#Worlds Beyond Number spoilers
cowgirls-blues · 3 months
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"I am the Wizard Sky." What power then, that that great firmament might rain down. […] Whose weightless weight we bear each day upon our shoulders. […] Wisdom in the watchfulness of a constant partner, ever above, defined by its distance. […] A partner, in a dance, to sustain the world forever. […] The sky holds all things. Let it be known that vastness is yours. Those who have destiny curse it, but what burden, to be able to chose any path under the Sun.
@quiddie please tell her I love her!!!
Making my way through @worldsbeyondpod and it very quickly took its place in the pantheon of my very favorite stories, ever. PS I am still at the beginning of arc 2, please don't put spoilers in the tags when you reblog, thank you!!
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slothelephant · 1 month
“if you tell me what’s right i’ll do it”
Ugh @quiddie just rip my entire heart out of my chest why don’t you?
I cried my real human tears when I heard Suvi sobbing and pleading for her obedience to make her safe and loved and protected. I can’t be losing electrolytes like that. In this economy? Please.
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jq37 · 25 days
Suvi sensing it's the end of the current arc which means Ame and Eursulon are about to be kicking off some lethal Looney Tunes shennigans:
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cpprcoyote · 6 months
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"If you wait a second longer I will be by your side."
The Stranger
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teacupdoesstuff · 7 months
I have a question for you, @quiddie , that is too long for The Fireside, if you have the time, thank you very much.
In the Children’s adventure when Ame must help Eursulon return to his home, Suvi is left behind in the house because night is coming soon and she must follow the rules that have been placed for her.
In the beginning on the campaign when our team meets back up again 20(?) years later you say through Suvi’s inner monologue that she doesn’t know how much longer Ame and Eursulon had spent time together post Suvi’s leaving
Then in arch 1 Suvi sees Ame and Eursulon hearing something talk to them and only them, then later in that same arch she sees Ame chase after Eursulon under quest fever, being left out and behind once again.
Then in arch 2 when Suvi sees Eursulon chasing after another something and Ame following, she is out of the loop once more.
And finally (for what is out so far) when Suvi sees Eursulon and Ame running away again and leave her vision, she does not know how long they have been together AGAIN!
So my question, after all of this ^, is:
Does Suvi trust Eursulon and Ame or do you think Suvi will forever be out of the loop and always left behind?
Thank you again for your time.
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“the woodland green votes yes. let’s tear that tower down.” after complimenting ame fully had me in open-mouthed shock. absolutely harrowing. 10/10
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Am I much of an artist? Arguable. Is the graphic design slapdash at best? I’d say so. Would The Cool Dog love it as it is? (hopefully) hell yeah!
Anyway I after hearing today’s fireside I was possessed by Quest Fever and this appeared
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sunstaained · 1 year
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it’s called the citadel’s princess likes to mind her business
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whatthefusco · 6 months
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lunnessey · 1 year
its so cool that wavebreaker has three times been made eursulon's sword. first gifted to him by the sister he chose, not knowing what it was. secondly returned by a living hanged man for a job well done. and the third time finally gifted from the spirit the sword was made for
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“My fear that I share with you now here on the edge of spirit and real, is that the time will soon be upon her where her kindness is used to cut her throat.”
Truly what the fuck, Brennan
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thewizardsarcasm · 5 days
Still mourning The Goodest of Boys...
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@quiddie I made you a thing 💕😘
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cpprcoyote · 8 months
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I am called Obelfind, creature of shadow, a demon.
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noodlesarecheese · 7 months
Sometimes a family is a river spirit who loves soup, a no-nonsense bee spirit, a delightfully goofy scarecrow, and a goat who went to medical school, and I need a sitcom about the shenanigans they get up to.
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oh-shes-lit · 2 months
I've had a theory that Hakea was strongly on Ame's side for a bit, that her domain of growth would oppose that of mirara whose domain is death, especially when the coven seems to have been slowly shrinking over time - surely as the witch of growth she would be invested in keeping the coven alive, growing new witchlings and new positions to be kept
But damn
She's the one that started the whole thing, this is literally her life's work, she has no inheritors and as she slowly inches towards death so does the coven
(sidebar i really adore the way the witches so clearly embody their domains. They don't just gain their powers from them, they act towards the world as a force of their station)
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