#Women Sweater In Bulk
mjoffic · 9 months
last minute shopping - eddie munson holiday blurb
I work retail and this popped in my head while refolding a graphic tee table and it's truly just a bunch of fluf and eddie being a cute boi
~ enjoy and happy holidays ~
word count: 1.2k
The holidays. A time focused around family, the reason for the season, cozy sweaters and hot cocoa. Twinkling lights couldn't be missed for miles as every house had some sort of big bulk convenience store decoration. No need for 'frosted windows in a can', oh no, Hawkins was seeing a very white Christmas with snow fall never ending and the chill of the wind cutting through every jacket and parka leaving no survivors behind. The joy was like an electric buzz in the air, only one thing could diminish the feeling.
The Starcourt Mall.
Eddie wasn't the best planner, never had been. Despite this year trying his best to be on top of the holidays he still had yet to get something for Uncle Wayne. With Christmas Day only two days away, it was a scramble for the perfect gift and it was absolute hell trying to get anywhere in the mall.
He could try The Gap? Nah, too pricey.
Maybe a gift certificate to Scoops Ahoy? But when would Wayne ever find the time to use it? He's always working.
Eddie sighed in frustration, running a hand through his mop of curls. He took a moment to look around the area, peeking over the heads of bustling mothers herding their kids to meet Santa, dads sitting on benches with shopping bags galore, teenagers running around the food court with their Orange Julius's sloshing all over the place. This was a nightmare. Slim pickings. Would Wayne be upset over a hand drawn card?
He was near giving up when he spotted Macy's on the far end. It was a department store, and while it seemed busy, it wasn't as congested as the inner workings of the mall. He squeezed his way through and slid through a sliver of space in between two groups of families; one included a mother scolding her husband for losing their credit card, the other group had a child crying over not getting the remote control car on the front table. Eddie pursed his lips, so glad he wasn't in that stage of life just yet.
There seemed to be never ending options for Eddie to look through, he wondered why he hadn't stopped in in the first place. It also made this decision much more difficult. He knew that he would definitely be walking out with something, no doubt, but genuinely the starting point slowly began to stump him and he felt his once eager energy depleting. A three pack of ties? When did Wayne dress up? A mug? Sure, lets add to the hundreds of them adorning the trailer wall. Maybe a fancy glass set? Even if the glasses were on sale, it was definitely out of Eddie's comfort range of spending.
"Well the sign says fifty percent off!"
A screech from an older woman pulled Eddie out of his daze and his attention turned to the scene on his right.
"Ma'am, I understand your frustration, however the sign details specifically to the gift sets. This sweater is on the table, but is signed for thirty percent off."
Eddie shifted his gaze from the woman, red in the face, almost matching her Christmas red sweater, to you. You stood behind a counter, not currently in use to ring up customers, but he noticed a stack of scarves next to you. He assumed you'd been cleaning up. You wore emerald green, very festive, and an elf hat to match. Despite your professional aura, the bell on the end of hat could almost send him into a fit of giggles every time your head even moved an inch.
"I'd be more than happy to show you-" you started, before being interrupted.
"You can show me to your manager! This is false advertising!" the women shouted, drawing a few more eyes into encounter.
"Ma'am, I'll have to ask you to keep from yelling in the store," you responded, face void of emotion. "If you would let me-"
"I'll yell if I want to! This is a free country!"
Eddie watched you take a deep breath, before picking a landline off the counter. You typed quietly while the woman continued her banter. You faked a smile to her before speaking again. "Hi, hey Ron, it's Y/n! Yeah, yeah, doing good, hey listen, would you mind sending security down to gifts? I have a disgruntled customer who refuses to listen. Awesome, thanks so much!"
The womens jaw dropped as you placed the phone back to the receiver, Eddie snickering quietly at this interaction.
"Who do you think you are!" the woman shouted, feigning a hand to her chest dramatically. "Do you know who I am?"
You smiled and shook your head, folding your hands on the counter. "No, ma'am, I don't! However I am the manager of this department and am asking you to remove yourself before security gets here."
The woman stared dumbfounded, slowly backing up from your bubble. Eddie stared in wonder at the interaction, and if he was honestly, completed turned on by your dominance.
"Merry Christmas!" you smiled, waving as the woman moved away from the scene.
Eddie noticed security at the end of the walkway and he shook his head, laughing slightly. Finding the nerve to walk up to you, he leaned softly against the counter and looked to the way in which the Grinch had left. "I think that was better than any of those movies playing in the theater right now."
You looked to him when he had approached, and smirked a bit at his words. "I try. Gotta keep some sort of sanity in this place."
"I get it, it's a madhouse in here," Eddie nodded, giving his best smile before extending his hand. "Eddie."
Your smirk simmered into a smile and you shook his hand back, nodding. "Y/n."
"Well, Y/n, I'm wondering if you might be of some use to me," he said, straightening back up.
"Oh?" you questioned, crossing your arms.
"Yeah, I mean, you are the manager of this department," Eddie said. "I'm in the works for the perfect gift."
"Ah," you nodded, stepping out from around the counter and glancing around your section. "Mom? Sibling? Girlfriend?"
Eddie stifled a laugh and he slowly followed beside you. "Uh, no mom. No siblings. And no girlfriend."
Your face erupted in pink and you stumbled over your words. "Oh, um, I'm sorry, I just assumed-"
"Hey, hey," Eddie grinned. "All good here. I'm shopping for my uncle, wanna try to find him something nice. Not much of a budget but I figured I'd find something on sale."
You felt your panic subside and sat a cool hand against your cheek, the heat subsiding. "Well, I'm sure we can find something perfect for him! Maybe something for you? Doesn't hurt to treat yourself sometimes."
Eddie pursed his lips a little bit and dug his hands in his pockets, following slightly behind you. He watched the way the bell of your hat jingled with every step you took. You arms slightly swayed when you walked, and you barely made a sound when taking a step. He began to notice the little things, and started to quietly thank the stars he'd came into the mall after all.
"I think I already have."
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All Along the Watchtower (chapter 7)
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[Can also be read on AO3]
Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!OC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 4.7k
Warnings: Minors DNI - no major warnings this time besides some angsty thoughts, mentions of human trafficking, smoking, and swearing
Otherwise, get ready for lots of flirting and banter
Summary: Upon return to the safehouse Rory and Price decide on their next steps to deal with Zorokov and face some of the skeletons in Rory's closet.
A/N: Rory Sinclair is a dual citizen (both Canada and the UK) who's been living in the UK since she was 14. She is 28 at the time of this fic, Price is 32. This series is set in 2017 before the events of the first MW game. Rory's thoughts are bold and italicized, other italics are used for emphasis
October 18, 2017 01:30 - Safehouse
Price stood against the frosty window, red flashing neon lights from the hotel sign outside painting streaks along the wall as coils of grey smoke drifted from the end of his cigar he puffed away on, clouds of it billowing from his mouth as he exhaled. Steady, cold eyes stared out from under his furrowed brow as he held his tablet and conversed with Laswell. 
Rory tucked herself on the side of her bed, crossing one leg and folding it under the other as she lit her cigarette and listened to the two of them discuss how the mission had gone so far, the intel they collected, the freedom of the hostages saved, and what the next steps were, all the while feeling like she was a kid in detention. What had happened in that club was not her greatest hour and hardly the defining moment of her career (she hoped for this mission as well). Sure she’d saved the lives of those women, but there was certainly a new form of tension between her and the Captain – one she could have done without. She hadn't come this far in her career to fuck it all up now and get herself chained to a desk from here on. 
“ The laptop was a good find. Searching it now. ” Laswell’s voice filled the small hotel room while Rory held an ice pack to her shoulder, her fingers trembling as they clung to the plastic bag, still feeling the ache from the fight she had been in earlier. She pulled the cigarette from her lips and exhaled, some of the stress momentarily relieved as she was hit by another dose of nicotine. 
“Went through enough trouble to get it.”
Her ears burned as Price's condemning glare landed on her. Embarrassment and her wounded pride festered inside. For all her skill and her cool, calm demeanour she still fell prey to that part of her that wanted every reminder in her head of that mission removed by any means necessary, even putting herself and others in danger. It was hot-headed and foolhardy, not the move of someone who wanted to be a leader, not the decision someone with her experience should ever make. 
She looked up at the captain just as he turned away, his back facing her and (taking the hint) got up and headed into the bathroom, the toilet lid serving as her seat as she continued icing her aches and pains away. 
Pulling the sweater over her head, slowly rolling the bulk of knitted material off of her torso, she sat there in just the thin material of her bra, letting the shock of freezing ice hit her bare skin. Wincing, Rory bit her lip, exhaling smoke through her nostrils forcefully. The red swelling on her arm and shoulder had already given way to dark blue and purple bruising in tortoiseshell patches along her skin. Deep inside the tender muscle she felt the sting pulsating, the pain hidden far below the surface.
