#Words cannot explain how much my heart is touched rn man!
Happy birthday Yessy, spooky mama, our beautiful Queen of Talokan!!! From one hispanic to another, felicidades amor espero tengas un hermoso día, lo mereces por ser tan bella por dentro y por fuera y agradezco que sigas siendo fuerte ♡♡♡♡♡♡
I’m so proud of u for making it thru another year of battling bad mental health. Ik how hard it can be. You are such a sweet and kind soul and an absolute joy to have around in this hellhole of a site. There’s so much negativity here I’ve been on and off Tumblr for years now bc sometimes ppl are so eager to insult random strangers online and go for ppl’s throat, I’m starting to think our generation has an addiction to anger. But you are someone who is always so friendly and supportive even of people you don’t know!! It rlly says a lot about u, and ppl like you really make the world a better place. Fr fr.
I hope u have an amazing birthday angel, I hope u do something you love and get cool presents or spend time with loved ones and I hope you continue being a bad bitch and inspiring others like myself to not give up despite how shitty anxiety and depression can be. We all need to inspire each other and be kinder just like you!! And support each other in this crazy ass world. And I say it again I am so proud of u!
We love you! ♡♡♡
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callsignspark · 1 year
5, 16, and 28 for Mary and Bradley <3
anon we are kissing on the mouth rn because I love these
5. What is their love language? I've put way too much thought into this but here's their giving and receiving. they line up very well with each other.
Giving: as we've seen so far, he's very much an acts of service guy. he wants to help her out, make her life easier and happier whenever he can. he also is a big words of affirmation partner, like I've said, Mary is a pretty confident person but he likes to give her that extra assurance that he is all about her, and only her.
Receiving: quality time and physical touch! he's happy to just sit there in the corner and stare at her while she works or cooks. and he cannot get enough of her hands on him. he melts when she runs her fingers through his hair and scratches his head.
Giving: quality time and gift giving. they spend hours together, reading, at the beach, watching movies, cooking and baking. most of their free time is spent together. she literally cooks and bakes as a form of love and giving the food away as gifts is as close as she can get to giving her heart to someone. she loves to surprise Bradley with his favorites after a long week.
Receiving: words of affirmation and gift (receiving? kinda? I’ll explain). him telling her how much he loves her and how smart she is and how beautiful she is just makes her feel like the most important person in the world. (and to Bradley she is) and as they get further into their relationship, the way he’s not afraid to just shower her with compliments is a lovely reminder of how strong their love is. when I say she loves receiving gifts I mean little tiny things. like if he goes to the store and gets her a packet of mini m&ms because they’re her favorite. or if he goes on a run and comes back with a pretty rock that he found. (is he actually a crow disguised as a man? maybe. but she loves it all because it means he’s thinking of her)
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed? Bradley is the way that stays up too late. 100%. and Mary tries drags him to bed. but it's really not that hard. she just goes, "Bradley, I'm lonely, come join me" with a little pout and he is following her down the hall to their bedroom.
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family? their relationship with Bradley's family is amazing! Mav and Penny are wonderful about being parental figures without actually trying to be their parents. and Amelia is a great little sister, even when she's roasting Bradley and cockblocking him because she wants to spend time with her sister-in-law.
her family though... they leave a lot to be desired, to put it nicely. she doesn't go fully no contact with her parents, but it's very much only a text on birthdays and holidays relationship. which works for her, she'd rather be civil and distant than never speak to them again. she keeps the same level of contact with her brothers, aka she calls about once a month to catch up and ask about her nieces and nephews. she has some cousins that she's really close with (and always has been) and they switch off between visits to New York and California. Bradley is happy to support whatever decision she makes with her family, he knows what it's like to have a rough relationship with loved ones.
their friends are very much overlapped because the Dagger Squad becomes a huge family and they're all very good friends! the friends they have that aren't mutual (they both have friends from college, plus Mary's time in Florida and Bradley when he was stationed in Virginia) they all get along with very well! there's only one slightly awkward interaction with a friend. one of Bradley's exs from college (it didn't work out between them, "broke up" after one uncomfortable date and decided they were better as friends. she realized she was gay, not bisexual, a few years later) hits on Mary the first time they meet and he has to be like "Britney, this is Mary... my girlfriend..." and Brit is like "OH MY GOD SORRY" and then it's fine after that lol
come ask me about Mary and Bradley!
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
Hey bestie may I request diluc,childe,zhongli,and venti having a bad nightmare over their s/o wanting to break up with them and when they wake up their s/o isn’t there but really they’re in another room or something if that makes sense!! Thank you 🤑
Hi bestie positively evil... i love it <3 nobody question why zhongli and the reader are married in all my headcanons thanks lmao
Pairings; (Seperate) Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, and Venti x reader
Warning(s); panic, nightmares, hurt/comfort, injury mention
Keep reading under the cut!
Diluc wakes with a start, his brows furrowed as he takes a moment to arrange the events of his nightmare in his head
Both you and he had a particularly explosive argument after he had come back injured from a night protecting Mondstat 
You had left the winery after exclaiming that you refuse to date someone who has such a lack of regard for his own life. In the long run you’d be saving yourself from further heartbreak if he ended up dead on the front porch
Diluc wonders if dream you could be right...
The red-head finally notices the cold side of the bed you should be sleeping on. He more than remembers going to sleep with you
Panic sets in at the bottom of Dilucs stomach. He must be imagining things right? You’re probably just in the bathroom
A beat passes
Then three
No, you’re not in the bathroom. He would have heard you by now...
What if the dream was actually what had happened last night. A breath catches in the mans throat as he gets out of bed and throws a shirt on
If he couldn’t find you in his home has he truly lost you?
Diluc speedily walks through the halls of his home, checking the spare rooms, the study, the library, the living room, the dining room, the
Diluc opens the door to the kitchen his heart threatening to break out of his chest at the pace it’s beating when he finally spots you drinking a cup of tea, in your pajamas
Thank the archons it was just a dream
“Diluc, honey, are you okay?” you ask getting up from the table in the kitchen to your sweating, hyperventilating partner
Diluc says nothing but opts to hugging you, his head bowing to your chest as he breaths you in
“Diluc, you’re worrying me” you tell him returning his embrace and rubbing circles on his back
“You weren’t in bed” is all he offers to tell you. You don’t push him on the details of why he is so panicked
“I couldn’t sleep so I came down for a herbal tea” you explain kissing the man on his bed of fluffy hair “I have a cup left in the kettle, I can pour one out for you” you offer
“Please” he breathes, but doesn’t move to let you go from the embrace, you can stand to hold him and tell him sweet nothings for a little while. Tea can always be reheated
It would only be right, and he suspected as much. You had told him that because of what has recently transpired in Liyue you cannot find yourself to love a brutal harbinger
Maybe its for the best. Childe concludes not paying much attention to his weeping heart. Maybe, you’d be happier not to be under the constant eye and scrutiny of the Qixing, the Milleth, and the watchful eye of Childes own fatui informants
Without much pause form Childes last thought the man finds himself waking in his room, unsure if the dream was reality or his mind playing tricks on him, he feels your side of the bed and notices a distinct lack of warmth... and you
He cries
Childe curls himself up in a ball determined to not get caught by anyone showing such an extreme and out of character emotion, he let himself cry. He’s pretty sure he’s sobbing loudly but he doesn’t care. It’s just him in the house anyway. The one person that he doesn’t mind seeing such emotions has left him
That’s until he hears the distinct click of the bedroom door open “Oh my archon Childe, are you okay?” you ask quickly making your way to the side of his bed and placing a hand on his shoulder
The man looks up to you, he isn’t sure if you’re real 
“I thought-” he starts “I had a-” he tries to find his words without seeming like a crazed person “You weren’t-” 
“It’s okay babe, I’m right here. I’m not planning on going anywhere” you console “I just had an epiphany in my dream and I had to write it down” you add explaining your absence. Childe nods along 
“Stay” he tells you as you wipe the tears out of his eyes. You nod and hum
“Of course” you lay onto the bed and let Childe wrap himself around you
You hum him to sleep and whisper sweet nothings
‘I can’t love you anymore Zhongli, I feel obligated to come back to Liyue after every adventure, it’s starting to take a toll on me’
‘But our vows, [name] we made a contract at the altar’
‘To love each other, yes? Zhongli there’s no love left in this marriage, you sleep in the spare bedroom whenever I’m back, we sit in silence over dinner, I don’t think I’ve kissed you in months. The lack of love itself is the breach in the contract’
‘But I-’
‘Think about it, do you really feel the same love that you felt on the day we got married?’
