short poems, its more like "Oh i have nothing to do so I'll just read"
A person who has your ideal lifestyle
RYUICHI: No one, I guess that would mean that person is myself.
SUGIZO: Jim Morrison, or Mike Tyson. I think after he came out of prison his performance has been amazing.
INORAN: The life that I'm living right now is the most ideal.
J: Someone who doesn't give up no matter what life throws at them.
SHINYA: Someone who enjoys life, as in, no matter what they do they have fun, i think that's wonderful.
What makes you want to hug someone?
RYUICHI: I really love casual gestures. gestures that come out without knowing.
SUGIZO: When I love that person so much I can't help it.
INORAN: When i want to hug them.
J: There's lots of different cases so...i guess when i want to hug them (laughs)
SHINYA: After a performance. i can't explain it well but after I've used everything up/got everything out of my system i start to feel like i need to hug someone. (TN: proof -> 1:40 https://youtu.be/VAQ20Qoqgm0?si=QWOcF5rK2Md42-CF&t=101)
What do you think is a sin?
RYUICHI: I don't think anything outweighs the sin of lying to yourself.
SUGIZO: Betrayal, and also suicide.
INORAN: Betrayal.
J: Lying.
SHINYA: It's not something you can count, because living as a human at the core is a sin, if we can all live while being conscious of our actions i think the world would be a better place.
What have you lost recently?
RYUICHI: I think when you stop lying to yourself you have to make sacrifices....so there would also be a time where you have to lose friends or partners.
SUGIZO: Time (laughs)
INORAN: There are probably a lot of things I've lost, in order to gain something you need to lose something.
J: Nothing.
SHINYA: Even if i had lost something i don't really care, if I've gained something I've probably lost something in the process (laughs)
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Budgie Care
Alright, gang! Our animal of the week is the Budgie or parakeet. Those are the green or blue birds that you find at most pet stores. They’ve been one of the most popular pets in the United States for over 70 years!
There are actually two kinds of common commercially available parakeets. Those would be the European Parakeet, which is puffy and large, and the American Parakeet, which is sleeker and smaller. Though the species is originally from Australia, the export of wild-caught parakeets was outlawed in 1894, so all modern pet parakeets are descended from those in the care of British bird hobbyists.
They were introduced to the US in the 1920s but didn’t really pick up traction until the 1950s.
Part of their appeal is their lifespan and personality. They can live up to 15 years with proper care, and make for sweet, attentive companions if socialized properly.
It is recommended that budgies are kept in a cage that is 20 inches long by 12 inches wide by 18 inches tall, however, you should give them as much space as you can manage. Horizontal bars are preferable because it’s easier for them to climb. They should have a variety of perches with different heights and textures, and a number of toys to help with mental stimulation. Try to avoid synthetic fibers, as they are difficult to digest, and may cause health issues. They should also be provided chews, such as cuttlebone, which will help keep their beaks at a healthy size and provide calcium. 
Parakeets come in several colors, the most common being blue, green, yellow, and white, though private breeders can offer a wider variety. They typically have dark bands on their heads that fade after a few months. Their age and sex can be guessed from the color of their cere. That’s the skin over the top of their nose. Male budgies will have a blue cere, and the intensity of the color will indicate their age. Female budgies will have one that is pink, tan, or brown. The color will be recognizable after a few months.
Budgies require both times out of their cage and time to socialize. Birds, as you can imagine, enjoy flying. Even when they have a large enclosure, they do need time to stretch their wings and explore. You should have one room that is kept in a condition where it is safe for them to explore. You don’t want them eating something that could make them sick, or getting stuck somewhere!
Because they are flocking birds, they do require a lot of interaction. Many people who cannot meet their interaction needs simply invest in another budgie to keep their first company. The increased space requirements are an acceptable trade-off for the lower time requirements for some people.
They prefer to be in warmer climates- 70-75 degrees are preferable. However, you should keep their enclosure out of direct sunlight, as they lack the ability to cool themselves without help. Similarly, don’t put them in drafty areas or near the AC. If you have a fan, be sure to turn it off before letting your birds fly. They could get caught in it, no matter the size. Birds are curious and like to stick themselves in the weirdest places.
Budgies should be fed a well-rounded diet, not just seeds. While they do like seeds, the high-fat content in them can lead to health problems down the line. Many brands offer a pellet option, which provides a more well-rounded diet. Do some research on pellet diets offered in your local pet store to see which may be the best for you
As always, please do your own research before committing to a pet. I hope this helped you understand another amazing animal that could be your family’s new best friend!
