#Winter Sports Outdoor Self Heating Clothing Apparel
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Never Gonna Be Alone: Chapter 1
Warnings: none
Tagging: @innerpaperexpertcloud, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y, @alievans007, @tragiclyhip

His flight lands at JFK shortly before two in the afternoon. He’d slept for the better part of it; worn out from the lengthy hikes in the oppressive heat. Something to eat and a shower had done him some good. Easing the majority of tightness in his back and shoulders and tackling some of the swelling and pain in his right knee. It remains the proverbial thorn in his side; first replacement failing after only a year and a half and then having lengthy and painful recovery issues following the second one. He’ll never be able to fully straighten that leg or go a day without some swelling or pain. The surgeons had done the best they could under the circumstances; warning him of excessive and irreparable damage done to the surrounding ligaments and tendons and preparing him for a third surgery before he hits sixty.
While miserable and hobbling at times, it’s still nowhere near as agonizing as what he’d been living with before. Ninety percent of his nights are spent sleeping straight through; very rarely is he woken by pain, nor does he have to resort to the alternating of hot and cold showers in effort of relieving some of the suffering. And there’s been no nightmares. Two and a half years of NOT having his rest disrupted by vivid and terrifying recollections of his times in Dhaka. THAT’S more of relief than the absence of pain; the troubles with his mind finally giving him reprieve thanks to a strict regime of medications and therapies. There’s been no manic or severely depressive moments; moods managed relatively well and healthy coping mechanisms long ago replacing the damaging and dangerous behaviours he’d once turned to.
It helps to have a support system. Knowing there’s someone in your corner that will constantly cheer you on; never letting you get discouraged or allowing you to give up on yourself. Oftentimes...when things get particularly bad...willingly carrying some of the burden and despair themselves. Had it not been for her, he would have surrendered a long time ago. He would have easily resorted back to the booze and the drugs; his life empty and meaningless and not worth the effort and the oxygen it took to stay alive.
He woke an hour before landing and placed two calls. The first to Dylan’s Candy Bar; a favourite destination of the kids every time they make a trip to the Big Apple. It’s one of the places they insist on visiting at least twice. Shamelessly dropping nearly all their spending money given to them by their parents; filling their shopping bags to the brim with sweet treats and various trinkets. The order was simple; seven plastic buckets -each adorned with the kids’ favourite cartoon character or superhero- filled with their candy and chocolate of choice and gift certificates for the sundae bar. The second call is placed to the ‘go to’ local florist. Two dozen long stemmed sweetheart roses; white, pink, and purple. It makes him happy; being able to both surprise and spoil her. The latter always launches a protest on her behalf; reminding him that she isn’t a materialistic person and most certainly doesn’t expect or need expensive gifts. But he can’t help himself. While they live remarkably simple and low key in the grand scheme of things, it’s no secret that money is no longer an issue; their bank account will never run dry and there will always be cash -BIG cash- rolling in. And he feels she deserves to be spoiled and treated like a queen. Not only giving him seven kids in as many years, but staying by his side through thick and thin; never giving up on him -or the- even when things were their darkest and direst.
She’s been with him from the humblest of beginnings; when he had absolutely nothing to offer her. Money had been scarce. Nearly all their combined savings used up on a mountain of medical bills; his long and painful recovery from Dhaka making any and all employment impossible. It was worrisome; wondering how the hell he’d keep a roof over her head and food in her pregnant belly. If he couldn’t manage THAT, how was he going to be able to properly care for a kid? They hadn’t had much back then; that tiny apartment outside of Sydney filled with used and mismatched furniture and barely any clothes in their closets. But she’d hung in there. Agreeing to marry him even though he couldn’t even afford to give her a ring, let alone a proper wedding. Loving him with every fibre of her being and always looking at him as if he was the most incredible man on earth; declaring that he made her feel safe and protected and that she’d never...EVER...felt that way before.
And that’s why he does. All of that blind faith and love and trust that she’s always possessed. The chances she’s given to him; forgiving him for all the broken promises and all the lies he told -never maliciously, only as a means of keeping her safe- and the times he fell off the wagon and went back to the booze and drugs. So many times she could have walked away; taken the kids and fled the country and made sure that he would never find them. But she never did. She never let it...HIM...break them. No matter how hard it got, no matter tears she shed, no matter how volatile the arguments or how many holes he punched in the walls, she never gave up. Even when she did kick him out, it hadn’t been a sign of defeat. It had been a warning; telling him that she wouldn’t allow someone like him in her children’s lives and he needed to clean up his act. He’s still ashamed that it took as long as it had. Six months spent wallowing in his self pity and despair; twenty four weeks away from his family because he was too scared and too weak to face his problems head on and try to solve them. And she’d taken him back; a tearful phone call in the middle of the night begging him to come home. They’d stayed up until dawn; having the calm and rational heart to heart that they should have indulged in months..if not YEARS...ago. And finally he’d been ready to change; crying and begging for forgiveness and promising to do whatever it took to make things right again.
To make THEM right again.
Although Anil had arranged for a private car to take him home, he opts for a taxi instead. While he appreciates Anil's continued generosity, it’s far too ‘flashy’ for him; a black Lincoln with tinted windows pulling up into Gramercy Park will only draw attention from the neighbours. While everyone residing there is just as wealthy -if not more- things are still relatively low key; North American made SUVs and sedans in place of luxury models from overseas, no outward displays of disgusting riches and pompous attitudes. He knows he and his family are an enigma of sorts; nine of them from Australia showing up out of the blue and dropping huge cash -especially for what’s considered a young family- on a place that'd been on the market for nearly two years. Then spending an exorbitant amount of money transforming the three story townhome into exactly what they wanted. Adding a private and secluded back deck complete with a wet bar and a hot tub and an area for outdoor food prep and grilling. Blowing the one wall out in TJ and Tanner’s room; removing would have been a study in favour of turning it into built in queen sized bunk beds and enormous walk in closets with enough space for clothes and toys. And a home gym stocked with the best equipment money can buy and a top of the line sound system; ; an addition off the kitchen that had been a last minute decision. It had taken two years and a dozen trips to and from Australia and New York CIty to get everything just right. Finding joy in seeing just what all the hard work and seemingly endless shedding of blood, sweat, and tears, could actually bring to their family.
