#Writting dialogue for this right now
untilsfe · 2 years
Okay, okay, time for a nonsense scenario i thought of at 3 am. Alright so. Leo, rise leo, like a year after the movie cannon. Gets amnesia in japan, finds usagi, and ends up being like, trained by usagi's master with him for like a few months. Untill his brothers find him, and then he realises, ruh oh, he fell in love with that bunny friend he had while he was getting his memorys back.
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Dear anon, that's top tier Fanfic material right there!!! Just- hold on a sec-
Save this post or something because this cover is the promise I do to make a comic about this concept! There's no option here!!!
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Btw, the theme is reminding me of a movie but I can't remember which one. I swear I saw something like this years ago, and it was beautiful!! Fick! If I remember I'll tell you, over
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oneroomjestershow · 10 days
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fandomfucker · 10 months
hey! I hope you are doing well.
I was wondering if you would like to write a rhea x femreader x Dominik? (reader is a very young wrestler) do you remember when Rhea told Dom if he doesn't get the title he doesn't have to come back? Dom and Reader both get scared that she really means this and comfort each other. When Rhea realizes that she has seriously scared both of them, she tries to get their trust back.
If you don't like it, it's no big deal. have a great day ! I really Love you're writtings!(ps. Its my First request for you) 💖
I went back and watched the episode for the exact dialogue and everything cause I'm insane. So, please enjoy
Word Count: 3,182
Reader’s POV
As a pretty new wrestler, I jumped at the chance to join the already established and successful team of The Judgment Day. It was definitely overwhelming at first but the blossoming relationship between Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley, and me made me much more confident in myself and my abilities, knowing that they were all there to help me should I need it.
It was now Monday Night RAW and Rhea was finally back after having been gone for a little while after Nia Jax had injured her. And because of that, I was just itching to get into a fight with that bitch.
Damian, Dominik, and I all stood backstage waiting for Raw to start. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler were going to kick off the night with a fight and I wanted to watch Nia get her ass kicked. But before the actual show had even started, we saw on the screen as Shayna and Nia began fighting just outside the entrance, nowhere even near the ring yet.
Nia dragged Shayna's jacket off of her, both dragging and pushing her toward the ring. Shayna clutched her arm in pain as Nia threw her into the ring before climbing in herself.
Despite me and Shayna not being friends, at all. I was still rooting for her to win over Nia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Even if they don't know that they're my enemy.
I started doing little happy claps to myself as Shyana got the upper hand and jumped onto Nia's back. Dominik was standing next to me icing his eye again and I could see him give me a soft smile out of the corner of my eye.
Nia managed to get Shayna off, screaming at a ref in the process and went to keep going when Raquel's music began to play and she was shown jogging up and into the ring.
I groaned in annoyance, locking eyes with Dominik who shared my grievances.
Raquel tried to attack Nia but missed and wound up hitting Shayna instead. Nia, seeing the open opportunity, kicked Raquel to the ground. She stood there with her two opponents on the ground and began to smile at the camera, oh so proud of herself.
And then Rhea's music started playing.
My eyes widened as I looked at Dom before turning around towards Damian. "Did you know she was here?"
Damian stalked over from where he was sitting on the couch behind us, a look of both confusion and anger swirled on his face, "No, I didn't."
I watched as my and Dominik's girlfriend ran down the walkway down to the ring. She slung herself up in the ring and immediately went after Nia Jax.
Raquel and Shayna were already out of the way so she started pummeling Nia.
Raquel pushed her off of Nia and they began to fight as Shayna got up and began to fight Nia again.
Rhea and Raquel fought to one side of the ring while Shayna and Nia were on the other.
Multiple security guards and a few referees ran out from backstage and attempted to get all the women off of each other and out of the ring.
The guards managed to pull apart Nia and Shayna but had to swarm Rhea and Raquel as they struggled to get them off of each other.
The guards now had Rhea in that corner with the other three women against the ropes across from her.
My eyes widened even further as I watched Rhea kick one of the refs in the face, Nia slipping out of the ring in the corner.
One of the guards holding Raquel started to make his way towards Rhea as everyone else left the ring. I continued watching in horror as Rhea grabbed the guard and riptided him, leaving him to shake in pain on the floor of the ring. "Holy shit," I breathed.
Dominik slung an arm over my shoulders, bringing me into his side as he stroked his hand up and down my shoulder in comfort. I fell into his side as he held me, resting my head against his chest as we watched our girl.
She was livid.
We watched in silence as Rhea continued to scream at the women outside the ring who were now making their way back to the gorilla.
Nia was dragged backstage by the security guards, meanwhile, Raquel and Shayna were trying to fight each other and Rhea continued screaming like a maniac.
The crowd started chanting 'Mami' which only fueled her. I could see her arm outstretched for a mic just before the camera cut to the announcers.
I wasn't listening to anything the announcers were saying as I looked up at Dom to see his reaction.
His jaw was clenched while his mouth was turned slightly in a small frown. I turned to glance at Damian, to see his expression solid and unreadable as stone.
Turning my attention back to the TV screen, I watched as the announcers kept speaking only to be interrupted mid-sentence by Rhea.
"Mami's back on Monday Night Raw," cue the cheers from the crowd, "And I'm not done yet, so I'm staying in this ring because I got somethin' else to handle."
Her Australian accent came out thick as she still struggled to even out her breathing, from both being so mad and from the little show she'd just put on.
"Judgment Day! Get out here. We need to talk."
My breathing stopped for a second, only starting back again when Dominik squeezed my shoulders from behind me, gently directing me towards the gorilla.
Damian was in front, with me and Dom flanking either side of him. He held one of his belts while the other was around his waist, his Money in the Bank Briefcase in the other hand.
Our song, The Other Side, began playing throughout the arena and we began our walk out.
I made sure to drop any and all expressions from my face, no matter what was going on between us, I still had a show to put on.
Faintly, I heard one of the announcers say "Mami is in a mood. Hell hath no fury like Rhea Ripley scorned."
The camera came in close on the belt around Dom's waist as we walked. I kept my head up and my eyes forward as I saw Rhea yelling at us from the ring the entire walk-in.
I followed behind Damian, in front of Dom up the metal stairs and up to the ring. Damian went in first and held the top rope up for me as Dom took Rhea's belt off before sitting on the middle rope for me.
I slipped in right as the cameras cut off. Standing slightly off to the side, Rhea and Damian glared at each other as Damian walked around to the other side of the ring. She turned back in my direction when Dominik grabbed her attention with a small "Mami", handing her her belt back.
She stalked over, grabbing the belt from him and then my arm, shoving the belt at me as she turned around, wordlessly demanding that I help her put it on.
I tapped her lower back, just above where the top of her belt lay to let her know I had finished securing it.
She turned around and gave me a small, secret, wink before turning back around and making her way to the middle of the ring.
I made my way back over to Dominik and he and I stood about a foot away from each other, facing Rhea in the center of the ring with our backs to the entrance.
Damian faced Rhea from the other side of the ring as our music played out and the noises of the crowd could be heard.
Rhea paced back and forth in the aisle between the two sides of JD members, saving whatever she had to say for the cameras.
The lighting soon changed to our signature purple hue, and the signal went off for us to know we were going back on air.
Rhea said something into the mic, addressing each of us in turn with an aggressive outward arm gesture, the crowd booing loudly when she said Dom's name and gestured to him.
"Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I have some Judgment Day business to attend." She looked between the three of us, ultimately starting her walk towards Dom.
"Now we all know, that there is no leader of the Judgment Day. Correct?" She turned and made her way toward Damian, "Correct?" And then made her way back to Dom and me.
No matter how many times it's said, Judgment Day does, in fact, have a leader, whether some of the members wanted to get their head out of their asses and admit it or not, there's only one person that every single person will listen to without question. And that's Rhea even if she herself denies it.
"But we each have our own responsibilities to handle." She spared a glare at Dom, softening slightly as she looked at me before focusing on Damian.
"Someone has to come up with a game plan so things don't go down for the Judgment Day. Right, Dom?" I shot a look over to Dom as Rhea addressed him, seeing him keep his eyes locked on the floor as he nodded his head quickly in agreement.
"Right. Correct.  So what happens? Mami gets taken out for two weeks by Nia Jax, and all of a sudden things start falling apart for the Judgment Day."
While she was gone, Dom had lost his title, Finn and Damian were now both hurt, and I had been taken out by Bayley on my way to the ring to fight Iyo Sky for her title and now still not yet medically cleared either.
"Because Mami is the one that makes the pla-plans." Her accent slipped up and she had to correct herself mid-word which I had to keep myself from laughing at. I'd for sure be bringing this up backstage.
"But at the end of the day, me being out, I left that responsibility to someone and they disappointed me. I left that responsibility to you, Priest." She spat, stalking right up to Damian. She stood right in front of him, making sure not to remove her focus from him as he uncomfortably looked away.
They stared at each other for a heartbeat more before Rhea brought the mic back up to her mouth. "I go and you can't handle the job."
Damian idly scratched his face nonchalantly, still refusing to look her in the face.
"After the brawl last week, Finn's out injured." She shoved her finger against his chest. "You can't even compete tonight against Jey because you're not medically cleared."
Damian looked down towards the side, a pissed-off smirk growing on his face as the crowd 'ooh'ed in response.
"And what else happens, Priest? What else happens?" Rhea outstretched her arm, gesturing towards both Dom and me. "Y/n gets hurt and Dom loses his NXT North American Championship to Trick Williams at No Mercy." At this the crowd began to cheer again, causing Rhea to outburst at them, "Shut up!"
"All because you weren't there to help him like I told you to. And now we have a Cody and Jey situation. They don't fear us Priest. You know why? Because there's tension here. Because we're not a threat to them. And you know what they're going to try and do? They're going to try and take your tag team championships away from you. What are you going to do, huh? You can't even do anything about it." The crowd cheered in response to her little speech.
Damian drew up the microphone, bringing it to his mouth, finally looking at Rhea. "With all due respect, Rhea, you're not saying anything I don't already know. Yeah, Cody and Jey are coming for the titles. But when push comes to shove, I will push harder. With that being said, screw Cody Rhodes. Screw Main Event Jey Uso. While we're at it, all these talks about the Judgment Day falling apart, screw that too." The crowd cheered.
"You know, the way I see it, I have my titles. I have my contract. I'm not trying to point fingers and start nothing but, Mami, where's Dom Dom's title?" Damian pointed towards Dom with his briefcase, and I saw Dom looking back at Damian like 'What the fuck man?'.
I couldn't see Rhea's face from where I was standing but I could see her body tense up before rolling her shoulders and slowly turning her head around. I caught a glimpse of the glare she sent his way and a shiver went down my spine. And not in a good way.
She actually looked pissed to high hell.
Fully turning her body around, she shot one last glare at Damian over her shoulder before stalking up to Dominik. I could hear the crowd chanting something unintelligible in the background as she made her way over.
"Dom, I'm your Mami, right?" Dom nodded his head in response.
"What does that make you? That makes you my Papi. So tomorrow night at NXT, you have a rematch against Trick Williams. You're welcome." She leaned into his face, inches apart, and put her finger under his chin to make him look at her when he turned his head.
"But if you don't come home to me with that championship, then don't bother coming home."
The crowd cheered and 'ooh'ed at her words. However, my breathing stopped short and the blood drained from my face. I did my best to keep the bored, neutral look on my face for the show as I darted a quick look over at Dominik to see him secretly scared shitless too as Rhea yelled in his face away from the mic, not letting me hear what was said.
Jey's music began to play and Rhea walked away from Dominik and over to me, gripping my arm and dragging me behind her as all of us from Judgment Day stood in a rough line on one side of the ring, now facing the gorilla as Jey made his entrance and hopped into the ring.
He paced in front of us for a second as the crowd continued to cheer and chant before he finally brought his mic up and began to address Rhea.