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tubeon · 1 year
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I wumf her
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thyele · 1 year
MASK SANAさん「8/7 3Days目 昨夜の会場 開放感のあるライブハウス。 敷地内に音楽イベントが同時に5ヶ所開催出来る様々な音楽施設があり、レストランもあり、さながらテーマパークにいるようでした。 この雰囲気が全土に戻る日まで。 今夜はRivne。 #wishuponastar2023 #SAИА #SANA #Ukraine https://t.co/pSio5MG97q」https://twitter.com/MASK_SANA/status/1688426514910441472
Hydeさん「1人許すとOKなんだとなって増える。 平等には出来ないので強引にしてくる事になる。 トイレ前で待ってる人も同じく。 セキュリティを強化しなければならなくなる。 チケット料金が上がる笑」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1688428033886019584
Jさん「Yes!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😉 #ENDLESSSUMMER2023 #LIVE #wumf #J」https://twitter.com/J_wumf/status/1688430523381850112
NOISEMAKER YU-KIさん「HYDEさんの仙台公演でベース弾いてきました🔥 急遽だったけど、最高に楽しかったー!! HYDEさんありがとうございました😊 @HydeOfficial_ #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023」https://twitter.com/NOISEMAKER_YUKI/status/1688423466008223744
PABLOさん「HYDE LIVE 2023 一旦!完走!! ありがとうございました!! 新しい幕開け!自分もワクワクしながら楽しんでおりました。新しい気色、新しいカオス、新しい音!!新鮮さに満ち足りたツアーだったなぁ💥 ファイナルの幕張がどうなるか!? 想像もつきませんが、完全燃焼しましょうね🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋… https://t.co/a76t5PVcT2」https://twitter.com/BACK_to_APRIL/status/1688140010799980544
堀向彦輝 a.k.a. hicoさん「ファイナル仙台やってくれたな。最高だたよ。あざした!🍻」https://twitter.com/Hiroki_Horiko/status/1688231775032786945
Yas Nomura/野村 康貴さん「仙台狂ってたな。最高!ありがとうございました🤘」https://twitter.com/yasnomuramusic/status/1688196367662120960
leaya(бвб)さん「おー(º_º) ウチのかっこいい新曲ちょい出ししてる」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1688436603172397056
SUGIZOさん「昨夜SugizoTube “WHAT IS JAM?” 開催直前SP、最高でした。 スペアザにBegueにパジャ海、そしてジョーさん。盛り上がったー‼️ 観てくれたみんな、ありがとう‼️ 8/11、横浜BAY HALLで会おうね‼️ #WHATISJAM? #SHAG #SPECIALOTHERS #AfroBegue #パジャマで海なんかいかない #SUGIZO #SugizoTube https://t.co/4Djd6QOin0」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1688445344164798464
ひろ(´◉◞౪◟◉)さん「これはけしからんですな! 13日楽しみすぐる☺️」https://twitter.com/TONE_MANIAX/status/1688437425780273162
nao 首振りDollsさん「磔磔は特にやばいからな、首振りDolls。 ロックンロールの神様がいると思う、磔磔には。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1688451087068753920
磔磔(タクタク)さん「8/24(木) 『DollsMansion』 ・SaToMansion ・首振りDolls 前売3500円 18:00開場19:00開演 イープラスにてチケット発売中です! https://t.co/4FrYOAMNrd https://t.co/TDFDrCdAl5」https://twitter.com/kyoto_takutaku/status/1688445407725318144
nao 首振りDollsさん「梅雨前にフィルター掃除もしたっていうのにエアコンが効いたり効かなかったりするし、Wi-Fiが急に繋がらんくなった。 誰や呪いかけたん。 呪わんといてくれよ。 家電ってさ、なんで一気に具合悪くなるんよ。名前あるんかこれ。 今日はDr.スランプのカラフルうんち総柄パンツです。 こんちは!!!」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1688452666127761408
nao 首振りDollsさん「忍者ハチTシャツええやん!!」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1688454427542532097
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「あぶぶるで御一緒させて頂いたmoA 前の方で観てて、間奏入る処でズワッと鳥肌が立ち、隣に居たyuki.君に真顔で腕を見せ(鳥肌を)確認させた、思い出の曲。 いい、凄く。 https://t.co/IWb8uHngZX」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1688458707179646976
びじゅなびさん「【本日💁緊急開催決定🗣️】 Visual Rock is not "DEAD"002開催直前無料〈HAPPY FARM〉オンライン座談会🔥🐄 HAPPY FARMメンバーに山内秀一が突撃レポ🎤❕ ・時間21時頃〜(前後する可能性ございます) ・びじゅなびTwitterスペース機能 🎫一般発売中 https://t.co/NSPmMzbbp0 #びじゅなび0812恵比寿 https://t.co/FKi5hPrifc」https://twitter.com/visunavi/status/1688461277310697472
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「「細かすぎて伝わらないモノマネ」におけるとあるネタ(シリーズ)の細かすぎて伝わらないモノマネです。 図らずも原キー(B♭)です。」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1688467211416227840
舜8/13覇叉羅 ソレイユ復活祭🎸✨さん「また1週間間違えちゃった(´﹃ `) https://t.co/JUWCddKFkm」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1688471674235289600
SUGIZOさん「[MEDIA] #SUGIZO が #TOKYOFM 「#坂本美雨のディアフレンズ 」に出演決定。 放送日8月10日(木)11時00分~11時30分 是非ご視聴ください。 radikoはこちら→https://t.co/af638vJIPU 詳細はこちら→https://t.co/CbRuNpvybK @dearfriends80 #miusakamoto #ディアフレンズ #radiko」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1688472311173914624
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB SHOP】 GOODS Tシャツご注文の皆様へ ◾️欠品連絡がない皆様へ 確保できましたので、このまま承りいたします ◾️欠品ご連絡で、お返事がまだの皆様へ [email protected]へお返事をください よろしくお願いいたします https://t.co/uqGVWz3ul6」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1688472987400556545
SiCぢょ〜い@日常Privateさん「This is true drums!!! 凹( `ー´) #覇叉羅 #BASARA #vasalla」https://twitter.com/jj666jp/status/1688467904763994112
nao 首振りDollsさん「K-A-Zさんがフォローしてくださったというのに。 よりによってそんなタイミングで私はパンツの柄を報告していて恥ずかしくなりました。 https://t.co/URzFAlZqSf」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1688475019574444032
deadman_officialさん「deadman×MUCC 『産声』より 「スピード(BUCK-TICKカバー)」のライヴ映像を公開! https://t.co/NB5UrZspbK」https://twitter.com/deadman_fuz/status/1688475078969958400
