#Wolfmaw story
monstersandmaw · 1 year
Werewolves who think they're lap dogs despite looking like what would happen if the canine family tried to evolve a shire horse
My hand slipped and this happened, since it so perfectly fits the character.
Here's Teo and his boyfriend from the Wolfmaw story (spoiler free). I loved your shire horse comment!! Made me giggle.
The enormous, honey coloured wolf sitting on the floor between the sofa and the television looked up at him with huge, dark chocolate eyes, and cocked his head, ears pricked.
“Ohhh no. Do not… Do not. Do. That.” His resolve crumbled even as he kept looking down at him. “Please…”
Teo’s tail thumped once.
That ‘no’ sounded suspiciously like a ‘yes but don’t make me say it’, and Teo knew it.
His jaws parted and his tongue lolled out in a happy smile, and in a swift, victorious motion, he reared up and plopped his paws down on the slender thighs of his patient and extraordinarily lenient boyfriend.
Without waiting to be swatted away by an elegant hand, Teo sprang up onto the couch and nuzzled furiously against his hip, wagging and shuffling to find the perfect spot.
“You’re shedding. Everywhere,” came that sultry voice that was aiming for unimpressed, but it carried secret volumes of fondness that only Teo knew was there. Vampires, after all, were not supposed to be seen with werewolves, let alone dating them.
Teo sneezed and wiggled around onto his back, his paws in the air and his belly completely exposed. God, if anyone in the pack saw him now, they’d have kicked him out probably. No, Luca would never let that happen, but still.
Grudgingly, a pale hand extended down to him and scratched along the line of his ribs and up his chest, catching him just-so. His right hind leg beat a rapid tattoo against the sofa arm and he tipped his head right back to expose his chin and neck too, groaning with ecstasy at the barrage of delicious sensations.
“Dear God, remind me why I adore you?” the vampire purred.
Teo sneezed again and opened one whisky-gold eye to regard the porcelain face regarding him with one pale eyebrow raised. Laughing his silent, wolfish laugh, Teo twisted to lap his tongue against the fingers of the hand that had been scratching behind his ear, and he heard a gentle, fond sigh. “You’re a menace, Teo.”
Teo nipped him for that, but only gently.
Leaning forwards, the vampire left a kiss on the tip of his nose. “I really do, you know?” he said, sounding wistful. “Adore you.”
Teo wiggled deeper into his lap and turned onto his side so he could cuddle him too. Vampires might be cold, but this one was far from heartless.
Teo had his back to the door, and had just exposed his belly to a creature that was probably twice as deadly as he was, and he couldn’t have been happier or felt safer.
“You’re still an overgrown menace of a lapdog.”
Teo just wagged his tail and got even comfier with his head across his thighs.
Wolfmaw is a WIP at the moment and you can find out more about it here.
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cerastes · 3 years
Blue Archive bad actually because I spent a literal half year on the JP server trying to pull for one specific character (Sorasaki Hina, AKA hyper-capable girlboss who's actually internally screaming 24/7 and just really wants a nap) and had enough eliph saved up to 5* her the *second* I finally got her. And the EN server is looking like it wants to do the same thing. It's as if the game hates me, specifically, on a personal level. gatcha/10, would pull again.
wolfmaw asked:
On a more serious note, I'm glad you've been enjoying it 'cause the zany bullshit that happens basically every other episode is well worth reading if you're looking for a good laugh, and the story and lore are actually surprisingly good for a game that doesn't take itself so seriously.
Oh yeah I have Hina as well! She's a riot, Hina my friend Hina, overworked to hell and extremely good at what she does but I just want to play Mario Kart 64 with her, give her a day off :(
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
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Luca di Pietro | Werewolf (alpha) | 32yrs | 6'6"
Aesthetic/moodboard for Luca from my upcoming werewolf/shifter romance story. Working title: Wolfmaw
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
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Teodor ‘Teo’ di Mazi | Werewolf | Male | 32
Aesthetic/moodboard for Teo from my upcoming werewolf/shifter romance story. Working title: Wolfmaw.
Read a snippet/drabble about him and his boyfriend here (spoiler free)
Read a long excerpt from the wider story here (light spoilers)
(Luca's moodboard)
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
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Apparently I lied when I said that that poll about POV preferences would be the last one I'd do for Wolfmaw. Sorry?
Since I've had a few people ask how they can support me in different ways (financial this time! thank you!) I'm thinking about reviving my Ko-fi page a bit more, since I'm not up to reopening my Patreon again. So, would you like the following on Ko-fi, and would you pay £3 to see some extra content? I believe that if you've supported me once in the last 30 days, you can view anything I put up there for 'supporters only'.
Stuff I'd intend to share:
Character Profiles (mostly spoiler free) for the main cast
Bonus content like snippets that didn't maybe make the final cut but things that are still cute/related to the story
Early access to chapters before they go up on Tumblr (long way down the line yet)
Related content like moodboards, sketches, ideas etc.
Just to clarify, the final story will go up on Tumblr for free anyway - I'm not blocking it behind a paywall. This is just for extra stuff and early access.
No idea what I'm talking about? Find out more about my new alpha male werewolf x female human romance novel idea here.
Feedback about the story itself has been kind of huge, so I'm hoping I'm not completely misreading the enthusiasm for this project!
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Final poll about Wolfmaw I promise... It's not gonna be a reader insert, but I'm wondering about what voice, and how many voices, it should have. So...
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Anyone interested in some moodboards and character blurbs for the new werewolves in Wolfmaw that I teased yesterday?
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
I just read your sneak peek of Wolfmaw, and I LOVED it. I'm so excited for more, whenever it's posted 💞
Thank you! I'm working on Wolfmaw stuff slowly in the background, along with a number of other writing projects, some of which may end up on here and others are just for me, so we'll see.
I'm so happy you enjoyed the sneak preview though, and I hope to have more for you folks soon, both for free on here and also over on Ko-fi as a bit of an exclusive treat.
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Working on all things Wolfmaw today: backstory, character bios, and plot-planning. It has taken over my entire existence.
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
omg the blurb for the story sounds so good, I truly hope you'll write and post it!!! it sounds like a delightful read. would 100% read it if it were a book
:3 thank you so much!! I'm actually working on chapter one right now... :)
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Wolfmaw sound absolutely amazing, something I'd love to read!!💛
Don't mind me, just derpily wibbling and flailing around the room after reading this. Thank you :) I'll see what I can do for you.
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
PLEASE GHOSTI, cliché and trophey are my happy place 💕💕💕
I just this nanosecond reblogged the original idea post with a bit more info for you. If you're still interested after seeing that, I might see what I can do about it :3
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
I'm stuck. Help your local ghost decide what to work on next!
Links for info:
Wolfmaw blurb and extract
Laces for a Lady Chapter One (of 7 posted so far)
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monstersandmaw · 11 months
Massive poll for Patreons on the 'Little Ghosties' tier!
I'm still working on one more commission (male centipede-taur alien x transmasc nonbinary reader) and then after that, everything new that goes upon Tumblr will be previewed for a week first over on Patreon, available to both tiers. I'll do a poll soon on Patreon for which story I work on first, and it'll include the Wolfmaw Gym universe, Laces for a Lady, and dremora lad, and Demon from the Full Moon Motorcycles universe, among others.
If you want to browse my huge Patreon masterlist you can do that for free here!
And if you want to join my Patreon, you can do so here.
Looking forward to seeing you over on Patreon!
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