When he’s two blocks away he texts his wife, letting her know he’s mere minutes from their front gate. The three littlest love that final stretch; kneeling on the couch and pressing their noses against the living room window as they impatiently await his arrival. She’ll try to get boots and coats on them in time; more often than not chasing them out the front door with winter apparel in hand, shouting about the dangers of frostbite and hypothermia and how they don’t want to spend their entire Christmas break stuck in bed with the flu. It’s been an adventure; raising seven children. Definitely not for the faint of heart or those lacking in patience. There’s the frustrating moments; two or three throwing temper tantrums in unison, an often mouthy and rebellious pre-teen girl that makes her mother her primary target, a ten year old boy that has absolutely no fear; who indulges -and excels- in even the most aggressive of sports and gets bored and irritable if he isn’t keeping himself moving. It’s chaotic and it’s noisy. School mornings are a whirlwind of activity; breakfast for a family of nine, the oldest helping finish and pack lunches, mom and dad working on getting the less independent kiddos ready and out the door. But there’s a lot of fun under that roof; an endless supply of giggles and little arms always ready and willing to wrap you in a hug. The great times far out number the trying and exhausting ones; rewarded with kisses and cuddles and those crinkly eyed smiles.
And there’s a lot of love in that house. If the pain and the worry and the fear that his brush with death had five years ago had taught him anything, it’s that they truly are capable of getting through even the toughest of times. They ARE stronger together than they are apart; fighting through all the pain and all the tears and coming out the other side relatively unscathed. And they’ve become stronger; as individuals AND as a couple. Their marriage has never been healthier. Rational and calm discussions taking the place of often volatile arguments and taking every opportunity presented to them for ‘one on one time’; whether it be date nights or their evening walks along the beach or coffee out on the deck while the sun rises. Seamlessly and effortlessly working as a team when it comes to raising their children, but never forgetting how important it is to acknowledge the bond that exists between them. Not just as spouses and two people that made babies together, but as best friends and lovers and each other’s biggest supporters and most loyal confidants. Marriage therapy has turned out to be the best thing they ever could have agreed to; able to acknowledge their weaknesses as both a couple and as individuals. Opening their eyes to the little things that annoyed and often -unintentionally- hurt one another and tested the limits of their patience.
Things aren’t perfect. But most days they seem damn close to it.
Clad in a cumbersome ski jacket and a pair of heavy and clunky winter boots, five year old Takota scrambles onto the living room couch. Leaning stomach first against the back cushion, he places his elbows along the top and heaves a long, forlorn sigh. “He’s late.”
Beside him -and already bundled into her own cold weather gear- Addie casts a glance towards the clock that graces the nearby fireplace mantle. “It’s only been eight minutes.”
“Mummy said he’d be here in FIVE minutes.”
“Maybe the traffic is bad. Maybe the cabbie is a really slow driver. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
“I hope so.” Another dramatic sigh. “I wonder why daddy had to go away in the first place?”
Addie twirls one of the braided tassels on her knitted hat around her index finger. “‘Cause Kota, he’s the boss and sometimes bosses have to go and boss people around. In person. Not just on the phone and through the computer.”
“Maybe he had to go and yell at them,” Takota suggests, and pushes his beanie towards the back of his head, then uses a forearm to clear beads of sweat from his brow. “His voice is REALLY loud when he yells. I bet he scared them . Do you think they cried?”
“I would cry if he yelled at me.”
“Daddy never yells at us. He doesn’t need to. He just gives us the stink eye. You know, ‘the look’.”
“The look is scarier than when he yells, I think. He yells at Millie sometimes.”
“That’s ‘cause she deserves it. We don’t. We’re just little. She’s big and mean. And bad. Really bad.”
“Who’s bad?” Brooklyn asks, soles of her boots loud against the laminate flooring as she clomps into the living room, then squeezes her tall and slender frame between the window and the back of the couch.
“Millie,” her twin replies. “All the time.”
“That’s ‘cause she’s almost a teenager,” Brooklyn reasons. “All teenagers are bad.”
“I think it’s ‘cause she’s just a big bitch,” Addie declares.
Voices -especially high pitched little ones that don’t come with a volume switch or understand the meaning of the word ‘whisper’- travel easily through the main floor. Particularly through the open concept design that seamlessly combines living room and kitchen; high ceilings and easy to clean carpet free flooring. A definite must have with seven kids and two dogs. And as she stands at the kitchen island nursing a mug of tea, Esme’s eyebrows arch as she catches the profanity that slips from her soon to be six year old’s mouth.
“Hey!” she calls, and drops her chin to her chest and narrows her eyes. “Language. Please.”
“Sorry,” Addie gives a sheepish grin, then turns back towards the window. “It’s true though.”
“Mum,” Takota turns to face the back of the couch; a pout on his lips and his arms crossed over his chest. “You said he’d be here in five minutes. It’s been an hour.”
“It’s been ten minutes,” she informs him. “It’s snowing out. People forget how to drive when it’s snowing. Traffic is probably bad. Patience, young sir.”
“I don’t have any patience. I’m five, remember? Why did daddy have to go away again?”
“He had some business to take care of. Far away.”
“He’s been gone for like a year.”
“I know it seems that way, but he’s only been gone for four days. Five if you count the night he left.”
“Why’s he leave when we’re sleeping?” Brooklyn inquires, as she traces a fingertip along the edges of the paper snowflakes -done in various colours and sizes- that she and her siblings had created and taped to the glass the evening before. “Why doesn’t he wait to say bye to us?”
“Because most of the flights leave at night. It’s not personal.”
“He should at least wake us up,” Takota says. “I hate not getting to say bye to him.”
“I don’t know, I’m kinda of glad that he DOESN’T say bye,” Addie pipes up. “I’d cry for sure. It’s better if he goes when I’m asleep. So I don’t ugly cry.”
Their chatter turns to plans to build snowmen in the small expanse of backyard, hopes of going sledding, and excitement over the buckets of candy that had been delivered only thirty minutes earlier. The bouquet of flowers sits in the middle of the dining table; a stunning arrangement of long stemmed sweetheart roses in her favourite colours and accompanied by a card that simply reads: I LOVE YOU. While not a fan of grand romantic gestures, over the past five years he’s shown an increased propensity for these ‘out of the blue’ moments. It can be simple yet thoughtful and personal things. Her favourite cupcakes from the local bakery back home, flowers being delivered to the bookstore in the middle of the day, or him taking a break from seemingly endless hours of ‘in office’ work and showing up with lunch for the both of them. Just taking the time to be with her is what matters most to her; the affection he gives and effort he puts into making sure she realizes just how often she’s on his mind. And how much he appreciates her and loves her and truly can’t imagine his life without her.
