nudestabilizer · 11 years
2: If you could witness any historical event in person, which one would it be and whyi honestly don’t know4: If your crush or significant other were to turn in to a ferret, what would you do? Would you still like/love them?i don’t really have either of those right now, but if i did I probably wouldn’t unless there was a way to change them back. let them fall in love with their ferret kind.6: What is your opinion of Canada?I think it’s a nice country, i have nothing against, however the jokes directed towards canada are pretty funny.8: If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?probably like a light blue (my fav color)10: If you were a farmer, what would you grow?probably some type of orchard fruit idk12: What is your favorite sequel film?Monster’s University (i don’t watch a lot of sequels)14: What’s your favorite branch of the military?marines, because my grandpa was in the marines 16: What is your favorite month, excluding whichever month contains your birthday?damn it, um probably september bc ur starting to get into your school routine with ur friends and the leaves are changing and you pretty much know what’s going on and you feel like everything is going good.18: Do you enjoy being single?yeah why not? i have weird issues with relationships 20: If you had to have one feature on your body changed to a canine version of said feature, what would you choose?i want a tail bc those things are so dang cute.22: What is the highest number of cats you can imagine yourself owning?4 or 5 haha24: Who are you?Bethany Hays, age 16, Junior at LRCH, born and raised in AR26: What is your opinion on 80’s music?lovelove it28: What is your favorite album artwork?I really like Little Dragon’s album artwork for Ritual Reunion 30: What is your favorite boy band?probably the Vaccines, (i think they’re an all boy band) 32: You are allowed one beverage and one candy for the rest of your life. What would you choose?Kit Kat & water because you can put frickin mio in that shit34: What is your preferred projectile?missile idk 36: What have you done recently to dismantle the patriarchy?jaywalking can i get a hell yeaahah, and listening to PUNK ROCK 38: What is your favorite piece of clothing?high waisted shorts40: What brought you to Tumblr?probably augusta worldofwhimsy42: Why did you send the last anonymous Tumblr message you sent?somebody wanted to answer questions and i was like “yeah girl i’ll send you like even/odds ya know”44: How many people, outside of your immediate family, do you know the birthdays of by heart?maybe like 1 or 2, shit i am a horrible friend46: What is your least favorite song from your favorite musical?probably I Move On from Chicago the musical, idk i like the musical a lot.48: What is your favorite vegetable?peppers50: What is your favorite police procedure?this is a weird question but probably reading of the miranda rights, i think it’s cool how they have all that memorized and the slightest mistake in it can completely dismiss all charges of the crime 
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girlyandconfused-blog · 12 years
worldofwhimsy replied to your photo: help, Im compulsively making origami again  just...
I want them!!
Hey Ill send you some! worldofwhimsy
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blondecastles-blog · 11 years
Jammin to bey with the crew i missed my girls <333
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blondecastles-blog · 11 years
I luv my friends
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blondecastles-blog · 11 years
happ y bday Augusta ily! :*
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blondecastles-blog · 11 years
I luv my friends they are nice and wonderful and they buy me pizza and are rlly gr8 thanku friends
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blondecastles-blog · 11 years
lol just snuck into an r rated movie with lucy and augusta feeling pretty badass
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blondecastles-blog · 12 years
Dear augusta and lucy i am making you both valentines and sending them in the mail. ps ill make one for anybody that wants one because i am feeling very crafty. please let me make valentines <3
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bodytart · 12 years
Tumblr media
graci are you jealous
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blondecastles-blog · 12 years
i h8 u gus
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