Even with the door shut she could still hear the hoarse whispers of Price from the other room as he continued talking with Laswell. 
“ How’s the sergeant doing? ”
“SRR having her on desk duty might’ve been for good reason. Girl nearly botched the whole damn op.”
Tossing the bag of half melted ice into the sink beside her, Rory continued to smoke, sitting in the flickering fluorescent lights, beating herself up more about what she had done than the Bratva enforcer ever had. It was a nightmare. She had worked rigorously to get to this point in her career, tireless in her efforts. This was her shot to impress a special forces officer with her skills that could get her back out into the field and instead she was letting the shit that resided in the back of her head take the lead. She was better than all this. He had every right to say that about her. The situation only stung more knowing that this was all some vain attempt to prove that she wasn’t that twenty three year old corporal in the bathroom stall anymore, that she wasn’t young and impulsive, that she had changed. 
Her hand shook as she held the cigarette, the ash falling off the end as she rubbed at her tired eyes. Saving those girls was the right move, it was the only move. It was the one her mother would have wanted her to make. Fighting for something that was right. Doing a little good to make up for all the bad she had done. That was the kind of person she had been raised as. The kindness of the ‘Lamb’, a direct result of her upbringing under the gentle wing of a woman who had always put others first before herself. Not the violent thing she had been trained to become, forced to morph into in order to survive in a cruel and unforgiving world filled with enemies. 
“Thought you said she had experience with this sort of thing?”
“ She does . Plenty .”
More experience than Rory cared to admit, than her record would allow to show. Redactions upon redactions and black ink that hid all the things that had been asked of her. Things she willingly did. For the greater good. 
Price grunted, “At least she can fight.”
That felt more like a sucker punch to the gut than a compliment. The reason she was sure the SRR had recruited her. Tired and worn out, bi-weekly visits to the therapist, pills to help her sleep – but at least she could fight. At least she had experience. At least she knew just how fucked the world was. How corrupt and fallible the system was, how rules were made to be broken just like people. They couldn’t lose that, could they? Her skills, her achievements, they were useful even as her hands shook. She could turn off her morality because someone with more patches and medals on their uniform told her so. At least she could fight. 
“ The intel you found, it's a rabbit hole, John. Just when we think we've found the bottom another trail opens. This goes deep and Zorokov's name keeps popping up all along the way .”
“Any other names stickin’ out?”
“ Yeah , hold on a minute .” Laswell cut off for a moment, leaving Rory in the silence of the bathroom as she sucked on the filter of her cigarette and breathed in the burning sensation of smoke that charred every branch of her lungs. “ Abdullah Al Ghulam. He's apparently under protection. An asset. Was supposed to be keeping his nose clean in Dubai .”
She froze. God, that name would never stop haunting her . Just when she thought one door to her memory closed, another was kicked wide open. Crushing the cigarette butt into the sink, she walked back into the room as she pulled her sweater on carefully, trying not to agitate her shoulder further. Not bothering to wait for the captain’s reaction to her return before speaking, “Al Ghulam never should have been given protection. My squad should have taken him out in Syria when we had the chance.”
Price looked up from his tablet, his eyes burning into her. “Pardon?”
Pulling at the thick fibres hanging loosely around her waist, straightening out the sweater to lay flat, Rory continued, “Abdullah Al Ghulam. The black mission before my transfer. That was who my squad was sent to intercept. He was an arms dealer assisting the insurgency in Iraq.”
“ You’ve dealt with him before? Why wasn’t he removed ?” Laswell asked, a flurry of keystrokes audible from her end. 
“The CIA officer we were working with had orders to keep him alive.”
“Of course,” Price groaned.
Laswell’s voice came through once more. “ Who was the officer on that mission, Sergeant? ”
“Officer Roger Walker.”
“ I’ve had dealings with him ,” Laswell replied with a heavy sigh. 
“He’s a charming fellow.” The venom in Rory’s voice wasn’t lost on anyone. 
“ I’ll look into his mission report for that op, see what I can dig up. Might give us some more fuel for the fire. Meanwhile –”
“Meanwhile, Zorokov is still making deals and walking around a free man,” Price interjected.
“ He’s still our priority here, getting to him is imperative. With the trace we have working we know there’s a meeting coming up between him and a few of his connections. Has it marked in the calendar as ‘Helios’ at nine pm on the 25th. From what I can tell, it’s a nightclub. Apparently it's the home for many of his dealings, out of the sight of prying eyes while under everyone’s nose .”
Price rolled his eyes to look up at the ceiling, visibly unimpressed with the thought of having to go to another club. “Christ,” he rasped.
“Relax, sir. You can’t go in there anyway, Zorokov’s probably already been made aware of you.” Rory looked at him with a smirk. “Besides, we both know you don’t like the music.” Rather than focus on her mistakes, she couldn’t help but make light of the situation, anything to make her feel a little less like a ball and chain that Price was forced to drag around. 
Lifting his brow, the corners of Price's mouth just starting to curl. “So what, you’re offering to go in my stead? If he knows about me, he’s going to know you too – especially after your little jailbreak.”
She let the jab roll off her back like water. “Maybe. That’s a risk we’ll have to take. If anyone’s going to be able to get close to him, it’s me. No matter how well guarded a man thinks he is, when it comes to women, the brain might not be the one in control.”
The pause afforded between them was thick, that awkward elephant in the room still swaying its trunk. Professionalism was a tactful barrier keeping them from doing something they might regret. The rosy blush on Price’s cheeks faded while a grimace crept back up his face, the little flexes in each of his features letting her know something wasn’t sitting right with him even as he tried to remain stony.
“And considering Al Ghulam is tied up into this as well, there’s a friend of mine who I think could help,” Rory continued. 
“A friend?” His brow rose. His body, a wall of muscle, stiffened.
“An MI6 agent. Andrew Owen.”
He sneered at the thought. “I don’t like to work with people I’ve never met before. I need to be able to trust who I’ve got covering my six. Not the biggest fan of intelligence personnel either – no offence, Kate.”
“ None taken. ”
Rory crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged her shoulders. “You’re working with me.” She tipped her head to the side and stared him down in a challenge. 
For all intents and purposes, Price really didn’t know her other than in the biblical sense. He might have picked around in her head a little, barely scraping the surface, but he had an opinion of her now even if it wasn’t the full picture. He failed to remember she was also military intelligence. She might have screwed up her last shot, but this was an opportunity to save her bacon, to prove her skills in another capacity. Deep recon .
“That's different.”
“Is it?” She didn't see how.
Ignoring her question completely, Price continued, “How do you plan on getting to Zorokov? Gonna start more trouble?” He eyed her up and down with a low hum. 
Rory smiled and dropped her hands to her hips, her confidence spilling over in the moment, reminding the captain of the pretty woman who had once grabbed his attention five years ago. “Just have to use my feminine wiles and sweet talk the prick, yeah?” She said with a simple shrug of her shoulder and a flutter of her lashes. 
“You’re willing to be bait?” 
Her eyes never left his gaze, pumping herself up on the inside, refusing to back down. “I know what my strengths are.” 
Price’s eyes roamed over her once more, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. She was sure he was picturing how she had looked that night in the bar, the woman he had been seduced by. “Shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you to catch his attention.” His eyes seemed to twinkle at her as he said it, the smirk on his face causing the lines on his face to crinkle as he gave a quick little thrust of his pelvis and bounced on his heels. 
Rory rolled her eyes and huffed quietly. “Let’s just hope he doesn’t try and chat me up in Russian.”
“If he does, you can always just smile and nod – he’d probably like that.” He paused and his grin got wider. “Just open with that posh girl accent you’ve built up and I’m sure he’ll have no problem usin’ the Queen’s English with ya.”
“Oh, cheers.” She couldn’t help but laugh as he took the piss out of her.
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing, Sergeant.” He spoke with a warm rumble, softening up to her. “You certainly sound more English than the first time I met you, can hardly tell you’re even Canadian anymore.”
“Yeah, well, time’ll do that to a person.”
He leaned forward slightly, lowering his head to meet her eye line, his voice quieter. “It suits you.”
Rory cocked her brow, taken aback by the compliment given out of the blue. Her lips parted, eyes widening. Doe-like . “Really?”
“Yeah. I like it.” 
She pursed her lips and furrowed her brow, her jaw clenching tight. Not sure how to take it. It was just a little too friendly. He seemed a little too comfortable being playful with her now, even with Laswell on the line listening in, especially after the way she had acted earlier.
“Right,” he ran a hand through his hair and dropped his eyes from her to return to his tablet. Putting on the airs of the stoic captain once more. “Get in touch with Owen. We’ll start working on getting you nice and personal with Zorokov.”
