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upsquareschools · 4 months ago
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Best Preschool in Electronic City
UP Square International Preschool
Subject - World Habitat Day
World Habitat Day is celebrated annually on the first Monday of October. The event focuses on the state of human settlements and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It also aims to remind people that they are responsible for the habitat of future generations.
The day is celebrated in many countries around the world and various activities are organized to examine the problems of rapid urbanisation and its impact on the environment and human poverty.
With best regards,
UP Square.
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bestmessage · 4 months ago
World Habitat Day Messages and Slogan
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Happy World Habitat Day Quotes, Messages, Wishes Images 2024 Status to your near and dear ones. Best and Catchy Save Habitat Slogans, Taglines with example.
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ikno-io · 4 months ago
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Explore the various significant events and observances on October 3rd, including Germany's Unity Day, National Boyfriend Day in the USA, and World Habitat Day. read the full article: https://bit.ly/4dpQsak #October3rd #NationalDay #GermanyUnityDay #NationalBoyfriendDay #WorldHabitatDay read more: what is october 3rd national day
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worldcitiesday · 1 year ago
Focus on Financing sustainable urban future for all.
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In 2023, the World Habitat Day, will take place under the theme Resilient urban economies. Cities as drivers of growth and recovery and World Cities Day will focus on Financing sustainable urban future for all.
Join us and organize virtual, physical and hybrid activities. We are encouraging national governments, local authorities, the private sector, and other urban practitioners to mark the day by organizing events through workshops or webinars, panel discussions and interviews. The following are suggested events that can be held.
Urban Breakfast An Urban Breakfast aims to create an inspiring dialogue to reflect on challenges facing sustainable urban development, considering the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda. It can be held at any time. Urban Breakfasts focus on introducing and discussing regional urban perspectives, with the participation of key speakers from national governments, local authorities, academia, civil society, the private sector, and other stakeholders.
The Urban Journalism Academy The Urban Journalism Academy (UJA) brings together media professionals who are interested or involved in urban development. They help strengthen journalists’ capacity to analyze the overall process of urbanization by sharing with them substantive knowledge about the main issues of planning and management of cities, as well as technical expertise in urban data and indicators. The aim is to create a network of urban journalists that work together in advocating principles of the New Urban Agenda.
Raise awareness in your city or community. You can get involved by organizing an event or including the following ideas in your event to raise awarenes"s. Please feel free and post your Event and Activity here.
Event suggestions include:
Organize a discussion or debate either physical or online on how your city or community can act and contribute to a carbon-free world and climate resilience.
Organize a film screening either physical or online to bring people together in a common space and promote local creativity.
Use this occasion to publicize, reward and demonstrate tangible improvements in urban issues in your community.
Engage a well-known person or local expert to support your event to bring positive attention to World Habitat Day, World Cities Day, and Urban October as a whole.
Organize public information campaign, use local actors, musicians, or poets to create awareness of the issues affecting your city or community.
Approach local media to write articles or do radio or television pieces on the themes or organize interviews or panels policy makers, government officials, academics, journalists, other professionals, and community representatives.
Essay writing or painting competition can help create awareness of World Habitat Day and World Cities Day in schools and colleges.
Offer a university lecture or Master class on the theme of World Habitat Day or World Cities Day.
Organize a capacity building session on the theme of World Habitat Day or World Cities Day
Organize a picture exhibition on how to make your city or community carbon-free world and climate resilient.
Launch of reports and projects in relation to the theme of World Habitat Day or World Cities Day.
Organize a Video interview series on champions of carbon-free world and climate resilience.
Organize a donation drive to assist your city or community manage issues on carbon-free world and climate resilience.
Engage in a Twitter chat on the theme of World Habitat Day or World Cities Day.
Brand your Urban October event by using either the World Habitat Day or World Cities Day logo or merchandise designs, here
Promote and create a web page or a web banner on your website with information about World Habitat Day and World Cities Day.
Promote Urban October through social media – Tag your posts for Urban October with #UrbanOctober, for World Habitat Day with #WorldHabitatDay, and for World Cities Day with #WorldCitiesDay.
Find promotional material to print on: Promotional material includes logos in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, logos for T-Shirts, caps, banners, websites, and social media.
Please visit the Urban October Trello Board. This board is your one-stop destination for digital assets and relevant information on World Habitat Day and World Cities Day.
