#Wolfenstein 3D came out almost 25 years ago and its guns feel stronger realer and more visceral than Cyberpunk
lonelyrollingstar · 2 months
Seeing Cyberpunk flop so badly on release seems to have completely broken the brains of the people who completely bought into the hype around Cyberpunk (strictly because they bought into the hype around Witcher 3, so far the only even competent game CDPR has made) because I absolutely do not see anything redeeming about this game even now. It’s stiff, movement is slow, the world is totally lifeless (even with people in it), and worst of all the shooting mechanics make every gun fight feel like you’re just blindly shooting at a refrigerator until it falls over. I was willing to give it a chance because it was allegedly so improved over its release state, and because I love immersive sims, but it absolutely did not deliver on any front. I really think the people beating the drum for it being this wonderful redemption story either are so distracted by the technical improvements that they didn’t notice the game itself is just bad, or so embarrassed about buying a $60 game day one only for it to be in a pre alpha state that they kept insisting it was great and that once the bugs were out it’d be the greatest game ever made
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