"Hey, hey. First and foremost, importantly, can we please welcome back Miss Rhea Ripley." He held onto the top rope, hanging off of it as his legs were crossed. "Hey. We missed you. We all miss you."
Rhea sneered at him from my right as Damian told him off from my left, "Take it easy over there."
Jey continued his monologue despite the mixed reactions, "Because it looked like there was a new tribal chief on Monday Night. And apparently, she has bigger balls than Roman Reigns ever did."
My eyebrows raised in surprise at the words that just came out of his mouth. This would undoubtedly cause issues but it was really not my problem.
The rest of my time in the ring was a blur as I was more focused on trying not to completely freak out over what Rhea told Dominik about not coming home at all. She seemed super serious about it and as a throuple I was terrified.
Rhea kinda just dragged me behind her the whole time the boys were fighting, keeping me behind her protective shield until our segment was up.
As a group, the four of us made our way back up the walkway and into the gorilla. I could feel the tears beginning to well up behind my eyes as we walked.
Once we made it back, Rhea stormed off God knows where with Damian following quickly after her. Dominik and I managed to make our way to the Judgment Day locker room before I broke down in tears, having to have Dominik hold me up.
He guided me over to the armchair on the far wall, taking a seat in front of me to better be eye level with me.
"I d-don't like her b-being mad at us." I hiccupped through my sobs to Dominik. He had both hands resting on my biceps and gently ran circles over them with his thumbs to try and calm me down some.
"I don't either, Cariño." Dominik soothed me.
I could see the worry in his own eyes and the tears forming. I stepped forward so I was standing between his legs and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, resting my cheek against his head as his arms came to snake around my waist.
We held onto each other tightly for what felt like hours but was realistically only minutes.
We paid no attention to anything that wasn't each other until the door opened, Rhea's worried face and frenzied breathing.
"There you two are, I've been looking all over for you." She sighed in relief as she came in, closing the door behind her.
I lifted my head from Dominik's and she stopped dead in her tracks seeing my red-rimmed eyes and wet cheeks.
Her gaze flitted to Dominik's face, seeing his face matching mine.
"What's wrong, my loves?" She asked gently, cautiously stepping towards us.
My arms tightened around Dom's shoulders in fear as she came closer.
Seeing this, she immediately stopped, a hurt look overcoming her face.
She held out her hands in a gesture of peace. "Y/n," she started cautiously, "What's wrong, Love?"
I sniffled before responding, my voice quiet and breaking, "You're gonna break us all up."
Her expression turned devastated. "No. No, no, no. Baby, that was all just for the show. I wasn't allowed to tell you guys because they wanted your authentic reactions. I'm so, so sorry." Her voice cracked as she tried to hold back her own tears.
Gingerly, I unwrapped Dominik's arms from my waist and walked over to Rhea. Hesitantly, I held my arms out to her.
She immediately ran into my open arms, rushing into me so fast she almost knocked me over. Taking a couple of steps back to steady us, I hugged her back tightly.
"I'm sorry. It wasn't real I swear, I didn't actually mean it." She croaked into my hair, her voice full of emotion.
I hugged her back tightly, sticking my face in her collarbone and breathing in her scent.
"Mami," Dominik spoke up from where he was sitting. Pulling away from me, Rhea turned to look at him, apologies swimming in her eyes.
He stood up slowly, never looking away from her. Rhea began to nervously pick at her nails, not saying a word. He made his way over to her and just fell into her arms. I could hear him crying into her shoulder in relief that it was all just for show as Rhea also sagged into him in relief that he trusted her. "It won't happen again, Dom, I swear."
I let them hug and cry it out by themselves until Rhea held out an arm for me to join the hug with them. I bounded over to them, squeezing myself between the two of them, holding onto Rhea as Dominik held onto me from behind and Rhea.
"You say 'plans' weird," I laugh-cried into Rhea's chest as I squeezed her mid-section tighter.
She chuckled into my hair, giving the top of my head a lingering kiss as she squeezed me in return.
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dia-souls · 1 year
DIABOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD “Chaos of Amnesia”
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Original title: 記憶喪失による混乱
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Irsa
Seiyuu: Suegara rie, Midorikawa Hikaru, Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Takashi Kondou, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Morikubo Shoutaro, Tomoaki Maeno
Admin's note: I am back at writting after a long period of time. This CD is related to chaos lineage and it's a change or an alter to the chaos lineage opening scene. I hope you will like it. I lost a bit of my grip cuz of break. I hope I get back on track one more thing yui will be a bit OOC like. It's really difficult to write dialogue for 14 people. Shot out to that one follower whom wanted the CD drama in which all dl boys appear with yui. You my dear motivated me (A big thanks to @crazyasffr ). Give reviews because I like reading your reaction 😤!
Yui was awoken by the sound of a lot of voices. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't open it,She tried to move her body but couldn't. She started getting scared as she noticed her situation. Then she felt as if she was being kissed she felt disgusted. She heard thoes voices again they were males she could tell by their tone and they were arguing. Again she felt as if she is being kissed and her disgust was increasing.
??: Is she not going to wake up?
???: The propherecy said that if you kiss the sleeping Eve she will wake up? But she isn't waking up?!!
????: Maybe because you are a bad kisser. Let Ore-sama try!
?????: Fufu, how about all of us take turn in trying.
????: You all are disgusting. If you all are going to kiss her then I won't kiss her it makes me vomit to think I will kiss someone who is already defiled by you all.
?????: Then don't kiss her it's not like we want you to do that besides you doing that isn't necessary.
????: You perverts don't touch her you aren't allowed to!! Only Nii-san has the right to do it!!
???: You bas-
Yui then felt as if her energy was returning she opened her eyes and saw a young boy whoes face was dangerously cloes to her. The guy upon noticing her awake smiled at her.
?????: Ohh!! So you are awake you have really cute eyes!
_Yui immediately pushed that guy off her and got up.
Yui: Have you no shame you were kissing a sleeping women!??
Kino: Excuse me I didn't even got the chance to kiss. The one who assaulted you are them.
_He said as he pointed at Reiji and Ruki.
_Yui looked at around to see a lot of men who are now looking at her. She scanned all of them.
Ruki: Quick grab her!!
Yui: Wha No-o don't c-ome near me leave me-e!!
Ruki: Look we won't hurt you we just want you to come with us.
Yui: I d-don't want to go anywhere! please just let me go!
_Yui looked at them with fear in her eyes as she was feeling overwhelmed with a lot of men around her.
Reiji: Shu!! Hurry grab her!!
Shu: How annoying. Do it yourself.
_Yui got startled as she heard a voice right besides her she noticed a guy on floor. She didn't realized he was this cloes to her she hurridly moved away.
Shu: Pink.
Yui: Huh?
Shu: Colour.
Reiji: Colour of what?
Shu: Of your underwear.
Yui: ............
_Yui flushed at his remark and scooted away from him while shu gave her a lazy smirk.
Ruki:You!! How dare you!!
_Ruki said as he took his sword out seeing this everyone took their sword out yui immediately flinched at it.
*Cling* *Cling*
Yui: Wha-ts happening here?! Why are you doing this?! Who exactly are you all??!
Kino: Eve don't worry we won't hurt you after all you are our princess!
_Kino gives her princely smile and moved towards her but was blocked by Shin who moved infront of him.
Shin: Not so fast!! I won't let you touch her.
_Shin drew his sword he looked at his shoulder to look at yui.
Shin: Don't worry Eve I will save you from them and get you out of here!!
Yui: Is it real?
Shin: Huh?
_Kino and Shin both looked at yui confusingly.
Yui: The sword?
Shin: Of course it is!?? What are you thinking?
Yui: What? But why?!
Shin : Why what?!
Kino: Look stop all of you I am confused here?! What are you trying to say princess??
Yui: You are confused but, I should be confused who exactly are you?! All I thought you all were cosplayer?
Kino: Cosplayer?!?
Shin: Why would you think that?!
Yui: Well... you all are calling me Eve and acting like a knight and your dress is weird too you all are dressed weirdly!
Kino: Excuse me!? I have the best sense of fashion among all of them also don't call our dressing weird rather you are acting strange!
Reiji: Eve you do know what purpose you have.
Yui: What?
_Yui looked at him confusingly. She then looked around.
Yui: Also where is the priest?
_Now all of them looked at her.
Reiji: Pardon. What priest?
Yui: Well this is church so there must be a priest! Where is he?
Yuma: Eve you do realize that we are the only ones here!
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Don't tell me that Eve is mentally unstable?!
Ayato: What but isn't she Eve??!
Kino: Isn't Eve is supposed make a ruler? Why is she talking weirdly?!
Shin: Come on she isn't unstable like you can clearly tell the difference between her and Kanato.
Kanato: Exactly---What did you say???!!!
_He gave a murderous look to Shin.
_Yui than felt someone circling her waist she looked at her shoulder to see a red haired guy.
Ayato: Oii!! No one will touch her!! She is now my property!!
Kanato: Hah when did she become yours Ayato???! Teddy waited so long for her to wake up!! I DEMAND YOU GIVE HER TO ME!!
_All of then covered their ears because of his screeching.
Yuma: You brat!! Shut up!! You aren't alone here!! All of us waited here for sow to wake up!! You ain't special go and play with your toys.
_Kino, Shin and Ayato snickered. Kanato seeing this walked up to Yuma.
Kanato: What did you say to me?
He said as he grabbed his collar. But their difference in height made the audience except Yui chuckle. Which further increased Kanato anger.
Kanato: YOU!!!!
_Yuma flinched at his sudden outburst.
Yuma: What?? But you were the compla-
Yuma: I didn't you yourself made-
Yuma: When did I made fun--
Yuma: I never asked for your forgiveness-
_Yui took advantage of the distraction and elbowed him. Ayato who was caught off guard let her go and Yui escaped. Yui immediately ran for the door.
Ruki: Eve is escaping Shin go after her!!
Reiji: Yuma this isn't time to play around. Be quick Kino catch Eve. Shu you too!!
Kino: Roger!!
_All of them then became alert and started running after her.
_Yui who was running with all her might started screaming hoping the people will hear her and help her. She hurridly entered a room and locked it's door she decided to put furniture infront of it so it could remain locked just as she turned around she saw all of them.
Shin: Ouch! Stop screaming!
_As she lifted vase.
Ayato: Well we are- Put that thing down!!
Yui: I won't don't come closer you weirdos!!
Yuma: Eve listen we won't hurt you we are here to save you just come here!
Yui: Don't come closer!!
Ruki: Huh! As if she thing like that can stop us!!
_Yui threw the vase towards Shu as for some unknown reason he was lying closer to her but Shu dodged it.
Shu: How dare you!
_Yui noticed a balcony in room and sprinted toward it seeing it all of them followed her but stopped as soon as they say her climbing the railing she was able to balance herself on it she looked towards them.
Yui: Look don't come closer otherwise I will jump from here and you will be sentenced to death!
Kanato: Eh? Death sentence what are you saying?
Yui: Tell me who are you all and why are you doing this to me?!
Kino: Doing this to you?! Excuse me we haven't even started doing anything to you!!
Yui: Liste--kyahhh.....
_Yui was, lifted from the railing into air.
Kou: Hyahhhhh!!! M-Neko-chan Kou has came to your rescue Fufu.
_Yui realized that she is hugged by strange blonde hair guy the guy then placed his head on her shoulder glancing at the crowd.
Laito: Nfu~
Yui: Kyahhh...
_She felt another pairs of hands hugging her.
Laito: Nfu~ Eve-chan~~ you made your suitors wait a lot for you this isn't fair we spend a lot of time without you. Now need to make it up to your Laito-kun!
Kou: Wait a minute!! Laito-kun I am talking to M-Neko-chan you should let us talk alone and leave her I can carry her alone.
