#Wow I'm a fake fan 😔
0mii · 8 months
I only now just found out there's a new season of blue exorcist!
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stagnation-if · 10 months
Just found this and I'm already SO looking forward to it!! A question of purely intellectual curiosity: how much of an a-hole arrogant Greek-god-style deity can the MC get? Somehow Seth is really giving me vibes of those vaguely psychopathic, no I mean morally ambiguous G/god(s) that are the norms in ancient mythology, and I've always been a fan of "we bring out the worst in each other" messed-up relationship dynamics ... in fiction only of course!!
Also, sorry in advance if this is spoilery or you don't feel like answering, in which case feel free to ignore! Just curious: what would be your personal "favorite" MC type for each of the ROs? (Not necessarily most healthy or the one you most approved of, just "favorite" in the sense that you personally find interesting/like to write.) For example, I'm all for opposite attraction, so I'd probably play a mortal-despising MC when romancing Dawn, a cinnamon roll MC when romancing Vex, and a laid-back and humorous, wow-technology-is-so-fun-I-want-to-die-in-VR-who-cares-about-revenge-YOLO!! MC when romancing Bruno ... if any of these options are possible, of course haha. But I'm really curious about what combination you personally enjoy writing!
Again, so hyped for the game!! Really looking forward to where you'll take this story!!
Thank you for your kind message🫂💕
How much of an a-hole arrogant Greek-god-style deity can the MC get?
MC can be so stereotypically dickish honestly😭 I love those options so much, it makes for an interesting + very angsty route hehe
Somehow Seth is really giving me vibes of those vaguely psychopathic, no I mean morally ambiguous G/god(s) that are the norms in ancient mythology, and I've always been a fan of "we bring out the worst in each other" messed-up relationship dynamics
Exactly! He's really assumed and embraced what it means to be a God. If I ever write his povs (I've a few plans) you'll get to see what I mean! I think his inner monologue is very interesting.
what would be your personal "favorite" MC type for each of the ROs?
THIS! Okay I agree with the opposite-attraction sentiment lgwkkgsk I'll try to give a bit more variety for people who aren't into it as much^^
Dawn- she's mean but it's very easy for her to pity MC and feel bad for them. I'd really feed into the rivals dynamic and try to get into her bad side kgskkf just proving Dawn that Deities are entitled.
Bruno- MC who really feeds into the worshipping dynamic. This man is on his knees and willing to kiss the ground MC walks^^
A- I like the past friends over the lovers dynamic personally. Just MC agonizing over the fact that they're reuniting with who looks like their friend, but oh no now they're having feelings for them😔
Vex- Vex is very protective so I think soft MCs would mesh really well with them.
Eris- fake dating fake dating! Also a MC who distrusts VR and shows Eris how real dreams are. I think grumpy MCs with a secret soft side would mesh well with her, especially knowing how flirty she is (and how she has a secret soft side too^^).
Seth- I like really upbeat, energetic MCs with him. Just:
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nana1000night · 2 years
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oh hello, Alice💕💕💕 He's so stunning omg!!
Use a fake account and dive in the shadow seems like a bad idea.
Especially Steve is wandering the Tumblr.
The Tumblr let almost every celebrity would avoid them (try theirbest).
The Tumblr that people would be so chaos and try to find a common rule to make the fucking peace paradise and build their fantasy ivory tower.
The Tumblr that you spent half your day to stuck in.
Steve feels so embarrassed, frustrated...yet he's so fascinated with those gifs,drabbles,quotes or fics.
Oh it's a pain with pleasure.
After he read some guidelines from other accounts, he search your username and follow you.
Only you because you're his soulmate and he really want to know what's in your beautiful brain and minds.
And he almost burned out and melted into the puddle on the couch.
He couldn't hold his laughter and the tips of his ears are so red.
I wish I could stroke his hairs...it didn't matter it's blonde, brunette or silver. Oh fuck I wish I just just ran my fingers over his hair!🤤🤤🤤
You post this with his photo
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Oh fuck you Rogers! I swear to Satan that I'd cut your balls and send them to you or your child if you come back to HER😌😌🔪🔪🔪
It's when some interviews asked him that if he could back to 40s, would he come back?