deadman_officialさん「deadman×MUCC 『産声』より 「スピード(BUCK-TICKカバー)」のライヴ映像を公開! deadman×MUCC スプリットシングル『産声』 追加受注受付中! ⚠️受付期間:8/7(月)23:59まで⚠️ Full Ver.はofficial FC「FUZ」にて公開中! https://t.co/e5GtrWuLC8 #産声 #deadman #MUCC25th https://t.co/4qTyqT6RKm」https://twitter.com/deadman_fuz/status/1688476218151374848
deadman_officialさん「【FC先行明日まで!】 deadman、春のクアトロツアー以来約半年振りの単独公演! 間瀬大芸能生活25周年記念公演 ~虹の祭典~ 2023年9月26日(火) 新宿LOFT 【出演】 deadman 8月8日(火) 21:00までの抽選受付となります。 https://t.co/iwdSVdHRqu https://t.co/91eIYmiN7k」https://twitter.com/deadman_fuz/status/1688476228024696832
MUCCさん「deadman×MUCC 『産声』より 「スピード(BUCK-TICKカバー)」のライヴ映像を公開! deadman×MUCC スプリットシングル『産声』 追加受注受付中! ⚠️受付期間:8/7(月)23:59まで⚠️ Full Ver.は「朱ゥノ吐+」にて公開中! https://t.co/Nt7d1mfpXu #産声 #deadman #MUCC25th https://t.co/u9OfEr1sZq」https://twitter.com/muccofficial/status/1688480491702468608
池袋 手刀さん「◎新着公演情報◎ ◆2023/10/08(日) 東京池袋手刀(通常公演+配信有) ◆「ジャパン死神サミット2023」 ◆出演 カラビンカ ACM::: 死神紫郎バンド ◆門17:31/演18:00 ◆前3,800円/当4,400円1d別 ◇ツイキャス有料配信券調整中 ◎↓前売パー券予約制;*8/13 23:13~受付↓ https://t.co/FiPnXhAs70 https://t.co/PDF7BLy8hQ」https://twitter.com/ikebukuro_chop/status/1688194608864579584
SUGIZOさん「[LIVE] THE LAST ROCKSTARS 公演のSUGIZO OFFICIAL FAN CLUB 先行受付中‼︎ 有明アリーナ 2023年11月21日(火) 22日(水) 23日(木/祝) アメリカ ロサンゼルス公演 2023年11月29日(水) YouTube Theater(LA,USA) 詳しくは↓ https://t.co/IopA6wm4sv #SUGIZO #THELASTROCKSTARS https://t.co/9xP6PQUcv9」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1688490301558853632
Köziさん「改めまして姫路、名古屋 ぽろろん猫とふらふらの死神とたゆたう魚 有難う御座いました!!! 続きはまた11月に!😼💀🐠 https://t.co/EqiOxeSZYQ」https://twitter.com/Kzi_official/status/1688493013818126336
西邑卓哲 | ACM::: (エーシーエム)さん「8万年前……懐かしい……!!当時ほぼ面識のなかった俺らの企画に出演してくれて最高な演奏もブチかましてくれたTHE DIGITAL CITY JUNKIESとハリケンさんの粋さに感謝です……。 (初出演はこの前年の2nd「邪宗門」レコ発) この日も初組み合わせな対バンかつ全員鼻っ柱が強くて熱い日でした。」https://twitter.com/takaaki_FOXPILL/status/1688494582928125952
西邑卓哲 | ACM::: (エーシーエム)さん「🌐ACM::: 新着LIVE情報🌐 『ジャパン死神サミット2023』 2023年10月08日 (日) 場所:池袋手刀 開場17:31 /開演18:00 ※配信有 ■出演■ ACM::: カラビンカ 死神紫郎バンド (Gt&Vo死神紫郎/Ba.六/Dr.英太郎) 🎫前売 3800円+1 8/13(日)23:13~受付開始💥 https://t.co/qkmU4ttbgk #AConcreteMur https://t.co/5EelIxWQr0」https://twitter.com/takaaki_FOXPILL/status/1688495649141256192
SUGIZOさん「[LIVE] #SHAG「WHAT IS JAM? Vol.8 “THE 1st ANNIVERSARY”」OFFICIAL GOODS公開!! オーガニックコットン素材を使用し、イベントタイトルをプリントしたインパクト大のTシャツが登場‼︎ SHAG 1st ALBUM「THE PROTEST JAM」を会場でご購入の方は先着でランダムで直筆サイン入りのポスターをプレゼント!! https://t.co/yJcLn5c1p7」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1688505269637316609
KOHTAさん「本日8月7日(月)20:00よりYouTubeの更新をします🎥 メリーのガラくんと対談してます。 声がガラガラになるまで喋ってます(嘘) 是非ご覧になって下さい^ ^ https://t.co/HrUqxh8XTh」https://twitter.com/KOHTAofficial_/status/1688383586154741760
中島卓偉STAFFさん「【ANOTHER OF GREATEST SONGS一般チケットプレイガイド情報】 ■一般発売日:08.11 (金・祝) 10:00~ ■受付URL e+ https://t.co/nJ7DHQOetl ぴあ https://t.co/uNJ0PKSX1j ローチケ https://t.co/qPh4zEzFMS サンデーチケットセンター(名古屋公演のみ)https://t.co/FJhHDSaXgC #中島卓偉 https://t.co/EB3tdJxaVg」https://twitter.com/helter_takui_st/status/1688475068395814912
Deshabillz2023 8月19日(土)心斎橋SHOVELさん「初リハてのに来たな大阪の 押忍!真面目に! うるせー!キジメカ! 押忍!…. #さ盛り上がって参りました #れいくんは真面目やな https://t.co/uZMjMJTZ8H」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1688518987054018560
SOPHIA_OFFICIALさん「|◤9月より特集START◢|| 【SOPHIA #WOWOW Special   “獅子に翼”】 #SOPHIA が18年ぶりに復活させる 伝説のライブシリーズ“獅子に翼” 最新ライブ生中継を軸に、 特番や過去ライブ映像を数カ月にわたる特集でお届け‼️ 詳細はこちら⇨https://t.co/0JtePxNlNs #獅子に翼V10月9日 @SOPHIA_OFFICIAL」https://twitter.com/SOPHIA_OFFICIAL/status/1688526459168821249
MASK SANAさん「8/7日Rivne ここに来るのは4回目。 懐かしく感じている。 徐々に成長していく会場。 楽屋が出来たり、 液晶モニターがついてた。 この二階席は いつも池袋サイバーを思い出す。 音出なかったらやだな。 ケーブル断線してた。 気温19° #wishuponastar2023 #SAИА #SANA #Ukraine」https://twitter.com/MASK_SANA/status/1688532340270637056
十三月 紅夜さん「💋✨ 十三月紅夜 一日店長 ✨💋 BAR『ROOM13』 8月11日(金/祝) 19時〜翌朝 @ BARドンドラモンド(@u_a_curry) Charge:¥500(with Appetizer) Drink:¥500〜 Food:¥600〜 私の好きなお酒や数量限定のちょっとした手料理もご用意予定✨🌹 まったり営業します🐈 遊びに来てね❣️ #ROOM13 #十三月キッチン https://t.co/Ettx27Dwez」https://twitter.com/jusangatsukouya/status/1686742267334131713
ジグラット 社さん「明日の用意を 完全に因幡の白兎せっと、、、 あした(8月8日) 19:45〜出演です👻 🎟チケット予約受付中→ https://t.co/Qu0PvhkPco https://t.co/IaonmKwKHL」https://twitter.com/yashiro_ziggrat/status/1688534313518919680
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB予約】 本日チケ発自動返信なしの皆様へ 「フライング通知」 「タイムスタンプ付き受信確認メール」 お送り全員完了しました 未着の方がおられましたらお手数ですが[email protected]までご連絡ください https://t.co/e0Ld5qjmit」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1688537408751726592
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「#こもだ先生業 11期 14日め(7/31 ) フィードバックが役立ったのかリクエストへの反応速度が上がった。喜怒哀楽滑舌はエンジンかけるのに良さそう。 配役決めの為に本読み、冒頭の3人掛け合いを繰り返し、適性をみる。少しだけ負荷をかけたらぐんぐん伸びる。新しい顔や声が出て来たので活かしたい。」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1688537958629212160
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB予約】 本日チケ発自動返信なしの皆様へ 「フライング通知」の皆様へ フライングはご予約になりません。再予約をお願いいたします 受付 https://t.co/fVrWiN5YHk https://t.co/OgVLPHOllj」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1688539283949559808