_The door exploded and three men entered the room.
Carla: How dare you all come here before us!!
Ruki: Well excuse you, don't tell me you expect us to inform you that barrier is broken. Isn't it your fault that your comrades are foolish.
Subaru: Tch!! It's not like you already took her she is still here and besides we aren't late.
_Subaru cracked his knuckle and looked at all of them before his eyes went to the girl. He immediately blushed as he saw her being gropped by two men.
_Yui who was now confused and scared as she noticed their strength. They are way too strong to take a door down but thinking about what they are wasn't her concern her main concern was to get away from them.
_Carla looked at Yui for some reason Yui felt a lot of scared his presence was dominating and she wanted to hide. He continue to peirce her with his gaze and walked towards Yui. This guy is very intimidating for her.
Yui: Let me go!!
_She said as she started swaying her legs.
Kou: EV-wait stop we will-
Laito: Eve-channn this not a place to get excited, I know you are excited to see Laito-kun but wai--
Yui: Kyaah!!!
_Yui was falling she closed her eyes to accept her fate only to feel someone below her.
Yui: Owe!
Shu: You are in no position to say anything like that considering you fell on me!
_Yui got up from floor and saw Shu beneath her.
Yui: Why are you always on floor?!
Shu: ..............
Yui: Aren't you going to answer?!
Shu: Uwa! Troublesome.
_As he got up Yui for the fist time Yui saw their differences in height, as it's the fist time he got up since their meeting and Yui was startled as she saw him trying to grab her.
_Yui immediately bolted towards dark forest.
Laito: Uwahhh Eve died I can't believe I didn't get to play with her.
Subaru: Idiot she isn't dead.
Ruki: We really need to find her quickly.
_Carla raised his eyebrows at him as they all were creating too much fuss.
Reiji: Can't you sense her presence?!
Subaru: Tch! What's wrong with you all she is just around here we will find her and that's it!?
Shin: Looks like you don't understand the severity of the situation.
Ayato: You see Eve has slept for too long that's why she is now unstable.
Kou: What? M-Neko-chan no way I don't believe you she is perfectly stable.
Shin: You see she acts weirdly and ask stupid question I am not saying she is fully unstable like Kana-
_Kanato walked up to Yuma and grabbed him by collar.
Yuma: Oi-i!! What did I do?! Why are you coming at me!!?
Yuma: What type of logic it is-
Yuma: It's literally our first meet--
Yuma: When were you listen--
_The two continued to argue.
Laito: Eve. Poor Eve-chan she must be scared while walking alone in this scary forest.
Carla: If whatever you said is true that Eve truly is out of her mind then we need to hurry and find her before she does harm upon herself because of state.
Reiji: Hurry!! After her she must be in forest we need to find her before she hurt herself!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yui: Hahhh!! Hurry I need to find someone!! Ngh.
_She fell on her butt after she collided with someone. She looked up to see a guy who was covered in bandages.
Azusa: Eve.
_The unknown guy immediately hugs her. She then started pushing him but he didn't nudge.
Yui: Leave me-e!
Azusa: I waited so long for you to come Eve I am so happy to meet you!!
_Yui looked at him confusingly. Are all guys here have their screws loose.
_She then heard footsteps behind her.
Laito: Nfu~ Ara, Ara Eve-chan you are finally united with your number 1 fan.
Yui: Numbe-er one fan?
Laito: Yes!! Azusa-kun seems to have special attachment to you, you see.
Shin: Hahh!! I finally found you Eve-
Yuma: Eve found yaaa. Ya made everyone so worried about you!!
Kino: Eve here you are!
_All of then looked at each other it appeared as if now they are ready to fight and not so soon the fight began Shin who remained it shadows saw the opportunity and grabbed yui.
Yui: Hel---
_Her voice was muffled by shin hand he hurridly took her away from scene.
Yui: Stop!! Leave me ugh!! Please stop!!!
Shin: Kch!! Shut up and come with me to orange house.
_He roughly grabbed her and started dragging her.
Yui: Please don't sell me-
Shin: Sell you??
_Shin now stopped and look at her confusingly.
Yui: Isn't it what you want?
_Yui thought they all might be drug dealers and are trying to sell her to brothel that's the reason they are so careful with her.
(They all are doing this so that my body remains unharmed and I could be sold at higher price otherwise why were they so concerned when I was falling from railing!)
_Shin confusing expression changes to pity and sad.
(She really is mentally unstable that's why she is saying weird things I shouldn't put more pressure on her fragile state.)
_Yui upon noticing Shin sad eyes and his silence as an agreement to her statement and her tears started welling up in her eyes.
Subaru: Ev-- Hah Shin why is she crying?
_Subaru immediately separated the two and grabbed Yui. Yui again resisted to get away from him.
Yui: How can you do this don't you have a sister will you do something so terrible to her!!??
_Yui questioned subaru.
Subaru: Huh? But I don't have any sister?!
Yui: That- but still you should have some humanity in yourself to do something this disgusting!!
Subaru: Humanity? I am not a human to begin with!!
Yui: That's right you are monster!!!
_Subaru became confused at her outburst he wondered what he did that made her like that?! He didn't deserve to be called a monster, considering it's their fist meeting.
Subaru: Look I just want to take you home to my older brother-
Yui: Huh!! You__ I can't believe you are going give me to your brother as call girl!!?
Subaru: Wha--
_Subaru looked at Shin who still had sad expression on his face. He looked at Shin and Shin upon noticing him made a gesture of saying that she is unstable and shook his head.
_Subaru looking at him realized how bad Eve's condition is became sad as he thinks that his behaviour might upset her more. He looked sorrowfully at yui.
_Yui than notices change in demnor thought that this might be his purpose.
Yui: Please leave me alone!! Let me go!
Kou: Ahh! Found them!! GUYS EVE IS HERE!!
_All the family immediately teleported to the place.
Yuma: Hahh!! Finally!!
Yui: Look please stop all this. Leave me alone don't sell me.
Ayato: Sell you but why would we? I mean you are important for the plan after all you are Eve? Why would we sell you?
Yui: But why me why me out of all the girls in the world why does it have to be me??!!
Laito: 'Girls' there are girls here?
Ruki: Eve you are the only women here along with us!
Yui: Wait a minute!? Aren't you going to sell me to some brothel??
Ayato: First you called Ore-sama cosplayer and now you are calling me a dealer make up your mind cosplayer or dealer!!
Shin: Huh why would we? What do you think we are! Besides there is no brothel here!
Yui: If there isn't then why all of you are chasing me! And why are you saying I shouldn't be harmed!!?
Ruki: Ahh! Things are now getting clearer.
Kino: Yeah!! Right seriously I can't believe it was all for this.
Reiji: It seems Eve has misunderstood our intentions.
Shin: This means that she isn't crazy like Kana-
Yuma: SHUT UP!! Shut your crap!!
_Yuma said as he glanced at Kanato whom upon noticing that he is staring at him glared at him Yuma flinched and immediately looked away.
Yuma: Ain't no way. I am gonna let that kid scream at me!! He mumbled.
Shu: Hah!! Uwah! I just want to go home.
Carla: Don't tell me women you don't know what's your purpose in the game.
Yui: Game? Purpose? What are you saying?!
Reiji: I hope I am not wrong but it seems sleeping for too much has caused her to forget her purpose.
Carla: Say women do you know how to make me the supreme ruler.
Yui: Huh!? What is that??
Ruki: Hah looks like it's time for us to explain you the situation you are in.
I am Ruki, the eldest of orange family there are 13 man over here and there is no women here except for you. There are in total of three family violet, scarlet and orange. The main purpose of these family is to obtain Eve. Once Eve-
Carla: I am Carla eldest of violet. Eve had the ability or power you can say to make a supreme overload. Meaning a king and you are Eve and you have power to do that.
Kino: That's we all were after you we aren't some cosplayer or smugglers.
Yui: Well you did seem like that..
Kanato: Teddy she really thought we were crazy and we all thought you were crazy the whole time.
Carla: Now that everything is cleared out you will now come with us to violet household.
Subaru: Wait a minute!! You all are missing one detail.
Laito: Nfu~ let's not tell her guys poor girl will be so scared once she find out about that.
Kou: Ara~Ara Cmon Laito-kun I really want to see her reaction.
Azusa: Eve..is.. sane.. Eve.. Please.. come with.. us we... will... take good...care of.. you.
Yui: Wait a minute!! I can believe all this, all of you are lying it's impossible that there is no one here except us!
Ruki: Oh really! Where is the proof?
Yui: Proof--I might not have it right now but I am telling truth.
Kino: Hah! Why don't you just stop resisting and come with us? You have no place to go to!
Yui: That's true but I still won't come.... You all are brothers but you don't look alike at all!!?
Kanato: Teddy also thinks exact same!! They all are too weird to be my brothers and that red head idiot to be my twin.
Shin: Excuse me!!? You are actually weirdest of us brothers!! No you are the weirdest of us all--
Yuma: Bro you just shut up!! Don't anger him!! Why are you digging my grave?!?
_Yuma said as he put a hand on Shin's mouth to which Shin immediately removed.
Shin: You aren't my brother you vile--
Ruki: Shin!! Behave yourself!!
Shin: Yes, Nii-san .
_Ruki looked at yui and said.
Reiji: Yeah! that's true! We don't look alike. So what?! Does that change the fact that we are brothers? No it doesn't!
Yui: So basically you all have no parents?
Laito: Parents?!
Yui: Yeah... I mean you all must have different parents to have such different features.
Kou: Okay! Now it's crepping me out!
Yui: That's what I am trying to say that this place, you all something is not right!!
Kino: Princess don't stress too much. It's not that much of a big deal you know to have no parents.
Yui: But still that doesn't change the fact that they might have existed that's why you all exist!!
_Yui immediately blushed after saying this statement.
Laito: Well Eve-chan you are right! Nfu~we all already know how babies are made.
Shu: Lewd women you said it on purpose.
Yui: No I didn't I just want you all---
Ayato: Hah!! Stop!! Ore-sama is parched.
_He said as he came closer to yui.
Ayato: Why don't you take responsibility.
Laito: Aha! Now that you mentioned it she really is giving off a really sweet smell.
Subaru: Guys aren't we supposed to hide it-
Kanato: Teddy wonders if it's like a candy.
Yuma: Sow really does smell delecious. Hey! how about giving me a taste.
Laito: Nfu~Eve-chan you made me run all around to find you.
_He said as he got near her ear.
Kou: M-Neko-chan really is cruel! She really is selfish she made me do a lot of work how about you return favour as this is give and take world!
Subaru: Oii!! Stop saying that scary stuff to her and you both keep your hands off her!!!
Yui: Wai-it you.. all are again saying weird stuff?! Delecious and parched what do you mean by them?!
_Shu looked at Yui and smirked and gave her a show off his fangs.
Yui: Wha-
Shu: You now realize. Do you?!
Ruki: We aren't some bunch of humans. We are vampire.
Yui: Vam-mpire! You mean you all suck blood.
Kino: Hey!! I am offended we don't just do that! You humans have ruined our name.
Shin: What are you scared? I mean cmon don't tell me you don't realized it?!
Reiji: Having this level of strength isn't possible for a human man right? You should have realized it earlier that we aren't human.
Shu: I hope this answers your question about how I always get where ever you are.
Ruki: I guess you now know everything your purpose of being here and lastly our identity.
Carla: Hah! That's funny we didn't even try to mask our identity. You really are a dense women.
Yui: No-o that's impossible. I don't believe you!!
_Yui backed away from them.
_All of their eyes started glowing showing their animalistic nature.
Ayato: Say are you gonna choose who to come with or we decide it.
Yui: Wh-hat?
Kino: I mean you aren't gonna stay here right a forest is really a bad option for a fragile girl like you.
