wrathbites · 6 months
Random fun fact!
The end of the Reaper war isn't the end of life-threatening situations for Rhys 😈
Anyway have this one bit of dialogue from a wip
"I've lived a hundred lifetimes and died a thousand more. Time holds no sway, age no meaning. Tell me, child, why should I fear you?"
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wrathevil · 9 months
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nothing for the holidays sorry. take this wip with poorly edited christmas hats
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wrathbites · 23 days
Send help. I have another fandom on the brain now.
He doesn't know who arrives first after he sends the text, or second or third. He doesn't know who brings the pillows, or who hauls in three bags of blankets, or which wolf wins the fight to shove another king mattress through Derek's front door.
At the end of the day, though, it doesn't even matter. They came. That's what counts. And, y'know, the pizza. So much pizza, stacked neatly in his arms and saved an awkward encounter with the door when Erica throws it open, not a subtle bone in her body as she leans in and sniffs. Three times in quick succession and then one long inhale, eyes falling half closed and teeth gleaming in a smile that used to make his skin prickle like prey caught and cornered.
"You remembered."
"The atrocity, the crime against humanity, of pineapple? Yeah, I did, unfortunately. You're welcome. Top box, all yours," he says, except... she doesn't take it.
"Food run's your wheelhouse, Stiles. Better plate up and finish the job."
"Uh." The lock sliding home behind him sure is loud and not ominous at all. He's totally safe when five pairs of wolf eyes fix on him with no follow through, no stalking, no squabbling, no grabby hands laying claim to the best pizza, no pursuit to the kitchen.
Totally, 100% safe.
And then Derek grabs him.
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wrathbites · 9 months
"So tell me," Shepard says, icy eyes a barely there flicker as he tips his head back, body thrown into such a relaxed slouch Kaidan briefly wonders if someone's spiked his drink, "what brings you to my neck of the woods, Commander?"
It's - it's terrible, absolutely awful, too heavy on the emphasis to be a casual slip of the tongue, but. But Kaidan laughs, anyway, a startled fizz of it caught in his glass and rattling the ice cubes around, and he has to set it down with a solid thunk before he wears the bright yellow cocktail.
But he laughs, despite the setting and the sense he sticks out like a sore thumb in a place he doesn't belong, despite the curious stares fixed to him like a damning weight, questioning his bare neck and close proximity to a vampire with no permission to bite.
He laughs until there're tears to wipe away, and when he does he just barely catches the ghost of a smile flirting around Shepard's mouth. Oh, he's a tricky bastard, all right.
"I was... curious."
"Never been to a vampire club before?"
"No. I didn't know they were, uh. A thing. At all."
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wrathbites · 17 days
Fire and fear. Death. Destruction. That's how it starts, the night that sets fate's wheel in motion, gathering speed as it turns and turns and turns.
It ends in blood, revenge years in the making. Balance restored at last, but at terrible cost.
When Stiles comes back to himself at 03.03 on the nose he's hoarse from all the screaming, eyes red and angry from his sightless staring, his body an exhausted deadweight in her arms as she rocks him. Back and forth, back and forth, her baby boy, struck with the same power humming in her own veins, gift and curse in equal measure.
"You have to help them, Mom. You have to save them. Please."
She trades places with Noah at sunrise and cards her fingers through the mess he's made of his hair. At her ear, the call connects.
Alpha Hale never leaves her waiting.
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wrathbites · 9 months
He's taken a leap of faith before, in another kitchen and another life, faith turned to dust and warmth to ice in his veins. Gentle kisses thrown to harsh words and rising tempers, a relationship forever broken and a friendship strained.
"I can't be human with you."
"Why not? You're so good at pretending."
But it's not... it's Kaidan now, tucked so close Rhys can almost feel his heartbeat on his skin, hear its rhythm in the breath sucked in sharp.
Rhys doesn't dare meet his eyes, can't, won't. If he doesn't look he won't see the disappointment or the distance or - or the walls being rebuilt between them.
He draws back, away, better to do it himself, it'll hurt less, casting around for anything else, a distraction, an escape -
I can't be human with you. Not even if I want to.
- but Kaidan stops him, hand on his arm as absolute as a stake through the heart, rooting him to the spot.
"I'm not asking for human," Kaidan says, voice soft like the curve of his mouth, "I'm asking for you."
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wrathbites · 3 months
A brief glimpse into Tali's introduction to vampirism.