Keep in Touch After your event, please share with us the event report, photos, videos, and any material about the event, here. We will publish your event in the 2023 Urban October Report – see the 2022 Urban October Report.
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motivationalgurujee · 1 year ago
#रामायण #महाभारत #रामचरित्रमानस #श्रीमदभगवतगीता #SWAMIVIVEKANAND #Motivationalgurujee @motivationalgurujee #SLOGAN #OM #SHORT #ENGLISH जीवन में उत्साह भरने के लिए हमारे सभी वीडियो को देखें ! जिससे आपको मोटिवेशन मिलेगा #सुविचार #प्रेरणा #हिंदी #इंग्लिश #भाषा
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motivationalgurujee · 1 year ago
#रामायण #महाभारत #रामचरित्रमानस #श्रीमदभगवतगीता #SWAMIVIVEKANAND #Motivationalgurujee @motivationalgurujee #SLOGAN #OM #SHORT #ENGLISH जीवन में उत्साह भरने के लिए हमारे सभी वीडियो को देखें ! जिससे आपको मोटिवेशन मिलेगा #सुविचार #प्रेरणा #हिंदी #इंग्लिश #भाषा
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DAY 5706
Jalsa, Mumbai Oct 1/2, 2023 Sun/Mon 12:05 AM
Birthday - EF Shubhi Jha Kansal ... and the wishes of all the Ef for this day of celebration ..
Sunday, 1 October
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the running has not stopped and neither has the cheer from the audience .. and the sound of which is so harshly subdued in the final broadcast that there is need to personally talk to Singapore from where the broadcast takes place to adhere to the version sent from Mumbai Sony and not try to show an unjust efficiency ..
a perennial problem .. each department in such enterprises wants to show its superiority .. and ends up mucking up the content ..
they say my voice must be heard .. I say the audience voice must be heard .. the audience makes the show , not me .. I am robotic in nature , fed with information and the audience the true naturals .. they come with such desire and hope and wish .. they must feel wanted and cared for ..
so the above pictures were the KBC of Saturday .. what follows now shall be the KBC at the GOJ .. means the KBC of GOJ .. the Kinetic Belligerence of Chaos .. hahaha hahaha hahahah .. 🤣 ..
No just kidding .. the Sunday audience is the best the bestest the bestesttest ! Period ..
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the schedules write more on the routine medicines that need to be taken .. and one needs now a reminder vehicle just to be able to do that .. life changes .. there were times when these aspects never ever entered the mind .. now only these enter ..
But the victory of being able to indulge is prime and of the largest importance of the being .. feel it and be it .. be it and feel it ..
the joys of the present are being drawn towards limitation .. speak in limits , work in limits , eat in limits , move in limits ..
Life is a limitation .. never knew it better now ..
Good night .. 😴
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Amitabh Bachchan
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ehafromthepulp · 4 years ago
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baliportalnews · 2 years ago
PT Pegadaian Kantor Wilayah VII Bali-Nusra Salurkan CSR Bertajuk ‘World Habitat Day’
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, GIANYAR - PT Pegadaian Kantor Wilayah VII (Bali-Nusra) melaksanakan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan atau Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) berupa pemberian bibit pohon kelapa genjah, bibit jeruk prestagi dan siem madu, bibit palpukat senilai Rp30 juta, bertempat di Desa Wisata Taro, Tegallalang, Gianyar, Sabtu (17/12/2022). Acara tersebut dihadiri, Kepala Departemen Business Support PT Pegadaian Kantor Wilayah VII (Bali-Nusra) Denpasar, Wayan Darmayasa, Kepala Desa Taro, I Wayan Warka serta Direktur BUMDes Taro, I Wayan Kerta. Kepala Departemen Business Support PT Pegadaian Kantor Wilayah VII (Bali-Nusra) Denpasar, Wayan Darmayasa mengatakan, pemberian bibit pohon kelapa genjah, bibit jeruk prestagi, siem madu dan bibit alpukat merupakan permohonan proposal dari BUMDES Taro, Kecamatan Tegalalang, Gianyar. "Kegiatan tersebut sekaligus memberdayakan masyarakat melalui kegiatan yang mudah dengan memelihara dan mengawasi tanaman yang telah ditanam," ungkap Kepala Departemen Business Support PT Pegadaian Kantor Wilayah VII (Bali-Nusra) Denpasar, Wayan Darmayasa saat di temui di Denpasar, Senin (19/12/2022). Lanjutnya, besar harapan ke depan lokasi penanaman ini dapat menjadi suatu lokasi yang sangat berguna bagi peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat. Sementara Direktur BUMDes Taro, I Wayan Kerta mengatakan, terima kasih kepada Pegadaian karena telah men-support kegiatan ini. Ini merupakan visi Desa Taro yaitu ‘Terwujudnya Masyarakat Desa Taro Yang Sejahtera, Adil dan Makmur yang berbasis pertanian yang dijiwai Tri Hita Karana’, sehingga terwujudnya ketahanan pangan. Wayan Darmayasa menambahkan, Pegadaian lewat program ini diharapkan bisa memberikan kontribusi dimana pihaknya sebagai perusahaan Negara mempunyai misi bisa membantu masyarakat luas khususnya di Desa Taro. “Hasil dari kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap Pegadaian berupa laba kami sisihkan juga untuk kemanfaatan lingkungan,” pungkas Wayan Darmayasa. PT Pegadaian memiliki prioritas terhadap kepedulian  lingkungan. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui program  World Habitat Day belum lama ini dengan memberikan bantuan untuk rehabilitasi karang dengan melakukan penanaman sejumlah 3.000 bibit karang di kawasan Nusa Penida.(bpn) Read the full article
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fikamtaani · 2 years ago
Nairobi River needs your help.
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upsquareschools · 1 year ago
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Best Preschool in Electronic City
UP Square International Preschool
Subject - World Habitat Day
World Habitat Day is celebrated annually on the first Monday of October. The event focuses on the state of human settlements and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It also aims to remind people that they are responsible for the habitat of future generations.
The day is celebrated in many countries around the world and various activities are organized to examine the problems of rapid urbanisation and its impact on the environment and human poverty.
With best regards,
UP Square.
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lauriera · 2 years ago
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Happy #UrbanOctober and #WorldHabitatDay! Here are some stories from around the #GreaterBaybrook community and Baltimore City. Spotlight on @baltplan: ”Through early engagement for Our Baltimore, you identified about 20 topics that mattered most to your community. We want to work with you to identify recommendations for these topics that will guide the physical development of Baltimore over the next ten years. The topics fall under four thematic groups. Read on to learn what this project covers.” Details of other stories and #ourbaltimore planning meetings at @garrettparkbmore on FB: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3411041599119772&id=2048621782028434 #planyourbaltimore https://www.instagram.com/p/CjRjBxOOZlP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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algoworks · 2 years ago
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Only thing that can actually change the world is your example and not your opinion. Work to save the planet and save the habitat on this day. 
Best wishes on this World Habitat Day.
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innovant · 2 years ago
World Habitat Day
The best way to celebrate World Habitat Day is by getting involved with your local Habitat for Humanity, Surrounding and Other Animals, there is always a need for more hands working to help bring proper shelter to all those who need it.
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hybridmlmsoft · 2 years ago
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Home defines our existence. They are an extension of who we are. Happy World Habitat Day.
MLM Software
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mahadevsworld · 2 years ago
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विश्व हैबिटेट दिवस यह दिवस मुख्य तौर पर मानव बस्तियों की स्थिति और पर्याप्त हैबिटेट के मानवीय अधिकार पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है इस दिवस का उद्देश्य वर्तमान पीढ़ी को यह याद दिलाना है कि वे भावी पीढ़ी के पर्यावास (Habitat) हेतु उत्तरदायी हैं। world habitat day The day mainly focuses on the status of human settlements and the human right to adequate habitat. The purpose of this day is to remind the present generation that they are responsible for the Habitat of the future generation. #worldhabitatday #mahadevengineeringandservices #Mahadevengineeringandservices (at Veer Teja Colony Gotan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjPG09TohKe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bestmessage · 2 years ago
World Habitat Day Messages and Quotes
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Wish your family and friends with slogans on World Habitat Day to make the most of this day. Send across the inspiring World Habitat Day quotes and sayings to wish everyone around you.This post includes the best ever collection of World Habitat Day messages 2022, quotes, images, themes and status messages that can be posted on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram to wish your near and dear ones.
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