#Wizards witches and whatever NB magic users call themselves
cramajoki · 2 years
The World of Verité
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This is a fantasy world I'm developing for my story Wizards and Robots which takes place in the country of Verité. The rest of the countries... exist... and may be explored in the future, but Verité is ultimately the most important one.
I've gone through to name various countries here and hopefully haven't given them any problematic names. If there's something I should change for the better, let me know. Or if you think it would just be neater to have some other name for a place. And please don't just give me a joke one that may be offensive as I probably won't be able to call it.
I have yet to name the planet, just kind of giving it a default "Terra" or just "Earth" though clearly it is not our Earth, even if it has some similarities. Many similar landmarks to Earth just mixed up.
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We have the Kandor Ocean and its many islands, the empty Jalaun Ocean, and a colossal amount of countries and Unions. We can see various island nations about with Wutan, Nipala, and Kire'Tal.
In the midst of the Gnabi ocean there is a glowing spiral known as the Umiikot which has unknown origins and is very dangerous. It is well known about but kind of just accepted as a dangerous landmark on the planet. There's also the spiral island of Halimaw Pilitpit which isn't inhabited by anyone, just full of various animals, many of which being dangerous to deal with. There is the nearby country of Dugo Pagposok which is home to many fishers.
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Here are some 3D renders of the planet to give a more accurate scale to things.
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Now to talk about the country of Verité, a United States sort of country who are neighbors to a country known as Xarak, and another named Francesca. They also are near the country of Tsuki, which has its own complicated history.
So people had already been living in these countries for years before suddenly the people of Wutan, Nipala, and the other midwest islands started moving west after sea travel became more accessible. Soon after, a group of those immigrants had started populating specifically the island of Tsuki. While it is quite a ways, this was over a few hundred years known as the "Great Migration" which aboriginals of Verité, Xarak, Francesca, and Tsuki will correct as colonization.
Later on, Wutan had specifically expanded their empire into the east portion of what is now Verité forming various new states and territories. This upset the native population, kicking them out, sending them into slavery, or slaughtering them. Later on some were forced into assimilation, but others escaped westward or north.
Centuries later, the country of Andorra, setting to expand their empire, traveled across the Jalaun sea to make trades with the various countries. In the process, colonizing Tsuki, and some of East Verité. At the same time, the Franks had decided to colonize much of the land as well. After some disputes, the Franks took the West side and Andorra took East of the Recloy Sea.
This sent Andorra into a war with Wutan over disputes of the land, both sides forcing the natives to fight for them as disposable soldiers. This eventually led to Andorra winning. They wound up being even worse rulers of the land, leading to a revolution in the north, setting up the country of Xarak, home to a mixed culture of Natives and abandoned Wutan people. This however did not spell the end of the exploitation of the land or the people.
Saxo had decided to jump into the colonization game as well, forming New Tesera, Grand Island, Ortho, Mabel, Stanley, Newt, and Poly.
New Tesera was host to most famously a privatized capitalistic company town that went up in flames as well as a town full of religious zealots who eventually spread further through the country, making a variation of their religion the default one within the country eventually.
There were some border disputes with the Franks, but ultimately the Franks sold their territories to Saxo in exchange for Saxo to help them in a war happening closer to their homes.
There was more disputes and bloodshed with the native population, who were among many different tribes, with Saxo taking more of Xarak over time. Francesca was also all that remained of the Franks' colonies, though much of it was taken back by the native people in their revolution.
The Saxo colonies soon took part in their own revolution, forming the country of Verité, based on the proposed name for the country under Frank rule known as Vérité. This revolution would be glorified throughout their history much like the religious zealots, though the revolutionaries weren't really associated with those zealots at this time.
Anyway, they formed a Republic across the western side of the Recloy Sea before slowly over the next century colonizing the rest of the country, which did get them into troubles with the Andorrans, starting a war to take control of the East side of the Recloy Sea, with Verité winning. They mainly wanted the east side for its extensive resources.
Slavery was rampant through the country at the time, even as it was becoming less common throughout the rest of the world. This would lead to a civil war which did end the legalization of slave labor. Though it would still be used for prisons and various places in Eastern Verité, with companies also outsourcing it across the globe and seeing no legal action to stop them.
The next century saw a rapid amount of change for human rights, dealing with a lot of systemic issues. However most of it wasn't actually fixed but rather just reworked so that the law wasn't explicitly racist, sexist, or the like. The century also saw an influx of immigrants from across the world.
Despite these bandaid solutions, this led to a country which prides itself on its mixed diversity and cultures which intertwined, though many of the Saxons find themselves culturally approiating many of the cultures around. The native cultures, the Andorran cultures, and the Franks cultures. Though the Franks kind of don't care as they, along with many other northern countries near Saxo, have had their cultures melt together as a generally white culture. The Andorran population has drifted away from their old country and found new identities.
The people of this country found themselves in a lull, many believing that the country was only on a constant path of progress, especially the white population, though as the decades went on more were accepting of the way things were.
There was then a rise in mechanical technology for cybernetics and robots supposedly. A figure known as Alexander Defino being a prominent figure in developing that cybernetic technology, though after many legal disputes, he was cast into obscurity and eventually went missing.
During this time, panic was growing of a rising population of people using the pollen of this plant for various activities. It started popularity among stoner college students, but spread across the country as not only could it get you high, but it was seen as an excellent performance enhancer.
Many underground rings were formed utilizing it for fights as people competed to see what they could do with it, eventually finding their skin change color with it and later they found they could shoot out bits of energy.
Rapidly, people figured out how to optimize this power, but meantime police were cracking down on it. Using tech by Alexander Defino, they were able to detect if people had traces of the pollen in their systems. This wound up catching a lot of people. People who used it recreationally to get high, and people who had never even tried it.
The religious public were vocal about their distaste of the magic of this pollen, calling it satanic and evil, and the politicians they voted for were eager to pour more money into hunting down these magic users, as they called them. This led to them investing in a new force of militarized machines to hunt down the magic users.
Thus the war began with the magic users calling themselves witches and wizards, and whatever the non binary people decided to call themselves, and the machines being called robots. The Witches and Wizards and NB magic users took part in figuring out their magic, needing to for survival.
Many homeless people and others in poverty found themselves forced to take part in the movement as well to survive. Various activists joined in to help guide the movement for the better, with many factions forming arguing how to move forward. Some argued they just needed to take out the robots, especially the new Red Robot who was the new leader of Verité, but others argued this was all caused by more underlying problems that have been in the nation since its inception and that a bigger revolution was needed. Either way, they all found themselves in a war between Wizards and Robots.
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