#Willie Duffin
venicepearl · 2 years
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A bronze sculpture commemorating the Flight in Rathmullan, County Donegal
The Flight of the Earls (Irish: Imeacht na nIarlaí) took place in September 1607, when Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone, and Rory O'Donnell, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell, and about ninety followers, left Ulster in Ireland for mainland Europe. Their permanent exile was a watershed event in Irish history, symbolising the end of the old Gaelic order.
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1828 Wednesday 7 May
6 40/60 11 55/60
At 8 1/2 hair cut by young Parsons - breakfast at 9 3/4 - immediately came in Mrs. and Miss Belcombe - in deep mourning for Colonel Milne, and both much affected - Mrs. B- [Belcombe] obliged to go out and walk about in the garden for some minutes - then Miss B- [Belcombe] obliged to do ditto - the former kissed and received me as usual, and I was attentive to her, but gravely so - Mr. D- [Duffin] observed I did not speak - said I was attentively listening to Mrs. B-'s [Belcombe's] account of their arrival last night - Mrs. D- [Duffin] observed I ate no breakfast, nor did I take 1/2 my usual breakfast - would not take Miss B-'s [Belcombe's] hint to follow her mother into the garden nor did I follow Miss B- [Belcombe] no observations were made when they were gone - very soon after came Dr. H.S.B- [Henry Stephen Belcombe], and staid perhaps about 1/2 hour - He and I, as usual - says Jephson thinks everybody has a liver complaint, that is the worst of him - M-'s [Mariana Lawton's] liver is torpid - her present being not well caused mentally - Dr. H.S.B- [Henry Stephen Belcombe] hardly gone when Ald[?]n Kilby was announced - had taken the liberty of coming with the reverend Randolph Marriott who was in great distress to solicit something from Mr. Duffin! said if one was to attend to every such call...but ended I found (I slank off) by giving a sovreign -
Called on Mrs. Anne and Miss Gage - out - then sat about 20 minutes with Mrs. and Miss Yorke - might have sat longer but Captain and Mrs. Hincks came in - to go to the Yorkes' tomorrow evening - then went over the bridge with Mr. and Mrs. D- [Duffin] and returned to see Mr. D- [Duffin] and Miss S.G- [Sophia Greenup] mount to take a ride! then out with Mrs. D- [Duffin] met the Miss Cromptons - to see them tomorrow - left my card for Mrs. Willey - and for Mrs. and the 2 Miss Bests, looked about the improvements in and about the minster - left my card for the Miss Salmonds, now Mrs. and Miss, and saw their greenhouse then looked about near the Kearsleys they asked us in, and we sat a little while - the house the Salmonds lived in - should have been taken down and the new deanery erected on the site, but Mrs. K- [Kearsley] would not give up her lease of 7 years, only 1 of them expired now - the deanery is therefore close by, and the offices will in future stand where the house should have stood - then to the H- [Henry] Belcombes' - above 1/2 hour there - Mrs. H.S.B- [Henry Stephen Belcombe] wants me to go to her as soon as she has a spare bed - Mrs. D- [Duffin] observed afterwards, she fancied the 2 Mrs. B-s [Belcombes] did not always hit it well together - of course, I would neither know nor fancy so - Mrs. B- [Belcombe] still seeming to wish to seem on the same terms as formerly with me - took a good deal of notice of my little goddaughter - had her on my knee some time - called at Fisher's - not at home then sat some time with Mrs. Gilbert Crompton - made one or 2 shoppings, and got back at 5 20/60 -
Dinner at 5 3/4 - wrote the ends and sent off (at 9 1/4) my letter (begun on Sunday) to my aunt 'Place neuve de la Madeleine, No. [Number] 2, Paris' - mention the following Horner has just lost his daughter - wait a few days - will tell him to send the teeth to Hammersley to be forwarded - must stay till 1 August to execute the deed of sale of the land for the new church - Northgate let 8 years at £84. George Robinson to have a building of 3 stories and 6 rooms estate £150 - shall be glad to be off for £200 - Filling up the square of the Stag's head house and building barn for Hopkin must wait - my father consents to turn the Cunnery into a farm - Washington's estate £400 - should be glad to be off for £500 - to get water for the house at Shibden from a fresh source - Cunnery plantation valued at £70 - replanting with oaks about £50 - getting down the pit hill about £20, or upwards, that the value of the wood will hardly suffice - worst thing, the road to branch off from Mitholm and go just behind or just in front of Lower brea into the new Northowram road - all the coal pulled at willy-hill pit (on account of the turnpike bar set in Godley lane) by which we lose about £30 an acre - all the roads thrown upon the towns - Southowram wants to lead stones down Pump lane, and also down Bairstow - no preventing it - my father and Marian gone yesterday to Market W- [Weighton] on account of the sale there of some of the canal shares - my father would have us come to England - 'climate appears to him a mere nothing' we might do very well at Shibden if we liked - I said the difficulties were greater than he imagined - He will sell the Hampstead if he can get 7 or 6 hundred pounds for it - had thought of selling it without even letting us know, because (he said to Marian) our hands were full enough already - said I would not give £600, and should be glad enough if he could get that price; for the 1/4 of it would be very useful - Mark Hepworth ill - called on Mrs. Kenny and Mrs. Wilcock - Mrs. K [Kenny] delighted with her letter and the porte alumette - her rent for the house E.R- [Eliza Raine] had in Savile row £27 per annum called at the vicarage - 'he is pleasant and gentlemanly enough and she a quiet sort of person who has evidently seen very little of the world' - do not think quite like my father about the tithes - Mr. Eden's money to be paid in October, and got at 4 3/4 p.c. [percent] from a trust - 'She would like to buy the manor' of Market W- [Weighton] thinks the d. [duke] of D- [Devonshire] may sell it, and his property there in the course of some time - It seems they do not clear 'more than £50 a year by the Skelfler Estate' - Marian's illness was typhus fever and infectious so that all were obliged to drink port wine and live well to avoid it -
Thomas brought back my letter - too late - Mr. D- [Duffin] and Miss Sophia Greenup gone to a small party at Mrs. Saltmarshes - Mrs. D- [Duffin] and I had tea at 9 1/4, and afterwards sat talking - she says they have fifteen hundred a year but he seems to give about three hundred a year to his family at his death a hundred a year to each of his two sisters and four nieces for life and in default of issue to revert to his nephews and their issue and in default of that to go his godson and great nephew William Duffin Oxley absolutely and forever the two nephews to have nothing during Mrs Ds [Duffins] life but at her death to share equally her jointure of seven hundred a year her own two hundred and fifty settled upon her brother and his family and the thousand she got lately she will give to Sophia G [Greenup] - a drop or 2 of rain before breakfast - afterwards dullish, but fine day -  
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/10/0156 - SH:7/ML/E/10/0157
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jrthe6ixgod · 2 years
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Such a beautiful say to vist my bro Kev Reddick for his bday. His gift? A garden made with love. I love you all. ❤️ May 16, 1990 - August 09, 2019 #willys🌎 (at Duffin Meadows Cemetery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdkPY1hsXCQpZOQrL6crKbZ6FdWqeqzApeljPE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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berlinphil · 7 years
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Vorbereitung für die Premiere, draußen und drinnen im Festspielhaus.
Preparations for the Premiere outside and inside the Festspielhaus.
Photos: Monika Rittershaus
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