Zhongli wakes up with a start, his heart beats a little fast for a second. The man convinces himself it’s just a dream he had, but the coldness of your side of the bed seems to speak otherwise
In all fairness, Zhongli should have rationalised his dream before he started wondering the house like a mad man. The only time he sleeps in the other bed is when you’ve suffered an extreme injury, dinners are often spent with jolly laughs and conversation. And Zhongli prides himself on the amount of affection he gives you around the house... and in the bedroom
But most things aren’t making sense in his head right now
“Zhongli my love” you call him upon noticing him in the hall. You had just come out of the bathroom after a midnight toilet break “Are you okay darling?” you ask placing a hand on his shoulder
The tenseness in Zhongli’s shoulders dissipate as soon as you initiate the touch
“I love you” he tells you, the declaration is out of nowhere to you. But you smile at him and embrace him
“And I love you too” you pause bringing up your hand baring the ring that sits on it “And this ring is a reminder of our vows and my unyielding love to you” you tell him with a smile
Zhongli chuckles at you and returns your hug “You seem to always know how to comfort me my dear”
“It’s because I’m a mind reader” you jest matching your spouses chuckle
Disappeared. So much so that the thousand winds could tell Venti that you were in fact not in Mondstat and had travelled to Liyue from the time Venti was playing music in the tavern to when he knocked for you early the next morning
The only trace you left was a letter. Unmistakeably written by your hand
‘Venti, writing this in a letter is much easier than saying this to your face. I am quite simply tired of your antics, no matter try to talk to you, you seem to always brush me off. Be it the nights you spend at the tavern, my general concern when you disappear for days at end just to tell me you were at the thousand winds temple, stormterrors lair, or windrise, no matter how much I tell you I checked all three. Being in a constant state of concern isn’t good for me, it’s emotionally draining and I’m terrified of finding you dead somewhere, despite your archon blood. By the time you read this I’ll be in Liyue where I’ll be staying with a friend for a while. Tell me I’m going somewhere you can’t follow, and I’ll tell you this is how I have felt many a night. I wish I could have kept loving you, [name]’
A harsh way to break up Venti admits to himself rereading the paper a few times before waking up
A dream?
Venti holds his chest, surely a dream couldn’t conjure such a horrific sinking feeling that makes him want to just vomit
Looking to your side of the bed for your comfort the sinking feeling intensifies when he doesn’t see you
So it wasn’t a dream? Venti doesn’t want to call on his kin, the thousand winds, again just to be told once more that you’re currently in Liyue sipping tea with this cousin you had mentioned in the letter 
The archon sits up in bed and takes deep breaths, he doesn’t want to explain to anybody that he had a panic attack over your horrific breakup letter, no no
After calming his breaths Venti steps out of bed with a shaky few steps before walking downstairs to engage in the typical breakout routine. Snacking. Maybe when you left you had elected to ignore some of the snacks you love to litter about your abode
When Venti walks in to the living room towards the kitchen he sees you nursing your head on the couch
“[name]?” he asks in almost disbelief
“Hm,” you answer before looking up to Venti “Oh hey love, sorry I’ve got a headache” you greet properly after a moment. Venti grins at you which causes you to tilt your head. Why is your headache so grin worthy? Weird...
“Would you like some paracetamol?” he asks walking beside you, you shake your head
“I just took some” you reply looking up at your partner “Though I’d love to rest my head on your thighs” you add. Venti more then obliges and settles down on the couch
“You know I had the strangest dream” Venti tells you after a prolonged amount of silence, you hum to let him know you’re listening “You left me” he says bluntly
You bring yourself up to Venti’s face with a smile and give him a kiss “I love you Venti, I wouldn’t leave you for even the prettiest lyre” you half console half jest
“That’s because the prettiest lyre is mine” Venti chuckles and you nod pressing another kiss to Venti’s lips
guys it’s 2.42am I’m so sorry if there’s grammatical errors, my brain isn’t catching up rn
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bloody-bee-tea · 5 years
Oh, may I request xicheng (who owns my entire soul rn) and either 18 or 45? Thank you so much! I love your stories. ❤️
18. “This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.” and 45. “Tell me a secret.”
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had,” Jiang Cheng says, as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Of course I’m in.”
Wei Wuxian gasps in mock outrage but then he frowns.
“This is the stupidest plan I ever had?” he asks and Nie Huaisang closes his fan to point it accusingly at Jiang Cheng.
“Are you stupid?” he wants to know. “He’s had much worse plans. The last one got you arrested alongside him, and you want to tell me this is the stupidest plan?”
Jiang Cheng shrugs. “His plans usually only get him, and sometimes me, in trouble. This, this will be awkward and horrible for all of us, and I am really looking forward to it.”
Jiang Cheng sends a biting smile through the room, and suddenly everyone seems uncomfortable.
“How long do you want to bet it takes him to slide into the embarrassing secrets and kissing part of this game?” he then nonchalantly tacks on, and at least Nie Huaisang and Wen Qing have the good sense to go pale in the face.
“Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this,” Meng Yao pipes up but Jiang Cheng is committed now.
“Oh no, we’re doing this,” he decides and motions for everyone to sit down. 
Lan Wangji has the same stoic look as always on his face, but Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue seem a little bit worried, Jiang Yanli is just smiling like always--knowing damn well that no one would dare to mess with her--and the rest, Meng Yao, Nie Huaisang, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Jin Zixuan and Mianmian, show various signs of panic.
Good, Jiang Cheng thinks. Let them experience the full force of Wei Wuxian for once.
It’s fine, for the first couple of rounds. The truths are small things no one has to die of embarrassment over, and the dares are all doable.
For now.
Jiang Cheng is just waiting for someone to get the alcohol out, so it gets more fun for everyone.
“Xichen,” Nie Mingjue suddenly says and now Jiang Cheng starts paying attention again. 
No one has chosen him or Lan Wangji yet, not even Wei Wuxian.
“Truth or dare?”
Lan Xichen contemplates that for a second, before he shrugs.
“I dare you to tell us a secret,” Nie Mingjue says with a shit-eating grin and Lan Xichen narrows his eyes at him.
“Cheat,” he lowly accuses before he sighs. “I once had a profile in a dating app,” he then casually says, as if that isn’t crushing Jiang Cheng’s heart, but Nie Mingjue shakes his head.
“A secret is something no one in this room knows,” he explains. “Try again.”
Lan Xichen is silent for a long moment, before he shakes his head.
“I forfeit,” he then says.
“You can only do that once,” Nie Huaisang reminds him. “Are you sure you want to waste it for this?”
“Yes,” Lan Xichen says with determination, his gaze flickering over to Jiang Cheng, who immediately looks away.
Of course he wouldn’t tell a secret with Jiang Cheng in the room. Jiang Cheng can’t even fault him for that, because he, too, would not want someone he hates to know one of his secrets.
Jiang Cheng pushes the pain that thought causes away; Lan Xichen has hated him for almost as long as they know each other, it shouldn’t still sting like that and yet, Jiang Cheng can’t help it.
He knows it will hurt for as long as he is in love with Lan Xichen, because how could it ever do anything else.
The truths and dares make the rounds again, until Nie Huaisang narrows his eyes when it’s his turn.
“Lan Xichen,” he says and Lan Xichen sighs.
“Dare,” he immediately says and Nie Huaisang starts beaming at him.
“I dare you to spend ten minutes in the closet with Jiang Cheng,” he says, clearly having thought about this before and there are a lot of suggestive calls all of a sudden.
Lan Xichen is suspiciously silent.
“I forfeit,” Jiang Cheng says, because for all that he loves Lan Xichen, he’s not sure he can be subjected to be near him for ten minutes without a minor break-down over the fact that Lan Xichen hates him.
“You can’t,” Nie Huaisang informs him. “It’s not your dare. And Lan Xichen already used his, so you’ll have to do it.”
“Fine,” Lan Xichen stiffly says and walks over to the closet. “Jiang Cheng, if you would?”
“Whatever,” Jiang Cheng grumbles, but he gets up and enters the closet after Lan Xichen.
Nie Huaisang helpfully locks the door behind them, so they really have to spend ten minutes in here.
The first minute is full with a tense silence, both of them trying not to touch or look at each other, but a minute is all Jiang Cheng can take.
“I’m sorry you have to spend ten minutes in here with me,” he says, and looks down at his feet. “I know you hate me, everyone knows it, so I don’t know what Nie Huaisang is thinking.”
“I don’t hate you,” Lan Xichen slowly says, almost making it a question, and Jiang Cheng scoffs.
“Sure. That’s the reason you’re always so infallibly polite with me.”
“I’m polite to everyone,” Lan Xichen gives back and Jiang Cheng has to agree with that, but it’s not what he meant.
“You’re being CEO polite with me,” he tries to explain. “You’re giving me the same smile you give CEOs of companies you want to take over. You give me the same smile you give CEOs you despise for their treatment of their employees. And I mean, I get it. You tolerate me, because if you wouldn’t, that would make Wei Wuxian sad, and that would mean Lan Wangji is sad, and you don’t like that.”
“I don’t just tolerate you,” Lan Xichen tries, but Jiang Cheng only rolls his eyes.
“Sure you do. Can’t even fault you for that, really, because most people I know only tolerate me because of Yanli or Wei Wuxian, so I’m used to it. But, you know, you can admit it,” Jiang Cheng says, though his heart is heavy in his chest.
Still, hearing Lan Xichen say that yes, he’s only tolerating him for his brother’s sake would beat this unspoken dislike. At least then Jiang Cheng was certain where they stood.
Because in this situation, his treacherous brain still makes up What if-scenarios where Lan Xichen does like him back. And Jiang Cheng is tired of it.
“I don’t--,” Lan Xichen starts and then takes a deep breath. “I’m going to tell you a secret,” he decisively says and for the first time Jiang Cheng looks at him.
“Tell me a secret? You don’t have to, you already forfeited that one.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Lan Xichen says with a shake of his head. “Are you ready?” 
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng gives back, even though the answer is very much no. 
He doesn’t want to know any of Lan Xichen’s secrets, doesn’t even want to begin to imagine how a secret could possibly relate to what Jiang Cheng just said, but Jiang Cheng knows Lan Xichen.
And he knows that look. There is no stopping him now.