しょう₢@-2023.9.23-Evolves Dreamしょう主催-仙台ROCKATERIA-さん「覇叉羅の新曲カッコ良すぎる!!! しかもSoleil再始動は… 当時のキッズだった俺には嬉しい😌✨✨✨」https://twitter.com/QGtTeLKxwJz9zlf/status/1688532486563971072
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「#こもだ先生業 11期 15日め 出音が変わった受講生に思い当たることを訊くと「四季を見たせいかも」と。細い声で読み違いが多かったが、はっきりとした音に。良質な物を見て素直に影響を受けるの素晴らしい。役の解釈を皆で出し合う。全員で短く繋げて読みグルーブを共有する稽古。のち本読みして配役。」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1688540283133460480
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Greetings, dear readers! Today, we have the absolute pleasure of celebrating an extraordinary achievement by a team of remarkable athletes who have demonstrated true grit and determination in the recently concluded WUMF World Taekwondo Open Championships. Team LTW has risen above all challenges, conquering the competition with exceptional flair and skill, and we cannot help but shower them with heartfelt congratulations for their courageous performances and well-deserved victories. The WUMF World Taekwondo Open Championships is a prestigious event that brings together the finest martial artists from all corners of the globe, and this year's edition was no exception. Competing at such a grand stage is not for the faint-hearted, but Team LTW showcased nerves of steel and unwavering dedication throughout the championship. What makes their triumph even more inspiring is the outstanding performance of the three incredible female athletes who have made their mark by securing the gold, silver, and bronze medals, respectively. These outstanding warriors have shown the world what it means to persevere, push boundaries, and embrace the spirit of sportsmanship. Firstly, let's raise our virtual glasses to the gold medalist! Her breathtaking display of skill, precision, and determination left spectators in awe. She made each move with grace and confidence, commanding the stage and leaving no doubt that she is a force to be reckoned with in the taekwondo world. Bravo! Next, we congratulate the silver medalist for her tenacity and unyielding spirit. The path to success is often lined with obstacles, but she remained undeterred, facing challenges head-on and earning her rightful place among the top contenders. Her resilience is an inspiration to all aspiring athletes out there. And last but certainly not least, we extend our warmest congratulations to the bronze medalist! Her performance was nothing short of spectacular, and she showcased true sportsmanship throughout the championship. Her dedication and hard work have been rewarded, and we are thrilled to witness her stepping onto the podium to claim her well-deserved medal. Beyond the individual victories, Team LTW's overall performance was simply phenomenal. Their relentless pursuit of excellence and their unwavering support for one another undoubtedly contributed to their success in the team events as well. They have shown us that the power of unity and camaraderie knows no bounds. Team LTW's achievements in this championship will undoubtedly inspire the next generation of taekwondo practitioners and instill in them the belief that with hard work, dedication, and the right mindset, anything is possible. They have set the bar high, but they have also shown us that dreams can indeed become a reality with passion and perseverance. As we conclude this celebratory blog post, we raise our voices in unison to cheer for Team LTW. Congratulations on your remarkable victory! Your performances have filled our hearts with pride, and your journey to success will undoubtedly be remembered for years to come. To Team LTW, the courageous warriors who have brought glory to their country and the sport they love: Well done, and thank you for reminding us all that the pursuit of excellence knows no boundaries. You have truly earned your place in the annals of taekwondo history. Let us all join together to applaud their outstanding achievements and wish them continued success in their future endeavors! Go Team LTW! With immense pride and admiration, LODON TAEKWONDO WARRIORS
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toshiya_direngrey IG さぁ、いよいよ明日。 これから始まる新しい道を、一緒に切り拓いて行こう。 Well, tomorrow is the big day! Let’s open up a new path together
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thebigqueer · 3 years
I've just been saying 'wumf' like an absolute moron Help pls
anon this is the funniest ask i’ve ever gotten 😭😭😭 i thought that you were going to say you pronounce it like “whoomp” but that’s just as hilarious. 