Then there’s the bigger and more elaborate things; the desire to spoil her every chance he gets, claiming it makes him happy to do so. She always protests. Reminding him that that’s NOT why she fell in love with him; marrying him when they both had very little yet their lives somehow seeming simpler and less stressful. But it just goes in one ear and out the other. his persistence and stubbornness always getting the upper hand. Showering her with jewelry and designer clothing and accessories; surprising with spa appointments and ‘girls weekends’ away with her sister. And then there’s the twice yearly ‘mommy and daddy only’ trips he insists they take. One always to their favorite getaway in Phuket, Thailand, and the other destination always kept a secret until they actually land. He says it makes him happy; being able to just randomly treat her to things they’d never been able to really afford before. Truly believing that she deserves to be spoiled; wanting a way to show how much he appreciates her and how grateful he is for the life she’s given him. A chance to prove he CAN be a good husband and father and that his past mistakes in no way to define who he truly is. And he always talks about how fortunate he is that he found a strong woman; someone that stuck around during even the hardest and darkest of times. Always loyal and faithful. Loving him when he didn’t make it easy to.
He’s come a long way in five years. THEY’VE come a long way. Both separately and as a couple. Therapy has made a world of difference; helping them get to the bottom of both individual issues and those causing friction and tension in their marriage. It had taken him a while to accept the idea of couples counselling; afraid that needing it was a sign that things were far worse than he thought they were Slowing coming around to the realization that it wasn’t because they had serious problems that had to be addressed, but because they needed to find ways to keep those issues from cropping up in the first place. Both had needed to be reminded that their roles in each other’s lives went far beyond just being spouses and raising children together. That the bond that existed between them surpassed what most normal couples could lay claim to. Best friends. Lovers. Each other’s most trusted confidants and most loyal and steadfast supporters. Once they began taking time out to spend together, they soon learned how to nourish those very different roles in each other’s lives. Their marriage started to see the benefits almost immediately; becoming stronger and their appreciation, gratitude, and love for another growing beyond anything either of them could imagine.
“Momma?” Takota appears on the other side of the island, having to stand on his tiptoes to see over the countertop. Like his Tanner and Addie, he’s on the small side; not blessed with the tall and lanky genes that the others -including his twin sister- had been given. And like Tanner, he is soft spoken and serious; loving to spend time outdoors, yet preferring quieter pursuits. Very creative; indulging in painting and drawing and any form of craft that he can get his hands on.
She glances up from the copy of the New York Times open in front of her. “What’s up, buttercup?”
“Do you think daddy went away because he had to kill someone?”
“What?” She gives a startled chuckle. “Why would you…?”
“TJ said that daddy used to kill people. Before he became a boss. That he was a mer...mer…”
“Mercenary,” she finishes for him, then pushes the sleeves of her sweater up to her elbows and moves to the stove; stirring the contents of a simmering pot. One of Tanner’s many culinary creations; a rather creative mixture of chicken, taco seasons, and various vegetables. It’s his newfound passion; cooking and baking. And he insisted that some of that day’s lunch be left over so daddy could try it when he got home.
The little things go both ways. She’s found her own ways of spoiling him and showing her gratitude and appreciation. Today it’s a warm meal and fresh, hot coffee and the hot tub on the back deck already bubbling; relief for what she knows will be an aching and weary body.
“Is it true? That he used to kill people? When he was one of those? A mercenrie?”
“Mercenary,” she slowly repeats. “And yeah, sometimes. Sometimes he DID have to.”
“Because they were bad people?”
“Very bad people.”
“Is that why he had to go away? To kill bad people?”
“I don’t know why. I didn’t ask for details. He just had to go away for a few days.” It isn’t entirely true. He did in fact head to Laos and Cambodia to do just THAT; two high profile drug and weapons smugglers with enormous price tags on their heads and lengthy lists of enemies. But he’d also said that there was ‘more to it’; things that she didn’t need to know. Details that made HIM extremely unsettled. Something THAT bad? He preferred not to place it upon her shoulders.
“Is he going to go to hell? Because he killed people?”
“No.” She scoops some of the soup from the pot and holds it to her lips; aggressively blowing on it and then checking the temperature with the tip of her tongue before offering it to her son.
Takota eagerly accepts the ‘snack’. “Are the people he killed going to hell?”
“How about we NOT talk about this? If you want to know those kinds of things, you ask daddy. He’ll be able to answer your questions a lot better than I will.”
“I think you’re just throwing him under the bus. Setting him up for failure. We BOTH know he won’t tell me.”
“You are way too smart for five. Taste good? The soup?”
“Really good. Tanner could be a really famous chef one day, I bet. I’m gonna be a lion tamer.”
Grinning, she moves back to the island and snags her mug; heating the tea with some of the remains sitting in the pot she had made earlier. “You are, are you?”
“Daddy said I could be whatever I want to be when I grow up. And I want to be a lion tamer. And maybe a dentist.”
“Both at the same time?”
“I can’t tame lions and fix teeth at the same time. That’s just weird.”
“Mum!” Brooklyn bellows from the living room, then begins pounding her palm against the window. “That weird guy is back again!”
“He’s talking to TJ,” Addie chimes in. “I think TJ is going to tell him off. TJ doesn’t like him. He thinks the guy’s an asshole.”
“Adeline! Language!” she scolds, and then turns the burner on the stove to the nearest possible setting and heads through the kitchen and out into the living room, Takota hot on her heels.
“Why is he back?” Brooklyn unlocks the latch on the window and aggressively shoves it open. “Why are you back, weirdo?! You already shovelled the sidewalk! It hasn’t snowed enough yet! Go away! Mum…” both brows are arched as she glances over her shoulder. “...TJ is going to flip out. The weirdo is asking if you’re here. He called you pretty. I heard him! TJ is pissed!”
“Hey! Hey you!” Addie yells out the window. “My brother is going to kick your ass!”
“No one is kicking anyone’s ass,” Esme says, and shoves her feet into a pair of Crocs by the front door and snags one of the many coats from the hall closet; a snowboarding jacket that belongs to her husband and is monstrous on her tiny frame. And she barely manages to get the front door open; the three littles rushing past her and out onto the freshly shovelled porch and half completed steps.