“I’m not polite to you because I don’t like you,” Lan Xichen starts, and Jiang Cheng’s heart immediately goes into overdrive. “I’m polite to you because I’m in love with you and don’t know how to act around you,” Lan Xichen admits, and he keeps his eyes on Jiang Cheng.
In the end it’s Jiang Cheng who has to look away.
“You don’t have to lie,” he rasps out, heart in his throat and a sick feeling in his stomach. He never wanted pity from this man. “There’s no need for you to pretend.”
“I am not,” Lan Xichen says vehemently and carefully takes Jiang Cheng’s hands in his. “Ever since your brother stepped into my brother’s life, you’ve been always on my radar,” Lan Xichen says. “You always had something that captivated me. But then there was this one meeting where you put Old Man Yao in his place, with the sweetest smile on your face, and the most biting words in your mouth, and I was lost. I’ve been in love with you ever since, but I know you don’t feel that way about me, so I tried to keep my distance, tried to treat you like everyone else, and the only thing I really know how to do is be a CEO, so I fell back on that.”
The admission leaves Jiang Cheng speechless, because he cannot have heard that right.
“That meeting was years ago,” he blurts out and even in the dim light he can see that Lan Xichen is blushing.
“Yes,” he agrees and then quickly takes his hands away. “I’m sorry for dumping this on you, but you had to know. I couldn’t let you believe I hate you.”
“You--don’t hate me,” Jiang Cheng slowly says, trying the words out for the very first time because it’s what he believed all these years.
“No, I don’t,” Lan Xichen immediately says.
“You’re in love with me,” Jiang Cheng goes on, and Lan Xichen nods.
“Oh, wow,” Jiang Cheng mutters and then smiles at Lan Xichen, just a small thing, but Lan Xichen lights up at seeing it.
“I’m going to tell you a secret,” Jiang Cheng says and Lan Xichen takes his hand again.
“Tell me,” he encourages him, as Jiang Cheng threads their fingers together.
“I’m in love with you, too,” Jiang Cheng honestly tells him, more honest than he has been in years, and Lan Xichen lets out a relieved chuckle.
“That is very good to hear,” he whispers and then leans their foreheads together.
“It is,” Jiang Cheng agrees, and he tilts his head, just a little bit, just enough to brush their lips together, when suddenly the lock is being turned.
Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen spring apart, and not a second too early, because then Nie Huaisang opens the door.
He looks them over critically, before he winks at them and turns back around.
“I have to disappoint you, they didn’t kill each other,” he calls out to the room and there are a lot of groans and one very enthusiastic “I told you so,” from Jiang Yanli.
“Do you want to keep this a secret?” Jiang Cheng mutters as he stops Lan Xichen from walking out by his sleeve.
“Never,” Lan Xichen gives back and takes Jiang Cheng’s hand again. “You?”
“Never,” Jiang Cheng agrees and squeezes Lan Xichen’s hand, before they step out into the room.
No one remembers they were playing something after they see their intertwined hands. 
 [Prompt taken from this list, but please don’t send in more]
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part I
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*Hi everyone! First, I need to shoutout @hellosupernaturaldoctor​  for giving me advice and the confidence to even attempt this. This is my very first time writing any fan-fiction and the first time I’ve decided to post any of my writing some place other than a word doc. I’ve had this idea for this story since mid-season of the Mayans, and after the finale I put all my thoughts into a story. It starts off slow, but I promise what I have in store next will be worth it! PS, Any feedback is appreciated! - This story takes place a few months after the season one finale. Ez is now a newly patched in member, Alvarez is still working for Galindo; things have been quiet as of late, well for the most part.*
It’s a Friday afternoon, I’m just getting off of work. It’s hot as fuck outside – guess that’s the price you pay when you live in the desert. I lazily gather my purse from the backroom, before I step foot outside, I redo my hair. What was once a cute pony tail this morning has turned into a mangled mess. As my luck would have it, my hair tie snaps as soon as I go to wrap it around a third time. “Fuck.” I mumble to myself. I always wear an extra hair tie on my wrist, but I cannot have a naked wrist. “Fine, a mangled mane I will have. It’s fine, it’s fine.” I whisper to myself. If I don’t leave here now, I will lose all sanity I have left. Man, what a shit show day today has been, this heat must be getting to the kids. Two broken wrists, a broken arm, a no helmet incident and a random summer cold. I didn’t get puked or shit on, and no kid attempted to kick or hit, so I call today’s shit show a success. Just as I’m about to leave, one of my co-workers stops me, “Leah, good work today. You kept that broken arm kid really calm. Keep it up.” Elena tells me with a smile. “Thanks, Elena. I’m just doing my job, but I always welcome feedback, so thanks again.” I say to her as I head out the back door. It’s 4:30pm, I’ve been on the clock since 6am, one would think I deserve to simply go home and use my complex’s pool – oh one can dream. But nope, I’m still on the clock but I guess you could call this gig more of an always “on-call” service.
I pull up in my old school blacked out Jeep Grand Cherokee about twenty minutes after I leave the clinic to the Romeo Brothers Scrapyard, also known as the headquarters for the Mayans MC.  
Chucky greets me, per usual. “Greetings Nurse Aleeah.” He says to me with a big smile and a salute. I let out a giggle as I always do whenever someone says my full name…I rarely ever go by it, but around here, I hear it more than I have in years. But Chucky, oh Chucky– how does one describe a chronic masturbator who has a good heart and is part of the biker world without truly being a biker? I guess I just did, didn’t I? “Hey Chucky, how are you?” I ask as I park and exit my Jeep. “I am well, swell actually. I have no complaints today.” Chucky answers with a big smile. “Good, I’m glad to hear that.” I say as I give his arm a friendly squeeze. “The boys need your assistance, I don’t know details but clearly someone got messed up hence why you are here.” Chucky explains in typical Chucky fashion.I roll my eyes as I stand in front of the clubhouse. “It’s always something with these boys, huh?” I rhetorically ask. Chucky nods his head and heads back to the office. I walk up the steps and take a deep breath before I enter the clubhouse. This club is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the fuck you’re going to get so it’s best you just grin and bear it. Is it just a cut from a broken beer bottle? Did a fight break out and there is blood everywhere? A bullet wound? A stabbing wound? A rat bite? Like I said, you just never know. I open the doors and pray today is nothing major. “Have no fear, your favorite RN is here.” I announce as I enter the clubhouse and strike a pose in the doorway.  “Umm, isn’t it RN BSN?” Riz corrects as he stands and greets me. “Have I told you that you’re my favorite?” I reply with a playful wink and smile, it does make me truly happy that these guys acknowledge and are proud of my accomplishments. “Hola Aleeah.” Riz says to me while we greet with a warm hug, per usual. “Hey, I spy my favorite nurse!” Gilly shouts from across the room. Creeper, Hank and Taza also wave from the card table. “Greetings gentlemen, you all seem to be in one piece.” I say as I mosey around the few tables between me and the guys. “Although that pleases me, who is the one who called up 1-800-Rescue Nurse?” I sarcastically spit, which receives some laughs from the guys. “They’re in church.” Hank points towards the door. “They? Plural?” I ask looking at Riz, and he nods to confirm. “Jesus Christ.” I say palming my face. “Lee Baby!” Coco shouts from exiting church and walking over to me with open arms. “Ah, Coco Loco.” I reply with a smile and we hug. “How are you doing, Coco?” I ask after we break our embrace. “A lot better than your next two victims.” He replies, him not making much eye contact and that just gives it away – I know automatically who my victims are. “You gotta be kidding me? They got into it again?!” All Coco does is nod and look down at the floor. “How bad?” I ask. “What do you mean? How bad do they look? Or how bad is it between them?” Coco asks me. I shake my head with disgrace. I angrily take my steps towards church and I aggressively open the door. “Damn, she is pissed.” I hear Creeper’s echo as I close the door, as soon I enter the room. Looking at the table, I see them. One is at one end, the other one on the opposite end. I drop my nurse’s bag on the table and cross my arms. “You two have some damn nerve - getting into it again. Jesus. You’re fucking brothers, you are blood – blood don’t do this shit.” I yell with anger and confusion. Silence fills the air as the guys look at each other and up at me. Bishop then looks over to me and quirks an eyebrow and half smile. “Excuse my poor manners, Bish. Your boys tend to make me lose all sanity I have left at the end of a work week.” I tell him as I walk over and give him a warm embrace. “Oh Leah, you’re fine. I know this shit has been out of control recently.” Bishop pauses and looks over to the guys. He takes a deep breath. “I’ll let you handle them now. I’ll be outside if you need a referee.” Bishop exits and I just stand there, crossed arms again. Both boys refuse to look me in the eye, but instead stare each other down. “Are you just going to stand there?” Angel seethes. I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Give me one good reason as to why I should fix the both of you up? Huh? Because as I see it, this is the fourth time this month…THIS MONTH!  Angel, please, humor me and explain to me why the fuck I should tend to your wounds yet again? Maybe if I let you both be, you’ll learn these fights aren’t worth it.” I take a deep breath myself, and I run my hand through my tangled hair, which I then end up putting up in a pony tail right after, I’ll just have to remember to find another hair tie to wear on my wrist later.   “Alright, I’m sorry I went off. You two, you two just frustrate me.” I say holding my hands up mimicking a surrender. I take another breath and look between the boys. My gaze is drawn to EZ, probably because he’s the easier one out of the two. “Okay, EZ, I see that nasty cut on your cheek, oh and your hand – good going big brother.” I say as I look over to Angel. He looks away the moment I look his way. “Shocker, EZ gets to be first yet again.” Angel chirps. “Seriously?” I snap. “I’m over here fucking bleeding, I could be dying but all you and anyone ever cares about is Ezekiel.”   “Shut it Angel, just shut it, please.” I beg. I start to tend to EZ’s war wounds; some cuts, a nasty one on his cheek – I’m guessing Angel’s rings got the best of him this time around. EZ, he doesn’t say much this time I’m here. I know that he feels the same way as me – he’s tired of this back and forth shit with his brother. “EZ, no more. It’s one thing when you all call me to take a bullet out, or to give a rabies shot, but this shit – playground fights, I’m done.” I explain as I place the last bandage strip to his cheek. EZ doesn’t make eye contact, and his jaw is clenched. His knees shaking. “I know, Lee. I’m sorry you’re doing this again.” EZ tells me as he finally meets my eyes for the first time. EZ, he’s easy to read. He wears his emotions in his eyes, his eyes right now are filled with pain and sadness. This whole feud with Angel, it’s taken a toll on everyone in this club. It’s been almost eight months of this fuckery. “Remove the bandage Sunday night, it needs about 48 hours to heal. If you feel the need to remove it beforehand, clean it thoroughly. Have some of your favorite tequila tonight, and you will be good.” I tell EZ as I throw away the things I used to care for him. “Thanks, Lee.” He says as he kisses me on the cheek and walks somberly out of church. My heart aches for EZ, because the pain – physical and emotional is all over his face and body. Angel hasn’t taken his eyes off of the wall nor has he spoken. I slide my bag down the table as I slowly make my way towards him. Rubber gloves are on, and I grab his face. “Let’s see your damage.” I say, like a dog would when a human goes to check their mouth for something, Angel gives me a little tension as I touch his face. Again, no eye contact. A look of annoyance screams from his expression. I see a nasty cut on the side of his head, by his eye – a sensitive area which bleeds more than most. A black eye is also forming. “Jesus Christ, Angel.” I say examining the cut a little further. “This has to stop. I’m begging. I cannot deal with looking at you two like this, because my fear is that one day, I’m going to be too late to help any of you.” “What if it is?” He spews. I scoff, “No more.” Is all I manage to say. I take out an alcohol swab to clean out his cut. “This is going to sting, on the count of three – one, two, three.” I say as I then put the swab against the cut. A loud hiss comes from Angel and an instant reaction of mine is to grab his face and blow lightly at the cut, helping the sting not be so painful. Angel’s eyes then lock with mine, a look of shock and confusion fill his brown eyes. Angel and I, we’ve had a very interesting relationship since I first came to Santo Padre. He gave me an attitude and I gave it right back – he seemed more pissed off when I talked back than just walking away, and the more I talked back, the more tension built up between us. We started out on the wrong foot, and that’s how we have remained. He lets me care for him, depending on the time of day. Sometimes he lets his girlfriend, well I think she’s his girlfriend, Adelita, clean him up. Today, for whatever reason, he stuck around the clubhouse. I continue to blow on his wound, and I wince back in pain for him because I know it had to sting like a bitch. “Uhh, sorry. It’s a habit of mine, when I treat the kids, I have to do this; they hate it too, so that technique helps them...” I ramble and look away because I sense a bit of embarrassment, as I’ve never been “nice” to Angel. I look and reach back at the table to grab what I need next, just as I turn to face Angel again, I notice a very small smile on his face. “What?” I question, because seeing him smile legit concerns me. “It’s nothing, Leah.” He says monotone and lets me continue working on him. A few more minutes go by, and I determine that he doesn’t need any stitches, just a little butterfly work on one of his eyebrows. “Okay, that’s all. No stitches today, that cut on the side of your face, it’s a sensitive area that bleeds more than most. Your eyebrow cut, it’s an awkward cut – it’s ugly but not ugly enough for stitches. My only request is when you clean it out, could you please use both water and soap?” I emphasize. I know how these guys operate. They either use a dirty rag or tap water to clean themselves up. I turn to clean up my stuff and Angel lets out a minor laugh, which catches me off guard. I look at him and quirk an inquisitive look. Angel stands up, he turns behind his chair and lightly pounds his fist to the back of it. “You sounded just like my ma.” He tells me, in the softest voice I have ever heard Angel speak in. I offer him a small smile as I already know what that history is. Angel leaves church, and per usual no other words are spoken, no thank you’s, nothing. I stay behind a few more moments and collect my thoughts and belongings. I hear the door open, at first I’m startled but relieved it’s just Bishop. “How we doin’, sweetheart?” He asks. I let out a very deep sigh and my facial expression tells my feelings of this whole ordeal. Bishop can’t help but laugh, “I know, Lee. I know.” He tells me as he pulls me in for a hug. “I just need to go home and lay in bed and watch a trashy romcom.” I exclaim as I grab my bag. “I think you’ve deserved that, but before you go – you have a visitor.” He tells me. A look of a deer in the head-lights flashes across my face, who the hell could be visiting me? “Just come with me.” Bishop motions for me to take his hand and follow him. Nerves take over, with the Club, you never know what can happen. As I exit the room, I see the guys scattered all over the clubhouse yet all eyes are on me. “Your visitor is the biggest pain in my ass, so make it quick.” Bishop says, but I catch his playfulness I his voice and I look to the bar and I see who Bishop is talking about – Marcus Alvarez.
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giasonesdream · 6 years
I Can’t Even
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Pairing: Jeongguk x Taehyung, Taehyung x Jimin
Summary: A story where Jimin is the side-piece and he knows it, Taehyung is a shit boyfriend and he knows it, and Jeongguk thinks Taehyung is the best boyfriend ever...(Explicit)
Crossposted on AO3 and based off this still amazing FMV
tagged: Smut, taekook, vmin, cheating, videotaping, Angst, hella sad, read at your own risk
Word Count: 6679 (14 fucking pages what glue was I even on when I wrote this wtf)
You: hey I thought you were coming over??
Jeongguk sends the message without any hesitance. He is tired from the long day of classes and his part-time job at the university’s bookstore, and all he wants to do is cuddle up with his stupid boyfriend and preferably watch an even stupider movie (“I don’t think ‘stupider’ is a word, though,” Taehyung would say in retaliation).
But said boyfriend is not sprawled out over his couch when he gets back to his apartment, and he usually always beats Jeongguk home.
Not a minute later, his phone dings! in reply:
taetae<3: haha yeah..sorry? something came up. I’m pretty busy rn
Jeongguk isn’t given time to respond when Taehyung shoots back with:
taetae<3: ill come over tomorrow and bring your favorite cookies :))
Heaving a sigh, Jeongguk sinks into the cushion of his sofa. He can already feel the crumbs of the flaky almond cookies tumble from his chin, making him a proper mess that Taehyung will try to tease him for. “Now we match,” he would say back, feigning annoyance before placing a sloppy kiss on the other’s cheek, the evidence of his lips being the crumbs that stick to Taehyung’s golden skin.
You: oh okay, I love u bby
taetae<3: ill ttyl
taetae<3: <3
He tosses his phone onto the coffee table in front of him, only giving himself a moment of silence before he pushes himself off the couch, ready to wander around and enjoy his weekend freedom.
Meanwhile, Taehyung’s heart drops in his chest as the message shows that Jeongguk has seen it. He isn’t lying - he truly does love his boyfriend. But that is where the truth ends, Taehyung knows. He stares at the chat right as he gets a notification from a number saved conspicuously as Pizza Hut. When Taehyung clicks on the chat, the first new thing to pop up is a photo attachment that loads to show something very unrelated to pizza (though, maybe just as mouthwatering):
Jimin is lying on his bed, a black hoodie that looks suspiciously like one that Taehyung had left at his place on his chest and the hood covering his eyes, only to leave the view of parted, plump and full lips. Then the messages read:
Pizza Hut: Im waiting..
Pizza Hut: babe i need u
Taehyung still feels a bit guilty, honestly...but Jimin is so goddamn enticing, tempting. It’s hard for him not to shoot up from his table in the tutoring center, waving goodbye to Namjoon as he shrugs on his jacket and makes his way out of the building and off campus in the opposite direction of his boyfriend.
You: omw
Jimin busies himself with scrolling angrily through photos of a happy couple he has known for, what, two years now? If he recalls correctly (and there’s no interpreting this wrong, he fucking remembers) he was the one to help Taehyung and Jeongguk become friends. Taehyung had been the spritely young man in his general education calc class that had a voice deep enough to rattle in his bones (and he has no shame in admitting he’d wanted to drop to his knees instantly for him), and Jeongguk was the reserved, polite, adorable kid in his first level hip hop dance class that seemed to contain the upper body strength of someone twice his size. He hadn’t seen any harm in having the two meet each other especially since Taehyung had spoken to him first, shown interest in him fucking first.
But here he is, glaring at a picture of Jeongguk’s selfie, one that just so happens to show the hickies scattered on the side of his neck as if Taehyung has never done that to him either.
When he gets another text from Taehyung informing him he’s just five minutes away, Jimin slides from his bed to grab the equipment, heart beat picking up a little at the excitement of his plan. His dresser stands on the wall in front of his bed, and there he has a makeshift tripod constructed to hold the video camera he’d been gifted with before he started university.