“ Good luck out there. The both of you. ”
“Thanks, Kate.” He ended the call with Laswell and looked over at Rory once more, pausing to size her up. “You sure you’re ready for this? Going in undercover?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done it.” Sliding her hands over her hips, she rested them in the back pockets of her jeans. Casual . Hoping she appeared relaxed. 
“This isn’t like recon out in the field though, is it? You’d be up close. On your own. I can’t have your switch flipping.”
“I’m aware. I know that this is our best chance of getting to him, nabbing him and interrogating him.” Her eyes fell as her mouth drew into a straight line, she knew how easily this situation could make her flip. “I’ll deal with the personal shit.”
Heaving out a sigh, Price bit his lip. “Contact your mate, get him out here, soon as,” he ordered, pointing his finger at her as he did so. “The quicker we can get the hell out of this shithole, the better.” 
“Yes, sir.”
Crossing the room, he walked over to his bed and tossed the tablet into his duffel. Stretching his neck from side to side as he sat down, he finished smoking the last of his cigar, his impenetrable gaze shifting sideways as he kept her in his periphery. 
Rory dug into her bag and pulled out her cellphone, scrolling through her list of contacts before her thumb hovered over her old lieutenant’s name. She always knew letting Al Ghulam go into CIA hands was the wrong decision, it was a little too late to say ‘I told you so’, but she might finally get some closure on an old scar and it would be nice to do so with an old friend at her side, someone who knew just how bad the bastard was.
The dial tone in her ear rang several times before Andrew answered, his smile apparent in his voice. “ Sinclair! ”
She paced along the floor beside her bed, a few steps to the left and then back to the right, glancing up every now and again to notice Price still watching her out of the corner of his eye. “Andy, I need you.”
“ Say no more, darling. What do you need? ”
Her thumb had drifted up towards her mouth and her nail sat between her teeth. “Working an op –”
“ You’re out in the field again? ”
The concern in his voice, she could hear it plain as day. Andrew had been the only person she could really talk to about what she had seen because he had lived it too. He knew just how badly it had affected her. The nightmares. The tremors. He was the only one with the clearance to know, not to mention the threat that still loomed over her from Walker about wiretapping. Even if she wanted to tell her father about what had happened to his only daughter, she couldn’t. All she had was Andy.
“Yeah. Russia.”
“ Jesus, you’re a ways from home. ”
Price stared at her from over his shoulder and she had to avert her eyes, going back to pacing in front of the bed. “Can’t go into full details but I need you to do a little shopping for me before you meet me here. And I need you to bring a very easily concealable wire with you.”
“ Consider me intrigued .”
“Going in undercover. Need to catch some prey. It requires using some… assets .”
“ Showing a little leg for a cause? ”
Her smirk grew. “I trust your judgement, Andy.”
“ You might regret saying that .” His laugh was warm and genuine, he’d never been above teasing her with playful banter.
“Shut it,” she said with a laugh. “Need you out this way ASAP.”
“ I’ll be there in two shakes of a lamb’s tail .” Rory rolled her eyes. “ Text me your measurements, yeah? ”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll send you details in a bit. Just hurry up.”
“ See you soon .”
Upon hanging up her phone she noticed the way Price’s eyes seemed to have narrowed, the crow's feet by his eyes creasing further. “It’s late. We should get some rest.” With that, he stood up and moved for the bathroom. 
She would be lucky if sleep came to her tonight.  
It had started to rain in the early morning hours, droplets spilling down the single glass pane cutting long streaks through the frost that clung to the window, the red neon lights filtering through and creating bubbled patterns on the wall. Rory sat wearing little besides a tee shirt and her panties on the radiator looking out the window, cracked open just enough to let a cold breeze through the room. Slipping a cigarette from the pack, she lit it and inhaled deeply while closing her eyes, breathing in the nicotine and the night. Running her fingers through her hair, she brushed the dark tresses over to part on the opposite side. 
Lost in the haze of smoke that surrounded her head, she was startled by John’s gruff voice, made thicker by the sleep he’d just stirred from. “You’re awake?” Rubbing at his beard, he rolled over in his bed to sit on the side of it, wearing only his boxer briefs as his steely gaze bore into her from the dark as he watched her. “What’re you doin’ up?”
She took another drag of her cigarette before looking at him, exhaling out a stream of smoke like a chimney. "Can't sleep. It's not a rare thing for me."
Stretching out his back with a groan, he continued to watch her. "Somethin’ bothering you, Sergeant?"
"Not particularly,” she hummed. “Suppose it's just a good night for a smoke."
He chuckled and got up, grabbing his own cigar and lighter from his bedside table. "Mind if I join you?"
“Like I could stop you,” she said with a smirk, her gaze traveling with him as he took a spot near her on the wall by the window. It was the first time she had really been given the chance to see him in all his glory. Even when they had been together five years ago, they were both at least partially dressed. Seeing him like this was rather eye opening and Rory couldn’t help but take in all the sights along Price’s body. Every scar, each freckle, the hair that carpeted his chest, trailing down his stomach, and covered his muscular limbs. 
"You’d be surprised." He smirked as he caught her eyes roaming over him, but he didn’t bring attention to it, rather basking in it instead. “New habit?”
“This?” Rory motioned with the cigarette in her hand. “God, no.” She laughed quietly and took another drag from it. "Been smoking these since I was 16. Used to sneak out to the pitch behind the school with my mates for a fag and watch the lads play footie."
"You rebel," John said with another chuckle. Lifting his lighter to the tip of his cigar, he let the flame dance against it until it began to smoke, burning in the dark.
"I’m surprised you didn’t taste it on my breath before." She tapped her cigarette ashes out the window and stared at the orange glow across from her, like a moth to a flame she felt drawn to him.
“I haven’t tasted much in years,” he said, chomping down on his cigar, letting the smoke billow from his nostrils. 
She giggled quietly and her eyes rose to watch the embers at the end of the cigar burning with the same vigor as the ones that had begun to flicker in her gut. Her mouth suddenly went dry, finding it difficult to swallow. Her breath hitching as her mind tried to process the thoughts that didn’t revolve around the handsome man that stood before her. When she finally gained some clarity of thought between puffs of her cigarette, her smile faded as she spoke, "There is something, Captain."
His voice was gravelly at this time of night, and as he came to lean against the wall beside the window with his shoulder, drawing himself a little closer towards her, she seemed to find it hard to ask the question that she’d been carrying for some time. 
"Why was I the one chosen for this mission?"
"You'd have to ask Laswell that one," he said with a grumble.
Warm hazel eyes tried to read his expression as shadows streaked across his face. “You didn't have a hand in it at all?"
"Not a one. Scout's honor,” he said with a nod. “Trust me, seeing you board that helo was one hell of a shock to me too."
A smile broke out across her face. "Liar. You didn't even know it was me." She tapped her cigarette ashes out the window and smirked around it as she brought it back to sit between her lips.
He flexed his shoulders, crossing his arms over his chest. "Maybe not right away. You’d cut your hair and your accent’s gotten thicker too, but the moment I heard you say Rory, well , then it all clicked into place."
“Oh, did it now?” She’d forgotten how very little she was wearing until the moment she noticed his eyes wander up the length of her legs, a hint of desire in his gaze before meeting hers with a warm glint. Pulling down on the hem of her shirt – what little good it did – she stared back at him. “We’re supposed to be professionals, remember ?”
His eyes flitted away from her, pulling the cigar from his mouth to blow out a plume of smoke. “Forgive me, Sergeant. There’s only so much a man can take before his body betrays his will.”
“You have been doing a very good job considering we’ve been trapped together like this. I’ll give you that.”
He cleared his throat, averting his gaze from her as best he could. Rubbing at his neck as he tried to change subjects. “Back there…seeing that side of you...the knife.”
The cigarette in her mouth glowed as she inhaled with a heavy breath, sighing out the stream of smoke. “I’m not particularly fond of having to be like that. I do what I have to. Intimidation, fear – they’re good weapons. But I’m not some sadist, I don’t enjoy it.”
“Wasn’t going to say that you do. You don’t stay a soldier for as long as we have without getting your hands dirty. I’m no innocent here myself.”
Tapping her cigarette out the opening once more, she leaned back against the window frame and closed her eyes taking a deep breath before returning the cigarette to her lips. “Getting my hands dirty…I know all about that.” She huffed out a laugh and took the cigarette from her mouth before resting her hands on her knees, the smoke trailing in wisps up from the cigarette’s ashy tip. “The mission I worked before this, the one that got me transferred. Al Ghulam . It was supposed to just be the usual joint CIA mission tracking weapon shipments.” A tremor shook through hand and she was quick to start rubbing at her knuckles, trying to work out the ghosts that seemed to haunt her nerves below. “I don’t know where the intel went wrong, but we stumbled upon something else instead.” She paused and pressed her forehead to the cold glass beside her. Her stare blank as she looked down at the street below. Her voice a quiet whisper as it cracked. “Human trafficking ring. I’ll never forget seeing women and children being penned like animals, bought and sold like property. Starving…Treated like dog shit.”  