Subaru: Tch! It's not like a house full of male vampires is the best option.
Ruki: That's true but you are forced to choose between us we aren't requesting at first place that's an order. So hurry up and choose.
Carla: Eve choose which house are you going to live with. Choose wisely and carefully as it will decide the future supreme overload.
Reiji: So what's your decision Eve.
_Yui looked at all of them their attention fully focused on her.
"I will choose_______"
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v3nusxsky · 5 months
Tangled passion 18+
*Authors note~ Leonora’s redemption, I couldn’t stand leaving the story as long as the previous chapter took I love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to drop them in my dms or asks!*
Trigger warnings~ mommy dom Larissa, daddy/mutt/mongrel/puppy switch! Leo sub r redemption for lesso punishment for lesso edging spanking hair pulling degrading praise voyeurism semi public sex oral sex over stimulation kink fingering, revenge punishment fingering thigh riding body writting marking kink
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It appears not only are you truthful while inhibited but also sleepy. Larissa almost felt mean moving your sleeping form away from the roaring fire and into her spare bedroom, typically used for students who are struggling, before moving to ready herself for the night. Unbeknownst to you, Larissa actually found Leonora quite stunning. And if she was on the market for a brat to tame? Leonora would’ve fit. But she wanted a sweet little thing, to spoil and dote on. You fit the bill perfectly and to see you hurt by nothing more than an untrained mutt broke her heart. Larissa could definitely teach the stubborn woman a thing or two about respect. Together, you’d both put her plan in motion, after all you’d be so good for Larissa that she wouldn’t even need to try and convince you to trust her.
And she was right. “Rissa turn lights off” you grumbled seeking out the last scraps of darkness you could find as the principal opened the curtains. “But sweet girl, I have a plan to get you everything your pretty self desires. Mommy is going to fix your problem love, so up we get and we can get started sweetheart”. For a few seconds you thought you’d misheard, what did you desire? How drunk did you get last night? All it took was a small shift to sit up and the stinging on your behind had memories forcing their way back to the front of your mind. The club, Leonora, being in Larissa’s space and overly emotional. Oh gosh you’d told the older woman about how you feel. The inner debate of wanting both women but knowing you shouldn’t, yep. You’d spilled everything to her.
“I uh Rissa” you started, brain spiralling into all the ways you could explain a complex situation to someone so goddess like, “please don’t hate me.” Those four little words broke the shifters heart more than you’d ever know. “Oh sweet girl, I could never!” You felt a gentle hand wiping the tears you hadn’t realised were falling. “How about we get some breakfast and we can talk sweetheart? I think it’s time we put all our cards on the table, wouldn’t you agree?”
Another piece of information about you that Larissa adored was how easygoing you are, breakfast went down a treat, her heart swelling every time you thanked and complimented her. But now as you both moved to her desk, you immediately started to shake. The rhythmic thump of your toes tapping the floor as your leg bounced. Your shoulders seem to curl into your body and Larissa noted that you couldn’t maintain the same eye contact you had minutes ago. “Sweetheart, you know I very much wish to become your dominant?” She murmured gently not wanting to spoke you but also needing to start the dialogue which would prevent you being in an anxious state any longer than necessary.
Nodding in acceptance of her statement you let out a little hum which she took as encouragement to continue. “Well sweetling, I’ve always been an open person and I’d be lying if i said I don’t see the attraction to Leonora. While I’m wasn’t looking for a brat, I certainly can deal with them. And you my darling are my good girl aren’t you?” Her words coated in dominance had you slipping into the submissive role instantly. “Yes mommy” you whispered still not quite understanding what the blonde wanted to convey.
“Good girl” oh dear god you were dead. Definitely. Those two words ringing like heavenly bells in your ears, pulling a whimper from your throat involuntarily. “Oh, aren’t you just so precious pretty girl? Poor baby has a little praise kink” she teased evidently enjoying the blush painting your cheeks, no need for any real answer, it seems she can read you like a book. “Okay pretty dove, both of us our interested in Leonora, so you be a good girl for mommy and continue like normal, mommy will talk to Leo for us. But rest assured my love, aftercare will be always given no matter what, Leonora can’t leave my sweet girl like she did yesterday.” Her reassurance causing some of your anxiety to dissipate, leaving you still sat wanting to be closer to the woman. “If you want something dear, you’re going to need to ask mommy” she warned in a teasing manner, eyes sparking with adoration as you stuttered through asking to come and sit on her lap. “You’ve done so many times in less clothing darling, come here before you have to leave for work.”
You spent all Saturday afternoon with Larissa in Nevermore which you immensely enjoyed, just talking and getting to know what each other wanted from this dynamic, likes and dislikes to anything your minds came up with. Leaving for the club was a new kind of sadness, only made better by the blondes promise to arrive at Sinful Souls later on in the night to pick you up.
True to her word Larissa would be there to greet you after your shift at the club, but naturally she had business to attend to before seeing you. A brat to tame. That’s why the blonde shifted her appearance to get through the crowd and demand to see the owner. From there she was led into the back room where her office was. “What can I do for-“ she murmured not even bothering to look up from the paperwork she was clearly bored with. “Y/n…”
“You” the raven haired woman snarled at the principal, moving to approach the principal only to be stopped short. “I suggest Leonora, you sit down before I make you kneel down. This is my time to speak. You will listen” she demanded shifting her stance to appear taller. Truthfully Larissa Weems dripped an unmatched amount of dominance into everything she does. Something she takes pride in. “Yes teacher” was all that was quipped back, Larissa immediately stepping forward to force the other woman on her knees. “Listen up brat, this is how it’s going to go” she stated, kicking off her heels before circling the younger woman.
“You want my little dove out there? Yet you treated her so poorly last night. I can’t be having that. She deserves all the love and care in the world. I can provide that. You however are nothing more than a mongrel in comparison. Yet for some reason my girl wants you too” the blonde couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the glare coming from the clubs owner, “and well, I guess I can see the attraction. See with the right hand to guide you I’m sure you’d be a beautiful puppy for your owner. Dove isn’t capable of handling you brat. But I am so enjoy the taster of what could be in store for you. Red stops this all Lesso, let’s get started” she clapped her hands before promptly turning on her heel to walk over to the sofa.
Shock, anger and arousal was all Leonora could feel. She obeyed the older woman, truthfully she didn’t want to hurt you, guilt was eating her up so she likes to reason that’s why she submitted to the older woman. “Crawl here mutt” she murmured, beautiful cyan eyes darkening with every second her gaze was on Lesso. “Fuck you” she grumbled before going to stand up yet a firm hand immediately forced her back down. “What the fuck are you doing you bitch” she bit as the pressure continued to hold her in place. “Oh what a stupid mutt you are, not going to go down easily hmm? I do love a challenge. Again. Crawl. Here. Now.” Repeating every word slowly as she moved back to where she was, it was times like this shifting had its perks, helping her get to the other woman as quickly as possible.
As if crawling to the other woman wasn’t humiliating enough, being manhandled over her lap certainly was. Lesso was known for her tough personality and physical strength which made this act even more embarrassing. “Remember you can stop this, but a stupid stray like you needs to trained before they get to play with my toys. Thanks to my girl out there I know what you want Leo, so you’re gonna take it, all this fight doesn’t belong here.” She murmured before immediately yanking Lesso’s impossibly tight jeans from her behind, exposing her pale round globes. “These need colour” Larissa murmured thoughtfully, watching as the woman in her lap squirmed slightly in anticipation.
To Leonora’s credit, she took her 20 spanks without even creating a sound, it was the last ten that broke her down. “All done pup, now are you going to be good for me? Or shall I take you out there in front of everyone?” Larissa threatened with a knowing smile, “oh we like that do we? You want everyone to see what a pathetic mutt you are?” Teasing Leonora is definitely something Larissa is going to enjoy, she can only hope this plan works, remembering how good it felt to tame a brat. “No please” lesso whimpered causing Larissa to yank the woman up and Settle her on her thigh, “fuck yourself on my thigh like a good little slut and I’ll consider it.”
Instantly following the command the younger woman rolled her hips eagerly the other woman’s thigh, god she was desperate, the moans now falling freely from her parted lips, desperate pants of breath the only clue she was getting close to the paradise she craved. And she would’ve got there too, if Larissa didn’t wrap her strong arms around her and held her still. “Oh you aren’t coming, dumb mutt, you don’t deserve it, off now” she demanded and immediately noted that her thigh was drenched as the air hit it. “Messy girl” she tutted as lesso bowed her head in shame.
Moving to the desk was probably one of her best ideas, rolling her dress up to her hips, slipping off her ruby red underwear and spreading her legs. “Eat mutt” was all she gave the other woman before yanking her head close to her soaked core again noticing the whimper of pleasurable pain. On her knees, eating out the blonde was clearly something both parties enjoyed as Larissa climbed the hill to her peak, Lesso falling deeper into her submissive side, drunk on the taste of her pussy. “Less teeth slut” Larissa growled out just before lesso flattened her tongue and pushed the principal over the edge. Plunging her tongue in and out of her quivering hole at an almost inhuman pace to bring the woman back down from her high.
Tugging Leonora up but her tight curls the shifter tossed her over the desk like she was nothing more than a rag doll, thanking the gods for her extra strength. Using her foot to kick the woman’s legs open before thrusting a finger into her sopping sex and instantly falling into a fast pace of deep strokes, “such a needy puppy, you just needed a good fucking hmm?” To say the raven haired woman didn’t struggle would be a lie but it turns out a good four orgasms can make someone incredibly plaint. “No more fuck mommy god fucking hell!” She borderline squealed as her fifth orgasm washed over her In brutal waves. Her core now insanely sensitive, red puffy and leaking all over the floor. She barely noticed Larissa grabbing a marker off her desk and scribbling “mommys mutt” in her fancy penmanship.
After ensuring Leonora was cared for adequately, water and helped to redress was all she could help with until Lesso snapped at her and told her to fuck off. “Think about it puppy, because me and y/n are In agreement, you could have all this and more” Larissa murmured before leaving to find you just finishing up your last dance of the night.
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todomemolesta18 · 11 months
Helluva boss positivity (?)
Well, so, because there are some helluva boss fans that think we, who rightfully critizes this show, are just "hating because yes" and stuff, Im gonna comment stuff that I do like of Helluva boss, to show that, is not that we hate... is just that there is a lot to critize.
So, lets go.
The voice actors do an excellent job. The animation usually is really smooth and colourful.
There are some jokes I found funny and that dont rely on swearing or sex. Some examples:
"Im not gonna call any names... Moxxie". *raise eyebrow*
"Why dont you take an art class?" "Why dont you see how EXPENSIVE they are?!" *my favourite dialogue between this two, their dynamic should have been more like this*
"Or what?" "Or... I call HR". *cut to laughing*
I like the design of Verosika and her VA
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If we ignore that she sexually assaulted Moxxie, she can be likeable. If we ignore it, thats it...
Moxxie is best boy and he deserves more respect, and better writting
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Like, okay, Im not excusing all the murder and stuff, BUT, that doesnt mean I cant like him, and that of all the main cast, he is one of the most likeable and even simpatetic.
And yeah, ep 5 of season 2 isnt the best Moxxie ep... but thats not his faulth. I still love you Moxxie :)
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Also... I love his relationship with Millie, they are really cute
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Even tough Millie doesnt have a lot of development... Nono, we are being positive right know.
They are really good songs like "You will be okay" and "House of Asmodeus".
... Actually, they are the best songs. The rest are okay, I guess. I dont dislike them. Verosikaˋs one isnt bad.
Octavia is really likeable and realistic, and Im sure a lot of people like her in real life can identify with her and her problems.
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You deserve better too, girl.
The first season is not as bad as season 2 because it was more focused on the comedy. Tough there still some problems...
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus have a really cute and healthy relationship and I love that for them. And Fizz is great.