When the red light signifies the camera is recording, he paces, unsure of what to do exactly. There’s some sort of adrenaline that pumps his veins even though he knows there’s more to come. He finally opts for sitting on the foot of his bed, flopping back. Words flow from his mouth before he even knows it.
“Jeonggukie,” he sighs. He hopes he’s speaking loud enough for the camera to hear. “I’ve been hooking up with this guy...he’s the best I ever had.” There’s a smile on his lips that he knows the camera cannot see. His mind wanders to the times he’s spent with Taehyung, getting fucked with his tongue, his fingers, his cock; the smallest moan escapes his lips, the blood traveling south. “So good…”and this moan isn’t as clipped.
He cuts his imagination short, sitting up and running his fingers through the black strands as he looks at the camera. He smiles, pinkie slipping between his lips. “I can’t wait for you to meet him.”
And by the grace of whatever deity looks down on Jimin fondly, he hears a faint knock on his apartment door. He gives one last wink to the camera before scurrying off to answer the door.
Jimin still isn’t used to the fiery red of Taehyung’s hair as it simply sits on his head, no need to be styled, unlike with Jimin’s hair. There needs to be some effort with Jimin. Taehyung is flawless, and Jimin is the luckiest to be able to witness that perfection.
“Hey.” Taehyung greets simply, though his voice is low and his eyes are dark. He takes a step forward, not waiting to be allowed into the living room.
“Hi.” Jimin smiles sweetly because he is always so excited whenever he gets to see this man in front of him. Oh, how he’s changed in the last two years that they have known each other. The thin sweater Taehyung wears now hangs nicely from his broad shoulders, clinging to his chest just a bit tighter than how they used to. His neck is thicker, so much room to mark him.
But he knows he can’t…
Jimin pushes those thoughts aside as he wraps one hand around that neck to drag Taehyung into a kiss. It starts out innocent enough -a happy greeting-, but when Jimin pulls back to breathe, the other is already chasing after him, slipping his tongue into the parted, full lips he spent the whole walk thinking about. He had a thing for biting, and the lips were never left unscathed...especially when they looked absolutely sinful when blistery and red, swollen from abuse.
Taehyung pulls back then, his eyes fluttering open to no more than half-lidded as he tugs on the fabric that practically swallows the other whole. “You have my hoodie,” he states simply.
They’re both panting, and Jimin is slowly starting to lose his train of thought, so he nods with a smile. “Looks good on me, right?”
��Shit, is that even a question?” Taehyung yanks Jimin forward so their bodies are molded together, every inch meeting from head to toe. “Gonna let me fuck you against the wall? Let my sweater keep you nice and warm while I work you open?”
God, that mouth. It’s the very thing that drew Jimin in and it wouldn’t be just perfect if it didn’t eat him alive with every word uttered. He shivers at the idea; it’s tempting, that’s for sure.
“M-maybe later.” His breath hitches. “But I need to show you something in my room first.” There’s a frown to Taehyung’s features that makes Jimin take his hand and lead him down a very familiar path to Jimin’s bedroom.
Taehyung doesn’t notice it first, his eyes staying on the back of Jimin’s head as they enter. It isn’t until he’s guided to sit on the foot of his bed that Taehyung realizes the camera looking him in the eyes. With an eyebrow arched, Jimin explains.
“I wanted to try something different.” Jimin sits on his knees next to him, facing his profile as he leans in to whisper in the other’s ear. “I want something to watch when you’re gone off playing ‘Boyfriend’ with Jeongguk.”
Taehyung turns his head at the name mentioned, face colliding with Jimin’s as he breathes the other in. Some part of him aches at the reminder of what he’s doing, but the lust burns more potently, and the idea of punishing this small boy comes to mind. “Told you not to talk about him.”
Their lips are hairsbreadth apart, and Jimin is too focused on how they are touching his. “I’m sorry.” The apology sounds sweetly insincere. “Should I turn the camera off?”
Taehyung’s head shake is subtle but enough since Jimin was on him again, pressing their lips together as the kiss turned open, desperate. He climbs to straddle Taehyung, a lick of fire trailing up his spine at how those hands encompass his waist so perfectly, so securely, like he wouldn’t be able to go anywhere even if he wanted to. And Taehyung swallows his moan when his hands move from Jimin’s hips and around to his ass, nails scratching into the denim fabric when he pulls the other closer.
Some part of Jimin wants to lose himself in the kiss, the way Taehyung’s tongue licks at the inside of his mouth and claims him; he wants to keep grinding down on both their growing lengths, but there’s too many obstacles. Too many layers of clothes. Taehyung must have the same thought as his hands push underneath the hoodie to find bare skin, dragging his fingers up the smooth skin of his back before pulling away.
“Off,” is the only word Taehyung gives, but Jimin understands, slides off the man’s lap to tug off the hoodie and go for the buttons of his jeans. He can feel those dark, deep eyes on him, watching his rather graceless stripshow and Jimin cannot stop the heat that rises up his chest. He plans on complaining once he’s naked, but after his underwear pool at his ankles, hands find their way back to Jimin’s waist, tugging him back into Taehyung’s lap and bringing their mouths together again.
“What about...you?” Jimin asks between kisses.
Taehyung rests his forehead against Jimin’s, panting and trying hard to find some semblance of control. “What do you want me to do?”
A surprised groan falls from Jimin’s lips. So it’s that kind of night, one where Taehyung will make it seem like the other has all the power. “Tell me what you want,” he’ll say; “How and where do you want me?” This kind of power is hardly ever in Jimin’s court, and it’s almost dizzying how fucking hot it gets him.
After a heavy sigh, Jimin says, “T-take your clothes off and sit back down. Wanna make you feel good.”
An obedient Taehyung is rare, Jimin knows this. But that’s what makes the times when the taller pulls out the choker, holds his wrist together, all the more worth it. Not to say that Jimin doesn’t absolutely love the Taehyung that likes to tease, laugh when he begs for more, pulls back just to edge the pleasure until it’s unbearable- no. Jimin has jerked off so many times to a memory of Taehyung pinning his body down and taking what he wants with reckless abandon.
Taehyung pulls at his clothes unceremoniously, subtle glances to the camera that the other catches every second. Jimin can see the cogs turning in that perfect head, and he’s about to ask what he’s thinking.
“Is this for you only?”
The question seems innocent, but a pang of worry creeps into Jimin’s mind. Had he put two and two together?
“It’s just that...you’d look so pretty and if the camera missed anything-”
Jimin promptly shuts the other up with his tongue in his mouth, both with happiness at how willing Taehyung is to try this out, but also at the twitch of his own cock at the idea of having the camera focused solely on him and what he can do to the other man. There’s no doubt about it that Jimin likes to watch himself given he plans on making a career out of observing and making note of the way his body moves and how it can be better, so it doesn’t surprise anyone that he may or may not have a few videos of himself masturbating, fingering himself or using some of his favourite toys (there was a prostate massager he bought and tried out with Taehyung. It was then categorized as a toy for special times because that thing was powerful).
When they finally part, Taehyung stands and reaches for the camera, plopping back down on the bed and ignoring the squeak as he turns to focus the camera on Jimin. “As you were,” he says with a chuckle.
There’s a sultry glint to Jimin’s eyes, a smile none too pure as he sinks to his knees, first holding Taehyung’s gaze before giving a wink to the camera as he starts of trail of soft pecks on the inside of Taehyung’s thighs.
It doesn’t even feel real when Taehyung watches everything from the viewfinder, can’t comprehend that the face he sees in the camera is the same one that is between his legs at this very instant. That is, until Jimin’s lips come to kiss Taehyung’s stiff cock. It’s a featherlight touch, one he hardly feels but it only makes him ache for more. Lucky for Taehyung, Jimin doesn’t tease all that much, and soon enough the other licks up the underside until he can wrap his lips around the head.
Taehyung nearly loses his grip on the device in his hand, stuck between wanting to watch the man as he actually takes his time to thoroughly coat his dick or watch it all unfold through the viewfinder. His brain chooses for him, opting to weave his fingers through the raven strands as he watches Jimin’s head bob up and down his length.
The elder revels in the low, husky sounds that come from the man above him, how his voice reverberates through his body, allows him to feel just as much as he can hear how much he affects Kim Taehyung. The hand in his hair tightens a fraction when Jimin feels he can take more of the other’s cock, fighting back his gag reflex and never stopping the swirl of his tongue as he goes further down. Curses fly out frantically and it encases the smaller man on his knees, the sounds going to his own hard member, and he needs some type of friction to alleviate the pressure. The hand not holding Taehyung’s dick sits in a fist on his own thigh, itching to just move and palm at his own boner- no. No, Taehyung will make him feel good. He always does.
Taehyung bucks his hips up just as Jimin finally manages him down his throat, swallowing thickly at the intrusion and trying hard not force him out. It feels too good, Jimin’s mouth. So wet, hot, addictive, Taehyung just wants to continue. But when he looks through the camera just as Jimin looks up, he knows they can’t keep this up for long. He wants to fuck Jimin every way he knows how; fucking needs to.
With the grip he has on Jimin’s scalp, he tugs the man off his cock, a string of saliva connecting his bottom, swollen lip to the red and angry head. He doesn’t give his lover a minute to breathe before he drags Jimin into a searing kiss, probably not getting a good angle with the camera, but at this very moment, fuck the camera.
Jimin desperately needs air but also desperately needs to keep kissing Taehyung, and a whimper bubbles in his chest as his body fights for its basic necessity. Taehyung tears them apart, pupils wide and focused on the dishevelled man in front of him. His voice is a growl when he speaks.