He pulled the cigar from his mouth, his brow furrowed as he stared at her, muttering a hushed “Jesus” under his breath.
“These bastards trade them like they’re on the fucking stock exchange.” She blinked several times and glanced over at him. “I’m sorry if I went off the rails back there. I just –” She shook her head, running her fingers through her hair again. “Knowing the absolute lows of humanity isn’t something I can always keep locked in the vault, you know?” Looking up at him, Rory lifted her brow, hoping they might come to some sort of understanding.
“Yeah,” he murmured.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t follow orders and that I acted on my own accord. I wouldn’t be like that for any other reason. It won’t happen again, Captain.” She gave him a soft grin, placating him.
Taking another long drag of his cigar, he blew smoke and sighed. “See that it doesn’t. We’re here to get intel to fight a war, Sinclair. Not get revenge. I don’t need you actin’ like a fuckin’ muppet on my watch.”
Cracking a wide grin, a laugh leaked out of her against her will. “I deserve that.”
“Goddamn right you do.” His teasing smirk returned, the crow’s feet around his eyes crinkling. “But considering the shit you’ve seen I'm surprised you can even crack a bloody grin at all.”
Rory shrugged, tipping her head to the side, feeling vulnerable for just a brief moment. “That's just life though, isn't it? It's the fucking pits, and then we die, and that's that. No point letting it ruin what bit of good there is.”
His brow knit together, but he kept his cocky grin as he continued to look at her. Not adding to her discussion, instead appearing as though he was debating something in his head, the cogs spinning behind his eyes.
Basking in the red neon light, she smiled softly at him. “You're looking at me like I've just grown an extra head, John.”
“ John ? We're back to a first name basis, eh?”
“Would that be such a bad thing?” 
“Not exactly professional, is it?” He lowered his head and looked up at her through his raised brow, the lines in his forehead creasing. A spark in his self-assured stare.
“No, I suppose not.”
“You s'pose right.” He stubbed out his cigar on the windowsill. “Get some sleep, Sinclair.” He patted her leg with his large, rough hand and then moved back to his bed. 
The warmth from where he had touched her lingered, her fingers grazing over where his calloused hand had been as if she could still feel him there. Her ogle followed him as he settled back into his bed, spending just a little too long focusing on his body. 
She was falling despite herself. 
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lastoneout · 9 months
Re: masc clothes for short/wide-hipped bodies
I have almost this exact body type and I find layering helps alot - thick flannel button downs (unbuttoned) or oversized sweater vests hide curves like a charm. Just wearing a plain tee under a button down i found really helpful.
Bulking out the waist makes the hips appear less wide comparatively, so having pants under shirts instead of tucking in can help. Wider leg pants make the hips less apparent too. I don't wear men's pants but the women's pants that are the least feminine are ones with lower, wider waists.
Before I started binding I wore body-hugging cropped tanks rather than sports bras so things flattened down rather than being pushed up.
Hope this was helpful!
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Oh, thank you!! This is all good to know :D Tbh I'm not too too worried about like, my "feminine" features showing through or trying to hide them, I'm fine with people looking at me and being like "that is a girl wearing men's clothes", I'm mostly just concerned I won't be able to find any pants/shirts that won't make me feel like I'm getting squeezed into a toothpaste tube while also still fitting me bcs I'm so tiny, since yeah men's shirts and pants always feel tight around the hips/bust for me when I can even find any that are made for someone my size, but this is def still good to know, so thank you!!
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automaticdata · 3 months
Okay so I've been looking up skins for references for art, and I've found that there are a good number of Minecraft Youtubers that have their buttons on the "wrong" side, and I kind of love it?
Like, to explain real quick: clothing has certain things that are gendered even though there's no freaking reason for it. Shirts and coats for men and women have the buttons on different sides. Men's have the buttons on the right side when unbuttoned, so when a shirt is buttoned up the left side of their shirt overlaps the right side, with the buttons coming through the left. [Image search result for convenience] [and also one for suits too]. Women's have it the opposite way. [Another image search for comparison].
And like. I know it's probably a lack of pixels + a lack of knowing/caring about fashion, but I kind of love how many Minecraft Youtubers seem to be wearing the opposite gender's shirts/coats/sweaters?
Definitely on the """wrong""" side:
Cubfan135 default skin
Skizzleman's Poe Poe uniform
Zedaph's default skin
VintageBeef's Big Salmon suit
This Smajor1995 outfit
This Iskall85 suit
Appears to be on the """wrong""" side to me, but somewhat ambiguous:
GoodTimesWithScar's PoePoe uniform
GoodTimesWithScar's zookeeper uniform
GoodTimesWithScar's train conductor outfit
GoodTimesIthScar's Clocker outfit
Skizzleman's default outfit
VintageBeef's default season 10 outfit
Smallishbeans's Bad Boys mourning suit
For comparison, here are some skins with the buttons definitely on the """correct""" side:
GoodTimesWithScar's theme park owner outfit
Grian's Hermit News outfit
JoeyGraceffa's pirate outfit
This Iskall85 suit
There's also a lot of MC skins that put buttons on both sides for whatever reason, but I've already invested way too much time into research on this silly post. XD
Also, it's very fun to come up with stories behind why they have the buttons on the """wrong""" side. Cub? He dgaf about gender, and hey, if ordering women's labcoats in bulk helps out companies that make them, it will help women in STEM be able to find labcoats that fit them more easily, right? Zedaph's sweater was made for him by his mom/grandma/someone else he cares about a lot, and they didn't realize when making it that it was on the "wrong" side, and Zedaph loves them so much that he proudly wears the sweater every day because they made it just for him so who gaf about gender conventions, it was custom made for him. Skizz's PoePoe outfit? Scar created it from a female stripper outfit because he couldn't find a male stripper version he liked. Iskall wore a women's suit just to see if anyone would notice (no one did.) Skizz's default outfit? He didn't realize it was a woman's at first and couldn't be bothered to get another one, so when it didn't fit him he just ripped out the sleeves so his shoulders could fit in it.
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hanahaki-disease · 2 years
Haven't I Given Enough?
Hermit! Tommy Hermitcraft x DSMP Crossover
Chapter 8 | Always the Fool with the Slowest Heart
Summary: There, the flaw, the crack in the foundation and the reason for the downfall of this fragile world he’s come to love: Grian, himself.
Words: 1929
Notes: Chapter title from "Gilded Hearts" by Cults
Xisuma didn’t want to admit it to himself. Didn’t want to admit that Grian could be more than the trickster avian that brought laughter to the hermits, more than the mother spore that drew him in, more than the man he fell in love with. But standing here in Tommy’s sanctuary watching the smoke trail left by the avian, Xisuma couldn’t help the betrayal bubbling in his chest. 
“Tommy!” Stress and Iskall rushed to the teen, his hands tangled in his hair and eyes closed tight, smoke from the rocket dusted his face and clothes.
The admin rushed after Grian, waiting till he was outside to launch a rocket, knowing that the avian would be at his base. And seeing as how the closest was his starter base, X landed there first before flying over to his megabase. The giant skeletal head nestled snugly in the snowy mountain peaks. Pristine, bleached bone blocks had a sheen of snow over the top and made the top glow in the sun as Xisuma flew through an eye socket, narrowly avoiding the walls of the small tunnel towards the inside of his base. 
He made his way to his storage room, the entrance barely peaking between two of the ribs in the ribcage. “Grian?” Xisuma called out as he landed in the bulk storage level. Nothing but the three walls of chests and layers of black glass beneath him. The second level was more interesting; mud bricks, copper blocks, acacia wood, and various other materials decorated the space. And there, pacing in the next room over, was Grian. His hands fidgeted with the hem of the red sweater he wore and the feathers on his wings puffing up, revealing the anxious worry that lingered over him. “Grian!”
The avian in question jumped at the sound of his name, and if his wings weren’t already puffed up, they sure did now. “I-I can explain.”
“What do you mean you’re a watcher?!” Xisuma said walking up to Grian. “And you didn’t tell me?! You better start explaining, Grian.”
“What Tommy told you was right,” Grian began. “I was the admin of a server named Evo years, and I mean years ago, and Pearl and I were taken by the watchers–”
“Pearl?! Pearl’s a watcher too?”