“Why don’t you just go away!” TJ is barking at the ‘hired help’; a neighbourhood kid that she’d hired three years ago to handle the sidewalk IF Tyler was away. TJ had willingly taken on the responsibility of snow cleaning their first Christmas in Gramercy Park. Happy to be in charge of keeping the walk, stairs, and porch clean, but knowing that anything past the front gate is off limits. “You already did the sidewalk! It doesn’t need done again!”
“What’s going on?” Esme wraps an arm around her son’s shoulders and pulls him tightly into her. He’s tall for only ten; less than an inch away from squeaking past her in height. Still slim yet not as lanky and awkward looking; shoulders broader and muscles in his upper body already forming and becoming defined. A direct result of his love for sports and the kid friendly workouts in the gym that his dad let’s him partake in.
“This guy…” TJ nods in the teenager’s direction. “...wants to talk to you. He called you pretty. He asked ‘where’s your pretty little mom?'. I don’t like the way he said it. And dad wouldn’t like it either.”
“Is there a fight?” Tanner inquires, as he and Declan emerge from the side of the house; hearing the shouting from the backyard where they’d been keeping an eye on the dogs and building ‘snow fortresses’. “Who’s fighting?”
“No one is fighting,” Esme replies. “Just a misunderstanding between your brother and Jacobi. I’m sure it’s nothing, TJ. Go back to what you were doing. Daddy will be home soon. It’ll be a nice surprise for him; seeing everything shovelled off.”
“I don’t like this drongo,” TJ declares, and gestures towards the teenager with the end of the shovel. “He called you pretty. No one calls my mum pretty. Even if she is.”
“Beat him up,” Delcan suggests. “Daddy would.”
“Daddy would NOT beat someone up for no reason,” Esme informs him. “Especially not a teenager. Jacobi,” she turns to the teen in question. He’s a senior at the high school only three blocks away; a nice enough kid from an upper middle class home, constantly clad in backwards ball caps, baggy jeans, a varsity football jacket. “Now is NOT a good time. My wallet’s inside and I have no cash on me and my husband’s going to be home any second and it’s going to get really crazy around here. And loud. Very loud.”
“You don’t have to pay me until next time. I was just going to ask you if…”
TJ steps in front of Esme, forming a protective barrier between her and the unwanted visitor. “My mum’s married,” he snarls. “To my dad. Leave her alone! My dad is big and he’s strong and he can hurt people. With one hand. And if he finds out you’re mackin’ on my mom…”
“Tyler..” she places her hands on his shoulders. “...enough. No one is ‘macking’ on anyone. Jacobi is just being friendly. He shovels the sidewalk for us when dad isn’t here. And takes the garbage to the curb. He’s just trying to be friends.”
“My mom doesn’t need any more friends. Especially GUY friends. Seriously, my dad will kill you. Trying to get with my mom? Yeah, my dad will lose his shit. And you don’t want him to lose his shit. He’ll break you half. With his bare hands.”
“He’s very protective,” Esme explains to the teen, and gives an apologetic smile. “When dad leaves, he takes the role of ‘man of the house’ very seriously. You’re more than welcome to come back later; you can come in and have some hot chocolate or you can stay for dinner.”
“Oh now he’s coming to dinner?!” TJ huffs. “He just wants to try and get in your pants, mum. It’s obvious.”
“You’re ten. You don't know what's obvious when it comes to those things. You need to settle down. Jacobi is harmless. He’s just trying to be friends. Wouldn’t that be nice? To have friends here? It’s always nice to have friends.”
“I have friends back home. I don’t need them here. I got Tanny and Declan. What do I need HIM for?”
“Daddy!” Addie shrieks, as she stands on the lower rung of the wrought iron fence that borders their slice of property. One mitten clad hand wrapped around one of the posts while the other frantically waves at the yellow cab that pulls up to the curb. “Daddy! Daddy’s home!”
Chaos erupts; the gate being thrown open and a stampede of six human bodies and two dogs trying to steamroll their way through. The pure joy on those little faces and the excitement in their voices enough to cause a lump of emotion to settle square in his throat and tears to prick at his eyes; the latter hidden behind the lenses of his sunglasses. It had taken work to get past the feelings of inadequacy. The self hate and guilt and shame that had been telling him for years that he didn’t deserve the life he’d been given; a second chance at being a husband and father. Therapy has helped him get past that; helping him learn how to forgive himself and look at everything he DOES have instead of constantly questioning WHY he does. Now all he thinks about is how damn lucky he is; to have created seven human beings and to know how much they love him and how much they need him in their lives.
He barely gets a foot on the curb before the three littlest are on top of him. Shrieking and squealing with happiness and grabbing at the legs of his jeans; all three chattering at once, anxious for his undivided attention and begging to be picked up. He opts to dropping to one knee; not caring about the snow and the slush that soaks his leg or dirties the fabric. All that matters is those kids; three sets of arms wrapping tightly around his neck and those and those tiny voices giggling and happily screeching in his ears. And he gives each one the same attention; laying on the back of their heads and pressing kisses to their lips and cheeks.
“Daddy!” Addie climbs onto his thigh and squeezes his neck even tighter. “I missed you! I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, Peanut. Every second of every day. I missed ALL of you.”
“But me the most, right? You missed me more than anyone, right?”
“ALL of you. I don’t have favourites.”
“Yes, you do. I know it’s me, daddy. Everyone knows it’s me.”
“Maybe I’ve got a little soft spot for you. But you know who my absolute favourite is? My most favourite human in the whole world?”
“Exactly.” He gives her a final squeeze and peck on the cheek, gently sliding her off of his thigh and then standing; wincing at the discomfort in his right knee and the tightness in his shoulder when he slings his piece of luggage -a simple backpack often used during hiking and camping excursions with the family- up onto it. “Hey little red,” he greets Declan, and affectionately ruffles both the winter hat and the shock of red hair underneath. “What happened? Grow another foot while I’m gone? You look taller.”
“I’m going to be a giant like you, dad,” Declan declares, then stands on his tiptoes with his lips pursed for a kiss. “Mum says I might even be BIGGER than you.”
“Guess I better watch my step, huh? Treat her right? Or you’ll be kicking my ass when you’re older. What about guys?” He addresses the oldest twins, clapping a hand on the back on the back of TJ’s neck and pressing a kiss on his cheek.