i think it’s pronounced like “wuhmp” 
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bishuulove · 6 years
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rtej-60s · 3 years
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このサイン、名前を呼びながら書いてもらったんだぜ #j #lightning #wumf https://www.instagram.com/p/CV0cbUuhfEPuXDydP17sWmb0LsbVXdjzdyBXXg0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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http-nakayubi-blog · 7 years
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mikayoko · 9 months
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Happy new year everyone !!!
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losrtphu · 1 year
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link to original scan
Link to part 2
What is sports do you guys like?
RYUICHI: Surfing,boxing and tennis. I'm the type who has to play the sport themselves or they wont be satisfied.
SUGIZO: Boxing, ah but I'd like to try scuba-diving or sky diving!
INORAN: If it's just watching sports then i like them all
J: Soccer. watching the Olympics (laughs)
SHINYA: i like watching people play sports, because you can feel that person's determination and passion while watching
What is your favorite time of the day?
RYUICHI: Right before falling asleep.
SUGIZO: At night. my body gets a surge of energy, even the rough nights, the lonely quiet nights, everything starts at night.
J: It has nothing to do with the time of the day, but whenever I'm in my bed i feel happy
SHINYA: Morning, when I've just woken up. It's rough, but i enjoy thinking about what to do for the day.
what's your favorite brand of alcohol/cigarettes and how much do you drink/smoke?
RYUICHI: I don't smoke. as for wine i drink white Italian wine or white German wine. for whisky i enjoy 12 year old Canadian club whiskey.
SUGIZO: for cigarettes, JPS. my recent favorite is a vodka base cocktail, or like a vodka martini.
INORAN: about 3 boxes of Kent milds. for alcohol as long as it's good Japanese sake I'm fine. how much i drink/smoke depends on the time and place (laughs)
J: 3 boxes of caster milds. for alcohol, lots of beer, vodka, wine, honestly anything (laughs)
SHINYA: i smoke Rothmans. i don't know about alcohol but i drink watered down whiskey a lot.
name a movie that moved you.
RYUICHI: I think I've been moving away from watching movies...
SUGIZO: This year i would say "STRANGE DAYS" but my all time favorite is probably the 007 series or "BLADE RUNNER". and also "GODFATHER"
INORAN: Hmm i haven't watched many recently. but i want to watch "LISBON STORY" and "HEAT".
J: I haven't watched any recently but "RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT" was really heartwarming, i liked it.
SHINYA: I haven't had time to watch movies. i have a sets of laser discs but i haven't watched a single one of them.
What's your ultimate dream woman?
RYUICHI: A girl who seems normal at first but when she talks she seems a bit stand offish, but a they still have a childish part about them.
SUGIZO: Vanessa Paradis or Sophie Marceau. oh! and Carole Bouquet, for some reason they're all french..
INORAN: I don't have an ideal and I don't really care about appearance, I just want someone who can sympathize/empathize(TN: honestly not sure if the difference matters here lol) with me
J: i think that someone who is put together/independent and is actively trying to fulfill their goal is wonderful.
SHINYA: I admire the idea of being a women. because emotionally speaking it's something i could never be, so i want to know more about them.
Do you guys have any pets, and if not what pet would u like to raise?
RYUICHI: I've started raising 2 dogs, one's a Pomeranian and the other one's a miniature sheep dog.
SUGIZO: Turtles. They're a something-something akamimi turtle (red ear slider) or something like that, they're really cute! by the way they're names are Mickey and Malorie ((TN: he named them based off the two main characters in the movie "natural born killers"))
INORAN: 2 cats. there's a lot of animals that id like to have as pets though, like a dog or a fish... oh yeah, a wolf.
J: I'd want to have a dog as a pet but having an owl as a pet also sounds nice cus they're awake at the same time i am (laughs) letting them sit on my shoulder and then going for walks (laughs)
SHINYA: i have a hamster. if i were to have a pet in the future probably a big fluffy dog, like a golden retriever.
name some items that are near the entrance of your house.
RYUICHI: The first thing you see when you walk in my house is probably the lights, but i do have a stone statue placed there as well.
SUGIZO: I have an art piece that my friend made.
INORAN: i have a lot of stuff, like pictures, framed art, lamps etc
J: I don't have a lot of decorations in my house. ah! but i do have a bass that was made the year i was born laying around.
SHINYA: Mine's filled with car goods, like the emblems of mini-cars or jaguars etc
at 9pm, yesterday, what were you doing?
RYUICHI: I was driving, on my way to go eat.