“Ye-yes, she’s a watcher, and-and she’s not doing well right now,” The smaller of the two explained. “But we were taken and I became one of Lady Death’s watchers and Pearl became Lady Irene’s watcher. I hated every part of it. Every day, every waking moment, I killed people, X.” Grian cried. “I killed people. Their blood is on my hands, gods, women…children are all dead because of me.”
Xisuma couldn’t help the pang of sadness that came from seeing Grian cry, tears brimming his eyes and falling down his cheeks. But it didn’t stop the anger of betrayal. How long had they known each other? How long had Grian kept his secret from everyone? He removed his helmet, the whirring of the air stabilizer annoying him more than helping. His base was already filtering the overworld air to help him breathe so the helmet was only there distorting the colors around him in a twinge of purple.
“But why didn’t you tell me?” Xisuma grabbed Grian’s attention. “Why didn’t you tell anyone? Do you realize how much danger all of us could be in because we’re harboring a watcher?!” The admin paused, hoping the overwhelming questions in his head settle enough for him to put into words. “What else aren’t you telling me?” Grian didn’t meet his gaze and Xisuma’s heart sank. “Grian, what else?”
“I…” He began. Eyes glued to the floor. “My…My watcher name is Xelqua.”
“What?” That seemed to be the breaking point for the admin. He turned around and threw his helmet against the nearest wall, the sound of breaking glass and damaged metal echoed in the quiet base. “You’re Xelqua?! You’re telling me that you’re a minor god and didn’t bother to tell anyone, which also means you’ve heard every. Single. One. of my prayers that I thought were private. You’ve known all this time?!”
“X, I-I can explain!”
“And all this time, these past years since I let you into Hermitcraft,” X said, facing away from the avian. “You kept it all to yourself. Is anything you’ve done genuine?! Anything at all?!” Tears began to fill his own eyes as doubt rose in his chest. “Because I’m having a hard time believing that we were genuine now.”
“We were! We are!”
“Are we!?” Xisuma yelled. “Because you just told me that you weren’t who we all thought you were, you aren’t avian, you’re a watcher. So how am I supposed to believe you when these past years together were built on a lie that could've endangered my server and my hermits! How am I supposed to believe you when you say that you love me?!”
“I didn’t tell anyone because I thought that if I did the other watchers would come after me and hurt you! Hurt all of you! I couldn’t let that happen…I can’t…Not after Evo.” Grian walked up to X. “And Xisuma, I do love you! I’ve done nothing but love you since I joined! Please, believe me, trust me! I was only doing it to protect all of you.”
“No, Grian! I can’t trust you anymore!” Xisuma left Grian’s hold. “I…I’m not sure I even love you anymore after this.”  
Grian stumbled back, the wings on his back dropping till they lay limply against the floor. The tears in his eyes fell freely now. They stained his sweater and the floor beneath him. “No, X, please.”
“Leave!” He shouted.  Xisuma watched as Grian walked away, his head hanging low and wings dragging against the ground. And when he looked back, the admin couldn’t meet his gaze, the anger now fading to grief as the nether portal transported him away. 
Xisuma collapsed against the ground, tears dropping against the floor as he clutched his breaking heart. 
Grian had tried so hard to rebuild a new life here in Hermitcraft; tried so hard to make new friends and find a new purpose in life. Something so that he can move on from his past, but here he was, kneeling in the middle of his base. His hair covered his face and stuck to the dried tear streaks. Feathers strewn about the birch wood under him, sprinkles of blood dotted the floor, along with bloodied pin feathers. 
It wasn’t hard to hate his wings. Wings he shouldn’t even have. 
The watchers had given them to him; they had watched as they broke through the skin of his back, erupting from his body drenched in blood and pieces of the skin they tore through. No matter how loud he screamed, no matter how much he begged, they never listened to his cries of pain and suffering. They told him that the wings were “a symbol of power and hope” for the players. They told him that his wings “will take him where Lady death’s power reigned supreme,” but they never told him that they would bathe in blood every time he enacted his Lady’s wishes.
Like the blood they were christened in when they formed, they were bathed in it during every strike of his sword. Like the cries of suffering and pleas to cease he made, they heard the people yell as Grian slaughtered them. His eyes always glazed over, covered by the small wings that shielded his eyes from the pain he caused. 
His name wasn’t Grian during that time. No, Grian had died on the floor of the watcher’s base, writhing in pain as Xelqua was born. His wings were on his back, his hands had killed, his name was praised and glorified as a god when Grian rebelled. It was in Xelqua’s name that Grian had become a minor god, a title he never wanted, and it was in Xelqua’s name that people had prayed. They asked him for guidance, for help, for a path that saved them from whatever pain he knew he caused. 
And here he was again, his wings bathing in the blood they were born from, suffocating in the pain he’s caused.
“Uncle G?” Grian didn’t bother turning around. He knew it was Tommy. The kid had so many questions that only Grian could answer, but the ache in his head, his heart, and the cursed limbs on his back restrained him from acknowledging the child. “Hey, um, can we talk? Please?”
“Yeah, sure,” Grian wiped the tears from his eyes, hoping that Tommy couldn’t see the dried streaks along his face or the redness of his eyes. “What do you want to know?”
“Are you…” Tommy pondered, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “Are you really a watcher?”
The older of the two shook his head. For as long as he’ll live, the title of watcher was going to be placed on him again. “No, I am not. I was, a long time ago. I couldn’t do what they had forced me to do anymore.”
“What did they have you do?”
“I don’t want to tell you,” Grian confessed. “If I did, you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore.”
Grian saw Tommy think about his next question, his mind trying to create the right jumble of words to get his thoughts across. It brought a solemn smile to Grian’s face. He remembers trying to teach Tommy how to read in Evo, the look of raging determination on the five-year-old as he stammered to say the word “Amethyst” was the same now. Eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinted at nothing in particular, one hand messing with the skin of his lips, the other resting across his chest. 
Reminiscing of times past was the only thing to keep Grian sane as he exiled himself to the world. The faces of his family and friends reminded him of who he was saving by being alone, and slowly over time, their voices faded, as did their appearance, leaving only vague stills in his mind of who they were. Their ghosts haunt him as he separated souls from their bodies in his dissociated state of mind. 
“Do you know where my mum is?” Tommy asked, breaking the silence that covered the two. Grian knew he was going to ask that question, it was just a matter of when. “Because if you’re alive and doing…somewhat shitty–”
“Hey, no cussing.” Grian interrupted.
“Then my mum must be alive somewhere too,” Tommy finished. “Uncle G, do you know where my mum is?”
He couldn’t meet Tommy’s gaze, “I do. But right now isn’t the best time to see her.”
“What? Why?” Tommy asked, rising from the chest he was sitting on. “She’s my mum! I have to see her!”
“I know, but she’s not doing well right now, okay? If you see her now, it’ll only make things worse.”
“No! I want to see my mum! Maybe her seeing me will make it better! You’re just trying to keep me away from her!”
“I’m not, I swear!”
“If you’re not gonna tell me where she is, then I’ll find her my-fucking-self!” Grian tried to stop Tommy as he ran away, his golden hair bouncing as he leaped over the floating rocks that made up the bridge to his base, but he couldn’t. His feet remained planted where he stood, watching as Tommy ran off in the anger Grian seemed to be spreading. Helpless to fix the problems he caused.
I wanted my blorbos to hurt, but also I really want to explore Xisuma's emotions and how–in my head–he could react to Grian's confession. Especially since a lot of people don't write big emotions for X, I felt like he needed some attention.
Also Grian is going through it for real, kinda feel bad
ehh not really, i did this to him >:)
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
Same anon from the ask about being part of a system with complex origins and turners syndrome stressing about trying to find resources for nullification surgery and masculizing hrt that only affects the bone structure.