"Wow, it's seems like I have a bossy and grumpy wifey." He smirked and he couldn't stop the fasten heartbeat when he pictures your mad and creepy face and found he's so painful hard.
His adam's apple babbled and groaned.
And then he found some...interesting pictures.
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oh you can't do this to me Rogers...😖😖🤤🤤 I want to lick his packs and the waist...climb on him and grind on his thighs...🤧🤧🤧😔😔😔
He snapped when he heard the click of the front door opened.
You back.
"Hey Stevie, I'm home!"
He closes his phone and stands up, slowly stripped his clothes and walked towards you.
You shiver when you heard his deep voice which is full of lust. Your knees wobbly and you bite your bottom lips to whimpers out of your mouth.
His hot breath fans over your back of neck and his feather kisses trail from your jaw to your shoulder.
Your mind is fogged and the next thing you know, it's you are on top your dear super soldier and ride him wild.
The End
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bilbao-song · 2 years
Ahh! Now I owe you an apology, I meant to send a message yesterday and my day was just kinda rough. But everything is good!
Grace is a very good album (atleast imo). Unfortunately Jeff passed way too young. But it has a lot of beautiful songs on it. And then there's two live EP's and some compilation stuff that I haven't looked into.
I guess we're kinda in the same boat with holidays actually. Like I said I don't dislike Christmas at all, I guess Halloween would have to be my favorite. But everything from October through December I really love, just the time of year. Except I hate the post holiday blues thing come January 😔
Ok ok I'm bouncing, if you put up a tree do you have a fake one one or buy a live one? And also are there any musicians you can't stand or refuse to listen to?
aw it's okay!! sorry to hear you had a rough day :( i hope you're doing better now 💕
i love halloween so much!!! i actually used to have annual halloween parties, which was super fun :^) october-december is definitely the best time of year imo!! i actually like january-february, too but i get why some people don't. it does always make me a little bit sad to be done with another year (and the holidays!) and to think about the passage of time even it's really such an arbitrary thing lmao
i have never had a live tree before, but i'd like to someday!! i love the way they smell. currently there are three (3) artificial trees up in my house but we used to do like seven(? i think?) every year, all with different themes lmao. what about you?
i'm not sure about the last question hahaha!! i feel like TECHNICALLY the answer is yes but a) there's nothing i really have to go super out of my way to avoid bc most of the ones i kind of feel that way about are (thankfully?) not that popular in the first place and b) i don't want my post to ignite a small war :') but for the most part there aren't many musicians/bands that i feel that way about. there are a few who i've read about before and been like, "wow i'm glad i'm not a super big fan of _______ because i would be so disappointed by their behavior" but that's about all lmao. even just in terms of music alone i'm pretty open to basically everything :^) are there any you feel that way about?
anyway! thank you for the album recommendation!! i will have to check it out!