Tanner...and his needs...are different. He’s the more sensitive of the two; so much like his mother when it comes to a near constant need to show and receive affection. And since his Autism diagnosis almost five years ago -high functioning, as the developmental pediatrician had called it, a term that Tyler finds gets under his skin and leaves a foul taste in his mouth- they’ve all learned just WHAT Tanner needs. Whether it be ‘sensory breaks’ when feeling overwhelmed or anxious or more one on one interaction. Today it’s deep pressure. Tyler feels his son’s need for it the second Tanner’s arms wrap around his waist. He’s struggling emotionally; likely missing him the most out of all the kids and having a hard time adjusting to being away from home and not having his usual routine. It’s been difficult to adjust to; trying to find that balance between giving Tanner what he so desperately needs and craves yet not alienating or neglecting the needs of the others.
“Hey, mate.” He presses a kiss to Tanner’s temple, then wraps both arms around his petite frame. Knowing the exact amount of pressure he needs to put into the embrace. It will last longer than what he’d shared with the others. Long ago getting used to Tanner’s ‘signs’; knowing it’s better for his son’s mental state if he allows Tanner to be the one to break contact.
The ten year old’s demeanour begins to change almost instantly; tension releasing from his body and his heart rate slowing down and the head to toe tremors disappearing. And he holds on until Tanner is good and ready to pull away, then places his hands on his son’s shoulders and crouches down to make them eye level. Smiling when his sunglasses are gently and carefully pulled off his face. That contact again; Tanner needing to be able to read the emotions and even the thoughts that he always says is ‘written in daddy’s eyes’.
“You good?”
Finally a smile. One that crinkles the corners of his eyes and creases the bridge of his nose. “I’m good, dad.”
“Good,” he leans in and presses a kiss to Tanner’s lips. “Miss me?”
The ten year old nods.
“How much?”
“Just lots?”
The smile broadens. “Tons.”
“I knew it. I missed you too. Tons. I brought you something. From Vietnam. Remember how when I told you where I was going, you did all that research? Especially about the animals? What was your favorite one?”
“The sun bear.”
“Look what I found.” Reaching into the pocket of his navy wool pea coat, he pulls out a small porcelain statue of a sun bear. It had taken him two hours of scouring various markets near his hotel and in surrounding areas, but he’d managed to find one. Tanner’s obsession with studying countries and their native wildlife is no secret; postcards and other trinkets constantly pouring in from Koen and Rata and some of the other guys on staff.
Tanner’s eyes widen, and he gingerly “Just for me?”
“Just for you. I told you I’d do my best to find you something. You can add that to your collection.”
“Mum!” He excitedly turns to Esme as she joins them, cradling his gift in both palms. “Look what daddy found! Look what he got me!”
“That’s awesome nugget. Daddy never disappoints, does he.”
“Never. Thank you, daddy,” Tanner curls his arms around Tyler’s neck and presses a kiss to his cheek. “I missed you. I love you.”
“I missed you too, mate. And I love you,” he places his lips against his son’s temple. “So much.”
“Why don’t you go put that inside,” Esme suggests. “In your room. So it doesn’t get broken. You can come back out to play if you want. If not, dry socks please. Your feet are probably soaked.”
“And put my boots on the mat by the door and all wet stuff in the sink in the laundry room.”
“You got it.” She playfully tugs on the braided ties dangling from his head, then taps a fingertip against the end of the nose before he rushes off. “Hey, handsome,” she greets Tyler with a brilliant smile; one that’s a testament to immense relief his return brings. “Long time no see. Already upping your ‘best daddy in the world’ game, huh?”
“Couldn’t let him down, could I?”
“You never do. How was your flight?”
“It was alright.” He shrugs his bag further up onto his shoulders and reaches up to cup the back of her head in his palm, other hand falling on the small of her back and pulling her tightly into him. Despite the enormous difference in both weight and height, their bodies have always felt perfect together; easily and effortlessly melding into one another. He’d felt it that first day; 13 years ago in that rundown hotel room in Dhaka. She had felt amazing; soft skin and curves in all the right places, body warm and responding so eagerly and willingly to his. Everything it...about her...had felt good. It had felt right. And still does.
“I missed you.” Esme says, and perches herself on her tiptoes; the soles and heels of her bare feet lifting out her Crocs as she curls her arms around his neck.
“I missed you too. You have no idea how much.”
They both feel the stress and the worry immediately lift; her body leaning into his and her eyes closing, his hand gently pressing her head into his chest, his forearm sliding just under her ass. For minutes they stand in silence simply embracing one another and enjoying the reunion; snowflakes gathering in their hair and on the shoulders of their jackets. And when she eventually pulls away, he leans down to kiss her; long and soft and slow, palm moving from the back of her head to her cheek.
Tyler glances down, a grin playing on his lips. “What’s up with that outfit?”
“It’s a long story.” She reaches up to trace her fingertips over a handful of fresh scratches and gouges mar his face and forehead. “What’s up with these?”
“Those are also a long story. We’re missing one. There’s only six spawn. What happened? Finally have enough? Is she buried in the backyard?”
“I did FINALLY crack but she’s very much alive. She went to Alannah’s last night; for a sleepover. Alannah’s mom took them out today; for lunch and a movie and to do some Christmas shopping.” Alannah is one of the many friends Millie has managed to make during their trips to New York City; the daughter of a Korean diplomat and a former Rockette.
“She’s been THAT bad?”
“Let’s put it this way; she’s lucky she’s still breathing and I’m lucky I'm still sober.”
“Yikes. Not what I wanted to hear. Guess we’ll be talking about that later.”
“It can wait. No rush. She’ll be home for dinner. I’m sure she’ll still be in a mood.”
“I’ll handle it if she is.”
“And then I’ll get blamed for turning daddy against her.”
“Well, she’s got to learn. No one disrespects my wife. Not someone we know, not a complete stranger, not my own kids.”
“Always the protective husband. You hungry?”
“I could eat.”
“Tanner made some amazing soup yesterday and he insisted we save you some. And there’s fresh coffee AND the hot tub is already.”
“Best wife EVER.”
“I try. To keep my man happy.”
Smiling, he smoothes her hair away from her hair and loops errant strands behind her ears. “You do a very good job at that. And later, I’ll make YOU very happy.”
Esme grins. “Is that a promise?”
“That’s a promise.” He kisses her once more; her face cradled in both hands and her body more melting into his his.
Her smile is softer; eyes sparkling with a mixture of relief and happiness. And love. There’s always love there. And he's certain there always will be.