So we realised our previous ask was just venting and had no context, but there are some things you may actually be able to help with, we basically want to look more androgynous and are unsure where to start... What are the best ways to look more androgynous without hrt when you have a very femme baby face and curvy body?
hey, glad you sent a second ask! ^ _ ^
i used to date a soft butch nonbinary lesbian who had a similar issue of having a very soft baby face, so i understand like. i remember watching them struggle with looking too feminine and i felt their pain.
if you are into the idea, compression shorts are awesome and help a lot with reigning in big hips, they can be worn under pants, shorts, etc. I suggest looking into ones sold at underworks, i used to have a pair i basically lived in. lmao. also i recommend utilizing layers of clothing to help distract from the outline of your body. they don't have to be heavy clothes, but anything that obscures and changes your outline helps.
anything that bulks up your shoulders also helps tremendously. loose baggy overshirts are always good, buttoned up or loose. polo shirts look good and are great for having an androgynous look. i also recommend looking for sweaters, blazers, cardigans, vests and other types of jackets that aren't really tailored specifically to"male" or "female" styles. denim jackets, sweater vests, even shallow v necks are nice. and you can always experiment with different styles if you find that you're looking into more androgynous clothes and you just can't find what you like.
men's jeans can be nice just be aware that they will hang very loosely on your legs so if you're sensitive to textures/sensations this might be uncomfortable at first. the legs are always roomier/bulkier than women's jeans. look into different cuts and styles of jeans and see what obscures the shape of your hips best. i also sing the praises of cargo pants, but that's just me being a butch lesbian. also, you can find a lot of cute slacks that are very androgynous as they are usually tailored to be appropriate for "formal" events
i also sing the praises of big stompy boots, like work boots. i used to love getting men's work boots when i could afford to get new shoes. i just loved having these big clunky things, it really can impact a look. jewelry can be kept minimal and simple, or you can have very obviously clashing pieces of jewelry (masculine chain necklace, delicate earrings, etc.). you can use makeup to give yourself a heavier brow, and you can define your cheek bones to look a bit sharper, or to sit a bit lower or higher, depending on what you're going for.
i hope some of this helps. take care, i hope you're able to figure some stuff out, and feel better in your body soon. i know what it's like to feel completely disconnected from how your body looks. take care, best of luck, feel free to come back soon!
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jhsharman · 2 years
Buff Jughead
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Where usually this effect of awkwardly replacing the indicia copy produces puffed up shirts sweaters and jackets, this is a beach scene so instead we get a bulked up Jughead.
Since we are on Riverdale Beach I guess there's nothing left but to look at resized and filled in women's swimwear.
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WHITEARTH Premium Winter Wear: Stylish and Functional Fashion for the Cold Season
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As winter approaches, finding the perfect blend of style, comfort, and functionality becomes essential. WHITEARTH Premium Winter Wear is your go-to brand for high-quality clothing that keeps you warm while looking stylish. Whether you’re shopping for men’s winterwear or exploring trendy options in women’s winter wear, WHITEARTH offers a versatile collection designed to meet the needs of modern fashion enthusiasts. This article explores the key features and offerings of WHITEARTH’s premium winter wear collection, focusing on standout items like hoodies with zipper pockets and ladies hooded sweatshirts.
The Best in Men’s Winterwear
When it comes to men’s winterwear, the balance between warmth and style is key. At WHITEARTH, the men’s collection offers a variety of winter garments designed to withstand cold temperatures without compromising on looks. From insulated jackets to fleece-lined hoodies, WHITEARTH ensures that every piece offers both functionality and fashion.
Insulated Jackets: For those extra cold days, WHITEARTH provides men’s insulated jackets made from high-quality materials that offer both warmth and wind protection. These jackets are ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, or simply navigating through chilly city streets.
Layering Essentials: Layering is crucial in winter, and WHITEARTH’s men’s collection features fleece pullovers, thermal shirts, and wool-blend sweaters that are perfect for layering under heavier coats or jackets. These pieces are crafted with breathable materials to ensure comfort even when temperatures drop.
Hoodies with Zipper Pockets: A standout item in the men’s winterwear line is the hoodies with zipper pockets, which offer both convenience and style. The zipper pockets allow you to securely store small essentials like your phone or keys while maintaining a sleek and fashionable look. Available in various colors and sizes, these hoodies are a must-have for men who value both practicality and aesthetics.
Women’s Winter Wear: Style Meets Comfort
For women, staying stylish during the colder months is often a challenge, but WHITEARTH’s womens winter wear collection solves that dilemma. Offering a wide range of fashionable yet functional winter apparel, WHITEARTH ensures that women can embrace the season without sacrificing their personal style.
Ladies Hooded Sweatshirt: The ladies hooded sweatshirt is one of the most popular items in WHITEARTH’s women’s collection. Designed with comfort and warmth in mind, these sweatshirts are perfect for casual outings, winter sports, or simply lounging at home. The soft fleece lining provides extra warmth, while the hood adds a stylish touch and protection from the cold. Available in various styles, colors, and sizes, the ladies hooded sweatshirt offers something for every fashion taste.
Winter Coats and Jackets: WHITEARTH’s winter coats for women come in different styles, from classic trench coats to modern puffer jackets. Each coat is carefully crafted to offer warmth without the bulk, ensuring that women feel comfortable and fashionable even during the chilliest of days.
Knitted Sweaters and Cardigans: Sweaters are a staple of any winter wardrobe, and WHITEARTH’s collection of knitted sweaters and cardigans for women offers a stylish variety. These garments are perfect for layering and come in neutral and bold colors, making them easy to mix and match with other pieces in your winter wardrobe.
Hoodies with Zipper Pockets: Functionality and Style Combined
One of the standout features in WHITEARTH’s collection is the hoodies with zipper pockets, available in both men’s and women’s styles. These hoodies offer the best of both worlds—functionality and fashion. The zipper pockets provide a secure place to store your belongings while you’re on the move, whether you're heading out for a jog, running errands, or spending time outdoors.
The hoodies are made from high-quality fabrics designed to trap warmth and provide insulation. Additionally, the sleek design and modern cuts ensure that you’ll look stylish while staying cozy during winter months. Available in a range of colors, these hoodies are versatile enough to pair with various outfits, making them an essential item for your winter wardrobe.
Sustainable Fashion Choices
At WHITEARTH, sustainability is a core value. The company uses eco-friendly materials and ethical production methods to ensure that every piece of clothing aligns with its commitment to the environment. Whether you’re purchasing a ladies hooded sweatshirt or a men’s insulated jacket, you can feel confident knowing that your choice supports sustainable fashion.
WHITEARTH’s dedication to quality also ensures that its products are made to last. By investing in premium winter wear that is durable and timeless, you reduce the need for frequent replacements, contributing to a more sustainable approach to fashion.
WHITEARTH Premium Winter Wear offers the perfect balance of style, comfort, and functionality, making it the ideal choice for both men and women as they prepare for the winter season. With a wide range of options, including men’s winterwear, women’s winter wear, hoodies with zipper pockets, and ladies hooded sweatshirts, WHITEARTH ensures that every customer can find the right pieces to keep warm while looking great.
So, whether you’re gearing up for outdoor adventures or simply need stylish winter essentials for daily wear, explore the premium collection at WHITEARTH and experience winter fashion at its best.
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elisemckenna1910 · 28 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Patagonia 2018 Better Sweater Marsupial Pullover Fleece Jacket Gray Size Medium.
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myblogs05 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Women's Leather and Puffer Vests
Women's fashion is an ever-evolving landscape, but some items remain timeless and versatile, like leather and puffer vests. These two wardrobe essentials offer a unique blend of style, comfort, and functionality, making them must-haves for any fashion-forward individual. Whether you're looking to add a touch of edge to your outfit with a leather vest or seeking warmth and coziness with a puffer vest, this guide will help you navigate the world of women's leather and puffer vests. We'll explore their benefits, how to style them, and why every woman should have at least one of each in her wardrobe.
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The Appeal of Leather Vests: Timeless and Edgy
1. Why Leather Vests Are a Wardrobe Essential
Leather vests have long been a symbol of rebellion, strength, and independence. From the biker culture to high fashion runways, leather vests have been a staple in women's fashion for decades. The allure of leather lies in its versatility and durability. A well-made leather vest can last for years, if not decades, becoming more comfortable and stylish with time.
One of the biggest advantages of leather vests is their ability to effortlessly elevate an outfit. Whether you're wearing jeans and a t-shirt or a flowy dress, adding a leather vest can instantly transform your look from ordinary to extraordinary. The texture and structure of leather add a layer of sophistication and edge that is hard to achieve with other materials.
2. How to Style a Leather Vest
Styling a leather vest is all about balancing the ruggedness of the leather with softer, more feminine elements. Here are some tips to help you get started:
Casual Chic: Pair your leather vest with a simple white tee and distressed jeans for a laid-back yet stylish look. Add ankle boots and a statement necklace to complete the outfit.
Boho Vibes: For a more bohemian look, layer your leather vest over a flowy maxi dress. Opt for earthy tones like brown or tan leather, and accessorize with layered jewelry and a wide-brimmed hat.
Office Ready: Yes, you can wear a leather vest to the office! Choose a sleek, tailored leather vest and layer it over a crisp white blouse. Pair it with tailored trousers or a pencil skirt, and finish the look with pointed-toe heels.
Night Out: For a night out, pair a black leather vest with a fitted dress or a chic jumpsuit. Add some bold accessories, such as statement earrings or a chunky bracelet, and you're ready to hit the town.
The Cozy Comfort of Puffer Vests
3. Why Puffer Vests Are Perfect for All Seasons
Puffer vests are the unsung heroes of transitional weather. They're lightweight yet warm, making them ideal for layering during the colder months or for throwing on during a chilly evening in the summer. The appeal of puffer vests lies in their practicality—they provide warmth without the bulk of a full jacket, making them perfect for active lifestyles.