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*thats my face everytime Stolitz is on screen, sorry not sorry*
Aaaaand *come on, come on* Uh, okay, I have to admit, there isnt more.
Because some other stuff I did like was before season 2. For example, I used to love ep 6 because of the allucination scene, and the depht it gave to Blitzo and Moxxie, and ep 7 because of the drama.
Or my man Striker. *sigh* Im gonna stop now... I tried my best.
Oh, one more thing!
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Sorry I had too.
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dashimba · 3 months
Bridgerton season 3
All right, I loved the season so far, but that's my take, what could be improved with storyline (there were lots of bad writting choices as well as good one, but I want to outline my thoughts). So, I'll try to sum up, what could be written or added, that could make narration style more elegant and truthful to the viewers. Free to disagree. Sorry for the mistakes in advance. English is not my first language.
Colin's character arc. A lot of the things we got was told through the dialogue or was subtle, but not in between. I had a feeling that they haven't developed him enough to really show his inner conflict. Sometimes he was a side-character in his own show(part 2 did him bad), while the thing he should be the main one, because it shows his dynamic with Penelope/Lady Whistledown and key to understand their dynamic as a couple and his character arc. Other leading male characters had that physiological touch/depth to their character, while Colin somehow didn't. What we needed: flashback to his travels and small plot about loosing himself there or maybe gaining false confidence(could be done with him alone reading the lines of his letters), study of the middle-child complex(scenes with small Colin and Antony, who was the father figure for him, or brother dynamics with parents that could outline his people pleaser arc), more journaling, including the scene we got, but also about his writting challangies, more details about his likes and dislikes as a writer(favourite authors, could be the scene with Benny, because writting and art is quiet close). Maybe, not him tellling of his jealousy, but again creating scene that show views that he feels inferior. All other thing they did alright, I guess.
Penelope's character arc. I guess I kinda like a lot of things, but I didn't like the ending with the message of 'woman couldn't have dreams, but their husbands could'. It doesn't matter for me was 'child; in the ending or not, but they should have given her character career arc plus. It might have been just a hint of her, talking about wrtitting a book or developing her gossip column into somethins more serious, like critique. Not her mentioning JUST editing Colin's book with a happy smile on her face, watching a newborn. That was the worst writting decision, because it proves Portia words. The whole point of Lady Whistledown was hiding under the mask and trying to gain control and power through her her, because Penelope was too afraid to bloom. In fact that power was within her, and although they did the choice of her uncovering face and name in the end, it didn't end well in her arc. It could have done way better, considering the point they made in the begining. I would also love to see more of her experience sexual awakening after episode five as a slow process of gaining that condifence and gaining control in bedroom(that will be my 3 bullet point about them together) by proceeding it through imagining, talking with friends or dreaming. Besides, I'd like to add that tv show would have benefited from scenes, where she's not only writting, but also looking at the mirror, kinda trying to see, what she really is every now and then(we had one of that scene in green dress). Could be in her bedroom before mirror scene, but after carriage one. It would have made sense, how perception of her body changed, and the mirror scene would have hit stronger. Could be done during her struggles of Whistledown reveal too.
Now let's focus on main couple, and what could have gone better, if writers didn't try to fit 10 storylines in 8 series and literally tried to write their leads attentively and thoughtfully. Polin. First and foremost, that talk about how they met (again bad creative decision, story should show, not hit right between your eyes) MUST have been a flashback. I don't take no as an aswer. It was the only part lacking through their development from season one. This one flshback could have fixed lots of things. + I think audience need a bit more warm-up with just the two of them in the first part of the show(more charming lessons, at least one more befoe the kiss, where Colin starts to get confused about his feelings, and it would have worked perfectly with all the other things). + him really going through the process of figuring out that she is Lady Whistledown. I feel like Luke played subtle emotions perfectly, but we didn't get build up of him, slowly noticing things from his POV(there were chances in the show and lines in the dialogues, ink scene, where they could have hinted on Colin's expression, even in the 1 part, that he could have found some of the Pen's action suspicious, but didn't question it or didn't want to believe in it because of the feelings, until finally he would have followed her to the dark streets of the town). Next thing, they should have shown the process of following her to raise the suspense, him hoping that was another person, her being in shadows in her cloackm, and that at the same time this build-up would have made Luck's acting incredible fulfilling and impactive) + after the reveal it's out of his character to leave her alone, and I guess writers lost themselves elsewhere + more dialogues with them not talking about their relationship, but art and craft of writting(again they share many common interests, why didn't they show us that before the fight and after they made up) + more dialogues with them being cute and teasy as in church and after the sex+ prolonging scene, where he reads her letters, but not just showing the letter, but hearing her voice in his ears + longing should have had more scenes and more touching and being hot and cold, not only him sleeping on the couch(this just one creative indea, but it's not enough, but by talking also), going back and forth after the fight, just the night encounter next to modiste and blue gown(in this particular one they didn't embodied the tension, my idea that although Colin wouldn't like the intimacy, when he is angry, but the stare wan't enough, he should have come, touched her and then made himself stop with a line or without it), these scenes were not enough to show their struggle there + longer scene of them making up after the ball and chage of sexual dynamic, because this is important to her character arc and him accepting her. This scene should have been the third long steamy scene, not 20 seconds with the attention to the details and how they do through trust and communicating with each other, it could have been wrtitten beautifully and releasing the tension of conflict between them by swapping roles, and Colin by that finding out he loves it, while Pen finally taking control as she wanted and as her real character is after revealing her indenty + having him coming to his senses before her speech and him holding her hand instead of her mother + the love confession which is not about just drama, but also bout them as friends and their dynamics
I am not sure I need to write the second part, about other nuanciens aspects and acrs, but this what I would have done if I had a chance to be in the writting room with them
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reduxulousoctopus · 5 months
Okay, have just finished Courage and now I feel like I gotta write my review of "the Morpherine episode" lol
Before we get into it, I have to say I'm a bit disappointed by the Sentinel plot after what happened during the finale of season one.
To recap, it turns out that the Sentinels are abducting world leaders because their programming told them to defend humans from mutants, but because "mutants ARE humans," Mastermold interpreted that to means their mission is actually to defend humans from themselves by taking control of the world. Brilliant way to resolve that arc, and a clever subversion of both the human bigotry that created them AND Xavier's/the X-Men's mission to promote equality between humans and mutants (because the Sentinels are still their enemies even while technically agreeing with them).
So having the Sentinels, especially Mastermold, just be generic mutant-hunting robots again is a let-down, especially without any explanation. They could have kept the Sentinels as the villains for this episode without ignoring all that, y'know? Ah, well. More superficially, they also changed the voice of the Sentinels for some reason? They just sound like guys now, it's weird.
Alright, that's enough of the actually respectable media analysis, let's get into what we're really here for:
While I didn't notice any bombshell lines like "Or maybe it's love you're missing?" in this episode, there were plenty of cute moments. For the most part, nothing they do really steps outside the bounds of best-friendship. For example, Logan is the only one who hugs Morph to welcome them back, but that's not particularly suggestive of anything besides a confirmation that the two of them are closer to each other than they are to the other X-Men.
That said, as soon as Wolverine and Morph are alone, there's a moment where they're both watching some drone footage of the factory they're going to investigate--or, at least, they're supposed to be watching the footage. Instead, the two of them keep staring at each other, then quickly glancing back at the screen as soon as they notice the other one looking. It's like they both know they should be focused on the mission, but all they can think about is each other and the fact that they're finally back together after so much time apart. Or they understand each other so well and have that kind of chemistry where they can have an entire silent conversation just by looking at each other.
There's also some dialogue during their mission together which could be interpreted as slightly flirtatious:
Wolverine: "Still haven't lost your touch, I see." Morph: "Just like riding a bicycle."//"Looks like you haven't lost your touch, either. [laughter]"
It's wild that Wolverine--the jackass who once loudly demanded "Yeah, who? No deserters in this crowd!" after Cyclops tried to subtly explain that some mutants (Rogue) might want to be "cured" (Rogue) and live a normal life (Rogue) because their powers cause them so much pain and isolation (Rogue Rogue he's talking about Rogue she's literally sitting right next to you, catch a fucking hint!), and made fun of Gambit for reacting with alarm at the sight of a (deactivated) Sentinel--is so openly concerned for Morph's emotional well-being after realizing that Sentinels are involved. Like at one point Cyclops even has to step in like "the Professor's just been abducted by giant robots can you shut the fuck up about Morph's feelings for one second???"
We get yet another scene of Logan reacting to Morph's scent, this time as a direct parallel to the one in 'Till Death Do Us Part when he first realizes that Morph's still alive. There's something so weirdly intimate about Logan being able to identity people by scent, considering how closely smells are tied to memories and emotions. Add the fact that Morph's shapeshifting powers can change everything except their scent, so that means Logan can always recognize them no matter what they look or sound like-- it's so good. And the writers must have agreed, because they put in more scenes of Logan tracking or recognizing Morph by their scent than anyone else (at least at this point in the series, we'll see if anyone catches up).
When Morph does their usual shtick, Logan's right there grinning from ear to ear like a doofus. Sir calm down, you're one step away from giggling and twirling your hair around your finger. This is kicking your feet in bed writing "Mx. Morph Howlett" in your dairy type behavior, stoooooop.
Wolverine calls Morph "kid" a couple times this episode, the flip-side of Morph calling him "old man" in Whatever It Takes. Morph also calls him "big guy," which is cute.
Speaking of names, I think this is the first episode where Morph calls him Logan instead of Wolverine. While crying, too, which-- how dare you?? Like yeah, a moment of intense emotion is exactly the correct time to have one character switch to using a more personal name for another character, but also it hurts my feelings so stop it. Look at Wolverine's face, show-writers, you made him sad too.
Morph's very pretty brown eyes get a lot of focus and close-ups in this episode. I wonder if Logan misses seeing them more often now that Morph's going for the inhuman blank-eyed look in '97.
Not relevant, but I have to mention how much I love Wolverine's line-read of "keep your shirt on, puh-rettay boyuh." lol I don't think that's a Canadian accent Mr. Dodd but I do appreciate it thanks. Bringing it back on topic though, at the end, the heartbroken delivery of "Morph, wait!" when Morph takes off to go back to Muir Island is so freaking sad. His voice even breaks a little on the word "wait". He tried so hard to bring Morph home was so happy to finally have them back only to to lose them again and I
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So anyway. Yeah. The hype is real. I was disappointed by the Sentinel plot, but that isn't really the focus of the episode. Despite my complaints, the time they could have spent explaining why the Sentinels are back to hunting mutants would have cut down on the exploration of Morph's character, their terribly-timed attempt to return to active duty, and their relationship with Wolverine.
And although nothing explicitly "shippy" happened between them in this episode, Whatever It Takes already established (in my opinion) that there was something not-platonic going on between them before Morph's supposed death (whether they were in a romantic relationship, friends with benefits who caught feelings, had a mutual attraction they never acted on, etc).
With that context, I think their interactions in this episode could be seen as an example of what they're like as a couple. We get to see their dynamic, how they banter, what names they call each other, an example of something that they argue about (Morph feels like they're being babied by Logan's over-protectiveness), an indication of how sentimental/outwardly affectionate they are (Morph mockingly asks if Wolverine's "going to get all mushy on me" and Wolverine answers "I don't get mushy"-- you know, like a liar), and so on.
I'll probably have more to say about this episode later but I've literally been up all night and need to go to bed before I pass out at my desk lol
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batrachised · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by @librarylexicon, thank you thank you!
I chose to focus on the star wars side of things for this game because I thiiiink I've answered it before with more of my LMM stuff??