“I missed you,” he says yet again, and leans down to place a kiss on her temple and nuzzles the tip of his nose against her ear.
Pulling back to look at him, her hand once more moves to his face. Knuckles skimming along his jaw before her palm cups his cheek, her eyes never leaving his as two of her fingertips glide over his lips. She allows the the bottom of his chin to rest in the curve between thumb and forefinger, then softly and briefly brushes her mouth against his
“Welcome home, baby,” she whispers against his lips, then takes his hand in hers and leads the way inside.
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Heated Jacket Market Analysis, Size, Trends and Segmented Data by Top Companies, Opportunities, Sales Channels, Regions and Applications
Heated jackets are a type of outdoor clothing that offers protection from cold weather. In heated jackets, batteries are used to power up the jackets.
Popularity of outdoor sports such as trekking, snowmobiling, winter biking, diving, downhill skiing, motorcycle riding, etc. among consumers is increasing the demand for heated jackets across the world.
Surge in demand for self-heating heated jackets is increasing the overall market size of heated jackets in the U.S. For example in November 2018, U.S. based heated jackets manufacturer, Ororo Heated Apparel launched heated jackets that have inbuilt lithium-ion batteries that are rechargeable and keep users warm for up to about eight hours. As temperatures can be controlled in these jackets, they can be worn across the year. Rise in online apparel sale including heated jackets is also driving the global heated jacket market. The “Ororo” brand of heated jackets is focusing on online sales, selling these heated jackets to British customers through Amazon UK.
Rise in usage of smart heated jackets across the world is impacting the global heated jacket market. In February 2018, U.S. based Ministry of Supply (a fashion company) launched a new brand of Mercury “intelligent heated jacket.” The temperature of these jackets can be controlled by voice command. The heated jacket has pads made of thin carbon fiber and electronic sensors to detect outside temperature, the user’s body temperature, and the movement by the user. The sensors calculate the optimum temperature for the heated jacket to keep the user warm. In September 2018, heated jacket manufacturer 8K launched a rechargeable heated jacket, whose temperature can also be controlled by an app. 8K uses “Flexwarm” technology that uses a very thin film layer as a heating element. Through the flexwarm technology, a rechargeable heated jacket from 8K can reach a temperature of 50 degree centigrade in 360 seconds in comparison to carbon fiber heating technology.
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In terms of type, the global heated jacket market can be segmented into jackets using 5-volt power bank, 7-volt power bank, and 12-volt power bank. Based on consumer group, the global heated jacket market can be categorized into men and women. By distribution channel, the heated jacket market can be segmented into online and offline.
Geographically, the global heated jacket market can be divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America. North America is expected to be a major market for heated jackets across the globe during the forecast period. The U.S. is expected to be the largest market in North America followed by Canada. Europe is a significant market for heated jackets. Germany is expected to be the leading heated jacket market in the region. The U.K., France, Italy and Spain are other major markets in the region. Asia Pacific is expected to be a major market for heated jackets during the forecast period, with China expected to be the largest heated jacket market in the region. Japan, South Korea, and India are other major markets in the region. Middle East & Africa is expected to be another significant market for heated jackets. GCC is expected to be a major market in the region, followed by South Africa. Brazil is likely to be a major market for heated jackets in South America during the forecast period.
A major difficulty for users of heated jackets is that these jackets require a portable power source, so consumers have to keep a power back-up such as removable power bank to recharge heated jackets periodically.
Major companies operating in the global heated jacket market are Columbia Sportswear, Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation, Robert Bosch Tool Corporation, DeWalt, Makita Corporation, Fieldsheer (brand Mobile Warming), Firstgear, H2C Brands LLC (brand Volt), TechNiche International (brand IonGear), Venture Heat, Ororo Heated Apparel, Ministry of Supply, 8K, etc.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
Looking for exclusive market insights from business experts? Request a Custom Report here https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=CR&rep_id=61485
The study is a source of reliable data on:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand
Market size
Current trends/opportunities/challenges
Competitive landscape
Technological breakthroughs
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
The regional analysis covers:
North America (U.S. and Canada)
Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and others)
Western Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg)
Eastern Europe (Poland and Russia)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand)
Middle East and Africa (GCC, Southern Africa, and North Africa)
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Iris Publishers_Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology (JTSFT)
An Empirical Analysis of Potential Cyclist Injuries and Cycling Outfit Comfort
Authored by YW Teyeme

This study investigated the relationship between pain/injury and training characteristics in cyclists. In addition, ergonomic wear comfort of their garments was investigated. A total of 94 complete questionnaire responses were analyzed. The result indicated that lower back pain was the most prevalent injury causing the highest rates of functional damage and medical attention. The injury level of cyclists was affected by the cluster with elite cyclists reporting pain while cycling. Many cyclists were not very satisfied with the comfort level of their current outfit, 39% of respondents were experienced with different discomfort sensations. The most frequent causes of discomfort were thermal and moisture discomfort sensation related to fabric characteristics. Moreover, design and fit of the garment were considered as cause of discomfort next to thermal discomfort sensation. Therefore, it could be concluded that garments that have good ventilation or breathability and very good fit values were preferred by cyclists. Design, limited choice (availability), appearance/look and quality were the main reason for their brand selection preferences.
Keywords: Cycling; Injury; Pain; Training characteristics; Cycling outfit; Comfort
Cycling has become one of the world’s most popular sports in recent years. But its increasing popularity has also resulted in a growing number of injuries. Cycling is an endurance activity often requiring long bout with a spinal forward flexion posture. Because of its prolonged repetitive nature of the activity, riding a bike becomes a challenging activity. Moreover, cyclists are known to be vulnerable to low back pain.
Cycling is an endurance sport often requiring long bouts with a prolonged spinal forward flexion posture. Because of its prolonged repetitive nature of the activity riding a bike is a challenging activity. Therefore, cyclists are known to be vulnerable to low back pain. This is generally not very severe but can be the source of great frustration to the cyclist and the medical practitioner who is consulted to solve the clinical problem [1-3]. A study with professional road cyclists to register overuse injury indicated 86% of cyclists registered had an experience with overuse injuries. From the reported injuries; 45% were in the lower back, 23% in the knee and 11% in the neck. Only 23% of these injuries led to absence from training or competition [2].