“Put the camera back and lay on the bed.”
When Jimin feels level-headed enough, he pouts, knowing good and well how great he must look right now. “But I thought I was in charge tonight.”
The red head laughs even though there’s nothing amusing about Jimin’s statement. He only gives a nod before standing up, the few inches he has on the other boy playing well into the dominant act as he leans down, their faces leveled with each other.
“Be a good boy and put the fucking camera back and lay on the fucking bed.”
Without a word, Jimin does as he is told, taking the camera to put back on his dresser and walking past Taehyung, ready to sit down when the other tells him to lay “on his stomach”.
He rolls over, lying horizontally across the bed so that the camera can easily capture their profiles. Jimin feels the bed dip underneath him and waits in anticipation.
He starts at the nape of Jimin's neck, a soft peck to contrast the hard member that slots between Jimin's cheeks. Taehyung loves when Jimin melts under his touch, becomes relaxed and sated with the softest touches. He keeps going, creating a searing path down the elder's spine, eyes focused on the way his muscles seem to simultaneously relax and tense with his actions.
When he gets to Jimin's ass, he stops, attentive to the boy of the other's head. "Why so tense?" he taunts, grabbing the globes of Jimin's ass and spreading them apart, kneading them just to hear how Jimin's breath stutter.
Park Jimin, the unabashed fiend he is, has the nerve to act shy, pleading with a small voice and reluctant to look back and meet the eyes of the man that makes him feel insane with pleasure.
And Kim Taehyung, the smart man he is, falls for it every goddamn time.
The first long lick to his hole leaves Jimin with tight muscles, as if he's never been eaten out before. On the contrary, Taehyung was the master at using his tongue in the most sinful, dirty ways imaginable. Every time would always feel like the first.
With his hands resting at Jimin's hips, Taehyung gives another tentative lick, making sure to start at his perineum, the tip of his tongue getting caught on his rim.
"Shit," Jimin hisses, clenching around air while his dick twitches where it's trapped between him and the bed. "Just...fuck...please."
He shivers at the responding chuckle, Taehyung's hot breath fanning across his hole. "Want me to fuck you with my tongue? Get you nice and wet for me cock?"
The heat that shoots up his spine leaves Jimin panting, the images in his head getting him even more eager for the other's tongue. He nods frantically , pressing his cheek into the cotton of his duvet. When he catches the red light of the camera, he grins, another bout of lust to fuel him when he thinks about how incredible they must look and-
"Oh, fuck!" keens the elder, jerking away from the pleasure as Taehyung dives in, sucking at his rim and dipping the wet muscle inside only to pull it out. Always the tease even when he's getting down to business.
His eyes are closed to the world, focusing on the pleasure the other gives him. He doesn't even try to hold back the noises, the moans, whimpers, groans, breathy cries. When Taehyung finally licks inside him, pushing his tongue in to stretch his walls, Jimin falls silent, mouth open and fingers curling into the sheets.
Taehyung groans low when he feels Jimin clench around him, hardly able to fuck him properly. "Relax, baby," he soothes before he's going back in to thrust his muscle in and out.
It's too much, the heat searing Jimin's skin and there is no relief in sight. His heart hammers in his chest, blood ringing in his ears and dick curled tightly to his stomach. He needs to relieve some of the pressure, rub against his bed, get a hand around himself- something. But when he tries to wriggle away, Taehyung only clamps down on his hips more, trapping him to just take whatever the other will give him, and Jimin is never sure if he's ready for the onslaught.
And then he feels a finger press inside beside his tongue, and a tremor racks through his body, burying his face in his elbow while white spots dance behind his closed eyelids.
Jimin's words are muffled, but Taehyung think the other is saying "please" over and over. He could stay back here for all of eternity, making the other fall apart on his tongue and fingers. But the way his walls flutter around him, he cannot exactly forget how incredible Jimin feels around his cock.
He needs to fuck him into the mattress. Fucking yesterday.
Taehyung pulls away, admiring the way the other whines but ultimately stays in place. He quickly grabs the bottle of lube he knows is stashed under Jimin's pillow (easy access is how Jimin explains it) and crawls back to hover over the boy panting with a slight sheen of sweat coating his fair skin.
"Want something, gorgeous?" taunts the red head, watching as the other arches his back in search of him while he slicks up his fingers. "You are in charge, after all," he whispers into Jimin's ear, faintly feeling the goosebumps that rise under his light touch.
There's a moment of silence where Jimin thinks of what to say: "get your tongue back in me", "tear me apart", "fuck me so I can feel it for days". But his brain doesn't work so well when he's already high like this, not being able to make his mouth work properly when his brain is damn near fried. "Fuck me," he commands simply, eyes fluttering to meet Taehyung's.
The answer must be good enough for him, a lazy smirk on his lips as he leans down to nibble at Jimin's neck, all the while running his lube coated fingers over his already spit-slick entrance. He can tell the elder is holding his breath, waiting to be breached. It would be amusing to Taehyung if he wasn't also holding some crazy amount of self-control himself.
The first finger goes in easily, a sigh of relief escaping Jimin's bloodshot lips. He looks sedated, calm. That changes, however, when Taehyung decides that Jimin can take another, the fit more snug as he curls two long fingers deep inside the silk walls of his ass. Black strands matting to his forehead, Jimin seems to be in some state of euphoria with Taehyung’s fingers massaging at his inner walls. Satisfyingly beautiful.
The furrow in Jimin’s brow deepens when Taehyung expertly grazes the other’s prostate, still thrusting slowly, making sure to stroke at that bundle of nerves every time. He allows the boy under him to twist about, trying to get his fingers deeper, make him go harder. With a frustrated sigh, Jimin snarls.
“Harder, please.”
And there’s that laugh, the one that both makes Jimin feel safe and riles him up all in one. “Since you asked so nicely…”
A slight burn comes when Taehyung adds the third finger, making Jimin clamp around him, inhaling deeply.
Fuck, he would feel so amazing around Taehyung’s cock.
The redhead leaves wet kisses on Jimin’s shoulder, helping him to loosen up so Taehyung can prepare him until all he feels is pleasure. Not a minute later and Jimin is back to moaning, his voice angelic and filthy all at once, making Taehyung’s neglected cock twitch in excitement. He doesn’t think he can wait any longer, burying his fingers inside to press at Jimin’s prostate until he’s drawn tight, only a squeak to get past his lips.
Jimin threads his fingers through the fiery tresses, yanking Taehyung down so he can whisper into the other’s mouth, “Get your dick inside me now.”
Taehyung obeys, quickly removing his fingers and grabbing the bottle to pour some lube onto his member, hissing slightly at the cool liquid that meets hot flesh. He coats his dick evenly, mixing in the lube with the precum that’s pooled at the head before he falls back over Jimin, grabbing his cheeks to spread him, watch the way his hole flutters.
“Shit, baby,” Taehyung hisses, taking one hand away to guide himself in. “Gonna fuck you open so you feel me for days.” He doesn’t give Jimin much time to respond with anything other than a whine as he thrusts forward, not stopping until he’s completely sheathed in Jimin’s tight, wet heat. A stream of curses leave him before he even realizes, his head falling to rest at the nape of Jimin’s neck.
The other isn’t faring so well, either, breathing uneven as his body tries to adjust to Taehyung’s size, the feeling of him bottoming out something he can never get used to. He stays deathly still for what feels like hours before he starts to push back even though Taehyung hasn’t left him much room.
“Move, Tae,” Jimin pleads, head dropped between his shoulders.
And, of course, Taehyung does as he’s told because he doesn’t need to be told twice. He starts slow, making sure Jimin feels every inch as it slides out and back inside. But with the way Jimin contracts around him, Taehyung isn’t sure how long he can keep this up. The elder seems to hold the same sentiment.
Taehyung feels a smaller hand scramble to grab to his ass, using his strength to drag Taehyung impossibly deeper. “Harder, fuck.” And again...who is Taehyung to deny his baby what he wants?
Jimin gets the breath knocked out of him when Taehyung snaps his hips harshly, but he loves it. Loves the sting when the other’s hip slam against his ass. Their bodies fit so perfectly together, uneven breaths synced to a rhythm that just flows. Jimin would be lying if he didn’t admit that he just loves them together. Thinks it’s perfection, just like the man pounding into his ass.
His vision goes white when Taehyung shifts and nails his prostate. His head falls to the bed, muffled screams and professions of “there, there, there,” leave his mouth  with his eyes screwed shut. But Taehyung must hear him since he pulls back until he’s on his knees, grabbing the other’s hips to pick up his pace.
Jimin’s nails dig into Taehyung’s skin, and they both forget the younger’s rule of no marking, because how can he explain to Jeongguk why there are scratches on his ass like that? Jimin needs both hands to clamour at the sheets, though, white-knuckling the duvet while Taehyung shows no signs of slowing down.
He’s burning up from the inside out, fire prickling his every nerve, and he can’t take it. “Tae,” he mumbles weakly, his brain short-circuiting while he gets pounded into the mattress. There’s no way he won’t feel this in every muscle of his being. Fuck.
Eyes fluttering open, Jimin meets the camera that stares them down once again, and a wicked idea enters his hardly functioning brain. With trembling hands, Jimin palms at Taehyung’s hip, pushing him away.
Taehyung stops immediately, worry painting his features as he pulls away and examines the boy beneath him. “You okay? Something wrong?”