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non-binharry · 4 years
the music video is harry telling us he’s a traveler from the past and is actually mickey mouse. idk how no one else sees this it’s so clear
hold up hold up wait—
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he's been telling us from the very beginning 😳
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2offayyo-kzt · 2 years
Okay new Lazlo/Nandor theory. I think Laszlo is a hypersensitive person. He said it himself that it took centuries with Nadja to build up his trust in other people again due to his parental truama. Now I won't go into specifics but I'm familiar with how truama affects others [not like the dramatized abelist TV villain guy stereotype] People with PTSD are highly sensitive to emotional changes in others. Laszlo in episode 7 he tells Nandor he feels uncomfortable with the flowery emotions he gives or something like that. I'm paraphrasing. Point is, Nandor is emotionally unpredictable as of late and it could cause Laszlo discomfort. I theorize that he might have started to distance himself from Nandor for that reason. Also, to bring up Colin Robinson, Nandor disregarded his roommates grief when he believed Colin was faking his death again. Its understandable for Nandor to feel skeptic but it doesn't excuse how insensitive he was. Yes, Nandor does seem to show autistic traits, as someone on the spectrum I understand how it feels to be unable to read the room and come across as uncaring or insensitive. Still, Nandor should be accountable for how he spoke to his roommates. To get back on topic, because Nandor has become emotionally unpredictable, Lazlo will avoid him and latch onto more predictable people. People with PTSD actually can hyperfocus and fixate on things because its a safe media. They feel comfortable in songs, shows and situations that they know won't trigger them. I'm pointing this out because I believe Laszlo tends to latch onto people he knows are safe. He knows Nadja and she knows him, he knows she wouldn't do anything to trigger him and she usually understands her intentions and motivations. Sean and Colin are simple, uncomplicated men, generally speaking. The only crime Colin committed, Laszlo says, is that he's dull. He's a calm person he feels comfortable with. Sean is pretty easy going and makes Lazlo feel happy. Remember that Laszlo did not like Sean at first. Initially he felt upset being around Sean because there was alot or drama around his wife and was generally insecure. This made Laz uncomfortable. Fans note that Laszlo only began to show interest and affection towards Sean AFTER he makes amends with his wife and becomes more emotionally predictable.
Laszlo might be avoiding Nandor because he's unpredictable and wishes that wasn't the case because he misses simpler times when he didn't cause so much melodrama and stress. Nandor does not understand why Laszlo doesn't spend time with him anymore and can't understand Laszlo's feelings unless Laszlo tells him. Some more honesty and conversation would be great for them but Laszlo is sensitive and on emotional defense alot and both he Nandor are arrogant and stubborn. They need to swallow their pride and keep talking about it. Verbalize feelings is crucial to any type of relationship and if they can't learn to do this their relationship definitely won't improve.
Did I mention psychology is one of my special interest? 😅
I just woke up & this is the first thing I read
And you drop me a masterclass 🤩
Frankly your analysis is impressive, I never thought of them that way, especially Laszlo being hypersensitive it makes a lot of sense
I'm really happy to have you as a mutual because it makes me appreciate the show even more <3
It's true that in the first few seasons, Nandor seemed like a simpleton, and that the more time goes by, the more complicated he is to predict 😔
Wow I need more Laszlo/Nandor interactions asap
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pipchirisu · 2 years
So day 2 of Digimon Survive and wow umm part 5 and the whole thing with Lopmon and Shuuji was a lot. Went through so many emotions that's my favorite digimon and I wasn't Shuuji's biggest fan but they're a package deal so I wanted to keep them around and completely fucked that up 😣😭
Looking forward to helping lopmon next playthrough 😔
The other stuff with Miu was alright I'm not super sold on her yet. Slightly more warmed up to Kaito but he's also kind of one note so far. Kinda mad this chapter had him and the MC talking about "we were all fooled by Arukenimon" like no we were literally the only 2 who didn't trust her.
Saki and Aoi are forming a cute relationship like them supporting each other in the tunnel. Saki also dropping hints to her background so I'm interested in her a lot more than yesterday. Aoi hasn't dropped as many things to interest me unfortunately.
Minoru is still my boy but also at 36 affinity so I somewhat avoided him today but very interesting reactions in part 5. Start of 6 focused on him so idk if he'll be our new focus after part 5 focused on Shuuji. Hope to not get him killed 😖
Also idk if it's due to choices or what but why did all the girls need help with the fake digimon partner but not any of the boys??? I'm glad we didn't go through each of them cuz honestly Miu was 1 to many but if they wanted 3 could it not have been Minoru instead of Miu? Kaito and Miu could have shown up together instead. Alternatively it could have been Kaito and we ran into Miu instead of Minoru afterwards.
That was weird and also finding out the digimon partners were all guys? I was assuming they matched the human's gender. Then I got a bunch of he's thrown around and was really confused. Maybe Floramon wasn't a he but Labramon and Syakomon were and that felt odd like you already had less woman without those two being dudes. Idk are they gender neutral originally and the translation team just went with he instead or??? I know Hawkmon didn't match Yolei's gender but if I'm remembering right that's been the only exception.
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