Anecdotal evidences and studies of recreational cyclists also indicate anterior knee pain and lower back pain as common problems. Literature shows that knee injuries are most likely to cause time-loss from cycling, while lower back pain leads to the highest rates of functional impairment and medical attention [4,5]. Pain in the lower back and upper buttocks area is common in competitive cyclists. The combination of the severe forward leaning posture and the intense exertion of the muscles of the upper leg and gluteal puts constant squeezing pressure on the muscles and nerves in this area. Once inflammation develops it can be extremely difficult to get rid of for cyclists who train and/or compete daily. Not only is this condition painful, but it can also negatively affect performance as the body tries to protect the painful area by decreasing muscle activation. Even those who are tough enough to “pedal through the pain” may find that they are no longer able to race as fast or as far [6,7].
Cycling is a very popular sport all over the world. In each season cyclists use a variety of clothes. While each season’s kit has different comfort requirements, hot summer (and cold winter) riding can be the most demanding. Most of the time they wear jerseys and cycling shorts, with different types of accessories [8,9]. The cycling jersey is usually worn with a tight fit in order to reduce air resistance. Jerseys are made from a material designed to wick moisture from the skin, keeping the cyclist cool and comfortable. Nevertheless, cycling sports jersey that is worn by bikers is different from other sportswear. It is well known for its prints and artistic style lines. But the style lines and prints only serve to promote the sponsors.
Cycling shorts are short & skin-tight legwear designed to improve comfort and efficiency while cycling. It can compress the legs, which can help combat muscular fatigue with greater performance. It reduces wind resistance increasing aerodynamic efficiency, protects the skin against the repetitive friction with the bicycle seat, draws sweat away from the skin to prevent chafing and cools the rider down through the process of evaporation [10].
Cycling can be performed in many different weather conditions; thus, the expectations that people have from athletic apparel has increased. Athletic apparel must prevent excessive heat loss in cold weather and enable the release of sweat from the surface of the skin in hot weather [4]. Thermal resistance, air permeability, water vapor permeability and liquid water permeability have been suggested as critical properties for the thermal comfort of the clothes [3,11].
The right clothing offers comfort, protection and performance. Different clothing is designed to suit different disciplines. Cycling sport is different from other sports. It has many features such as high energy consumption, high sweat rate and higher limb exercise and activity range than upper body. Being a high-strength outdoor sport, cyclists’ motions generate much heat during cycling. Furthermore, as cycling sport is a long duration sport, cycling clothes should be not only functional but also must be comfortable while exercising for a long period (up to several hours). According to the characteristics of the cycling sports, cycling jerseys should adapt to the body movements in order to stretch and make the human body activity easy under the condition of satisfy the premise of clothing aesthetic effect. Furthermore, it should have other features such as an efficient mechanism to handle perspiration, a high moisture absorbency, heat preservation, windproof performance, resistance to sunlight and excellent washing performance [12].
Summer jerseys use synthetic fabrics, whilst winter jerseys sometimes feature wool such as merino. Cyclists look for jersey materials that provide good breathability and wicking to draw sweat away from the skin [13]. Experienced cyclists commonly wear matching compression shorts and jerseys while riding or racing [14]. This type of clothing is designed to optimize aerodynamics and comfort. City and commuter cyclists will need clothing that offers all-weather protection and visibility; road cyclists may look for an aerodynamic fit and specialist garment [9,15].
The objective of this study was to assess whether a relationship exists between self-reported pain and cycling behavior (training volume, experience, the incidence of injuries, the prevalence of complaints, etc.) in the ability groups. Besides this, the study also aims to identify the potential injuries in cyclist and to establish the prevalence, both anatomical and discipline specific distribution, and severity of injury in elite/pro, recreational, amateur and junior cyclists.
Unlike previous studies, this paper not only identifies potential injuries but also looks into the satisfaction of the cyclists with the comfort of their current outfit. This can be used later to aid the development of a well fitted, comfortable cycling outfit that helps prevent prevalent injuries while satisfying the comfort desires of the wearer.
All level of cyclists was invited and divided in four cycling clusters; Junior: Men and women under 18 years old and cycling for competition; Elite: professional cyclists contracted by a team; Amateur: cyclists who do competition but are not professional or junior; and Others: recreational cyclists. For the purpose of this study, a total of 94 cyclists were recruited as any individual who cycled frequently.
A survey was developed and used to collect demographic information, training characteristics and comfort related information on the existing cycling outfits. Questions related to the aim of this paper were selected and are discussed in this paper.
Data collection
The online survey was distributed to cyclist club members via the Flanders cycling club’s website in Belgium and via personal email. Voluntary return of the completed survey constituted participant consent. In many cases the questionnaire provided participants with a number of possible responses and participants were asked to choose the response that described their situation best.
Statistical analysis
The responses were collected, and data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) statistics software (SPSS V.21, IBM Corporation, New York, USA). The questionnaires returned by 94 subjects were included and statistical analysis was performed including descriptive methods and Chi-squared tests (χ2). The level of statistical significance for χ2 analysis was set at p = 0.05. To deduce whether the responses indicate a relationship between the variables (significant differences in expected frequencies), the p-values were examined. If the p-value of a parameter was greater than 0.05 (p > 0.05), not statistically significant relationship among the variables could be established, and it was not investigated further.
Results and Discussions
The survey contained two parts, one specifically asking about potential injuries of cyclist and one about problems with their current outfit. The response rate from each cluster is as follows: 50 recreational cyclists, 22 elite, 16 amateur and 6 juniors’ cyclists (Table 1).
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Heated Jacket Market Detailed Study Analysis with Forecast by 2026
Heated jackets are a type of outdoor clothing that offers protection from cold weather. In heated jackets, batteries are used to power up the jackets.
Popularity of outdoor sports such as trekking, snowmobiling, winter biking, diving, downhill skiing, motorcycle riding, etc. among consumers is increasing the demand for heated jackets across the world.
Surge in demand for self-heating heated jackets is increasing the overall market size of heated jackets in the U.S. For example in November 2018, U.S. based heated jackets manufacturer, Ororo Heated Apparel launched heated jackets that have inbuilt lithium-ion batteries that are rechargeable and keep users warm for up to about eight hours. As temperatures can be controlled in these jackets, they can be worn across the year. Rise in online apparel sale including heated jackets is also driving the global heated jacket market. The “Ororo” brand of heated jackets is focusing on online sales, selling these heated jackets to British customers through Amazon UK.