Modern puffer vests come in a variety of styles, colors, and materials, from classic quilted designs to sleek, streamlined versions. They're also incredibly versatile, easily pairing with everything from athletic wear to casual outfits, and even more dressed-up ensembles.
4. How to Style a Puffer Vest
Puffer vests are incredibly easy to style, thanks to their versatility. Here are some ideas to inspire your next outfit:
Athleisure Look: Pair your puffer vest with leggings, a long-sleeve shirt, and your favorite sneakers. This look is perfect for running errands, going for a walk, or even a casual brunch.
Layered Warmth: Layer your puffer vest over a chunky sweater and skinny jeans for a cozy, winter-ready outfit. Add knee-high boots and a beanie for extra warmth and style.
Smart Casual: For a more polished look, layer your puffer vest over a button-up shirt and chinos. This combination is great for casual Fridays at the office or a weekend outing.
Pop of Color: If you want to make a statement, choose a puffer vest in a bold color or pattern. Pair it with neutral pieces to let the vest be the star of the show.
Choosing the Right Vest for Your Style
5. Leather vs. Puffer: Which Vest Suits You Best?
While both leather and puffer vests have their unique appeal, choosing the right one depends on your personal style, needs, and the occasion.
For a Classic Look: If you prefer timeless, sophisticated pieces, a leather vest is the way to go. It's perfect for adding an edge to your wardrobe and can be dressed up or down.
For Practicality: If you're looking for something more practical and versatile, especially for colder weather, a puffer vest is ideal. It's comfortable, easy to layer, and provides warmth without adding too much bulk.
For a Statement Piece: Both leather and puffer vests can be statement pieces, depending on the design. If you're looking for something eye-catching, opt for a leather vest with unique detailing or a puffer vest in a bold color or pattern.
Ultimately, the choice between a leather and puffer vest comes down to your personal style and how you plan to wear it. Some women might even find that having both types in their wardrobe offers the best of both worlds.
Caring for Your Vests: Maintenance Tips
6. Keeping Your Leather and Puffer Vests in Top Shape
To ensure your vests last for years to come, proper care is essential. Here are some tips to keep your leather and puffer vests looking their best:
Leather Vests:
Store your leather vest in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading and cracking.
Use a leather conditioner periodically to keep the material soft and supple.
Spot clean any stains with a damp cloth and mild soap. For tough stains, consider taking it to a professional leather cleaner.
Puffer Vests:
Follow the care instructions on the label, as some puffer vests can be machine washed, while others may require dry cleaning.
If machine washable, use a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent. Tumble dry on low with a few clean tennis balls to help maintain the vest's shape and fluffiness.
Store your puffer vest in a breathable garment bag to avoid flattening the insulation.
By taking the time to care for your vests properly, you'll ensure they remain stylish and functional for many seasons to come.
Conclusion: The Best of Both Worlds
Women's leather and puffer vests are essential wardrobe staples that offer style, versatility, and practicality. Whether you prefer the edgy sophistication of leather or the cozy warmth of puffer, these vests can be styled in countless ways to suit any occasion. With the right care, these pieces will remain fashionable and functional for years, making them worthy investments for any fashion-conscious woman.
So, whether you're layering up for winter or adding a stylish touch to a summer outfit, don't overlook the power of a well-chosen vest. Embrace both leather and puffer vests in your wardrobe, and you'll always have the perfect piece to complete your look.
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kobestrain · 2 months
Elegant Layers: Mastering Style for Women Over 40
Mastering the art of layering is a key element in creating elegant and versatile outfits for women over 40. As we age, our style evolves, and layering becomes an essential technique to add depth, dimension, and sophistication to our wardrobe. This guide will explore how to effectively use layers to enhance your look, with practical tips tailored for best style for women over 40.
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1. Start with a Solid Foundation
The base of your outfit sets the tone for layering. Opt for well-fitting, high-quality basics that offer comfort and versatility:
Tailored Tops: Choose tops with a flattering fit in neutral colors. Classic options like fitted turtlenecks, blouses, or simple knitwear work well as base layers.
Essential Bottoms: Invest in well-fitting jeans, trousers, and skirts that can be easily dressed up or down. Neutral shades like black, navy, or gray offer flexibility.
2. Layer with Style
Layering adds complexity to your outfits, making them more interesting and adaptable. Here’s how to do it with elegance:
Add a Blazer: A tailored blazer can elevate any outfit, providing a polished look. It works well over a blouse or top and can be paired with jeans or trousers for a sophisticated appearance.
Incorporate Cardigans: Cardigans are versatile layering pieces that can be dressed up or down. Opt for styles that are well-fitted and made from quality fabrics like cashmere or wool.
Use Vests and Waistcoats: These add a stylish touch without adding bulk. A fitted vest can enhance your silhouette and provide a chic layer over a blouse or dress.
3. Play with Textures and Fabrics
Mixing textures and fabrics can add depth to your look, creating a sophisticated appearance:
Combine Materials: Pair different materials such as leather, wool, and silk to add visual interest. For example, a silk blouse layered under a wool sweater adds a touch of elegance.
Textured Fabrics: Incorporate textured fabrics like tweed or knitwear to create a dynamic outfit. These textures add visual interest and contribute to a more refined look.
4. Master the Art of Proportions
Balancing proportions is crucial for achieving a stylish layered look:
Balance Fit: If you’re layering a loose-fitting top with a fitted jacket, ensure the layers complement each other. Avoid overly bulky layers that can overwhelm your frame.
Layer Lengths: Vary the lengths of your layers to create a flattering silhouette. For instance, a long tunic paired with a shorter jacket can create a balanced look.
5. Accessorize Thoughtfully
Accessories can enhance your layered outfits, adding a personal touch and finishing off your look:
Scarves and Shawls: These can add color, pattern, and warmth. Choose scarves that complement your outfit and add an extra layer of style.
Belts: Use belts to cinch in your waist and create a more defined silhouette. A belt over a blazer or cardigan can add a chic element to your outfit.
6. Experiment with Colors
Color choices can significantly impact the overall look of your layered outfits:
Neutral Bases: Start with neutral colors as your base layers. They provide a versatile foundation that can be easily accented with brighter or bolder colors.
Accent Colors: Introduce accent colors through your outer layers, such as a statement jacket or a vibrant scarf. This adds personality to your outfit without overwhelming it.
7. Embrace Versatility
One of the advantages of layering is versatility. Create multiple looks from a few key pieces:
Mix and Match: Combine different layers to create new outfits. For example, a blazer can be paired with various tops and bottoms to achieve different looks.
Seasonal Adaptation: Adjust your layers according to the season. Lightweight layers for warmer weather and heavier layers for colder months allow you to stay stylish year-round.
8. Confidence is Key
The most important aspect of mastering style is confidence. Wear your layered outfits with pride and embrace your unique sense of style:
Own Your Look: Confidence enhances any outfit. Choose layers that make you feel good and reflect your personal style.
Embrace Your Style: Focus on what works best for you and your body type. Your comfort and self-assurance will shine through in your appearance.
Layering is a powerful technique in creating elegant and sophisticated looks. By incorporating these tips into your wardrobe, you can master Style for women over 40 with confidence and grace. Embrace the art of layering to craft outfits that are both refined and versatile, showcasing your unique style with every ensemble.
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buttondownshirts · 3 months
Finding the Perfect Fit & Fabric_ The Ultimate Guide to Women's Button Down Shirts
Title: Navigating Style and Comfort: A Comprehensive Guide to Women's Button-Down Shirts
In the realm of women's Craft Bazaar fashion, few garments offer the versatility and timeless appeal of the classic Button-Down Shirt. However, finding the perfect fit and fabric can be a daunting task, with countless options available on the market. Fear not – whether you're a seasoned fashionista or a newcomer to the world of button-downs, this ultimate guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the nuances of fit and fabric, ensuring that you find the perfect shirt to elevate your wardrobe with style and comfort.
Understanding Fit:
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The key to looking and feeling your best in a button-down shirt lies in finding the right fit for your body type. Start by considering the overall silhouette – do you prefer a tailored, fitted look, or are you drawn to the relaxed vibe of an oversized shirt? Pay attention to details such as shoulder width, sleeve length, and bust darts to ensure a flattering fit that accentuates your curves while allowing for ease of movement.
Tailored vs. Oversized:
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When it comes to fit, women's button-down shirts come in a range of silhouettes to suit every preference. A tailored shirt with darts at the waist offers a sleek, structured look that pairs beautifully with pencil skirts or tailored trousers for a polished office ensemble. On the other hand, an oversized or boyfriend-style shirt exudes laid-back sophistication when paired with jeans or leggings for a casual-chic vibe. Experiment with different fits to discover what works best for your personal style and body shape.