If Jimin wasn’t such an diabolical shit, he would probably find this adorable. But he has a plan set and he will see it through. “Let me ride you.” His voice is fucked, a mere croak from the abuse it’s gotten tonight.
The words seem to lag in Taehyung’s head, but once it all catches up with him, he groans, falling forward to capture Jimin’s lips in a frantic kiss that only uses tongue. He pulls away after a minute, flopping next to Jimin and grabbing at his waist. “Yeah, ride me, baby.”
Jimin musters whatever strength he has left to crawl into the other’s lap, not wasting a minute before he’s sliding down on the other’s cock. He sits there, barely moving his hips as he revels in how deep Taehyung is inside of him. He’s going to feel this, for sure.
Taehyung’s hands on Jimin’s waist urge him to move, and Jimin allows it, covering the other’s hands with his own as he uses the muscles in his thighs to bounce up and down on Taehyung.
Taehyung’s orgasm creeps on him, allowing him to enjoy the feel of satin walls massaging his hard member, sucking him in and gripping him tight. But when he feels it, it practically hits him like a freight train, and suddenly he’s thrusting up into Jimin’s heat just as the other sinks down, slamming into his prostate head on.
“Fuck, Tae!” cries out Jimin as he falls forward, thighs trembling while Taehyung continues to pistol into his hole. He thighs clamp around the other’s waist, forcing him higher and higher until Taehyung yanks him down by his hips, keeping him still. “Shit, shitshitshit- right there Tae, fu-”
Taehyung groans, enjoying the view of Jimin falling apart above him. “That’s it, baby. Fucking take it like a good boy.” The keen Jimin responds with is music to his ringing ears. He needs to cum, but he won’t until Jimin finishes first. “Gonna cum for me, baby?”
That seems to sober Jimin up just a bit, enough for him to open his eyes, pupils blown and staring Taehyung down.
“Say his name.”
Taehyung’s brain racks for understanding, still too caught up in ecstasy to understand the command. “What?” he pants. His head falls back into the covers when Jimin clenches around him so deliciously tight. He can feel it, his climax just standing there at the edge. “Who?”
Jimin rolls his hips languidly, reveling in how Taehyung’s pace stutters. “Say his name for me, baby.”
With a growl, Taehyung heaves himself up, wrapping an arm around the other’s waist to keep him seated, keep himself buried balls deep. Jimin’s jaw drops in a silent cry, walls tightening around the other like a vice grip.
“Fuck, Jimin,” Taehyung moans, voice reaching some deeper octave that vibrates through the other’s bones, makes him feel it in every inch of his being. “Cum for me, baby. I know you can.”
Jimin can feel it all over, the way Taehyung’s cock sits so perfectly inside him that his body screams for release; his toes curl just as his fingers grip at the other’s shoulders, some last effort to hold on for dear life as the euphoria drips from his pores, surges through his veins and leaves him locked tight. Cum spurts from his untouched cock, not like he can see it with where his face is buried in the other’s neck to muffle the litany of high pitched sobs and tears that threaten to leak from his eyes.
Taehyung can’t swallow back the hearty groan that rips from his chest, his dick suffocated in the burning walls that contract so exquisitely around him. He tries to focus on holding onto Jimin as he shakes violently, keeping him close while he comes down from his high.
“We’re not done,” he reminds the other, feeling the way he licks at the salt on his neck. Jimin pulls back to see his face, cheeks and neck flushed in a deep red, hair matted to his head and eyes wet. Cute, Taehyung thinks, holding onto Jimin’s waist as he rolls them over, keeping himself buried inside the other.
Jimin is weak, but he still grips Taehyung’s biceps as the other fucks him almost furiously, chasing his own orgasm and rubbing at his sensitive nub. The tears from before trail down, mixing in with the sweat on his face as he arches, unsure of whether he wants to get away or pull Taehyung closer.
“Shit,” he hears the other curse, bending down to encompass Jimin completely as his thrusts get sporadic. “Chim…baby -fuck- you feel so good.” He licks messily at the sweat on his neck before he bites down, eliciting a weak moan from the other.
Jimin turns his head, giving the other room to mark him like he knows Taehyung loves to do. For the time before, Jimin is okay with the one-sidedness. One day, he’s sure it won’t matter who marks who. Again, his eyes meet the camera, and he’s sure his grin does not seem all too innocent, all too playful.
“Taehyung,” he sighs, still looking at the camera. “Cum for me, baby.”
And, of course, Jimin is in charge tonight, right? It’s almost instant how Taehyung pushes forward, burying himself to the hilt as he feels his orgasm flow through him, muscles strained and shaking with every blow. And Jimin milks him beautifully.
Neither are sure how long they stay like that, both more than happy to stay connected like this. But there is a very present feeling of cool cum drying on their chests, and Taehyung pulls away, pulling out and flopping onto his back next to Jimin.
They lay there quietly, only a second or two passing before Jimin giggles lightly. “I won.”
Still letting his blood flow at a normal speed, Taehyung slowly turns to face Jimin. “Didn’t realize we were playing a game.”
Jimin giggles again. Taehyung doesn’t understand. It’s almost precious. “Can you turn the camera off for me? I don’t think I can move.”
Though Taehyung clicks his tongue, he still sits up. Jimin must still be in charge.
“And carry me to the shower!” he adds, plastering on a sickly sweet smile.
“Tch, why are we showering?” asks a very confused Taehyung. When Jimin mirrors back the same expression, Taehyung smiles sneakily. “Baby,” he drawls, tone deep and primal. “Did you think we were done? Put that hoodie back on and follow me.”
Now Jimin is the one to obey, sitting up and watching as Taehyung turns off the camera, staring through the lens as the red light goes off.
Jeongguk wakes with a start on Saturday morning, feeling well-rested after passing out at 11pm; quite the feat for a college student. Plus, the sun is shining through his window and really, who can ignore an obnoxious shining sun?
Speaking of shining suns…
Jeongguk feels at his nightstand, grabbing at his phone and rolling over to his side. He’s sure his boyfriend isn’t awake yet, always taking the opportunities to sleep in late. He still decides to leave a morning message, asking him when he’s coming over so he can figure out how much time he has until he’s bombarded with his crazy love.
The day is lazy, much to Jeongguk’s fortune. He parks himself on the couch after fixing a bowl of cereal, feeling his bones mold comfortably with the fabric and he knows he won’t have the energy to get up and put his bowl in the sink (that is what boyfriends are for).
And soon his laptop is pulled onto his legs, the white noise of the television filling in the empty air as he mindlessly goes through social media. He almost misses the Instant Message that pops up on his screen, saying it's from a number he didn’t even remember he still had: Park Jimin
Jeongguk contemplates leaving it unread, but it doesn’t seem to be one he can get away with reading whatever comes up in the notification because it’s a video.
Their friendship hadn’t lasted all that long, Jeongguk befriending the elder male in his first level hip hop class when he was just a freshman. He’d seemed nice enough, tolerant, eager to help him whenever he needed help. The thing was that Jimin was already pretty much classically trained, having gone to performing arts schools and studying modern dance for most of his life. He’d just signed up for the class to get a taste of the “other side” as Jimin had put it.
But not a month later, Jimin had set up a time to hang out with both Jeongguk and Jimin’s stunning friend from his calc class. Kim Taehyung was something out of a high fashion magazine, effortlessly beautiful and unique. Jeongguk had hoped he hadn’t seemed so smitten after just one meeting, but Taehyung will admit that he could tell the moment they had parted ways.
And Jeongguk remembers when he told Jimin that he and Taehyung were going on a date another month after that, the way Jimin tripped over his own feet and sputtered like a fish out of water. Jeongguk would have been lying if he didn’t mention that he noticed the way Jimin spoke of Taehyung, how Jeongguk noticed the way he’d bodily throw himself into the taller man’s arms when he laughed or how he’d always find a reason to whisper in his ear. Jeongguk may have been young, but he was not so oblivious. Jimin had a thing for Taehyung, and if the night went right (which, obviously, it did), Jeongguk would be the one holding Taehyung’s hand and hiding his hickies (or not trying at all) from the public eye.
That is where the friendship of Jeon Jeongguk and Park Jimin ended.
So, he’s quite surprised when he sees the bubble appear with Jimin’s admittedly handsome face.
Ignoring his better judgement, Jeongguk clicks open the chat, noting how it says they haven’t spoken in over one and a half years. The thumbnail of the video is pretty hard to decipher, but he thinks it’s Jimin, laying on his bed. He presses play.
The video starts out simply, Jimin walking back and forth in front of the camera before sitting heavily at the foot of his bed, then fall back with his arms splayed out.
“Jeonggukie, I’ve been hooking up with this guy...he’s the best I ever had.” His voice sounds airy, happy, and Jeongguk is left only slightly confused. Yes, that would explain the times Jimin has came to class with bruises all over his neck (and sometimes on his thighs, if he hiked his shorts up high enough). But why would Jeongguk care?
Jeongguk hears him moan, “So good…” and really, Jeongguk is about to pause it and just message Jimin when he sees the subject sit up, a tight grin on his face. “I can’t wait for you to meet him.”
Jeongguk almost expects Hoseok, one of their TA’s, because they had both speculated the older man’s sexuality, and maybe Jimin was trying to find a way to make up with the younger...funny way of doing it, but who is Jeongguk to judge?