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
41 in total on my star wars account, 7 on my other ao3 account!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
532,349 on star wars, 72,041 on other! honestly I'm kind of surprised because I'm someone who struggles with meeting her word count goal most of the time, i've almost never had the problem of fics ballooning
3. What fandoms do you write for?
star wars, lmm, and bridgerton, although with bridgerton it was a brief foray that I doubt will continue
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
star wars wise:
a rose by any other name
And if Our Paths Should Cross Again
And if Our Paths Should Cross Again part 2
the quiet lies we tell ourselves
yesterdays and tomorrows
other than that it's all my bridgerton fic because I was writing and posting in anticipation of the new season so it was bit like drinking from a fire hose in terms of the response!
5. Do you respond to comments?
i used to be really good at this, and now I am TERRIBLE at it. suffice to say I do read all comments and very much appreciate them!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
HEHEHEHE it was The Horrendous Space Kablooie (de-aged Vader goes on a calvin and hobbes adventure through the executor as ghost obi-wan fretfully comments), second remember me. I love getting comments on those fics because people are always like HOW COULD YOU once they get to the end.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhh, probably a surprise of roses?? jane of lantern hill meets star wars so it has the coziness one for sure
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope, occasionally I'll get a weird comment or very rarely a nasty one, but it's never been a problem writ large. i tend to find them more funny than anything else. i did once get a hate anon on my long defunct star wars blog and that irritated me to no end (mostly because I was like FACE ME LIKE A WOMAN)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope, never have never will because I'm very uncomfortable with it lol. I did once write a long romance fic and swore never to do it again (even as I then proceeded to write bridgerton fic) because the comments made me so uncomfortable. it was very pg rated, but the comments were not sklsj. anyway, it is now safely tucked away under the anonymous tag and will remain there!
10. Do you write crossovers?
no, they rarely interest me - i have mentioned I liked reading merlin/harry potter crossovers but that's about my level of interest
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I've had fics copied to other sites without permission but never to my knowledge straight up stolen
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yup, a couple I think!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, i'm a loner when it comes to writing. I think it would be fun to co-author a fic one day but right now I don't have a lot of creative energy for writing in general so it's a future, not a present, goal
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i don't really have one tbh, sometimes I'll get super invested in one for a bit but then my interest always fades. right now nothing is coming to mind
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
any of my bridgerton fic, except I don't really want to finish it lolll, season 3 killed my interest so effectively I don't really care about it at all anymore
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have the ability to be very silly, which isn't necessarily always a strength but it is something I'm good at
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't really do it, sometimes I'll throw in a fake sounding star wars word (or been like "the droid went beep beep") but I don't have enough knowledge of other languages to do this well
19. First fandom you wrote for?
star wars!
20. Favourite fic you've written?
HMMMM. It's usually the most recent. I think my best fic is probably A Ticklish Business or Two Suns Burning, while one of my favorite fics is Meadow Lily, Desert rose
tagging @dandelionsandderivatives @shannyh25 @mollywog @capablecapybara
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duckprintspress · 8 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributor S. J. Ralston
We’re entering the final week of the Kickstarter campaign for Aether Beyond the Binary, an anthology of 17 aetherpunk stories starring characters outside the gender binary, and we’re still going strong! As I write this, we’re $3,700 shy of our goal – an amount we definitely can raise, but the more help we get spreading the words about this project, the more people will know it exists, and truly that’s the single biggest barrier to hitting our goals: effectively spread the words. So, if you believe in this project, whether you’re a backer or not, we’d really appreciate you taking a moment to share/reblog/retoot/reskeet our posts about it!
Thanks for all your support! Now, let’s introduce another of our contributing authors…
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About S. J.: S. J. grew up in a distinctly weird, distinctly southern hometown, then hied out West for grad school before landing in Texas, where they currently work as a planetary scientist. They’ve been writing original works and fanfiction since they could hold a pencil semi-correctly, and continue to write both whenever possible (as well as still holding a pencil only semi-correctly). In their clearly copious spare time, S. J. enjoys hiking, tabletop RPGs, jigsaw puzzles, and enthusiastically crappy sci-fi.
Link: Personal Website | Tumblr
This is S. J.’s first time writing with Duck Prints Press. You can read another example of their writing by visiting their website to check out Anglerfish, a horror sci-fi story. 
An Interview with S. J. Ralston
How did you pick the name you create under?
It’s a line from the opening of the Aeneid that’s stuck with me ever since AP Latin in high school: “On account of the mindful wrath of cruel Juno.” It’s a synchesis, where the adjectives have been swapped from where you expect them to be; it’s Juno who is mindful and her wrath that is cruel, but rearranging them in such a way elegantly implies the relentless, vindictive onslaught that is to follow.
What do you consider to be your strengths as a creator?
Dialogue and dread.
What do the phrases “writer’s block” or “art block” mean to you?
The state of wanting to create but not having the intellectual raw materials to do it.
Are you a pantser, a planner, or a planster? What’s your process look like?
I would consider myself a plantser. Typically I start with an IDEA, writ large, center of the page. Then some key scenes will populate around it–dramatic moments, fun bits of dialogue, cool setpieces. At that point I get out my corkboard and red string and start trying to piece everything together, and if I’m lucky, the shape of the story will reveal itself to me. Sometimes it’s the classic parabola of rising and falling action, other times it’s been a ring, a tri-fold posterboard, a descending spiral, or a series of concentric circles. Then I fill in until the structure is complete and hope like hell that I can stick the landing.
What are your favorite tropes?
Found Family, Robots With Feelings, Enemies To Lovers, Destructive Romance, Kirk Summation/The Man In The Room
What are your favorite character archetypes?
Brooding Loner Secretly Just Lonely, Lying For Fun And Profit, Badass With An Obvious Dump Stat, Too Old For This Shit, Taciturn But Bizarre, Himbo
Do you like having background noise when you create? What do you listen to? Does it vary depending on the project, and if so, how?
I make a playlist for almost everything I write that’s longer than a few thousand words. Sometimes it’s for listening to while I’m creating (in that case, it has to be primarily instrumentals or I’ll get distracted), and sometimes it’s just for daydreaming to (in which case, the vibes must be correct, so I can construct AMV’s in my head).
Share five of your favorite books. (You can include why, if you want!)
Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett – Eerie, funny, and poignant in equal measure; a police procedural done right.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke – Lush with joy, curiosity, and love, yet still remarkably dark, with an ending that will nestle in your brain forever.
Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer – Fourth in the series and the absolute pinnacle thereof. A master-class in shit hitting the fan. 
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu – Everyone, down to the most momentary background character, behaves more like *people* than any I’ve ever read before and it’s *disastrous* and I *love* it.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson – The classic of classics. The horror of horrors. The transgenderism of it all.
What are your goals as a creator? 
(1) To write something that’s better on the second read-through than it was on the first, and (2) To write something that stays with the reader.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
When you finish a first draft and you *know* you’ve got something really good, put it down. For a month, six months, a year; until the glow fades, or you’ve fallen in love with whatever you’re writing next. Then come back and re-read that first draft. Take extensive notes, diagram the plot, profile the characters. Notice the holes, redundancies, missed opportunities, and inconsistencies. Then open up a blank document and *start over.*
S. J.’s Contribution to Aether Beyond the Binary
Title: Razzmatazz
Tags: bipoc, body horror, butch, character injury (non-graphic descriptions), classism, dehumanization, eye horror, horror, humans are the villains, mechanic, minor character death, misogyny, murder (accidental), non-binary, non-human character, past tense, sentient construct (magical), third person limited pov
The thing was damn near unrecognizable, not just as Marilyn Monroe, but as human. People had tweaked the proportions through the years—amateur artists who couldn’t put down the paintbrush. That kind of thing was bad enough on paper, but seeing it in person made Skipper’s butthole clench.
The dress and the curls were Monroe. The rest was something else.
“Shit my ass off,” Skipper said under his breath.
“Yeah,” said Charlie.
“This gets up and walks around?”
“She does.”
“Shit my ass off.”
Maybe it was a trick of the light, a too-heavy head on a too-thin neck, but the Monroe wasn’t staring across the aisle like the others. It seemed to be looking down at Skipper. It put out waves of dare-you-to-start-some-shit energy.
“Is it because they messed with the proportions?”
“Huh?” said Skipper, pulling out of the Monroe’s tractor beam.
“The reason she moves around so much. Could it be because of…” Charlie gestured to its whole body.
“Hell, maybe,” said Skipper.
The Monroe loomed like a landslide, just waiting for the rain. Skipper had a hammer on his belt. He felt like the Monroe was staring at it. If he broke the case, what then? 
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feralkwe · 28 days
"are you going to kill me?" for the dialogue prompt. hjfjdfjhkdfg
hahahaha okay. this is sooooo fun. this isn't making me want to gnaw my arm off at all. it's fine. everything's fine. ilu for this. truly.
this is going under a cut because while it's not explicit, and i don't usually get nsfw with prompt fills, this one is. enjoy! wee!
Over twelve thousand years. In the fore of his mind, where some solidity yet existed and his thoughts were yet his own, Elidibus knew this was impossible. Even given the comparatively long life of her people, it was dozens of her lifetimes. It was simply not logical nor feasible that it had, in fact, been her who had once passed through his life.
Yet in his heart he could scarcely deny it. Her eyes, her smile, her voice. The way he’d seen her hold herself in battle. Somewhere in the gaps of his memories she existed and, try though he might to rid himself of the torment of such thoughts of her, there she remained.
And when he sank himself into her? When, despite the way she was an incorrect creature, malformed and reflective of everything wrong with the pathetic existence of such beings, and a constant reminder of what was taken from them by Her, she felt perfect and right wrapped around him? All that impossibility and uncertainty fell away. It was her. Of that much he was certain, no matter how he railed against it. She was the phantom shrouded by the anguish of those trapped souls and fragments of memories in his mind which were not his own. Even through this frail and stolen vessel she felt more than familiar; she was exact.  So few things remained quite so clear to him, and despite the fact that it enraged and disgusted him to even consider it, she was one of them.
How the Warrior of Darkness could call him to her made little sense. That some part of him also called to her, actually answered her call, made less. Yet, here they were, again and again and again, her fingers digging into the muscles of this back and him unwilling to tear his eyes away from the rapture writ across her face. Somewhere in the motions and feelings and way she panted pleas beneath him were answers. The sutures which would pull together that which had been ripped asunder in his mind. She gasped his name and sucked at his lips. She did nothing to stop him leaving marks across skin which matched the smell he couldn’t shake. She took him for her own and gave herself to him in kind. Finally, finally after so many millennia, the one thing he ever wanted for himself was within his reach.
A cruel, bitter fate handed to him. The Warrior of Light, the Warrior of Darkness, she who had slain his brethren and destroyed their best plans, was the one to whom he’d given his heart in a time he could not recall. Now she was marked by Her blessing. It was not enough that Hydaelyn destroyed all he and hundreds of thousands of others had given themselves to save, robbed them of any chance to restore it. This, too, She stole from him. Claimed her as her own, ensuring that in order to carry out his duty, in order to keep his oath to the very star itself, in order to honor those who still writhed and cried out for deliverance inside his Sundered lord, their agony reshattering his mind daily, she had to die. The one thing he ever asked for himself She herself ensured he could never have. Ensured he would have to destroy her himself.
It enraged him. He ducked his head, catching the warrior’s mouth and biting her lip until he tasted a tang he could commit to memory.
Elidibus came to a rest, her legs still locked around him and their bodies still joined. She looked up at him, beautiful in a way that at once rent his heart and lit him with incandescent anger. He held her wide, dark gaze as long as he could stand it. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt, just one time, to come to her as himself. To look upon her with his own eyes and see her for himself when she was like this. To at least have that as he ushered in the restoration of the world.
No. No. He turned his head to the side and grit his teeth. Perhaps now was the time. He could wrap his hands around her throat and do the task quickly while she was all but helpless.