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Rise in usage of smart heated jackets across the world is impacting the global heated jacket market. In February 2018, U.S. based Ministry of Supply (a fashion company) launched a new brand of Mercury “intelligent heated jacket.” The temperature of these jackets can be controlled by voice command. The heated jacket has pads made of thin carbon fiber and electronic sensors to detect outside temperature, the user’s body temperature, and the movement by the user. The sensors calculate the optimum temperature for the heated jacket to keep the user warm. In September 2018, heated jacket manufacturer 8K launched a rechargeable heated jacket, whose temperature can also be controlled by an app. 8K uses “Flexwarm” technology that uses a very thin film layer as a heating element. Through the flexwarm technology, a rechargeable heated jacket from 8K can reach a temperature of 50 degree centigrade in 360 seconds in comparison to carbon fiber heating technology.
In terms of type, the global heated jacket market can be segmented into jackets using 5-volt power bank, 7-volt power bank, and 12-volt power bank. Based on consumer group, the global heated jacket market can be categorized into men and women. By distribution channel, the heated jacket market can be segmented into online and offline.
Geographically, the global heated jacket market can be divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America. North America is expected to be a major market for heated jackets across the globe during the forecast period. The U.S. is expected to be the largest market in North America followed by Canada. Europe is a significant market for heated jackets. Germany is expected to be the leading heated jacket market in the region. The U.K., France, Italy and Spain are other major markets in the region. Asia Pacific is expected to be a major market for heated jackets during the forecast period, with China expected to be the largest heated jacket market in the region. Japan, South Korea, and India are other major markets in the region. Middle East & Africa is expected to be another significant market for heated jackets. GCC is expected to be a major market in the region, followed by South Africa. Brazil is likely to be a major market for heated jackets in South America during the forecast period.
A major difficulty for users of heated jackets is that these jackets require a portable power source, so consumers have to keep a power back-up such as removable power bank to recharge heated jackets periodically.
Major companies operating in the global heated jacket market are Columbia Sportswear, Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation, Robert Bosch Tool Corporation, DeWalt, Makita Corporation, Fieldsheer (brand Mobile Warming), Firstgear, H2C Brands LLC (brand Volt), TechNiche International (brand IonGear), Venture Heat, Ororo Heated Apparel, Ministry of Supply, 8K, etc.
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The usage of Moncler T-shirt
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Hurtta Winter Apparels & Products Jacket Vest For Pet dogs
Hurtta Winter Apparels & & Products Jacket Vest For Pet dogs
Doing my regular internet surfing for dog clothes and accessorories, I came across a quite cool idea to keep your dogs safe while they are frolicking in the water, HURTTA WINTER JACKETS FOR DOGS!The Hurtta winter season jacket is an efficient method of keeping the pet dog warm. The garment secures the pet’s major muscle groups and tender abdomen area. The coat can be placed on and removed rapidly, which makes it ideal for heating up active pet dogs’muscles before or after training. You know, they swim out and after that they look a little exhausted so you attempt and lead them back to the edge or action of the pool.Protects the main muscule groups of the pet dog Incredibly fast to place on and take off Comfortable to wear Adjustable waist and neck 3M-reflectors Fully water and wind proof material Perfect ergonomic fit Sizes readily available from Pug to Golden Retriever HOUNDTEX ® -Impermeability and breathability of the Houndtex ® material are top of the line. This product has been developed for especially requiring circumstances and heavy responsibility usage. Thus it is completely suited for dog hobbies. Hurtta’s exclusive Houndtex ® is a wear resistant, breathable, water and wind resistant product. These Hurtta Obedience Vest can be found in many different sizes, different rates, various colors and by various brands.Hurtta’s training vest is designed for active pet dog enthusiasts. The vest is made from Houndtex-laminated resilient sports fabric. The body-hugging shape and adjustable hem, belt and high collar ensure a safe and comfortable fit when on the relocation. The front of the vest has 4 zip/zipper pockets and 2 large pockets for treats and motivational toys. Big back and breast pockets have a lot of room for training dummies or accessories. The shoulder has a hook-and-loop fastener for attaching motivational toys and rings and clips lie all around the vest. The vest has a number of built-in technical functions developed to make training simpler and more comfortable. Machine washable 40ºC/ 105ºF(warm). Spacious room for treats and inspirational equipment Comfy fit, slightly narrower than standard Adjustable hem, belt and collar Breathable and waterproof material. What a fantastic idea to take care of our pet dogs throughout these winter months. What pup wants to remain at house while the family is outdoors enjoying their winter? I can’t wait to see these on the lake this winter!All Weather Muttluks Canine Boots( Set of 4)-Yellow All-Weather Muttluks(set of 4 boots )The All Weather condition Muttluks feature a breathable, waterproof outside material and are suited for hot or winter conditions. The All Weather Muttluks are perfect for hot sand, hot pavement, treking, rain or snow. They feature self-tightening 3M reflective Velcro straps, treated leather soles and cuffs which come up the leg. Eight sizes to fit any size dog.Here are a couple of pet dog water security ideas for your little one: You can get additonal pointers at: ~ Dogs can get sunburned too, use Doggles Animal Sun block to their ears and their noses. ~ Keep your pet hydrated ~ Hot sand or a hot boat dock or deck can burn your dog’s paws. Attempt putting your pooch in these great canine sandals to safeguard them!Keep your household safe this summer season and ENJOY! Dusty Dog Business is happy to supply everything had to keep your pets safe, healthy, and pleased in these moments and all of life’s great adventures.http:
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Cherokee Blue Ridge Run Motorcycles, Music & Cool Stuff
Venture Heat® is traveling across the United States showcasing our heated clothing, heated apparel and heated gear for motorcycle enthusiasts that want to extend their riding season during the winter without having to wear 10 layers of clothing
We will be at the Cherokee Indian Fair Grounds in Cherokee, NC 28719 at 545 Tsali Blvd. Cherokee, NC 28719 from Friday, September 8 from 10:00 am to 12:00 am to Sunday, September 10, 2017 for the Cherokee Blue Ridge Run Bike Rally
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Ready for the Fall and Winter Seasons? Venture Heat® Winter Heated Apparel and Winter Sports Heated Gear can help you keep warm without having to layer with up to 5 pieces of clothing just to stay warm in the bitter cold.
If you work in the Wintry outdoors or spend a lot of time outdoors but suffer during the fall and winter season months due to the extreme cold, look no further than Venture Heat® Heated Clothing and outdoor apparel. No need to layer with uncomfortable heavy clothing anymore.
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