Choosing the Right Fabric:
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The choice of fabric can significantly impact the overall look and feel of a button-down shirt. While classic cotton remains a popular option for its crispness and breathability, consider exploring alternative fabrics for added texture and luxury. Silk or satin shirts offer a touch of elegance and drape beautifully on the body, making them ideal for special occasions or evening wear. Linen shirts, on the other hand, are perfect for warm weather, with their lightweight and breathable properties keeping you cool and comfortable all day long.
Embracing Versatility:
Versatility is a hallmark of women's button-down shirts, and the right fabric can enhance this quality even further. A lightweight cotton shirt is perfect for layering under sweaters or blazers during the cooler months, adding warmth without bulk. In contrast, a silk or satin shirt can effortlessly transition from day to night, taking you from the office to a dinner date with ease. By investing in shirts crafted from versatile fabrics, you maximize their wearability and utility in your wardrobe.
Attention to Detail:
When shopping for women's button-down shirts, don't overlook the importance of small details that can make a big difference in fit and comfort. Look for shirts with back darts or princess seams for a tailored silhouette that contours to your body shape. Consider the placement of buttons and buttonholes – a well-constructed placket ensures smooth closure and prevents gaping, especially in the bust area. Additionally, pay attention to sleeve cuffs and collar styles to find the perfect finishing touches for your shirt.
Finding the perfect fit and fabric is essential to unlocking the full potential of women's button-down shirts. By understanding the nuances of fit, exploring different fabric options, and paying attention to small details, you can elevate your wardrobe with shirts that not only look great but also feel comfortable and confident. Armed with this ultimate guide, you're ready to embark on a journey of style and self-expression, armed with the knowledge to navigate the world of button-down shirts with ease and confidence.
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barabaswholesale · 4 months
Unlock Profitable Opportunities: Long Sleeve Shirts Wholesale for Cheap
In the competitive retail landscape, securing quality products at affordable prices is paramount. One way to achieve this is by exploring Long Sleeve Shirts Wholesale For Cheap. Long-sleeved shirts are versatile wardrobe staples that appeal to a broad audience, making them an essential item for any retailer. This blog delves into the benefits of sourcing long-sleeved shirts wholesale, how to find reliable suppliers, and strategies to maximize profits.
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The Appeal of Long Sleeve Shirts
Long sleeve shirts are a timeless addition to any wardrobe. Their versatility allows them to be dressed up for formal occasions or dressed down for casual settings. This adaptability makes them highly attractive to customers and a smart investment for retailers. Here’s why long sleeve shirts are a must-have:
Seasonal Versatility: Long sleeve shirts are suitable for multiple seasons. They can be worn alone in cooler weather or layered under jackets and sweaters in colder months, offering year-round sales potential.
Variety of Styles: From classic button-downs to trendy graphic tees, long sleeve shirts come in a wide array of styles, colors, and fabrics, catering to diverse customer preferences.
Universal Appeal: Long sleeve shirts are popular among men, women, and children, allowing retailers to reach a broad customer base with a single product category.
Benefits of Buying Wholesale
Purchasing long sleeve shirts wholesale for cheap offers several advantages for retailers:
Cost Savings: Wholesale prices are significantly lower than retail prices, allowing for better profit margins. Buying in bulk reduces the cost per unit, enabling retailers to offer competitive pricing.
Consistent Inventory: Wholesale purchasing ensures a steady supply of products. This consistency helps maintain inventory levels, reducing the risk of stockouts and missed sales opportunities.
Quality Control: Reputable wholesalers provide high-quality products. Building a relationship with reliable suppliers ensures that the merchandise meets customer expectations, fostering trust and repeat business.
Finding Reliable Wholesale Suppliers
To maximize the benefits of buying long sleeve shirts wholesale for cheap, it’s crucial to find dependable suppliers. Here are steps to identify and select reputable wholesalers:
Research and Reviews: Start by researching potential wholesalers online. Look for reviews and testimonials from other retailers to gauge the reliability and quality of their products and services.
Request Samples: Before committing to a large order, request samples of the long sleeve shirts. This allows you to assess the fabric, stitching, and overall quality.
Verify Credentials: Ensure the wholesaler is legitimate by checking their business credentials. Look for certifications, licenses, and memberships in industry associations.
Compare Prices: Get quotes from multiple suppliers to compare prices. Be cautious of prices that seem too good to be true, as they may indicate subpar quality.
Negotiate Terms: Discuss payment terms, minimum order quantities, and return policies. A good wholesaler will be transparent and willing to negotiate terms that benefit both parties.
Strategies for Maximizing Profits
Once you’ve secured a reliable source for long sleeve shirts wholesale for cheap, implement these strategies to maximize your profits:
Diverse Product Range: Offer a wide variety of long sleeve shirts, including different styles, colors, and sizes. This diversity attracts a broader customer base and encourages larger purchases.
Effective Marketing: Promote your long sleeve shirts through various marketing channels. Utilize social media, email newsletters, and in-store displays to highlight new arrivals and special promotions.
Competitive Pricing: Price your products competitively to attract budget-conscious shoppers. Use the cost savings from wholesale purchases to offer discounts and deals without sacrificing profit margins.
Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs to reward repeat customers. Offer incentives such as discounts on future purchases or exclusive access to new arrivals.
Seasonal Promotions: Capitalize on seasonal trends by running promotions during peak shopping periods. For example, offer back-to-school deals in late summer or holiday discounts in winter.
Case Study: Successful Retailer Using Wholesale
Let’s consider a case study of a successful retailer who leveraged long-sleeved shirts wholesale for cheap to grow their business.
Background: A small boutique, “Fashion Haven,” wanted to expand its inventory without exceeding its budget. The owner decided to focus on long-sleeved shirts due to their versatility and year-round appeal.
Strategy: The boutique sourced long-sleeved shirts wholesale from a reputable supplier. By purchasing in bulk, they secured high-quality shirts at a fraction of the retail price. Fashion Haven offers a diverse range of styles, including casual, formal, and trendy options.
Marketing: The boutique utilized social media to showcase new arrivals and ran seasonal promotions to attract customers. They also implemented a loyalty program, offering discounts to repeat shoppers.
Results: Within six months, Fashion Haven saw a significant increase in sales. The cost savings from wholesale purchases allowed them to offer competitive prices, attracting more customers. The diverse product range and effective marketing strategies kept customers coming back, boosting overall profits.
Sourcing Long Sleeve Shirts Wholesale For Cheap is a strategic move for retailers looking to enhance their inventory and maximize profits. By offering a versatile and appealing product, securing reliable suppliers, and implementing effective marketing strategies, retailers can thrive in the competitive fashion market. Embrace the opportunities that wholesale purchasing provides and watch your business grow.
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ainews · 4 months
In the 1920s, angola wool was an extremely popular fabric for clothing items such as sweaters and shawls. It was known for its softness, warmth, and luxurious appearance. However, despite its popularity, angola wool had one major flaw - it was nonadaptive for veins.
During the 1920s, women's fashion was focused on achieving a slim, streamlined silhouette. This meant that clothing items were often tight-fitting and made with lightweight materials. Angola wool, with its bulky and heavy nature, did not fit into this fashionable aesthetic.
Furthermore, as clothing styles became more form-fitting, women began to wear shorter hemlines, exposing more of their legs. This also meant that the material used for stockings and socks needed to be lightweight and conform to the shape of the leg, rather than adding additional bulk.
Angola wool, on the other hand, was known for its loose and fluffy texture. This made it unsuitable for use in stockings and socks, as it would not conform to the shape of the leg and could cause discomfort or make the shoes fit improperly. Angola wool was also not a practical material for undergarments, as it would add unnecessary bulk and weight.
Additionally, during the 1920s, there was a growing trend towards more active lifestyles, especially for women. This included participating in outdoor sports and activities, such as golf and tennis. Angola wool, being nonadaptive and heavy, was not suitable for these types of activities. It would become wet and heavy from sweat, making movement difficult and uncomfortable.
Furthermore, angola wool was not a practical material for use in warmer climates. In the 1920s, fashion was heavily influenced by exotic and tropical destinations, and lightweight, breathable fabrics were preferred for these locations. Angola wool, with its dense and insulating properties, was not suitable for these warm temperatures.
In conclusion, while angola wool was a highly desirable fabric for its softness and warmth, its nonadaptive nature made it unsuitable for the fashionable trends of the 1920s. Women's fashion was focused on achieving a slim and streamlined silhouette, and angola wool added unnecessary bulk and weight to clothing items. As a result, other materials, such as silk and rayon, became more popular for use in clothing during this time period.
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