Intrigued, Jeongguk continues watching as there’s the faintest knock at Jimin’s door. He’s gone for about half a minute or so, the time stamp reads out. And when he comes back in, Jeongguk’s heart drops to his stomach, probably trying to drag himself to hell. It’s not Jung Hoseok.
But his boyfriend.
Kim Fucking Taehyung.
No. No this can’t be real. Jeongguk wants to stop watching, doesn’t want to see it all unfold, but it’s like a trainwreck that he can’t take his eyes off of.
It’s when Taehyung has Jimin pinned to the bed that Jeongguk’s vision goes blurry, and he’s almost thankful for the tears the obstruct his vision because his boyfriend, his love, his Taehyung...has been lying to him.
His eyes are glued to the scene, so he doesn’t notice when Taehyung sends him a message that he’s heading up to his apartment. He doesn’t notice until the front door opens, and he finally tears his eyes away from the monstrosity in front of him to see the perpetrator, standing there with the same black hoodie Jimin had started the video wearing, holding a plastic bag of almond cookies.
The room is silent, safe for the video that plays.
“I won.”
A/N: Whew boy. I would say I’m sorry but a very tiny part of me feels bad. Actually some pretty good discussions happened in the comments of the AO3 posting. Any feedback is always welcomed ^-^
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aquagustd · 2 years
i’m honestly considering throwing my phone and myself out the window…
i had just spent over 30 minutes writing all my thoughts on part 9.3 of hie and i wrote soooooo much and guess what i did…
my dumbass literally deleted it by closing the app out and swiping up while i was going in between my notes app and tumblr because i had so much to say that i had to write my thoughts in there 😭
i’m so done rn. my heart sunk when i did that because i didn’t realize that i did till a few seconds later because i was frozen. i did not wanna believe i did that.
i was almost done writing too. and since i wrote so much, i can’t even rewrite it. i forgot most of what i said now. 😭
i’m just gonna start writing in my notes now and then just copy and paste onto here. i’m not risking this happening again because this has also happened so many times before too 🥲
i have so much to say so i’m gonna keep it short and simple. all i’m gonna say is that 9.3 was so amazing. so much happened. some scenes were so cute. especially when they were all having dinner with each other. they were so happy. i loved how jk and yoongi were joking around with each other. the tension between jk and oc. got me blushing. “would you two kiss and get it over with already” 👀 but i will not overlook how he called taehyung her baby daddy and saying that oc wanted to be in sora’s place 🤨 the audacity. speaking of taehyung—why did mans think he could just call oc and not expect her to bring to the fact that he’s been ignoring her when he asked why she didn’t go say hi to him 😭? and sora cheating…not surprised. but oc and jungkook bickering at night got me smiling so hard for no reason tho. the eye contact…holding hands…foreheads touching…goosebumps…heart beating so fast. “what’s this feeling?”. and then both just hugging and admiring their son together is so 💔 my heart. junho was so cute too. so many cute scenes with him. he’s so precious.
but what i’m thinking about the most is the “you’re remembering who he was, and he seems to be too” i wish i was good with words and explaining my thoughts so i could talk about this 😭
but part 9.3 was probably my favorite part so far. it was so funny too. the scenes between yoongi and oc 💀 lmfao yoongi drank oc’s breast milk? yuri closing oc’s mouth and saying oc was drooling over jungkook. i cannot. and yoongi saying “i would’ve been on my knees if that happened to me” i was dying. it’s even more funny imagining it.
i’m still crying about me deleting all that…
thank you for updating!!!
omg i’m so sorry that happened 😭 & thank you for taking the time to write it all out again 🥺
yeah we all have a love hate relationship with the oc & jk ship 🫣 they’re so cute at times and then he goes and says dumb shit like tae is her sugar daddy 💀
i know it was all so cute bc of junho and them cooing over him as he slept :(
lmaoooooo yeah yoongi accidentally drank oc’s milk 💀 it’s so funny lmao i have to write that drabble for you guys so we all can laugh about it.
tysm for reading bb <3
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nekoabi · 7 years
ALL 65
*cracks thumbs* Let’s do this!
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Nah - I think… This question is hurting my brain…
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?Probably like a 1.25, so like a lil but not a lot.
3. The person you would never want to meet?The person who is to kill me, probs
4. What is your favorite word?Lousy is a nice word to say
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?Crab Apple Tree, because it is described as having an “irregular, rounded shape”
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?Ughhh… why am I awake so early…
7. What shirt are you wearing?My “All Hail the Glowcloud” shirt from the most recent WTNV tour
8. What do you label yourself as?Edgy
9. Bright room or dark room?Dark Room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?Thinking about sending my mum a birthday message, and talking with @illisienthar
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?Actually, my current age, 21 - I’m actually kinda enjoying life a little more
12. Who told you they loved you last?@illisienthar, I think
13. Your worst enemy?This one guy who I cannot stand the voice of and just his general demeanour gets on my last freaking nerve… also he was a racist piece of shit one time and he makes me uncomfortable… 
14. What is your current desktop picture?This gorgeous piece of artwork by ryky
15. Do you like someone?I mean, yeah… I kinda always do…
16. The last song you listened to?But It’s Better If You Do - Panic! At The Disco
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?Um… can I do a cop-out and say the next person who is about to die so that way I’m not really fully responsible for their death as they were about to die that second anyway????
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?Nigel Farage… but then that would mean a) getting near him and b) touching his person. I’ll go with… @seventhdisaster instead ;)
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?@seventhdisaster and he would do anything i told him to!
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)My hair, 100%, no thought needed lmao
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?Short, ginger, long hair, slight chub - I’d probably freak out and be like “what why”
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?I mean, I can fit my fist in my mouth? Does that count? #mypartytrick
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?I guess I’m pretty unique in that I’m seemingly afraid of almost everything… Whoops?
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.White Bread, Ketchup, Sliced Turkey Meat, Ready Salted Crisps. Boom. Sounds gross to some, fucking delicious m8s.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?Probably on stuff to make cosplay since I’m really in that mood rn.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?Australia, so I can see my good friend @alreadyentendu
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?Ummm… well, I don’t drink to the point of barely knowing anything about alcohol. If I could make a deal to get a lifetime supply of Irn Bru, then that would be my choice.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? #nodeathallowed
29. What is your favorite expletive?fuck - its so versatile 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?Laptop. Easy question.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?Oh boy, probably my horrendous experience singing at the local Waitrose back in year 11 where I fucking forgot all the words, forgot the entire song, had classmates all around me - both in the group that were singing and working at the store, and also my cousin around to hear it all… Ughhh, still can’t listen to What’s This? without dying inside…
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!Probs Norway, it’s really pretty and I really like it there (plz take me in @seventhdisaster @t2norway)
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?Am I heartless for wanting to pick my cat over my grandma? I would go with grandma tho, would make my dad very happy
34. What was your last dream about?Uhhh… the last one I can remember was a friend and myself being chased by police, me hiding in a house that i apparently lived in, being caught in there by my “mother” and being kicked out, sneaking back into the house, getting caught and being hidden by a “brother” and then being caught AGAIN by “mother”. Then the police come and search the room (for some reason) and they are expecting to find something incriminating about myself and find a drawer that is splattered with red paint or something and they think it’s blood and i try to prove my innocence and stuff, ends with me waking up in tears… I forgot some details, but you get the gist
35. Are you a good….showman?LMAOOOOO NOPE, at least I don’t think so… I can be alright once I get used to it, but most of the time I’m p. bad (excluding when i’m being a showman to hide how i really feel inside)
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?Not really “admitted”, but I did have to go in for a blood test once and that was horrendous
37. Have you ever built a snowman?Yeah, once… it wasn’t the prettiest, but it was fun!
38. What is the color of your socks?WHO NEEDS SOCKS?! but usually they’re multicoloured/patterned
39. What type of music do you like?I guess Alternative/Emo/Goth is the best label for it, anything that’s kinda heavy is good for me
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?Sunsets
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?I don’t like milkshakes… or milk in general… I know, I’m a freak
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)What’s a sport? 
43. Do you have any scars?I have a scar near the tip of my index finger where I cut myself with safety scissors during Sports Day once.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?Working with live Sound for performances or Stage Management, or propping
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?Probably be thinner without having to work for it
46. Are you reliable?I’d like to think I am, I do what I say I am going to most of the time - and usually a lil early, if I can
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?Am I still with The Internet Support Group?
48. Do you hold grudges?I can do, but it’s all relative and I do try to give people second chances - but I am likely to not forget what they did…
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?A Fox Cat!
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?Possibly discussions about death that I have with a fair amount of people
51. Are you a good liar?Probably… I’ve not been caught yet
52. How long could you go without talking?I’ve been a full day or so without talking before, and I could probably do longer - I’m gonna put myself at like 3 days, maybe
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?My fringe with the middle parting… Ughhhh
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?Once or twice in Cooking class.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?Haaaaaaaaa accents are not my thing at all!
56. What do you like on your toast?Nutella
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?A heart
58. What would be you dream car?One that works!!
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.I sing in the shower when I am alone in the house. As for unusual habits, I’ve been told it’s weird that I don’t face the shower.
60. Do you believe in aliens?Well, yeah… 
61. Do you often read your horoscope?When I see it, I’ll do it for a laugh
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?Ys are fun to write
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?Dragons! The crazy things that you can come up with for them, ahh! I love it!
64. What do you think about babies?Can be cute from a distance, not about to have any of my own!
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. How u doin?I’m doing alright, had a decent day overall
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