Her chest rose and fell beneath him. She lifted a hand, brushing slim, callused fingers into his damp hair. She cupped his head enough to tilt him back to facing her, her expression somehow tender and wary at once. As if she could read his thoughts. She clutched his free hand to her chest, almost in invitation.
“Are you going to kill me?” There was no fear in it. Whatever his answer, she faced it boldly.
He hated how he loved that about her.
“Yes,” he snapped. “I have said as much already, have I not?”
He pulled himself free of her, rolling away and out of the bed before she could reach for him. Before she could tempt him back into it and further weaken his resolve to leave. Further distract him from what was inevitable. Further take away the certainty that was his duty, which had, until now, been so clear.
She propped up on elbows, following him with her eyes. He couldn’t look at her, at once disgusted with what they’d done and desperate to remain in her arms so they might indulge in it once more. Still, he could feel her watching him as he hurried to dress this stolen body so he could depart. For good this time.
He paused, hands stilling over the belt. “Not today.”
“Next time, then.” A challenge. Foolish, yet he expected no less. Look at where they were, utter fools putting off what was certain.
He glared at her over his shoulder. “Mayhap.” He ground his teeth, realizing his mistake, but unwilling to take it back. He wasted no more time, and snatched up the rest of his things, the rift already churning before him. “Worry not, Warrior of Darkness. Our time is nigh.” He stopped and clenched his eyes where she could not see his despair. “I will not suffer us to endure this much longer.”
He couldn’t afford to.
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i’m sorry if this is annoying but i would really love to hear your thoughts or interpretations of all the namor and shuri scenes in the movies! if it’s not too much
Stop!! I love you ask for my thoughts in the first place 🥹
I wanted to answer this after I watched the movie again and let me tell you I LOVE THEM 😭😭
I'm scared Marvel may not give it to us or move away from it, but pls pls pls pls pls I want them to be together
I'll try to work through each scene they share together and add my thoughts to it. Here we go, I've put together all their scenes together below
*flexes fingers*
Namor meets Shuri by the bush and looks intrigued. Ramonda states that she found this place in her journey of letting go. She spent time by the water, so he kept tabs on Wakanda after Tchalla let's the world in on their secret. But I don't think he expected Shuri to be there. Then he thinks she just another princess because most of his dialogue is with Ramonda. She's being hostile and he's threatening her. But even in that exchange the only time he smirks is she Shuri points out his vibranium outfit. And from them on, his gaze switches between both of them. Knowing Tenoche uses his eyes a lot to convey emotion and add to the character. Namor is definitely curious about Shuri just as she is curious about him.
Now the next time they meet is in his cave. Where the people have been instructed to give her the royal treatment. All the Talokans are welcoming, even Namora herself, once Shuri accepts the garments she's excited to lead the way and for the only scene in the film, smiles. The first dress piece looks like a long tunic, it makes her look like a Talokan princess. I love the way that shot is set, right before she's about to meet him, she's nervous and so are we. But the moment she steps in the colour and setting are all in warm tones. It's welcoming, soft and safe. Shuri eases. Namor greets her, he looks nervous himself in a way. He tells to feel at ease and move about his space, which I feel only Namora was the only other person who has access to it. But other than that it's his room. He's writting letters or reports on his work desk. On it are two things that capture our attention, his message shell and his mother's bracelet. Which are his personal things compared to the other artefacts that are from his culture. He's painted most of the walls himself, he's an art collector, we see him inside his home.
He looks impressed when Shuri notes the date of the artefacts, where they've come from and deducing that his mother is human. Those were the bits he was supposed to tell her. He doesn't put anything as off limits in that scene, she says the bracelet is beautiful, he just hands it to her. He's narrating the story and she stops him to ask why he's sharing all of this and he states it's to get her to see why it's imperitive that the scientist needs to die, what he's got to save instead. I guess in all of that somewhere, Shuri is moved by the love he has for his people. She's genuinely trying to figure a way to fix it. She's coming with solutions, we'll keep the scientist in Wakanda, we'll give you protection, she gives him her word. But he shakes his head with a huff almost like it's a perfect deal except he's not willing to take a risk again. Shuri then says that he can keep her instead, in place of Riri and he's run out of things to say. As much as the other's trying to play a game, they both connect extremely well. It like two halves finding eachother, their conversation, arguments, adoration all flows so seamlessly.
She tells him she'll stay and see the kingdom. Which again is something I don't think he expected. So his immediate response is to say, hypothermia will attack you, your bones will be crushed, your blood will become toxic. He says it in such a way, I interpret it as the 'anti hero admiration', he spouts all this, Shuri looks at her dress, her collar bones peaking through, he says your bones will be crushed and looks at her body, both of them have been checking eachother out throughout the movie. He's saying the truth but it's also like he's saying you'll get hurt if you go out like that or I can't have you be hurt don't worry, I have a suit!
Many had pointed out saying, he's had all this planned because he's reusing the suit the scientists had worn before. But I think it's more to do with the idea of not leaving evidence behind. They can't have two scientists floating around with spear marks through them. So all the others had drowned and the ship snuck into the ocean. He would probably bring back things from the surface world to study them, he had the machine with him for a while before he dumped it in Wakanda.
So he's taking her, tells her to stay close and leads her to the portal to Talokan. Shuri's looking at everything that's happening, the ocean depths, the portal current, his vibranium key, the people, the city and everything, her focus is on what's happening around her. But he's always looking at her. Showing off his people, sneaking glances to see her reaction. Does she like it or not? He swims slowly, journeying along with her, making sure she's safe. Like you cannot tell me he didn't care, the man's not looking at anything else. Shuri watches the vibranium sun(which he built, showing her he's an innovator too 😩) rise from the building, BUT HE'S LOOKING AT HER before he turns away.
The second outfit she gets is much like the ones she wore at home, like shirts and pants. The proximity at which they're seated next to eachother in a WHOLE CAVE??? Like he's sitting so close I would believe they could nudge their knees together or bump elbows. He offers her his mother's bracelet out of sheer gratitude, I'm unable to see it as a manipulation tactic. He's a hoarder, loves his mom, loves his people, admires art, does good to his under water empire that he's single handedly leading. Someone mentioned he was a sociopath, but sociopaths don't have any regard for anyone else. So he doesn't fit there, that's not him. I believe that's he doing it because, Shuri says that she's admired what he's built and all that. I think he's moved by her words too.
But then there's an argument or misunderstanding, she tells him once again she won't stand for it if Riri is killed and nods his head in acceptance. Like he's reasoning with her, showing her everything he's got to lose. She's also talking to him about her grief, that's where the scene begins between them. Were joining them mid conversation, and he's listening to her. Comforting her. There's genuine appreciation between them. She's asking how she can let go or why things were unfair. He tells her that people die and there nothing we can do about it. That he doesn't have an answer to her questions, all if which are all valid. He says the most broken people become great leaders, not in a villain sense but listening to her grief. That the pain in her life will turn out to be good. That she young and he too has faced a lot of loss, but it's how he's looking at her. He feels her pain. HES A BLODDY EMPATH YOU CAN'T TELL ME ANY DIFFERENT. He values empathy the most.
She goes back to state she won't stand for it, killing Riri and he pauses. Now he's sharing his secret with her, his pain that needs to be healed. His fear that he is going to bury all his people like he did his mother over a couple resources. He wants to know if she's an ally or enemy to which she says it's madness and hes spitting out facts saying no one country would have spared Wakanda if it had the chance. That once the threat has been eliminated, he'll return the scientist. He says it in a manner I interpret it as he was never going to do so in the first place. But she objects to it, which is like rejecting him and his idea, his emotions flicker, but when he says the scientist will be killed and Wakanda will face war it's almost like that threat is fake and he's pleading with her. He does the KATE SHARMA EYEBROW CRUNCH. He wants her to listen to him, that Wakanda will not win in dire circumstances and then pleads BABY BURN THE WORLD WITH ME.
War happens and Shuri is now conflicted. She says it's beautiful but they're dangerous people, so when she shows up in her sun bird to fire on him, it's almost like he's a reluctant fighter with her. He's like fine, I'll do this, but stay away. He jumps away on the bridge, he does not want to fight her, but after coming to a point where she isn't giving up, he lands on the hull and damages the engine, like pushing her aside. I also find it fascinating that he's just slicing up the wings of the planes when he could have sliced through the pilot?? Especially the Dora milaje, he could have eliminated all of them at a go, they can definitely survive a plane crash.
Now from here, it's purely my interpretation and how it could have happened knowing these characters and their motivations. He bombs and floods the throne room and then it cuts to the scene of Shuri coming there and him turning to see them as he hovers above. We see Ramonda try to pull Riri to the surface but when Shuri comes there, the queen is in the water while Riri's out and far away. Ramonda could not have done that. Before Namor throws the bombs he sees Riri behind the queen. There is a lot of mother sentiment in that scene. Before it Riri asks to speak to her mother which touches Ramonda, so as Namor comes he watches the queen be protective of this girl, the very girl Shuri was fighting for and instead of plunging his spear into Ramonda he falls back smirking at Riri's presence and throws the water bombs.
I imagine that scene as Ramonda coming up for air but she breathed in a lot of water already, so she holds riri up and reminded of his own mother he helps Riri and places her on the floor but its to late to save the Queen? I don't know but it fit well knowing his love for his mother. Cause without an explanation, that scene falls flat or out of the blue, when we just spent such a long time trying to understand him. Cause when Shuri meets Killmonger, he's degrading her family but he says some important stuff. Her father was a hypocrite, true. He brother was too noble, true. Then instead of saying her mother's death or murder, he says it was her sacrifice, which again adds a whole different meaning to that scene and like we're missing a scene in between. He tells them off and moves on because if you've lived as long as he has, people die.
Shuri chants for wakanda, he still doesn't know she's the black panther. He looks up at her almost like he's tired of fighting her, tired of trying to prove his point that Wakanda will not win against Talokan. All this is happening and he faces off against Riri. He absolutely has a chance to kill her there but still doesn't. Just breaks her back boosters, pushing her away to get out the way. He looks like a deer trying to escape for the first time. He gets captured and Shuri jumps on board. It's only them and after everything he smiles while saying princess. Like hey it's you, you know me hahaha but she's raining fire. She corrects him, that she's the black panther and he's losing control. So his survival instinct kicks in and they fight.
Their fight was angsty, like all this happens and he stabs her. He falls back and for a second there's sadness on his face as he says things could have been different. He believes it, I believe it but what he doesn't expect is for her to come back. PLS THEY'RE SOULMATES. He pulls up his fist, she burns his back and gets everything she wants. He's looking at her almost like he's a second away from crying, that this death will be honourable in her hands cause she bested him, that's what I get from seeing those scenes. But Shuri thinks of past moments and the moment that she remembers of him is the same as when he tells her the origin of his name, that he is without love. THATS THE MEMORY SHE HOLDS OF HIM, THE ONE THATS IMPACTED HER 😭😭
She asks him to yield and he remembers his mother, so he does too. Them flying on each side together as one??? Omg chills. They are the power couple, they are the moment. He leaves that set absolutely changed, he's a man in love. He's taking about her non stop in the two seconds we get. Painting a picture of her, telling his cousin not to worry that she'll comeback to him. Um Fishboy accept your feelings.
Anyway, that is my summary on their interaction and I'm crying cause I don't know when we'll get them next 😭
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joaneunknown · 2 years
Reading, why is it so important for writers?
"Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out." - Pam Allyn
I would like to start by saying that reading is not only important for writers but for any person in this world. Reading is more than sentences laid on nice smelling pages. Reading gives you the freedom to walk thru different worlds. Or, if we are talking about non-fiction, it could easily insert new information into your brain without you even realizing it. In this post, however, I will be focusing on reading fiction and the reasons why reading is so important for writers and their writing.