There's something on her face, covering her nose and mouth and ears and eyes and it's wrongwrongwrong. Tight and suffocating on her skin, seizing her joints, hampering the scrabble-claw-getoffoffoff of fingers at the thing on her face and she can't see or smell or taste or -
"Be still. You're safe."
The voice doesn't fit right, not what she remembers, deeper and rumbling and the accent thicker, but it's him and Tali doesn't freeze so much as she goes boneless, mounting panic drained all of a sudden like a popped balloon.
"Hey, you. Welcome back to the land of the living."
He leans forward whisper quiet and then there's pressure, four human fingers and a thumb clasping around her hand, an anchor pulling her back into - into the confines of her suit, ah, that's what it is.
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wrathbites · 5 months
Levi is still in his arms, fingers like claws in his robes, eyes gone wide and dark and void. A viciousness both hers and not, alight in the sparks making maps of the veins clustered in her wrists, her elbows, the sea come calling in one of its children.
"He must die," she says on a hiss, pressing forward. If he were any less grounded he'd yield to her, anyone else and he'd fall to her, the magic swelling within.
"Easy, my heart, easy." He croons to her, cupping a hand to her sealed gills, ever so cautious and tender with such a delicate area. It doesn't calm her, not that he expects it to, but she blinks at last. A momentary reprieve.
"He poisons my home with that machine, Halsin. He must die."
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wrathbites · 2 years
Sunday snippet
Alenko’s a dead weight when Rhys cuts him free of the straps, hitting the roof with a clang and not moving afterward.  Alarms blare, deafening, the Hammerhead’s VI a tinny crackle in his ear warning them of imminent system failure —
No kidding, tincan piece of shit.
— but none of it’s loud enough to mask the heavy, clanking tread of the mech gearing up for another attempt at thoroughly ruining their day.
“Alenko,” Rhys barks, smacking on his breastplate, “c’mon, get up!”
A groan’s his only answer, one arm falling through the smashed window in a weak swipe of reply.  Shit.  How’s he supposed to get a good grip on him given the armour and cramped space?  And fire!  Of course there’s fucking fire.
“You owe me big time for this, Alenko.  I expect TIMmy’s head on a silver plate.  You hear me?”  Metal buckles under his third kick, collapses outward on the fourth, and he clambers out real quick, snagging the Commander’s hand and hauling him along for the bumpy ride.
“Returning from the land of nod sometime this year would be great, y’know.”
At least the mech hasn’t launched another missile yet.  Masked heat signatures, maybe?  But Alenko twitches, then flails, and smacks him square in the head with a bolt of raw biotic power and Rhys is snapped backward hard enough his spine pops, helmet screeching across rock and rubble.
For fuck’s sake.
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wrathbites · 1 year
Heads Up 7 Up
Tagged by @korblez to share 7 sentences, and would you look at that, I actually have something new!  Hehe.
Tagging: @tiny-banana-time, @dandenbo, @theoriginalladya, @shadoedseptmbr, @mrsd-writes, @cr-noble-writes, and @happychica, if any of you want to take part :)
It’s not a cafe so much as a crime scene, bits and pieces of armour strewn around as if someone went to town on a kid’s toy soldiers, bodies on the floor, cast aside on the tables, at impossible angles across the chairs, dropped limp and broken over the empty window frame.
And sitting cross-legged in the chaos, perched beside a sparking terminal: Shepard.
“You really don’t like Cerberus, huh?” Kaidan ventures, stepping over a cracked helmet with the visor pried clean off.
“Nope,” Shepard replies, mouth, chin, and throat stained with gore.  His hands, too.  “They’re bad for business and threatened my staff, so.  Peace wasn’t an option.”
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wrathbites · 1 year
Snippet Sunday
Tagged by @cr-noble-writes (thank ya kindly!)
Taking a break from my main vampire AU of Sunlight and Stardust to touch on a smaller one instead lol
“Would you look at that - fate has a sense of humour.”
Kaidan blinks.  Blinks again, brain stalling on the toasties of the day.  And looks up to find a familiar grin waiting for him.
Intimately familiar, heralding the first of several bites still smarting the morning after.
“What’re you doing here?”
“I work here,” his fanged stranger replies, darting a hand out to pluck the forgotten menu from his fingers.
“You work here.” Kaidan parrots back.  That... that doesn’t... sit... right.  A vampire working in a cafe.  Serving his food their food.