SUGIZO: starting to check the photos we'd took in the studio (this is after the shooting had ended, this interview was done in a Denny's at 7 in the morning)
INORAN: met with friends and drank
J: I think i was holding a phone?while napping
SHINYA: I was sleeping at home. i was tired after recording something for TV and got home and just finished watching downtown "GOTTSU "A" KANJI" (laughs)
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Peace Lillies
Welcome to the final installment of our decades' event! With WUMF week coming to an end, we will be returning to our regular programming on here- whatever animal or plants I thought looked cute that week. But, you say, we haven't done the 2020s! You would be right. The 2020s have only been a thing for three years, so there aren't any decades trends to pull from. What's popular now might be long forgotten by 2027. So, I have decided to combine the two, with the plant segment for the 2010s and the animal section for the 2020s. Now, on to our plant for the week; peace lilies.
Peace lilies aren't actually lilies. They're more closely related to Monsteras. They're named after their large, white flowers, which look like white flags. However, like true lilies, they are toxic to cats, dogs, and people, so be aware of that.
They're another kind of air-purifying plant, and they prefer to stay out of direct sunlight. They also are tropical plants, so humidity is their jam. Many people keep them in their bathrooms for these reasons.
They like pots that are only about a third larger than their root ball. They actually excel when rootbound, so don't worry if you think the pot is too small. They only need to be repotted every few years.
The soil should be kept damp, but not waterlogged. If you find that it's drying out too quickly, it may be time to repot.
Peace lilies hate drafts and the cold, so if you get one at a store, pick one further away from any outside doors. They are more likely to be unhealthy. You should also check them for any obvious fungi or pests before you buy. Those can spread quickly if not caught, and the rest of your plants could be infected.
Once any flowers have wilted, prune them off so that the plant can focus its energy on more important locations. Yellowing leaves are common, just prune them off to make room for new growth. If they're going yellow more often than usual, it may be due to overwatering. Try cutting back on that, and see if it helps. The leaves will also brown at the edge when they get too much sun. Move them to a more shaded area, ideally with good ambient light, but less direct exposure.
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baysidehd · 5 years
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Bike Night At Waterside District August 15th, 7pm to 10pm. #pbr #harley #uso #baysidehd #wumf #harleydavidson (at Waterside District) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0jsOtohGF2/?igshid=3c1v0vqpgtrg
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thyele · 1 year
中島卓偉STAFFさん「札幌の会場に到着し、リハーサル開始❗️ 果たして、今日の2公演はどんな曲が聴けて、歌えるのか🎤 ご期待ください👍 皆様のご来場、お待ちしております m(_ _)m (本日のめんたい卓偉・略して<めん卓>はどこへ⁉️) #中島卓偉 #ALLAROUNDTHEJAPAN #47都道府県ツアー #北海道 #musicahallcafé https://t.co/dF1xDRw6X4」https://twitter.com/helter_takui_st/status/1680049550873235456
中島卓偉STAFFさん「せっかちですぐにどっか行っちゃうので、 ここに乗っているとは限りませんwww」https://twitter.com/helter_takui_st/status/1680052045590708224
Jさん「今日は名古屋!!!!最高に熱い日になるね。みんなで盛り上がろう!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💪 #SummerTour2023 #Live #EndlessSummer2023 #wumf #J」https://twitter.com/J_wumf/status/1680089030837551106
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「樋󠄀口豊 自伝本「ユータ -Dear My Wonderful Fellows-」本日分完売いたしました。 #BUCKTICK #BUCKTICK35th #TOUR2023異空」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1680096242540617729
seekさん「いよいよ本日から「屍人の烙印」編スタート! リハーサルしっかりやりましたが なかなか暴力的な内容になっているので全力でかかってきてえーよ。 水戸で待ってる! Psycho le Cému TOUR 2023 「RESISTANCE~心蝕~」 episode3.屍人の烙印 2023年7月15日 土曜日 水戸ライトハウス 開場17:00開演17:30 https://t.co/M1TrGrH7AO」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1680108028643901440