1. Reading walks you through new worlds
Books are the doors to new worlds and reading is walking inside of those worlds. By walking and switching realities with other fantastic worlds it automatically helps the creative side of your brain (the right side) develop and with its development, the creativity and imagination raises, and new ideas are born. Although not all ideas are transformed into books, they could also be used for shorter projects which is still a great way to exercise your writing.
2. Reading let's you see how you could improve your writing
Personally, I love analyzing other writers' style of writing. You shouldn't try to write like someone else. Instead, I think it is way better to combine the things you like in other writers' writing and incorporate it in yours. Maybe you liked how they set the scene and that could potentially help you set yours using your own dynamic and ideas without even mentioning the vocabulary or the descriptive sequences from which you could inspire from. Maybe you want to make your introduction more interesting, then you should read more and more books, taking a little from each books' introductions and forming your own introduction.
3. Reading helps you find your books' genre
As a writer, I enjoy both writing and reading thriller/suspense and crime. Of course, I don't only read what I write about but if you like reading books in certain categories maybe you will also find a matching writing genre for your book. Now, books shouldn't fit under a label and each book, from my point of view, has a main category and two or three secondary ones. For example, thriller goes hand in hand with suspense and crime. When you are reading thriller, you are surrounded by suspense and thrill. Write the books or stories that you enjoy both writing and reading. Entertain not only the readers but yourself.
4. Reading makes you understand what your readers may like or dislike
You should look at the books you are reading not only from the reader's point of view but also from the writer's point of view. What would you change? What would you add? Do I like the dynamic of the action? Take the things you like from other writers' books and put them in yours, adding it to your own writing, and then learn from what you didn't like from other books. I absolutely hate when dialogues are flat, almost awkward and cringey, and that became my all-time writing fear because I don't want my characters to sound like robots. I need my characters to be as natural and humanly as possible. And, I don't mean to say that your writing should be perfect because no kind of art is perfect in the first place. However, you should learn not only from your mistakes but from others' mistakes because that is what evolving means after all.
5. Reading motivates you to write
Reading an amazing, well-written book could motivate you to start or continue writing your own book or story. Even if it may sound harsh, your idea means nothing if you don't put it on paper, so you better read to motivate and inspire you in order to get that idea out and mold it how you please.
In conclusion, you should go and read something right now. Something you like or something that you may have not had enough time to start reading. Read whenever and wherever you can. Get inspiration, develop new ideas from other books and don't be afraid to get inspired by other writers' writing. Every writer writes differently, and all writers should learn from other writers.
So, what are you waiting for? Like, follow, comment, share and then grab a book!
With all this being said, I am Joane Unknown, thank you for reading my post and get ready for another one next week! This post is part of my #TalkingUnkown series, more like these on my profile.
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bereft-of-frogs · 10 months
ao3 wrapped [writers edition] how about 10,11,29, or 30?
10. What work was the quickest to write?
It was either closure or the lack thereof, which I technically wrote 2 drafts of and posted over a weekend but I did have that idea kicking around since 2021, so from concept to post it was probably either with teeth we've come this far or I feel like I'm borrowing all my time, because I came up with the ideas for whumptober and finished them. All the others existed as idea bulletpoints or little jotted down paragraphs before Sept 1 but those two were completely contained.
11. What work took you the longest to write?
While the dark ocean duology did take me all summer after I'd initially thought it would take a couple weeks tops, the winner has to be the first chapter of omens and all kinds of signs which was at 60% done for 2 years. I honestly don't know that I would have finished it if I hadn't decided to post it serially, so yeah little plug for writing serially. It was really just to get back on the horse after having an off year last year.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
I really like this bit where Greez is like 'wtf' in 'I feel like I'm borrowing all my time':
This all feels like an overwhelming, insurmountable task. Greez wishes he hadn’t been chosen for it. He knows how important it is, wants desperately to find the kid before he can be hurt, but it really feels beyond him. He misses the Mantis, misses the rest of the crew, even the little droid and the stowaway bogling. He misses feeling like he understands his place in the universe. His mind struggles to keep up with how long it’s been. A couple of hours? Days? Five years but wound in reverse? He knows it shouldn’t feel like five years, but it kind of does. It feels like the warmth and safety of home is something he lost long ago, or perhaps never had. Now that Cal’s missing from his proper place, it all feels like none of it ever actually happened. It both exists in his memory and doesn’t, like a distant dream. Greez shivers. All of this is very, very wrong. Cere is staring at the fire again, an inscrutable look on her face. Greez decides to fill the silence with: “I guess we have to hope they didn’t take him to Nur.” Cere whirls on him abruptly. “Of course we have to hope they didn’t take him to Nur.” “I just mean that…” Greez swallows. It’s started raining harder, raising more steam and smoke from the fires. The smoke makes his eyes sting. Cere waits for an explanation, brow furrowed. “Don’t we have to avoid…I just mean…you shouldn’t meet yourself, right? That’s one of the rules of this sort of thing, isn’t it? At least, it was in the cheesy dramas my grandmother was always watching…” “Oh.” Cere turns back to the fire. “I hadn’t considered that.”
Apologies for the length of it but I like it both for the 1) 'it shouldn't feel like five years but it does' bit, just leaning into time travel being WEIRD. Also I think I slipped up a couple times responding to comments and referred to 'timelines' but as best I can come up with for fitting time travel into SW worldbuilding....there are no alternate timelines really. Because time isn't really...real. So Greez is right, once things have started changing, they change in the future as well so it all both does and doesn't exist at the same time...idk if I ever went further on the time travel concept it would be along these lines, rather than having distinct alternate timelines.
2) the very human moment of filling an awkward silence with the exact wrong thing. XD It's such a little thing but I ended up LOVING the "Greez decided to fill the silence with" dialogue tag. XD
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I'm going to answer this one with a screenshot of my ideas list I found while cleaning it up this weekend:
Tumblr media
I don't want to sound like too much of a curmudgeon (though the ship has probably said on that one)*, but I can't stress enough how surprising it was that one of my biggest 'nope, would never write' became one of my favorite fics of the year. Now I feel like I can't said I'd never write something. Growth?
(*and just to stress, like...for me writing/reading, don't take this personally. I use the exclude tags but please don't take this as like a judgement, I just have never really liked them and got a bit grumpy about just how popular they were when I came back to reading Star Wars fic a couple years ago)
[ ao3 wrapped ]
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writer-or-whatever · 11 months
20 Questions Game
Thanks for the tag @maria-de-salinas :)
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for HP, Gilmore Girls, Avatar: the last airbender, Friends, and various iterations of Spider-Man
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Game night (HP)
2. Just another Thursday night (HP)
3. Can’t fight the friction (HP)
4. Would you be so kind as to fall in love with me? (Gilmore Girls)
5. Five Conversations and a dinner date (HP)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
100% every single time. The fact that people read what I write at all blows my mind, so when people comment I love it so much and definitely want to respond and have a lil conversation.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably either The Life and Times of Sirius Black (canon complaint w/ major character death) or I guess What In The World Has Come Over You? (A bad things happen bingo prompt fill with no resolution of the aforementioned bad thing and an open ending. Which I personally dislike more than a sad concrete ending)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think probably Would you be so kind. But I’m generally a sucker for a happy ending so there’s a fair number of happy endings
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? In my early fandom days a little bit, but I am a huge fan of the block button so. Now I don’t.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Do I write it? Yes. Does it ever get finished and/or posted? Not as much. Pretty much everything I’ve written has just been PWPs that I either haven’t finished or don’t like enough to post.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I have posted one (1) crossover and it was an mcu/itsv crossover. It was originally part of a slightly more ambitious series, which was a post-no way home, post-into the spiderverse, mid-canon shattered dimensions crossover. (Despite the fact that shattered dimensions is a fairly unknown (in larger fandom) spiderman game from 2010). Miguel’s characterization is a bit different in that game than in across the spiderverse and after atsv came out I was like. This is going to be torn to shreds by people who have seen that movie and have no other frame of reference for him. No thank u. (Don’t get me wrong! I love atsv! They’re just two different versions of the same character okay).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Someone asked me if they could repost one of my fics once and I was like ??? No??? And I kept an eye on them for a bit but they didn’t so 🤷‍♂️
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if someone wanted to that would be fucking amazing. So If there’s any interest lemme know 👀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Again, this is one of those ‘yes but it never saw the light of day’ things again. My partner and I had a fic that we outlined and started writing together almost four years ago but we both just kinda lost interest/started writing less. It still lives on in my drafts though.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hm. That’s a hard one honestly. Maybe Rory/Jess?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There are many wips on my computer, many of which will never see the light of day (the current wip count right now is 112). One I would have liked to finish is the Spider-Man one I mentioned before but honestly. I am fairly certain I won’t.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes! And sometimes dialogue :/
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love it when it’s well done. Hate it when it’s just thrown in there to be thrown in there. Wish I could do it myself sometimes, but my French is ✨not good enough for that✨and I refuse to use google translate
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Would you be so kind. Absolutely my magnum opus as far as fanfic goes.
Tagging: @thatforgottenbasilisk @sarah-sandwich @otpcutie @webtrinsic1122 @belleslettres-love @ernestonlysayslovelythings
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
not entirely sure what the fandom's consensus is re: the wall at the end of the books but… there might be need for a watch at the end of the books just like there was a need for a watch when the ww were defeated the first time? the way i see it, the song of ice and fire is cyclical, motives and stories repeat again and again, so the ww might not get defeated-defeated but only banished for another couple thousand years, hence, while the watch might temporarily disband, there'd still be use for a watch (and because now everybody has seen WHY they are there, their reputation would be restored & joining would once again be considered an honourable deed)
(though i do think that jorah joining jon & tormund at the end of the show would've been weird and awkward and straight up confusing because that was jon's "happy" ending as part of a group of people who respect & welcome him (at least in got!verse) and i don't think he exchanged even a single line of dialogue with jorah?)
(Oh, but in the show Jon tried to hand Longclaw back to Jorah, because it's the Mormont ancestral sword, and Jorah gave it back, for Jon and his future children. You know, one of the misdirections to make people believe in boat baby. During that clever wight hunt trip. Because Jon wouldn't hand it to Lyanna Mormont who made him king. Only to the guy who went on the run for selling poachers into slavery. Quality television.)
If the books do go into the direction of a cyclical threat, I would find it vaguely more credible for Jorah to take the black, though the character has never shown an ounce of integrity and would seem like a bad omen for the new start of the Watch. And the Watch already descended into a misguided mess that forgot its purpose the last time around, so why would they just press the Repeat Button?
But I am inclined to believe that the "problem" of the Others, the wonky seasons and access to high level blood magic and the permeable line between life and death is going to be resolved for good. Mostly because I think it's going to (have to) be some kind of metaphor for the same kinds of issues we've already seen explored on a smaller scale. Destructive power as a compensation for pain and grief. It's what the dragons are. It's what almost every villain is motivated by. It's present in historical examples like Garin's Curse. It's part of the story of the Children and the First Men. It's embedded in blood magic.
This has to be the dark origin of the Starks, to me, and this has to be the example where giving up that power is writ large. How else is a little boy like Bran, who's disability he was "compensated" for with immense magical power, tied to exploring the magical history of House Stark, going to be the center of the solution? The solution being a primarily physical struggle between humans and zombies seems to veer right past GRRM's anti war message back to the idea of righteous mass violence. So the climactic solution needs to be ideological and personal - and thematically meaningful.
Another temporary solution prone to erosion and confusion over time (like the Wall and the Watch) seems downright pointless to me in that specific context. You don't need the Wall and the Watch to keep the problem of human error around. Removing them does drag it down to earth for good. There will always be the danger of the war, but in-universe it would exist in the shadow of an example of negotiation and mutual concessions saving the world from apocalypse. (Like the Pact between Children and First Men, but larger.)
That's just my reading of the concept though.
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