“My, someone’s not a morning person.”  The vampire in question holds the menu up and flicks it forward, nailing Kaidan on the nose with it, to his squawked protest.  “Food’s good after a blood donation, y’know.  Or so I’ve heard.”
Kaidan stares at him and the stupid grin he kissed off his mouth less than 24 hours ago, tongue finding the sting on the inside of his lip it left behind.
“I hear a knuckle sandwich is tasty, you dick.”
“So are pancakes!  Or waffles.  Maybe an omelette?  Bacon and cheese?  Krogan veggies?  Asari seafood?”
“Just coffee, damn it!”
One eyebrow lifts and Kaidan’s tempted, so tempted, to tangle his fingers in that necklace again and yank the vampire over the counter for a headbutt, or a return chewing, or -
No.  Nope.  Not going there.  Not today.  Not ever again.
“Please,” he grinds out and his stranger vanishes, laughter a faint whisper he leaves behind.
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wrathbites · 1 year
The twitching tilt of Shepard's head from side to side is - odd. Like he's observing the room without seeing, face gone slack and eyes distant, vacant, skipping right through Kaidan while fixed directly on him.
His hands are moving. Not for his shotgun, thank fuck, nor to snare dark energy, just... moving. Wrists rotating one way then the opposite, fingers curling, flexing out again, left elbow bending -
"This one," he says in a flat tone that makes Kaidan's skin crawl, "serves as our voice."
"Who are you?" Kaidan fires back.
"What have you done to him?" Liara, making it two steps before Kaidan catches hold of her arm and tugs her back.
"He is empty. Silent. You will understand through him."
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wrathbites · 6 months
There's no hook on the end of his line, no bait. If he were hunting he'd simply shed flesh for fur and go delving in the nearest river.
But it's not fish he's after.
The little wooden lure with light twinkling between its grooves does its job in the end, three sharp tugs to announce another's presence, and then something is catching him about the ankle and yanking him from the docks, down into the shocking cold of the sea below.
Halsin breaks the surface sputtering to find Levi waiting for him, mischief tucked into the sharp curl of her smile, the claws that scratch just so as she sweeps wet hair back from his face. Certainty in the press of her body against his, no harm will come to him here.
"You kept me waiting," he says.
"Mmm. Can you blame me? I had quite the sight to admire first."
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wrathbites · 1 year
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words
Tagged by: @cr-noble-writes
His reason for a final sweep of the area becomes clear when he holsters his weapon in favour of lowering Benezia's body to the ground, hands free of their gloves so bare fingertips brush her eyes closed, a tiny consideration few would expect of a vampire.
There's no way in hell I'm tagging that many people so uh... lemme see... @theoriginalladya, @ghostxofxartemis, @tiny-banana-time, @korblez, if any of you wanna take part in the last line meme 😁
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wrathbites · 1 year
Kaidan stares at the phrase. It buzzes neon green and pink right back at him, uncaring of his incredulity and the whip-quick delight of the vampire next to him. Rhys rocks up onto his toes, mouth pulled wide on a grin, and Kaidan shoots him a scowl before he can utter a sound - and it's there, right there in that sparkle of mischief in his eyes.
"Do not."
"I was just gonna ask if you wanted something to eat!"
"I suppose you do, too?"
"Since when have I ever passed on dessert, Kaidan?"
He looks back in the window again, to that godawful "I like it when you bite me" and the display underneath. Funny thing is, he's not sure what dessert is for Rhys - the doughnuts, or him.
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wrathbites · 1 year
SKIDS IN omg for the wip titles “In which Kaidan realises he fucked up” PLEASE
From the WIP title game here. Aha! You picked the Granny Shep route 😄
Rest in pieces, mate. His Granny's a goddamn menace.
In hindsight he should've taken the warning to heart and refused the trip. He should've taken one step into her house and about turned and run, fast and far away from her aversion to modern technology.
But he's a fool out to help a sweet old lady, keep her from a trip too long and a strain too much. He looks at her and sees a frail woman, not the calamity walking responsible for Shepard's upbringing.
But he's an idiot. And the flat stare levelled at him says as much.
"The only artificial thing allowed in here is my hip, dear. I thought you'd've guessed that by now."
"VIs aren't fully self aware - they're perfectly safe to have installed in your car."
"Says who, them? Ever stop to think if they can lie?" As if to lessen the sting in her tone, she pats him twice on the arm. "But if it makes you feel any better, just remember everyone else on the road has one. We'll be just fine!"
It doesn't. Not by a long shot. Does explain her grandson's handling of the Mako, though.
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