ジグラット 社さん「こんにちは👻 社新聞の時間です📰 👇主催やライブの情報はこちら👇 https://t.co/mNDXtCNoRB」https://twitter.com/yashiro_ziggrat/status/1680109627835580416
都和子 薔薇窓傘 rose window umbrella🌹さん「魚住英里奈さんは一回見なかったことにしたくなるくらい美しいから他人に勧めたくはない。けど大好きすぎて、誕生日に1人でライブを見に行った。 https://t.co/3oqeKKYuVe」https://twitter.com/towako_ballet/status/1680054434838245378
鈴木 新さん「車に乗ったらBluetoothが繋がって狂い奴隷がかかったのでしばらく聴いていたら、 ソロ後のBメロからのサビのとこめっちゃかっこええやんなにこれ鳥肌立ったわ」https://twitter.com/SHiN_0322/status/1680039593666830337
「Cure」編集部さん「️📝BAND NEWS&LIVE REPORT️📝 【H.U.G】 H.U.G TOUR 2023 -LOVE THAT NEVER ENDS- TOUR FINAL 2023.07.07(Fri.) 白金高輪 SELENE b2 @hug_official89 こちらからチェック➡️ https://t.co/nJEFbmWnRd https://t.co/EfiVGxoJRb」https://twitter.com/Cure_office/status/1678718405464162304
RYUICHI KAWAMURA INFOさん「【このあと18:00から!】 e+ Streaming+ Ryuichi Kawamura Live2023「Home」#35 “Complete Album XI 〜BEAUTIFUL LIE〜” 7/15(土)開演18:00 ※アーカイブ視聴は7/19(水)23:59まで ※当日のライブ音源の中から3曲をもれなくプレゼント!! https://t.co/7lMN6coVgB https://t.co/VsitptqauP」https://twitter.com/RYUICHIinfo/status/1680126553349341185
Karyu🫂😈さん「本日20時ファンクラブ旅行企画会議チャットを少々😈 参加お待ちしてます💪 K’RONE 待望のFC旅行開催決定!! 日程:2023年11月25日(土)~26日(日)」https://twitter.com/karyu_official/status/1680128128323309569
H.U.Gさん「📢H.U.G出演! THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S & defspiral Coupling Tour 2023 9BALL GAMES -4th- 8月26日(土)新宿BLAZE 開場17:00/開演17:30 全自由 7,000円 H.U.G [サポートメンバー] Bass:NAOKI (FANTASISTA/ex-Kagrra,) Drums:TAKEO (PIERROT/Angelo) チケット販売中! https://t.co/7RviWGxdsY https://t.co/RcI2MAwzJl」https://twitter.com/hug_official89/status/1680131887623446528
KiNGONS HANDAさん「やっとこの時がきましたね。☺︎」https://twitter.com/KiNGONSds/status/1680136818644381696
KiNGONS HANDAさん「こんばんは! 次回ライブは!こちら! 遂にこの時が来ましたか。 酒を2兆2杯飲む時が。。 https://t.co/rU336dFRj9」https://twitter.com/KiNGONSds/status/1679850567198461952
Karyu🫂😈さん「次のH.U.Gライブ💁 破茶滅茶に攻めます🤘」https://twitter.com/karyu_official/status/1680139244927602690
HOLLOWGRAMさん「HOLLOWGRAM 久々のイベント出演ありがとうございました! 次回7/19 池袋(水)CHOPにて 「LOVELESS -HOLLOWGRAM vs LIPHLICH」 のツーマン! ◆開門 18:45 / キックオフ 19:15 ◆前売 5,050円(+1d) / 当日 5,500円(+1d) ■E+ https://t.co/NbIaIQ3jCL https://t.co/cmrV2Yxkzj」https://twitter.com/HOLLOWGRAM_info/status/1680143898033950720
HOLLOWGRAMさん「夜presents 3MAN 「the Gloom」 2023/9/3(日)池袋 EDGE 出演 : 夜 / ウミユリ / HOLLOWGRAM📷 Open 17:30 / Start 18:00 前売 5,000円(+1d) / 当日 5,500円(+1d) 【チケット発売日】イープラス *7/30(日)10:00~発売開始! ■E+購入ページURL https://t.co/aP1x2EIKgZ https://t.co/6bEPQEMo3H」https://twitter.com/HOLLOWGRAM_info/status/1680148521209712642
ryoさん「夜とウミユリとのスリーマン! 9/3池袋にて! 待ってる✨✨」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1680149277077798913
luin officialさん「チケット: ・プレイハウスweb予約(7/20 23:59迄) https://t.co/T3WF33RMNn ※web予約の際は別途手数料¥100 ・各バンド予約(整列順) 公演日・氏名・枚数を明記の上こちらまで↓ [email protected] 入場順:①プレイハウスweb予約(整理番号順に呼び出し)→②各バンド予約(整列順)」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1680149823960514560
luin officialさん「来週【luin】19:00〜出演⏰ 7/21(金)町田The PlayHouse Jagged Little Pill 配信アルバム「TWILIGHT」発売記念イベント 『sleep for 4 years』 出演: BAKU BAND W.A.R.P. Jagged Little Pill luin open 18:30/start 19:00 adv.¥3,000(+1d)/day ¥3,500(+1d) 前売受付中↓🎫 https://t.co/T3WF33RMNn https://t.co/fx0fs84PLQ」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1680149821519441921
kazuさん「今日は大佑の命日です。 今日はたくさんの人に想われているでしょう。 僕は蜉蝣のメンバーと大佑との思い出話で楽しい時間を過ごしてますよ。 皆さんも良い一日を! https://t.co/n3rcSRzNi6」https://twitter.com/sckkazu/status/1680149930130964480
Japan Expo ⛩🗼さん「Retrouvez la star du rock YOSHIKI à Japan Expo pour un showcase exceptionnel, suivi d'une session questions-réponses ! Rendez-vous demain samedi 15 juillet à 14h sur la scène Yuzu 🍋 🔗 https://t.co/d0ksy4rR8M #YOSHIKI @YoshikiOfficial https://t.co/Eg49xpnq2f」https://twitter.com/japanexpo/status/1679946750478491651
メリーさん「本日よりチケット発売開始! チケットはこちら https://t.co/cBfYqLpOgr」https://twitter.com/merry_official/status/1680151463346188288
Yoshikiさん「I'm coming back to Paris. My show will start soon! See you Xx🌹 @YoshikiChannel @japanexpo #YOSHIKI LIVE BROADCAST 生中継! niconico(日本語) https://t.co/Gf4dYNPgpa YouTube(2ヶ国語同時放送) https://t.co/oA11KEnnE5 #yoshikirequiem #yoshikichannel #japanexpo #xjapan… https://t.co/ySUyjPpnti」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1680151502621491201
Shinyaさん「あざっしたっ! 次回予告っ! とぅーまんイベントなっ!」https://twitter.com/shin_ciao0520/status/1680157558173224961
Shinyaさん「9月もっ! とぅりーまんイベントなっ!」https://twitter.com/shin_ciao0520/status/1680158128942518272
中島卓偉さん「札幌アコギライヴ昼と夜終了! 今までのアコギライヴで1番でした! 明日は佐賀! 明後日は長崎です! #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1680158847158337536
夜-yoru- officialさん「夜presents 3MAN 「the Bloom」「the Gloom」 EDGE ikebukuro ADV/DOOR 5000/5500 OPEN/START 17:30/18:30 https://t.co/Hd47bZULUo」https://twitter.com/YoruWato0097/status/1680140786606952449
ANONYMOUS公式さん「【Live infomation】 2023.8.8(火) 池袋EDGE ANONYMOUS / ひととなり / Dear Loving / mitsu / Geomatrium / Vagu*Project open/start 17:00/17:30 チケット ¥4,500/¥5,000(D代別) プレオーダー 受付期間7月19日(水)12:00~7月26日(水)23:59 一般発売8月5日(土)10:00〜 https://t.co/f2pa3cCgPs https://t.co/bePWn92ngF」https://twitter.com/ANONYMOUS_NTIK/status/1680140146858168320
タカツキさん「刻一刻とその時が近づいております。 様々なバンドマンに愛される漢、ジョニーダイアモンドのバースデーである7/29(土)はKiNGONSとのツーマン『KiNGDOLLS』でございます。 "やっぱり行けばよかった"は無しで宜しくお願いいたしやす。KiNGONSのホーム宇都宮STUDIO KENTでお会いしましょう!」https://twitter.com/attsu_of_death/status/1680134445578477571
中島卓偉さん「今日の札幌の昼公演と夜公演のセットリストです!ご来場、そしてソールドアウト本当にありがとうございました! #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1680171430829498368
中島卓偉さん「観にきていただきマジで感謝! いつでも曲書くから言ってね! #candys #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1680171822753669120
HYDE RUNさん「「Rakuten NFT」との スペシャルコラボレーションとして HYDE RUNコラボ “金子國義デザイン 「蝙蝠」甚平ぬいぐるみ” (大)と(小)の2種が 7/26より販売開始!! 詳細は後日お知らせいたします https://t.co/JfoFgT09p5 #HYDERUN #ハイドラン #RakutenNFT https://t.co/lWyavCRuiA」https://twitter.com/hyderun_game/status/1680174104366956546
HYDE RUNさん「ゲーム内でおなじみの HYDEのアクションがNFT化して 7/26より販売開始!! 10種類の中から ランダムで1種類のモーメントを取得できます 詳細は後日お知らせいたします https://t.co/JfoFgT09p5 #HYDERUN #ハイドラン #RakutenNFT https://t.co/kaNwJeaNI3」https://twitter.com/hyderun_game/status/1680174088671875072
HYDE RUNさん「本日『HYDE RUN』サービス開始2周年! 2周年を記念し、7/26にアップデート実施が決定!! ☑新衣装(甚平) ☑新アイテム(和風な家具セット) #HYDERUN #ハイドラン https://t.co/iqNehjwdUz」https://twitter.com/hyderun_game/status/1680146143534284801
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「『皆んな愛しています』 #アメブロ https://t.co/y09htxW3Gn」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1680178819783864320
seekさん「Psycho le Cému TOUR 2023 「RESISTANCE~心蝕~」 episode3.屍人の烙印 7月15日水戸ライトハウス ライブハウスという空間を 音楽で遊びまくった めちゃくちゃ楽しい時間でした。 MCもDが全開でおもろかったなー。 ええ初日!! ありがとう。 水戸。 #サイコルシェイム https://t.co/K7Krg0YKPn」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1680178899534368768
KISAKIさん「【⚠️重大告知⚠️】 KISAKI BANDWORKS 30TH ANNIVERSARY LIVE 「BEYOND THE KINGDOM -OSAKA-」 2023.11.05(日) 大阪BIG CAT 【出演】 ■THE LOCUS -当日限定バンド- ■Psycho le Cému ■摩天楼オペラ ■defspiral ■NEGA ■FEST VAINQUEUR ■Leetspeak monsters ■JILUKA… https://t.co/ZVwsTZg79f」https://twitter.com/KISAKI_OFFICIAL/status/1674976125330792451
leaya(бвб)さん「明日と明後日は歌舞伎町Northだ! 明日は連休だから朝までやる! 明日7/16は19:30~朝まで 明後日7/17は18:00~終電まで Foodはリーヤメニューのみ(ジンギスカンはありません) 何卒(º_º) North 03-6380-2637 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町2-25-2 荒生ビル 3F https://t.co/PHCoG0dBhZ」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1680184951202004992
メリーさん「────────── チケット発売中! ────────── 「魑魅魍魎2」 7/22(土)京都 客演:umbrella 8/13(日) さいたま新都心 客演:KOHTA 8/27(日) 本八幡 客演:gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy 🎫チケットはこちら https://t.co/GqadUPP1hY #メリー #魑魅魍魎2 https://t.co/D4YzTsgAPJ」https://twitter.com/merry_official/status/1680185043157929984
KEIKO TANABEさん「国連大学で行われた「ウクライナ避難民の日本での未来を考える」シンポジウムでSUGIZOさんとKAZKAのライブ写真も発表されたのですが、我ながら良い写真だと噛み締めた。 一瞬の静止画だからこそ、見る人の想像が広がる余白があって、その1枚がその人だけの1枚に変わっていく。 写真は見る人のものだ。 https://t.co/wg0kXoSnjC」https://twitter.com/KeecoRoma/status/1679342054969860096
Jさん「今夜の名古屋、本当に凄いライヴになった!!!!フロアの熱気が本当にヤバかった!みんなありがとう。マジで最高だったよ!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😉 #SummerTour2023 #Live #EndlessSummer2023 #炎上 #名古屋 #最高 #wumf #J」https://twitter.com/J_wumf/status/1680189109967671296
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